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Joo Won 주원 [Drama- The Midnight Studio/ 야한(夜限) 사진관]


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8 hours ago, kittyna said:


By the way, is it just me, or does JW seem to have some sort of special connection with Cheorwon? First of all, there's this whole point (the interview is filmed at Morning Calm Village, which is - or at least was - a resort that was run by his agency and that also appears several times in Life Log), but if I recall correctly, the White Skulls are also based in that area, since it's actually really close to the DMZ.


I remember reading somewhere that both Joo Won and Uhm Taewoong were endorsing Morning Calm Village for a while. Joo Won also held some special fan meeting events there like the Cantata camping with fans event back in October 2012. 

In the 30 questions & 30 answers interview he gave after Gaksital there was this Q&A: 

11. If you were to date the girl you’d like, where would you go?

Cheorwon, Gangwon-do. I will like to go to place I endorsed – Morning Calm Village.


Also, Joo Won posted on his insta today :issohappy:



I'm just so happy seeing him~ 

I wonder what he's been up to these days. Is he about to start filming Carter? Has he picked his next drama yet? 

Kwak Siyang replied to his post telling him "I think you've lost more weight" and Joo Won replied with "보고품:love:

Neither papago nor google were of any help translating his reply^^ Must be some sort of word melt? If anyone has any clue what it might mean please share. 



Joo Won's IG post also made it to two Naver articles, both mention his sharp jawline.




ps: I just watched ep 40 (417) of 1N2D and I can't help but miss his cute cheeks a little 



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5 hours ago, Calli said:

Kwak Siyang replied to his post telling him "I think you've lost more weight" and Joo Won replied with "보고품:love:


I'm not sure, but it might be a play on "bogopa" (보고파), which is a cute/aegyo way of saying "I miss you". Changing the ending of a word so that it ends up on "m" (ㅁ), so maybe JW's doing, like, double the aegyo? Maybe? That's my closest guess, because actually just doing a Google search on 보고품 wound up with "report" (i.e. this is a report about...), and that doesn't really work with the context.


5 hours ago, Calli said:

Joo Won's IG post also made it to two Naver articles, both mention his sharp jawline.




ps: I just watched ep 40 (417) of 1N2D and I can't help but miss his cute cheeks a little 


The thing about JW's face shape, though, is that he somehow miraculously manages to have both the sharp jawline and cute chubby cheeks at the same time. Mind you, his cheeks are proportionately less chubby than before, since he is in his 30s now, and that's a part of aging, but you can still see them in pictures taken from the front or when he's smiling.


With JW, it all comes down to the camera angle ;) - that sometimes does lead fans on an interesting loop, though. I've seen it play out a few times where people compare different pictures of JW from different times and they wonder whether he had cosmetic surgery done recently...and then we see another newer shot that's back to the old face and it's like, "Nope" :P 

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1 hour ago, kittyna said:


I'm not sure, but it might be a play on "bogopa" (보고파), which is a cute/aegyo way of saying "I miss you". Changing the ending of a word so that it ends up on "m" (ㅁ), so maybe JW's doing, like, double the aegyo? Maybe? That's my closest guess, because actually just doing a Google search on 보고품 wound up with "report" (i.e. this is a report about...), and that doesn't really work with the context.


Oh, could be! I only know "보고싶어요" for I miss you/I long to see you (so with the 싶 in there) and then I know "I'm hungry" = 배고파요  but with aegyo and all the combining of words they do I'm always lost when it comes to Korean colloquialisms. 

I remember in Win Win (2012) Joo Won's hyungs remarked on the cutesy language he was using in their 1N2D kakao talk group - it's really sweet and weirdly reassuring to think he still does^^


1 hour ago, kittyna said:

The thing about JW's face shape, though, is that he somehow miraculously manages to have both the sharp jawline and cute chubby cheeks at the same time. Mind you, his cheeks are proportionately less chubby than before, since he is in his 30s now, and that's a part of aging, but you can still see them in pictures taken from the front or when he's smiling.


With JW, it all comes down to the camera angle ;) - that sometimes does lead fans on an interesting loop, though. I've seen it play out a few times where people compare different pictures of JW from different times and they wonder whether he had cosmetic surgery done recently...and then we see another newer shot that's back to the old face and it's like, "Nope" :P 


That's so true. Both the fact that he used to easily pull of a sharp jawline AND cute chubby cheeks ( case in point: Joo Won at the 2012 KBS Entertainment Awards)




and that angle plays such a role in how he looks. I've never thought even once that he's had cosmetic surgery... but I think the fact that even his face can look so versatile (depending on angle and expression) is why I found him so fascinating to look at from the get-go. 

I didn't consider that ageing might play a role in his cute cheeks getting less fluffy/chubby... based on what I know of Korean beauty standards most people will welcome that part of ageing then. I wonder how Joo Won feels about that. The sharper the jawline, the happier most Korean celebrities are. And in that 30 Q&A interview I referenced in my previous post he was asked this: 


"8.If you were to go for cosmetic surgery, which part would you correct?

Cheekbones (laughs)"


I personally wouldn't change a single thing about him, not back then and not now~(even if I do miss his fluffy cheeks sometimes)

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14 hours ago, Calli said:

I remember in Win Win (2012) Joo Won's hyungs remarked on the cutesy language he was using in their 1N2D kakao talk group - it's really sweet and weirdly reassuring to think he still does^^



lol - I remember that: they were going like, "He texts like a girl!" :loolz: (Not a bad thing, in my opinion)


14 hours ago, Calli said:

I didn't consider that ageing might play a role in his cute cheeks getting less fluffy/chubby... based on what I know of Korean beauty standards most people will welcome that part of ageing then. I wonder how Joo Won feels about that. The sharper the jawline, the happier most Korean celebrities are.


It's just something I've observed: a lot of Hallyu actors suddenly start looking a lot less baby-faced and their features end up sharper and their faces more angular when they hit their late 20s or early 30s. For JW, that shift was already starting to become noticeable when he enlisted, but it was really apparent once we saw him in Alice.


K-drama characters with superpowers - including Park Jin Gyeom


More awesome JW fanart - make sure to click through to see the cute chibi cartoon that comes after the more realistic sketch ;) 

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On 4/21/2021 at 4:59 AM, kittyna said:

It's just something I've observed: a lot of Hallyu actors suddenly start looking a lot less baby-faced and their features end up sharper and their faces more angular when they hit their late 20s or early 30s. For JW, that shift was already starting to become noticeable when he enlisted, but it was really apparent once we saw him in Alice.


I have a big gap of knowledge in all things Joo Won between the years 2016-2019 at the moment but from the few pics and clips I've seen from that period it seemed to me too that "that shift" you mention @kittynastarted manifesting around 2016/17... I'm excited to learn more about those years, though at the moment I'm still stuck in early 2013^^ And since it's Thursday I thought I'd do a little throwback~


I watched episode 43 of S2 of 1N2D yesterday and I had to laugh so hard I almost choked on my water^^ (for real)

That zombie game they played in this episode is the most hilarious and most insane one I've ever seen :lol: Poor Joo Won actually walked away with at least one bite mark.


It was also the episode where they recorded that hilarious skit that was shown during the 2012 KBS Entertainment Awards where Joo Won also won the Best Newcomer Award:yay:

The skit starts at 49'58''. Joo Won's dead pan expressions while he was delivering his lines were so perfect, I watched the skit with my sister and she laughed so hard even without understanding what he was saying at first^^


(here is softy's translation of the skit in case someone hasn't seen it yet or wants to rewatch:

"SW starts off by saying we are the guys that have one thing every audience member doesnt like so living with this misunderstanding we want to tell every audience member right here and now – please dont misunderstand.  each 1n2d member stepped up to say something. JW says cuz of his nickname lots of people think he is ignorant. SW: they could do that. JW: to be honest I am really smart – but cuz of variety, I am pretending not to know. JM asks “what is 4×8” and JW says “14.  next is “5 x (times).”  TW steps up and says I am dog feet. on 1n2d I cant do games well, everyone keeps saying I am dog feet cuz I cant do sports of hackysack well, but look carefully. he takes his socks off and shows his feet and says I am human feet. the guys look and say he really does have human feet. SG steps up and says as you all know, I am a short guy. listen carefully to my words. who is saying a short guy doesnt have charm? if a short guy doesnt have charm or if a tall guy doesnt have charm – I will show you right here. JW and SK go over so SG can put his arms around them as they carry him off. TH says you are cool. SW: you have charm. next TH steps up and I have no idea what he is talking about – something about him being childish but I dont get the joke. next SK steps up and admits “yes I eat a lot” in a quiet voice. LOL. SK: to be funny I ate a lot and gained weight. he says how something doesnt fit now and he is on a diet. next year I will have a chiseled jaw and comeback as a ballad singer. dont misunderstand. he eats something as he goes back to his spot. SW says that really looks delicious. JM steps up and says I am a singer too (cuz people forget that about him I think) SK hugs him.  it makes CTH laugh like crazy. SW steps up to say something. SW: I wanted to but JM says dont so SW keeps walking. JW and SG do the ending by SG asking him what “5x 6 is” and JW replies with a straight face “32. next is 6 x.” they all laugh.")


The more 1N2D episodes I watch the more I'm thinking it must have been a really difficult decision for Joo Won to leave in October 2013... it seems to me he and his 6 hyungs formed a really strong bond during their time together. Despite the difficulties, those 1 1/2 years Joo Won was on 1N2D must be a really precious memory for him. I wonder if he's still in touch with any of them...





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Well, now, here's a throwback: a short video clip from JW's time in Spring Awakening, looking very much like the teenager his character (Melchior) was supposed to be. (For those who don't know: Spring Awakening is about a bunch of students in 19th century Germany and their first forays into both romantic and sexual relationships.)



15 hours ago, Calli said:

I have a big gap of knowledge in all things Joo Won between the years 2016-2019 at the moment but from the few pics and clips I've seen from that period it seemed to me too that "that shift" you mention @kittynastarted manifesting around 2016/17.


You're right: it does start getting really noticeable in 2016 :) I'll just leave the eye candy for you to figure out on your own.







15 hours ago, Calli said:

The more 1N2D episodes I watch the more I'm thinking it must have been a really difficult decision for Joo Won to leave in October 2013... it seems to me he and his 6 hyungs formed a really strong bond during their time together. Despite the difficulties, those 1 1/2 years Joo Won was on 1N2D must be a really precious memory for him. I wonder if he's still in touch with any of them...


Maybe. I do think JW's changed his predominant social circle a few times, but I also hope he's still in touch with the hyungs. Or at least still on good terms with them: we can definitely say that for Lee Su Geun and Yu Hae Jin (who joins the 1N2D cast later in the season), at least. :) 


Even over the course of the season itself, the dynamic does shift (or at least the editing makes it look like it does) as JW ends up growing less attached to Uhm Tae Woong (especially after his wedding) and starts spending more time with some of the other hyungs instead.

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Thanks so much for all the goodies you shared @kittyna, loved watching all three of them :wub:


I had seen some clips of Joo Won during his Spring Awakening time, but I don't know what superstarK is. Was that a tv program? I was watching a clip from Joo Won performing "Those Magic Changes" in 2008 at the 14th Korean Musical Awards which were broadcast on KBS and it hit me that Joo Won had already been on TV (several times probably?) before his drama debut in 2010. 


The transition from boy to man (if you will) in terms of Joo Won's lovely face were definitely starting to be noticeable in those Mind Bridge photoshoot behinds you shared. I also remember watching a fancam of one of his Mountia fansigns from the end of 2016 where he wears his hair very similarly to how he did a lot during 2012/13 and I couldn't help but notice a difference. The lovely cheeks are still there, they just seem less... fluffy^^ He just looks more mature somehow. Less baby boy, more manly man. If that makes sense~








8 hours ago, kittyna said:

I do think JW's changed his predominant social circle a few times, but I also hope he's still in touch with the hyungs. Or at least still on good terms with them: we can definitely say that for Lee Su Geun and Yu Hae Jin (who joins the 1N2D cast later in the season), at least. :) 


Even over the course of the season itself, the dynamic does shift (or at least the editing makes it look like it does) as JW ends up growing less attached to Uhm Tae Woong (especially after his wedding) and starts spending more time with some of the other hyungs instead.


I still have about 40 episodes of 1N2D to go until Joo Won's exit and tbh I'm always looking for moments between Joo Won and his Taewoong hyung but already for quite a while before his wedding there have been very few of those. But that might have been because of editing because there's no doubt those two were close (and possibly still are). Joo Won knew of his hyung's wedding before he announced it on 1N2D and Uhm Taewoong also did a cameo on 7th Grade Civil Servant out of "loyalty to Joo Won".

I also felt that besides with Lee Su Geun, Joo Won got really close and comfortable with Kim Seung Woo. Joo Won often used him as a pillow when he was tired^^ 

It was really nice though to see Joo Won interact with Lee Su Geun on Knowing Bros. I thought there was a lot of love there from the way Lee Su Geun was talking about Joo Won and sharing memories of the old 1N2D days and calling him "Joo Wonie". Made me feel like he was still their sweet maknae in his hyung's eyes :fullofhearts:

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12 hours ago, Calli said:

I was watching a clip from Joo Won performing "Those Magic Changes" in 2008 at the 14th Korean Musical Awards which were broadcast on KBS and it hit me that Joo Won had already been on TV (several times probably?) before his drama debut in 2010. 


His TV debut (if you mean just in general and not in dramas) was in 2006, when he had a short stint on a kids' show called Frees. Like, we're talking so far back that it even predates his stage name: he still went by Jun Won then.


There are a couple of clips floating around on YouTube from that, but this one's my personal favourite since we get to see his dancing skills :glasses:



And, if you've ever seen the 2010 KBS Drama Awards show performance he did with his fellow King of Baking cast members...well, it looks like he picked up the drumming well before then ;) By the way, every time I watch this clip, I'm struck by just how quickly JW picks up on subtle cues from the instructor: whenever the instructor changes the rhythm, JW's already there and following along while the rest of the cast has to play catch up :P 



12 hours ago, Calli said:

I still have about 40 episodes of 1N2D to go until Joo Won's exit and tbh I'm always looking for moments between Joo Won and his Taewoong hyung but already for quite a while before his wedding there have been very few of those. But that might have been because of editing because there's no doubt those two were close (and possibly still are). Joo Won knew of his hyung's wedding before he announced it on 1N2D and Uhm Taewoong also did a cameo on 7th Grade Civil Servant out of "loyalty to Joo Won".


I think there's reasonable argument to say that JW and Uhm Tae Woong were still close up until 2014 at least - since JW does talk about him in Life Log when he walks the dog around Morning Calm Village. After that, though...it's harder to judge, as I personally don't recall JW mentioning him since - but then again, my memory could just be fuzzy.


12 hours ago, Calli said:

I also felt that besides with Lee Su Geun, Joo Won got really close and comfortable with Kim Seung Woo. Joo Won often used him as a pillow when he was tired^^ 


Lee Su Geun, Kim Seung Woo, and (in the second half of the season) Yu Hae Jin and Sung Si Kyung as well. lol - Basically, there wasn't really a hyung JW didn't like, or who didn't like him back :P 


12 hours ago, Calli said:

It was really nice though to see Joo Won interact with Lee Su Geun on Knowing Bros. I thought there was a lot of love there from the way Lee Su Geun was talking about Joo Won and sharing memories of the old 1N2D days and calling him "Joo Wonie".


For me, it was the "Joo Won-ie" that was the big "Aww..." moment in that episode. As you said, that's something very special that developed between JW and his 1N2D hyungs, so I loved that little throwback, too :fullofhearts:


More amazing fanart - Honestly, I have huge admiration for this artist; I have no idea how she(?) does these pictures so quickly :approves:

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13 hours ago, kittyna said:


His TV debut (if you mean just in general and not in dramas) was in 2006, when he had a short stint on a kids' show called Frees. Like, we're talking so far back that it even predates his stage name: he still went by Jun Won then.


There are a couple of clips floating around on YouTube from that, but this one's my personal favourite since we get to see his dancing skills :glasses:


Frees! Of course! That was a on TV as well. I read a little bit about Joo Won's time with Frees and that he didn't stay long because he wanted to pursue musicals instead (if I'm not mistaken). And I had stumbled on the first video you shared @kittynaa little while back and I remember how stunned I was at Joo Won's dancing skills~ Not because it's that surprising an athletic natural like him could have such moves, and I had heard him say on Win Win that he learned dancing from scratch in school, but because whenever I had seen him dance "freestyle" on 1N2D by that point he was so shy and cute and a lil awkward about it - when I saw him in that clip I went "woah! Joo Won can dance too?!?!" :lol: There's really no end to this man's talents... 


13 hours ago, kittyna said:

And, if you've ever seen the 2010 KBS Drama Awards show performance he did with his fellow King of Baking cast members...well, it looks like he picked up the drumming well before then ;) By the way, every time I watch this clip, I'm struck by just how quickly JW picks up on subtle cues from the instructor: whenever the instructor changes the rhythm, JW's already there and following along while the rest of the cast has to play catch up :P 


I haven't watched the 2010 KBS Drama Awards performance you mention @kittyna - there is so SO much I haven't watched yet and don't know about Joo Won yet. I don't know if I can ever properly catch up to be honest (he's done so much and worked so hard for so many years) but I've definitely noticed that he is a very, very quick study. He picks up things and skills so quickly, it's almost intimidating~ Especially when there's coordination involved he's such a quick learner. And with things that don't come that easily to him he just works hard until they do. I admire that so much about him. 


13 hours ago, kittyna said:

I think there's reasonable argument to say that JW and Uhm Tae Woong were still close up until 2014 at least - since JW does talk about him in Life Log when he walks the dog around Morning Calm Village. After that, though...it's harder to judge, as I personally don't recall JW mentioning him since - but then again, my memory could just be fuzzy.


I haven't encountered a mention of Uhm Taewoong by Joo Won post Life Log either but then I have such a humungous gap of knowledge to fill^^ I just kinda assumed that with them still being in the same agency they'd still be in touch in some form or other. But they lead such busy lives that it's probably hard to maintain a close relationship unless you run in the same social circle. 


(This is from the 1N2D episode they filmed right after Taewoong returned from his honeymoon)



No doubt Joo Won loved all his 1N2D hyungs and was loved by them :') I would love for them to have an onscreen reunion and see them interact again. 


By the way, does anyone know why Joo Won's English wikipedia page doesn't have a photograph of him anymore?

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9 hours ago, Calli said:

By the way, does anyone know why Joo Won's English wikipedia page doesn't have a photograph of him anymore?


That would be up to whoever updates the Wikipedia page, wouldn't it?


Just came across this video today - if anyone wants a quick summary of JW's career to date:



9 hours ago, Calli said:

Not because it's that surprising an athletic natural like him could have such moves, and I had heard him say on Win Win that he learned dancing from scratch in school, but because whenever I had seen him dance "freestyle" on 1N2D by that point he was so shy and cute and a lil awkward about it - when I saw him in that clip I went "woah! Joo Won can dance too?!?!"


I do think he probably struggles with improvising dance moves on the spot, but if we're talking about learned choreography, he's definitely got it ;) 


9 hours ago, Calli said:

I've definitely noticed that he is a very, very quick study. He picks up things and skills so quickly, it's almost intimidating~ Especially when there's coordination involved he's such a quick learner. And with things that don't come that easily to him he just works hard until they do. I admire that so much about him. 


I also think, based on that clip from Frees and how he is on 1N2D, that JW might be a kinesthetic learner (i.e. he learns by doing something rather than by seeing or hearing about it). He's also got a really strong innate sense of rhythm, which served him well in Nae Il's Cantabile in particular.


9 hours ago, Calli said:

I haven't watched the 2010 KBS Drama Awards performance you mention


Well, then, I'm gonna have to fix that! By the way, I also love how both JW and Yoon Si Yoon start off in-character, but they're definitely just themselves by the end :) 



9 hours ago, Calli said:

I just kinda assumed that with them still being in the same agency they'd still be in touch in some form or other. But they lead such busy lives that it's probably hard to maintain a close relationship unless you run in the same social circle.


Uhm Tae Woong left the agency in 2015, but signed back on in 2018, so maybe they got back in touch then? Again, without anyone making any sort of public contact, there's no way of knowing for sure.

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On 4/24/2021 at 10:15 PM, kittyna said:


That would be up to whoever updates the Wikipedia page, wouldn't it?


Actually anyone with a wiki account can edit any entry... I've edited many entries myself over the years. It's just tricky to add a photograph because of all the copyright issues. I actually tried to add one of Joo Won's photographs that have been shared by his agency after I noticed that his previous photo had been removed but since I'm not the copyright holder, wiki didn't allow an upload :( I wish his agency would update it but I kinda doubt they will.


On 4/24/2021 at 10:15 PM, kittyna said:

I do think he probably struggles with improvising dance moves on the spot, but if we're talking about learned choreography, he's definitely got it ;) 


Haha, true. I actually love that when he has to improvise his innate cuteness just pours out^^ 



Well, then, I'm gonna have to fix that! By the way, I also love how both JW and Yoon Si Yoon start off in-character, but they're definitely just themselves by the end :) 



I watched the whole clip to the very end but only caught a very short glimpse of Joo Won in the audience. I'll look for it and will definitely watch it though.

At the moment I'm kinda stuck wanting to proceed in chronological order in my Joo Won "studies" (lol) and started watching 7th Grade Civilian Servant. I know this drama started out really well ratings wise but then started dropping and it's hardly ever mentioned when people talk of Joo Won's dramas but I still want to approach it with an open mind. Though after watching the first two episodes my mind inadvertently summoned an image of a Lamborghini being stuck in a 30 km/h zone (Joo Won being the Lamborghini and the drama itself the 30km/h zone) :(

But then again from everything I've read it's a drama that gave Joo Won lots of happiness while filming and a sense of freedom he hadn't felt before so I'm really happy he took on the role and that it contributed to him gaining more valuable experience and the opportunity to grow. 

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44 minutes ago, Calli said:

I watched the whole clip to the very end but only caught a very short glimpse of Joo Won in the audience. I'll look for it and will definitely watch it though.


Sorry - wrong clip! :headbang: Thanks for pointing it out, though (the video titles get confusing)


This one's the right one now. Sorry for sending you on that wild goose chase earlier, though - at least you managed to get a glimpse of JW at the end.



44 minutes ago, Calli said:

At the moment I'm kinda stuck wanting to proceed in chronological order in my Joo Won "studies" (lol) and started watching 7th Grade Civilian Servant. I know this drama started out really well ratings wise but then started dropping and it's hardly ever mentioned when people talk of Joo Won's dramas but I still want to approach it with an open mind. Though after watching the first two episodes my mind inadvertently summoned an image of a Lamborghini being stuck in a 30 km/h zone (Joo Won being the Lamborghini and the drama itself the 30km/h zone) :(

But then again from everything I've read it's a drama that gave Joo Won lots of happiness while filming and a sense of freedom he hadn't felt before so I'm really happy he took on the role and that it contributed to him gaining more valuable experience and the opportunity to grow. 


lol - A lot of people really dislike Level 7, but I'm more just indifferent about it. It's entertaining if you don't take anything too seriously, but it's not really anything to write home about. JW himself had some really great moments, though, some of which still stick with me to this day :) 

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On 4/25/2021 at 3:06 PM, kittyna said:

This one's the right one now. Sorry for sending you on that wild goose chase earlier, though - at least you managed to get a glimpse of JW at the end.


No worries at all! Thank you so much for finding and sharing it :blush:

And just fyi, there is no goose chase too wild for me whenever Joo Won is involved :wub: Even a tiny glimpse of him makes the time looking for him worthwhile. Haha. I'm not even kidding.


On 4/25/2021 at 3:06 PM, kittyna said:

lol - A lot of people really dislike Level 7, but I'm more just indifferent about it. It's entertaining if you don't take anything too seriously, but it's not really anything to write home about. JW himself had some really great moments, though, some of which still stick with me to this day :) 


I don't know if it's because I had low expectations when it comes to 7th GCS (except for Joo Won's acting) but I'm at episode 8 now and I'm enjoying it. Though honestly speaking I'm solely focused on Joo Won^^ The story doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me but I'm not really taking it seriously so I don't mind... like, I am wondering why exactly Gil Ro fell for Seo Won and what sort of spy training the recruits went through for them to be this incapable (nothing stealth about them whatsoever^^) and many other things but I wasn't expecting Alias or anything so I'm just enjoying Joo Won's acting to the fullest. And there's so much to enjoy~

I'm basically screencapping my way through the episodes, alternating between exclamations of "cuuuuuute!!", "How is his this cute??", "awwww, poor puppy :'(", "he's so good at this" and "ahahaha, I love him" and "look at that glint in his eye (when Gil Ro wears a serious/cool expression)" etc.
















He's made me laugh so many times already^^. And really feel for his character, like he always does. I have never seen him in such a role before and his acting yet again really pulled me in. He's always so brave when it comes to his acting choices - never afraid how he'll "look", always giving his whole heart, mind & body for his character. 

I feel like he must have had a lot of fun filming this drama, even if it broke his "ratings king" roll. Maybe that's part of why the experience was so liberating for him? 


I'd love to know which "really great moments" have remained with you till now @kittyna. I have a feeling many of his moments on this drama will stick with me too for a long, long time~




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I'm sure you all already saw, but just in case someone didn't, Joo Won posted on his insta story at around 11:30am KST today






Seems Joo Won is one of many who got a pair of DPR Adidas by DPR REM as a gift. Tbh I've no clue who "Dream Perfect Regime" are but what a lovely gift~

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On 4/26/2021 at 7:43 AM, Calli said:

I'd love to know which "really great moments" have remained with you till now @kittyna. I have a feeling many of his moments on this drama will stick with me too for a long, long time~


I don't know if you're at those moments there, so I'll just drop some (hopefully spoiler-free) hints: the scene when he sees Kim Seo Won (Choi Kang Hee) at the safe, and the scene with his dad in the final episode.


On 4/26/2021 at 7:43 AM, Calli said:

I'm basically screencapping my way through the episodes, alternating between exclamations of "cuuuuuute!!", "How is his this cute??", "awwww, poor puppy :'(", "he's so good at this" and "ahahaha, I love him" and "look at that glint in his eye (when Gil Ro wears a serious/cool expression)" etc.


On 4/26/2021 at 7:43 AM, Calli said:

He's made me laugh so many times already^^. And really feel for his character, like he always does. I have never seen him in such a role before and his acting yet again really pulled me in. He's always so brave when it comes to his acting choices - never afraid how he'll "look", always giving his whole heart, mind & body for his character. 

I feel like he must have had a lot of fun filming this drama, even if it broke his "ratings king" roll. Maybe that's part of why the experience was so liberating for him? 


Well, I think that no-one can deny this point at least: JW does seem to have had a blast filming Level 7. Maybe it's because the role is so different from the more serious roles he'd taken prior to this point, so it was a welcome change of pace. Also, he got along really well with his co-stars (as always), clicking especially well with Choi Kang Hee in particular - which makes me think the on-set atmosphere must have been very fun and cheerful (since she's that sort of person in "real life").

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15 hours ago, kittyna said:


I don't know if you're at those moments there, so I'll just drop some (hopefully spoiler-free) hints: the scene when he sees Kim Seo Won (Choi Kang Hee) at the safe, and the scene with his dad in the final episode.


I got to episode 10 yesterday, where Gil Ro catches Seo Won at the safe, and had to watch the first few minutes of episode 11 and I know what you mean @kittyna. Tbh Seo Won's reaction made zero sense to me but I was mostly focused on Joo Won's delivery and too enthralled by it to pay too much attention to anything else. It's really amazing how Joo Won can make me feel all of his character's pain, anger and disappointment so deeply... he really makes watching this drama worthwhile, despite its many flaws. 


15 hours ago, kittyna said:

Well, I think that no-one can deny this point at least: JW does seem to have had a blast filming Level 7. Maybe it's because the role is so different from the more serious roles he'd taken prior to this point, so it was a welcome change of pace. Also, he got along really well with his co-stars (as always), clicking especially well with Choi Kang Hee in particular - which makes me think the on-set atmosphere must have been very fun and cheerful (since she's that sort of person in "real life").


I watched an interview yesterday that Joo Won gave during 7th GCS and it really stood out to me what he said about how much he enjoyed acting with "Kang Hee noona".  He said acting with her made him feel confident and that the scenes he acted alongside her were better. I know by now that Joo Won gets close (and sometimes very close) with his co-stars (male or female) but I've never heard him talk like that about another one of his co-stars in terms of the effect working with them had on his acting. I don't know if they remained close with Choi Kang Hee but I'm really glad he got to experience this in choosing this project. I can't help but wonder how much of the script Joo Won had seen when he chose 7th GCS as his next drama but he seemed really happy while filming it - even while getting scripts very late and not sleeping much - and that's worth so much more than another rating's success. 


For anyone who's interested in the Joo Won interview I mentioned, I thought I'd share the translation I found. It's very insightful~



translation by @mrdimples

Joo Won's 7th Level Civil Servant Interview
JW: Hi, everyone. 7LCS viewers, I am Joo Won who plays Gilro. I am happy to meet you.
Q: Why did you choose 7LCS?
A: I chose it primarily because of the script. In addition, I always had been acting in heavy and serious roles so I wanted to act in a lighter role. And happened that a good script came along.
Q: What is the appeal of 7LCS?
A: It does not exaggerate issues and take things too seriously. Of course, it can be serious depending on the situation. There are also sad scenes. Although this drama does not have many twists and turns, it does have many enjoyable moments. It does not have side-splitting hilarity but you watch it, you cannot help but smile and giggle. So there are many scenes which viewers can enjoy. I feel that this is the strength of 7LCS.
Q: What is Gilro’s appeal?
A: Gilro is a character which has many charms. You’ll never know when he will make a blunder. He is also a character which you cannot analyze point by point. He is a chaebol kid who lived well. In other women’s eyes, he is rather suave. But with Seo Won, his behavior is especially goofy and childish. When he is serious, he is really sincere When he is cheerful, he is unreservedly so. He really seems to go from one extreme to another. Gilro is a character whereby I need to portray the various charms that he possessed. It is not easy and there are many lines to deliver. It is a character which I really need to get into when I film.
(shows clips of Gilro’s casino gambling scene and in SeoWon’s house)
Q: Among the many different sides to Gilro, which is the one you are most confident of?
A: I don’t have much confidence in any of them, hahaha…I don’t know about being self-confident. Recently, I have fun filming with Kang Hee noona, it’s really interesting. When I am with noona, I don’t hold back and noona’s reactions are especially interesting. Rather than to wonder whether I have the confidence or not, I’d rather say that acting with noona makes me confident. It seems that those scenes which I act with noona, they are better.
Q: Does it feel realistic considering the 10 year age gap between the 2 of you?
A: It seems like I gradually forget the age gap between us. Occasionally, I would be worried about it. I’d think like this: “Ah…noona and I have this age gap.” I am also surprised. But slowly over time, I pushed these messy thoughts away.
Q: Is here anything that Joo Won, a powerful actor, is afraid of?
A: I have always been afraid of action scenes. Unlike a martial arts actor, I am unable to adjust the right amount of force to use. I am always very nervous when it comes doing action scenes. I am very afraid.
Q: Is there any scene which is particularly memorable?
A: Although there are many such scenes, it is those from the NIS training days which left a deep impression on me, like the gambling scene and the drinking scene. I do not know the professional gambling terms so I just took them literally. So it left me a deep impression.
(shows scenes of 7LCS)
Q: Have you ever dream of becoming an intelligence agent?
A: I have never thought of being one. Not only do I not know anything about the job, all that I know are gleamed from other dramas and movies. More than being agent, I have thought more of being a policeman or doctor.
Q: If you are not an actor, what career path would you have chosen?
A: I would choose a job in production work in the entertainment industry. When I was attending performing arts in high school, I had always done production staff type of work. There was a period of time, I have thought of doing it as a career. Something along the line of the artistic performing arts.
Q: When you are busy, how do you take care of your physical condition?
A: Instead of constantly eating to keep my energy up, I’d use psychological strength to soldier on. And if I have to choose, I’d rather sleep than eat. It is 4am now but strangely, I am not hungry. I still feel that mental endurance is more important.
Caption: Born Actor Joo Won
Joo Won’s message to viewers:
Dear viewers, now 7LCS is already at the mid-point, it has been exciting so far and there are more exciting things coming up, please continue to give it support. Please stay healthy and happy. Thank you, everyone.
Chinese translation: wily0710
Editing and video of Chinese subtitles: 0slow0fish and kibumie on 7LCS Baidu
English translation: mrdimples@soompi
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El 17/7/2010 a las 16:32, aeroplanegirl dijo:


"Prince of Ratings" "Good Actor"
Graduado en la Universidad de Sungkyunkwan, Especialista en Artes Teatrales * Créditos de las fotos para dduk * PERFIL Nombre: 주원 / Joo Won Nombre real: 문 준원 / Moon Jun Won Profesión: Actor Fecha de nacimiento : 30 de septiembre de 1987 Altura : 185cm Peso: 68kg Signo zodiacal: Libra Tipo de sangre: O Familia: Padre, Madre, Hermano mayor Agencia de talentos: Sim Entertainment  Educación: Escuela de arte (Teatro), Universidad de Sungkyunkwan (Cine y televisión) Escuela secundaria: Escuela secundaria de artes de Kaywon Twitter: @ Moonjunwon Cyworld: jun1moon Sitio web: a través de la página web oficial de Sim :


Joo Won Homepage
Instagram Account : actor.zu
Cafe : actorjuwon.comJW Cutie Twitter : JooWonSoompi



My Sassy Girl 2017 (엽기적인 그녀)

Yong Pali (용팔이)

Tomorrow Cantabile 2014 내일도 칸타빌레

Good Doctorl (KBS2 / 2013 그린메스 )

http://i1166.photobucket.com/albums/q619/coolreborn/Joo Won Thread Front Page/filmography/gilro_zps54b67811.jpg
7th Level Civil Servant  (MBC 2013) 7급공무원 - Han Gil Ro

Pan, Amor y Sueños | Jeppangwang Kim Tak Goo (KBS2 / 2010) - Koo Ma-joon

Fatal Intuition (2015)-Jang Woo

Pasión en el cielo (2015) 

Rey de la moda (2014)  - Woo Ki Myung 

Catch Me (2013)  - Lee Ho Tae

Nico 2: Little Brother, Big Trouble (2012) voz como Nico

Don't Click | Mihakindong Youngsnag (2012) - Joon-Hyuk SIU | Teuksoobon (2011) -

Programas de variedades de Kim Ho-Ryong

2 días y 1 noche (KBS2, 2012) - Miembro permanente



No sé cómo amar - Funcionaria civil de séptimo nivelNadeshiko (2012)



Día del Juicio Final - Máscara nupcial


2013 - Ghost
2007-Altar Boyz 2008 -Grease2009- Spring Awakening as Melchior Awards



Daesang - Premios SBS Drama 2015 

Premio Netizen chino - 2015 SBS Drama Awards 

Premio a la mejor pareja - 2015 SBS Drama Awards 

Premio Ten Star - 2015 SBS Drama Awards
Premio al actor de popularidad (Naeil Cantabile) - 2014 KBS Drama Awards

Premio a la excelencia, actor (Good Doctor) - 2013 KBS Drama Awards
Netizens 'Award - 2013 KBS Drama Awards
PD Choice Award (elegido por los PD de KBS, MBC, SBS) - 2013 KBS Drama Awards
Premio a la mejor pareja (Good Doctor, with Moon Chae Won) - 2013 KBS Drama Awards
Male Excellence Award for Mini-Series (7LCS) - 2013 MBC Drama Awards
Best Bromance Award (con Park Ki Wong, Gaksital) - 2012 Drama Fever Awards
Male Excellence, Serial Drama - 2012 KBS Drama Awards - 31 de diciembre de 2012
Premio a la popularidad - 2012 KBS Drama Awards - 31 de diciembre de 2012
Premio al mejor MC novato (1N2D) - 2012 KBS Variety Awards - 22 de diciembre de 2012
Mejor actor revelación ("Ojakgyo Family") - 2012 (48 °) Premio Paeksang Arts - 26 de abril de 2012
Mejor Actor Revelación ("Familia Ojakgyo") - 2011 KBS Drama Awards - 31 de diciembre de 2011
Model Special Rookie Award - 2011 Asia Model Awards


Cantata Coffee

T-Store CF



Información musical de Joo Won

Compre boletos enTicketPark Global

http://i1166.photobucket.com/albums/q619/coolreborn/Joo Won Thread Front Page / Borders / fishybordercolors_zpse382b8a9.jpg

Carta de amor de Joo Won a los fanáticos en Japón Fanmeet - 15 de junio de 2013


cr. muchos años atrás para la traducción al inglés


Por favor, déle todo el crédito a Joo Won soompi Thread y pregunte por la misión al traductor cuando se publiquen los artículos, ¡gracias!

Comedia romántica. Actriz mayor. Musical.
Entrevista especial de Joo Won's Everything con el elenco y PD de "Ojakgyo Brothers" Parte 1
Entrevista especial con el elenco y PD de "Ojakgyo Brothers" Parte 2
Joo Won ~ Entrevista con Magazine 「も っ と 知 り た い! 韓国 TV ド ラ マ」 vol 43
Japan TV Guide Haru Hana 2013 Edición de septiembre: Entrevista especial con Joo Won ~ Comedia romántica desafiante por primera vez
[Vista previa] Drama de lunes y martes de KBS "Good Doctor"
Good Doctor Happy Together 3 - Joo Won Cut Part 1
Libro guía de Baker King Parte 2: Escritor, PD y coprotagonistas de Sunbae Comentarios sobre Joo Won
Libro guía de Baker King Parte 1: Entrevista con Joo Won Entrevista de Joo Won
con Hot Chili Paper Vol 75 Revista japonesa Junio de 2013
PPTV Entrevista con Joo Won: Video 5 - 7
PPTV Entrevista con Joo Won: Video 8- 10
PPTV Entrevista con Joo Won: Video 3
PPTV Entrevista con Joo Won: Video 2
PPTV Entrevista con Joo Won: Video 1
PPTV Entrevista con Joo Won: Parte 1 del Video 2
PPTV Entrevista con Joo Won: Parte 2 de Video 1
PPTV Entrevista de Joo Won Entrevista de
Joo Won en un programa de entrevistas de música taiwanesa Entrevista
exclusiva de Joo Won: Enfrentarse con sensatez, avanzar con astucia (Entrevista completa)
Entrevista de la revista COOL: Mezcla de colores cálidos - Joo Won
Promoción de Baker King en Japón - Parte 3: "Detrás del éxito" Entrevista con Hondora el 26 de julio de 2011
Entrevista exclusiva de Joo Won: Enfrentarse con sensatez, avanzar con astucia (Parte 3)
Entrevista exclusiva de Joo Won: Enfrentarse con sensatez, avanzar con astucia ( Parte 2)
Entrevista exclusiva de Joo Won - Enfrentarse con sensatez, avanzar con astucia (Parte 1)
Joo Won prefiere lo lindo a lo sexy, está bien con la relación Noona-Dongsaeng Espera volver
a actuar con Joo Won. (Joo Won) extraño hábito, aficionado a tocar a la gente
Joo Won Baker King Innolife Entrevista 1
Baker King Kim Tak Gu "Incluso el papel era un villano, Joo Won estaba agradecido por ser amado
Conferencia de prensa de <Ghost> - Joo Won regresa a la teatro musical después de 4 años
Joo Won habla sobre sus tres años de crecimiento
Entrevista de Joo Won con SINA
En comparación con Jo In Sung, me veo terrible
Funcionario de séptimo grado - Entrevista especial con Chan Sung
Nos encanta K ユ ン ・ シ ユ ン × チ ュ ウ ォ ン 来日 取材! PARTE 2
Nos encanta Kユ ン ・ シ ユ ン × チ ュ ウ ォ ン 来日 取材! PARTE 1
Aprendiendo a disparar y vals, Joo Won se transforma en un agente especial
Joo Won no juega juegos de amor de “Empujar y tirar” - Revista Singles Noviembre de 2012 Entrevista de
Joo Won Preguntas y respuestas sobre “Joo Won Móvil oficial en smartphone ”(fans japoneses)
Arena: Joo Won - Aún en medio de salir de Lee Kanto Persona
Arena: El caballero guapo y carismático - Joo Won
Número de noviembre: Entrevista de Ceci Entrevista
cosmopolita de Joo Won
Joo Won "Nunca he discutido con mi novia"  Entrevista del 5 de octubre de 2012 - 1N2D Los Hyungs y el PD hablan sobre Joo Won El evento del 11 de octubre de Joo Won en el New World Shopping Center - Parte 2
"Baker King KTG" de Yoon Si Yoon y Joo Won (Elección de 3) Prueba 3
"Baker King KTG" de
Yoon Si Yoon y Joo Won (Elección de 3) Prueba 2 "Baker King KTG" de Yoon Si Yoon y Joo Won (Elección de 3) Prueba 1
Entrevista: Actor Joo Won
Joo Won Evento del 11 de octubre en el New World Shopping Center Tema de celebridades - Diario de viaje de drama de Joo Won Tema de celebridades-Taveloque de drama de Joo won Parte 2 Tema de celebridades - Diario de viaje de drama  de Joo Won Parte 3 Joo Won "Quiero usar más máscaras.
"Gaksital" Joo Won the National Star - "Mi sueño es llegar a ser tan bueno como actor
Película de Joo Won Entrevista SIU
Me encanta la ropa deportiva. Soy aburrida y
tampoco guapa Escuchando a escondidas la conversación entre marido y mujer Kim Seung Woo y Kim Nam Joo
The Dual Life of Joo Won
Entrevista diaria de TV con Joo Won
"Rising Rapidly Like the LTE" Entrevista de Asia Today
"5 Words Talk" Entrevista
Joo Won revela los secretos de Moon Jon Won (30 preguntas, 30 respuestas)

Entrevista con Movist, noviembre de 2011 Joowon que se transforma en un hombre fuerte, el héroe de Bridal Mask


Por favor, déle todo el crédito a Joo Won Soompi Thread y al traductor cuando se retiren los artículos, ¡gracias!

Joo Won y Kim Ah Joong son la próxima pareja de la pantalla grande en nuevas imágenes de "Catch Me"
Joo Won se cubre la cara con bloqueador solar ... ¿Por qué?
La habilidad de actuar de "buen doctor" se transfiere de un héroe nacional a un médico autista. Joo Won, el actor te hace confiar completamente El
actor Joo Won revela que es un gran fan de A Pink
Joo Won agradece a los fanáticos por apoyarlo en "Good Doctor"
Joo Won interpretó a "Good Doctor" hace 11 años? ¡Un destino misterioso!
KBS niega rumores de cancelaciones de 1N2D La interpretación del autismo de
Joo Won ha conmovido incluso a los expertos
Park Ki Woong felicita a Joo Won por actuar en "Good Doctor"
"Good Doctor" hace un fuerte debut en las listas de televisión
[Revisión] KBS Mon / Tue Drama "Good Doctor" - Episodio 1
Joo Won 'Good Doctor', ganó la cima con Begin
Good Doctor Revisión del episodio 1: Joo Won se convierte en residente para él Primeros auxilios sobresalientes
"Good Doctor" Joo Won y Moon Chae Won Próximamente con un romance especial
"Good Doctor" Joo Won interpreta un lindo papel de doctor
"Good Doctor": cita de compras de Joo Won y Moon Chae Won + más imágenes del personal del hospital
"Buen doctor" Moon Chae Won elogia, "Joo Won tiene mucho que mostrar como actor, aprendo mucho
" Buen doctor "Joo Won y Moon Chae Won, la química ya estalla en la" Sweet Supermarket Date "
" Good Doctor "Primer encuentro de Joo Won y Joo Sang Wook en Operation Theatre
Joo Won dice que mostrará un tipo diferente de personaje autista
¿Por qué Joo Won fue elegido para el papel protagonista de "Good Doctor"?
Joo Won irradia la personalidad clara y pura de Park Shi en
"Good Doctor" Joo Won y Joo Sang Wook en la acalorada primera reunión en el quirófano
Joo Won dona paquetes de arroz
La actuación de Joo Won de "Good Doctor" es apoyada por Sunbaes
"Good Doctor" Joo Won & Moon Chae Won, Expresión de las escenas de quirófano
"Buen doctor" Joo Won, Moon Chae Won es el primer socio al que me abrí en un tiempo récord, Su cómodo
Joo Won está listo para convertirse en "Buen doctor"

La amistad de Joo Won y Joo Sang Wook da a luz a los "Joo Joo Brothers"
The Joo - Joo Brothers
La estrella más ocupada de Corea Joo Won también es una de las mejores
Joo Won luce una bata blanca para el próximo drama de KBS 2TV 'Good Doctor'
"Bueno Doctor "Joo Won, el nacimiento de una linda flor Doctor
Joo Won con su uniforme de doctor
" Good Doctor ": Joo Won al rescate
La primera noche de Joo Won y Moon Chae Won
Joo Won e Ivy Shoot Musical" Ghost "Poster
Imágenes de Joo Lanzamiento del primer encuentro de Won y Moon Chae Won para "Good Doctor"
"Good Doctor" publica imágenes del primer rodaje con Joo Won y Moon Chae Won
Good Doctor: Moon Chae Won y Joo Won 's reunión inicial?
Joo Won experimenta televisión en 3D en "Good Doctor"
Joo Won y otros miembros del elenco están listos para sus papeles en "Good Doctor"
The Doctor Is In: Joo Won inundará la nación con lágrimas a través de "Good Doctor"
Joo Won comienza a disparar para Good Doctor
Joo Won arrastra su equipaje al set de 'Good Doctor'
Primer vistazo de Joo Won en KBS 2TV 'Good Doctor'
Joo Won en Good Doctor
La primera escena de
Joo Won para Good Doctor Joo Won, Moon Chae Won y Joo Sang Wok aparecen en el guión Lectura del artículo 1 , artículo 2 de "Good Doctor"
Joo Won filmando una película y un drama
El cambio de "Green Mass" de Joo Won y Moon Chae Won a "Good Doctor"
Resumen del fanmeeting de Joo Won en Japón por medios japoneses
Kim Ah Joong and Joo Won Mix for "Only You"
Kim Ah-joong and Joo Won on Site for "Only You - 2013"
Joo Won's Fanmeeting! Fans Were Excited with His Talents of Singing and Dancing
Joo Won and Moon Chae Won's "Green Mass" to become "Good Doctor"
Joo Won and Ivy in Musical
Moon Chae Won Cast in "Green Scalpel" as Joo Won's Costar
Joo Won Takes on Challenging Role
Joo Won Confirmed to Headline Green Scalpel
Joo Won Leads in KBS "Green Mass"
Joo Won Cast as Lead of KBS2's "Green Scalpel"
Joo Won Seems to Attract Accidents
Joo Won and Joo Sang Wok In Talks for New Medical Drama
Joo Won's Visit in Taiwan Elevated Passions of Fans That Leads to High Expectation of Him Becoming the "Next Generation of Hallyu Star"
"1 Night 2 Days" Joo Won, Calm Even With Nose Injury
Joo Won Injures Nose and Continues Filming for "1 Night 2 Days"
Joo Won Injured While Filming 1N2D
Joo Won and Park Ki Woong won "Drama Fever Awards - Best Bromance"
Drama Fever Best Bromance Award Winner Park Ki Woong Excitedly Tweets About His Win
Choi Kang Hee, I'll Have to Send Joo Won to Kim Ah Joong and Ivy
Kim Ah Joong, Joo Won, Oh Sang Jin to Host the 49th Paeksang Arts Awards
Baker King Promotion in Japan Part 1 -1
Joo Won Would Rather Hang Out With Friends Than Date
Joo Won for "Style H" Aug '10
Joo Won habla sobre su primera experiencia de filmación de '1 noche 2 días'
Joo Won cantando CF Song "La dignidad de ser un actor musical
Ghost tiene como objetivo revivir el espíritu musical de los
coreanos Joo Won de 1N2D encontró el último viaje viajando con Kim Seung Wo Solitario y triste
Joo Won tiene su propia suerte con su sinceridad y
la estrella en ascenso de Corea Joo Won se reunirá con los fanáticos en mayo
Joo Won estaba increíblemente molesto por la salida de Kim Seung Woo de 1 noche y 2 días
Joo Won revela fotos de sí mismo en una sala de juegos
Joo Won renueva su contrato con la marca al aire libre "Mountia" por tercer año,
Joo Won, Ivy protagonizará la versión musical de Ghost
Joo Won elogiado por sus pensamientos sobre la audición de
Unchained Melody revisited en el escenario
Joo Won, I'm Patrick Swayze This Time
Joo Won Shows A Great Singing
Joo Won Expresses His Admiration for Newly Wed Uhm Tae Woong
Will Sparks Fly Between Joo Won and Kim Ah Joong
Kisses Pose A Problem For Actor Joo Won
Joo Won Confesses He Gets Stressed Out By Quizzes in '1 Night, Two Days'
Joo Won Chooses Choi Kang Hee of 7th Grade Civil Servant as His Best Partner
Joo Won Talks About the New '1 Night 2 Days' with Yu Hae Jin'
Joo Won Trying Musical 'Ghost', Comeback in Four Years
Actor Joo Won Used to be an Idol?
Joo Won Showed Up For His Interview With A Scarf Wrapped Around His Neck in the Early Spring Cold
Joo Won Covers Up in Selca
Joo Won Set to Perform in Musical
Joo Won renueva su contrato con el aire libre Marca 'Mountia' para la tercera Sí r
Joo Won Asociarse Ivy como 'Ghost The Musical'
Joo Won y la hiedra Encabezado, Ghost, el musical
¿Qué hizo Joo Won Ganancia de 'Siervo séptimo grado civil'?
7º nivel de Se civil rvant: Joo Won y Chansung a detectar cuerpos
"Nivel 7 Funcionario: Choi K ang Hee Obtiene una llave de cabeza De Joo Won y C Hansung

Actor toques Joo Won t él corazones de viewe rs con sus lágrimas o n Win Win
Uhm Tae Woong se une a J oo Won en ' Séptimo nivel Civ il Servant
'7th Level Civil Servant' releases stills of Choi Kang Hee meeting Joo Won for the first time Article 1, Article 2
Joo Won Starts Shooting a New TV series
7th Level Civil Servant – Joo Won and Choi Kang Hee’s First Script Reading “Excited and Happy”
Joo Won Reversal of Fortune- Ranked 5th in Ideal Appearance
Joo Won on "Win Win"
Joo Won in November Issue of Cosmopolitan
Joo Won to go camping with fans
Joo Won's 'Crying Appearance' Dance "It's Dead Bitter" Explodes With Charisma
Joo Won's Perfect Side Flip Mission at "Park Da Ryeong's Action Noraebang" - "It Really is Gaksital"
Joo Won [26 años] a través de Baker King de KBS2, Ojakgyo Brothers y el drama recientemente concluido Gaksital, demostró una vez más que era el "hombre de las calificaciones"
Joo Won y Cha Tae Hyun bailan el baile del cubo en 2 días y 1 noche, cariñosos Solo sobre la celebración de "Dancing with Feeling Time"
Joo Won rechaza el rumor de que se fue "1 noche 2 días"
de su salida de "1 noche 2 días"

La agencia de Ju Won aborda los rumores de que se va de KBS '1 noche, 2 Días
Joo Won dice, "no voy a salir 1N2D"
Sung Shi Kyung F ight s con Uhm Tae Wong Durante Joo Won
Get Inside "Bridal Mask" de Star Joo Won cerebro: viaje, comida, amigos
Joo Won compra 20 Las entradas para la ayuda Uhm Jung Hwa 's Nueva película, "Dancing Queen"
Joo Won en "The Secret Lovers" como un apuesto espía
Joo Won Back to School captura al
actor Joo Won Fell para la deliciosa Jeon-uh (gizzard shad) El
actor Joo Won confirma el drama de MBC "Battle of the Secret Lover" 1 2
¿Cómo es? la relación real entre los "enemigos" de la máscara nupcial Joo Won y Park Ki Wong

Moon Jun Won o Lee Kangto - la personalidad dividida de Joo Won que hace que la gente se ponga de pie Joo Won, quien es el portavoz de Cantata Coffee, se está preparando para un otoño "Together con el evento Joo Won Cantata Camp ". Bridal Mask Joo Won 2012 Industria del entretenimiento Hot Blue Chip Joo Won cantará Bridal Mask OST Joo Won Prince of Ratings? Joo Won revela su tipo ideal y por qué se unió a '1 Night 2 Days' 

http://i1166.photobucket.com/albums/q619/coolreborn/Joo Won Thread Front Page / Borders / fanscornerbanner_zpsdb37380b.jpg
The Quiz
mrdimples: Joo Won - Amándolo por el hombre que es y el hombre que quiere ser

Joo Won Cuties (soompi) Lista de residentes

Goodies de Joo Won

Joo Won DC Fan s Tributo y cuestionario de
fans Cuentas de fans Ghost the Musical Practice Event 2013: moonandhearts's Believe: A Fan Relato del encuentro con Joo Won en Ghost the Musical Practice incluso en Corea del Sur el 23 de octubre de 2013

Japan Fan Meet 2013: reunión de fans y concierto de Sweet Smile de Joo Won de manyearsago en Tokio el 15 de junio de 2013: versión completa del
resumen de audio de la parte 2 Japan Fan Meet 2013: reunión de fans de Sweet Smile de Manyearsago y concierto en Tokio el 15 de junio de 2013: completo Versión del
resumen de audio Parte 1 Japan Fan Meet 2013: Reunión de fans de Joo Won de Mjwonnie en Tokio - Mi diario (Parte 2)
Reunión de fans de Japón 2013: Reunión de fans de Joo Won de Mjwonnie en Tokio - Resumen
Japan Fan Meet 2013: Joo Won Sweet Smile FM de Mjwonnie en Tokio - My Diary
Taiwan Fan Meet 2013: Cuenta de fans de Mjwonnie
Taiwan Fan Meet 2013 - Cuenta de fans (chihyi0721) de Joo Won's Fan Meet en Taiwan
Taiwan Fan Meet 2013 - Cuenta de fans (hor379) de Joo Won 's Fan Meet en Taiwán
Taiwan Fanmeet 2013 - Fans Account of Fanmeet
Edwin Staff Account of Edwin Photoshoot
Promoción "Baker King" en Japón Parte 4 -1: Evento del festival de verano celebrado en Cinema MediAge en Odaiba el 27 de julio de 2011
Promoción "Baker King" en Japón Parte 2
"Baker King "Promoción en Japón Parte 1-2


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Reglas del Foro Soompi Procedimientos / Recordatorios / Preguntas frecuentes Publicación actualizada por coolreborn 24/08/2013 (si los enlaces están rotos o faltan, por favor envíame un mensaje * coolreborn *)              

Solo un pensamiento: he estado actualizando esta página 1 durante bastante tiempo y solo esta vez, cuando saqué Ghost Musical en el título, tengo una gran sensación al hacerlo. Extrañaré mucho a Ghost Musical. Extraño a Sam.

Hi, I'm new to the fan group, so I didn't know this page, that's why I didn't come here for a long time, since I have known my oppa joo won for a year with good doctor, I met him because he looks for recommendations on YouTube for dramas and it caught my attention. the good doctor drama and I wondered why nobody mentioned this drama so good in the groups that I am in and I just gave myself time to see it and I must say that joo won was the first actor who left my mouth open with his performance at first I thought I really was autistic but little by little I was investigating in several pages of joo won until I have searched the translator for the name of joo won in Korean to find many videos of him and now I think I have already seen all his interviews and everything I already think that I know him very well since his character is like a child in 2 days 1 night he behaved very cute and until now he is still the same and I have also seen all his dramas, all of them I especially liked bridal mask is my favorite drama afterwards s good doctor and ojakgyo brothers love their dramas
and his face really looking for photos of him and on Korean platforms at least he made me too handsome I saw his drama alice on broadcast as always joo won makes unique dramas and waiting for his firefighter project and finally to say that he is really a unique actor to at first i thought i would have a great fabs base since good doctpr and yongpal are really very famous


Hi, I'm new to the fan group, so I didn't know this page, that's why I didn't come here for a long time, since I have known my oppa joo won for a year with good doctor, I met him because he looks for recommendations on YouTube for dramas and it caught my attention. the good doctor drama and I wondered why nobody mentioned this drama so good in the groups that I am in and I just gave myself time to see it and I must say that joo won was the first actor who left my mouth open with his performance at first I thought I really was autistic but little by little I was investigating in several pages of joo won until I have searched the translator for the name of joo won in Korean to find many videos of him and now I think I have already seen all his interviews and everything I already think that I know him very well since his character is like a child in 2 days 1 night he behaved very cute and until now he is still the same and I have also seen all his dramas, all of them I especially liked bridal mask is my favorite drama afterwards s good doctor and ojakgyo brothers love their dramas
and his face really looking for photos of him and on Korean platforms at least he made me too handsome I saw his drama alice on broadcast as always joo won makes unique dramas and waiting for his firefighter project and finally to say that he is really a unique actor to at first i thought i would have a great fabs base since good doctpr and yongpal are really very famous
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@Andrea BalcazarWelcome to the thread :blush:

So nice having another Joo Won fan here!! I'm still a newbie compared to you. I still have a lot of ground to cover until I can say I've watched all of Joo Won's dramas and movies and interviews. But I'm slowly getting there. Very slowly^^


I was wondering, does anyone know where I can watch or download episodes 50 and 51 of Season 2 of 1N2D in HD? I've been looking desperately for those episodes in good quality because these are the ones where the members visit Joo Won's home but I couldn't find anything :'( 

I'd be so grateful if anyone could help. 

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11 hours ago, Andrea Balcazar said:

Hi, I'm new to the fan group, so I didn't know this page, that's why I didn't come here for a long time, since I have known my oppa joo won for a year with good doctor, I met him because he looks for recommendations on YouTube for dramas and it caught my attention. the good doctor drama and I wondered why nobody mentioned this drama so good in the groups that I am in and I just gave myself time to see it and I must say that joo won was the first actor who left my mouth open with his performance at first I thought I really was autistic but little by little I was investigating in several pages of joo won until I have searched the translator for the name of joo won in Korean to find many videos of him and now I think I have already seen all his interviews and everything I already think that I know him very well since his character is like a child in 2 days 1 night he behaved very cute and until now he is still the same and I have also seen all his dramas, all of them I especially liked bridal mask is my favorite drama afterwards s good doctor and ojakgyo brothers love their dramas and his face really looking for photos of him and on Korean platforms at least he made me too handsome I saw his drama alice on broadcast as always joo won makes unique dramas and waiting for his firefighter project and finally to say that he is really a unique actor to at first i thought i would have a great fabs base since good doctpr and yongpal are really very famous


Hey, @Andrea Balcazar! Welcome to the JW forum! :wow1:




By the way, I'm not sure what happened to the formatting in your first post, but I did manage to read it in the end :partyblob: lol - You're asking the same question many new fans (including @Calli not too long ago, actually) do when they first come here, and the simple answer is that: like JW himself, a lot of his fans tend to be a bit on the quieter side. But we are out there, if you know where to look ;) 


I usually tell new fans to start with Instagram, since that seems to be the most active spot for pics, updates, etc. I personally just follow the "joowon" tag: it's not perfect, since you will get a lot of non-JW-related stuff as well (it's a common Korean name, what can we do?), but at least you won't miss a single thing this way. Then, once you do start to get a handle on which fan pages you want to follow, you can do that, too.


On 4/28/2021 at 3:56 AM, Calli said:

Tbh Seo Won's reaction made zero sense to me but I was mostly focused on Joo Won's delivery and too enthralled by it to pay too much attention to anything else. It's really amazing how Joo Won can make me feel all of his character's pain, anger and disappointment so deeply... he really makes watching this drama worthwhile, despite its many flaws. 


For me, the moment that really clinched it for me was the look on his face when he first sees her there (just before he drops the photos). lol - Some people say that authors shouldn't talk about "multiple emotions flashing on someone's face" because they say it's not particularly realistic, but, well...that was literally what JW was doing there: multiple emotions simultaneously, with some more noticeable than others at any given second.




Yeah, that's not a face I'll be forgetting anytime soon.


On 4/28/2021 at 3:56 AM, Calli said:

I watched an interview yesterday that Joo Won gave during 7th GCS and it really stood out to me what he said about how much he enjoyed acting with "Kang Hee noona".  He said acting with her made him feel confident and that the scenes he acted alongside her were better. I know by now that Joo Won gets close (and sometimes very close) with his co-stars (male or female) but I've never heard him talk like that about another one of his co-stars in terms of the effect working with them had on his acting. I don't know if they remained close with Choi Kang Hee but I'm really glad he got to experience this in choosing this project. I can't help but wonder how much of the script Joo Won had seen when he chose 7th GCS as his next drama but he seemed really happy while filming it - even while getting scripts very late and not sleeping much - and that's worth so much more than another rating's success. 


Okay, you have to keep an eye out for the 1N2D episode when Choi Kang Hee appears as the main guest. She and JW were so adorable there, and the hyungs teased JW mercilessly for it :P 


We won't ever know what he was thinking on the inside, but the consensus among fans was that JW may actually have wound up with a crush on her (considering what Choi Kang Hee's like, though, I don't blame him). The rumours actually got to the point where Choi Kang Hee was asked about it directly in an interview, to which she answered that she wasn't interested in dating another celebrity. That shut down the rumours pretty quickly, but at least they do seem to have remained friends after filming wrapped. :issohappy:


Speaking of JW and his Level 7 co-stars, someone just posted this quick throwback to when JW ran into 2PM's Chansung while on 1N2D


4 hours ago, Calli said:

I was wondering, does anyone know where I can watch or download episodes 50 and 51 of Season 2 of 1N2D in HD? I've been looking desperately for those episodes in good quality because these are the ones where the members visit Joo Won's home but I couldn't find anything :'( 


Sorry, I don't know if there is an HD version available - the 1N2D episodes prior to Yu Hae Jin joining the cast tend to be pretty poor quality (if you're using sites like KShowOnline or anything similar), so we really just have to make do with what we've got. Is that blurry version the one you have, or are the episodes missing entirely?

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4 hours ago, kittyna said:

 For me, the moment that really clinched it for me was the look on his face when he first sees her there (just before he drops the photos). lol - Some people say that authors shouldn't talk about "multiple emotions flashing on someone's face" because they say it's not particularly realistic, but, well...that was literally what JW was doing there: multiple emotions simultaneously, with some more noticeable than others at any given second.


Yeah, that's not a face I'll be forgetting anytime soon.


Agree with you very much @kittyna. People often talk of actors and them acting well with their eyes alone; without having to say a word they manage to convey so much more than words could ever do but I honestly have never seen anyone do it as well and as eloquently as Joo Won. 

It's just that by now I've reached episode 14 and I can't help but feel that all the angst and pain and anger and disappointment he managed to convey was all for naughtㅠㅠㅠ That's not at all Joo Won's fault of course - I'm honestly more impressed with him than ever that he managed to do so much when he was given so little but tbh if it weren't for him I would have given up watching for sure. I have no clue what the writer was thinking, especially from a certain point onwards it's like any semblance of logic flew out the window^^ Thanks to Joo Won's acting (and maybe also because of my bias?) I care about Gil Ro and sympathize with him but all the other characters are basically a riddle to me... most of the time I've no idea why they do what they do or react the way they do.


What troubles me the most about this is that I can't sympathize at all with Seo Won despite trying.

And maybe that's why I couldn't connect with Choi Kang Hee either... or at least with her acting. I haven't seen her in anything else and in all fairness to her, Seo Won really isn't well written at all imo (at least up to episode 14) so I'm sure like every cast member she did her very best to deliver with what little she was given. However, whenever I see her on screen or interacting with Gilro I still feel there is a lot amiss. And maybe because their characters are behaving in a rather juvenile way, the age gap (which I've never ever had trouble with before) really jumped out at me in a very marked and unexpected way. 

I know how much Joo Won appreciated, loved and respected (past & present tense most likely) his Kang Hee noona - and while I personally didn't suspect he had a crush on her (though that could totally have been the case) I'd most definitely call him a fanboy when it comes to her - and that's why I really really wanted to like her too but so far the height of emotions I could summon towards her (both based on her acting in 7th GCS and their interviews) was being neutral. *hides*


4 hours ago, kittyna said:

Okay, you have to keep an eye out for the 1N2D episode when Choi Kang Hee appears as the main guest. She and JW were so adorable there, and the hyungs teased JW mercilessly for it :P 


I had no idea she appears as a guest on 1N2D! I'll definitely be looking towards that episode. Mainly to see Joo Won all happy being around his noona again and secondly hopefully it'll help me see her a little more favorably too~ 

I just love seeing Joo Won interact with people he loves - he's just the warmest, sweetest, most affectionate and genuine man. If I've ever seen anyone wear his heart on his sleeve when it comes to expressing affection it's Joo Won. And I love him so much for that (and for many other things :wub:). 

@kittynaI saw that impossibly sweet hug between Joo Won & Chansung today on IG too and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside like you wouldn't believe^^ 


I used to listen to 2PM a lot and I still keep up with them a little but my bias has always been Junho so I never took the time to actually watch Chansung's dramas. And to think I could have met Joo Won so much sooner if I hadㅠㅠㅠ It would have been through 7th GCS instead of Good Doctor but I wanna believe that I still would have singled him out even then and that it would have started me on the path I'm on now much sooner... 

Having said that though, while watching 7th GCS and reading some reactions and reviews to the drama from back then, the knowledge that Joo Won followed it up with Good Doctor really helps a lot in not getting caught up in some of the fears and negativity some people expressed back then. I'm so sooo glad Joo Won was available for Good Doctor and that he picked this challenging role. Not only for the rave of reviews and accolades he received for it but especially because to this day when he's asked about his favorite drama/character he's portrayed he still picks Park Si On :') 


4 hours ago, kittyna said:

Sorry, I don't know if there is an HD version available - the 1N2D episodes prior to Yu Hae Jin joining the cast tend to be pretty poor quality (if you're using sites like KShowOnline or anything similar), so we really just have to make do with what we've got. Is that blurry version the one you have, or are the episodes missing entirely?


Too bad :'( I was hoping that maybe someone here has those episodes in good quality on their hard drives somewhere and wouldn't mind sharing. I thankfully have them (with English subtitles) but in very poor quality. I managed to find all the 2012 episodes (without subs) in very good quality but none of the 2013 ones (before the ones that can be watched on KBS World's YouTube).

Maybe @kireeti2knows where I could look for them? 

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