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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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1 hour ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

I can't blame him for being more than a little "obsessed" with Hae Su. With our 21st century eyes, we think it's all rather medieval (well, yeah duh)... to talk about people like they're chattel. But looking at the situation from his point of view. He doesn't know she's from the future with radical notions of equality and looking beyond the outward appearance. Hence it's only too easy for him to interpret all her acts of kindness as something beyond kindness. She denies it's about pity, she touches his scar like it's nothing and then promptly conceals it to help him face the world head on, winning over his mother's machinations and his own lack of self-confidence.

Why wouldn't he think that she has intentions above and beyond friendship? A guy with half a brain would have to wonder... why a girl would go to such an extent for him if she wasn't in love with him. Aside from that, it was his criteria for choosing a bride... that it would be someone who could treasure this hideous face. It isn't as if he has no reason to think that she has feelings for him. He has many and he's no fool.

It does beg the question for me... is she already in love with him but she's blissfully ignorant because she thinks that what she has with Uk is love... However what she has with So is the "real thing" but she can't see it. The answer I think is a complex one because there are different types of love. At the end of the day it's the one that outlives all the others that really matters.

@40somethingahjumma   AMEN SISTER, I applaud you for best describing that scene and the characters in the scene.. Being a viewer of this show I could feel the tension from both our leads..  Any sane man would think this about her and he's not off the mark about those feels it's just HS thinks she loves WW sometimes ignorance can be a bliss on the behaves of the OTP.. That Bliss will grow to fondness.. 

1 hour ago, Yippeuni said:

I love this quote eonnie....

Yes true ...Wook lost his chance right in front of his eyes. 

I'm kinda worried about him when the dating scene between Wook and Hae Soo....

Wook : I will buy all the herb in the country fill it up for you so you can make soap....


Aigoo...yes it sweet but compare to what So say to her 

'So : You remember? I was once told you that you're mine. Well You are before and now you're mine

Wook even lost his battle from those words. 

I imagine what makes Wook thinking "I might be useful in another place"

Is that because now he see the King favorite the new comer instead of him? He is really need to be push. He is lack of nothing for king material. He is educated well more than his other siblings...his martial art must be exceed too....the problem is he always hesitating and count everything...

like you say eonnie, "He who opens his mouth first to the king... will most likely get the girl"

"The early bird get the worm"

@Yippeuni  I crack up everytime I see someone post this comments, WW problem is he think to much and over analysis everything when simplicty is all was best why make something complicated when it dont have to be.. WW daydream is only a dream.. 

WW must have forgot WS was raised among the wolves when WW is sleeping WS is already out seraching for his prey. I find it funny they all call WS the wolve but the way I see it all the princes is wolves and WS is they prey they all running in a pac to get him..


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7 minutes ago, sarasona said:

Anyone know the ratings???.. thy worked so hard for 6 months. But it seems like it was not hit in korea...

They should consider this forum to see which is more successful among int audience

yesterday average was 6.9% but the ending scene, they hit a high of 12%

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Oh man...the EXO chicken ad is on loop it seems. Hurrry uppppppppp and let the show begin!!


-Ritual scene, it starts to rain...it's the end from the last episode...oh hi, mean princess, I actually missed you..

-Yowch Yo just caught his momma's glare all the way across the distance and he scampers off. Hae Soo sees So as Gwangjonga gain and freaks out. Cue LJK's smirky stare and Queen Soveryterrible leaves in a huff. His makeup is fading...

-People celebrating in the street...So stands alone. 9, 13, 14 talk about...So it seems. Wook hears and he seems..hmm not sure. He stares at Hae So. Mean Princess looks turned on by So, who continues to pray..hehe it's very epic. The rain falls around him and the heavens keep blessing him. They make eye contact again and hm..Soo seemed to be afraid that So will hurt Wook since he's the terrible GwangJong...she's thinking something to herself..and I can't understand...is she blaming herself for helping him on the path to being King?

-Wook grabs her..he seems happy it rains so he can...ask the King for his request? Soo still seems very shaken..and dazed...she's talking about So...and now Wook turns to look at him too.So is enjoying not being an outcast as the people cheer.

-Yo is stewing in his room...eyeliner hasn't smudged at all, what are they using in Goryeo??

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wook grabs hold of soo: its raining, the king will call for a celebration

hs: will everyone dies because of me? I need you to be safe.

wook didnt understand her.

So seating on the sedan went pass them, he was acknowledging the crowds.

cut to Yo being upset. he recall JM saying the gods choosing SO, and he got angry: it should be me, it should have been me who brings the rain.

enters evil queen who just slap Yo without saying anything.

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Previous end scene. The rain pouring heavily even So not finish his walk to the ritual table.

Everyone is happy to have the rain. But not HS, crazy eomma and Yo. The king and HS look at So. HS see her vision again and she mumbling "Gwangjong". 

So smirked at crazy eomma, she then leave her place. 

The people of goryeo party under the rain. Won is commenting on So. Wook look at HS and he look at So.

So continue the rite, Do his prayer, he bow to the sky. 

HS is remembering what she know about Gwangjong. So brought back with the palaquin into the village. The people praising him and wish him a good life. HS watching the parade with all her thought about Gwangjong.

Wook show up, he tell HS to go and ask the King about what they want. But HS already focused on the Gwangjong thing.


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