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[ Drama 2016] The K2 더 케이투


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The sub will be out for the next few hours, but since the conversation in this 2 clips didn't use a lot of unfamiliar words, I'm going to share my version of translation...


K2: Let’s go. Because we can’t see our way clearly, we have to be more careful

Anna: Ok

K2: Are you okay/Are you feeling better?

Anna: Yes

K2: Are you scared?

Anna: Yes

K2: And hungry?

Anna: Huh? Me?

K2: Yes, you

Anna: No, it’s because I’m in shock

K2: Shall I cook some ramyeon for you?

Anna: No, I’m not hungry

K2: If you aren’t hungry, why did your stomach rumble?

Anna: I said I’m not

K2: Be careful. It’s the stairs. How is it now? Are you feeling better?

Anna: Still a little bit scared

K2: I think it’s the door. I’m going to open the door. Let’s go inside

Anna: Ok

K2: What do you want to eat right now?

Anna: I don’t know

K2: I think we have arrived

Anna: Already?

K2: Yes. How about now? Are you still scared?

Anna: uh, yes

*they kissed*

J4: What are they doing? OMO! It’s must be nice



K2: Hello, Anna?

Anna: When you are on your way back to here, please buy some stir fried tteokpokki in the neighborhood. I want to eat that

K2: I think I’m going to be late

Anna: It’s okay for you to come late

K2: You can ask J4 to buy it for you

Anna: No, she will eat all by herself. I want to eat it together with you


Team Leader Seo (?): Hello?

Secretary Kim: I have an additional (secret) mission for you

Teal Leader Seo: Additional mission?

Secretary Kim: Kill K2 along with Park Kwan Soo

Team Leader Seo: What?

Secretary Kim: Even if you can’t kill Park Kwan Soo, you must take care of (kill) K2. And you must confiscate K2’s phone. Do you understand?

Team Leader Seo: … Yes


Anna: Understand? You have to buy and bring it, okay? If you don’t, you are a dead meat

K2: I think I have to buy tteokpokki if I want to stay alive

Anna: Please comeback alive. It’s an order

K2: I get it. I will definitely go back to you


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@Mau_Cherry I agree with all your sentiments with YJ, it's just I'm not hating her like you do...  the actress is deceiving me,  haha she's so good that I can't hate her haha

I just finished watching episode 9 and the raw of 10... YJ this adjuma is sincerely concern to JH.. On ep 9 When they were talking on cloud nine,  where she was insisting JH to destroy political career of PKS instead of killing him,  I feel like she doesn't want JH to kill PKS, making JH again a murderer...Then when she said take care on ep 9 then their scene on ep 10 (s/o to @theonlyone88 for translating that part ) she is in tears...  Man,  the concern is real...  Sorry for saying this JH YJ shippers I feel her motherly love for JH on their scenes hahaha but I'm serious... 


The uncle,  he is really plain,  I think what he said to JH is his only goal.. He even likes Anna and JH to date lols

Why do I feel like at the end the main villain will be secretary Kim and PKS...  I don't see any good side of those two.  

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When you love somebody, would you choose to put that person in harm's way? Or would you do whatever it took to keep that person safe?

See - JH knows what it is to love.  His nature is already that of a protector and his introduction to Anna began with her begging for his help.  I'm not surprised that he fell for the helpless, victimised and beautiful young girl.  He is already scarred from the loss of his first love.  Anna is a woman who is endangered from all sides - she literally has no place safe in the world.  JH is perhaps her only safe harbor and I can see why she is so reliant on him because he's already proven that he would give up his life for hers.

My problem with Anna now and why I said what I did about her using him - she knowingly pokes at the hornet's nest, puts her head in the noose and walks into a dangerous situation and then turns around says "I know you'll protect me."  What is that? I love Anna but this - this - no.  You don't put someone you love in harm's way.  Perhaps in the beginning before she realised what she felt for him but this episode today?  Her need for revenge put her in a place of danger and JH almost died saving her.  No doubt they were aiming for him too but still - that she can coolly tell him "I know I'll be okay since you'll be there to protect me."  So if he gets injured while you exact some petty satisfaction, that's okay?

It just rubs me the wrong way - I know JH the character doesn't see it that way but I'm an outsider watching a drama.  How many times will the hero put his life on the line and be alive at the end of the day?  I'm afraid the writer is going to set an expiry date on JH because he's surely going to run out of luck.  Besides, why won't she discuss things with JH? What would it hurt to give him a head's up instead of suddenly appearing in front of him at the broadcast station? JH is plainly a smart guy - he'd be able to tell her what is possible and impossible.  I wish she'd stop and listen when he tries to warn her about her "uncle" as well.

Jeez, I hope these two manage to sync their steps and Anna has learned her lesson from the latest assassination attempt on her life.  It remains to be seen exactly how JH comes out alive from his mission as well.

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thanks for recaps and all updates...great ep

2 hours ago, alleram95 said:

The sub will be out for the next few hours, but since the conversation in this 2 clips didn't use a lot of unfamiliar words, I'm going to share my version of translation..

thanks for your version of translation...i loved otp kiss scene...i can't wait next ep

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I was dying in the desert, but I found an oasis! Hallelujah! Excuse my over-dramatics lol

I haven't seen the two episodes yet, waiting for full subs.... but I've been lurking, reading recaps, and watching clips, and OMG!!!!! This scene!!!!

Based on recaps and clips, these last few episodes have been completely void of YooJin and Jeha moments.... but this is enough! Such chemistry!!! They don't even touch, they aren't even that close, but such tension!

Really, YooJin is no doubt in love with Jeha now, girl isn't even subtle about it. lol woman what happened with trying to come off as invincible... she's practically crying here... as the Queen sends off her Huntsman.

Oh... how she whispered... "Jeha-ya".... UGH THE FEELS!!!!!

And the way Jeha immediately reacted, how his eyes softened and he approached her SQUEEELS! Jeha might not be in love with YooJin like YooJin is in love with him, but he sure isn't indifferent to her. We've seen time and time again how he is indifferent to and ignores all his other superiors. He doesn't react to their social cues, he doesn't even notice their emotions, he stays within his own world. But this isn't the case with YooJin... he reads her emotions almost subconsciously and sometimes, like in this scene, he reacts to them... he doesn't just ignore her. 

I don't really care what anyone says, but I really love YooJin, I especially like seeing her complexity and vulnerability! She is such a beautiful character, such a rare female character to find in a k-drama. I'll cherish her until the end of this drama no matter how hard the writer decides to demonize her, and I'll cherish all the scarce but wonderful moments between her and Jeha. Their dynamic is just so interesting, True Equals!

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1 hour ago, klgirl said:

When you love somebody, would you choose to put that person in harm's way? Or would you do whatever it took to keep that person safe?

See - JH knows what it is to love.  His nature is already that of a protector and his introduction to Anna began with her begging for his help.  I'm not surprised that he fell for the helpless, victimised and beautiful young girl.  He is already scarred from the loss of his first love.  Anna is a woman who is endangered from all sides - she literally has no place safe in the world.  JH is perhaps her only safe harbor and I can see why she is so reliant on him because he's already proven that he would give up his life for hers.

My problem with Anna now and why I said what I did about her using him - she knowingly pokes at the hornet's nest, puts her head in the noose and walks into a dangerous situation and then turns around says "I know you'll protect me."  What is that? I love Anna but this - this - no.  You don't put someone you love in harm's way.  Perhaps in the beginning before she realised what she felt for him but this episode today?  Her need for revenge put her in a place of danger and JH almost died saving her.  No doubt they were aiming for him too but still - that she can coolly tell him "I know I'll be okay since you'll be there to protect me."  So if he gets injured while you exact some petty satisfaction, that's okay?

It just rubs me the wrong way - I know JH the character doesn't see it that way but I'm an outsider watching a drama.  How many times will the hero put his life on the line and be alive at the end of the day?  I'm afraid the writer is going to set an expiry date on JH because he's surely going to run out of luck.  Besides, why won't she discuss things with JH? What would it hurt to give him a head's up instead of suddenly appearing in front of him at the broadcast station? JH is plainly a smart guy - he'd be able to tell her what is possible and impossible.  I wish she'd stop and listen when he tries to warn her about her "uncle" as well.

Jeez, I hope these two manage to sync their steps and Anna has learned her lesson from the latest assassination attempt on her life.  It remains to be seen exactly how JH comes out alive from his mission as well.

I agree with you! She's just helping her Uncle get under YooJin's skin... what will that accomplish exactly? Though I like that she went to the talk show to try and get her mother's death get re-investigated.... something I'm not too keen on though is that her Uncle was the one to give her the police report... for all we know he could have faked some of the info in there. Anna should do her own digging as well, she's being too reliant on others in her life, she's not doing anything truly by herself.

Though it would be good for Anna to share with Jeha her plans, maybe she doesn't trust him yet. Honestly, he doesn't share his plans with her. They haven't really had an honest discussion yet, except when Anna told him about the night her mother died. Jeha hasn't really revealed anything about his personal life to Anna, has he even told her about Raniya? His experience in Iraq?

They had some cute moments in these recent episodes... but do they really know each other? Especially Anna, does she really know Jeha? He's just this "savior figure" in her life right now, someone who will always protect her, in other words her bodyguard, a bodyguard that is attracted to her, flirts with her, and kisses her... but nonetheless a bodyguard. 

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36 minutes ago, tessieroo said:

LMAO, loved ep 9 when JH made it clear exactly what he thinks of all of them. :lol:

The idea that the reporter is Sung Won's (Uncle) wife baffles me a bit. Didn't YJ threaten that woman's son and if so, that means she's threatened her nephew? :blink:

But honestly, is Jeha any better? He allies with those monsters to get what he wants. He doesn't seem to care how evil YooJin is as long as she is able to help him kill Park Kwan Soo (which no matter how evil the Assembly man is is still cold-blooded murder). This exchange came off very hypocritical to me... Hopefully, Jeha's constant pacing and shifty eyes throughout this scene was a deliberate acting choice made by Ji Chang Wook... to show that Jeha is a little aware that based on his previous actions (specifically allying and extending friendship to YooJin), he's calling the kettle black at this moment.

If only Anna had been in this scene not Jeha. If only Anna had been the one to tell off YooJin. It would totally make sense, be deserved, and bring catharsis!

Since it was Jeha, it just feels Jeha is betraying YooJin and harshly scolding her to excuse his betrayal. Very two-faced and self-righteous imo. 

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11 hours ago, Yippeuni said:


Annyeong agents.!!!  53

Calling all the K2 agents to the live recap...I might missed some names please shout out so I can add you next I see LOTS of new agents in here..LOVE IT!!...see you at tonight episode which will be started soon YEAY 

Also welcome to the new agents annyeong!!! 46

@klgirl @kaoriharang @angelbeast90 @perfectsmilebias @nonski @nona88 @AriaAA @Kim Hana @evok @namyo @bebebisous33 @paulette @an-naum @lebritneeey @dhia205 @ashvaugn @sakura22 @andy78 @Bambiina@KimYoojungxLeeBitna @cherkell @ororomunroe @jeonghyang @zagigirl @nploan @kanyaprasetyo @jongski @irilight @evie7 @kaiskloset @UnniSarah @konjo @chi_mo_chi @mellinadear @alekaonu @jerboa83 @valsava @akinahana89 @ruzikie @serendipity_1993 @plappi @czakhareina1 @stargazer187 @julie721 @ReemKanabta  @lynne22 @mooste @ellesina @sharreb @fathiayunia @leekyuphii @cmoirae2 @siddo @chuchuapuap00 @SunnySun26 @solelylurking @junee22 @Mona Ys @sujenlee06 @YourHighness . @Ayame @Grey_Lady

 @LyraYoo @jagmac24_111a @eva23@soniawong @gimely @princessbelle1022 @Claudia Ximena @sally_b @aparr@notohaterfans @riiko1988 @EmmanuelleLinYi @paulette @raniely @feima @Mayiya @fifie @SunnySun26 @Sesame Chew @O2


I'm so sorry if I still missed some of you please shout then I will gladly add you to the roll calls .... 

Kim Jae Ha...no neko ya!!!  66



@yippeuni Thanks for the shoutout, I enjoyed episode 9 and episode 10 will also be intense! I can't wait to watch it because obviously I have to do homework forst! What are some of your favorite moments in either episode 9 or 10?

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i have watched the last few episode raw even though i dont know korea

i just want to comment that k2 and the mother has more feeling to each other than yoona according to their acting. when k2 talk to the mom tonight in the white room i just want them to kiss. it looks more intimate than the actually kiss he has with yoona

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The K2 Ep 10 22.10.16
AGB National rating - 5.646% (+0.797)
AGB Seoul rating - 6.688% (+1.278)
[TRANS/NETIZENS] “The K2″ Episode 10


[Article] ‘The K2′ Im YoonA and Ji Chang Wook kissed, life gambling begins


1. [+2282 -70] The writer is now best scary..There are 6 episodes left, Anna’s revenge, Ji Chang Wook’s revenge for Arab woman, Park Kwan Soo with Jang Sejoon’s political fight, Song YoonA’s fight for the House…. I hope Anna only walks in a flower road

2. [+935 -105] It’s very heart fluttering

3. [+1001 -172] I have seen the kissing scene, their visuals are the best ..♥ 

4. [+330 -30]  This drama is the best and Song YoonA’s secretary is villain

5. [+329 -35] To be honest, it makes my eyes gone the more I watch the kissing scene  ㄷ ㄷ

6. [+306 -44] The two pop out from a romance comics, it’s very pretty kiss

7. [+305 -36] There’s like a star in both eyes of YoonA and Ji Chang Wook  ㅜㅜ 

8. [+276 -32] I’ll die JeNa… but do you think that Kissing Scene was shorter  ㅠㅜ

9. [+327 -48] YoonA and Ji Chang Wook are so fit

10. [+262 -34] The chemistry of the two is solid ♥ they  really matched well.. honey jam  ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ♥♥♥

11. [+290 -42] The kissing scene was crazy…

12. [+268 -36] Umbrella scene then next is blanket scene.. kya

13. [+209 -9]  Don’t die The K2  ㅠㅠㅠ

14. [+230 -25] Min Kyung Hoon’s OST was up in Kissing scene.. I wet on my pants

15. [+223 -27] wa my heart dugeun dugeun, I just died  ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

16. [+195 -19] Writer nim, give us a happy ending please  ❤️

17. [+161 -14] The kissing scene was good ㅜㅜ  I like it. Anna and K2  

18. [+151 -12] Today’s kissing scene  ㅠㅜㅜ♡

19. [+150 -11] Handsome and pretty. I won’t get tired of falling in love  ㅋㅋㅋ

20. [+139 -9] For the moment, the chemistry and beauty of the two is fulfilling  ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Source: Sports Seoul via Naver



[Article] ‘The K2’ Im YoonA appeared before Song YoonA…. “will reveal her mom’s death” pressure 

 1. [+685 -5] J4 is not there whenever you find her ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 

2. [+593 -22] Everyone’s good in acting. It’s so fun even when two YoonA caught up. The writer  has shown his true colors more and more 

3. [+433 -44] Two YoonA are very pretty @.@ Ji Chang Wook is so handsome 

4. [+408 -21] Writer-nim, why did you create Anna as a nuisance character 

5. [+180 -9] The only scary in this drama is non other than the writer ㅠ 

6. [+120 -1] Contacting J4, but I guess she’s busy taking a date? 

7. [+179 -22] That secretary of Song YoonA is one of a bad person 

8. [+252 -54] It’s really a honey jam ㅜㅜ the tension is there when Two YoonA caught up  ㄷㄷ  

9. [+38 -5] Anna is in danger now. Jeha-ya wake up  ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ

10. [+30 -1] Now, the walkie talkie scene was really very long and so as the ramen scene 


Source: 10Asia via Naver

Trans by @crownprincesone

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The way I see it is that, Anna has been kept in isolation for 10 years and because she identifies her uncle as someone feeling the same way about YJ, she sees him as an ally. She hasnt been surrounded by that many evil and manipulative people unlike Jeha. Her world has always been within the 4 corners of her room or the convent/safe house. She is smart but still naive and innocent. The revenge she has in mind to expose how fake YJ is and all the crimes she has committed. She wants to reveal the truth behind her mom's death. So far it has not been an eye for an eye plan for her, all it is was still pretty nice revenge against a fox. I think that she went ahead and did it because she had underestimated the situation. She trusts Jeha and knows that he will always be there to protect her, I think she would realise now that YJ and her people are more dangerous that she'd initially thought and that she cannot bear to lose JH. The last scene with her worrying on whether he will be back safe was heartbreaking enough. I command the fact that she went and helped him despite exposing herself to danger and then facing her enemy face to face. Better than only making people do the dirty stuff for you. 

How could she discuss things with Jeha, when he has to carry out other duties during the day and  so far has spent limited time together during the night time. He left so early in the morning, how else could she discuss it with him? There hasn't been that many time for them to spend together and talk to each other. There are just so many evil people who keeps interfering with their time. Because of his protective self, instead of telling Anna he is going to YJ to stop her, he told that to the Ahjumma. Just telling her that people are desperate to catch her isnt enough warning. He has a better idea of everything else going on outside the safe house, why isnt he filling in her with more information as to why he is suspicious and why she really needs to becareful. He knew he left Anna with the Uncle at that beach house, while he is cautious, he didn't predict that uncle would be doing something in his absence? 

I agree @klgirl that in order for both their revenge to be successful, they need to sync their steps. Its not just what Anna needs to do, but also what Jeha needs to do. 

Anyway, I cannot get over the kiss scene. It was totally worth all the wait. The feels are just... Amazing. I would like to share more thoughts about it but I am still on cloud 9 because of the scene. The hug, dont go and the phone call are just beautiful developments with their relationship. Feels are so on point Jehanna. 

I am glad I dropped all logic as soon as i started watching kdrama so I could fully enjoy them, with or without loopholes. 


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@perfectsmilebias - Yes, I do think JH is a hypocrite! In his mind, he's only different because he doesn't kill "innocent people" like the old couple. Pffttttt. But he's still adorable. :D

After watching with subs, I don't think that reporter is Uncle's wife but thank goodness she sent her son out of YJ's reach. And the crazy Assistant's story line is now going exactly as I suspected. Although YJ did want Anna, Uncle and anyone else at the studio taken care of (murdered) she didn't want JH harmed. Cray-Cray Assistant tried to have it done anyway. I suspected she might get insanely jealous and try to take JH out. *sigh* So far, things have been very predictable with most of the characters. :mellow: It's a bit ridiculous that we're at episode 10 and YJ is still trying kill Anna. I was also hoping we'd know a bit more about Anna's mother but nah...we gotta stop and send JH on a suicide mission first. 

@sakura22 - Agree, and Ji Chang Wook did say they would have to "fight for their love" so it makes sense there are a ton of obstacles in their way. 

Still, cute OTP moments make it worth watching. :wub:

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14 minutes ago, tessieroo said:

@perfectsmilebias - Yes, I do think JH is a hypocrite! In his mind, he's only different because he doesn't kill "innocent people" like the old couple. Pffttttt. But he's still adorable. :D

After watching with subs, I don't think that reporter is Uncle's wife but thank goodness she sent her son out of YJ's reach. And the crazy Assistant's story line is now going exactly as I suspected. Although YJ did want Anna, Uncle and anyone else at the studio taken care of (murdered) she didn't want JH harmed. Cray-Cray Assistant tried to have it done anyway. I suspected she might get insanely jealous and try to take JH out. *sigh* So far, things have been very predictable with most of the characters. :mellow: It's a bit ridiculous that we're at episode 10 and YJ is still trying kill Anna. I was also hoping we'd know a bit more about Anna's mother but nah...we gotta stop and send JH on a suicide mission first. 

@sakura22 - Agree, and Ji Chang Wook did say they would have to "fight for their love" so it makes sense there are a ton of obstacles in their way. 

Still, cute OTP moments make it worth watching. :wub:

Yeah, he's cute.... but sexy too!!! Boi, where ma abs at!?!?

I wouldn't say the characters are predictable... but I did see the psycho lesbian trope since episode 1 honestly... UGH! Why couldn't he make her some sort of uber ambitious girl who experienced some really bad trauma as a girl and chooses to live as if the she owes the world nothing and sees everyday survival as a matter of life and death, or something like that, why did the writer have to make her a jealous psycho lesbian? 

But, from what I heard of the recaps, didn't Jeha make it a condition that if he killed Assemblyman Park she would have to resign.... imagine how much of her life she has sacrificed to be by YooJin's side all the time, she's done so much for YooJin... her life would completely shatter... her desperation, in that sense, is understandable. 

I would actually say the characters have been quite repetitive in these recent episodes. Like you pointed out, how many times does YJ have to try and kill Anna!? we got it already writer... she hates her guts, she's evil, and Jeha will protect and save Anna every time. Moving along...

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9 hours ago, notohaterfans said:

I was about to post same thing hahaha,  she looks jealous to JH lols

For sure JH will not die but I'm dying to know how???:angry:  How he can escape...  I'm thinking maybe he will just not join the team... He is a jerk to his superiors anyway,  he can leave whenever he decides to leave haha 

Oh,  he will kill assembly Park,  maybe he decide to do it next time cause buying ttobuki (whatever is that food is,   lols) for his present love  is more important than his revenge for past love


Oh well,  if YJ is aware of this plan,  for the first time I'm disliking her...  


He definitely wont die, i am just curious as to how he will survive and how it will change the relationship between YJ-JH. Regardless he is now in danger, both him and Anna are in danger. I think perhaps the order changed. YJ if she does know, that after killing Park JH has to die because there needs to be a scapegoat. The secretary may have change the order that even if they dont kill Park, K2 has to die. That is a completely game change there.

I cant predict next ep, but i dont think Park will die. Really killing off the one of the main villains so fast doesnt make sense to me. I feel that Park will still be alive, and YJ has to think of something smarter to find her way around it. I am a little disappointed that YJ chose the easier route out to gain entry to the Blue House, which is to kill. I mean come on as the future president's wife, you want more blood on your hands? that is just not smart.

I still cant find out the Uncle's play. That medicine was definitely something Anna shouldnt eat. I agree with some in this thread that Anna should have used her head more. I think her 100% trust in the uncle is definitely flawed. If only she was a little smarter in that aspect. And being assured that JH will always be around, true it is something that should be believed in but you also cant have all your eggs in one basket. But in the case of Anna, why she fully believes is because without JH honestly she has no one else. So i guess that explains why she is so assured that JH will always be around.

But i love the order she have to JH, it was something so desperate. It just shows how much she loves him.

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I wish PD/Writer would speed up the scene - I know it is for dramatic feel but OMG.. each scene was soooo long .. like the interview scene .. OMG can PD just make it direct, don't go round and round and previous episodes .. too long time dedicated to SJ speech ... 

Esp the throw egg scene and the interview scene in the hospital (after SJ came out from visiting YJ) ..

I wonder if writer do not have enough material to work with thus the long extra winded scenes .... go round and round (anywayyyyyyyyyyyyy I don't mind the long otp moment, the more the better.. yeah yeah I am bias kill me)



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