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Posts posted by Nodame

  1. @emerald ox @dramaninja GJ and NH were so cute. That video brought a lot of feels. I hope we can see more of them but seeing as we are only a quarter of the way til the end, I am sure more angst is on our way. I don’t know how weekend dramas normally work but I am enjoying al mm the stories. The ML and FL got me here but the side stories and acting is keeping me interested.




    Looking forward to the next episode! Hope mom doesn’t stay angry too long at dad over kimbap CY.

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  2. @dramaninja Thank you! Yes GJ does finally want NH to be happy. Though he might have regretted divorcing NH, he is not really being honest with himself.


    I was happy he gave honest and good advice to NH that was truthful and helpful. Not any bad advice, so I respected that a lot. Yes after thinking the miscarriage and upset /lack of smiles and laughter in their interactions towards the end of their marriage , glad he wants her NH happy.


    Before with NH and his mom he seemed to side with his demanding mom. But after their divorce was open to everyone , the ever cordial and agreeable GJ blew up. What he did wasn’t easy. Glad he stood up for NH (though late for their marriage but it took the marriage's end for him to face the brutal truth)


    Oh I totally related to him! I had that with my dad! I am agreeable like him with my dad for family harmony but at price of suppressing myself . My sis is like JS with our dad being able to draw line.


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  3. @fluffyloaf OOOH he is a cutie, since this is my first time seeing him. He is adorbs. You have good taste. I KNEW it (as we all did) that he kept with the banmal to be special and different. :hypehype:


    Men who are dating Noona's have to get out of the dongseng trap.To show they can be a "man" either by language (the fact he used banmal can be a NO NO and GH was objecting reluctantly --you know she secretly loved it). She is trying to not like him as she knows as an older woman, divorce with a pre teen kid, with a man as  young as him better to not think of him in a romantic sense. Further when the stuntman complained and wanted to call her Nuna I can see why HS was upset. (Plus I agree he dropped liking her /crushing cause she was LOUD? what?! You are always wanting to be in the lime light but cannot be 'wrong" or stand to be corrected. UGGGH that alone is annoying. Good GH wouldn't like him anyways.)


    (OH I want to see that preview stat).


    @chickfactor Yup JS is def better than GJ in having boundaries with mom. Why he got away going home. But you know the mom reminds me ALOT of my dad. I am more GJ and my sis JS. (Though I am putting my foot down since last year and making my voice heard too.)

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  4. @stroppyse :Megathanks: omg he is such a pure and awesome friend in Jo Jae Su. So glad he is there for the brothers. I love the actor. He imbues alot in his roles. Just in the one episode , he is so cute with them. I love that they can rely on each other and have their own family. 


    I have the Heize song on repeat --thank god working alone in the office. Such a lovely song! Her voice is amazing and glad I got to hear her live twice in USA here at KCON LA and KCON NY. 

    • Like 11
  5. @sal2 Hello! Yes, agreed I def think with more time together to hang out due to the thesis, they definitely will be rekindling their feelings and possibly be able to communicate better (ahem GJ). Right now, GJ was shocked NH would take his advice well. (Heck he said it in a reasonable way to NH, so she took it too heart. His prob was not being honest heart to hearts with her. So when he just want with what he assumed she wanted he did not show /say his real feelings at their divorce--GJ was wrong. Then again where would we get the 100 episodes of angst or trials we need.) As we know JR and NH are not the end game, but we still have a ways to go til the end of this drama. :nonono:


    @mjmartinez I love the music in Asian dramas. I love they use certain music for certain characters. Whenever I hear the music for the Sadon couple--I feel very young again. LOL.  This drama doesn't disappoint in their music choices as well.:happydance:


    @chickfactor A big STAR to share the previews and subs! YESH! JS and DH with their first fight, I think it will be ok---as long as they talk.


    OB should talk to YD her hubby ---instead of her sis and daughter.  But then again she would be ticked he did not tell her --he should tell her he took CY to the hospital.:headbang:

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  6. @heartslined omg thanks for the BTS of Sadon couple!:heart1:


    @cuplik Thanks I agree too MIL not only our main OTP got to work on themselves.


    @letsgoa_s  I think NH Unni will not want DH to date at all no matter if it is JS or another guy. That talk before bed about don’t waste your free time as getting in / now the bigger goal is graduating. But NH is right.


    Loved that JS oppa and his ex are on the road to reconciliation! So happy and yes he did well preparing breakfast for his gals and getting groceries for them too. He is a lovable mass of muscles! 

    The dinner with JR, NH, GJ and his nuna on her bday was awkward. GJ notes NH listened to his advice well (letting JR cut steak or wipe her hand) he seemed jealous . He was pouting and unhappy and still denying his feelings?!:emmm:


    Glad Sadon couple sailed. Their chat on the phone DH fell asleep on the kitchen floor- ouch. JS needing to ice his ear. ( I though he was childish to not let GJ hyung in to use the toilet). JS reluctantly eating a salmon dinner with mom as DH kindly accepted her invite after JS rejected it then worked his way back as he wanted to be with DH. I am glad DH knows JS fell in love summery teasing her constantly.:happydance:


    The jokes on poor DH who prepared for a just in case sleepover as GJ was supposedly overnight in Daejeon. So liked she teased him back after he wore two different slippers to give her her sneakers. Cute she kissed him on the cheek.:happyshakes:


    Still do love the scene of HS trying on shirts and addressing GH ex accordingly. Seeing the episode I was right thinking he would dislike the loud colored T. But he seemed mischievous and loving using banmal with her. Def loveline there for sure now since HS never shows us much what he is thinking.:eating:


    Disliked the old friend/user who came to borrow money from CY. I love the donsengs warned her but CY is too kind. She has a big heart.


    3:30am here so this it for now.:GN1:

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  7. @fluffyloaf Just finished my late lunch and took your advice to watch the clip---HS trying on the shirts.

    OMG glad I did! NO WONDER that scene beat out our Sadon couple! DANG you GO HS! :heart3:


    Wow he was sooooo swoon worthy using banmal with GH in front of the EX. In fact when the ex was figuring out who the heck is this guy. Even tried saying---nephew? When both ignored the EX, walked away dang HS cool move to take her shoulder and walk closer to him. OMG he def was acting very mature. (I had my doubts but this scene along ----I can tell he is caring for her as well as her son.) When she complimented him for having sense to scope the situation. She was giddy that her ex is going to have trouble sleeping due to his rabid curiosity wondering about the TRUTH of their relationship. His parting --I am hungry (in banmal) swoon worthy. She was like ---not calling me nuna? (I think he wants to be special and stand out as he treats her son as someone special.) 


    HS holds his cards close to his heart but we do know he has a good heart.  Not wanting to help Joonson until he realized the dad was proud , he then relented. When he started caring for GH's son, he took care of her (after hard day) when she got drunk. I loved he took her home and even picked up the scarf hanging off her handbag (to make sure it was dragging on the ground). To waiting to ride the scooter to work (first her request) another time he did it without her asking. He called her NUNA and then when the other guys wanted to call her nuna, he said I thought it was special. (I am reading-----I want to be special in your eyes.) So I refuse to call you Nuna from today forward.


    Ok I REALLY need to get some work done today. Thank god it is not too busy.

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  8. OH my God, so much good stuff. I only watched one episode due to busy weekend (Father's Day with dad in town) and rewatched Saturday's episode (once subs were late and I was anxious to watch it) and last night late rewatched it--only caught up on the minor details I missed. But I have to watch Sunday's episode and thanks for the sweet clip on the botched dinner date of JS and DH---cute.


    So this is more on thoughts watching one of the episodes.


    @kiefshi1056 Thanks for your translations btw! :heart2:


    @Schmiechel Great comments and looking forward to seeing more of GJ grappling with his suppressed unhappy feelings regard NH. The fact he flat out refused to tell his dongseng JS (after needing to have digestive meds) not being to eat the fried chicken lunch from JR (buying from NH"s parents place). Even if you are in denial, your BODY reminds you that you are not OK and not doing well. The lack of mind body connection and stress of ignoring your true feelings.:headbang:


    @fluffyloaf  @cuplik and @Mellow_mindeulle Right now I agree I want NH with JR for now. No point rushing back to GJ, though a great guy, he cannot even be honest with himself and communicate well with his own family. Plus he needs to realize his comments and nagging ways (JS hinted that NH was really patient dealing with him) can be too much to take (Even for family.) 


    GJ is a good guy to others and has a great image. But like any person, he lets his guard down and is his TRUE self with loved ones and family including NH. He forgot to be good /thoughtful and nice. Even when he did try to be, he did not correct NH views and just lost his temper. From waiting a long time to drive NH home (when she hurt her foot) but in the end he saw JR drove her home (assuming they were on a date-they were not).  Or when that time she did WANT a ride and he was childish and drove off deliberately in front of her and childish (looked at NH cannot remember if he stuck out his tongue or not --I doubt it but def felt like that kind of expression) while they were waiting to get divorced /roomies. Though NH is tough and blunt and frank, she is honest and doesn't beat around the bush. She told him about divorce not wanting to be in pain or making it uncomfortable. When GJ did not even try to say ---why no? I don't agree he just took it. He is not honest with NH. She deserves it. When he could not try to understand NH and pushing her away while she tried to have a child. Gosh no wonder she wanted to give up. Their conversations were not there and they lost their intimacy and emotional closeness, no wonder I don't want NH to be with the current GJ.


    I want her with JR for now. He is too smooth and understanding. I did like that he tried to check in with GJ after the chicken luncheon, he told him straight up he was interested in NH and confessed in front of him to NH in the hospital entrance (when NH was saying you should ask the person you want to date out --not me all the time.) He saw that GJ had tons of love from NH's family after meeting them and later her mom giving the Bell Flower tea for his sore throat.  He admitted not being close with his family with the distance and just their personality too. SO to see her noisy, involved but loving family differs greatly from his family. (Doesn't hurt I like Alex too and he has such a soothing voice and demeanor too.)


    @ck1Oz I agree when I saw Alex on this drama, I was like woah ---but not far to him I recall him when he first was in his group and in We Got Married (eons ago).  Welcome to this weekend drama /rabbit hole! My first weekend drama for a Korean drama. I have been avoiding them.:yaaa:


    @JumeeTya Thanks for the Sadon couple first kiss clip. OMG too cute. Since I have not watched the episode looking forward to it. Cute that JS was like, after DH scurried away---that was too fast. I want another one. LOL .:kisslevel:


    Though I like JS, I did not like the "mil dang" he tried to do and waited longer to tell DH he liked her back. But he did say too this is the ONLY time I can do this. Does not make it right, but he did. He knows he is a SUCKER for DH. DH like her sis (family trait) are honest and do not beat around the bush when they make a decision. (A great personality trait I adore and respect.) She realized she liked him and she went to ruin his date at the gallery ONCE she realized she was NOT ok with it. Same as when she did not want to cross the line and did not realize her burgeoning feelings for JS but they were just friendly terms. She was HONEST of her feelings at that time with him. But the time JS drew the line (it was hard for him) , it gave DH the chance to MISS JS and realize she DID start to like him. She was clueless. GH warned her guys just don't spend time and take anyone for expensive Hanwoo lunch. So with her wise unni's advice, she got the clue. (It is part of her charm.)


    Happy for the older bro Joonson  going on the road to reconciling with his ex Hyun Kyeong, they are both good people. But since she broke up with him (seems like) she was sick of him not having direction in life and not being able to be financial responsible person she could rely on. (That clip when we found out their first meeting was ADORBS.) I can see why he fell in love. She was just so awesome! Whenever i see her , I always think of Yoon Eun Hye. (I miss her acting.):cheers:Joon son hwaiting! (Great job grocery shopping getting stuff for the home and help with his daughter. Plus liked that HK is warming up and even mom noticed too! 


    I did like that JS was pabo for DH when his mom beat up him and he still smiled so happily and giddily that he could care less as DH LIKES him back! :heart4:


    The unnecessary drama (I know you need filler grrrr) but dragging the mom misunderstanding  CY is interested in dad Young Dal Please. When everyone finds out that is his birth lil sis he thought was dead all these years---omg that will be a tearful reunion. (Granted the market place people do not know) still I get being cautious and aware. But Korea being so conservative. CY just hitting the dad's shoulder is (flirting/inapproapriate to the very CONSERVATIVE eyes of others ahem those market ajummas).:headbang:


    The Sports day was hilarious how CY won the LED face mask and had JS mom Ok Boon  fall and mom just fell on her own. She is FIERCE and scary!:onfirex:


    Looking forward to seeing Sunday episode where GH is appreciating HS more. He is a cutie but I need to see that soon later tonight.


    I got alot to catch up on tonight! :kicks: I am so impatient now!  Ahhh lunch time now for me.

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  9. @mjmartinezBless your heart posting the whole interview by the Sadon couple.:hypehype:


    From what I can understand the overall stuff (excuse my lacking Korean skills):


    -the host was saying wow there really is a size difference in your hands 

    - the actress said LSY hands are manly or was it the host? But LSY thought his hands were not that attractive 


    - the host shared fans order not requested the two be in a rom com? or drama after Once Again ends. The actress def was loving the idea and joked that she hopes the higher ups here this!


    - also high ratings were mentioned 


    - host asked the actress what her ideal type is in a man- she said JS. LSY missed it and asked for her answer. Then he said even bring the drama into the response. The hostess answered listing JS lovely qualities ( I totally agree.)


    - they are so comfortable the fact she hit him (I forgot why, def can feel they are close) :kisslevel:


    - The host asked for spoilers but LSY politely declined.:allgoodlol:


    I am looking forward to today’s episode!! Yes!:hypehype:

    • Thanks 4
  10. @kiefshi1056Omg great fan made video of the popular Sadon couple!


    They give my weekly dose of smiles & looking for more ! I am sure JS is finally loving DH admitted to calling him her BF. She was jelly & frustrated to miss her comfortable but fun sadon. I must applaud JS for drawing and keeping the line well. Though it pained me to see DH very confused and missing JS, it had to be done. How they interacted before could be definitely construed as crossing the line.

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  11. @Mellow_mindeulle I totally agree it’s his charm that captivated me to cheer on his character YS! Even if I see a great looking person with crappy personality- I cannot find them attractive. I concur I fell in the rabbit hole thanks to his outstanding acting skills and charms! I too am a bit biased to musical actors as well!


    oooh wedding throwback of OTP would be cool! 


    @the girl who! Thanks for the FAnmade Videos of our OTP.

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  12. Looking forward to the weekend (FINALLY to see our lovely family)!!!


    I hope to see more about the Kimbap owner and the Dad (a bit more about their familial ties). I loved that he saw her drinking alone and did not want her to be sad/upset. I like she can confide in him in a way it is hard to confide in her gals. She loves them but doesn't want to worry/burden them as their boss/unni too. (Being a caretaker/leader is not easy.)


    I admit initially not caring about the GH and HS pairing, but warming up as both complement each other well. I love how he is sweet to her son. I liked how she DID see him glamping with him on the rooftop after his dad dissed him.  (The scene of GH asking HS and the other stunt guys to help her set her EX straight was HILARIOUS!)


    Also want to see what DH sees to JS now she dragged him out saying he was her BF. Def looking forward to these two! They are my highlight in the episode.


    @jelly Thanks for the interview of JS and DH . Omomo cute!


    @D27Gjk68 Agreed JS is immature, but yes the process of seeing him falling for DH sold me on the pairing. (He is immature and needs to grow up) but is a good balance to him. He realized liking her --he cannot be clubbing and drinking with the boys alot. She wants to study and do something with her life. I loved he committed to helping her. Committed to making her not be a "doormat". I loved how he punched her ex and told him to get away from her---after dumping her and wanting her back. Oh that was SOO unsavoury. (BTW that actor who plays DH's ex husband though handsome seems to have that richard simmons vibe well though. I have seen him typecasted in this role alot)


    Thanks @heartslined for sharing the clip of JS dancing to LALA Land. (He is a musical theater actor? I know alot are in dramas--My faves Jo Jung Suk and new fave  Jeon Mi Do (missing Hospital Playlist so hard--S2 needs to be here right now!)


    @Mellow_mindeulle Dang the actor Lee Sang Yi playing JS is def now giving Jo Jung Suk vibes --dancing, sing and playing instrument? So talented!  (Didn't realized I saw him in Suits, Prison Playbook, and The 3rd Charm already). Ok on his IG he has posts of old musicals/plays he has been in. GOT IT. Nice. HIs playing JS makes JS so much more charming. Though I think the actor playing his hyung  more handsome, LSY imbues a wonderful and attractive quality to JS that makes me cheer for his wooing of DH.

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  13. Hello been lurking! I am glad there is a forum for this drama. I don't watch weekend dramas, but I admit I was lured by the OTP and I do like Alex.


    So like alot of others, I have fell for the Sadon couple JS and DH.


    @dubuqueen Your thoughts are what I think of JS and DH in relations to NH and GJ. They have their immature sides and they have their redeeming qualities. Let's face it, no one is perfect. If everyone was perfect, we wouldn't want to watch the story. It is their imperfections that make them more "real" and relatable. Makes the process of getting to know them (no matter how immature or messy) more fun to watch. 


    I agree about DH's charms.  I loved how JS taught her to be more firm and assert herself without LOSING her nice and friendly personality. 


    Yes definitely when NH's MIL complained to DH, DH was not dissing her unni. As mentioned by @dubuqueen she just was a  sounding board for her to vent her frustrations. DH knows her sister though she LOVES her can be frustrating. I mean she dreaded her tutoring sessions, (stressed her out and were disheartening for her. Thank god for JS).


    I cannot wait to see the reunion of the long lost siblings. I know we are quarter of the way---but looking forward to seeing. I did not like the busy body market women telling the mom's sis they saw dad with kimbap lady outside of the noraebang. Glad mom knows dad and just nipped it in the bud.

    • Like 6
  14. Hello everyone! I have been lurking but wanted to say hi! Thanks to the great active fans @Yippeun_eonnie :heart:  @Ameera Ali-posts/comments (waves long time no see-prob don't remember me I remember you! ) @jeonghyang and nice thoughts  @madmad min and recap of the final episode. I have not watched it as I am still at work and it is 2pm here in USA (east coast). 


    So thanks to everyone's hard work, I cannot wait to watch the actual episode. But pics, gifs and awesome comments and recaps here definitely are helpful.


    I admit while watching The King---I have been enjoying the acting, but the story line at times lost me especially in the first half and I found the CG graphics at times not so impressive. But Kim Go Eun (loved her since Cheese in the Trap and her acting never disappoints) , Woo Do Wan (looking so fine and sexy as Jo Young) and Lee Min Ho (he maintained great chemi with Kim Go Eun---I don't get the naysayers) kept me going. Lee Jung Jin  as Lee Rim was amazing. I have followed and enjoyed his acting over the years but LOVED LOVED him in this role. He did evil so well. Kim Kyung Nam as Shin Jae loving TE---I liked those flashback where she used her looks to get new recruits. SJ was so smitten. Sad that TE did not catch up. But would have it mattered if she knew earlier? We will never know, but I loved his loyalty to her. Though he disliked LG, he did help him as he did wish for TE happiness. It was crazy though finding out he switched worlds (mind was blown) same with Lady Noh (Kim Young Ok) too. Gosh I have seen this actress in many dramas (as many long time drama viewers know her) but as Lady Noh she was brilliant. Loved when LG thanked her for her hard work and keeping the secret. But also letting LG (leave the scene where his dad was killed) despite looking suspicious and all in black too.) Then later she assisted LG after realizing TE was key to the destiny LG had to fulfill. YESH! Never really knew Jung Eun Chae as the PM, but her version of was great and she wore killer heels and had a killer wardrobe to boot.  She did it so well you disliked her enough.I liked how she was smart to use "Mackerel" as the code dinner word. How she broke down when her "mom" answered not saying it in a recent episode. 


    Enjoyed the comic relief of Kang Ho Suk as JangMi as Tae Eul's hoobae in her team. Those outrageous outfits and when the team first met him thinking he was the CROOK! But he is so hardworking and earnest. Kim Yong Ji as Nari (I don't recall this actress) but she is pretty and I liked her alot. Her flirting with both of Woo Do Hwan's character in both Universes was cute. From Young (cannot blame her!) to ES  (he is too clumsy cute and his adoration for his much younger sibs was adorbs. Woo Do Hwan was soooooo good going in satori just slayed. Loved when Young as ES did a great job and did it to Lee Gon (LOL).


    Moon Woo Jin (kid plays young Hyun Min) was great to see him as I am seeing him in Once Again 한 번 다녀왔습니다(weekend drama). My first one to watch in eternity.  Jung Si Yul (kid plays young Jo Young) I was like---wait that is Ikjun's son in 슬기로운 의사생활; Hospital Playlist. (Still cannot get over that amazing drama---so eagerly awaiting S2). Jung Ye Na as ES younger sis Eun Bi was hilarious. I loved how she KNEW immediately that Young was NOT her oppa ES. The glare and her -my eyes are on you watching your every move was adorbs and CUTE!


    Love when Young and ES had their tearful goodbye. I admit the comic relief was needed was done by the talented Woo Do Hwan. When ES was patting himself on the back---omg I look this good looking at an incredulous Young. LOL.  ES we love you and YESH you clean up well. 


    Enough here for now. Just saying a few things before I go into the finale tonight. But back into lurking mode, thanks for the forum . Soompi is such a blessing. Thanks everyone. 



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  15. Hello everyone, I have been silently lurking and had to SQUEEEEEEEL with happiness with the recaps. I am at work and could not stop reading the live recaps --a million thanks to everyone @triplem and @ktcjdrama and others for recapping/posting pics/videos etc for us who are unable to stream or watch it live.


    I am a mess of emotions right now and soooooo giddy. YESH, Wintergarden sailed (only 10:30am here) Dang too long to wait to go home to watch it. Alright and not surprised Ikjun went to Seokcho to SeongHwa and YESH finally he did the confession privately to her --he needed to have done eons ago. Second chance at love. 


    I used to like Chihong alot, but what I read about in the recaps and some analysis, though he is mild mannered and seemingly thoughtful and a gentleman. I did not appreciate some actions he did out of jealousy and pettiness. Owning your feelings and expressing them is fine, but Seonghwa did tell him and mentioned ---if you make it uncomfortable I will not go for it. As asserted and mentioned before, alot of actions he tried to do or mimic IkJun, he cannot surpass him. From her crush on Ikjun and friendship for over 20 years plus doesn't help Chihong most importantly Seonghwa never thought of him romantically. This is key.


    Reading how Jeongwon reacted to Winter being hospitalized for her allergic reaction, it is sweet we finally see that he did care but just did not so outrightly but behind the scenes. When he let Winter lead in surgery and the nurse saying it was his FIRST time allowing someone do it. I loved how he did show signs ---he avoided and said NO to her for dinner. Everyone else he did even when asked alone but no to her. That definitely set the stage and hints he could harbor some thoughts for her. Also how I loved Ikjun saying I want my friend Jeongwon happy with Winter. OMG loved it. The cute smile he had talking to Winter in the garden last episode and his astute mom Rosa seeing them. Jeongwon is so detailed oriented and as pointed out before, he did keep tabs on her when Winter was waiting to be picked up he just assumed she had a date with her BFF Mina. Yes, that scene he put the snacks she was inhaling after the meeting in front of her---definitely was attentive in his way. But both of them being newbies in dating and realizing their feelings (ok more Jeongwon than Winter) was cute and frustrating.  (GOSH cannot wait to see this all live) Plus did not hurt I love Yoo Yun Seok since his Chilbong days. Glad he is STAYING. (I have also watched the YT fan videos analyzing the drama and loved the ones about the stuffed animals in his office---fans def have eagle eyes. Plus the Mafia game analysis -rewatched in earlier pages definitely very cool to read/watch.)


    Kind of like SH did with Mina, he got her snacks and food but gave to the nurse to give to her. He did not want her to know. Or how Jungwon helped DO and took the position (he was avoiding) and helping him avoid a pay cut all the while DO kept complaining not realizing what Jungwon did until later.


    Sad about Jungwon--hearing about his heartbreak (but we knew all our ships were not going to sail). It is reality of life with all its bitterness and sweetness. I cannot wait to see Ikjun's son and the actual 2 hour episode which I know will just FLY very fast for me.


    Thanks for letting me get this out of my system and now back to work.  Going back to lurking mode now.

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  16. Hello All. Just lurking this week and saw last night episode and the clips for ep 5. Just a big dump right now sorry if this doesn't make sense.


    Ok ep 5,  how he played off holding MS and that awkward moment. The realization of our OTP the meaning of "want to eat ramen" was hilarious for our YJ to find out from his pal the meaning. Then to have MS sis get upset at her. LOL. I am glad she is there for her to decipher her boss weird/quirks etc.  Truly comes in handy later when he wants to "shake her up" but then leans in for the kiss they ALMOST does it and he pushes her way (LOL).


    I know I have said this before, the fashion is killer in this drama. Cute that YJ then later her colleagues all note she repeats her clothing (that blouse) and stated is that a uniform for their company? The dress she got to meet up YJ (she was stunning) and gosh that moment for his grandiose confession was foiled. Sigh. Our OTP needs a PROPER kiss , we got the hugs/close body contact/closeness of their faces to know their hearts races for the others when in close proximity. YJ with his awkwardness always spouts nonsense. UGGGH ruins the mood. Even MS is awkward in dating but these two kiddos cannot wait for them to just GET together in ep 7.


    I love how Yoo Shik is his friend but also works under YJ. It is a slippery slope as we know. I loved how YS realizes YJ has no close pals so to talk about the near kiss and what not of ---close person in his life. Like YS wouldn't know of this person? I loved how he loved pushing YJ buttons saying that 'friend' needs to up his game and confess now. LOL. He was not fooled for a minute. But I liked he said to YJ , you wake me up and bother me at a weird hour to talk about your so called "friend's" dilemma ? Heheh. Yeah right.


    The Sung Yeon Hyung (actor is younger than PSJ and though I liked him in other dramas--his acting chops is NOT up to the OTP). He is cute in his way and when he teased MS when she was going to reject him. But of course, she changed her tune when she realized he was the famous author. The colleague Chi In shared with her so she got more insight why YJ was ticked at her being close to his hyung (not telling he the real reason---then later accepting her proposal despite adamantly refusing it.) Our lonely and YJ is a caring person just suppresses so much and his lack of experience shows but he does care for MS. I love that in the EP 10 clip that he confessed to her that she was chosen (despite all the TOP specs of the other secretaries was due to her being HER--Kim Mi So. If that was not the TELL TALE sign he knew her all along though not telling her, I don't know what is.). Plus that scene when his hyung was recounting his FALSE memories to her she realized the HUGE gaps and discrepancies to YJ's story. Plus she saw YJ's scars on his ankle. 


    The side story with Chansung of 2pm as that perfect man in the company ---meh. Doesn't do it for me. I am a huge 2pm fan, but not loving it but love Lee Junho in Wok of Love right now though.


    SY hyung is alway antagonizing YJ, gosh YJ has to deal with so much . He is too kind-hearted under that gruff big ego is a sweetie pie who holds it all together though he suffers alone. I am glad he has MS by his side and knowing more about his ties to MS and their shared memory. He kept his promise to her to keep her by his side and come get her again unbeknownst to her. Wow be still my beating heart. OMG OMG OMG.


    Ok got to get back to work but thanks to all for your updates/thoughts/comments/ goodies. YESH. Til tonight when I can catch ep 6.

    • Like 11
  17. Just saw the latest episode and my faves @MrsSoJiSub @USAFarmgirl @bebebisous33 are here and thanks to others for your efforts to keep us informed with goodies, articles, translations, pics etc.


    Loving the OTP and this episode that COW is working hard to hide her unmentionables from the boss. LOL. I agree with @USAFarmgirl the cow is adorbs. I remember the last time I wanted the stuffed animal was in My Name is Kim Sam Soon and the Pig Rabbit in You're Beautiful. LOL. Or how they are slowly getting closer and every time they are physically close to each other the heightened awareness.


    The boss saying did I ever say you are beautiful and then take it back. Mentions if she wears perfume but learns it is just her shampoo buy 1 get 1 (lol not some expensive exotic scent). I do love her outfits and her high ponytail is adorbs. She is TOTAL girl crush material and just her visuals throughout I feel she is a walking model no joke. Or saying she wants an ordinary romance to get a hug after a long weary day---awww. Attending to his wounds on his mouth or his ankle as the efficient secretary while cancelling is appointments to take care and rest. Or when he learns he has to up the Arts center dates she takes on the challenge without hesitation. She gives alternate answers to NO/Maybes ie the copy right situation, artwork no being done---finish it at the arts center. Very fast and efficient reminding our boss she is his ever efficient Secretary Kim Miso.


    The brothers as analyzed others are definitely having alot of hurt and need to talk it out. Both blaming the other and when the Hyung bullied YJ and his friends. Plus the kidnapping encounter did not help him but the trauma. Hyung doesn't help being all --I will forgive you and I am the bigger person. Plus rudely mentions he will take away Secretary Kim from him. To threaten, why do you not introduce her and worry I will date her and take her away? Wow that is so high and mighty. (But by then he realized who she was after seeing her name tag after she gave a fake number. So he was interested by her looks first. But she admitted if he was the author she would not have given a fake number. Well she will find out next episode he is the guy she is looking for .) But now he knows who she is, he DEFINITELY will work to get her away from YJ. I doubt he will be successful as our OTP have a lot of time to be together and their attraction though simmering ---we NEED some kisses to make up for all this FULL body contact. SIGH.


    YJ friend is a true one. As pointed out earlier, when YJ leaned on MS after hurtng his ankle, he warned the guy---if you want to transfer to India do not go to YJ. So TRUE!  He knows our YJ so well that he NEVER allows a female to touch him. Plus it is obvious he is showing feelings and not realizing it (but now this episode he does and his saying he will be putting all his attentions to MS. I am looking forward to their date.  His confession to MS, will it be sabatoged by his hyung?!


    Yes, on the parents loving both sons. Things don't always seem the same and the same words and situation can be construed differently based on POV as mentioned by others. So true. If you refuse to communicate and just have that elephant in the room (the kidnapping) it will only continue to cause issues. The stubborness and lack of HONESTY and understanding to be true to each other is stifling. Hope they can work it out. We have alot of drama left to do it.


    Just rambling, but if you made it this far thanks for a reading.


    Not read the webtoon, so I enjoy reading the spoilers here and there. Don't bother me at all. But curious what will happen.

    • Like 11
  18. @guinearoyal Wow thank you for sharing your grandfather's story. This allows us to see a bit more understanding about YJ's trauma and how he is a bit over the top and overzealous on things.


    I do like the burgeoning feelings between the two. Also that MS saw his scar on his ankle and YJ is trying to get to know her better. I love the awkward glances, awareness of attraction but then  you regain your senses back to reality.


    I can see YJ's hyung being a rabble rouser and  not liking YJ still and try something with MS. Plus if he finds out that MS is a big fan of his, that is not hard. But I even if MS is attracted to the hyung, her heart is with YJ.


    I cannot wait to catch the clips and later tonight the episode. I should be working prepping for some work business meetings. GRR.

    • Like 6
  19. Awww thanks for the welcome @nonski It has been awhile. How have you been?

    I marathoned ep 1-2 over the weekend and loved it. Thanks for your recaps and everyone else for the goodies videos/gifs etc. @jeonghyang @Amulya Kolusu  and @Ondine  (plus everyone else I missed). I agree dramamilk rocks with their recaps I love them!


    I have not read the webtoon but it is always good to see Park Seo Jun on the screen and he looks so good in the suits. Park Min Young's wardrobe as well is on point and lovely. Just the visuals of our OTP is stunning. But I am liking how disgruntled, persnickety Young Joon handling Secretary Kim Mi So leaving him is funny and opening up feelings he did not know existed (same for her). It is true, how can you work together that close and he doesn't allow ANY female close to him except her? There is bound to be def Work Spouse comfort and knowing each other very well-quirks and what not. Looking forward to watching the whole episode!

    • Like 10
  20. @nonski Thanks for putting me on the roll call though I have been mainly lurking. Loving this drama! I squeed with my friend who is in Korea. She said Park Bo Gum is the hot man of the moment! He is all the buzz right now. I was squeeing with her last week and WOW I cannot wait to see today's episode. I am alas stuck at work and need to work. I have been obsessed with reading the recaps--BTW thank you recappers, translators etc for keeping me sane!

    Wow I am going crazy! Yeah! In a good way and now the countdown to next week---OH MY HEART!

    • Like 9
  21. Such a sweet drama and it ended! Really reeling in a happy way.

    -Closer and healing and GOOD GUYS even the second lead though he did not get the girl he reflected and still wanted to protect her and made me love Yoon Do more.

    -HJ getting the apology/thank you for closure with SW dad. (I have not seen it yet). But after watching the clip of HJ telling him that she thanked him for at least giving her grandmother before her operation the peace of mind the confidence and trust she would wake up and live a long life. Granted that was not the end result but she was not fraught with worry before going the surgery. 

    -SW turned around in a realistic way and I loved that. She got to heal and atone for her father's wrongs to her. She was not evil but Iiked she acknowledged she took it far and did not know how to handle HJ as her rival in studying and by helping her. She was wrong and immature til it was to a point of no return for their friendship. I am glad she kneeled to HJ to apologize for her dad. I liked she told him he was WRONG to not be sincere and honor/respect HJ 's grandmother after the surgery. It was not the mistake but the flippant and disrespectfully attitude he showed to HJ and her family. Glad she called him on it! I felt her kneeling was to atone for having her HJ grandmother kneeling to her after the fire incident. SW was saved by HJ but her jealousy over losing SH and Dr/Teacher Hong (he was never 'hers to begin with) closeness and being no longer #1 but also HJ was tops in the WHOLE SCHOOL killed her ego and pride.

    -Glad that HJ told JH that she was glad she did not "hate" SW. She kept her beef with her dad separate and that kept her going but also did not make her resent her more. I love that HJ is principled and though she was hell bent on revenge she did it in a systemic and methodically way and becoming a dr. IT was true what HJ said ---it was due to SW's dad she changed her life's goals and wishes to pursue medicine. But turns out she is amazing at it!

    -HJH thanks to HJ he heals too. Loved his closeness with KTH and their teasing bromances. I also liked how he took to KS our puppy and even YD teasing him and but caring for him even though YD wanted a fair fight to get HJ. JH was confident with HJ as he had 13 years over him and also there was a bond that could not be penetrated by YD who later had to admit but still loved in his own way --the "messy road." I am glad HJ called him out on not sharing with her his struggles and what is going on --that is not LOVE but burden. Also he sacrificed himself for love /HJ being the director and giving up being a surgeon again for HJ. He did not do it to make her feel guilty but due to his love and knowing he had to find alternative routes to get MW and SW's grandfather to avenge (legally and properly) DS's  death. He was so suave and smooth coming off the helicopter then asking HJ if she was single or dating? Wow cool!

    -YoonDo using his "messy road" joining the board to protect HY. Going to her and talking to KS to find out if he did or did not get the phone call from the VVIP nurse. Before that when HJ took the operating room and did not tell him, he did not like her being bigger than her britches and not respecting him and being too much. Plus later he read between the lines from SW and HJ and found there was much more simmering than was originally let on. How he said---I bet my car HJ did not hurt you to the level you are telling me. When SW tried to be all good friend and not share bad info about HJ, I loved how YD was like--she told me HERSELF she was expelled and did not have a "clean path." The fact HJ is not realizing how charming she is to others is what I like about her. When YD apologized quickly for being wrong, even shocked HJ. Or when he diligently wanted to to have a meal and kept asking saying don't people ask questions to get to know each other. But HJ did not ask. (He def ate his words when he said from his initial I don't plan to be close to you. To later saying to SW the only way to be close to HJ was to join the board.) Even when asking to go to lunch to let her know he joined the hospital board he had to say aren't we friends? when he noticed HJ hesitating. Those moments early in his crush and him realizing his heart thudding due to HJ was cute. Or his counsel to SW saying you don't love me. Examine why you like me--I am comfortable same  background, no worries about why --money/status education. It is not love. When he said I liked women with a background they know how to appreciate and take care of themselves and others. YD understood that SW was too pampered princess and had a good life to get it.  His frustration with his uncle and injoo as beagles at his place. His coolness and declaring to HJH he wanted to fairly vie for HJ's affections. Even he started taking better care of the interns -like letting KS sleep when he found out HJ let him sleep to do check up on the gangster patient. Or buying food---as they said not once in 3 years he ever bought them ANYTHING!   He was strict not wanting gossip and good workers and taking responsibility for your actions. I do understand why he had to get on the Chief of Interns case.

    -InJoo I missed her with the beagles in YD's place the last few episodes. I liked that she fessed up to her being immature and not nice to a young HJ due to her jealousy and telling her to know her place and stay away from JH. She thought she knew it all but she did not. Later after unsuccessfully trying to date JH (she could not even fight the ghost of HJ even though she was MILLIONS of miles away from JH) she got married and got divorced. She grew up and became so COOL! I liked later when HJ and JH were announcing their courtship who cool she and Paran were to them both. Loved it! Also her trying to help SW and be there for her too with her dad when she was avoiding him being hard on her when he was favoring HJ due to the bad hospital press. 

    -Chief of Interns learned to be a better and not as mean /complaining over the drama. He always pushed work and nagged and complained and screamed. You cannot completely get rid of it. But with AD running away staying with SH (so that was a dead end and she got no love line at all) and KS illness after they all pushed him to the brink (plus AD running away) made him learn to be nicer (after being repeatedly reminded by YG and AD (especially when KS was dept secretary after his surgery).  I loved how he kissed KS hands after the successful surgery and look of relief.  Or though he thinks he is in the know is totally NOT! AD doesn't love him but he has to deal with him. Or that when he talked about others gossiping it was cute with the nurse saying-really JH and HJ think we DON'T know they are dating? OMG.

    -Our puppy KS, from get go loved him! I loved we got to know him, see him deal with his family being the head of household for his cute brother. Or the depth of his pain cutting his hair to prep for his surgery. I loved when he just adorably ran after HJ when doing rounds. How could you not think his keen devotion to her and being so cute! Plus HJ admitting he reminded himself of her with JH. Or the webtoon is so awesome, his crush and her getting fame and positive press for the Hospital. Or him and the nurse banging up the car as a gift from the gangster and then HJ got disciplined. She was not pissed as he thought. But then later when he had an absence seizure with the VVIP patient and did not show up and HJ got a 3 week suspension she still did not HATE on him. She is a true leader to take responsibility even thoguh she was pissed and wanted to blame SW. (Plus her dad protecting her cannot blame others not liking her she should NOT have shouldered 100% of that witchhunt blame by her dad.)

    -Grandmother---I loved her love for HJ. Her devotion and making the food to prison when she was jailed for the fire. Or kneeling to beg for forgiveness for HJ thought SW and her family were not kind or receptive but just plain mean. Her worrying and then kneeling to Hong Ji Hong to take care and watch over HJ. She respects teachers and doctors -people more learned than her. She works hard and though has not good relationship with her son (mostly due to the step mom but we later saw the half sister was nice ). She tried to instill discipline and love and warmth to HJ's life. Though she rebelled later after her death she triumphed against the ODDS to be a doctor. I loved how they slept together and were tightly hugging with the cute puppy. Or the time HJ got the top score in math and her grandma was over the moon with pride!

    -SH is the best! Principal's daughter not the brightest bulb but friends with SW. She realizes and knows SW is not friend's with her as equals but more because they are both kind of outcasts. She would do what she could to have someone around her. When HJ saved her and then started their friendship. I loved how open and cute and clear how she wanted to be HJ's friend. But that persistence opened and flowered to allow HJ to have a brief but happy period of a good positive female friendship relationship not fraught with fighting and backstabbing. No wonder she kept all at ARMS LENGTH. Later to see SH took the fall for HJ (She did knock over to cause the fire .) Loyal and kind and cute and just wonderful friend! Her not wanting to date or marry for fear leaving HJ alone before HJH was back. 

    -YD's uncle Paran was cool He was cheesy being overly firty but with everyone you could not take him seriously ie HJ and SH wondering uh? But still JH would take her out of his path to avoid further contact to not allow his pal to try to work his charm. Later you know he is divorced like Injoo. He is great helping and giving the General Surgery perspective on HJ's grandmother's charts and results. Or cutely giving JH's door passcode to give him an escape from them "the beagles" from his own house.  LOL to trying to get free rides --like when we first got to see him and JH after coming back though JH was reluctant. Handsome doctor who is comic relief but is a solid friend and caring. Glad he is there for YD though he doesn't get his One Sided Love with HJ.  Like with IJ I am glad they accepted her quickly and when they both (IJ and Him) prevented them from having a date he did feel something was off. So good that JH told him YUP here is my girlfriend.

    -Closure for HJ with her dad though at least getting an apology. She is a caring person but she knew she had to address her hurts and pain with family would intrude and not allow her to move forward making a family of her own. I loved how all were teasing them to just get married to takes this old bachelor out of his misery! Even Chief KTH telling her that (plus how HJ said she respected him and wanted to truth why he took the director role and stop surgery) the real reasons or when MW wanted HJ to be on tv. But after TH asked her she said YES after no to KS and MW due to her liking TH. I love him as the second fatherly/kind hyung like figure to JH. Plus he is fair and even when SW was going done with issues he made sure she knew there was no nepotism on his part choosing her. Glad that at least her heart is a little bit more at ease to be with JH.

    -JH adoptive father DS and his relationship was lovely. From him wanting to adopt him after seeing him fighting and their closeness was cute. I loved how he took care to notice JH smile when HJ called when they were fishing. Or when he brought her, he remembered her name, glad she graced them with her presence and completely praised her even when she could not cook. Just adorbs and liked the affection he had to HJ. Even when DS was a patient, it was awesome to see how DS said JH hates fishing but due to you he was able to do it. He did not want JH to be lonely and at least he had peace he had HJ. Though earlier he thought IJ would be the one he was not blind of her chasing JH but as we know she was not the one in his heart. He was a stand up man and though he could have done much worse with the info he had he tried to do it in a stand up right way. Even when arrested and questioned and had to quit the board he did not play "dirty".

    -YG I liked him alot. I mean it was cute seeing he and park shin hye were in a drama many moons ago and it was their reunion. But his quiet strength and presence to SW and when his heart changed to SW liking her when she wanted to be "bad." You could see it. He was nice to SH when she was handing out the flyers and went to the business bringing friends. Even when he found out she white lied her age, he still teased her. When SW tried to knock down HJ, he said the truth and his impressions of HJ that contradicted what she said. Or when KS wanted more pain killers for his headaches he had guilt towards KS realizing later when he had his health diagnosis and needing surgery. He was like the voice of reason and good guy. I liked how HJ nipped it in the bud with him at the helicopter pad that he should ALWAYS be prepared to report to her and not rely on nepotism with her-it doesn't work. Shows you got to respect her for that!

    Just so much more I got to end this and go back to work my lunchtime break has ended.

    Thanks for reading my jumbled thoughts but loved this drama! 


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