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Everything posted by UnniSarah

  1. @Lmangla Your perspective for each character and their profession is profound and makes a lot of sense. I do believe Ma Ri has a lot to make up for. But I can't help but blame JT for her pain. Both are adults, who chose not to communicate because I believe Ma Ri blamed him. I too blame him for HW's disappearance. He did not lose him on purpose, but his choice for saving lives over making sure his son is safe says a lot about his character. If that was HS, I believe he would have put HS first. His sincerity towards her son was not wholesome. If it was his grief of losing HS would have been the same. I agree we need the full picture on Ma Ri and JT's marriage. I am dying to know what is JT's endgame. Have you noticed he has already laid the ground work, to send her to be hospitalized? Isn't that a bit extreme? Jutst to keep them apart. It just doesn't make sense at all. I hope Writenim gives us more info on why JT is doing this.
  2. 😱!!!!<br>Did you guys see the Nursery. It looks so awful. lol lol <br>Na Young really does not have any fashion sense. <br>I hate that MaRi will smack her son because her smacking him will only make it appear she is crazy. <br>Good thing is , Since HW is getting flashbacks he may get his memory before she is institutionalized. <br>What does everyone think?🤔
  3. @maribella That's why I'm frustrated. There was no mention of an affair, Ma Ri's first love, or anything else. It was only stated that HW isn't Dr. Han's child. I wish the writer had given us some clues about how Ma Ri and Dr. Han met, how they fell in love, and why they got married. I don't think Ma Ri needed to get married just because she was pregnant. She was wealthy and could have easily fabricated a story about her pregnancy.
  4. To be honest @Lmangla I am quite confused with Dr Han's character. As the drama progresses, I am starting to hate him when I still don't know what is Dr Han's end game. From the beginning, this man wanted a divorce. He was so determined to divorce his wife because she was cold to him. It is starting to look like he deserves to be treated coldly. Ever since HW has been brought up, he has become a changed man. He is working hard to separate mother and son. I can't wait for the reason to come out. Sorry for the confusion, @maribella For now HW is not Dr Han's child. I thought maybe the only thing, to make him repent is for him to be HW biological Dad and make him regret everything he has done to his wife. <- - - This kind of scenario reminded me of Red Shoes Please read BOX. I was hoping for the same outcome because Dr Han is so ARROGANT. In today's episode he was so arrogant when he overheard the grieving parent yelling for him. It appears Dr Han is not a great doctor. He has no respect for people who are in pain. He doesn't ever appear to remember this guy. He also did not appear to grateful at HW ( I will be calling U Ri that from now on) for saving his life. I really did not want to hate DR Han. NY's is becoming more daring. Going into any room she wants to without knocking. We must remember NY's mom is also fueling her delusion and reminding her of her status and that she has to protect it. Yun Ja and NY has spent their lives taking advantage of people, I am so afraid that they will never truly suffer or repent because Jang Soo is always there and will never abandon them.
  5. JT ‘s secret will be revealed soon. Poor HS will be in pain. SY expressing her disgust towards him because he hurt his wife and continues to hurt her. Sadly his father won’t know how to comfort him because he is a rational person. HS is the type of person who expresses his emotion and lash out. P. S Has anyone watched Red Shoes Han Jin Tae aka Sunwoo Jae Duk also played a villain in Red Shoes. In Red Shoes he was Hyeok Sang, he tried to kill his biological daughter multiple times to protect his wife. It was toward the end of the drama he found out Kim Gemma was his daughter with present wife. I wonder, if having to face the fact that HW was in fact his biological son will make him repent his evil heart. What a monster? He is just like Yun Ja. I bet you NY and JT will work together to keep HW from ever coming back to the Han Family. She does not know @maribella She think HW was Jung's son, all this time. Even HW considered her his bio mom. Remember when he introduced Do Ri. He said my biological sister.
  6. Na Young : I will think about it? I mean what is there to think about. She is supposed to saaay NY: NE eomonim smh smh Why push yourself to serve your arch enemy, anc cause a scene at your In Laws place.
  7. I hope that is exactly what happens @kboramint. Someone needs to know because Na Young is snooping now and her life with HANS is becoming very difficult. Has anyone noticed that HS is always on eggshells around his mom. Watch his moves chingus. He is always observing her face and emotions before speaking to her. I am glad he spoke up and tells his mom how much he hates his family keeps being torn apart. I am kinda grateful that NY and HS aren’t in love. If they were in love, she would have sowed discord between HS and his parent because she is petty and has a victim complex.
  8. Preview for tomorrow Those scenes will happen in the near Futures. When it happen is in the air.
  9. @mjmartinez I think the outfit they are wearing will happen in Ep 87 TOMORROW @kboramint just now Based from raw episode. Jin Tae didn’t know WR was HW. WR resembled HW but he thought JJS was his biological mom. there are to many twist in this drama.
  10. Very good question. I find that them so infuriating. Instead of working together and communicating. Both are doing their investigation separately. Is there a reason why the writer is doing this?
  11. There are so many secrets @maribella It is difficult to make revelations. i saw that the picture HW held had a different child face. I believe that was her real child in the picture. I want you to remember important facts YS was a patient within the same year HW went missing I think YS already lost her son Then she found HW and claimed him as her son in her delusional state. I also think SY memories can be distorted because she too was seeking treatment. She may not remember everything clearly because of the fact she had brain surgery at the time. Omo Omo , 🤐JT is starting to look more Evil now I HOPE I AM WRONG WHAT DOES EVERYONE THINK .
  12. Jin Tae being a first time parent, left his child in the hospital reception area for 35 minutes. In flash back HW did listen to his father. He looked so cute playing with his toy ambulance car. What really bother me is that nobody noticed the child was by himself, nurses or doctors?? I find that hard to believe but it seems to be the case for Kdrama universe. In Kdrama land, these professional lack common sense and compassion to help people in need. Smh smh Did everyone see NY stepped into HW’s room with her MIL there?? She really doesn’t know how to read the room. She can see a line exist but chose to cross the line anyway because she is so desperate. I loved How SJ was able to noticed Na Young is still nervous around her in laws, SJ and WR. It is so funnny NY refuses to admit she will never be happy. She needs to fix her way of thinking to realize that to be happy, HONESTY IS THE BEST WAY TO GO.
  13. @maribella SML was always drunk and NY would always be there to help him. I believe that there was one time he was drunk he called out Su Ji’s name . I don’t think he has slept with her sober.
  14. I enjoyed watching HS ignore Little Bean and went to bed . @mjmartinez Ny was so disappointed. If she had gotten married for love, HS would have been more involved and spend more time with her. Everytime they are together, he doesn't look happy.
  15. HS better keep his eyes open becasue this girl will do anything to get what she wants. She has told so many lies that she can't even keep up with them.
  16. Hello everyone Daebak!! I did not fast forward any of the scenes today. Yay 🥰 Su Ji will become SY legal daughter real soon. I am so happy for her. I am glad her wishes will come true. Once the adoption get cancelled, Soo Kyung will stop being afraid of standing up for herself. Because Korean believe in respecting their parents and following their orders. SK had difficulty saying no and defending herself out of fear. Now the fear will be gone replacing that fear with the love she will recieve from Courtyard family. Soo Kyung will have more freedom to say No! when or if Yun Ja asks for help in the future. What I wish can happen , if this drama is supposed to be a family drama. Ma Ri healing process of healing will be through Soo Kyung and Seo Young. This I believe is imperative for her healing process. SY understand her pain and will never fight back when Ma Ri lashes out. SY will bring up the fact for the past 30 years the men in her life have not been supportive enough. She needed support instead of avoidance. At some point , I thought maybe HW may actually be Jin Tae biological son and that is where the misunderstanding started. But Now I just don’t know what to think. I think Jin Tae action was cruel. I have not seen him really mourn the loss of HW. Is the reason he got over his grief so quickly is because he did not care for HW?? Is it because HW was not his biological son? But in flashbacks he seemed so happy with HW and loved the fact HW favorite toy was the ambulance car
  17. @maribella SJ did not know U ri heard her plea to be SY’s daughter on paper too. I am starting think being someone child on paper may mean a big deal in Korea. You would think just knowing this woman gave birth to you was good enough. I think SJ want to go back to being Soo Kyung instead of Su Ji. Even U Ri calls her Soo Kyung. This is poetic Justice for her, I hope her admitting what she did wrong will end up being leaked to the media. So everyone can know how horrible SJ’s childhood was.
  18. This is cause for celebration! NY will start declaring, "I am the Han DIL," so you should follow my orders from now on." After receiving FIL approval to clear out HW's room and facing the challenge of helping Ma Ri move on, I think this is the beginning of her downfall. NY's arrogance will rear its ugly head when she feels disrespected. Although Jin Tae doesn't show his grief, he's slowly getting attached to NY's baby. She'd better take good care of it. SY's plan to have Yun Ja confess how she kept mother and daughter apart for 27 years and tried to take this secret to her grave is brilliant. Jin Tae a proud papa. Family of four so happy.
  19. FL looks so beautiful in that picture. Wouldn’t that be a beautiful wedding dress for this drama
  20. Here's a more detailed breakdown of the events previewed in episode 74: * Na Young's manipulative facade continues: Na Young maintains her pretense of being a supportive daughter-in-law to Ma Ri. However, her true motives remain hidden, as her actions are likely intended to antagonize her father-in-law. * A challenge from the father-in-law: Intrigued by Na Young's act, the father-in-law throws her a challenge, demanding to see if she's truly capable of what she portrays. * Na Young's deceptive agreement: Na Young strategically aligns herself with Ma Ri, voicing agreement about Jung-Tae being too lenient towards Soo-Yeon. This facade of support masks her underlying agenda. * Disguised advice with harmful consequences: Na Young offers Ma Ri veiled advice that may appear helpful on the surface. However, it's likely intended to exacerbate Ma Ri's grief and emotional distress. * Ma Ri's need for support: The preview highlights Ma Ri's vulnerability and isolation in her grief. While Jung-Tae seems convinced of Ha-Won's absence, Ma Ri clings to hope. To truly heal, Ma Ri needs someone to empathize with her and guide her through the grieving process. Tell me what do you guy think? @Lmangla @maribella@mjmartinez@africandramalover @tulip06 @kboramint @backstreetboysfan Thank you @partyon and @Lmanglafor the Polls. I am back
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