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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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@sakura22 I agree. There's still no guarantee that we will get a happy ending sigh. One or both of them dying seems fitting but it's not what my JehAnna heart wants.


This..."But now, I've found a person I want to protect. I think I can be happy." yessss Jeha you go be happy with Anna

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@nona88 like you I cannot choose which scenes are my fave. There were too many lovey dovey and funny scenes.  This episode to me is Daebak as it has everything roll into one - fast action pack moves, comical relief, Overload of lovey Dovey, bromance, eye opening, shocking slap, memorable one liner "I am not ready yet", acceptance for JH from AN and other bodyguards, excellent acting from JCW and the vibes of wanting more and more to watch K2.  

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@michiusa I dont know how I'd feel about a sad ending for the OTP to be honest. 

After watching the subbed version, the part when YJ said to JSJ about using her rage and jealousy to his advantage against Anna's mom, that to seems like a potential confession to be somewhat involved in the death of Anna's mom. Interestingly the fact that YJ is aware of Secretary's tendency to carry out and instruct her men to be doing stuff due to her loyalty towards YJ (from the cloud 9 scene about JH) makes me think that if Secretary was the one instructing or planning the murder of Anna's mom without a direct instruction of YJ, this may have been an outcome of YJ's manipulation. Cunningly manipulate the situation so that her Secretary will act on her own to order the murder for the sanity and happiness of her beloved boss. 

Does this change anything just because YJ "did not instruct" or "did not know" Secretary had gone to instruct the murder? Personally, I dont think so. I still would like to see her suffer and not get any love from the man that she supposedly want and cannot have ever!

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3 hours ago, nona88 said:

okay JH saying the reason why he dont need mask 

this things for ugly people like this people , i have my look  ( so humble about his handsome face)  :joy: and saying to them dont look at me with this on your face it grossing me out , but wait is the problem with your masks or your faces ( the things that grossing him ):joy::joy:

 i cant believe he still alive after saying all that on their face , lucky he have ANNA forcing to put mask or they was going to kill him 



The penguins were all ready to go at him but AN saved the day!  Hahaha seeing face masks will remind me of this - :grin:

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Geez. Another 5 episodes to go and what will PDnim or writer-nim have in store for us K2 viewers.  More OTP scenes (this is a MUST), or the angst, the separation, the dirty plans or more developing answers to the unquestionably plots?, most importantly the HAPPY ending that JH wishes.

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1 hour ago, perfectsmilebias said:

No, I can't agree with you. And you don't believe in that either. You really dislike YooJin because of your strong feelings against child abuse in real life. Plus, this is a modern drama, if we use modern values to judge YooJin's emotional abuse of Anna (because hiding away a illegitimate child and even killing one was not seen as wrong in many historic cultures), then we can do the same to judge SJ's physical abuse of YJ. Plus, like someone said, he didnt just slap her, he hit her so hard she would have ended up on the floor if not for the couch.

Plus, he didn't just hit her in the spur of the moment. He told her to go to the house, just so he could assault her. That was premeditated assault! That is levels of f@#$ked up!

And even if you are a parent whose child was threatened, if you hit that person (especially if it wasn't in direct self defense) you would still be comitting physical assault.

If we don't downplay YooJin's crimes, why do we have to downplay SJ's crimes?


What is it you think I don't believe? (sorry but you didn't specify) I dislike YJ because I believe she's an evil, manipulative, psychopathic monster (and I've never hidden this) who abused a small, helpless child and I don't care what made her the way she is. (infidelity, daddy issues, etc) I honestly don't care to dissect her character, to me - she's evil. Period. I also didn't say anything about modern drama vs historical? I said it's a "dramatic, entertainment TV show". I hate the way she's treated Anna from the beginning just because Anna isn't her own. I'm watching another drama right now (On The Way To The Airport) where the lead male knows his wife's daughter isn't his and he doesn't care, he worships and adores the child, filling her life with love. I abhor the way step-children or orphaned kids are treated in dramas but it's just that - it's a TV story. I'm perfectly capable of making my own decisions about who I believe is evil and who is not. I said BOTH SJ and YJ are evil and should be in jail. I will also say again: 


There are many, many things that happen in Kdramas that are repugnant to female viewers but I learned a long time ago to try not placing my own values/morals in the equation - which is extremely hard, especially if there are scenes of abuse or even rape. Calling people out for not being HORRIFIED when they see these things happen in dramas only separates us by trying to place higher moral values on one opinion than the other. We should accept that we ALL find these behaviors horrifying, unacceptable, revolting, disgusting and then...MOVE ON and stop trying to force our own moral high ground or judgments on others. 


I'm sorry you've been unable to change my mind regarding the character of YJ and we seem to keep butting heads over this issue. You are more than welcome to ignore my posts, believe me - my thoughts and opinions are not any big deal. I certainly don't see you any differently than I did at the beginning of this drama! In fact, while I might disagree with you - I love that we both find Song Yoon Ah the most interesting character in this drama. (although I hate that they've now thrown jealousy into the mix, they should have just continued with her being an evil bad***).

Oh and yes, I've warned my appa about physical assault and/or murder when he mentions he would kill anyone who tried to harm me - thank you for bringing it up. I also stated he's too old now to do much but talk. :lol:

BTW, YJ planning a way to murder Anna was also premeditated. 

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@feima they so cute and i mean everyone from ANNA to the JSS bodyguards so yes it hard to choice but after spending all the night working and making so much break to watch the k2 scene again i think i can choice now - i am sorry i love everything but this scene keep playing in my head

  the way she hugging him( YOONA you really make me see the love the pain you feel for him ) and the sad faces and more important his eyes , his look , his smile and his voice ( OMG his voice) when he said 

" so i think i can be happy now " 

i cant stop that scene his voice and face in that scene make me loving him as women and as mother , he making me looking at him as my ideal guy and in the same time he moving Mother instinct inside me  - his voice make my heart feeling warm (JCW did a good job here) 

@julie721 eonnie i hope you having great time with family , i am sure your husband have to buy you a lot to make for your feeling not being here or being able to watch the drama ( and for making me missing you too ) but he know better what a great women he have right !! i like your post it make me again loving you and respect you as a women , i hate when people looking at women as weak or victim all the time we are not  , there a really weak one in this world and the other should be strong enough to help them too but that dont make any women weak or any hurt wife as a totally victim ( YJ get slap for the first time in her life she said that fact herself so talking about her being a victim wife who her husband abusing her for hitting her after trying to kill his daughter is more like making fun of every victims women in the world who really suffering and living with abusing husband and has to suffer with their children  every day without doing anything wrong ) and like you all i saw in that scene two evil people abusing each other and making me sick i didnt see women and guy in that scene - YJ more powerful then any women we know even with her broken heart and wounding soul so i am not going to side her or SJ about what happening in that scene 

 but again  i respect everyone view as i said everyone seeing that from his another human part and no one wrong here  ( sorry guys i know i talked about it a lot ,and i didnt to want to talk again but i cant stop myself replaying to Eonnie post right eonnie :blush:)

@sakura22 and @michiusa i cant take sad ending for ANNA and JH , NO  please , they had being suffering from so many years i want them away from KOREA and the dirty power game , i want them free and having a small house and big happiness and few children right :wink: 

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34 minutes ago, julie721 said:

But I just want to voice my opinion about how we always address ourselves as women. We complain and demand about gender equity, but most of the times we ourselves applying double standard and view our sex as victim. If you want to be respected and treated equal, show the same level of respect to the other party first, regardless the gender. We live in male world yes, then accept the reality and stop whining. In order to be survive or even make changes, we have to adapt. We always complaining husband/BF/male abuse female, because they're stronger physically.. They shouldn't use physical power to torture women. While I'm very much agree with this, I want to make it not only apply to male-female only, but also to female-male, female-female, male-male, basically just a person to person. Basically no bullying and physical attacks to just everybody. That if you want to be treated EQUALLY. Don't just take one sample, and only emphasis on it because THAT IS WHAT BENEFITTING us. You demand equity but are even ready to act as equals? 

Yes yes I know, there are a lot of women are victims of abusive relationship. But doesn't mean there aren't victim from male sides too. Maybe they are more than meet the eyes, because men usually don't speak more open if they are the victims. They have they pride as man. If you look and study more closely, for many of these victims, the starts of their abusive relationship are commonly from mental abuse first, then may or may not lead to physical abuse. The abuser knows really well in order to make a person submit and not able to get out of situation they have to attack mental first. Physical wound can be easily healed, but mental wound? And we, woman, are very capable of doing that. But we so are so uninterested in addressing this, or point finger to ourselves. Why? Many times when we make some mistakes or do something wrong, instead to man up and admit it, we search for reasons to validate and make right our bad deed. We used "victim" card here. Male and female, each have their own advantages and disadvantages. They have more strength and sordid physical, but women have intuition and brain. You want equity? Instead of complaining and protesting, change your way of thinking. Action speaks louder than talk, although talk can also bring result, but it's pale if compared to what action brings. Start with yourself, respect yourself more, stop making excuses, stop pity yourself, be the leader and inspiration to people around you by being good role model. Educate yourself. You are mother/sister/daughter? then start with it. Offer your hands, your ears, you time, support, encouragement or just anything you can sincerely give to those in need. Stop seeing male as opposition, see and respect them as your partner. You need each other. I am rambling too much, aren't I? Hahahahaha..  


Well said (written).  

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WOW i headed to bed and look what happen when i was gone. Such heated discussions going around :rolleyes:


20 minutes ago, tessieroo said:


What is it you think I don't believe? (sorry but you didn't specify) I dislike YJ because I believe she's an evil, manipulative, psychopathic monster (and I've never hidden this) who abused a small, helpless child and I don't care what made her the way she is. (infidelity, daddy issues, etc) I honestly don't care to dissect her character, to me - she's evil. Period. I also didn't say anything about modern drama vs historical? I said it's a "dramatic, entertainment TV show". I hate the way she's treated Anna from the beginning just because Anna isn't her own. I'm watching another drama right now (On The Way To The Airport) where the lead male knows his wife's daughter isn't his and he doesn't care, he worships and adores the child, filling her life with love. I abhor the way step-children or orphaned kids are treated in dramas but it's just that - it's a TV story. I'm perfectly capable of making my own decisions about who I believe is evil and who is not. I said BOTH SJ and YJ are evil and should be in jail. I will also say again: 


I'm sorry you've been unable to change my mind regarding the character of YJ and we seem to keep butting heads over this issue. You are more than welcome to ignore my posts, believe me - my thoughts and opinions are not any big deal. I certainly don't see you any differently than I did at the beginning of this drama! In fact, while I might disagree with you - I love that we both find Song Yoon Ah the most interesting character in this drama. (although I hate that they've now thrown jealousy into the mix, they should have just continued with her being an evil bad***).

Oh and yes, I've warned my appa about physical assault and/or murder when he mentions he would kill anyone who tried to harm me - thank you for bringing it up. I also stated he's too old now to do much but talk. :lol:

BTW, YJ planning a way to murder Anna was also premeditated. 


*nodding* :o

i like your post. I agree that yes there are moment in the show that I cant help but say "i feel sorry for you YJ", i feel that she is the way she is really because of her circumstance and how perhaps she was brought up.

BUT that being said, the things she does now, and has been doing so since Anna was born. Is really much her own choice and her own free will. I am pretty sure she is an intelligent woman, she should know how to face each problem in a mature manner (i hope so) but the fact that she always falls into this default set mode of trying to gain things this way. Well we all know she is a very sick and 'evil' individual.

I am actually shocked at times that the first method YJ always turns to is to get rid of someone, is to kill them (though true not by her own hands) but through the hands of someone else. She is literally throwing that sin of murder to someone else's hand, making them a liability. Horrible.

I am not sure if the drama will move into the direction of redemption for YJ. I dont know how she can be saved to be honest.

34 minutes ago, sakura22 said:

@michiusa I dont know how I'd feel about a sad ending for the OTP to be honest. 

After watching the subbed version, the part when YJ said to JSJ about using her rage and jealousy to his advantage against Anna's mom, that to seems like a potential confession to be somewhat involved in the death of Anna's mom. Interestingly the fact that YJ is aware of Secretary's tendency to carry out and instruct her men to be doing stuff due to her loyalty towards YJ (from the cloud 9 scene about JH) makes me think that if Secretary was the one instructing or planning the murder of Anna's mom without a direct instruction of YJ, this may have been an outcome of YJ's manipulation. Cunningly manipulate the situation so that her Secretary will act on her own to order the murder for the sanity and happiness of her beloved boss. 

Does this change anything just because YJ "did not instruct" or "did not know" Secretary had gone to instruct the murder? Personally, I dont think so. I still would like to see her suffer and not get any love from the man that she supposedly want and cannot have ever!


that does seems very interesting that if YJ knew in her mind that her Secretary could make such calls. Then she also must have entertain the idea that her Secretary may have gone out of the way to get rid of Anna and her mother for her, without her having to say anything. I dont believe that makes YJ any less guilty though..

1 hour ago, nona88 said:

my wish for today please YJ dont use the trick of acting of being in danger in front of JH or under JH protecting to use his pain and suffering about letting people being hurt in his watch and to make him side you , please no  i really want to still respect you even as evil person you was great till now , but if you used that trick you the one who betrayed JH first since you using what he tell you and his pain against him , stop and act evil as much as you want but don't act so pity like this ,

please dear writer i really like how deep and great you write YJ character keep her in that place , i know you did make her having controlling problem and abusing using to the  control everyone from the start , i know you write her as someone who more controlling when it come to love but i dont want to see her doing that with JH , even with known all that from the start i still want her to have her pride as women even when i want her to get punishment as evil person  :cold_sweat:


indeed that would seem like a something YJ may end up doong. In order to keep JH under her wings. And if she does do that, i feel oh my goodness she has no more way of coming back already. She is just using manipulation to get what she wants.

6 hours ago, nona88 said:

okay i am back and as i promised i am going to talk only about cute scene i had enough talking so deep when it drama after all , a story that human write okay so who going to join a game with me ??? 

what the best scene between the OTP today ??

  • the hug scene after he come back , the feeling of having someone in your life who waiting for you and having someone who really care and cant live without - the way she hug him and he hug her, they way he tell her he " come back to her " and she answer " good job/ you did well"  as a mother or wife telling her darling that he worked hard and welcome him home ,  and the way they cutely talking about the food he didn't bring cause he don't have money 
  1. the scene when he show her the rooftop room after clean and make her a really room ,shown how much he care about the little things in her life , being understanding how much she like that room and that rooftop since it the only places when no one watch her and she can act as she like - so he making her having it as a nice place that she really own ( a really room for her )
  2. the scene when she helping with his wounds with face full of concerning  , worry and caring , the way she order him to go to the hospital and make him remember that " you are mine so is it okay to be like this" and the touched faced JH gave since it maybe the first that he feeling that Instead of protecting another person with risking his life , he  has to protect himself for that person ,that scene was more then touching for him , ANNA gave him the feeling of how much it important to her if get even a small wound it more important then anything also in the world 
  3. the scene when he hug her with the blanket and  hold her and look at her as  The most precious thing in the world , talking about the future when he want to take her with him away from this hell world , shown how much he thinking about their future - that was amazing scene JH didn't think about the future before , he didn't even dream to have one with ANNA even when he was falling in love with her , before all he thoughts about helping and saving her , do what he had to do and then to leave her and go away , but in that scene he start to have hope, dreams and future plan that he wanted to have with ANNA
  4. the scene when he tell ANNA about his love who get killed , the scene when she simply understand and didn't need more detail to trust or to know him better , it was enough for her to get that he had pain and it was more then enough what he was ready to share , she hug him like a kid in pain telling him that " it must was so painful , no it must still painful to him " touching his heart , making him show his tear and hide his face in her arms feeling safe and comfortable , she didn't get Jealous neither felt Curious and wanted to know more ,she just simply accept him and his pain and touched his soul with her innocent and warm 
  5. the scene when he raise his hand and looked at her telling her that he happy now since he having her , wow the face he made that scene was just wow , how can  a grow up man who suffer all his life show the pure happiness of founding the feeling of love and safety all that feeling simply shown in JH face with one look and one smile ( JCW YOU ROCK THAT  )
  6. the scene when they was in the party and he was looking at her all the time , smiling and with so much fond in his face and eyes like a little boy in love 


okay i cant choice which scene is better for me , i could talk about all of them as one scene but that was going to be wrong cause the rooftop scenes alone had so many different meaning  and feeling and i had to look at each one as a whole great scene 

and since i cant choice between the romance scene i think i a going to play another game 

what the Funniest scene today ???

  • the bodyguards band cheering for ANNA to drunk 
  • the bodyguards band  drinking and walking in funny way and realizing that they all cant drive suddenly ( okay where the IQ tests i need to see that ) 
  • the bodyguards band  leader hugging JH so touched cause he called him brother , and JH trying to run from that telling him " that he a man shouldn't hug him like this "
  • the bodyguards band having face mask and act as old lady sitting in the evening chatting 
  • JH making fun of all of them and talk so cool about that he not doing it  until he ended like a good boy doing that under ANNA order and everyone looking at him with so much fun and happy revenge smile ( okay he had to stop rushing with opening his mouth talking so cool and as he have the upper hands when ANNA around )
  • they all sleeping the same room and JH get hug from man , okay he sure liked to sit in the cold  then being there again and sure he like hugging ANNA more 
  • okay one of my FEV ANNA innocently worrying about JH wounds and want to take his cloth off to help him while he so far with his wild thoughts and act  like a teenager who not ready yet ( okay that was new stage  of how to make a manly man like JH look ridiculous Shy about .....okay i don't want warning from soompi but you get what i mean)


okay i still cant choice even from that - so or that i am greedy and shaky person who cant choice between things !!!! or is that this drama making so good damn scenes that make you unable to choice ???? , i mean every scene has it  meaning, feeling , well written, great acting , deep affecting   , soul healing and different stage of greatness - anyway you can choice my friends since now   i am feeling 




I loved every single moment of our otp scenes! so thank you for putting this post together! I loved it! :blush:

And i dont want a sad ending for our otp, giving me a nice romantic one please! but a satisfying ending also WRITERS!!

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@nona88 Oh sorry dear if you thought I was directing my post at you. I wasn't, you have been very fair in your analysis.

And really, I don't care if people hate YooJin because of her abuse to Anna. They have every right to, her sin of child abuse is unjustifiable and disgusting.

The problem for me wasn't that whether Park Sejoon should or shouldn't have hit YooJin, because that answer is pretty apparent. The problem was that people said YooJin deserved to be hit, that it was her fault for being hit. No, SJ hit YooJin, it was his hand that knocked her to the ground. And I still believe he has no justifiable "reasons" for doing it. People were celebrating it too!

If you condemn child abuse, how can you celebrate marital abuse?????

Yes, YooJin mentally abuses SeJoon, but that doesn't mean that what SeJoon did suddenly becomes not abuse. I can try to understand SeJoon; he is under the high stress because of the political campaign and YooJin's blackmail and attempt on Anna's life, and he also feels emasculated because he isn't the leader of his own political career... he used his wife for her power, connections, and money... he's basically a parasite that uses her to rise up the political food chain. All those things caused him to blow up (though that is questionable because he pre-planned his assault) and hit YooJin. But just because he has all this stressing him out, doesn't mean he should be excused for physically assaulting someone, and he should not especially be celebrated for his abusive actions. I don't celebrate YooJin for abusing Anna or other innocent people or say that YooJin's victims deserved it.

If it had been Anna, then I would understand 100%. Physical assault is still wrong, but it would bring catharsis. But Anna is never the one to attack her stepmom, it just the men in Y's life that attack her directly.

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6 hours ago, nona88 said:

okay i am back and as i promised i am going to talk only about cute scene i had enough talking so deep when it drama after all , a story that human write okay so who going to join a game with me ??? 

what the best scene between the OTP today ??

  • the hug scene after he come back , the feeling of having someone in your life who waiting for you and having someone who really care and cant live without - the way she hug him and he hug her, they way he tell her he " come back to her " and she answer " good job/ you did well"  as a mother or wife telling her darling that he worked hard and welcome him home ,  and the way they cutely talking about the food he didn't bring cause he don't have money 
  1. the scene when he show her the rooftop room after clean and make her a really room ,shown how much he care about the little things in her life , being understanding how much she like that room and that rooftop since it the only places when no one watch her and she can act as she like - so he making her having it as a nice place that she really own ( a really room for her )
  2. the scene when she helping with his wounds with face full of concerning  , worry and caring , the way she order him to go to the hospital and make him remember that " you are mine so is it okay to be like this" and the touched faced JH gave since it maybe the first that he feeling that Instead of protecting another person with risking his life , he  has to protect himself for that person ,that scene was more then touching for him , ANNA gave him the feeling of how much it important to her if get even a small wound it more important then anything also in the world 
  3. the scene when he hug her with the blanket and  hold her and look at her as  The most precious thing in the world , talking about the future when he want to take her with him away from this hell world , shown how much he thinking about their future - that was amazing scene JH didn't think about the future before , he didn't even dream to have one with ANNA even when he was falling in love with her , before all he thoughts about helping and saving her , do what he had to do and then to leave her and go away , but in that scene he start to have hope, dreams and future plan that he wanted to have with ANNA
  4. the scene when he tell ANNA about his love who get killed , the scene when she simply understand and didn't need more detail to trust or to know him better , it was enough for her to get that he had pain and it was more then enough what he was ready to share , she hug him like a kid in pain telling him that " it must was so painful , no it must still painful to him " touching his heart , making him show his tear and hide his face in her arms feeling safe and comfortable , she didn't get Jealous neither felt Curious and wanted to know more ,she just simply accept him and his pain and touched his soul with her innocent and warm 
  5. the scene when he raise his hand and looked at her telling her that he happy now since he having her , wow the face he made that scene was just wow , how can  a grow up man who suffer all his life show the pure happiness of founding the feeling of love and safety all that feeling simply shown in JH face with one look and one smile ( JCW YOU ROCK THAT  )
  6. the scene when they was in the party and he was looking at her all the time , smiling and with so much fond in his face and eyes like a little boy in love 


okay i cant choice which scene is better for me , i could talk about all of them as one scene but that was going to be wrong cause the rooftop scenes alone had so many different meaning  and feeling and i had to look at each one as a whole great scene 

and since i cant choice between the romance scene i think i a going to play another game 

what the Funniest scene today ???

  • the bodyguards band cheering for ANNA to drunk 
  • the bodyguards band  drinking and walking in funny way and realizing that they all cant drive suddenly ( okay where the IQ tests i need to see that ) 
  • the bodyguards band  leader hugging JH so touched cause he called him brother , and JH trying to run from that telling him " that he a man shouldn't hug him like this "
  • the bodyguards band having face mask and act as old lady sitting in the evening chatting 
  • JH making fun of all of them and talk so cool about that he not doing it  until he ended like a good boy doing that under ANNA order and everyone looking at him with so much fun and happy revenge smile ( okay he had to stop rushing with opening his mouth talking so cool and as he have the upper hands when ANNA around )
  • they all sleeping the same room and JH get hug from man , okay he sure liked to sit in the cold  then being there again and sure he like hugging ANNA more 
  • okay one of my FEV ANNA innocently worrying about JH wounds and want to take his cloth off to help him while he so far with his wild thoughts and act  like a teenager who not ready yet ( okay that was new stage  of how to make a manly man like JH look ridiculous Shy about .....okay i don't want warning from soompi but you get what i mean)


okay i still cant choice even from that - so or that i am greedy and shaky person who cant choice between things !!!! or is that this drama making so good damn scenes that make you unable to choice ???? , i mean every scene has it  meaning, feeling , well written, great acting , deep affecting   , soul healing and different stage of greatness - anyway you can choice my friends since now   i am feeling 





i love ecerything you wrote here about our OTP. their scene s just sweet in their own way. no kiss needed, a warm hug is already sufficient. 

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15 hours ago, Yippeuni said:

Annyeong agents.!!!  53

Calling all the K2 agents to the live recap...I might missed some names please shout out so I can add you next I see LOTS of new agents in here..LOVE IT!!...see you at tonight episode which will be started soon YEAY 

Also welcome to the new agents annyeong!!! 46

@klgirl @kaoriharang @angelbeast90 @perfectsmilebias @nonski @nona88 @AriaAA @Kim Hana @evok @namyo @bebebisous33 @paulette @an-naum @lebritneeey @dhia205 @ashvaugn @sakura22 @andy78 @Bambiina@KimYoojungxLeeBitna @cherkell @ororomunroe @jeonghyang @zagigirl @nploan @kanyaprasetyo @jongski @irilight @evie7 @kaiskloset @UnniSarah @konjo @chi_mo_chi @mellinadear @alekaonu @jerboa83 @valsava @akinahana89 @ruzikie @serendipity_1993 @plappi @czakhareina1 @stargazer187 @julie721 @ReemKanabta  @lynne22 @mooste @ellesina @sharreb @fathiayunia @leekyuphii @cmoirae2 @siddo @chuchuapuap00 @SunnySun26 @solelylurking @junee22 @Mona Ys @sujenlee06 @YourHighness . @Ayame @Grey_Lady @ichadewi @liltash85 @grapefruit7 @gyu2003 @yournameit @lovelyloveu @SunnySun26 @sutcliff @miriamdream2 @minhye1822 @MfnKa @mooster

 @LyraYoo @jagmac24_111a @eva23@soniawong @gimely @princessbelle1022 @Claudia Ximena @sally_b @aparr@notohaterfans @riiko1988 @EmmanuelleLinYi @paulette @raniely @feima @Mayiya @fifie @SunnySun26 @Sesame Chew @O2


@SunnySun26 @Sesame Chew @O2


I'm so sorry if I still missed some of you please shout then I will gladly add you to the roll calls .... 

Blanket Couple !!! I'm sooo ready to see another kiss scene tonight wkkwkwkwkwwkkwkwkwk 66

Wow I'm still curious to what happened because I haven't seen the episode yet! Probably won't see it until possibly Monday because of all the deadlines for homework this weekend!

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1 hour ago, michiusa said:

@sakura22 I agree. There's still no guarantee that we will get a happy ending sigh. One or both of them dying seems fitting but it's not what my JehAnna heart wants.


This..."But now, I've found a person I want to protect. I think I can be happy." yessss Jeha you go be happy with Anna


Anna may look like a weak girl that needs all the protection, but to me she is the strength and support that Jeha need. The way she held him and tell him it must be so hard for him is just so warm. I think its the first time Jeha get comforted like that. SHe is so understanding. This what makes me love her character more and more. That is why i do not want the writernim to get a weird idea to make JH-YJ an item. its always JehAnna. JEHANNA FTW!. 

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25 minutes ago, perfectsmilebias said:

@nona88 Oh sorry dear if you thought I was directing my post at you. I wasn't, you have been very fair in your analysis.

And really, I don't care if people hate YooJin because of her abuse to Anna. They have every right to, her sin of child abuse is unjustifiable and disgusting.

The problem for me wasn't that whether Park Sejoon should or shouldn't have hit YooJin, because that answer is pretty apparent. The problem was that people said YooJin deserved to be hit, that it was her fault for being hit. No, SJ hit YooJin, it was his hand that knocked her to the ground. And I still believe he has no justifiable "reasons" for doing it. People were celebrating it too!

If you condemn child abuse, how can you celebrate marital abuse?????

Yes, YooJin mentally abuses SeJoon, but that doesn't mean that what SeJoon did suddenly becomes not abuse. I can try to understand SeJoon; he is under the high stress because of the political campaign and YooJin's blackmail and attempt on Anna's life, and he also feels emasculated because he isn't the leader of his own political career... he used his wife for her power, connections, and money... he's basically a parasite that uses her to rise up the political food chain. All those things caused him to blow up (though that is questionable because he pre-planned his assault) and hit YooJin. But just because he has all this stressing him out, doesn't mean he should be excused for physically assaulting someone, and he should not especially be celebrated for his abusive actions. I don't celebrate YooJin for abusing Anna or other innocent people or say that YooJin's victims deserved it.

If it had been Anna, then I would understand 100%. Physical assault is still wrong, but it would bring catharsis. But Anna is never the one to attack her stepmom, it just the men in Y's life that attack her directly.


 well writen dear , i know you didnt  directed your post to me and no one here did that to me or other , and you know that i really meant it when i write that it post that not for you only it for everyone here from all the sides and for myself first since i am human too and can go after my feeling and be not fair sometimes

i understand your point so well and it okay to think like that , no you have the right to think like that as we all say here and know that everyone see the same things from different thoughts and more important from different feeling so there no right logic and wrong one , it the drama and it the life and we are like human has to keep wondering what wrong and what right , so i dont really care who right here since there no black and white and there no one moral  here , it a story and everyone has that part of them to go far with their sympathy with any characters and other will think they not right , but it a story so it the fun to see it from so many side ,  even when people maybe be happy or sad about things we dont understand how they could !!!! 

i dont have to say no hard feeling since i know there non of them , i am talking with friends that i like here 

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16 minutes ago, liltash85 said:

can we just focus on our OTP (Jeha Anna) sweet moments and their relationship. i need more of their moments of the show rather than keep seeing YJ with her fac term "kill them all". Coz this discussion about YJ behaviour will never ends. 



AGREED!! we need more pictures of them here! HAHA!

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@liltash85 i agree with you ANNA is the one who saving him here , she pure but strong minded , she understand and accept him , she love him and care for him, she not trying to control him or question his past or what he doing now , i like how she become his light, his reason to live and it was the first time that he felt like to protect someone i have to protect myself first , he needed that so much after living all his life throwing his life in danger for country , for company , for money and for his love , he need someone make him know how important that he stay a live more then helping him , and i agree that even when i wanted a kiss so much  i didnt feel that it was needed there it was more then perfect 

@kaoriharang thanks for loving my post i really hope YJ dont do that too  i cant take it anymore if she really did that 



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6 hours ago, YourHighness . said:


I see..so that's why she needs to use SJS and LOL at the body count..so true though. :lol:

If that's the case why doesn't she pitch herself now? She is semi famous now. I personally think YJ does not want to be in limelight..it takes away your freedom..she wants to be in SJ's shadow and rule/make people pay for underestimating her.

Sorry but since when does one ALLOW a person to hold your child hostage? Did we not SEE her threaten Anna's life when SJ found out about HR's death? SJS was a nobody when YJ married him, UHR may have had some power as a star but even that is limited in front of generation of money. Anna was also in YJ's custody as soon as UHR's deadbody was found by police. SJ never even got to meet or talk to Anna after HR's death and that's because he was powerless in front of YJ and her money. Which is why he so desperately wants power, enough to make himself ignore the child who needed him the most. That makes him a terrible father but he loved and loves Anna, we could see that in the flashback and we could see in his car chat with JH but he knew he needed the power to protect her in the future. I am not making excuses for him..just explaining how I see his character. Because when Anna was young, he knew somewhere that she was safe because of her young age, also he pretending total disinterest in Anna helped to make YJ let her be. 

Also he did not slap YJ for using Anna as a pawn but for trying to KILL her. There's a difference. Yes they are both terribly selfish and horrible people but he never tried to get Anna killed. IF he had tried to get Anna killed AND then slapped YJ for trying to do the same, THEN it would have been hypocritical.

And I dislike violence but if someone tries to kill your child, gender does not matter.

@YourHighness .  Simply put YJ wants to control evverything and everybody.. This is how greedy she is her being First Lady is very dangerous to those around her and the Country.. I don't think so much as she wanted to kill Anna at that time well she cetainly would have died if she would have said SJS was her dad but a lot of things YJ has done to Anna is just to put fear into her not to kill her..

5 hours ago, klgirl said:

The degrees of despicable behavior is only getting worse.  What is there left in YJ to redeem? She has no morals, no compassion, no "good" principles and she is selfish to the core.  Her twisted love for SJ has now transferred to JH (Lord, save him!) and she's ruthless enough to get rid of Anna so that she can claim JH for herself.  I can only cringe now that we know she has something in the works that JH is not to know about.  PKS? No. It's Anna. The one person standing between her and JH. Unfortunately for the kind of woman she is, she doesn't understand that killing Anna will literally tear JH apart.  He won't be what she wants him to be and she doesn't realize that she's repeating the same mistakes she made with SJ.  

Love cannot be forced no matter how much you will it to.

Interesting @klgirl  Sorry to cut your post.. But this part of it made me think of this Yj getting rid of Anna so JH can't find her I think in one sense it's to make him not have feelings for another person ever again being that he wasn't there to protect them because Jh himself knows it would be a minute before he could brake free from YJ which is something she can't have.. She knows after Anna no one else would be able to reach him like that and he certainly wouldn't ever develope those kinds of feelings for her so leaving him with whatever happiness of Anna he could remember but they both would share the same feelings no one to love or beloved.. So this will allow him to only think of and be protective of YJ.. But one big flaw in that she hasn't thought about if theres no Anna Jh has no reason to stay around.. This is why I wrote earlier having Anna disappearing would keep JH around as long as she can string him along everything would be fine and she gets that child to stick close to her but the will last only for so long.. I guess she's a firm believer in out of sight out of mind..

5 hours ago, miriamdream2 said:


Don't even go there girl... because we all know; if Madam is to wish for it - Kim secretary WILL personally - make it happen! magic-left-crazy-rabbit-emoticon.gif

But since the mood is getting "little" heavy here...let me help you with this...

Who can ever forget that "excellent" translation glitch awhile back of JH saying to YJ...I want you to - "give me head"... teehee-crazy-rabbit-emoticon.gif

...so...Problem solved...


Yes, those two ladies would find a way to get what they want... and with this I just paid in full my membership in PAC




I do feel for ppl who do not understand Korean and nearly feel of their chair once they read that "demand" on JH side...the fact the everyone in that conference room was equally confused by his "demand"  (but for a different reason) sure did not help the cause...




@miriamdream2  Mdm President Is Speaking Here I Award You A Membership For Life Into PAC.. LMAO  I LOVE IT 

5 hours ago, ashvaugn said:

At the back of my head, I hope JH saves YJ too from these dirty games she has created and just face the consequences that will be bestowed upon her. I want him to go all out on protecting these two lost souls.. it's a bodyguard action drama anyways, and maybe people fails to see but that is maybe how simplistic this plot is. Jeha just protecting the family, hence the drama focus on the relationship of these three..and I am fine with it. Bec these three are already complicated as it is.. 

@ashvaugn  I said a while back that these three will save each other Anna has saved JH and JH has saved Anna and gave her some what of a normal life more then what she ever experienced and JH has moved past Rainia and found love again and a person he wants to protect more then himself.. Now who will save the wretch YJ I think it will be both dispite all the vile and cruel things she has done to Anna it would be her and JH that save her wretched life..

5 hours ago, miriamdream2 said:

When she said he could no longer "touch her" with his petty player games he was feeding her drop by drop now and then I do not think she meant it bc she is now "in love" with JH, but meant to say just that, you were never my lover, or my husband but I needed you as human at a very least to stand by my side...now? you are no longer worthy of even that, nor are you needed ...for any of that... you are no longer usable for nothing but the "job" I hired you to do... if you do not like it... there are the door... there are hundreds money/power hungry man like you that can do what you do and come with so much less baggage then you (meaning all of his affairs and his illegitimate child she needs to take care all the time) ...what I need is a "body" to become president so I can have JB group...be it you or Park or whoever - makes no difference to me...but you? You NEED to be president YOURSELF in order to have - what you want...

so btw to two of us...who is expendable? Who is replaceable? You?  ...me?


...and don't you ever forget it...

OUCH You Know That Had To Sting Especially When She Said Go Ahead And Touch Me Goi Ahead I Feel Nothing..  This Marriage Is So Toxic I Don't See Anyone Of Them Surviving It..  

I need to rewatch this episode I find it a turning point in this drama..


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yup sometimes all you need is a warm word of encouragement and support more than anything. Anna is quite observant, she knew that Jeha is having nightmare everynight. And i think its the first time someone realize about Jeha's wound whether its physical or emotional and that same person, tends to those wound. n this what make Anna is so special to Jeha. 

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So SJ is really an richard simmons##le too in my opinion. He cheated from Uhm Hye Rin with young YJ. Of cours woman like YJ will be in rage and kill her competitor when she find out about UHR. His dream become a president is more than his love, he lost in all defense about Anna when YJ bring up about his dream. He really need to be the president at least to redeem all he did wrong to Anna. 

And this samchoon, I'm really curious about his motive to Anna. Is he really care for her because SJ proise him the whole JB group and kick YJ when he become the president, and all he do right now only protecting Anna from YJ. Or he playing both side too. He change K1, J4 and the maid to be under his control, also he told K1 to change the whole security details of the house. I know something also ON between him and Park Kwan Soo. The way they glance at each other at the hospital when Park visited YJ after the car accident in early episode. Oh please don't tell me he support Park too. As for businessman they will support both sides since they will gain the benefit from whoever stting on the top later on. 

And one more thing I always love the BGM. The one that played every action scene appear. In this episode is when JH sliding in the chair shooting Park's men. 

Ah and also what's with those detectives??? Why they look so angry when JSS guards leave the Park residence. They are siding Park right? But why?? 

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