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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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Im watching fanmade mv over and over again and suddenly i found pdnim always teasing us with will happen but please excited but sorry it will happened next time so wait patients... just wait patiently... 

Like almost kiss but not kiss sorry... (boxing scene)... thn they kiss the next episode. 

Almost hugging but not yet. Hyejung want to make jihong song saeng coat look neat (is it coat or doctor's coat? I dont know) and then we saw many huggingscene. 


And almost sleep (ahermmmm) but just laying on the bed for awhile, and we dont know what will happen in ep 15&16. 

Tease us a lot pdnim. Tht makes our heart beat faster and fly to the sky...  (is this hunger gamr or wht? Huff)

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1 hour ago, lucid249 said:

Would a kind soul please share streaming links to today's episode.. thank you! 



SBS app

2 hours ago, maria1983 said:

most of the time something pervy ... but still ....


it's part of education path.. wakakakaka

i saw some unseen BTS from sbs plus now.... mostly YD and JH (ep 11 JH said he's going to kill him if fail in surgeory... both of them saw SC... Lover so good... )

Edited by lupita311
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3 minutes ago, Rin90 said:

Im watching fanmade mv over and over again and suddenly i found pdnim always teasing us with will happen but please excited but sorry it will happened next time so wait patients... just wait patiently... 

Like almost kiss but not kiss sorry... (boxing scene)... thn they kiss the next episode. 

Almost hugging but not yet. Hyejung want to make jihong song saeng coat look neat (is it coat or doctor's coat? I dont know) and then we saw many huggingscene. 


And almost sleep (ahermmmm) but just laying on the bed for awhile, and we dont know what will happen in ep 15&16. 

Tease us a lot pdnim. Tht makes our heart beat faster and fly to the sky...  (is this hunger gamr or wht? Huff)

so we will have bed.. not just almost.. but real bad scene.... just wait patiently 

but how.. how long should we wait PD-nim?????

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Kinda sad that I won't be able to join you all for the live streaming but I'll be here reading every live recaps, screen caps, gif, mini videos, whatever! Just so I can get my Doctors fix! If people ask what drugs I'm taking, I'll gladly tell them I'm high on byong, byong, byong! :P 

The latest preview is so sweet! I hope their difference of opinion in the text preview will be resolved by the end of the episode. I'd hate for them to have a cold war and brood alone in their respective rooms again. Once is enough show! Have them makeup and resolve all issues by the end of the episode! 

Happy episode 15 everyone!! It'll be on soon! :) 

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I don't logout anymore for fear of missing swoon worthy stills, our thread moves sooo fast! not that I'm complaining, hihihi!

It looks like friction is coming between JH-HJ couple. Honestly, my first thought was that it's about time. I mean, they're both brilliant doctors yes, but I think that they can't possibly agree on opinions all the time! But, I'm not worried. They did not fight one bit regarding the issue involving HJ father after 'the talk' so this 'friction' does not worry me at all. I am actually looking forward to the make out... oh i mean make up part afterwards. kekeke ❤❤❤

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7 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

HJ will never love JH the way her mother loved her husband. First, she witnessed what happened to her mother and this was repelling enough for her to refuse such a thing. Secondly, she is a survivor and as such, she has learnt that she can't give up herself. Therefore she asked from JH to love her the way she was. That's why she felt apologetic towards JH as she was expecting the opposite from him: he should change. Yet her apology later made it clear that  she would never accept to change for him.

About the father: I think, he is sincere but he doesn't give that impression because of the comment from his second wife and because of his comment that he did nothing wrong. So far, the father has not understood yet why he is rejected. Nonetheless he has started reflecting about the past. He realised why his relationship with his first wife went sour and he gave to HJ a picture of her mother. However it is not enough because the abuse is still not approached. HJ's flaws are his jealousy and his inferiority complex. This would explain why he married such a woman like Lee Ga Sin (the second wife) because she is mentally strong but she is not that educated (unlike HJ's mother). As you can see, LGS is the total opposite of HJ's mother. Moreover the ex-mistress was willing to marry him so that she gave him the impression that he was good enough for her. As conclusion, I can imagine he doesn't feel inferior compared to his second wife. Moreover, since she was blaming HJ, this helped the father not to feel guilty and inferior towards HJ. Since LGS is mentally strong, he can rely on her as well. As conclusion, YMH is a weak man.

I really liked your comparison between JH and YMH. Both are attracted to strong women. But there is one huge difference between MH and JH: JH could get a college degree, while MH couldn't do it. Besides professionally speaking, JH is even better than HJ, while MH wasn't with his first wife. He is only better than Lee GS because he is the chef of that restaurant and he is finally getting recognition for his good skills. However, JH has never suffered from an inferiority complex that's why he doesn't mind of letting HJ win. Yet, his pride suffered a little, when she beat him (their first meeting) that's why he said in the episode 4 that he would never let her beat him again. The wrestling showed us that JH is not weak like MH. JH was really trying to win there. He could only win after deceiving HJ. His comment proves that JH felt challenged and tried to change the situation. MH never did such a thing: he allowed his fear/inferiority complex to take control over his life.    


@bebebisous33, I agree with the fact that Hye Jung will never love Ji Hong the way her mother loved her father in the sense that Hye Jung, in my opinion, will love Ji Hong even more than her mother loved her father.  Hye Jung and Ji Hong's love will be a healthy love, a love built on both people wanting the best for each other and having a mutual respect for each other.  Hye Jung's parents love was never "equal"--it was a selfish, unhealthy love. It required Hye Jung's mother to give up everything, including her dreams and herself in an effort for her father not to feel inferior and act out.

What Hye Jung's mother felt for her husband, wasn't really love. If the mother committed suicide as most of us believe, it was probably because she finally realized what a mess she had made of her life?  She dropped out of college, she cut her family out of her life and all for a man who was now cheating on her.  She didn't kill herself because she loved him, it was because she didn't love herself and probably the realization that her parents had been right about him all alone;  she probably felt overwhelming guilt over her actions which led to overwhelming depression.  The mother had given up the important things in her life, things she felt passion for.... The fact that she gave Hye Jung a book about a female physicist (Madame Marie Curie) when she was a small child, demonstrated that she must have had dreams of probably becoming a doctor or scientist before she met her husband...........she must have also began to reflect on her on life; realizing the reality of life and ventured so far from her dreams. Why did her mother give her this book? Probably because she wanted to make sure her daughter reached for more in her life and who didn't make the same mistakes as her.

Hye Jung and Ji Hong's love will be stronger than her parents, because these two people won't let it define who they are as people in a unhealthy way.

I also think Hye Jung's mother was strong, but may have fallen prey to depression. Standing up against her parents, probably wasn't easy. For some reason, when I think of Hye Jung's mother, I keep picturing a Soon Hee type person; full of life, standing up against her family, willing to put her friend before herself.  

The sad thing about mental health, is it can take some of the strongest people and make them 'weak'. 





Relationship Warning Signs - Psychology Today

  1. You never turn to each other for emotional support. You look to other people first.
  2. Your partner actively tries to cut you off from your support network of friends and family.
  3. Your partner implies that you are stupid, or that they are "the smart one” in the relationship; they try to dissuade you from trying something new because “you probably won’t understand it.”
  4. Your partner doesn’t respect your answer when you say “no” to something.
  5. Your partner implies that they only value you for one thing, whether it be sex, your looks, or your ability to earn money.
  6. You can’t identify any ways you’ve positively influenced each other. For example, you haven’t adopted any of each other’s interests or taught each other any new skills.
  7. You can identify ways you've negatively influenced each other, particularly harmful habits like heavy drinking, laziness, or smoking.
  8. Your partner doesn’t make you feel good about your body; they point out your thinning hair or saggy underarm skin.
  9. You don’t have a sense of relationship security—you’ve broken up or almost broken up numerous times.
  10. You end up doing things you’re ashamed of in the course of interacting with each other, such as screaming at each other in front of your kids.
  11. Your partner is dismissive of your emotions, especially fear, such as when you say you’re scared because they drive too fast or erratically but they won’t slow down.
  12. Your partner involves you in unethical activities, such as lying on official forms you both sign.
  13. You feel worse about yourself as a person than when you started the relationship—you’re less confident and can see fewer positive qualities about yourself.
  14. You don’t feel able to get your partner’s attention when you want to talk about something important.
  15. Your partner mocks you, such as poking fun at your voice or facial expressions in a mean way.
  16. Your partner doesn’t seem interested when you experience success, or they belittle your success.
  17. You don’t feel able to confide in your partner. If you were to reveal something that you’re sensitive about, you’re not sure if they’d react respectfully or helpfully.
  18. Your partner makes jokes about leaving you or teases you about what their "second" wife or husband will be like.
  19. When you’re not physically together, it feels like "out of sight, out of mind.” For example, your partner is on an international trip and says they’ll call when they arrived safely at the hotel but doesn’t follow through.
  20. When you and your partner disagree, they insist you do things their way or leave. It’s their way or the highway, and you don’t have a sense that when you disagree you’ll find a way of coming together.
  21. You’re not sure how dependable, supportive, or reliable your partner would be in a situation in which you really needed them; for example, if you or a close family member got cancer.
  22. You blame your partner for your life not being as satisfying as you’d like it to be—or they blame you.
  23. Your partner is dismissive of your interests and projects. They judge the things you do by how important they perceive them to be, rather than how important they are to you.
  24. Stonewalling. You or your partner flat-out refuse to talk about important relationship topics, such as the decision to have a baby.
  25. You don’t think your partner would make a good parent.
  26. There are times you avoid coming home because going to Starbucks, or a bar, is more relaxing after a stressful day than coming home to your partner.
  27. Your life together seems out of control; for example, you both spend much more than you earn.
  28. You can’t think of ways in which you and your partner make a great team.
  29. Your partner is the source of negative surprises, such as large unexpected charges on your joint credit card.
  30. You catch your partner lying repeatedly.
  31. Your partner goes out but doesn’t tell you where, or fails to arrive home when expected and has no explanation.
  32. You worry that your partner might get so angry they’d hurt you.
  33. You have a sense of being trapped in the relationship.
  34. When you argue, one or both of you always just gets defensive. You can never acknowledge that the other person has some valid points.
  35. When you argue, you just blame each other rather than each accepting some blame.
  36. You’re very critical of each other, and you feel constantly nitpicked about the ways you’re not “good enough.”
  37. Your partner complains about you to their friends or family.
  38. You find yourself lying to other people because you’re ashamed of your partner’s behavior; for example, making excuses for why they haven’t shown up to an event as planned.
  39. You feel lonely when you’re together.
  40. If you had to rate your partner on a scale of 1 to 10 on qualities like warmth, trustworthiness, and dependability, you would rate them lower than 5.
  41. You can’t recall a time when your partner has compromised so that you could take up an opportunity.
  42. There is an absence of affection in your relationship—you rarely kiss, touch, or smile at each other.
  43. Your partner is coercive when it comes to sex.
  44. Your partner sees themselves as having a much higher "mate value" than you. They think you're lucky to have them, but not the reverse.
  45. Your partner keeps you at arms length emotionally. You don't have a healthy sense of interdependence.
  46. Your partner frequently compares you unfavorably to other people, especially friends' spouses or partners.
  47. When you argue, it quickly escalates to ultimathreats—"If you don't ..., I'll ..."
  48. You can think of several friends or colleagues whom you'd rather be in a relationship with.
  49. Cheating.
  50. The other “C” word, "Crazy." If you call each other "crazy" during arguments, it’s a pretty bad sign. It shows that you’re no longer willing to listen to each other’s point of view because you’ve written it off as irrational.
  51. Relationship violence.


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1 hour ago, angelangie said:


did i read it wrongly? hehehe HongKi trying to get ShinHye to star in one of his MV? :D 

they did it ready

Sorry i'm not a fans of FT Island so i really dont' have any comment re his MV... 


Edited by lupita311
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50 minutes ago, maria1983 said:

most of the time something pervy ... but still ....

no no no not pervy... we learn biology, like human body part (mostly JH body part)... and hopefully, soon... reproduction :P

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did you know he replied to her IG update. :P

so it's bribery for his next mv... he want shinhye become her female lead again....agiooo...this too. 

don't quote images, gifs, videos

Edited by lupita311
don't quote images, gifs, videos
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2 hours ago, parisonheaven said:

Doctors Episode 15 Scene Translation

Hye Jung: I didn't make anything and only brought something, it's watermelon juice.
Ji Hong: I want to eat food you make. Mmm. I'm curious about the taste of food you make.
Hye Jung: Even if you didn't mention it, recently I thought of starting to cook.
Ji Hong: Why?
Hye Jung: Because I want to make something for Teacher to eat.
Ji Hong: Mmm, we really think alike.
Hye Jung: It feels pretty great.
Ji Hong: About what?
Hye Jung: Answering Teacher's second question to me.
Ji Hong: What are you doing today?
Hye Jung: I plan to write my papers during my duty in the emergency room.
Ji Hong: I'll be very mischievous, you won't be able to write much papers today. *byung byung byung byung byung*
Hye Jung: Don't do that, don't. It must be delicious.
Ji Hong: Eat!

At @Kasmic's request :)


@parisonheaven, Thanks for the preview san translation.  

I love how they set aside their work, Hye Jung folded their medical coats and set them aside.  I love it.

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If you guys have been wondering if JH have asked the 2nd Question. My answer would be NOPE, NOT YET....

Reason being:

1. the Scene where HJ left a voicemail accidentally to JH. He just smirked/ smiled over her cuteness... and let it slide.

2. In the long preview when HJ said she feels better after answering his 2nd Question etc.... He just keep quiet on that issue and changes the subject....



SOOOO......... My guess is that his Second question would be......:glasses:

Hye Jung AH, will you marry me..... And then this thread will have another 200 pages of back reading to do... hehehe...:blush::dizzy:

Thank god i dont have classes today, hopefully my stream is working fine today *excited*


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4 minutes ago, angelangie said:


did i read it wrongly? hehehe HongKi trying to get ShinHye to star in one of his MV? :D 

She already did... maybe his greedy and wants another one with her lol!

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