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[Drama 2016-2017] Guardian: The Lonely and Great Goblin 도깨비

Go Seung Ji

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Wow, a whole lot of back-reading, this forums sure moves first. I would firstly like to point out the fact that, the initial post that I had issue with, the writer did say it was perhaps not the best thing to do here and we can move on. Secondly, I know we all come here and watch for different reasons. Some might like the couples or not or they might have their issues with both the couples. What feels unnecessary is when we go ahead and try to force our preference as the best that is out there. Sure, everybody has the right to voice their opinion but I think it is best to voice that without going over board and claiming the said opinion universally applies to all. Lets not do that. This makes this forum uncomfortable, we have only 4 episodes to go. At the end the writer decides the story so I humbly request all to maintain the peace, not attack actors in any capacity and keep the discussions around story-line and characters and let us all be considerate of our feelings towards the drama.

Now with that off my chest, where is the preview, I am dying here.

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11 minutes ago, anipanch said:

This moment confused many, let me get it right for you ^_^

The faces we saw later, with their present faces wasn't actually from the past memory. Their dialogue was continuation of King and Queen's talk, before KS's return, when Wang Yeo tried to pursue her to choose king over brother. Meaning it was their young former selves dialogue, but with new faces, to signify that GR was actually a King and Sunny the reincarnation of Kim Sun. I hope it makes things clear 

I think its their connection as two souls that made her see him as an adult. They are destined like Samshin granny said to cross path whether that fate is good or bad, they are bound.


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5 hours ago, MaysoonD said:

Sorry for cutting your post .but allow me to ask an innocent question and i really mean it when i say innocent .is liking  the secondary couple more for any kind of reasons a scary thoughts for you ?

for me i like the GY and KGE but i love WangSun couple more .do you find that sort of bashing or underestimation of Goblin couple ?

Well for me It is a scary thought when they Say 'i love second more than main coz main is just lack chemistry, age gap, KGE not pretty as yin and etc'. U can find it at DB. I dont have a problem for other liking the second or the main more but with a positive reason about their fav couple. 

And no, liking secondary more did not bashing or underestimate of goblin couple, But liking secondary while trashing the main then It is a scary thought for me. If u think it's not then we can agree to disagree :)

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35 minutes ago, crazyoverkdrama said:

During the flashback, he saw JET briefly. When he saw her teacher's future (during the Joseon period), he saw JET there, though he was not aware of what it meant.  That first love was JET. :)

Thanks @crazyoverdrama.... i re-watched the scene.. and yes, he saw Euntak in it.. :)  - 12th century Joseon

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Funny thought: I was watching the TvN news about KGE and her current BF having a 17 year age gap and thought to myself how big of a gap that is and how I'm still single (no worries. it doesn't affect me).

If the argument of age gap is between the written characters is what we're talking about, the real question is...Does it really matter if ET is 19 and GB is 939? The true factor is how good is the plot line of the first leads, ET-KS, sucks you in? Like I said before, the story wouldn't work if there is no goblins bride and it is what the show is all about (please rewatch earlier episodes). So enjoy. I think we get so caught up in proving which characters have more chemistry than concentrating on the remainder of the drama. Sometimes, peoples negative 2 cents affect us so much like they can write a better show than the writer herself. I need to relax because I like ALL the characters and what they bring to the table. I like how the script is written. I like the melancholy and the rom-com. I LOVE the OST (I bought most of the songs on iTunes). I LOVE the acting.

Now, I was going to ask the theorists in this thread a question and I totally lost my train of thought. LOL!

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2 hours ago, MaysoonD said:

Sorry for cutting your post .but allow me to ask an innocent question and i really mean it when i say innocent .is liking  the secondary couple more for any kind of reasons a scary thoughts for you ?

for me i like the GY and KGE but i love WangSun couple more .do you find that sort of bashing or underestimation of Goblin couple ?

@MaysoonD OK... Queens MaysoonD. (since you are Wangsun shippers, i guess you shuld be called Queens.)
(just like i am like the rest belong to the Brides.... and we have recognised since beginning of Dec that this is a space where Queens and Brides does survived and co-exist well together... not just co-exist, but we support each other, LIKED each other's posts about each other's ships.... this was proven many many times here.

Liking.... "love More".... is nothing wrong. thought i know it is alittle 'annoying' when some keep saying... "but i find wangsun more chemistry" even here... and it is repeated by others ... yet this is mild, because all who said this here, said with a fervent heart to love WangSun ship... you all said how much "YOU LOVE" WANGSUN ship, without thumbing down ShinTak ship... this is the diff.
and it is not bashing... so far we here did exist not jsut 2 ships, but 3 ships...
if you notice. we have ShinTak ship. WangSun Ship. we also have Shin-Yeo, aka. Goblin-Reaper ship.
and all 3 ships co-exist together, this is a given, a rare in fandom where intolerance run high.  i know when ShinTak fans post long essay about ShinTak (myself guilty even) but the other 2 ships keep their peace and allow us to swoon.... so did Wangsun shippers post fan-Art or vids about Sunny-Yeo... we go along and Likes.... so did Reaper/Goblin Shippers someTimes shown their bromance liking, while nobody rant any insensitive or provocative statements against... here. is a breathe of fresh air that DramaBeans has slowly lack of.... i am glad we are save of teh warfare out there.
so to your questions... all 3 ships, can say we LOVE our ship MORE, whatever our ship is... Just that, we refrain from statements like why the other ships is lacking in comparison to our ships....
then we can go happily into ep16, not shaming Gongyoo or Dongwook, or GoEun or In-na.  fighting, all 3 ships!!! loves to all 3 ships.

@packmule3 i thank the LORD for your post.. was really waiting and lurking into your account to see wher u go missing... missed all your post.. and this latest one is the Gem on the crown. you nailed it, and this article you jsut posted about
ET’s scared excuses.  ... etc. is just pure Gold. will read again tomorrow for clearer better comsumation and digestion... must read again, else it an insult to you to just read and shove it aside.

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2 hours ago, hamaji said:

Well for me It is a scary thought when they Say 'i love second more than main coz main is just lack chemistry, age gap, KGE not pretty as yin and etc'. U can find i at DB. I dont have a problem for other liking the second or the main more but with a positive reason about their fav couple. 

And no, liking secondary more did not bashing or underestimate of goblin couple, Bu liking secondary while trashing the main then It is a scary thought for me. If u think it's not then we can agree to disagree :)

for me i am open to any opinion .my only concern is HOW are these opinions said "discipline and polite way "and Where to be said ? 

 anyway lets spread love in our last days here 


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42 minutes ago, packmule3 said:


Honestly, the only critics of this kdrama Goblin who can induce a hearty laugh from me are those who complain that ET/Shin’s story IS pure fluff therefore contributes nothing to the story. I guess, film critic Roger Ebert, they are not. :)

ET is a type of character that has to be discussed with open-minded people in order for you to grasp her depth. 

Why? Because understanding her character is NOT intuitive. The critics actually have to use their CONSCIOUS reasoning, and not just use their gut feelings, to see beyond the cuteness.  With ET, it isn’t only about the angst and tearjerkers, but also the VISION of the scriptwriter of what it means to love and to live with an immortal.

Well, somebody might ask: why is this vision even relevant when we aren’t going to marry an immortal anyway? 

My answer:  Because despite being temporal beings, we humans do still commit to unions, responsibilities, friendships, and marriages, which are expected to last FOREVER. True, we aren’t going to fall in love with an immortal, but we are going to love one another as if we’re immortals: for an entire lifetime.

By showing how ET and her immortal groom interact with each other, the writer is demonstrating to us what constitutes -- and sustains -- a good, happy, and lasting relationship.

For me, to simply dismiss ET/Shin’s story because "it’s all fluff" is similar to dismissing a laptop because "it’s just square". :rolleyes: You have to go beyond the obvious.



1. Take for instance, the necklace “Destiny.”

This is the basic level of understanding: Quote from dramabeans. (hahaha. See what I did there, nearsea?)

"Shin says she’s missing something, and she puckers up expectantly, thinking he means a kiss. Shin smiles and places a necklace around her neck—the one he picked up in Quebec. She asks what the letters read (destiny), and he explains that it’s an absolute kind of fate designated by the heavens, out of humans’ reach. Then he forbids her from dating, Tae-hee oppa, and letting any man within 30 centimeters of the necklace. He calls his rules heaven’s fate and therefore immutable, and sends her off with a smile."

Sure, if this is all you can see here, you won’t be wrong. However, you’ve only seen the fluff. 

Here's the upgraded level of understanding: Didn’t you see the SET-UP here, @nearsea? There are differences in the way the male heroes gave jewelry to their female loves.

Reaper/Sunny: He was FORCED…errr… guilt-tripped into giving the ring to Sunny. (To my supreme annoyance) Sunny played coy when accepting it. Reaper took the ring back for research. Sunny had been asking for it back ever since.

King/Queen: Jealous, the King FORCED the Queen to wear the ring as a sign of her loyalty to him. She resented the ring. According to the shaman, sin and grudge permeated the ring. The Queen died wearing the ring.

Shin/ET: She was waiting for his kiss. He surprised with the necklace but didn’t force it around her neck. She was thrilled to receive a gift coming from Quebec because she associated that place with happy moments. Still being jealous, Shin said the necklace acted like a talisman to ward off other boys. She teased him with a video-text of her safely arriving at campus with no guys in sight. She made him happy. 

Do you see the differences clearly now? Love is joy.

Premium level of understanding: Or how their necklace ADVANCED the theme... without some viewers noticing it so they declared it fluff. :phew:

This “fluffy” scene showed how Shin acted to change his destiny. Previously, he felt jealous, angry, resentful, and abandoned, etc., that he wasn’t going to be part of ET’s 29th year on earth. But he realized that if he BOUGHT the necklace that ET was wearing at that fateful meeting with the anonymous "president,” then somehow, some way, HE would still be THERE in the restaurant WITH HER. The necklace was his GUARANTEE that he wouldn’t be forgotten, no matter the identity of this president she was meeting. Shin would be there with her because the necklace would be a remembrance of him. See that? He was being sneaky and subversive. 

Shin showed how destiny can be changed though ACTION. That was the whole point of him just wearing slippers to rush out and purchase the necklace. (You didn’t really think it was only to titillate with his sexy feet or ankles or something, did you?) He moved quickly, pro-actively, and purposefully to ensure that he remain in ET's future.

Conclusion: This scene only appears “fluffy” to bunnies. :)

2. ET’s scared excuses. 

Basic level of understanding: Quote again from dramabeans (hahaha. See what I did there again, nearsea?)

“'So you die trying to save me, and I’ll die trying not to die. I trust you,' she says. She argues that she has too many things to live for, most of all him. He relents and tells her to summon him if she senses any danger, and then spends the day pacing in the house like a worrywart. When Shin’s hands start to smoke, he senses that he’s about to be summoned, though he doesn’t look amused when she calls him to fix a flickering street lamp that she deems dangerous.  She continues to abuse the summoning privileges, calling him when she sees a dangerously handsome man in the street, or when she spots a pretty outfit that’s dangerous for her bank account. When she summons him and says that she missed him so much she couldn’t breathe and that was dangerous, he smiles the cutest smile ever and says, “Me too.”  He must really be in a good mood, because it suddenly rains down cherry blossoms in the dead of winter."

Upgraded level of understanding: 

All three couples face a crisis or impasse in their relationships. The King/Queen has the Eunuch; the Reaper/Sunny has ??makjang?? (I can’t comprehend how their "insurmountable" problem came to be, lol); Shin/ET has death looming. 

All three couples react differently. The King isolated himself from the Queen (Please! I'm not buying this Eunuch's-Spies-are-everywhere excuse. Send her a note or something then, dude. :angry: ) The Reaper/Sunny retreated to respective their corners and moped and drank alcohol. <_< As if that would solve their problem…

Only ET decided to put her faith on Shin. I don’t know how accurate it is, but I actually like the Dramafever’s subs here. She said to Shin: (Do your best to) protect me as if your life depended on it, and I’ll do my best not to die. “As if your life depended on it” had a nice ring to it. It’s both literally and metaphorically true. His life is contingent upon her living, AND he will urgently and desperately save her. 

Premium level of understanding: Or how terribly sorry I am that some people didn’t see the connection here to Shin’s PATHETIC EXCUSE. :tears: Sniff. Sniff.

Remember my explanation of the dying scene in Episode 9 when she was lying on the frozen ground, and she called for Shin?  It was in the same post where I contrasted it with the Queen’s death by arrow, nearsea.  But if you can’t remember that’s okay… I’ll repeat myself with edits. Here --

Back then, when ET was dying, Shin’s last words echoed. He had said, “I'd like it if you told me that you still need me. I'd like it if you told me to love you. I'd like it if you'd allow me to have an excuse like that.” Shin was groveling here. He meant that he would take any pitiful and pathetic excuse just so he could keep being with her…. Thus, she knew he was listening and waiting for her – like the last time she had cried out for him to rescue her from the loan sharks. She then whispered the words HE wanted to hear: “I need you. Do what you said you would. (What she meant was: Shin, I'm now giving you the "excuse" you said you wanted to be my side. Come now.) I love you.”

See that, nearsea?  This whole “I’m scared of [street lamp, handsome guy, expensive outfit, whatever]” was NOT FLUFF. :angry:

This moment was supposed to be a link to their shared memory – that memory of a harrowing moment of close death experience for ET. But thanks to ET’s bright and happy optimism, she transformed that scary memory and this current scary moment into something romantic. 

She knew Shin was worried about her, but that he would keep his distance unless she called. So, ET gave him a “pathetic excuse” like he did with her College Test result, to summon him at her side. Her excuses were indeed cheesy but the final excuse drove the point home. When she told him, “I wanted to see you so much, I could hardly breathe. And that’s quite dangerous," and he replied, “Me too,” he was NOT simply agreeing to her pathetic excuse. He was NOT saying that he TOO wanted to see her so much that he could hardly breathe. No. 

His “Me too” meant he remembered. He remembered that scary and dangerous moment when she had said, with her REMAINING BREATHS, “Come to me, I need you, I love you."

That time at the top of the snowy hill, and this time on a sidewalk in town, he said, “Me too.” And both times, he meant to say, I love you, too.

Do you understand now? When you love somebody deeply -- even when things that aren’t obvious, or aren't said explicitly -- you'll be able to  understand because you’re connected. 

Conclusion: Only baby blankets should be fluffy. 

-- And I’m sorry: It kills me that I ruined the whole ROMANCE of this scene by explaining it. The scene is romantic because it's SUBLIME. It shouldn’t have to be explained. :wacko: Because if you love the story well, you are able to understand it (even without explanations). That's why many posters here have been defending ET/Shin's relationship. They can grasp the underlying intent of the story. sigh.

I've to continue our ET discussions later, @nearsea because I’ve to prepare for work.

Tagging the usual ladies –

 @annnchan @phikyl @hushhh @LyraYoo @salz @bebe1989 @romanov @kokodus @vivvianne22 @letataves @naritul @gutibear @staygold @Athenaries @crazyoverkdrama @annnchan @NRGchick This is also for you, but nearsea was bugging me more @rnia93 @Sarang21 @frankreich @dramoron my response to you and romanov should be next in line @ariesw  @sakurayukihime @millie10468 @maryofbethany @LyraYoo

@millie10468October, eh? Thanks. I’m not psychic but were you also born in the year of the…hmmm…let me guess, dog? rat? Ah! Monkey! Were you born in the year of the monkey? :sweatingbullets:

@romanov I'll explain the body switch later when I come home from my meetings. Please be patient. I've only one geriatic brain. lol.

@crazyoverkdrama --

Often, the director repeats the same scene to give the viewers a chance/time to assimilate what they’ve seen and to stress important things they might have missed the first time around. Take the ring, for example. Sunny lifts her LEFT HAND and imagines how pretty the ring will look on her RING finger.  (She points it out very clearly.) She likes that ring. On the other hand, the Queen closes her RIGHT HAND in a tight fist and the king forces it down on her INDEX finger. The Queen hates that ring and what it stands for.

  Reveal hidden contents

Just looking at the Queen dead on the ground with her bloodied hand out, it wouldn’t connect with viewers that Sunny isn’t the Queen.



@CamelKnight Thanks for the EMOTICONS!!!! I'm so happy. Please consider your debt to me for dragging you to watch Goblin PAID IN FULL. B)



Thank you for this great post, as I now have a better understanding of the scene where she constantly summoned him.:wub:

I find the different levels of understandings so hilarious :lol:

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1 hour ago, nearsea said:

:S I think I changed my mind , I like more what @seasonsoftheheart32 said '  You might see it as stagnation, but I see it as their last bit of peace and quiet before the storm. Each to her own'

It is acutally just that. Just like a fiction, where we sometimes read a chapter from one character and on the next chapter it's someone else, until everyone's circles have been resolved, now we are watching what unfolded in the arc of the king and queen. Which was also needed for the story. But I am still not sure I got 'what was bothering you regarding the Goblin's romance'. 

Their relationship can't be any more substantial. ET is ready to die with him together at any moment, since him living alone without her or her without him is too painful in her eyes. Even in those short clips of their moments that we get amidst the busy events lately, ET keeps leaving something precious, like saying 'so this is what living like an immortal means' , when grandpa died.  She hugged him and consoled him, which is surprising right, since she's barely a 20 yrs old and him a 900 yrs old goblin.

@nearsea since you brought up the scene where we found ET comforting Shin, i couldnt help but chip in my 2 cents.
maybe just let me defends her in this way... showing the beauty of how she shines again there.........................

normally when a drama intrigued me much, i will walked the extra miles of taking notes of the dialogues in my special journal.
here's what it is like coming from a 20 years old mouth, when most around us aged 30s or 40s don't even show such sensitivitiness or such maturity in handling life and death issues, or comforting a bereaved.
"“So this is what it’s like, to be immortals, ….  You must keep turning back to look. He’d be worried about you. that’s why the ones left behinds should live even harder. We might cry from time to time. But we should smile a lot, and cheer up. You’re obligated to do that in return for the love you received.”

first, she patiently waits at the sittingroom.. sensing and waiting, listening.. to any signs within that closed door.  a very patient 20 years old that will NOT do what normally 20s years old did.. she don't try to comfort or say any unnessarily words first, before the needs arises....
then when she heard his sobbing, she still stay quiet and let him sob his heart out... not trying to 'gain some favour" at this moment and say "oh, i understand how you feels....blah blah.." some times when finally a man break down into uncontrollably sobbing in such rare case, the best thing you do for him, is just let him be. he needs his space.

next when he knew the grave was set. the coffin sealed.. the ground levelled. the stone set... epitaph was etched. .. she returned to him, found a more sober and calmed nonetheless broken Shin... this is the time he will embrace whatever she willing to give. and whatever she said, has nothing whatsoever pointing to herself, (i hates all the empty comforting bereaved words some people like to throw at bereavered family... which in the end just point to themselves of how much they care... ).
To Be Immortals........ finally someone tells him, that it is not really a blessings, amid all the creating gold, or drawing sword thru waters, all the walking thru walls... and speed teleport to Quebec... finally someone saw his heart broken every times a loved ones died. and this is something he will never get heal over times.... this she wants him to know she understand, not for herself, but for him. yet she lead him to refocus, be stronger. smile thru your aching... for the loved ones who was departing, and knowing each year Anniversary you will grief at Quebec for him... she reminded him to try hard, harder to deserved the much loves from the ones who does know about him, and still loves him fervently. among these, she will be one of them, The Most among them. i love how she comfort without all the non- substantial empty bereaving words... she remind without fail, that
you are loved.
back at Ep6. EunTak said somehting along this line, very touching, i guess her sentence that night, sealed my love for the characte Ji Euntak, as one of the Most Beautiful Drama character ever created in Kdrama . i am still not really a Kim GoEun super fan, but i am a genuine EunTak admirer.
by this ep6, i dare say, both has already fallen deep for the other, without having realised it>

"ET: “no, it can’t be a punishment. The deity could not have given you those abilities as a punishment, if you were truly a bad person.  He would have created only the goblin, he wouldn’t have had u meet the goblin’s bride to remove the sword.  I don’t know what kind of person you were, but you are being Loved, truly.”



You’re obligated to do that in return for the love you received.” you are obligated to remembered all their loves for you, however painful, however cruel to ask this from you.. but because you are worth-it, and they are worth-it, from you.
Eun-Tak. from a Eun-tak, who is stil being said to be what... 19years old cheesy lines acting cute and childish?
from a Eun-tak who is still sucking off from a sugar daddy rich chaebol? from a Eun-tak who cannot oozes chemistry? from a EunTak who;s character cannot contribute much to the story-plot, from a Eun-tak who's romance loveline is unnessarily in the story ?
are we watching the same drama as these people?
Don't worry, Kim GoEun, but you are being loved. truly, here.

@Berou missed talking to you.

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2 hours ago, shahlooblah said:

That's all I'm saying. Move the couple along already to something more substantial. In just a few scenes together Grim Reaper and Sunny already are already facing a strong relationship test.


I think for sunny's side her past life could be a relationship she let go or pursue, but for GR it's a path of redeemed that he must take not only for sunny but for all of his people whose life were taken at that time. I saw it more than just relationship test but rather for GR's redeemed starting path. Though i don't know how he would realize his mistakes if he forgot what he had done. Well i don't know the drama rules but i hope the one who become the GR was people who had done great sins but regret it  ( that's what i'm hoping for the female GR, so she didn't get persuaded by the evil eunuch). I also hope we can see WY face to face with the evil eunuch while he remember his past 

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1 minute ago, Berou said:

what is not allowed is bashing. even though some of you try to explain your liking/ preference regarding to a couple by comparing  a couple to another, by critizing pretty negatively  the other couple, it is still considered bashing. 

Erm could you kindly illuminate a bit more what do you mean by bashing? As a mod said earlier constructive criticism is welcome, so I would really like to know how do you draw a line between criticism and bashing? All we have been doing some past couple of hours is 'analyzing the otp and why we like them, from our own pov'. Do you call that bashing? I am confused about the sudden alert called here.

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Meanwhile in my brain:

Inner me: Wow... I'm in some happy world enjoying the drama, rewatching it million times. Here there is a war going on.Please, No more viewpoints, this story is the writer's, not our creation. We gotta accept the writer's imagination. As a fanfic writer (a few years ago), I've seen some readers who don't like the way I write, but I really never change my trail of thoughts. I have seen the same kind of age fights in Inuyasha. Goblin is 939 years old. No human hold a candle to that. yoyo23.gif

 Besides, Are all drama fans who fantasize about their fav actors, in the same age bracket as the actor :phew:?... Gong Yoo and I have a 11 year age gap.


Romantic meyoyo108.gif... Oh no... You're lying! Why would you remind me of such a thing?  I thought I might have a chance with him in


(This is probably the first time a woman wants to be older than her age)


Inner me:  Excuse me??? You are MARRIED!yoyo75.gif

Romantic me:  yoyo95.gif You are so cruel.... yoyo126.gif



P.S. I am not asking to stop the debates. Everyone is entitled to discuss their opinions.  I'm just having my usual dose of fun! 

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Ok, I am about to flip thru the last pages I missed, but I saw this morning enough :

In France and Luxembourg the say

affaire de goût
(don't kill me because I misspelt) 

It means that we ALL have different taste
about certain things, preferences, views, persons, pairings
Do we really have to fight because the other does not share?

I might get flogged, stoned and yelled at, but:
Leave your disputes about which pairing is better out of here!

(Just an example)

Neither opinion is wrong,
it's ones taste.
If you get mad that others don't share:
Drop the subject!

Move on people!

Let's enjoy the last 4 episodes together and don't make it uncomfortable for everyone else!

I love all of your opinions, but you spoil the fun!

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9 hours ago, maryofbethany said:

@bluesunny3 @nearsea that's make me the 3rd beside you 2 awesomes to make treasures and gems in "small collective simple moments". that is what sums up a real Relationship: "Small / Simple / Slow". we in our real life, wont find big witty lines ... something things we said to each other, our parents said to each other, to us, we said "Goosh, not again??!!!",... rolling our eyes.... and we said, why don't this character said this in more artistic way or more witty more of expressions of love to his loved one... oh their chemistry so 'slow and off-beats'...


Thanks for tagging me @maryofbethany and sorry to cut your post! 

I 100% agree with you, @bluesunny3 and @nearsea in what you said - that basically real relationships are made of a collection of moments - some grand (like getting married or the birth of a child) and some small but memorable (like a really nice family vacation, a special anniversary) and some that are seemingly minute and easy to forget but contribute to the depth of a relationship (a gesture from your loved one such as a kiss, a comforting hug, a private joke, a touching gesture, etc).  Some of these moments are wonderful, some are so-so and some can be painful but all of them make up our "history" with that person. I, too, am married and I can honestly say that I love my husband more now than when we first got married. Why? Because through the years, I've seen more of him - who he is (quirks and all), experienced things with him (big and small) and I've come to appreciate him even more. 


I would really hate it if KS and ET forgot their history and they had to start all over again. Part of what makes them "them" is how they've dealt with their circumstances, the choices they've made together and for each other and all the little things they do together (the cute banter, the teasing, the kisses, the pats, the hugs, etc). They didn't love each right away, they grew in love after they got to know each other better (possibly why ET couldn't touch the sword in the beginning). Yes, technically they could start all over again (if their memories got erased) but I can't help but feel that everything they've been through would be a waste. Their relationship is a complex one and tied to the people around them (GR and Sunny) and I think that also adds to the depth of their relationship. I feel like if they were to start all over again, it would feel as if they'd miss out on all the things they've learned about each other and themselves from all the things they've been through. 


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