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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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44 minutes ago, meahri_1 said:

Annyeong yeorobun!!  So we're going to be MOB or mass tweeting on Mondays and Tuesdays, starting one hour before our ML airs...so at 9pm SKT (South Korean Time).

Things to note:

1) The tweet will include the Twitter handles for Naver and SBS -  @naver_diary @SBSNOW

2) As @LyraYoo mentioned earlier, if you customize your tweet instead of retweeting the new tweet below, remember the following:

Our tagline in Hangul is very important , so if you will retweet a post about SHR, please do  not forget to always include 

달의 연인-보보경심 려 or you can do #달의연인 #보보경심려 it will be included in the Naver search just the same. For us to be highlighted as I-fans, feel free to use English or your native language .

Retweet is okay, but it will land in Naver right away. If you quote the tweet, don't forget the HT/Tagline ^_^

3) You can retweet my Tweet below. Or you can copy and paste the following into your Tweet:

For Facebook, note the following:

For those of you who have FB accounts, please go to BOTH the SBS and Naver links below and post the following:

달의 연인-보보경심 려  짱 \^0^/  <3 Please like or repost to show your support #ScarletHeartRyeo #MoonLovers #eclipseSHR


Feel free to customize by adding to the message above...might be a good time to add your country. 





Yeorobun...Ep 6 starts in less than an hour. Time to get ready. You're also free to start tweeting or posting to Facebook. See instructions above.

@sooji28 @PrincessMe2515 @junee22  @MoOnLoVeRz @irilight @qwenli @xiaozhu @ossy91 @chi13lou @pwnkl @itzibitzispider @lostmymusic @TeBe @atsu-chan @valsava @Glamour90 @minmar @Tang Soon @jetsu @skxz @whyo @chrissylee @Niki Azia @peny @ailee2 @kawaiibooty @ilia @Carmarie @juenmyrue @kdramakrazy @ain83 @dhia205 @lisethvr @evok @MAROSA_JIN @mynameiswat@valentvcd @xoxobleach @Niki Azia @Le_Amarant @lebritneeey @Gabi Bros @aprilslily @cedarwood @patoi @meahri_1  @Yippeuni @sunl0ver @MadraRua @KdramaSwimmer @solelylurking @Lady_Lara @uuugogirl @rei_smasher11 @40somethingahjumma @shiraru @littleloony @louisawatson @Bambiina @arabela @xiao_baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii @MrKobegiant @Table122000 @pwnkl @redfrommars @lisethvr @chdom @lolalarue @flower4junsu @winterbubbletea @IAmSoulReader @USAFarmgirl @solelylurking @ruizaio @luci13 @Diana Blanche @hazzle @icesnowman  @atsu-chan @rumasa79 @ilia @Nymeria289 @sharreb @sunshinefate @thunderman1 @Gitakawaii @ruzikie  @violet90 @UnniSarah @simplyme_crazyme @akinahana89 @jlover1001 @luci13 @briseis @kuanphing @zagigirl @trizha

done with pleasure to re tweet it...  \^0^/

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Thanks everyone for tweeting and posting to FB!  \^0^/

It's a little strange that we've already been shown a preview for Ep 7 even before Ep 6 has aired. And those screen shots were from the end of the episode...you could tell by the credits.  That's confusing since it's supposed to be a simulcast. Oh well. I'm not going to waste too many brain cells on that one. Especially since Ep 6 is almost here!! :w00t::w00t:

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21 minutes ago, xiao_baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said:

I'll (badly) briefly translate the subtitles:

WW: I won't let you go back to before 
HS: I understand what you're trying to say, but you don't need to be too rushed. Please wait for me. Waiting for what I'm going to say can also bring someone joy (?)

WY: You. Marry me
YH: Can you cancel the previous marriage then?

General: Why do you have to stay here (?)
WS: I'm also a Prince, and I know the situation for the throne
General: Please think carefully about what the real reason is

HS: Thank you for being my first friend

YH: Everyone is here to look after her. This child's luck is so good

WS: It's very likely that you will die. Don't keep being like this, or else I won't forgive you


What!??!?! I can't believe the 7th episode trailer is already out... But it looks like the WW x HS romance is still happening?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?? ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

But it shows the bracelet that WW cries over later... So maybe someone (maybe WS hehe) takes HS or she gives him back the bracelet? Causing for his heart to break and him to then pursue the throne?

But lots of chemistry between the main pair!!!!!! Yay and the 10th birthday scene \o/


EEEEEEEEEEE! Thank you for the translation! Ah I am so excited, but unfortunately it looks like I wont be able to fully watch the live stream of tomorrow's episode either. *waaaaaaah*

I'm so jealous of everyone who will get to watch tonight! If you live in Korea and are one of the Ratings Families, or know people who are please watch MSHLR!!! Or even if you can't get your friends to watch lol just tell them to switch their TV's to that channel and go about their lives, although really, you're doing them a favor for putting all the prettiness on their screens. 15 minutes more!!!

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:o Episode 7 preview is already out?!??! MUST. RESIST. FOR. ANOTHER. HOUR.
10 minutes to go!!!!!!


2 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:


Honestly, noone is hating Wang Wook here, but yes, some of us (like me) criticised him. However just by doing this doesn't mean that we hate him. From critic to hate, there is a huge gap. Furthermore the world is not just black and white, just like Wang So. The latter might have been neglected and abused, yet he can be a dangerous and violent man. So Wang Wook might be a nice and well-mannered person, yet he is not that good either. 

The main reproach has been that he is too passive, when it comes to Hae Soo. People mentioned that the origin of his passivitiy is that he has much more responsabilities than Wang So, who was never been raised like him and has no family. Wang So has always been apart from social conventions, nonetheless this point doesn't justify Wang Wook's passivity, since we saw that Wang Wook can be decisive and very quick by making decisions. Let me give you one example: When the king asked the princes about dethroning Mu, Wang Wook was the first to react and he was followed by the others. They were all put under pressure, he needed to think quickly and make sure that his family is safe. He was able to handle the situation pretty well. Later in the episode 4, when they were before the king again, Wang So confessed that he was the one who killed the monks and destroyed the temple. What Wang So did was really dangerous, but Wang Wook supported Wang So by justifying Wang So's actions. As we can observe, Wang Wook has learnt to deal with pressure and to keep his family safe. So in my opinion, his situation doesn't justify his behaviour. Now back the main reproach: his passivity towards Hae Soo. He didn't stop the whipping, he didn't interrupt Baek Ah, when the latter was yelling at Hae Soo. He could have intervened here too by saying that he was the main culprit, but he never did. But in my opinion, he is not just passive towards Hae Soo, but also towards lady Hae. For the whole time he had been married, he never said anything about his feelings towards her so that lady Hae always thought, he never loved her. We all know, he did, even if it was a different love. His passivity is even more visible, when the prince wanted to tell his wife that he did love her, but he was stopped just before she died.

He accepted her decision, which he will regret later. As conclusion, he was also passive towards lady Hae. From my point of view, when it comes to love, Wang Wook is like paralysed. The other reason why I said, he is a nice guy, but not necessarly a good person is because he promised a lot of things to Hae Soo, but he was never able to keep his promises. He told her, she would never be treated like this again, yet we know, this is not true as he is unable to stop the arranged marriage. Lady Hae pushed him towards Hae Soo and he knew that therefore he wrote Hae Soo a poem and asked for an answer. She asked him to take a second wife, but he refused as he was afraid of it. Wang Wook is very intelligent, when it comes to survive at the court but when it comes to love, he is completely overwhelmed by his feelings so that he is scared of these. MAybe this can be explained by this way: he feels he is not controlling the situation or the relationship, when it comes to love. Therefore he keeps his feelings to himself so that the other has no idea that she has so much power over him. From my point of view, he would have kept Hae Soo like that, secure her feelings for him and nothing else in return, if lady Hae hadn't died. Wang So is the opposite: his feelings are what pushes him to act or react. He killed all these monks out of love for his mother, but it was a really dangerous move because he could have been blamed for the assassination of the Crown Prince. 


Wow you nailed it on the head. :grin: It's an interesting situation too because this is WW's greatest flaws as a character, and having this established along with so many regrets (Lady Hae) one would think his character's growth would shift away from being passive. But in order to do that, WW must make a choice. To let go of his ambitions/fear and be true to his heart, or commit himself to his ambitions and as result: lose out on love.

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33 minutes ago, jetsu said:

WS grab HS's wrist and said 'you might die ... don't do it again .... I will not forgive you'. Implying he's worried about HS cutting her wrist (choosing to die rather than getting married?).    

WW gave HS the bracelet to cover her wrist scar .... and when HS chose WS later, she gave the bracelet back to WW ... which WW crashed (shown from the long preview).  I think the bracelet is like an engagement/promise item between them ... and when HS returned it back, she broke their promise.

They are following C-BBJX a bit with the bracelet part so does that mean Wook will become more ambitious with coming episodes, things are going to get more fun then.

He is way too restrained right now, I'd like to see him fight a bit for more than just love.

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‘Scarlet Heart: Ryeo’ scores highest in content power

September 12 2016



SBS‘ period drama “Scarlet Heart: Ryeo” ranked the highest in the contents power index in the first week of September, despite being behind on viewer ratings.

According to CJ E&M, “Scarlet Heart: Ryeo” recorded a total of 294.3 points. “Moonlight Drawn By Clouds” managed to secure second place with 274.4 points, followed by MBC‘s popular variety show “Infinite Challenge,” with 251.7 points and the drama “W” with 220.8 points.


This comes as an unexpected surprise for SBS considering the drama only has 6 to 7 percent viewership, as opposed to its Monday-Tuesday competitor, KBS 2TV’s “Moonlight Drawn by Clouds,” which has a viewership of around 20 percent.

These figures could be an indication that “Scarlet Heart: Ryeo” will see a similar boost in viewership like “Moonlight Drawn by Clouds” did.

By Lee Sang-won (sangdoze@heraldcorp.com)


(source:  @Kpop_Herald)

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