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CLUES (December 1st to 6th)


Dec 1:

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by seven oppas with care,
In the hope that 2 of their fans would soon be there.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But 2 miniature sleighs, and 30 tiny reindeer.
But alas, 5 reindeer ran away,
Can I still find the correct post in any way?


Dec 2:

Like a Christmas surprise -

like a star, bright, I became the number one show,

on a streaming service site.

Now watch how the fans grow,

all over the world they do dalgona - do it, too.

All good things come in three, but first: two.


Dec 3:

When I first saw her about 5 years ago, she said her name was Sunny
She used to date a Grim Reaper who was anything but funny
She had her own wedding dress shop opened recently 
While someone claimed that she worked in my secret hotel previously 
They say she was a queen around 660 years ago
But now she is with spies around her with nowhere to go


Dec 4:

3 years ago, it started with revenge,

A hit and run case that a chaebol wanted to avenge.

Love healed, and not killed.
For this great Entertainer is highly skilled.
And, she was pretty, and not undateable.

But, as Ahn Yo-na , he was most memorable.
So, 620 years later, they reincarnated

QED - Their romance was not ill-fated.


Dec 5:

C'mon everyONE, let's have some fun next!
The rules are anything but complex.
There are only 2 alternatives, so choose wisely
And then after that, it's your turn to ask nicely
It might be 4 days until someone replies,
but good discussions may arise.
The thread could have more than 2 active members,
So please join the thread this December!


Dec 6:

On the last day of Christmas you want more entertainment - so run, run, run,

to find four kinds of fun,

of over 200 episodes,

tagging game, game of wits, quiz, and other entertaining workloads,

for the cast of this -

watch it, do not miss.

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CLUES (December 7th to 12th)


Dec 7:

If you are the pigeon, I am out of the room

If you want to kill me, I must be your doom

A fool brother is a puppet and the smart one plays dumb

He loves to play ice hockey and wants the world under his thumb

There are people in the building and their fight is still the same

There are lawyers fighting for them with a Chaebol to blame

But there is gold under them and its not an idle claim

whose owner used to be an innocent man but now knows no shame

The building Italian chef has served him food for 3 days

He never tasted anything so bad for 14 years he says


Dec 8

How does one define something so ‘special’? 
Against Nature, one can’t wrestle. 
Three syllables, not eight should give you the clue,
About a devil and a rookie who are out to rescue.
Eight years ago, was she a Legend or a Star? 
Twice a crowned prince, but he is no Tzar.
Framed my favourite moments in a 4x4
Can you guess who I adore?

Dec 9:

It's a classic, it can't be denied
Different backgrounds will come to collide
The girl has spunk, the boy has money
Some of his sayings are wrong but really funny
For more than 7 months we have been waiting,
can't the new version be out already? It's so frustrating!
Curls, cruise ships, violins and skating,
We want to see this incompatible couple end up dating!


Dec 10:

Do nine-tailed foxes have seven lives, almost like cats? Or only three lives?

Because their love is eternal, so she strives:

she is the youngest female monarch,

he is the first heavenly emperor, and this spark,

their chemistry can be found to this rhythm:

six - two - one; and one step back.

Or is this all an algorithm?


Dec 11:

The hunter is moving free again
they say he now gives 3 times more the pain
Was a vagabond during his old days
He also used to be a monkey his online profile says
His father was a head hunter and had a thing for brain
Please think about rats down the memory lane
He loves a girl whose partner was zombie detective
I came with 2412 as the code trying to be creative
add it, sub it or try multiplying, that's up to you
you will see the gift once you solve this clue


Dec 12


Not all heroes wear a cape,

Some return to take care of a babe.

Quadruplets, triplets or twins,

Their cuteness always wins.

220 hidden cameras capture moments of fun and 4 times the delight,

Can you guess the apple of my eye who makes my heart take a flight?  

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CLUES (December 13th to 18th)


Dec 13

6 projects up until today,
All of them made our hearts sway.
There are many eternal legends of them to be told,
Seeing them in a Jane Austen story was pure gold.
In historical outfits we'd like to see them soon...
Count 3-2-1 and you're sure to swoon.
The synonym for ceramics/porcelain will be your guiding light,
Subtract one or two, and you'll find our stars so bright.



Dec 14

What can this theatre arts major not do?

From his origins in musicals to iconic dramas to movies... he can sing, too.

A thrilling chase there will be in his next project,

and in his contemporary roles as detective, doctor and agent we saw him protect;

also 291 or 5 years ago as scholar - He made history.

When? More than 5 years ago as masked vigilante.

So find this tree.

For Christmas.


Dec 15

Here comes the shameless guy 
Who kidnaps widows under the night sky
He does all this dirty work to steal the fate
While knowing he will end up getting a lot of hate
Girls had high end crush on this sweet munchie 3 years ago
He kidnapped a princess witnessed only by a crow
She was a princess, a widow, an excellent archer
But was abandoned by her family, even her father
In modern time she was lawyer of a Defendant
She said Jang Geum is her Grandma, and she is her descendant 
Disguising as husband-wife they are living together
His 10 year old son has been calling the princess his mother


Dec 16

Discover a new theme every week
This is the place, if laughter and merriment is what you seek.
Contests let your creativity soar,
1 might be lucky to discover a gem before it creates a social media furor.
It is all about a picture with a snarky line,
Don’t worry, the humour is just fine.
I hope you discover the 16th day clue,
While enjoying your favourite morning brew.


Dec 17

More than 3 months an evil lady yelling and slapping,
For everyone getting rid of her we will be clapping!
Walking down the aisle you wear this,
at the end of the ceremony you would expect to see a proper kiss.
More action than two dead fish we want,
Abs! Yes, we want to see you them flaunt!
4 short of 50 will help you today,
to find the fellow that appears every weekday.


Dec 18

The colorful, dare I say, contrarian, origin of the name of this quartet -

thrills me, this year they had their fifth anniversary, do not forget!

Their talents allow them to even perform traditional Christmas carols;

they even appear in shows, their own or others, they do not rest on their laurels.

Have they launched their single albums? Why yes, three of them have.

'Tis the season the fourth landed the leading role, dropped in her lap, oh behave!

There are more than 320 other possible options,

the casting director did not go to auctions.

How do you like that?

'Tis the season to excel at!

Watch her arts and allurement tonight.

Will it seduce you, or give you a fright?


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CLUES (December 19th to 24th)


Dec 19

She could have been a Queen
Having married while being nineteen
But she decided to work at a coffee shop
With a Coffee Prince being at the top
Let me give you a fluttering warning
Don’t look for Santa Claus at 5 in the morning
He will place your gift under the wedding photo
He thinks our apartment pass code is 0426 or so
Little does he know this is not the right combination
I changed the number positions with slight hesitation


Dec 20

The zombie detective crash landed in Joseon dynasty,

He turns into a she, what is this mystery?

She has the soul of a modern chef in her body!

But, his "Jekyll and Hyde" personality can fool nobody.

Go Princess Go, fight the 7 deadly sins.

For in the end, true love always wins!

3 years ago, she was Still 17
While in Waikiki, he was last seen.


Dec 21

Some would call this makjang, okay?
Watching this 2021 show is no child's play.
Many of us had meltdowns every week,
Getting a satisfying ending had never looked more bleak.
Six leads did their best with the script at hand,
but the ghost, mistresses and stepmom should have been banned.
A season 3? To that we say no thank you!
To give feedback to the writer, at least 70 people are standing in queue
Give me my time back for the 2 seasons I watched,
Seeing that "I Live Alone" oppa is not coming back, the writer may have this one botched...


Dec 22

Can you watch this adaption of a bestselling novel this year?

Filmed not only in Korea, but also abroad, even in Vancouver.

It will be released not before Christmas (no Christmas miracle :(), we hear.

Showing a variety of actors, what an impressive manouver:

A hallyu star with tall legs in a suit, a veritable Academy Award actress,

will they wear their best dress? 

A generational story (about 3 generations) will be told,

and with an impressive +46 billion production cost: watch the story unfold.


Dec 23

They first met at the negotiation table 
then they met since the weather was unstable
One was searching for something in the rain
while the other was traveling to Alhambra in the train
She was a pirate while he was Robin 6 years ago
She is said to be last princess who returned home 1395 months ago


Dec 24


He can be the Devil or the Doctor,

Judge not, this great Entertainer, who married a fellow actor.

His Wife, we are all familiar with,

But, he Promised to Save the Last Dance for Me on Friday, the 5th!

This Innocent Defender‘s 7 personalities left quite an impression
He is our Secret Love- that’s our final year-end confession.

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First time participating in such an event and not sure how long I'll be able to keep it up... but anyway, for now:

Dec 1:


2. Kpop - BTS thread p225

Got this one purely by luck as I know so very few kpop groups, and only read up on BTS (and realised there were 7 members) after loving Jirisan's OST "Yours" which Jin sung :sweatingbullets:


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8 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

hmmm, am pretty sure I guessed the section and the thread. but not able to figure out the page number. :sweatingbullets: will there be a big christmas banner to find it like last year? 


Yes, there will be a banner like the one in the first post of this thread, sweetie. :kiss_wink: This year finding the right page might be a bit harder as the page numbers might be scrambled, or you have to add/subtract them according to the numbers presented in the clue. Or if numbers 7 and 8 are in a clue, it might refer to page 78 (or 87 in the worst case scenario :D ).

So you might have to test out a few different page numbers to find the goodie. 


relate you can do it GIF by Spice Girls


@liddi @YongZura⁷ Well done, chingus ! :dorakiss: I am sure @YongZura⁷ is especially happy that the event was kicked off in this way.

GIF by Rick James

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These oppas should be Ms Koko's favourite, ehm, one of them at least, hahaha! 



It's the 225th behind the scenes (just kidding, LOL!) shot :P




About fave carol, mine would be a New Year, not Christmas, carol. This version of Auld Lang Syne:






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okay, I cheated by looking at @YongZura⁷ post to find the page number. hahahaha... I couldn't figure out the numbers 


kept looking at pages between 25 and 30. turns out it was 2 and 25 - so 225. 

but yea, thanks to @kokodus constant education, figured out 7 oppas. otherwise, I am flaky and don't keep track of any oppas at all. hahahah....


to kick off the festive mood, here is a dish we used to make at home during christmas time when I was a child. my grandmother would gather all the grandchildren and it was fun to sit and stuff the dumplings (kozhukattai) together. it is a steamed rice dumpling filled with grated coconut and jaggery (palm sugar). these days, we just buy them from the shop. hahahaha... 





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27 minutes ago, MayanEcho said:

About fave carol, mine would be a New Year, not Christmas, carol. This version of Auld Lang Syne:

awww, such a sweet sentimental song. can't believe a cartoon song has so much depth! :)


11 minutes ago, YongZura⁷ said:

What a lovely memory ... Enjoy the coming holidays

you too! we are hosting guests after 2 years of hardly seeing anyone. feels like there is so much to do. hahahaha... 

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11 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

awww, such a sweet sentimental song. can't believe a cartoon song has so much depth! :)


It certainly does! I've seen MLP-FIM's all of its nine seasons, LOL, and the albums that were released are quite pretty good.


Here's the play list of the Christmas album. Except for one, all songs were variations of different popular Christmas carols. Enjoy! ^_^






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