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[OFFICIAL] Hyun Bin ❤️ Son Ye Jin (BinJin Couple)


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3 hours ago, Baylack said:


It was originally scheduled to end on 9/15/20 at 11:59 p.m. PDT time. It shows Sept 30 in the URL but the site is not allowing any additional votes. When I go to the link, it shows the following detail and is not allowing votes:






- Voting Period: August 15 - September 15, 2020

- Downvote not allowed



Oh no, why the link say closing date 30 Sept.  You are right I cannot vote now but yesterday I still can voted.

Thank you

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@TotoroSY thanks for your effort.. Btw ,I think @ sonkian is a Soompi member as well. So  yeah she would also be happy to read ur elaborate post .


On a side note...Whaaatttt!! Son Ye Jin actually visited North Korea..:wut:


She visited NK in 2005 to film a video related to the unification of the two Koreas. I don't think she  went to Pyongyang or entered mainland NK, but atleast she set her foot there.

Yejin clearly said that she hoped for the re-unification to happen soon.

My god little did she know that in the future,14 years later, she will contribute more to this cause when her character in a drama Crash Landed in NK. I think this was also one reason why she chose to work in CLOY. I never believed in Destiny or such things but HB and SYJ are surely changing my perception towards this concept.

Also ,this drama really helped many people become aware of the situation in Korean Peninsula..






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4 hours ago, Intuition1 said:

@TotoroSY Thank you for the posts from the Hong Kong radio. I enjoyed reading their views. Carol Cheng brought up good points about the risk Binjin would be taking if they decide to marry. But the risk of not getting married might be even be worse. In anything worth having in life, there is a risk involved. The more important the thing, the bigger the risk. If Binjin love each other, they should marry for the sake of their careers and sanity. Because not being with the person they love can actually ruin their careers. They might not be able to give their best in their careers due to suffering from heartbreak. They might develop depression and decide to not work or worse self-medicate in self-destructive ways. The negative consequences of letting go of the person they love can lead to a lot of regrets and what ifs. Seeing them with other people might be even more painful. The two of them cannot avoid each other like most people can after they break up. The Korean entertainment industry is small, and they will have a hard time dodging each other at many events, common friends and even seeing each other on their TVs, phones and computers.  


@NonKoreanMango I think the reason why SYJ did the liking spree at the time is because they got engaged shortly before. I think she did it out of happiness. The liking spree is as close to making an official statement, and the reason why there is no official statement is because he was filming. I read somewhere that Korean actors are contractually required to not make personal announcements for a certain period during the production of a movie or drama to not negatively affect the production. I am not sure whether HB signed such a contract or if they just decided to wait until all the award events ended so as to not overshadow the accomplishments of their co-stars in CLOY. Regardless of the reason, I am pretty sure they are together and will announce eventually.

I agree with you if they keep on considering other people how about their own happiness.. We only meet our match once in our lifetime and we all can see that both YJ and HB are already in marrying stage probably a little bit late already..they spent there whole 20yrs building their carreer i think it is about time they focus their own happiness and if I were them and happens to meet my destined person i will take a risk coz i know its a risk that worth fighting for... I do not care about the future the most  important is the present the happiness and love and not regretting anything. Hoping both of them surpass those career barriers in taking a life leaping decision that will change their life for happiness sake:))

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8 minutes ago, Peony22 said:

I agree with you if they keep on considering other people how about their own happiness.. We only meet our match once in our lifetime and we all can see that both YJ and HB are already in marrying stage probably a little bit late already..they spent there whole 20yrs building their carreer i think it is about time they focus their own happiness and if I were them and happens to i meet my destined person i will take a risk coz i know its a risk that worth fighting for... I do not care about the future the most  important is the present the happiness and love and not regretting anything.

True . they are moneyed, A Lister Actors,.marrying age...they  can pull out and create.a.family as.tnat.is their future..to have kids and spread their beautiful gens in  the world..if only they can have atleast 6 kids..their gens oh my god..beautiful and wonderful.

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Since i  am missing them in one frame, i reviewed my bookmarks.


How can an HB not fall in love with SYJ when only she can make him laugh and happy like we have never seen before in Hyun Bin? 



How can an SYJ not fall in love with a protective caring HB?




HB ... always a close gentleman to SYJ...


At one point, SYJ said he wanted a man to know how to Comfort her...

HB wanted a woman who is funny because he is dull and quiet....

They were voicing it out to the UNIVERSE.....so they were meant to be!:heart4:



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9 hours ago, girlpepper said:

Yes, he may have tested negative while in Jordan, but you don’t get tested again unless you are exhibiting any symptoms. CoVid is not tested when boarding any airplanes only your temp. Temp is not an accurate indicator that you have/don’t have CoVid. Remember people without symptoms maybe able to spread the virus. Covid Virus travels by air and the more enclosed you are the higher the risk of contacting the virus. You may feel well and not have any symptoms, but you can be contagious and spread the virus to any individuals. Symptoms can developed as early as 5 days or as late as 14 days hence, the 14 days quarantine is being mandated. With that being said, I may have to refute your statement about HB and SYJ quarantining together. The thought is lovely and as much as we want them spending time together, now is not the right time and knowing HB, his discipline and being one of the most considerate and responsible person. I don’t think he will take the threat lightly or jeopardize anyone’s health especially Yejins. Let him finish his 14 days quarantine and we all can celebrate together.

Agreed. Testing is not done at the airport, only temperatures are taken. I would imagine that HB had been tested while in Jordan and was tested again upon his arrival. And I read that he tested negative. However, even if one is tested negative, Covid symptoms could still appear that's why they have to isolate for 14 days. Symptoms would have appeared around 7 days during isolation if he got the virus. And it is okay as well to quarantine with family as long as proper health precautions are followed. I do believe that HB is self isolating with YJ, if not upon his arrival but after a few days of self-isolation. 

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12 hours ago, Intuition1 said:

Why did they put his name as Kim Taepyung? Everyone knows him as Hyun Bin. 


I felt like they did it on purpose as they didn't want him to win again? This is why he was so behind. He was originally at #11 if I recall at least he stayed at #6. I basically stopped voting once Lee Min Ho got ahead and there was a super huge gap between everyone


13 hours ago, Baylack said:

Well, I guess everybody can't be or sing like HB. It's the thought that counts but at least they have rhythm. Believe it or not, the song is "That Man." If it wasn't for the melody, I never would have guessed 



It's funny because he actually doesn't like to hear himself sing or something? Like he talked about The Man post SeGa :lol: I guess because people still play it A LOT and maybe he is a bit embarrassed. He gives his fans a tease with the song now lol. Like last year at his fan meeting :lol: 


Binnie also sings this song too from Friends Our League: 



english translations:






Honestly, he is a good singer but don't want to join Jinnie in trying to sing the song they don't know during TN promo period. Just laughs at Jinnie instead as she is struggling to sing the song that she doesn't know the lyrics too :lol: You can tell with Binnie he does like to practice the songs he has to sing before he sings it.. Honestly, I wonder how he is like singing karaoke with Jinnie. At least he is with people he knows and it is less embarrassing :lol:


Since this was brought up on instagram recently, here is another song for them:





People fall in love in mysterious ways

Maybe just the touch of a hand

Well me, I fall in love with you every single day

I just wanna tell you I am


So honey now
Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are


Here's the instagram video to it 



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7 hours ago, Peony22 said:

I agree with you if they keep on considering other people how about their own happiness.. We only meet our match once in our lifetime and we all can see that both YJ and HB are already in marrying stage probably a little bit late already..they spent there whole 20yrs building their carreer i think it is about time they focus their own happiness and if I were them and happens to meet my destined person i will take a risk coz i know its a risk that worth fighting for... I do not care about the future the most  important is the present the happiness and love and not regretting anything. Hoping both of them surpass those career barriers in taking a life leaping decision that will change their life for happiness sake:))

So true! I think both HB and SYJ are already so stable in their career that getting married won't affect their career. They already have global recognition thanks to CLOY, so what makes people think them getting married will ruin their career because a small circle of people are unhappy about it? They gained so many fans from CLOY qll over the world who will be so happy if they end up together in real life. Remember in life, you can't please everyone and there will be haters no matter what...so just focus on your own happiness and people who really matter to you and love you because in the end they are the ones who will stand by you forever. 


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2 hours ago, Seriya said:


I mention CC's love life history here as a kind of reflection and cautionary tale on how people on the outside, who don't know these celebrities and actors in real life, should proceed with caution in making assumptions about the love lives of strangers.  Just my pov.  In CC's case she was never with the actors people thought she was with and was in fact with someone totally unexpected in real life. 


Thanks for bringing up CC's love life as a reference -  that's always good point to keep in mind when shipping. We know very little of these peoples lives. I do think most Binjin shippers understand their onscreen chemistry, while great, is not enough to prove a relationship. This is why we always goes back to #InGroceryWeTrust (which happened before CLOY). Their on-screen chemistry, BTS, and interactions during interviews, etc... only helped to reinforce what was already suspected.  



As for what CC said about the pressures of 2 famous actors being together and why they may be reluctant to do so, I completely get her point.  Tbh, I would be surprised if SYJ didn't have similar concerns.  But then again, I don't let myself forget I don't know SYJ in real life, so maybe she's a free spirit who throws caution to the wind lol. Just going from her past interviews, it seems she would have those concerns about dating a fellow actor. 


Agreed. Also, I'm pretty sure SYJ has said that in a past interview - about not wanting to date a fellow actor. I think most actors would avoid that if possible. Not just because of the pressures involved, but because logistically, it's hard when two people have busy careers that involve travel and working all hours of the day/overnight at times. A lot of Hollywood couples who make it work say they can't both have projects at the same time, otherwise they would never see each other. But that involves a lot of sacrifice not all are willing to make. It's actually lot simpler for an actor to date someone with a much more stable 9-5 type of job. But this is all logic-based and sometimes the heart wants what it wants no matter how much you try to avoid it. I think if you are an actor and end up meeting a fellow actor at the right time and place and fall in love, with a mature understanding of what it involves to make it work, well anything is possible.  



Is anyone in SYJ's Cinderella group married to someone also in the entertainment industry, a fellow actor? 

Yes, Lee Ming Jung is married to Lee Byung Hun, probably one of the biggest actors in SK.



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@Seriya @QueenieBee one of LMJ's co stars recently shared (it is in recent soompi news) that LBH would always sent videos of their son. So LMJ would always be watching them on set everyday.. It made the co star think more on marriage and having a family. So I can only imagine what seeing this family happy life between actors does to Jinnie  - as we know she started changing her thoughts of marriage in different interviews during 2018 ^_^ So yes marriage in the industry is hard but it can work out especially knowing how busy LBH has been in his career still even after getting married and having a family 

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21 hours ago, TotoroSY said:


Now onto a totally different topic! I found this on twitter (credit @ sonkaian at twitter) and wanted to share it here cuz it's such an insightful POV about YJ's awesome acting in CLOY esp her comedic timing and how she acted this whole scene alone. Carol Cheng is a super top tier veteran actress and host in HK, so to me, her words carry a lot of weight.




Carol Cheng has also become a big CLOY fan and Binjin shipper, which I have known for awhile through other IG/ twitter posts and comments. Have been looking for her radio program links so I can listen to what she said about CLOY and Binjin, and thanks to @ sonkaian, I've finally found it, YAY!! Thank you sonkaian! I have listened to a few of them and will post a summary translations of the key highlights.



Omo.....I had feeling that was you @TotoroSY. That twitter user.... is me. :joy:


I learned about Carol Cheng praising SYJ on Feb 18 through some Weibo YJ fans. The other dates I told you about where she talked about CLOY, specifically on June 9th, were shared to me by @Wol-sook. On June 9th, she talked about YJ's liking spree.....and briefly mentioned reconciliation news. LOL If I have time I'll translate it. CC is just as anxious as us about BinJin confirmation. And there was one bit where the ex was mentioned....was seriously the highlight of the whole segment for me. I'm trying to see how I can translate it and share it without breaking Soompi rules hahahaha


EDIT: oh nvm @TotoroSY I didn't see that you translated the June 9th one in the last page. Awesome! lol good job in avoiding the reconciliation news....

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