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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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25 minutes ago, KateSG said:

Gurumi is the title of MDBC in Korean if I am not wrong.

Oh thank you very much, I missed the sub, but I do hope that he was reading the "bed scene" or the "spindle scene" and it's rated material lol

@Ahpheng: thank you for all of ur c-strip, I visited your instagram, omo omo awesome, I got to know ur c-strip of Two worlds also lol, really made my day!!!!

@KateSG hahahahaha if the book content about spindle scene then raon must be very expert about that .... but in my opinion both her and cp looks so "pure" if related to love ...:P but we dunno for sure ..need to wait till episode 18 to see that .

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2 hours ago, pyoyong said:


Soo in less than 24hours through some Miracle I got 20 archers who are ready to kick some butttttttt!! Yes! Here they are !

@youaremoonfan16@cpy95@nalili@eyhlin@zee0123@PeachyPeach@jigee@swtfirefly@peishi0408@rhiesta@June Foo@kdfan2014@inna75@getting2dreamy@onni@bimilid@princessbelle1022@myicecreamcakexoxo@lightforyou22@moodypie

bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha...crryyy.....laughing at the amount of crazy people in this thread! mwahahahahahahahaha...Smiley-rollingoverlaughing.gif~c200

My friends! *taps heart*! I am HONORED to fight along side you! The Great Trial is upon us! Therefore there is no greater joy for me than to give you the best ranged weapon of them all. One that can pierce the enemy from a great distance and you shall protects the lives of your comrades. May I introduce you to


this is one of the greatest ranged weapon that I've used in an online game,

trust me, it's UBER!





Soooo moody I REMEMBER YOU! You think you can get away with this?? I'm putting you ON girl!! NO ESCAPE!

@lovehbhjw2013 My Soompi blood sister, I shall make you the leader of Sky Team ! You will be on that roof girl! Just dont trip and fall on top of YS ok, he's our precious!


Aikkkksssss!!!!   I dont wanna be on the roof....I can't ...can't ...chica.... praying-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949006praying-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949006

My legs will go wobbly and probably fall off before you know it. Give me the ground...please..ppleasepraying-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949006praying-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949006

@lovehbhjw2013 may i suggest you to bring your weapon too...the  one that can fly like a boomerang ? we need three.


2 hours ago, lovehbhjw2013 said:



Love your sky longbow.....if there is a chance I wanna try too!!!  If they touch BY or YS....I want to see bloodshed!!!!   :tounge_xd::tounge_xd::tounge_xd:



1 hour ago, lovehbhjw2013 said:

Seriously putting me on the roof top .....I am DELIRIOUS!!!!!....I really hope to drop from the rooftop into his arms if I can even get it right!!!!  LOL.....   I don't think in real life.....anyone can drop into another's arms in such precision.....otherwise it is really DESTINY!!!   Anyway,, thanks for the good laugh and good thoughts!   I have already consumed the goodness of it, and that's what counts!  :wub::wub::wub:   So PRECIOUS he shall be....I won't fall from the roof top........:innocent:

Chingu...if you want fall into YS's arm like Raon did....you will have to catch 20 chickens first.  rolling-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949009rolling-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949009


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1 hour ago, KateSG said:

wooooowhooooooo, u plan too well @pyoyong, so we are all surrounding, they have no way out but surrender!!!! 

Uhm, wonder whether they have a secret underground tunnel hor? If exist, we might need a squad taking care of that route lol

let me take the underground tunnel. I don't want  to be up there...no high ground for me. praying-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949006praying-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949006praying-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949006praying-yahoo-emoticon.gif?1301949006

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33 minutes ago, ruka18 said:

@lovehbhjw2013 chingu thank you so much for the spoiler, knowing that YS did not die in the novel made my heart at ease. :) Hmm now I was wondering about that IG post  of YS with a girl dressed in eunuch clothing, could that be his destined love interest if yes I definitely approve at least he'll also have an happy ending - a girl and an instant baby at the end is not so bad isn't it?~keke ^_^


Thanks for your amazing idea. In fact I'm not familiar with this girl as well as her group. Just wonder if the writer-nim wants Yoon Sung to end with his new destiny love and of course with his baby girl also, why don't KBS invite a more famous cameo like IRENE. Omo I want to know what Bo Gum behaves when he sees his beautiful noona in Music Bank to be with his old friend :D

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It's only today that the fact that we only have 2 more episode left for this drama has finally sink in to my brain.:vicx:  I really dread the day MDBC will come to an end, is it too soon to miss the cast already? :( waaaahhh hope we can at least see them on a new project together after this.:mellow:  well we have JY and YJ collaborating on legend of the blue sea, hope we can have BG and YJ pairing again too maybe even just in cf's or magazine photo shoots.:mellow:



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2 hours ago, pyoyong said:


Soo in less than 24hours through some Miracle I got 20 archers who are ready to kick some butttttttt!! Yes! Here they are !

@youaremoonfan16@cpy95@nalili@eyhlin@zee0123@PeachyPeach@jigee@swtfirefly@peishi0408@rhiesta@June Foo@kdfan2014@inna75@getting2dreamy@onni@bimilid@princessbelle1022@myicecreamcakexoxo@lightforyou22@moodypie

bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha...crryyy.....laughing at the amount of crazy people in this thread! mwahahahahahahahaha...

sorry i cut your post


Ohhh Im part of  SKY ARCHERS nice name! OKAY! LET'S KILL THEM ALL!!! i mean the bad guys!

you are so damn funny @pyoyong (oops excuse my word) :D:lol:

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39 minutes ago, ruka18 said:

@lovehbhjw2013 chingu thank you so much for the spoiler, knowing that YS did not die in the novel made my heart at ease. :) Hmm now I was wondering about that IG post  of YS with a girl dressed in eunuch clothing, could that be his destined love interest if yes I definitely approve at least he'll also have an happy ending - a girl and an instant baby at the end is not so bad isn't it?~keke ^_^



You are most welcome...at least we know the novelist is true to her words that she has attachment to this character YS...initially I was wondering if you love him so much...why kill him in your story?  It baffled me for a long time....:huh:  Yeah your happy ending is definitely better!!!    :wub:

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On October 12, 2016 at 6:43 PM, pyoyong said:



Greetings to all Moonlighters, my friends, my soompi family, my comrades in battle. After we watched last night episode, we know that our beloved characters are in grave danger. And there is no other way for us to help them but wishing them the very best, to be safe and wishing every single one of them will survive till the very end. And I know despite our differences we have one thing in common! Therefore I welcome you to the World of Imagination where all our wishes & hopes can be visualized in the form of a drawing. A very simple drawing indeed. This battle drawing will be my last battle version for this thread since our beloved drama will soon come to an end and unfortunately our time together as well. I'm a little sad despite knowing there are still a few more days left for us but I rather present my ultimate mental wishes for MDBC which is to have the ultimate happy end and that it will be known as one of the Greatest Korean Love Story of All time (personally I think its already is)  

After carefully studying our battle location, I have taken the step to formulate a perfect strategy based on what I've read in books or see in a movie. I would like to present you my version of The Final Battle Strategy for The Army of Moonlighters

Red Team with The Wing Crane Formation from Korean Legendary Battle of Hansado 1592

Lure the enemies and surround them with no escape route!

The ultimate war strategy from Admiral YiSun, after all, what better way for an opening gambit battle and to win a Korean-drama war than by using a Korean commander's strategy.


credit to the owner


Will be presented by 3 great generals @Bambiina The Epic Deer, @Grace1003 The Angel of Death (no peace for now Grace) and General @tiendoank The Lord of Hell to ensure every single one of you return safely to our Soompi Homeland. And these are the Bravest of the Brave :

@kwon_ga@airasara@lalunaaa@cloud92@gimely@4nnlov3pink@kikyo4ever@hansp@b3ll4dy@ssam@ruka18@uripuppies@yuuinokokoro@liemkopi@myutaa@AriaAA@bogummylove@boyoo4lyf@mdbcsuperfan@tikasari@babysiew@Xu Hào@roneddski@whitefoliage@nonski@jjongah4eva@eyo2eyo@ireumimolla@nataliakay


Blue Team with Napoleon Battle Austerlitz Formation from 1805 also known as Battle of the Three Emperors

One of The Greatest Battle in Europe led by Napoleon Bonaparte. I have chosen this formation for the Blue Team, that I will personally lead in battle. I know I got nothing on the 3 Great Generals in The Red Team, but by DramaGod I will make sure that we will have the power of numbers on our side! I do not know what to call myself and I don't consider myself as a leader, after all I am just one of you, but it would be cowardly of me to talk this big and not put my life on the line besides my comrades. @xoxgossipgirl Master of Archery will be my second in command to lead the ranged battalion. We are under significant pressure to protect several people, so we will reserve our energy until we are absolutely certain that our allies have successfully struck fear into the hearts of our enemies so that we can strike at the perfect time. This is the decisive battle so it is crucial to preserve our resources and spring into action at the critical moment. Brothers and sisters, the battle ahead will be tough and not all of us might survive this battlefield, some of our beloved drama-characters may not make it out alive, but through all of this we are one, one mind, one force, all for the greater good. (ok I'm gonna stop talking about war , my fav subject actually lol). My true moonlighters friends, My Blue Team:

@Luc-@totesinluv@be99lle@kirei11@NRGchick@mujay@charliew@Kissy13@moonlightsonata@kiranzz@tianaa@cynkdf@dahae2006@_Nachan07@ayu_2905@febz@thephamle@SihaeSL@phoenixember@iheartyoojung@KateSG@Jillia@Mepuppy@PrincessMe2515@happysloth@gf sherry@pappapig@daare@boredahjumma@sara2908@ricerascal67@xXMzSmilesXx@ksks111@PororoQueen@lovehbhjw2013@herlina28@pangy76@pristineqi@lorac529@stroppyse@mellinadear@genmaikrw@Earth2KatyD@JinyoungFox@8mel@WildDivine69@akikisetsu@docster6@nadreams@khlgpc@in00022@Ahpheng



credit to the owner


Without further ado, ALL OF US!



Now I know I'm bound to forget very important people in my Soompi life. So please chingu, Like this post and I will add you in our Final Epic Battle (I will update the picture Monday, when episode 17 will air). The sky is red, and our wrath will be the doom for our enemies! We need more people to protect YS , our SKY TEAM where are you? Fill the sky with rain of arrows! The arrows of justice, the arrows that protect our allies, the arrows that show your love in this drama. So I'm calling every single one of you Moonlighter that is not in this picture! Tell your friends, comrades, partners, lovers, neighbor and everyone else who wants to hear about this final epic battle, so that our army may grown even more.


Lastly, I have a very small favor to ask all of you, that I've always wanted this thread to always move in the speed of light, therefore if you are ready, reply to this roll call (quoting is not necessary) and do not quote the pictures alright, or else the mods will kill me before we go to Monday battle hehe..We shall make this thread end GLORIOUSLY!

Are you ready my friends?




OH MY GOSHHH, PYOYONG-SUNBAENIM!!! I've just came back from a far place kkkk and because i cant wait to not open this forum (oh how i miss this forum so much!!) AND THEN I FOUND THIS MASTERPIECE! YESH!! My pleasure to be in your red team! Aye aye captain!!!!!

This drama is near to the and so sad i have to say that in gonna missed this forum SO DAMN MUCH and all of daebak moonlighters in here!! since we only have 2 episode left huhuhu, You rock moonlighters squad!!! I love Y'ALLLLLL

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1 hour ago, hairuchii said:

Not sure why she is wearing eunuch's clothes. She may just be someone who has managed to meet the actors through her connections, or she could possibly be another character in the series - I doubt that the writers will introduce another character at such a late stage though. She may also possibly be a member of staff, but I doubt that a member of staff would put on a costume to take a photo with the actors... No one on the production team could possibly have that much time on their hands to do so, considering that the drama series is drawing to an end. Do we know when they would be filming till?


Translation of her tweet:

"#MDBC 's #LordYoonSeong I am very honoured to be able to meet him!! Please be wonderful till the end...! My heart is racing..! #b1a4 #Jinyoung #bravegirls (KR) #bravegirls (ENG) #YoJeong (KR) #yujeong (ENG)




About that photo, i think she is a reporter with entertainment weekly...at 13:46. isn't that the same girl ?

10 minutes ago, ruka18 said:

It's only today that the fact that we only have 2 more episode left for this drama has finally sink in to my brain.:vicx:  I really dread the day MDBC will come to an end, is it too soon to miss the cast already? :( waaaahhh hope we can at least see them on a new project together after this.:mellow:  well we have JY and YJ collaborating on legend of the blue sea, hope we can have BG and YJ pairing again too maybe even just in cf's or magazine photo shoots.:mellow:



It's not the same JY, that JY is the one from GOT7 and i couldn't find any news related to KYJ doing a cameo there. Did anyone see one if yes, maybe share ?

And Thanks to all of you, in this thread for making me laugh and make the day goes better. Fighting !

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20 minutes ago, in00022 said:

@KateSG hahahahaha if the book content about spindle scene then raon must be very expert about that .... but in my opinion both her and cp looks so "pure" if related to love ...:P but we dunno for sure ..need to wait till episode 18 to see that .

I have to admit that I really hope uri CP was reading a "bed scene" story written by the famous writer Sam Nom. The way he smiled is so dangerous ha ha. It was so unlucky if a CP knew nothing about "bed scene" at his 18 age. Maybe he was not taught about this issue by his professors in the Palace. But remember the way he did his first kiss with Ra On. Can we call him a talent kisser. Such a hot kiss right at his first attempt ha ha. Aigoo I miss BoGum's Reply Kiss so much. PD-nim, can you bring it back to the past know? We have only 2 episode. What are you afraid of? :P

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I guess it's fitting for the plot but Yeong and RO no longer have the look of innocence in them.  Like I'm looking at the screen caps of Yeong reading RO's novel and RO meeting YS for the first time and both looked so young.  Their characters seemed to have aged.

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#running by holding her pants and her hat#......To Captain @pyoyong, this is Private Pororo reporting for duty. I was busy with the First-Aid team but no one got injured on episode 16, So I pretended to be busy LOL. It such an honor to be enlisted into THE BLUE TEAM. I need debriefing before Monday show thou, because I am very forgetful lately, due to the confusion on episode 16, who are we going to attack?



Credit: Hawkeye and game of thrones gif

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@Earth2KatyD  You really swept me off my feet with your latest post on Yoon Sungie....  Though I promise my blood sister @pyoyong not to fall from the roof....I think I am falling falling falling......with your sweet post about uri Yoon Sungie....  I am feeling  Image result for naruto dizzy gif

Thank you thank you thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!!  :kiss_wink:

There is no bookmark feature in Soompi forum but I am going to REMEMBER  PAGE 1152!!!!

It's ok....he can be here for US since Ra-On is not available!!!!

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16 minutes ago, Earth2KatyD said:


The many ways Yoon Sung has proven himself to be the perfect guy for Ra On...

YS is physically fit..

(Even off his guard, YS easily caught RO with his strong arms and prevented her from falling.)

YS is always happy to see the one his heart loves, Ra On..

(I wonder if we'll ever hear him utter RO's name?)

YS knows how to keep a secret..

(..and he won't even question you why you're keeping such secret.)

YS is easy to talk to and he listens well..

(..it's because he cares and his heart is big. :))

YS is always ready to help..

(.. and he does not expect anything in return.)

YS is a good protector..

(.. and he is merciless to anyone who pose as a major threat to the ones he hold dear.)

YS is a very skilled fighter..

(Numbers do not scare him.. He'll fight them all!)

YS is a loyal and a trustworthy friend..

(He's willing to take a bullet for a friend, or in this case, a sword for a friend ^_^

YS knows how to surprise his lady love with gifts..

(.. he'll get you the necessities you want; you don't even have to drop hints! ;)) 

YS is a very good artist..

(Can y'all just imagine his penetrating gaze looking at you and taking in every detail as he's painting you? :sweatingbullets: I'd model for you anytime, Yoon-sungie!:w00t:)

YS is respectful to his elders and those in authority..

(..even when they are undeserving of it.)

YS is not only good-looking but a real charmer, too!

(Think about how CUTE your offsprings will look like! :))

YS has good paternal instinct..

(Hang on, are those ovaries I hear exploding all over the place?! :P)


In Conclusion.. 

With all the points listed above,





Yoon Sung and Ra On would have made a wonderful couple! :wub:

.. IF ONLY Lee Yeong was not in the picture, that is. :P

Credit to BbeongBbeong for the GIFs


To all the Jin-young fans in the forum --

@lovehbhjw2013 @nonski @moodypie @NRGchick @ruuuuthpft @moodypie @Earth2KatyD @xiashenghan @looki @ricerascal67 @charliew @febz @tiendoank @bonuibonui @zee0123 @angelineong @syeramy @iheartyoojung @lavender2love @KateSG @_Nachan07 @JinyoungFox @ruka18

Hope you'll enjoy this post, ladies! :)


Whoaaaa.......I just got struck by a thunderbolt... Yoon Sung thunderbolt. And I can see hearts and starts all around me.

Thank you for dooing this. Agree....they would have made the perfect couple if Lee Young does not exist. hehe.

green scarf 21green scarf 21
Agree chingu!!! He's too perfect. He was always there for her. 


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