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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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@Bambiina I hope so. Another kiss is definitely a must! Maybe even indication they've moved in together in the future. haha I'm getting too far ahead of myself. I haven't seen YongPal did it end that badly for every to be so terrified of the writer? I hope the writer learned from his mistake and hopefully is trying to redeem himself? too hard to tell we can only hope that it's an ending that pleases most people.

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13 hours ago, Bambiina said:


Ahh .. When he falls in love with Anna .. it kinda overruled everything .... HE IS WILLING TO DIE FOR HER ... so yeah .. He redeem himself .. 

Because of JH .. Anna gets to enjoy daylight ... and he saved her - many many many time from being killed .. 

BTW - I said Except for J4, K1, Ajumma Cook, mr Song and Doctor .. 

and All mean people deserved to die ... very subjective you see ... Who is mean who not mean? 

Anyway I was not serious...  I was joking 

@Bambiina  Isn't this the fun part of this drama YJ could be pitied but things she has done overrules that pity. Like how she submits her life on Anna because the men around her made her unhappy that's called being very cruel rude selfish and this what makes her just a down right horrible person.. But in this story because were dealing with the rich and powerful greedy people they all wear masks to cover up who they really are.. So here it's hard to depict who is a villian and who's not because besides the ones you mention above all of them could die and they would not be missed..

I must say in the preview when Yj is watching JH and Anna from the car.. If thats not the look of her feeling betrayed on her face I don't know what is but she can't get angry because he never made her one promise he didn't keep and she knows she can't tie him down and would leave one day.. So one of my theories is: I think she would set him up in a trap to see just who he would die for first her or Anna.. He went to KILL Congressman Park as a favor for her but threw in some condition one for the her asst head and two let Anna go.. Yj agreed to the terms but JH also knew if he didn't make it back alieve that it was no way YJ would keep that promise and besides if he would have suceeded he would have been blamed for killing the man JH is no dummy.. He agreed for serveral reasons and they all surrounds the protection of himself and Anna.. He went in there knowing that the coward would pay him off and people from they side would try and kill him.. Jh know Yj would never give him a lump sum of money for him to leave she would do whatever it takes to keep him around even if it means using Anna to hold on to him now with him having this big payout JH and Anna are free to leave and no one can stop them.. YJ is going to test JH and thats going to break whatever business dealings they have because killing Congressman Park is personal for him not a deal like it is for her goal she gets something out of it for him he's not looking to reap a benefit from it

10 hours ago, plappi said:

I'm little late today (((


@plappi  Don't feel bad I'm late everyday and miss all the juciy comments when there being posted..:blink:   

Now Heres a few people that gets and understand Yj character they both understood my point on YJ and quoted..

4 hours ago, julie721 said:
15 hours ago, valsava said:

Yj wanted to keep Jh with her so the only way she thought she could win him over to her side was to have him enter cloud 9 but Jh being around cloud 9 and Yj is to protect Anna.. Jh would never put himself in a position to were he can't protect the both of them because he already knows if anyone gets a whif of him having feelings for Anna it would be used against him.. from the preview Yj is finding this out now Yj has to think of a plan to try and separate the two if she can't separte the two she will kill.. Yj is the type if I can't have you no one can..

Niceeee point.. One of the roots of her evilness is possessive traits. She started plotting with SeJoon because her possessiveness to JB group, she lashed her wrath to Anna and UHR because her possessiveness to JSJ, I'd see her would go down the repetitive path regarding JehAnna. Her attraction to Jeha is clear, but still debatable whether her interest for him purely love/lust/respect/appreciation only, but I think it's the mix of this feelings and added possession into it. YJ has unawarely thought Jeha is her person (because she added him to cloud 9) despite her initial knowledge that Jeha would never be controlled by her. 


4 hours ago, kaoriharang said:

but to the point made by @valsava and what you madeI about YJ's possessive trait. I totally agree with it. I think the more we watch the show the more we realise that YJ is not the normal kind of villain where they are just plain evil. But what she is now, is very much been made sadly probably all her life. With her family to her husband. She never really had someone around her to love and care fr her. She probably learnt the only way she can have them is if she does these extreme methods. Like trapping her husband using Anna as bait, taking out the competition through underhand methods. 

When suddenly JH comes along, someone who sort of understands her, very much proven some loyalty to her (the scene about taking out the guards at the family meeting) I think she finally realises that she had someone by her side, someone probably not scared of her as well. But then lo and behold, he falls in love with Anna. The one person who reminds her of her ultimate weakness, the one thing she doesnt have; a child. And JH is going out of his way to really be with Anna, protect her, love her. 

I just worry that now with her i guess in this erratic state she is in, she will spiral further down and do something even more extreme compared to what she has been doing. But i do echo your thoughts that yes YJ is a victim, she is avictim of circumstance. She probably was not bron in to a famiy thatloved each other. She was not in a imarraige that was the ideal marriage we all hope for. So her thinking ad pesonality is definitely abnormal. 

@kaoriharang & @julie721 We have not sctratch the surface of YJ possesive traits she will go over the edge it's only a matter of time JH is like that ticking time bomb to set it off because the first time he tells her no and turns around and put Anna in front of her wants her needs thats it all hell is going to break loose..

If secty Kim dies it might be she kills herself because it's twice she has given orders to kill JH and knowing that he's not dead and thinking he's coming for her is enough for her to9 off herself because it's twice she has acted without Yj orders to get rid of him..



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1 hour ago, mooster said:

@eva23 @nona88 - No problem!!! Like I said ... we gotta share the prettiness. I'm just glad some turned those into gifs to help tide us over til the actual episode. That hug scene, it seriously looked like Yoona was going to flatten JCW with the way she ran to him. Hahaha ... but it's so freaking cute how he smiled as he received the hug ... gah! 

@notohaterfans - I'm right there with you ... gotta create a folder just so i can save pics and gifs on my hard drive! Seriously .. these two are just stunning together ... :wub:

Gah, all these BTS videos!!! Made my day!!!! LOVE to see how comfortable Yoona and JCW are with one another off screen. Just a natural chemistry between them ... really. UGH ... just date already! lol ... and I had a feeling that blanket kiss was a one take ... that's how good they are together! Muahahha ...


So loovee it.. even its just a look like.. I just thinking indeed Anna flatten Jeha.. or we can say Yoona to JCW bwahahahaa.. my shipper heart can't handle it.. that hug there is no space between them at all.. bet JCW can feel all over her body kyaaaaaaaa...

and the blanket rooftop scene OMG.. can we discuss it later.. I want to see  it properly.. and I will watch tonight episode with 1080p HD quality.. so I can see them clearly and what's going there.. my wild wild mind :phew:.. :glasses:

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I've been watching this gif non-stop. Does it seem like he's actually crouched with Yoona not really sitting in his lap? Or maybe he's just got his legs spread out and she's sitting in the middle because the blanket moves in the right corner kind of a like a foot movement... I am overanalyzing this way too much. 


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6 hours ago, Bambiina said:

:D I believe she has 'Victim Syndrome'. Hehehe Got.this.from DB...  

@perfectsmilebias  No worries :D

@gimely I am sorry I am one of a few people always engaged in battle of the opinion...anyway In order to survive in open forum like this we have to do selective reading

The theme itself is heavy... The discussion will be heavy what more with passionate.viewer like me in the thread wakakaka.. I know some are here to de stressed.

One of the reason for the discussion is we have newbie coming in (which is good) soooo we will go back to square 1 ..

Soompi still a lot cooler (very mild discussion)  compare to db or koala pg (which is not for the faint heart)


Everything you wrote is so true. Except one :) My heart is ok and the thing I worried for here is not me or my heart but my friends here at soompi :) People here I so into the analysis they sometimes went too far in the discussion untill personal. I know no one did this because wanted but accidentaly thanks to the heavy theme and again because they so into it. I am sure everybody meant well what they wrote. But from outside?  It was worried me my friends will fight. The atmosphere was very dark and not because if the heavy theme.

And heavy discussion is my favourite if I invest in a drama this much time. :)


5 hours ago, julie721 said:

Aigooooo.. The last time I posted here the mood was PINK and happy tralala.. But now I open it I'm like "WAIT WHAAAATT?!?"


Even our thread had been given name as "minefield" in Twitter.. Hahahahaha so it'd be better to have civil discussion and not personal attack, okay yeorubun?

But meanwhile, let's spread good vibes and cheer up the thread... 


Minefield? :D well, because of the involuntary personal attacks it could seem from outside a minefield. As if we read some competition who has bigger true, but they are just so into it can't notice the mood changed. But still. Minefield? It is an exaggeration :D hahahaha

The real minefield is Cloud 9 :D


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10 hours ago, zagigirl said:


No...you'r not :)...quilty as well...but there r enough space for everyone and thats good

About that slap Anna's dad gives to YJ...not that she didn't deserve it...but he's next candidate...and there r more


But unfortunatelly not enough for being prev :P hahahahaha 

@nona88 I can't wait for JehAnna scenes too. We will have so much fun :) I hope I can spazz here in my workplace. At home I will watch the raw but until that I have limited web connection no SNS, no youtube etc. bruhuhuhu, but still I am ready for the joy :)


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*me peeking under the blanket self pinching cheeks since JH is not here asking is it Friday already?*  Yay! It's K2 day ~ rooftop date!  From before I love how JCW runs.  He is a natural runner with no awkward movement like other actors.  But then I am bias when it comes to JCW *winks*.   I also notice that JCW must have a thing about shooting love scenes at high places like building rooftops and now house rooftops.  *sigh*. Too many memorable scenes in K2 for me to choose my top scenes.  

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@nona88 aaaahhhh! The blanket is just a camouflage ~ he's playing footsie with AN ~ and left this scene to our imagination any way we want it.  JH heard that we analyse the scenes to the smallest details like when he was comforting AN we saw his thumb was caressing AN shoulder so now he wants the blanket to hide *any hummmmph* actions.  LOL!  

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THANK YOU GUYS:heart:! kyaaaaa!!! what a great day to start shipping! hahahhahah


dont want to be a delulu shipper but ive always noticed JCW looking/staring at Y,.. gaaahh!! just date already!! :heart::wub:

cant wait for the ep 11! so excited! i dont want to be greedy, but i want another kissuuee! a deep passionate long kissssss!! hihihihihi

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@michiusa bwahaahah your analyze so great.. I bet anna sit on his other leg.. cuz I see the other side of blanket looks kind of loose... kyaa.. here we go analyse the blanket rooftop scene..

did I say I want to discuss it after we're watching it? #sigh.. indeed we can't help it.. we have no patient to wait to talk about it right guys??


@feima I saw it too.. he stroke his thumb on anna's shoulder.. (rooftop comfort anna's scene) ..I got it changwook shi.. yoona only can be treat so tenderly.. hahahhaha.. 

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Annyeong agents.!!!  53

Calling all the K2 agents to the live recap...I might missed some names please shout out so I can add you next I see LOTS of new agents in here..LOVE IT!!...see you at tonight episode which will be started soon YEAY 

Also welcome to the new agents annyeong!!! 46

@klgirl @kaoriharang @angelbeast90 @perfectsmilebias @nonski @nona88 @AriaAA @Kim Hana @evok @namyo @bebebisous33 @paulette @an-naum @lebritneeey @dhia205 @ashvaugn @sakura22 @andy78 @Bambiina@KimYoojungxLeeBitna @cherkell @ororomunroe @jeonghyang @zagigirl @nploan @kanyaprasetyo @jongski @irilight @evie7 @kaiskloset @UnniSarah @konjo @chi_mo_chi @mellinadear @alekaonu @jerboa83 @valsava @akinahana89 @ruzikie @serendipity_1993 @plappi @czakhareina1 @stargazer187 @julie721 @ReemKanabta  @lynne22 @mooste @ellesina @sharreb @fathiayunia @leekyuphii @cmoirae2 @siddo @chuchuapuap00 @SunnySun26 @solelylurking @junee22 @Mona Ys @sujenlee06 @YourHighness . @Ayame @Grey_Lady @ichadewi @liltash85 @grapefruit7 @gyu2003 @yournameit @lovelyloveu @SunnySun26 @sutcliff @miriamdream2 @minhye1822 @MfnKa @mooster

 @LyraYoo @jagmac24_111a @eva23@soniawong @gimely @princessbelle1022 @Claudia Ximena @sally_b @aparr@notohaterfans @riiko1988 @EmmanuelleLinYi @paulette @raniely @feima @Mayiya @fifie @SunnySun26 @Sesame Chew @O2


@SunnySun26 @Sesame Chew @O2


I'm so sorry if I still missed some of you please shout then I will gladly add you to the roll calls .... 

Blanket Couple !!! I'm sooo ready to see another kiss scene tonight wkkwkwkwkwwkkwkwkwk 66

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4 hours ago, valsava said:

@Bambiina  Isn't this the fun part of this drama YJ could be pitied but things she has done overrules that pity. Like how she submits her life on Anna because the men around her made her unhappy that's called being very cruel rude selfish and this what makes her just a down right horrible person.. But in this story because were dealing with the rich and powerful greedy people they all wear masks to cover up who they really are.. So here it's hard to depict who is a villian and who's not because besides the ones you mention above all of them could die and they would not be missed..

I must say in the preview when Yj is watching JH and Anna from the car.. If thats not the look of her feeling betrayed on her face I don't know what is but she can't get angry because he never made her one promise he didn't keep and she knows she can't tie him down and would leave one day.. So one of my theories is: I think she would set him up in a trap to see just who he would die for first her or Anna.. He went to KILL Congressman Park as a favor for her but threw in some condition one for the her asst head and two let Anna go.. Yj agreed to the terms but JH also knew if he didn't make it back alieve that it was no way YJ would keep that promise and besides if he would have suceeded he would have been blamed for killing the man JH is no dummy.. He agreed for serveral reasons and they all surrounds the protection of himself and Anna.. He went in there knowing that the coward would pay him off and people from they side would try and kill him.. Jh know Yj would never give him a lump sum of money for him to leave she would do whatever it takes to keep him around even if it means using Anna to hold on to him now with him having this big payout JH and Anna are free to leave and no one can stop them.. YJ is going to test JH and thats going to break whatever business dealings they have because killing Congressman Park is personal for him not a deal like it is for her goal she gets something out of it for him he's not looking to reap a benefit from it

@plappi  Don't feel bad I'm late everyday and miss all the juciy comments when there being posted..:blink:   

Now Heres a few people that gets and understand Yj character they both understood my point on YJ and quoted..


@kaoriharang & @julie721 We have not sctratch the surface of YJ possesive traits she will go over the edge it's only a matter of time JH is like that ticking time bomb to set it off because the first time he tells her no and turns around and put Anna in front of her wants her needs thats it all hell is going to break loose..

If secty Kim dies it might be she kills herself because it's twice she has given orders to kill JH and knowing that he's not dead and thinking he's coming for her is enough for her to9 off herself because it's twice she has acted without Yj orders to get rid of him..




do you think YJ will kill her? I dont know how does YJ see secretary Kim to be honest. I mean if she always takes things into her own hands, i rather YJ get rid of her.

But i dont know if she will kill herself, she probably wont?



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@eva23 ,  @feima, @michiusa , @riiko1988, @perfectsmilebias  @alekaonu @gyu2003 @notohaterfans @soniawong

@julie721 , @valsava @minhye1822@plappi@mooster   @MfnKa@liltash85  @gimely 



 i am really proud of all of you my Friends  - you just back to the right mood :love: you making my day while reading all your posts so that the really Friday fun  B)

  • prev- analysis to JH hand , legs , eyes and even the way he smile and even his thumb ( you killing me here :heart:)
  • cute BTS and new photo of a great OTP in the drama and a nice co stars in really life (no shipping since we still have rules here :bawling:)
  • talking about that ANNA in the same cloth all the scenes ( okay we going to have a long night for the OTP ) first hugging cause he come back a live, going to have party with JSS hot men , then warm scene on the rooftop , sad hug on the rooftop ( maybe JH past as gift too ) then hot back hug with so much moving hands ( okay dear writer and PD don't tell me that all that going to be scenes that less then 5 minutes :triumph:)
  • back to the " Spain hot scene "dream - okay seeing the KISS BTS now , we can have hopes or dream that it wasn't the first kiss or the first  romance scenes between them  , so maybe the rumor of them having romance scene back then in SPAIN shooting  will become true - okay why just filming running and sad scene in Spain when they can use that for so much more ???
  • about JH hairstyle , sure hot guys still has time to change the hair style before and after "killing mission " and dont get it wrong it not cause he had time for that , he like his hair down but since he in mission they told him that for helmet it better to make his hair up :D;)
  •  i like the way JH LOOKING at ANNA every time too , it make me melting, wow if i had a man looking at me like this i was going to hide him from the whole world  - how can a man look at a girl with  so many different and loving gazes !!!!!!!!!
  •  JCW and YOONA are sure a evil soul mate - i really like their fun part and natural talking , they really the playful and stubborn kids type - you can tell that from their online chat video , when they was so   serious about a games and didn't let go to each other and make sure to gave back more then what  they get ( a really stubborn children they were - i  like the 10  question game the most , they didn't act nice or polite to each other when the game start they both get  serious and back fire at each other cutely ) 
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okay what that 


the news say that" Yoona wore white dress from Yoo Hye Lim wedding for #TheK2 ep.11. Also mentioning that the dress is fully hand made"

 okay it normal pretty dress for me but reading wedding words make me go jumping around ( okay YP writer like them getting marriage when they join hands to fight evil people - i am going far again i know it ) 



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hot guy in mission ( okay what wrong with TVN gave all the day still's from last week ep's and before airing the drama in just one hour start gave us still's from this week ep's ???) 


Cv2L2IAUIAAC9U1.jpg  Cv2L2aVVYAEYY_w.jpg  Cv2L2_XVUAE7KtW.jpg  


anyway he still so hot to not look 

okay more still's JH &PARK 



YJ stalking JH AND ANNA and other still's





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11 minutes ago, nona88 said:

the news say that" Yoona wore white dress from Yoo Hye Lim wedding for #TheK2 ep.11. Also mentioning that the dress is fully hand made"

 okay it normal pretty dress for me but reading wedding words make me go jumping around ( okay YP writer like them getting marriage when they join hands to fight evil people - i am going far again i know it ) 

married with JH???? If yes...I really love this samchoon..... 

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