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  1. I think they extended it due to some serious plot holes they got going on. Like Noel past and how DJ and Noel are going to reunite. Also Jihoon killing SY that makes no sense in any universe. ( He hasn’t gone to jail or anything. I don’t think DJ believes it or she would have him in jail). Reuniting Noel, Grandma and DJ. I’m putting this out in the universe I’m taking bets they bring back FL’s dad. Somehow he didn’t die. Uncle might have had him kidnapped and he is lying in a coma somewhere or he has lost his memory too. Him not being there has left a big hole in the story in terms of reuniting everyone. Son, husband, father. Something tells me there will be a double wedding if he is alive between mother and daughter marrying the love of their lives.
  2. I have been busy and reading the thread to catchup sort of I’m missing bits here and there.? 1.Final boss uncle I believe he killed SR’s dad framed FL’s dad and somehow Noel probably saw it go down and got caught in the fire explosion and lost her memory and uncle made up the Noel’s entire life/memory to hide the truth and keep her. 2.But in the same breath I think SR’s dad and Noel slept together but she was drugged and she probably thought she was sleeping with her husband. 3. I believe that SR’s mom and Uncle were embezzling from the company if SR’s dad was not killed they would have been caught. Now to recent events: 1. I believe that Jihoon is still innocent. I don’t think he killed SY. Something seems off. Looks can be deceiving. SR got him blackout drunk and passed out. She dragged him to the hotel. She left first and he was still passed out. When he got home it was daylight. SY was hit in the dark. I think the Uncle had something to do with this. So he wouldn’t divorce SR. The uncle needs that recipe bad like people need ice water in hell. 3. I think that the ML and DJ know about grandma’s plan because they tell each other everything and they need to put on a performance to catch them. So they still need her to confess in the hospital room. So they still need FL dad’s phone to prove that SR was there when he died and cause his death and two that there was really a baby switch remember SR said everything DJ was fake and fabricated and with the phone recording that is proof. Can’t fake over a five year recording. 3. They may fake grandma’s death to trap them and once the big merger happens then the truth will come out. 4.Im rooting for the sectary and Jihoon. They need to get together. He needs someone stable and can handle crazy in his life. After what he has been through he is going to need therapy.
  3. Time for popcorn tin foil theories. 1. I think that SR’s mom truly hated FL’s dad, Noel and SR’s dad(due to jealousy of Noel). Remember they all grew up in the orphanage. 2. Chairman through the whole drama has not killed anyone. He has manipulated. But has not offered the truth unless it benefits him. Also he takes his job seriously. I mean he berated SR about her gel nails and hygiene at home. I mean what villain does that(I’m confused). 3.I think that FL’s dad and SR’s dad being at the warehouse was an opportunity that was not planned. I think SR’s dad was going to ran away to be with Noel. But he stopped at the warehouse before leaving. His bags were packed. 4. I think there was some insurance fraud and/or theft going on. I think SR’s mom and Uncle are involved. SR’s mom and Uncle together make one brain cell. So there has to be a “brains of the operation”. What if it’s the ML’s dad. What if his dad was the bad guy and his uncle had been protecting him this whole. ( who knows at this point). Hiding the truth from him. 5. I’m mean the drama will be done soon. If the Uncle was really the bad guy he would have done something really bad by now. 6. Something that needs to be addressed. Now why hasn’t SR’s mom recognized Noel. I mean the woman supposedly had an affair with your husband(I would never forget your face that is just me). Only thing she has done was a haircut. I would understand if she got a plastic surgery. 7. I still think that the chairman will die because why give DJ 2% if that doesn’t come into play later. I don’t think he will divorce her anytime soon. 8. One thing I have learned in k-drama the dead don’t stay dead(for long anyway sometimes). I have a theory. What if SR’s dad isn’t dead. What if he didn’t die in the fire it was someone else and he had been stalking Noel all this time. FL’s didn’t start searching for her until he found DJ. So someone else is stalking her(maybe).
  4. I been thinking about this over the weekend. I think they mixed up something. I feel like coming this far in the drama that Noel and SR feel like more mother and daughter than her and DJ. Their personalities are quite similar. Both manipulative and don’t like people touching what they consider theirs even if they said person is not into them anymore. Only difference is accountability. Let’s see if Noel takes any accountability when her memories come back. Now it would be something if SR and DJ were related. That would hurt.
  5. Here are my feelings and thoughts so far. The Uncle is cute for trying to flirt with DJ. That cat thingy was cute all he needed was some cat ears! 1.I think that grandma’s secretary is no mere secretary. I think she is a relative. Maybe her niece or granddaughter( she may have had other children she had not mention). I predict that her and the TML will get together. She will get a makeover and he will fall for her. 2. Noel is the center of all this hot mess tsunami. I can’t put my finger on it. I have one crazy theory. Okay DJ’s dad is innocent of killing SR’s dad. But what if the chairman is innocent also. I rewatched the first episode and I noticed that SR’s dad bags were packed in the warehouse like he was going to leave. What if his murderer is closer to home than we think. What if SR’s mom killed her dad? She hated all three of them. So what if SR’s mom was stealing from the company(she stole from grandma it could happen). DJ’s dad said he was going to get to the bottom of it. Now SR’s dad was cheating on her. She killed to birds with one stone. I bet she got SR’s “uncle” to kill her husband and frame DJ’s dad. Of course she spent it loss all the insurance money and the business was going down hill and the chairman acquired it. 3. ML’s dad I hope they talk about more. The uncle may have been involved in that or it could be Noel.
  6. @liyahsbutterfly I'm am throwing stuff out into the universe. I can’t help myself. My imagination should have a sign saying “Really”.
  7. I think they may extend this drama maybe like the second husband only due to maybe plot holes coming. Part of me thinks that they change the storyline a bit. Something seems different I can’t put my finger on it. Oh well. Here is what I think may go down. I think DJ will develop feelings for the chairman. They may imply that they slept together(they both got drunk or something like that).There is so long I married you to torture SR can go on for so long. I think that the chairman gets killed and then there is a high stakes game for control of the company. Maybe she becomes pregnant. The male lead marries her to gain control of the company. Due to the chairman changing his will. There is still a ways to go. I think SR kills the chairman on accident trying to kill DJ or she has Noel to help or she becomes an accomplice due to SR egging her on.
  8. 1.What if Noel is not as innocent? What if accidentally killed SR’s father and the Uncle is covering for her(memory loss? Keeping her away from FL’s dad?). The uncle seems like he doesn’t like to get his hands dirty. He had a miss opportunities to get rid of FL’s dad. He was busy keeping him away from Noel? Why is that? 2. What if the TML’s mom is actually Noel. Noel said that they got married and divorce twice. What if the person he thought as his mom was really his stepmom? I like the fake marriage with the uncle. They play a convincing couple. They play well off each other. ( I can see them in one of those age gap dramas). This is how you get power and use according. She would not be able to be 10 steps ahead of SR if she married the ML. SR would still be more powerful since she married the TML. Unlike the past dramas like “The Second Husband”, “Bride of Vengeance” and “Miss MonteCrisco” where the whole marriage for power kind of fell flat. This I can get behind. I think DJ called the Uncle. Didn’t he offer to help her if needed and he left his card when they went out to eat? I think he flew her to America for treatment. She still was in no condition to leave yet or toe to toe with SR. The uncle has a plan for her but I don’t know what.
  9. Omg it’s update finally Kocowa about time. Hurry up before they turn stupid again.
  10. If the uncle introduces DJ as his wife.Omg I called that as an option way back when. It was my third option. Darn crystal ball needs a tune up. Lol.
  11. I think they might be a time jump. But I think it will be the ML and FL will return married. Then we will have the TML try to break up the duo. FL flirting with the TML to make SR jealous. DJ won’t get far with crutches. ML will catch her. Lol! I think that SR is adopted what if the uncle is her real father. They are obsessive and possessive. I just wanted to throw that out in the universe to stir the pot. lol.
  12. Today was bittersweet. Little girl died and ML confessed his feelings again to DJ. I am going to give ML a pass for not telling DJ about little girl’s death it might have hindered her recovery she is almost ready to go. She was a mess when her father died. Also the SML gets a pass today to he is so heartbroken. I felt sorry for him. It wasn’t his fault. It’s SR. If she didn’t push DJ off the cliff this most likely would’ve not happened. Now she blames the SML because she can’t take accountability for anything it’s always someone else's fault. Now the mystery who hit the little girl. 1. TML when he left in the early morning he stated he was not sober yet. 2. Which I think really happened. I think that it was SR. I think that SR was driving TML’s car or her car and wasn’t paying attention and hit the little girl. I think karma would hurt more if SR killed her own daughter. They are trying to make SR go insane.
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