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[Drama 2019] Her Private Life 그녀의 사생활


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Sad to say but I'm the same way. I have a perfectly functioning Nintendo Switch, PS4, the NBA playoffs is currently going on, I have tons of great shows/dramas/movies on Netflix/hard drive and all I do all day is check out HPL content or re-watch scenes. Dafuq is wrong with me lmao. 


Thank goodness we're only 48 hours away from the episode 13 subbed version to release. 

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23 hours ago, Lalalaby said:

I have the impression that Heo Yoon Tae might not be his real name. Notice that DM looked for HYT's name in the missing children list and nothing happened. What if Heo yoon Tae is the real name of his brother, CSA? Many think that CSA is RG's half-brother but what if he is his real brother? My theory is that CSA was one of the children from SDM's memories. In my opinion, SDM could have been hurt in an accident, just like CSA... therefore DM's mother pushed RG away.  

Furthermore RG doesn't really remember his past, he has even forgotten his mother's face. So he definitely had a trauma. Maybe he witnessed the car accident and felt guilty.

@bebebisous33   &  @Lalalaby Good theory.  However, I am confused when you say, "real brother" as opposed to half brother?  My grandmother had two sets of children, she was married twice, none of them act or feel as if they are not "real siblings"  Do you mean you think they have the same mother and father?  If so, I understand. 


Is it your theory that it was DM's mother who pushed RG away? 

Who left him at the orphanage?  According to DM's memory she was playing with someone at the orphanage. 

Were they both,  RG and SA, at the orphanage?    Do you think that RG and SA are that close in age?   SA knows his mother, remember she came to visit him  at his apartment.  RG's think his mother left him at the orphanage and she forcefully removed his hand from hers; therefore, RG does not like letting go of anyone's hand because when he does, he feels abandoned.  It is my impression that SA and RG do not know that they are brothers.  RG was adopted by a couple in the United States, I do not think his mother knows what happened to him and that is why she was in the chapel, perhaps she continuously pray for his safety and happiness.  

I think that much of RG's trauma comes from being separated from his mother which is why when he saw her paintings, he was traumatized he could not paint any longer.  


However, I do not discount your theory; because we never know where the story will lead us.  Who knows, your theory might be right on all points.  

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46 minutes ago, Carmarie said:

@bebebisous33   &  @Lalalaby Good theory.  However, I am confused when you say, "real brother" as opposed to half brother?  My grandmother had two sets of children, she was married twice, none of them act or feel as if they are not "real siblings"  Do you mean you think they have the same mother and father?  If so, I understand. 


Is it your theory that it was DM's mother who pushed RG away? 

Who left him at the orphanage?  According to DM's memory she was playing with someone at the orphanage. 

Were they both,  RG and SA, at the orphanage?    Do you think that RG and SA are that close in age?   SA knows his mother, remember she came to visit him  at his apartment.  RG's think his mother left him at the orphanage and she forcefully removed his hand from hers; therefore, RG does not like letting go of anyone's hand because when he does, he feels abandoned.  It is my impression that SA and RG do not know that they are brothers.  RG was adopted by a couple in the United States, I do not think his mother knows what happened to him and that is why she was in the chapel, perhaps she continuously pray for his safety and happiness.  

I think that much of RG's trauma comes from being separated from his mother which is why when he saw her paintings, he was traumatized he could not paint any longer.  


However, I do not discount your theory; because we never know where the story will lead us.  Who knows, your theory might be right on all points.  

I had the impression that DM's mother could have been working at a facility (a sort of kingergarten) taking care of children. We saw her looking at children in a flashback. Moreover, all of them were wearing knitted pullovers made by her. When Ryan says that HYT is his real name and claims that he was born in 1987, we can not be sure for a fact, if this is true. His identity could be false and he has been misled by the authority. Don't forget that RG has no memories from his past indicating that he is suffering from a trauma. Let just say that Ryan could have suffered from amnesia after witnessing a terrible accident which led him to a trauma and the police mistook him for HYT.


 @Lalalaby was right to point out that CSA was born in 1997 hence he can not have met DM and RG before. Yet, he connects the paintings to good memories and happiness, while we know that his mother LS sold them because she felt guilty. We still don't know for sure if CSA and RG are half-brothers or real brothers. Therefore I had this idea:

Maybe CSA was adopted and met his mother through the orphanage, when she looked for her own lost child. Moreover, she might have painted there too. What the gallery did at the orphanage during this week, could have happened in the past with CSA. The thing is that LS seems to be a single mother. CSA has never mentioned his father either. Furthermore, he was happy to give toys to the orphanage. So CSA could be an adopted son... as if LS was trying to redeem herself for losing her son RG.


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1 hour ago, Carmarie said:

@bebebisous33   &  @Lalalaby Good theory.  However, I am confused when you say, "real brother" as opposed to half brother?  My grandmother had two sets of children, she was married twice, none of them act or feel as if they are not "real siblings"  Do you mean you think they have the same mother and father?  If so, I understand. 


Is it your theory that it was DM's mother who pushed RG away? 

Who left him at the orphanage?  According to DM's memory she was playing with someone at the orphanage. 

Were they both,  RG and SA, at the orphanage?    Do you think that RG and SA are that close in age?   SA knows his mother, remember she came to visit him  at his apartment.  RG's think his mother left him at the orphanage and she forcefully removed his hand from hers; therefore, RG does not like letting go of anyone's hand because when he does, he feels abandoned.  It is my impression that SA and RG do not know that they are brothers.  RG was adopted by a couple in the United States, I do not think his mother knows what happened to him and that is why she was in the chapel, perhaps she continuously pray for his safety and happiness.  

I think that much of RG's trauma comes from being separated from his mother which is why when he saw her paintings, he was traumatized he could not paint any longer.  


However, I do not discount your theory; because we never know where the story will lead us.  Who knows, your theory might be right on all points.  

My thoughts:

Hi @Carmarie ! So I backtracked. I read @bebebisous33 theory. I agree with you. I can understand why she thinks her theory. I'm glad she answered your questions! I have questions too. And I don't think Deok Mi's mother pushed RG away. I think he was too late. I think he should have told Deok Mi his feelings in the beginning. But now she has Ryan. And Ryan has her. I don't think they should have been 'fake dating.' I think that just confused Deok Mi. I am so sad that he was left at an orphanage. I have a question about Lee Sol's paintings. But I'm not sure if a lot of people have seen episode 12. And I suck and making Spoilers. Can't wait for episode 13 subs!!! :D 


Edited by 2handsintertwined
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4 hours ago, haartie said:

I know it might sound too dreamy, but I am praying for a wedding by the end of the show. Huhu I want to see it so badly. Must be a gorgeous scene to watch.  


Me too! I really wish for happy ending and Ryan do deserve a happy family! It is nice to see the finale not only wedding but small family and with the in-laws. I also hope happy ending for Eun Gi dan his mother.  No more tears! 

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I also would like to see a wedding scene and our OTP living happily in their married life. I don't know why, but if I can see our OTP get married, it's like they seal the deal for me and I'm sure they will live happily ever after and i will feel satisfied at the end of the drama. :relieved: Hoping this series will end with a very nice and satisfying ending for everyone. 

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8 hours ago, haelan said:

All cute interactions aside, I really appreciated this scene with Deok Mi guiding Ryan’s hands to draw her own. It was so symbolic and so deep with love, compassion and understanding. As many have mentioned, DM’s EQ shines in empathy and being able to understand Ryan without spoken words. She waited for him to come to her when he was ready and never pressed him to reveal anything. In the very beginning of Ep. 12, Ryan asked her “Why aren’t you asking me anything?” and she just smiled at him. He continued to tell her at his own accord a little bit after. I teared up a little in this scene, because the pent-up frustrations and sadness that his condition brought him was being relieved right here and right now, with a single and simple gesture from DM. They are so observant of each other, with DM noticing how Ryan respectfully declined the sketchbook and the crayons from Curator Kim. The most important aspect of DM's actions is that she never forces Ryan to do anything. This scene didn't feel like DM was stepping any kind of boundaries. I’d also like to make a note that as far as I remember, Ryan paints with his left hand, but DM makes him draw with his right. I’m not sure if this was intentional (i.e. they had to use his right hand for the technical shot), but regardless, remember Ryan and DM’s conversation when he asked her how she learned to draw and appreciate her talent again after breaking her wrist? She said she used her left hand and it was difficult but she did it regardless because it was the first step in healing for her. Here she does the same thing — using Ryan’s right hand instead of his primary left, guiding him carefully and never once letting go of his hand, signaling that his healing process doesn't have to be done alone, and that she will always be there for him. This heightens the impact of the ending of Ep.12 as well. Using the quote from Ep. 5 “I am here. I am always looking at you...” DM has been the healing that Ryan needed all this time. She helped him take that brave first step, gently and slowly.  You can see this endearing reaction from Ryan as well as he stares at her both in disbelief and in awe (what a woman DM is). And she continues to smile back at him, reassuring him that he’s doing just fine. It hasn't really been explored that much, but I always assumed that Ryan pre-DM wanted to be able to paint again but with an expectation that he would be able to paint as well as he had been prior to his condition. DM gave him the wisdom of starting with baby steps to help him heal. I love this scene so much. I love love love how hands has been used in HPL. It shows connectivity as well as intimacy when it comes to Ryan and DM. The arrangement of their hands after DM finishes the drawing shows this as well, connected as one. 


And then to our cute little guest! They look like a tiny family here, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they adopt her in the end (please Writer-nim!). She was pretty attached to Ryan, and honestly who wouldn’t want to be :D? I can already imagine some of fangirling hijinks DM would pull her into, and then fun art sessions with the family. It's asking for a little much, but for now I'll let my imagination run!


@haelan I see that we continue to be on the same page! Couldn’t have said it better. This was definitely one of my favorite scenes from this episode as well and I completely agree with your thoughts. I mentioned that I wanted to see a scene where they created art together and so I was very satisfied with this scene. The fact that Ryan can’t even trace something when he used to be heralded as a genius painter is such a point of insecurity for him and the fact that he was able to show this to her and not only feel safe and accepted by her but helped by her was beautiful. I wholeheartedly agree with you about loving the connection between hands as a way to communicate safety, trust, and intimacy and so it was a perfect to use that as the first thing that he’s drawn with with the help of DM. 


I agree that they are both so observant and in tune with one another. Ryan was this way when he was protecting DM behind the scenes with her sexuality and also her fangirling. And now DM as she helps Ryan heal from his past. I do think DM is especially good at it and I agree about her being able to empathize so well. I realized that she’s really good at initiating conversations that lead to people opening up. For example, at the end of episode 12, before Ryan finally shares about the paintings and his mom, she just simply asks when he first saw the paintings, which leads to Ryan sharing. In episode 5, when they’re at the writer’s cabin, she simply states to the writer about hearing that him and the photographer were very close friends, which leads to the author sharing more about their history. She’s not pushy but creates open-ended conversations that allow people to share on their own terms. Love that about DM.  


I also loved the scene where DM says, “Hello, Heo Yoon Jae.” It reminded me of their conversation at the writer’s cabin. 


And I’m a firm believer in fostering and adopting, so I would love it if they decided to adopt a child from that orphanage towards the end! I doubt that would happen lol, but it would be awesome. 


I am honestly not that excited about this whole mom storyline and even their potential childhood connection, but like I said, I am all in with this couple and so I am okay with it as long as they handle it well. Episodes 11 and 12 were really great in delving into Ryan’s past and allowing him to finally be vulnerable with DM, so I’m hoping they would continue to handle everything in a similar manner. 


And echoing everyone else, I loved the recent BTS so much. I am enjoying them as much as the drama. LOL. I’ve never  shipped a couple from a drama in real life, but I agree that they have such good chemistry off screen, that I can see why people are shipping them! 

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D-9 before the shooting finished. :bawling: I don’t want to say goodbye :bawling:


5 hours ago, haartie said:

I know it might sound too dreamy, but I am praying for a wedding by the end of the show. Huhu I want to see it so badly. Must be a gorgeous scene to watch.  



If they follow the webtoon, I think they will have a wedding scene at the end. I hope to see gorgeous Deok Mi in wedding dress walking down the aisle with Ryan :heart: 


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While a wedding scene would be nice, I think I'd want a flash forward to 5 years better. Maybe an epilogue scene showing Ryan dealing with his fangirl wife and fangirl daughter. Lol. Of course, if both wedding and epilogue scene can make it that'll be the best case scenario. 

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8 hours ago, haartie said:

I know it might sound too dreamy, but I am praying for a wedding by the end of the show. Huhu I want to see it so badly. Must be a gorgeous scene to watch.  


I do also hope there will be a marriage to seal their love. But, I kind of don't agree if wedding is their last scene. I don't want anyone (or maybe just me) compare it with WWSK scene later. WWSK also have wedding as their last scene.


It will be lovely if the last scene shows how all of the cast happily going on White Ocean concert (including all of parents) to show support to Sian ---It's so Her Private Life (fangirling)---. I'm still hoping no more angst with their childhood moment (all of this 'parent' things), so they all happily living with each other.


It will be great if the last scene something like It's okay It's love or marriage contract last scene The OTP have marriage, but no wedding scene. It will be lovely if DM and RG have a child. *Okay I'm so addicted with KJW scene with children :lol:




How sweet




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7 hours ago, haartie said:

I know it might sound too dreamy, but I am praying for a wedding by the end of the show. Huhu I want to see it so badly. Must be a gorgeous scene to watch.  


As for me, I want it to be  little epilogue after their wedding. Their life as husband and wife (and a child perhaps). and  Maybe Ryan can draw again. Just my hopeful wish but I know in Kdrama normally the ending is so simple. Either a wedding, proposal or just a simple scene where our otp kiss. 

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Ok this will come off as weird because I'm completely obsessed with RG and DM having children and I'm saying this for the third time lol.

Now this won't be canon, because writers tend to end with weddings or just final reunions(in case of noble idiocy) instead of actual depiction of their family life - something I desperately want to see considering I need Ryan to have a loving family.

So whether they show it or not, my headcanon lasts for 3-4 mins and goes this way:

Ryan is just done with his work and is now looking for what his kids are upto on a Sunday afternoon. He enters the room of his daughter who's completely obsessed with aquariums and ocean and aquatic life to the point that she has blankets, walls, chairs, toys, everything covered in turtles, whales, jellyfishes. He doesn't find her there so he looks for his son in the next room who's just as obsessed with space and rockets and black holes. He doesn't find him there either. And he finally looks at the nursery/playroom they have for their youngest offspring who's like 3-4 and it has all sorts of chimes and baby keyboards and sound mimicing toys.

So he's perplexed and goes to the garden/terrace/porch where he finally sees them all covered in (kid friendly non toxic) paint, and having a drawing/painting session with their mom, laughing and running around. They notice him and run upto him, asking him to get involved, while DM holds up a spare apron for him, smiling and happy.


Just imagining it made me so happy that I thought I should put it over here. Hope y'all find it as cute as I did.

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48 minutes ago, TheRoadtoPMY said:

While a wedding scene would be nice, I think I'd want a flash forward to 5 years better. Maybe an epilogue scene showing Ryan dealing with his fangirl wife and fangirl daughter. Lol. Of course, if both wedding and epilogue scene can make it that'll be the best case scenario. 


I agree. If it ended with just a wedding, it'd be too much like wwwsk and other K-dramas. I like both the wedding and flash forward better.

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Actually you are right...he is very good with kids....especially in the off cam scene when the boy asked about the Ng...loved that he assured the boy that that the Ng wasn’t due to him....:wub:

such a sweetie....

would kill for a shot of Ryan gold with a baby strapped to his chest....lol

the OTP look so lovely when they are out walking in the sun....under the cherry blossoms...in the amusement park....picnic...

i think I’m worried regarding the whole childhood trauma trope because it can ruin the lighthearted tone of the drama...

( still having ptsd from the third charm....I was an esom Fan after btimfl and had looked forward to her romcom)

....of course it has to happen because that is the original premise....the genius artist who couldn’t paint any more...and is healed by love

Thanks for the bubble pics....there are reflections of children...a swing etc in the bubbles...also realised they reused the same bubbles in that close up shot above...:lol:

well..we will see...I just hope they compensate the pain with lots of kisses n cuddles...

wonder if it’s too much to ask to get one mature scene....lol...

Or will that cause mini explosions in a few households...but think of the million gifs it would spawn...that we could rewatch 

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OMG now I am imagining Ryan holding a baby or with his kids. :heart::heart: That would be the perfect ending. If the flash forward will around 5-6 years later, I would like to see his kid loves to play with her (uncle?) Cha Si An and makes daddy jealous. :lol:

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