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[Drama 2013] ♔ The Heirs/Inheritors ♔ ♕ 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그무게를 견뎌라-상속자들 ♕


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The Heirs OST Part 1
Song Artist: Lee Hong Ki
Date: 2013.10.09
Genre: OST
1. I'm Saying

Album: [Digital Single] 상속자들 Part.2 (The Heirs Part.2)
Song Artist: Park Jang Hyeon (박장현) & Park Hyeon Gyu (박현규) [bromance]
Release Date: 2013.10.16
Genre: OST
01. Love Is...

Album: [Digital Single] 상속자들 Part.3 (Heirs OST Part.3)
Song Artist: 창민(2AM) & 켄(빅스) & 박장현(Bromance)
Release Date: 2013.10.24
Genre: OST
01. Moment
02. 사랑이라는 이름으로
03. 두 사람

Album: [Digital Single] 상속자들 Part.4 (The Heirs OST Part.4)
Song Artist: 2Young (투영) & Esna (에스나)
Release Date: 2013.10.30
Genre: OST
01. 세렌디피티
02. 아랫입술 물고

Album: [Digital Single] 상속자들 Part.5 (Heirs OST Part.5)
Song Artist: Park Shin Hye (박신혜)
Release Date: 2013.11.07
Genre: OST
01. Story

Album: [Digital Single] 상속자들 Part.6 (Heirs OST Part.6)
Song Artist: Moon Myung Jin (문명진)
Release Date: 2013.11.13
Genre: OST
01. 또 운다 - Crying Again

Album: [Digital Single] 상속자들 Part.7 (Heirs OST Part.7)
Song Artist: Choi Jin Hyuk (최진혁)
Release Date: 2013.11.21
Genre: OST
01. 돌아보지 마

Album: [Digital Single] 상속자들 Part.8 (Heirs OST Part.
Song Artist: Lena Park (박정현)
Release Date: 2013.11.28
Genre: OST
01. 마음으로만 - My wish
02. 성장통2 - Growing pain2

Album: [Digital Single] 상속자들 Part.9 (The Heirs OST Part.9)
Song Artist: Lee Min Ho
Release Date: 2013.12.04
Genre: OST
01. 아픈 사랑 - Appeun Sarang (Painful Love)

Album: [Compilation] 상속자들 1 (Heirs OST Compilation Album Part.1)
Song Artist: Various Artists
Release Date: 2013.11.14
Genre: OST
01. Lee Hong Ki (이홍기) [FTIsland] - 불말이야 (I'm Saying)
02. Park Jang Hyun (박장현) & Park Hyun Kyu (박현규) [bromance] - Love Is...
03. Changmin (창민) [2AM] - Moment
04. Ken (켄) [VIXX] - 사랑이라는 이름으로 (In The Name Of Love)
05. Park Jang Hyun (박장현) [bromance] - 두 사람 (Two Person) (Remake)
06. 2Young (투영) - 세렌디피티 (Serendipity)
07. Esna (에스나) - 아랫입술 물고 (Biting My Lower Lip)
08. Big Baby Driver (빅 베이비 드라이버) - Here For You
09. Big Baby Driver (빅 베이비 드라이버) - What We Used To Be
10. Big Baby Driver (빅 베이비 드라이버) - Some Other Day
11. Trans Fixion (트랜스픽션) - I Will See You
12. 말이야 (Inst.)
13. Love Is... (Inst.)
14. Moment (Inst.)

Album: [Compilation] 상속자들 2 (The Heirs OST Compilation 2)
Song Artist: Various Artists
Release Date: 2013.12.11
Genre: OST
01. Story
02. 또 운다
03. 마음으로만
04. 돌아보지마
05. 아픈 사랑
06. Love Is... (Acoustic Ver.)
07. 사랑이라는 이름으로 (English Ver.)
08. 성장통2
09. Heritor
10. 말이야 (Piano Ver.)
11. Dream catcher
12. Love Is... (Comic Ver.)
13. Logical Love
14. Weight Of The Crown
15. Aim At The Crown
16. 별을 세는 아이
17. Portents Of War
18. 한여름 밤에 꿈



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41571_198766326889566_2111051467_q.jpg class="uiHeaderTitle"'왕자의 귀환' #이민호_,김은숙 작가 와 손잡고 하반기 브라운관 복귀,SBS <왕관을 쓰려는자, 그 무게를 견뎌라-상속자들>by Starhaus Entertainment (Notes) on Friday, March 29, 2013 at 10:38am





'왕자의 귀환' 이민호

김은숙 작가 와 손잡고 하반기 브라운관 복귀

또 한번의 신드롬 일으킨다.


SBS 왕관을 쓰려는자, 그 무게를 견뎌라-상속자들>


2013년 최고의 드라마 탄생 예고



'최강의 라인업' 구성.. 최상의 조합으로 기대감 폭발


'왕자의 귀환'

배우 이민호가 안방극장에 복귀한다.

SBS하반기 김은숙 작가의 작품 '왕관을 쓰려는자, 그 무게를 견뎌라-상속자들(가제/이하 '상속자들')을 차기작으로 결정한 것.


20부작 '상속자들'은 '로코의 귀재'김은숙 작가와 '노련한 승부사' 강신효PD, '흥행의 보증수표' 이민호까지 화려한 제작진의 만남, 그 사실만으로도 방송가와 팬들에게 지대한 관심을 모으며 2013년 최고의 드라마 탄생을 예고하고 있다.

그동안 이민호는 '꽃보다 남자', '개인의 취향', '시티헌터', '신의' 등에 출연하며 전 세계에서 사랑받는 톱스타로 자리를 굳혔고 김은숙 작가는 '시크릿 가든', '신사의 품격', '파리의 연인', '온에어' 등 쓰는 작품마다 화제를 모으며 '시청률 제조기'로 입지를 다졌다. 강신효PD는 '타짜', '마이더스' 등의 감각적인 연출을 보여주며 신뢰받는 감독으로 정평이 나 있다.

특히 김은숙 작가는 남자 주인공의 캐릭터 창조에 타의 추종을 불허할 만큼 뛰어난 재능을 갖고 있어 새로운 모습으로 변신할 이민호의 활약에 큰 기대를 모은다.


이에 대해 이민호는 "평소에 김작가님의 작품을 시청하면서 꼭 함께하고 싶었는데 이번에 뜻을 이뤘다"며 "존경하는 작가, 감독님과 함께하여 매우 의미 있는 작업이 될 것이라 생각한다"고 작품에 대한 기대감을 보였다.

김은숙 작가 역시 이민호에 대한 호감과 함께 꾸준한 관심을 가져왔다. 김작가는 이번 작품에서 이민호에게 꼭 맞는 '맞춤 캐릭터'를 입혀주기 위해 집필에 전념하는 것으로 알려졌다.


제작사 화엔담픽쳐스는 "남자 주인공 이민호가 출연을 확정하였고 현재 여자주인공의 캐스팅에 박차를 가하고 있다"고 밝혔다.

이민호와 김은숙 작가, 강신효PD의 첫 만남이 또 한번의 신드롬을 예고하며 기대감을 증폭 시키고 있다.

한편 이민호는 팬서비스의 일환으로 오는 5월 초순쯤 미니 앨범을 발매하고 5월25일 한국을 시작으로 세계 10여개 도시의 투어를 개최할 예정이다.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/notes/starhaus-entertainment/%EC%99%95%EC%9E%90%EC%9D%98-%EA%B7%80%ED%99%98-%EC%9D%B4%EB%AF%BC%ED%98%B8_%EA%B9%80%EC%9D%80%EC%88%99-%EC%9E%91%EA%B0%80-%EC%99%80-%EC%86%90%EC%9E%A1%EA%B3%A0-%ED%95%98%EB%B0%98%EA%B8%B0-%EB%B8%8C%EB%9D%BC%EC%9A%B4%EA%B4%80-%EB%B3%B5%EA%B7%80sbs-%EC%99%95%EA%B4%80%EC%9D%84-%EC%93%B0%EB%A0%A4%EB%8A%94%EC%9E%90-%EA%B7%B8-%EB%AC%B4%EA%B2%8C%EB%A5%BC-%EA%B2%AC%EB%8E%8C%EB%9D%BC-%EC%83%81%EC%86%8D%EC%9E%90%EB%93%A4/348534575246073

Lee Min Ho to Return to TV with ‘Secret Garden’ Writer

After charismatically protecting the king in SBS’ Faith, Lee Min Ho will be returning to television, holding hands with writer Kim Eun Sook.


Lee Min Ho will be starring in Kim Eun Sook’s new drama, The One Trying to Wear the Crown, Withstand the Weight – The Heirs (tentative title), which will run 20 episodes long with Kim Eun Sook as the writer and Kang Shin Hyo as the director.

On March 29, Starhaus Entertainment announced the news, adding, “He has always watched writer Kim Eun Sook’s productions and wanted to be part of it. He’ll be fulfilling his wish. We believe it will be a meaningful project working with a respectable writer and director.”

Writer Kim Eun Sook is the brain behind hit dramas, such as Lovers in Paris, Secret Garden, and A Gentleman’s Dignity. Kang Shin Hyo PD has worked on Midas and Tazza.

Meanwhile, Lee Min Ho will be releasing an album to thank fans for support and love. He will also be visiting different cities in Asia to interact with fans in May.

Photo Credit: Trugen

Source: http://enewsworld.interest.me/enews/contents.asp?idx=32681

class="entry-title"Lee Min Ho confirmed for new drama ‘Heirs’ by pkdance - 28 mins ago20130328_LeeMinHo.jpg

You’ll soon be able to enjoy weekly doses of Lee Min Ho as he will be returning to the small screen through a new SBS drama ‘Heirs‘ (working title)!

‘Heirs’ will be a 20-episode drama and has already piqued the interest of fans with the reveal of its top-notch writer and director, Kim Eun Sook and Kang Shin Hyo PD, as well as its male lead Lee Min Ho.

Lee Min Ho shared, “As I normally watch writer Kim’s productions, I wanted to definitely work with her and my wish was fulfilled through this opportunity. Working with the writer and director whom I respect, I think it will become a meaningful production.”

The drama’s production company also stated, “Lee Min Ho is confirmed to play the male lead and we are currently working on the casting of the female lead.”

Meanwhile, Lee Min Ho will be meeting fans through a 10-city tour across Asia kicking off in Korea on May 25th!

Source:  http://www.allkpop.com/2013/03/lee-min-ho-confirmed-for-new-drama-heirs
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Guest mintjulep



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Los Angeles, USA


Welcome to the city where sunshine is the norm, traffic is a sport, and avocado toast is a way of life - Los Angeles!

In this sprawling metropolis where dreams are made (and occasionally stuck in traffic, where you may bust into a song like in La La Land), you'll find more aspiring actors than there are stars in the sky.



Walk up the iconic Hollywood sign, catch breathtaking views of the city skyline.  Nearby the sign you can find the Griffiths Observatory - or walk among the stars, literally, on Hollywood Boulevard, where you can see the star signs of celebrities of the world. 



enjoy Venice Beach, and endless fun in the sun in this beachside community, where you can swim, people watch (watch out for those abs), or take in the scenery from a cool cafe.


Every corner of LA has a story to tell... or a screenplay to pitch. Check out Universal Studios Hollywood to go behind the scenes of your favourite movies, and where you can experience thrilling rides, combined with spectacular ocean views. 


Indulge in shop til you drop at Rodeo Drive, a two-mile long street in Beverly Hills, known as the most expensive street in the world. 



Food-wise you'll encounter more diversity here than at a global buffet - where tacos, sushi, and vegan kale bowls live harmoniously side by side.


One of the most famous Los Angeles foods is the famous French Dip Sandwich from Philippe the Original. You can also find tons of Avocado Toast or Taco Trucks. 


But don't let the glitz and glamour fool you - LA has its quirks. Where else can you find yoga studios next to doughnut shops, or hike to the top of a mountain in the morning and hit the beach by lunchtime?


For a sparkling night life check out Sunset Boulevard - cruise along this legendary street where you can experience world-class restaurants, clubs and iconic music venues.


So grab your sunglasses, your reusable water bottle (hydration is key), and prepare for a wild ride through the City of Angels. Because in LA, anything is possible - even finding parking on the first try.


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Making my mark here, hahahahahahahahahaha =))

Reposting what I posted over there, hehehe, even if @sia3 thinks it's overly cheesy hahahahahahahahahah =))


I was lying in bed when I came across starhaus's confirmation of LMH's next drama, I nearly screamed my lungs out, my sister got a fright for a moment there. Hahahahaha, I am so happy, so happy that I want to cry :(( :(( :((


First impression of the title, "The one who wears the crown, endure the weight," what an extremely LONG title! Though "Inheritors" is the short title for it, I prefer the long title, it holds so much more meaning. Breaking it down, "The one who wears the crown," I am guessing like @sia3 said, he must be rich and in line for something big, a crown can either be simply a crown, as in a prince, or a representation of possibly anything that can be inherited, a company? And "endure the weight," whatever is it that he is to inherit comes with responsibilities. If, IF, IF this character is like the character LMH has been stressing that he wants to play, I am guessing that he is young, kiddish, fools around, and just simply a careless character who is spoiled and gets everything his way. However, thun, THUN, THUN something bad happens to his father, brother, grandpa? whoever, and he is next in line to inherit whatever is to be inherited, so we now have this young spoiled brat who is forced to grow up. Humph, somewhere along the lines, the female lead plays a big part hahahahahahah =))


We start off with an uptight, serious, workaholic character who cannot enjoy live simply because he has so much responsibilities and weight on his shoulders, then thun THUN THUN miss careless comes into his life and flips his whole world upside down. Hahahahaha =))

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Article about Writer-nim

Ohhh! I wish there will be a lot of skinship in this drama too! ;)) :))

Spotlight On: Writer Kim Eun Sook

Kim+Eun+Sook.jpgThe one writer of even more hits than the Hong Sisters

Actually, pssst... don't tell anyone... I think I may like Kim Eun-sook's writing better than the Hong Sisters. 
Now, lets keep in mind, with both writers I've only seen 2 of their shows, but with just that to go on, I just love the writing style of Kim Eun-sook. I think it's because while yes, the Hong Sisters are funny, a lot of their humor is based on puns and word usage. These are things that if you don't speak the language, you're missing out. Kim Eun-sook also has fast dialogue and witty banter, but with her work it seems like the humor comes out of the situation, out of the relationships and realities of people. 
Not to mention there is something about the couples that she builds which just reaches out to my heart and gives it a good yank. I am really looking forward to checking out the rest of her stories to see if my theory holds.  Working with her long term producer Sin Woo-cheol, Kim Eun-sook has created drama after drama which are not only huge hits, but some of the most classic and current must see Kdramas. This of course lures in some of the best and most well known actors of both drama and film. And great writing deserves great acting.

She is a writer who allows the actors to experiment and help fill out their characters. Which is pretty smart as this helps actors become more connected with the people they are portraying, and in turn helps us the viewer become connected as well.  
Apparently she's had the writing bug from when she was quite young: "I didn't have money to buy books so I used to daydream or write children's poems. The encouragement I got from my teacher, who instead of punishing me, motivated me to become a writer".
While there has been a lot of talk lately about the negative effects of the current way of filming Kdrama's (writing and filming as the show is broadcasting rather than relying on pre-production) Kim Eun-sook is one of the ones who sees the necessity of viewer feedback to keeping a drama current. "Trends change from time to time. Would we be able to keep up with it with pre-production? I do think we need it but not in my case". (Which totally makes me think of the drama Assorted Gems, where the heroine, a drama writer, says almost the same thing!)
Here is the funniest stories I've found regarding Kim Eun-sook, seriously, for some reason it just tickles me: 
Apparently her shows are known for being touchy-feely--and kissy. (Yay, for us!) So for A Gentleman's Dignity, a story she planned to write especially 'raunchy', she wanted to cast the crazy famous Jang Dong-gun who hadn't done a drama in 12 years. Since his wife thought there were too many kissing scenes in her drama's he turned the project down. So Kim lied and told him there wasn't any kissing. Heh. As soon as he agreed, she started filling the show up with that kissing. (Again, yay for us!)
Stats: Name: 김은숙 / Kim Eun Sook (Kim Eun Suk) Profession: Screenwriter/Director Birthdate: 1973

Filmography: Movies: Ice Rain 2003 (which she also directed) A Millionaire's First Love 2006 Fly High 2006 Once in a Summer 2006 Lovers of 6 years (she adapted this story) Dramas: Lovers in Paris 2004 Lovers in Prague 2005 Lovers 2006 On Air 2008 The City Hall 2009 Secret Garden 2010 A Gentleman's Dignity 2012


41st Baeksang Arts Awards: Best Drama Award for Lovers in Paris (2005)
6th Seoul International Drama Awards: Best Drama Writer for Secret Garden (2011)
47th Paeksang Arts Awards: Best Screenplay for Secret Garden (2011)

Source: http://crazyforkdrama.blogspot.com/2012/08/spotlight-on-writer-kim-eun-sook.html

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If MinHot is playing a rich Heir - think about all the nice clothes he will be wearing - ahhhhhhh :xbut then if he plays a poor character at first and then discovers that he is the heir to a conglomerate would be better since we get the best of both worlds Rough looking MinHot - short sleeve t-shirts with guns showing ahahhahaha =)) just like in City Hunter and then handsome and sophisticated rich MinHot  

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Maja said: Article about Writer-nim

Ohhh! I wish there will be a lot of skinship in this drama too! ;)) :))

Spotlight On: Writer Kim Eun Sook

Apparently her shows are known for being touchy-feely--and kissy. (Yay, for us!) So for A Gentleman's Dignity, a story she planned to write especially 'raunchy', she wanted to cast the crazy famous Jang Dong-gun who hadn't done a drama in 12 years. Since his wife thought there were too many kissing scenes in her drama's he turned the project down. So Kim lied and told him there wasn't any kissing. Heh. As soon as he agreed, she started filling the show up with that kissing. (Again, yay for us!)

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awesomeduck said:
I'm fully on board with this drama just for the above lines hahahaha =)) I hope Heirs is touchy feely and kissy hahahhaa:))Please Please take full advantage of the Kissing Beast Kim Eun Sook!!!!!!!! 
On a side note: I never got attached to her previous dramas or characters even though they were all very successful, ratings wise  

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Hello everyone  I am new to this thread new to soompi actually. I am so excited about this drama since I just love LMH! Ive actually been lurking on the faith thread for like ever but never joined because wow you guys move too fast
:-O being a college student its hard to keep up . Hopefully I can keep up here but since I am new I have no idea how soompi works so assistance will be much appreciated

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