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[Drama 2017] While You Were Sleeping, 당신이 잠든 사이에


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14 hours ago, s00ki said:


To use homosexuality as a plot twist would be daring and refreshing.  But to be used as the main lead and main plot would be too heavy and definitely rating suicide.  


I remember a well written drama 'Beautiful Mind', badly accepted by the netizen due to the 'psycopath' theme.  


In WYWS, if WT really turns out to be gay I'll just remember him to be one of the dragon dreamster who happens to be gay.  

If they make a main lead is homosexual, it should be reveal their sexuality in last ep, that's so wise. And possible make a fantasy drama about a girl with man's soul in her body have a romance with male lead, it will be fun.

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Lee Jong Suk Is The “Master” Of Disguise In New "While You Were Sleeping” Stills

Some new stills from “While You Were Sleeping” show Lee Jong Suk’s character going “undercover” in some interesting ways!

On October 24, the SBS drama released stills of Jung Jae Chan (Lee Jong Suk) and Lee Ji Kwang (Min Sung Wook) having a hard time coming into work because of the public protests outside their office.

In a previous episode, a suspect named Do Hak Young (Baek Sung Hyun) came under suspicion for the murder of Yoo Soo Kyung (Cha Jung Won). Jung Jae Chan, who was in charge of the case, determined that Hak Young was not the suspect and got him released. This earned him the fury of Lee Yoo Beom (Lee Sang Yeob) and also of the general public.

In order to fool the protesters, he pretends to be a university student in a hoodie, jeans, and glasses. Later on, he borrows Lee Ji Kwang’s glasses and the two of them James-Bond (or rather Clark-Kent) their way into the office, hiding their faces and sneaking their way past the protesters.

Other stills released by the drama focus on the dream that Suzy’s character had of Lee Jong Suk, foretelling that he would come into grave danger. Some questions that remain to be answered in upcoming episodes include why Suzy’s dream of Lee Jong Suk changed, whether the two will finally recognize each other from their past, and how they will solve the murder of Yoo Soo Kyung.



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More photos: http://programs.sbs.co.kr/drama/wyws/visualboard/50617/?cmd=view&page=1&board_no=5


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1 hour ago, yoyo_icecube said:

i cant wait for tonight.. its been a torture for me for the last 6 days... i've been waiting for it like a mad girl, and rewatch the show again and read dramabean recaps everyday.


you are not alone...me too:tongue:

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Ooh for those rewatching past episodes - have you managed to pick up on any of the future plot points from them? Or the trials of the week?


I rewatched episode 1 recently, and I noticed this most interesting thing: In the very first episode, you see HJ beginning her chicken skeleton, right after she has that dream about hugging JC in the snow. It's about halfway done, or so, when she sees him move in across the street. Right after, you see a cat meowing outside also!


I think there are a lot of clues hidden in previous episodes, but most importantly I think it shows that HJ's dreams have always been interchangeable, for some reason. Because with this, it means that the wheels were already in place and ready to start rolling for the cat murdering brother and her subsequent investigation of it - don't you think? 


I'm not sure, but if those doing a rewatch have also seen things from future episodes also pop up let us know! Or maybe we can just chalk it up to coincidence haha

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not sure tho about my livecaps tonight since my net looks like it's acting up, but will try my best~

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starting now...

YB walking with his sec inside the building

he stopped and talked to her

he entered into a room, seems like he's having a press con while his sec entered the other door

is he crying or what?  start of press con, press working on their lappies 

one reporter asked him a question and he answered him pointedly


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YB is walking into the building with his PA.

It is a press conference, shedding crocodile tears about HK's case.

HJ's sunbae is asking him questions.

"Bleach attack."

YB is questioning the prosecuter's decision.


JC is sleeping on the couch.

His brother stepped out of the toilet.

Talking in his sleep.

His brother is trying to carry his hyung but he was too heavy; almost cracked his back.

He placed a blanket over his hyung.


HJ woke up from her nightmare, crying.

She ran out of the room.

It is 3.12am and she rang the doorbell.

Brother woke JC up and said, "HJ noona is here."

She asked the brother where is JC's room.

She ransacked his wardrobe and started throwing his clothes on the bed.

JC asked her what is wrong.

"JC ssi..."

She started crying and slumped on the floor.

JC hugged her and said it is OK.

HJ is telling him about her dream, seating on the sofa.

JC passed her a cup of water, and began taking notes about the dream.


When morning comes, brother stepped out of the room and saw both JC and HJ sleeping together on the couch.

He stepped back into his room.

HJ woke up and looked at him, and stroked his hair.

JC is reassuring her again and she asked him to be careful. They held hands... And she confessed to him that she likes him!

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JC on the sofa, sleeping and talking

dongsaeng is trying to wake him up but failed to

JSW tried to carry him bridal style but can't because of his weight

he wanted to piggy back him but still can't and decided to leave him alone

at the HJ bed, she woke up crying

JSW wentn out of his room again and saw JC still sleeping, around 3am

he was startled to see HJ at the screen and quickly called hyung who woke up quickly but startled

he opened the door and HJ entered as soon and passed by JC and hurriedly entering JC room rummaging his closet looking for a certain type of clothes

JC tried to stop her and questioned her

HJ started crying mumbling about what he saw on his dream

JC calmed her asked her what he saw writing them down

he described about him waving and how a man in a cap passed him by 

fade and in the morning JSW opened his door and saw them seated HJ leaning on JC, awake while JC had his eyes closed

she looked at him and spoke and JC talked to him with his eyes closed

HJ still cries and told JC that she likes her

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HJ immediately went to JC's house and room, She's removing his clothes from drawer while crying. JC's stopping her asking what's going on. HJ explain to him about her dream. JC consoling her and says something about not worrying about this. 

The next day. SW wakes up and saw both of them sleeping on the sofa while sitting and HJ leans on JC's shoulder.

HJ , JC, WT , SW and Mom gather together and have convo about HJ's dream.

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