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[Drama 2022] Exemplary Detective/The Good Detective 2, 모범형사


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3 hours ago, anony12345 said:

I also didn't like how people were towards Yoo Jung Seok, not just the characters (I get he was your boss but come on) but even the show was trying to push this angle that he was sort of a good guy - as if he didn't kill someone and then make an innocent man die for it. I get that they're showing the grey but that articular aspect I didn't think was well done.

Sorry to cut your post but I wanted to highlight your comment in particular about the newspaper editor. I also felt that the show was glossing over the murder he committed but then I later decided that it was the characters such as the reporter and her coworkers who took this view. I think what decided it for me was when the video of him committing the murder was shown in court. The people in the courtroom basically cried out when they saw the murder on screen and it looked to me as though they were rightfully horrified by it. So much so that the prosecutor seemed visibly troubled by the distraction of the video precisely because of the impact it had on the judge and the court room attendees. By exposing the video, which the editor tried to bury because he didn’t want his family to see it, the show basically showed that what he did in the dark eventually came to light in all it’s sordid detail. Although we didn’t see it, I’m sure reporters in the court room probably wrote about it.


From start to finish, the only death that saddened me was that of Lee Dae Chul. I still think a lot more people should have been punished but atlas, I guess I can settle for the main ones. I can’t say that I don’t have mixed feelings about the frame up of OJT. I suppose this is poetic justice for him considering an innocent man was framed for his crime but it doesn’t sit well with me that the detectives and the prosecution basically decided to turn a blind eye to the very real possibility that he was framed. I guess in their minds the ends justify the means.


I still think this show was very good. The characters all have very critical moral flaws though and I really hope I never meet anybody like them in real life who is willing to cover for murderers and take the lives of people trivially. I do wonder how they would feel to be on the receiving end of that type of injustice just like Lee Dae Chul.

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11 hours ago, tulip06 said:

Just finished. I wanted to used ODK since I'm paying for it.




What's everyone's next show? Mine is Lie of Lies.

I also watching lie of lies and then I´m going to check missing.

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Here you go! Though I was late in the journey, I had fun and everyone please take care!

Thanks for all the good theories, comments etc. See you around in another forum & great to see familiar friends here too!


@joccu @celebrianna @abyssal @thistle (Hope you are feeling better my love!)

@Lmangla @nat_phoenix88 @40somethingahjumma @taeunfighting   @tarjig @brooksmom @chickfactor @tulip06 @Helena @dydrawer @GingerK @denny @reddragon @holyfea @anony12345 @calledtoteach @white Life @MrsSoJiSub @snowlou @cherriesblue @jongski @tas82  @bebebisous33 @0ly40 @fluffyloaf @triplem  @westley 


Sorry if I missed anyone.



I wish this drama had more attention overall. Sigh but glad to see the bromance and leads and good chemistry that they had too! I was happy to see Jang Seung Jo in a non second male lead who pines for the main FL. So this was what I needed ! 


JTBC just released some making video--Awww Loved that Jang Seung Jo giving the tour of the police station--showing his place. It was last day of filming. 

Reminisced his place, talked about Maknae space, then the other characters in their team members well. (Aww so cute) Love his saying how some actors are fun and how they prepare for the show. 


I like how he mentioned his thoughts during the time making the drama, doing an a pretty much all MALE cast. 


Then next to blocking OJT and YJS at the bridge (beginning ep 15) YJS strangle hold of OJT.

Then the cops are on the scene arresting OJT. 


Next looking at YJS lying ont he ground. The actor playing around with the rocks as corpse and wrote a heart on the rock. (He is bored. LOL)


Cop team playing around behind the scenes and give flowers to the main male leads then cast with crew pic outside and in the police station.




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11 hours ago, celebrianna said:
14 hours ago, anony12345 said:

I also didn't like how people were towards Yoo Jung Seok, not just the characters (I get he was your boss but come on) but even the show was trying to push this angle that he was sort of a good guy - as if he didn't kill someone and then make an innocent man die for it. I get that they're showing the grey but that articular aspect I didn't think was well done.

Sorry to cut your post but I wanted to highlight your comment in particular about the newspaper editor. I also felt that the show was glossing over the murder he committed but then I later decided that it was the characters such as the reporter and her coworkers who took this view. I think what decided it for me was when the video of him committing the murder was shown in court. The people in the courtroom basically cried out when they saw the murder on screen and it looked to me as though they were rightfully horrified by it. So much so that the prosecutor seemed visibly troubled by the distraction of the video precisely because of the impact it had on the judge and the court room attendees. By exposing the video, which the editor tried to bury because he didn’t want his family to see it, the show basically showed that what he did in the dark eventually came to light in all it’s sordid detail. Although we didn’t see it, I’m sure reporters in the court room probably wrote about it.

think the editor's treatment was basically part of the overarching theme -- that basically everyone can and do mistakes, everyone is selfish to a certain extent and playing by their own agenda but the ones who are good are those who own up to their mistakes and take responsibility.


so if we see how the other characters react -- initially ajusshi detective does not want to think the editor has a conscience and that it has to be a murder -- as he says, it is a bit of a joke the editor has developed a conscience so late. but then, without the editor taking responsibility by ensuring OJT will be arrested and tried, OJT would have gone off free because of the way the system is -- cannot be retried. also, editor accepted his crimes publicly and apologized in a sense through the paper -- so that is also shown here in this drama as a big deal. that victims need an apology and admitting of the crime from the criminal in order for the victims to move on. watch detective is in some sense finally free when the old man who killed his father accepts it was him and gives an apology.


also, if we look at the editor, people seemed to accept his killing of the cop/priest who raped his sister -- they could understand that driven by anger and rage at the moment, it happened. what his team had a hard time digesting was the killing of detective jang and then the conspiracy for lee dae chul. so in a way, the editor's workplace family would have also felt the ripple effect -- his brother asks the reporter if that team was being blamed or belittled because of the editor. would their paper be feeling the effect? -- the reporter says that the editor took care of it; so by publicly accepting his actions and then implicating oh jong tae, it is like he completed the circle and set his team free to continue working.... and later with detective nam as the actual killer of detective jang, the editor then is seen by others as both victim (in the sense he got played) but also a criminal (who got carried in the heat of the moment). so definitely a bit of a complex picture....


for me, the one that was hard to understand was not the editor but yang mi

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@Lmangla, if that’s the show’s overarching theme, that as long as you admit your mistakes and apologize, then the character is basically good, I cannot agree with it’s assertion. Admitting his mistakes doesn’t make the editor good, imo. However, I can see how these “morally deficient” characters would think that it makes the editor good.  In fact, I would argue that the editor framing of OJT runs counter to anything truly “good” people would do. To me he comes off as playing “the judge” or God here. He got to decide Lee Dae Chil’s death by pushing for his execution, he got to decide to expose himself rather than let someone else expose him, he got to decide his own death to garner sympathy and he got to pay back OJT for blackmailing him with the video showing his murder of another “depraved” cop who raped his sister. By no means do I think what the editor did makes him a good person. 

In all honesty, I thought these characters were pretty morally deficient. Almost all of them. I said a while ago that the only morally Good Detective I saw in this show was the dead cop who didn’t seem to compromise on doing the right thing. It’s pretty sad to me that I still think that the justice system remained the same by the end of the show. I still give the show many props for telling a good story even though I find most of the characters morally reprehensible. People are not perfect but I think when it comes to murder, the taking of human life, there is no excuse for not doing the right thing.

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@celebrianna I get where you are coming from about the nature of characters. At the end of the day, I think the writer intended to leave what YJS and the others did in order to punish OJT questionable to viewers. I thought it was creative from a story-telling perspective, but whether it is morally justified or not...I still cannot decide. In terms of YJS, I personally do not consider that his final actions made him “good” because the murder and the conspiracy is still wrong to me, but I do acknowledge that he had some conscience within him to not accept his brother’s offer to maintain the cover-up and to protect the integrity of the press. Whether he remains gray or should actually be bad, I liked his character’s arc in the story as I thought it made the conflict and resolution in the plot unique and debatable.

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6 hours ago, taeunfighting said:

At the end of the day, I think the writer intended to leave what YJS and the others did in order to punish OJT questionable to viewers. I thought it was creative from a story-telling perspective, but whether it is morally justified or not...I still cannot decide. In terms of YJS, I personally do not consider that his final actions made him “good” because the murder and the conspiracy is still wrong to me, but I do acknowledge that he had some conscience within him to not accept his brother’s offer to maintain the cover-up and to protect the integrity of the press. Whether he remains gray or should actually be bad, I liked his character’s arc in the story as I thought it made the conflict and resolution in the plot unique and debatable.



YJS was morally... complicated. He designed his own punishment, which isn't true punishment at all. He wasn't good, but he's also not evil. (I love this actor. I recently saw him in "Team Bulldog" and he played a very funny character. So weird to see him be all serious here.)


The conspiracy is wrong, but I do feel like the point the show is making that *sometimes* you have to bend the rules to get justice. Like when that policeman got his gun taken away by Nam Gook-Hyeon. All his fellow officers pretended they never saw that because they didn't want him to get in trouble. Even Oh Ji-Hyeok the purist went along with this one. And if he did get punished, it would feel unfair because he risked his life to capture the criminal.


So sometimes it feels right to not follow the letter of the law... but alas, the slippery slope.


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I have mixed feelings about the ending. As far as endings go, it wasn't a bad one. It tied up almost every loose end (I maintain some scepticism about Oh Ji-hyuk's childhood bogeyman) and even managed to throw in a minor twist just so nobody (the audience included) wallows in any complacency about the complexities and unpredictability of life. I liked that Kang Do-chang's ever expanding family remains intact whether it's those share a roof with him or those that back him up while they're in pursuit of suspects great and small. I imagine too that Oh Ji-hyuk and Jin Seo-gyeong's understated romance will take flight in due course.


While I was relieved to see Oh Jang-tae finally get his comeuppance, there's a part of me that recoils at the thought that it had to be done with a bit of... what I consider to be... legal diddling. It is a somewhat unsatisfying result and not a little frustrating because it seems that the justice system is inadequate to the task of dealing with certain kinds of culprits -- those with powerful connections unless said power is muted in some way or changes hands. However, I acknowledge that without a bit of sleight of hand, Oh Jang-tae would continue to evade the full extent of the law's reach and get what he rightly deserves. Moreover, it is also true that Yoo Jeong-seok and Oh Jang-tae were complicit in the death of Lee Dae-chul and should be held responsible for that. But there's a part of me... maybe an unexpected streak of idealism about the rule of law... a belief that perpetrators should be convicted and sentenced for the crimes that they've actually committed. Nonetheless, the flawed system being what it is, it seems that one has to settle for consolation prizes. Since Oh Jang-tae cheated his way out of  being convicted for Yoon Ji-sun's death using his wealth and connections, it does seem fitting on some level that he gets convicted for something ... like the death of Yoo Jeong-seok... that he didn't do due to more blind eye turning. I'm sure some would consider it poetic justice even. It's tragic and terrifying to my mind that the criminal justice system can be so manipulated and that it has to take one sort conspiracy to undo another conspiracy. But the realist in me reluctantly concedes to the thesis and premise of the drama: The only way for the spirit of the law to be reclaimed in this instance is to circumvent the letter of the law.


Read the rest here:



19 hours ago, celebrianna said:

@Lmangla, if that’s the show’s overarching theme, that as long as you admit your mistakes and apologize, then the character is basically good, I cannot agree with it’s assertion. Admitting his mistakes doesn’t make the editor good, imo. However, I can see how these “morally deficient” characters would think that it makes the editor good.  In fact, I would argue that the editor framing of OJT runs counter to anything truly “good” people would do. To me he comes off as playing “the judge” or God here. He got to decide Lee Dae Chil’s death by pushing for his execution, he got to decide to expose himself rather than let someone else expose him, he got to decide his own death to garner sympathy and he got to pay back OJT for blackmailing him with the video showing his murder of another “depraved” cop who raped his sister. By no means do I think what the editor did makes him a good person. 

In all honesty, I thought these characters were pretty morally deficient. Almost all of them. I said a while ago that the only morally Good Detective I saw in this show was the dead cop who didn’t seem to compromise on doing the right thing. It’s pretty sad to me that I still think that the justice system remained the same by the end of the show. I still give the show many props for telling a good story even though I find most of the characters morally reprehensible. People are not perfect but I think when it comes to murder, the taking of human life, there is no excuse for not doing the right thing.

I don't believe the show was really saying that Yoo Jeong-seok was ultimately a good man because he 'fessed up and tried to atone for his sins. I doubt that even he thought that. What he did to cover up his original killing of Jo Seung-gi and then his complicity in Lee Dae-chul's execution was reprehensible. However, what he demonstrated in the end is that he wasn't so far gone or completely lost that he had no conscience left to take responsibility for his crimes.


What I think the show is really saying and I've noted it in my blog post is that, everyone is morally flawed or tainted to some degree and the vast majority act in self-interest. However, what separates the "good" guys from the really bad ones lies in their conscience. That's where that feeling of guilt and shame of having done wrong is still at work. That's what keeps a person's humanity intact even when all else fails. I think the show is saying that as long as the conscience is fully functional, the chance that people will do the right thing in spite of themselves increases. If a person's conscience hasn't been desensitized, justice will eventually be achieved.


In contrast are Oh Jang-tae and Nam Guk-hyuk who are unrepentant to the end. In this miserable company I would include the ex-cop who raped Yoo Jeong-seok's sister, Jo Seung-gi. These men had no conscience or they had self-rationalized to the point where their consciences were so seared. 


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On 8/28/2020 at 12:49 AM, chickfactor said:

(I love this actor. I recently saw him in "Team Bulldog" and he played a very funny character. So weird to see him be all serious here.)


I really like him as an actor too. Thought he was great in Search: WWW and Mr. Sunshine. I would consider his roles in both of those dramas as serious so the feel of him as YJS was not far different. I have not seen Team Bulldog yet. I am curious to see him as a funny character so I will need to look into it.

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I really love Oh Ji Hyuk's charm and his way of think is so brilliant.

In the end, i just don't understand if he needs to shoot that evil detective oh his chest (?)

I think Ji Hyuk will shoot him only in his arm because Kang Do Chang already remind him to be careful with his gun. From my perspective Nam evil deserves to die, he is able to kill more people if he still alive. But it will be better if he can atoning his sins and got life sentence like Oh Jong Tae.

Now Ji Hyuk can sleep tight after being sleepless for a long time. 

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20 hours ago, taeunfighting said:


I really like him as an actor too. Thought he was great in Search: WWW and Mr. Sunshine. I would consider his roles in both of those dramas as serious so the feel of him as JSK was not far different. I have not seen Team Bulldog yet. I am curious to see him as a funny character so I will need to look into it.


Yes, he was great in "Search: WWW." He was also good in "My Country." Looking forward to see what he does next.

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Well yeah. GO knows she is a capable tough worker and company but marrying or maybe dating a wealthy educated handsome man?  A poor uneducated women like her?  No manner!   Now these types of giddy heat emotions and semi confessions are coming at her. However, You can try to search on for best toilet reviews.

Edited by Shen bow
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  • 3 months later...

This got me excited. If Voice has seas 4, so can The Good Detective.


For real S2 The Good Detecttive. The original cast will be back. I get to watch them again!



Are we gonna have new thread or this one still? If there's a new one. Whoever's gonna make I'll be there. Tag me. Thanks.



Same cas still?



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Another confirmation, right.  I'll just post here. No new thread of S2 anyway.


(via soompi)  Starring Son Hyun Joo, Jang Seung Jo, and Lee Elijah, “The Good Detective” was about the realistic lives of police detectives in their quest to uncover the truth and their conflicts with those who try to conceal it. The drama ended in August 2020 with ratings of 7.469 percent, close to the drama’s personal best of 7.609 percent.



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