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[OFFICIAL] Hyun Bin ❤️ Son Ye Jin (BinJin Couple)


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4 hours ago, DaysTurn2Nights said:

You can see that he was hesitating to touch her at first. 

After watching kdrama for 10 years, in every skinship scene like kissing, hugging, I can say that 98% of actors will suddenly  let go of the others when the director said cut. You can see this with Yejin and hyun bin too in kiss scene ( since Switzerland is the first time they are on set). After that I never saw him hesitate to touch her again


Agree with this! :D  They are comfortable with each other so manner hands are not needed. I recall many scenes where they're always have body contact with each other.  Like how he picked the artificial snow from her head and shoulder, how they were holding on each other's shoulders after taking the green screen photos, how he had his hand on her arm when they discuss about the borderline kiss, how he put his hand too close to her chest for the back hug and the Swiss photo (of course that was an accident/ a slip and wasn't intentional), how he forgot to look at her when she ran over to him at the scene of the gun shooting on the highway and she got pissed off and they hold onto each other, and also the hug at the CLOY wrap up party.  They're just so happy with each other with all the bickering. Recall the chicken wings time, the piano time, and the SK hospital kiss time.  Btw, my friend is watching CLOY now and I showed her all the evidence and she also said they're so sweet together.:heart: 


HB is usually shy but he definitely isn't shy in front of SYJ! I hoped that they spent enough time together during Covid season now that he has to film his new movie... let's continue to pray for this ship.


Guys, please stay positive and happy. I'm sure SYJ and HB wouldn't want their fans to be upset over trivial matters. We each have our own perspective and thoughts so let's try our best to understand different perspectives and focus on the good things we say!

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Aigoooooooo again...


Too lazy to go into specifics, but I only have this to say: ignorance is bliss.


and if one has nothing nice to say, just say nothing.


Just keep your positive thoughts on these two, and don’t fan any negative remarks aflame higher. We also don’t want the mods to get fed up with us, too.


Even I find it weird with all these unnecessary negativity. Sure it ain’t sunshine and puppies, but still. It’s a repetitive vicious cycle, yes - but focus on the good and we will be back on track.


And try to do something else in our lives. Am sure we might have neglected something else somewhat whilst shipping hard, so maybe try to rediscover what that we have been missing, too? There are good series to watch nowadays too, and other older ones, just to ease our CLOY withdrawal. Or read fan fictions - go to Wattpad! :) 


I am keeping those two adorkably beautiful persons in my thoughts and wish them well, always.


Cheer up!


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To bring back some fairness for Son Ye Jin and some good vibes for the thread.

Many fans have agreed with following statement in blue about SYJ (200 likes on Twitter 54 Retweets and 42 likes on Soompi)


"SYJ has a beautiful and innocent face with a sexy body, has a great personality, beautiful eyes smile, cute laugh and a great sense of humour. Moreover she is also talented, intelligent, confident, disciplined, a good social communicator, so charming and she can do up side down Pilates too."


PS: Soompi is much smaller than the big world outside & not reflect what majority of fans think


To SYJ: you have got anti-fans because men & HB love you so much. HB looks at you as if you were the only woman in the world






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6 hours ago, cloyfan said:

Here SYJ talks about how she didn’t make friends during the first few years of her career and how loneliness and solitude have always been a part of her.....

This clip was from May 2008 (12 years ago).  I noticed that some fans (probably new and/or not familiar with her) post many things out of context (without knowing the time frame & full content) — can be very misleading (although that wasn’t the original intention).

(articles at the bottom of my post)

May 2008: She said she didn’t have ‘celebrity friends’ (all her friends are from outside the entertainment industry & staffs from her agency).  
=> During her 20’s, all her focus was on acting so she didn’t pay attention to anyone.  In her 30’s, she became more relaxed because her acting got better so she had more time to take care of others. 
November 2011: she said she has many celeb friends now


Binnie also said in his interviews that he became more relaxed in his 30’s; it’s understandable. I wanted to combine their interviews showing their similarities, but .......

——reposting my post a few days ago with the old articles with explanations.   ———

On 4/11/2020 at 8:25 PM, Kristen Son said:

I've read that when she doesn't smile people think she's cold so she makes an effort to be outgoing even though she's shy.


Yes, I read that too.  

In the past, this was how she described her personality:

Personality: Can be talkative and easy going with people I feel close to, but tend to be a bit shy and find it difficult to befriend people I don't know well. As a result, people sometimes take me for a cold and reserved person.


some very old articles:



[May 2008] Actress Son Ye-jin does not have celebrities friends

On the 7th, actress Son Ye-jin (26) participated in the filming/recording of MC Kang Ho-dong's variety show "Knee Drop Guru / Golden Fishery" (MBC). She revealed that she doesn't have any friends in the entertainment circle throughout her 8-year career (me: all her friends are from outside the entertainment industry & staffs from her agency). She often considers herself not good at interpersonal relationships so she closes herself up (ie introvert, not very open). Very worried, she even tried to find solutions before.

She admits that she's an introvert, not easy to be closed to her co-stars. She said that it's a pity to not able to be friends with insiders/entertainers.


She also revealed that she doesn't express her inner feelings leading others to have pre-conceived notions about her. Over the 3-hour filming, the workers/staffs were able to feel the friendly and true side of her.


Golden Fishery(황금어장), EP091, 2008/05/14, MBC TV


more than 3 years later, she said that she has celeb friends now.



[November  1, 2011]  Son Ye-jin discussed the rumors that she didn't have any friends.

SBS's "TV News At Night" had an interview with Son Ye-jin and Lee Min-ki from the movie "Spellbound".  In the 'spill your heart out' talk, she said, "I have many celebrity fans. I used to say I didn't but now I have many".


She continued, "I am close with Song Yoon-ah and Sol Kyung-gu. I am also close with Gong Hyo-jin and Yoon Eun-hye". She then said "Hi~" towards the camera.


About the picture of her together with Kim Heechul, she said, "He mentioned once that I was his ideal type and we started contacting each other one day and had a few meals. I promised to buy him dinner before he went to the army but I didn't so he might be swearing my name now".





———- From 20’s to 30’s ———


[August 2016 / SYJ] When Son Ye-jin was a young girl, she would be gripped by fear each time a new school year came around.  “I used to be very shy. I hated going to a new classroom and having to make new friends, meet new teachers and adjust to a new environment,” the actress said in an interview recently.


Son, 34, has come a long way from those days: She is a prolific performer with 19 films under her belt since debuting in 2000 and widely known for romantic roles in films such as The Classic.


Looking back over the past 15 years, Son said she has become more relaxed and attentive to others on set.  “When I first started out, all I thought about was my own acting...I wrote acting notes every day and prepared for my next shoots diligently. I loved acting, and I wanted to be good at it.”


Her 20s were spent poring over how she could better hone her craft. Now in her 30s, Son feels she is “moving onto a more mature stage” in her art.  I’m able to look the person acting across from me and respond to that....There are times when it becomes so lonely and painful, but I think I’m able to overcome them because I realize that the more fiercely you prepare for a role, the more the audience can feel it.” .........

**She starred in director Hur Jin-ho’s movies April Snow (2005) & The Last Princess (2016)**

[2016-08-11] Interview with Director Hur Jin Ho [TranslationCredits: SnowStar]

Compared to the then young and inexperienced Ye Jin, working with her again, I felt a lot of power every time she appeared in a scene. She has undoubtedly worked hard on her acting fundamentals. She has developed an ability to take control of the screen. She’s also learnt how to engage the audience. In the past, there were some things she missed as she lacked experience or didn’t have time to spare while filming, but this time she integrated well on set. Ye Jin took good care of the production staff and helped drive the atmosphere on set. She has a sense of responsibility. In a nutshell, she has become an excellent actress. Now, rather than a top star, she’s more like an actress.

Cr : 스포츠조선 (selected extract from the full interview)

URL : http://sports.chosun.com/news/ntype.htm?id=201608110100104000007664&servicedate=20160810

[Esquire February 2018 issue / conducted on January 11] (Translation: SnowStar)
Q : I heard that you are close friends with Gong Hyo Jin. You were at a birthday party a few days ago together with Um Ji Won, Lee Jung Hyun, Song Yoon Ah, Lee Min Jung and Oh Yoon Ah. It was interesting to see actresses sticking close to one another.

YJ : Actually, it’s not easy for actresses to get along so well. When I was in my 20s, it was a sensitive period. But when I got to my 30s, I had more of an opportunity to observe and look around, so I was then able to take care of others. There are also similarities amongst actresses. We can share stories that we can’t talk about anywhere else, provide support, stand up for each other and comfort one another. There is a sense of steadfastness that can be shared amongst colleagues. It feels reassuring.


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50 minutes ago, hb-syj said:

I'm sad to repost a recent post that has got 40 likes in this thread.

But the cycle seems to repeat itself again. So much negativity & bad vibes in a shipping paradise. 

So I can understand why old members left.

We the name of this thread should be changed from "BinJin Shipping" to "Son Ye Jin Bashing" thread to reflect its truth color



I agree :( 


My principle in writing/sharing here is...

"Will Hyun Bin & Son Ye-Jin BE HAPPY when they read what I've written?" So personally, I write taking in consideration what they will feel. 'Cause in my opinion, we, as fans, should look at them as real humans or friends. 'Cause what they do makes me happy, their projects, their real-life sweetness makes me happy. So in return, I hope that if they even read the posts here, they will feel happy too that they have these kind of fans.


But in reading certain posts here, I'm sad 'cause some focus on the petty, negative things then balance it out by saying something positive. But the negative idea is said already.


Just my thoughts. I hope we make Bin & Jin happy as fans and not feast on their personal infos to judge them or make judgments for them. Just a happy feed please.



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2 hours ago, cloyfan said:

@delulufan What you quoted was in response to someone’s concern that HB might end up marrying younger. I answered it realistically. But you are putting words into my mouth when it comes to SYJ and pregnancy. Clearly, I expressed that I hope they will make it the final destination of happily ever after and there won’t be any next relationships. Please stop patrolling what I say (it’s not your job) especially when I have always followed forum rules. By the way, I am as big a fan of SYJ as I am of HB 

Ditto..this forum used to be a happy free space where you can express your feelings or how you "wished"for their future.. realistically ..not all flowery speech and all..but it seems now there are police patrolling your every move after gaining 1270 likes..of course we can only say what we think from our view and not even from Syj or HB view..we interpret each BTS.. each move..each stare differently.. otherwise what is there to share? Only from a single mind narrowing how each one feels? I'm feeling out of this too..I dont even think that if ever Binjin would read forum that they will be disheartened cause all of us just wished for them to reach their final destination no matter how we individually look at things.

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28 minutes ago, Bin~jin said:

I think it's a good idea to speak about our reactions when grocery pictures came out!:)


First thing I did was ask my husband if he'll go grocery shopping with his closest girl friend in a foreign land and share the cart with her, he said "of course not, we can go to the grocery shop together but we'll shop separately." Squeezing some more, I ask if ever he'll share a cart, who will pay for it? He said they'll split the bill. 


Now him being curious about me asking these questions out of the blue, I told him that it's because of BinJin grocery rumour. He told me that I'm just delusional but when I showed him the photos and ask him to explain what would be his interpretation of those pictures, he went silent 

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Due to the lack of new updates or news of Binjin to discuss, some shippers may have been over analysing past interviews of Binjin particularly of Son Ye Jin. 

My personal take is not to take what had been said at these interviews too seriously. If I recall correctly, Son Ye Jin herself said that the problem with such interviews is that one is always pressured to come up with witty or funny and interesting comments or quotable sound bites.

Like the one where she had wished or expected to be married by 34 or something which led many to speculate that she was in a serious relationship at that time but she could have meant it as a joke instead for all we know.

Let’s forget about our different views and watch some nice FMVs to destress in the midst of the stressful lockdown /quarantine that many of us are facing.


Here is “A Tale of 2 Cities - Korea Version”. :D


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Since this is a forum, I think some people just wanted to express their thoughts and concerns. They may not mean harm or purposely spread negativity (though we may single out some). If possible let's just pass/scroll up those comments that brings us a bad day. If we think positively, our surroundings will look positive as well. Do not dwell on the negativities, since we are on an unconfirmed ship, those are inevitable. But of course, in grocery we trust!


Let's treat one another kindly. We are all in one boat here. Just take it easy.

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18 hours ago, ann-tole said:

Why do I feel like they are actually staying around the area! Maybe not Garden Suite Hotel, but the the place they are referring to is right in Koreatown in LA. Intuitively, as Korean celebrities, you don't want to be there, but I've seen the place before and it's definitely one of the places you want to go to that will allow you to be anonymous--exactly because it's dense and you can easily pass yourself as an ordinary Korean. There are also a lot of high-end apartments and hotels there that they could have stayed. On the one hand, it may also be the exact reason why they were spotted twice by different people. I would think if they went to more secluded area in LA we would get two citing reports. 


I mean, the fact that SYJ was able to take a pic of herself in front of Ralphs which is just in the outskirts of K-town, goes to show that it's probably easier to be anonymous around this area than we like to believe. 


I think she's also standing near the McDonald's (you can see from behind) area right across Ralphs in Western ave. I think they assumed she's staying in Garden Suite Hotel because that tree right beside where she's standing is actually at the entrance of Garden Suite Hotel.

Thanks, I agree with you. The image you posted really looks like the area in the photo that she had posted in her IG.


@SuZy Leoo It seems possible and quite likely. See the image below posted by @ann-tole - it is similar to the background of the photo son Ye Jin had posted in her IG. Yeah!  Great minds think alike. Lol :D Like you, I will also  put Koreatown and this Ralph supermarket in my list of places to visit in my future trip to LA.




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Son Ye Jin was the first female cover model for Korean version of men’s magazine Esquire, 23th anniversary issue. She looks so sexy 


HB might be really proud of his love :)





HB: yummy :P


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@Helena  Thanks again for the wealth of information and background on SYJ and her thots about friendship in the industry. Love how you just calmly share the actual articles and interviews, which allows everyone to read and decide for themselves.


Each person is a complex being, and how we feel do change over time, through different experiences and personal growth and changes. What I can see is that SYJ is very comfortable with who she is right now, and she is happy with herself. It's actually the best time for her to be in a serious relationship. :D It's the same for HB, from what I can see through different interviews, past and current, and his career progression, he is also at a happy-state of life. I really believe that for a relationship to work best, both glasses should be full, and not wait for the other party to fill the cup. Of course there are different parts of them that will complement each other. But when they are happy with themselves as they are, it's so much easier for them to bring happiness to the other half or partner. :D



4 hours ago, Restless said:

This is a nice long read from an HB fan of what he/she noticed when HB met Yejin... hope you can read the entire thread


"Over the years, the happiest I've seen him in his interviews were all with Ye Jin."


Love reading this! I follow that fan on tweeter and it's really nice to read insights from HB's long time fans. :D Really hope for HB and SYJ to be happy together!


@nightskye  Nice analysis on why Binjin has actually planned for the LA trip and why it couldn't have been just a coincidence. :D Just one question though, about wearing a mask at the grocery in US, isn't that not normally done even for celebrities (unlike in Asia). I am asking cuz of the recent Covid19 situation and I read how wearing a mask is not a usual practice in the US. So maybe Binjin never near any masks there, just caps and dark glasses to remain inconspicuous. 





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Hello, shippers 


I'm a newbie to K-entertainment and also just found out about our lovely BinJin couple since I watched CLOY a month ago. I got so invested to their characters and started to browse news about them offline... call me addicted but I've been browsing news about them every day ever since, including being a silent reader to this forum ;)


I put off replying for a while but I can't get this thought out of my head.. perhaps someone can help me and bring me peace??

"why is it that they are more active after TN than now, after CLOY?" 

It also seems to me that there are more presscon/talkshow/roadshow to promote TN  but not as much for CLOY... is it normal? 


Their lack of updates (together) is killing me, I know HB is probably busy shooting for Bargaining but what about our SYJ? I hope that they're both okay and praying that we get to see even a tiniest bit of an update from both (together I hope) :) 


Thank you for reading and I wish everyone is save during the pandemic x 



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5 hours ago, Yanny62 said:


Agree with this! :D  They are comfortable with each other so manner hands are not needed. I recall many scenes where they're always have body contact with each other.  Like how he picked the artificial snow from her head and shoulder, how they were holding on each other's shoulders after taking the green screen photos, how he had his hand on her arm when they discuss about the borderline kiss, how he put his hand too close to her chest for the back hug and the Swiss photo (of course that was an accident/ a slip and wasn't intentional), how he forgot to look at her when she ran over to him at the scene of the gun shooting on the highway and she got pissed off and they hold onto each other, and also the hug at the CLOY wrap up party.  They're just so happy with each other with all the bickering. Recall the chicken wings time, the piano time, and the SK hospital kiss time.  Btw, my friend is watching CLOY now and I showed her all the evidence and she also said they're so sweet together.:heart: 


HB is usually shy but he definitely isn't shy in front of SYJ! I hoped that they spent enough time together during Covid season now that he has to film his new movie... let's continue to pray for this ship.


Guys, please stay positive and happy. I'm sure SYJ and HB wouldn't want their fans to be upset over trivial matters. We each have our own perspective and thoughts so let's try our best to understand different perspectives and focus on the good things we say!

@Yanny62 yesssss that he picked the artificial snow from her head reminds me when Yoo Inna revealed in Strong Heart that “There was finally a scene where it was just the two of us, and suddenly he called out for my stylist.I later found out that it was because he thought it would be unmannerly for him to pick off a piece of dust on my shoulder, so he called for my stylist instead” 

But When he witH yejin he just did it himself :love: I knowwwwwww

he wants to touch her badly! 



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