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[Drama 2020/2021] Queen Cheorin/Mr. Queen, 철인왕후


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Our royal couple. They must be soulmates because they are so in sync. Remember that one time when both of them almost s**t their pants?

Our graceful queen:







And our sophisticated king:








On a serious note - the casting couldn’t be more spot on. Both SHS and KJH are excellent in comedies but they can also pull off serious scenes thanks to their incredible acting ranges.

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2 hours ago, Raffles said:

Yeah, that came out of nowhere. And why in heaven's name rush the king when you just want to talk to the queen's maid? Maybe the writers have to launch a few more ships before they start, ah, reducing the cast...

NOOOOOOOOOO i'm still traumatic with scarlet heart where everyone was happy and everything went south after ep10:criesariver:


i haven't watched the writernim's other works so idk what is their typical ending drama cri


2 hours ago, Raffles said:

He’s also as self-centered as he is charming. He’s willing to sacrifice others to realize his ambitions. Early on, he told Hong Yeon he’d willingly sacrifice her to get home. He made light of it, but he wasn’t really kidding. And he didn’t particularly care what might happen to Kim So Yong and her court as a result of his actions once he jumped into the lake and back into the future. 


Shin Hye Sun (and Choi Jin Hyuk in the Act 1 voice overs) do a fantastic job winning us over to their character. But as charismatic and amusing as Sobong is, she is not a loyal or reliable person. Her growth will mean learning some lessons about loving and giving. Looks like she’s started that journey.


yep. shin hyesun is really doing amazing job to portray sobong. if we refer to the original story, the queen doesn't suppose to be loyal and reliable. she chose the side she believed will be the winner (remember when she and cheoljong met the ministers and she wanted to support the great dowager's brother because she knew that he was the real ruler in the palace, even in the latest ep she wanna give the great dowager several gifts and separate herself from the king because she thinks that that side is the absolute power) but as his relationship with cheoljong develops, sobong will also experience extraordinary character development (can only hope writernim won't kill him)

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10 hours ago, Annie12 said:

I think Bong Hwan is slowlly leaving  from So Yong, or So Yong is finally overtaking her body.

The times where her expression changed when watching "her"King or at the last scene when tried to save him. That is why i think that the queen is returning. Her spirit is becoming stronger with the help of Bong Hwan. He is making her stronger.


perhaps it's because im really fond of soyong, but i really like this theory. in essence i like the idea that soyong is still around and bonghwan is learning from her ability to empathise and care for the people around her and soyong is learning from bong hwan's confidence to stand up for himself. they are two opposite ends of the spectrum, and it'll be nice to see how meet in the middle. kind of rides on what raffles noted about so bong's character development:


1 hour ago, Raffles said:

Shin Hye Sun (and Choi Jin Hyuk in the Act 1 voice overs) do a fantastic job winning us over to their character. But as charismatic and amusing as Sobong is, she is not a loyal or reliable person. Her growth will mean learning some lessons about loving and giving. Looks like she’s started that journey.


i'm also pretty fond of the reincarnation theory aisling mentioned, and i think the writers will do a good job in reconciling the two very different facets of the same soul as they've been doing so far. that said, i dont see these two theories mutually exclusive either.

15 hours ago, aisling said:

I’m actually very fond of “true love transcends time” trope. That’s why I would find it extremely romantic if BH and SY were revealed as the same soul.


i cant believe it's only tuesday. saturday seems so far away... :criesariver:

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ep 8 kiss scene.. crazy swoon faint :heart2beat:

i didn't particularly like KJH in CLOY but find him so charming and romantic here

really like SHS in this drama.. i didn't watch too many of her projects but this is really a growth to the usual roles she has played

saturday is not here soon enough!! 

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Mr. Queen: Episodes 7-8 Open Thread

by missvictrix



Rivalries come to light when the queen’s wellbeing is in danger. But more than jealous confrontations and drink-offs, our queen has bigger problems: she’s becoming more and more the actual queen. Memories and emotions are taking over, and Bong-hwan loses a little bit more of himself by the minute.





Last week, my notes to self consisted of the following: “More Byung-in, please!” I guess they heard me. The highlight this week was definitely the many confrontations, with varying degrees of comedy and drama, between Cheoljong and Byung-in. Of course, this rivalry would not have hit the fan without So-yong being in mortal danger, which is where we start off this week: the queen has fallen into a vegetative state.

This is a great part of the story because we get a peek into the connection between Bong-hwan’s body in present-day Seoul, and his soul trapped in So-yong’s body. When Bong-hwan’s enemy removes his life support, Bong-hwan codes, and that’s exactly when So-yong collapses into her vegetative state. When Bong-hwan is resuscitated, though, he’s the one in the vegetative state: we hear that familiar voice talking back at the people around him… except that voice is only in his head. Poor Bong-hwan!





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7 hours ago, cenching said:

I see there is a discussion about whether The King will do the deed without consent of the drunk Queen because The King is supposedly a gentleman. IMHO, given a chance The King won't hesitates to do it because The Queen is his lawful wife and the setting is an ancient time that never heard of the word "consent" between husband and wife. But whether The Kind really did it on THAT particular time, I am split into 50:50 not because of "consent" but because The King has another mission in his mind.




Even though this is set in ancient times, a lot of modern elements are introduced in it. Even in Episode 8 when the guy stormed the Queen's father's house, disregarding etiquette in his haste to greet court lady Hong. If it were more realistic, that guy would have had to bow etc in the presence of the King and Queen.


I don't think they will do the deed, because the King may be interested in her, but its more subconscious, as his primary concern and love is still for the Concubine.


Also, if it were more realistic, the Kim clan would have prevented Hwa Jin to become a concubine, since she obviously exerts power over the king. But what did they do? Nothing. She now becomes a pawn/player for the Dowager Queen. 

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The Little Mermaid (not the Disney version but the Hans Christian Andersen version) is one of my favorite bedtime story since I'm still a child.


The Little Mermaid was the youngest daughter of the Mer-King, her widowed father. She lived in the palace under the sea with the rest of her family and has a special singing ability. In the age of 15, a mermaid can go up to the surface. The Little Mermaid, being the youngest daughter, had to wait few years until the day when she would be allowed to go up to the surface.


On her fifteenth birthday, the Little Mermaid went up to the surface and rescued a prince from drowning. She hid nearby as the prince gained consciousness, and then a maiden went to aid the prince. The prince, who though the maiden saved his life, thanked her for saving his life, not knowing that the Little Mermaid is actually the one who saved his life. The Little Mermaid was saddened that the prince will never know that she saved him.


In order to be given a chance to marry the prince, the Little Mermaid decided to give up her life and identity to gain a human soul and some time alongside the prince. But she knew that as long as she is still a mermaid, she would never be able to win the prince's love. So she decided to go to the Sea Witch to help her. The Sea Witch agreed to make for the Little Mermaid a potion which will turn the Little Mermaid's tail into human legs so she would look like any other human and that every step will hurt as if she is walking on sharp knives, and her feet will bleed terribly. Also, the Sea Witch told the Little Mermaid to sell the latter's voice in order for the latter to become a human, meaning that the Little Mermaid will be mute. Furthermore, the Sea Witch told the Little Mermaid that if the prince will fall in love with her and will marry her, she would become a human, but if he will marry another woman, she will die and she will become a sea foam. The Little Mermaid, longing for a life with the prince and an eternal soul, agreed, and the Sea Witch made the potion and cut the Little Mermaid's tongue, making the latter mute.


Then, the now-mute Little Mermaid went up to the surface and drank the potion. As a result, she felt a sharp pain and she soon fainted. When she woke up, she found the prince bending forward above her and found out that her tail was transformed into human legs. The prince asked her who she is, but she could not answer him as she was mute. The prince, feeling pity for the Little Mermaid, took her to his palace anyways.


The time when the Little Mermaid was living as a human on the surface with the prince was a hard time for her, as she suffered from sharp pains like a knife, but her time with the prince was a compensation for her. The Little Mermaid became the prince's favorite companion. Once the prince told the Little Mermaid that the maiden is his true love, but he could not marry her because she is a nun who lives in the temple. He also tells the Little Mermaid that there is a princess from another region who will marry him, but he does not love her, and he will marry the Little Mermaid instead. The Little Mermaid was happy that she is going to marry the prince and become a human.


However, when the princess arrived, she was revealed to be the maiden who the prince thought she saved his life. The prince declared his love for her, and the royal wedding was announced at once. The Little Mermaid, on the other hand, was heartbroken, realizing that her fate was decreed. The Little Mermaid attended the prince and the princess's wedding, and later in the night, before dawn, the Little Mermaid saw her older sisters, and one of them gave the Little Mermaid a knife which they received from the Sea Witch in exchange for their long, beautiful hair. They told the Little Mermaid that if she will kill the prince let his blood drip on her feet, she would be a mermaid once more and would save herself from her death.


However, when the Little Mermaid entered the prince's room and found him lying with his new bride, she could not kill the prince she loved. So she decided to throw herself and the knife into the sea at dawn and become a sea foam. At dawn, the Little Mermaid threw herself and the knife into the sea and she was about to become a sea foam. Her body dissolves into foam, but instead of ceasing to exist, she felt the warm sun and discovered that she has turned into a luminous and ethereal earthbound spirit, a daughter of the air. As she ascends into the atmosphere, she is greeted by other daughters of the air who tell her she has become like them because she strove with all her heart to obtain an immortal soul. Because of her selflessness, she is given the chance to earn her own soul by doing good deeds to mankind for 300 years and will one day rise up into the Kingdom of God.



After reading some comments, I realized that the queen's story in this drama so far is kinda spin-off from the princess's story in The Little Mermaid:

credit to the owner


She is a young girl that lived with her father since she lost her mother on her birthday.


credit to the owner


One day, she saved a young boy but he doesn't remember that she saved him.


credit to the owner


After they grown up, the young boy becomes a king.

Then they met again and she is selected as his future queen.


credit to the owner


But, the king already fell in love with other maiden because he's mistaken the maiden as his savior.


credit to @Kaizen68


She was heartbroken but she couldn't even tell him the truth.


So Yong: You should love me.

Cheol Jong: Is that an order?

credit to the owner


So, in despair, she decided to throw herself into the lake.


credit to the owner


credit to the owner


The ending though.

Beware, there are spoiler in here.


The ending of The Little Mermaid:

*Her body dissolves into foam, but instead of ceasing to exist, she felt the warm sun and discovered that she has turned into a luminous and ethereal earthbound spirit, a daughter of the air. As she ascends into the atmosphere, she is greeted by other daughters of the air who tell her she has become like them because she strove with all her heart to obtain an immortal soul. Because of her selflessness, she is given the chance to earn her own soul by doing good deeds to mankind for 300 years and will one day rise up into the Kingdom of God.


So how the screenwriter will make So Yong get her another chance with this "Bong Hwan's soul is in her body" in this drama?


1) Bong Hwan is So Yong future reincarnation.

credit to @Kaizen68


credit to the owner


2)Bong Hwan's soul entered So Yong's body to help her.

Other than So Yong's physical body, Bong Hwan also has accesses to her memories, skills and emotions. With that, he will help her to become a confident queen and allies to her husband, King Cheol Jong. After everything was solved, So Yong' soul and Bong Hwan's soul will return back to their original body.

credit to the owner


Btw, even if Bong Hwan and So Yong share the same soul, it seems their soul still couldn't leave the modern time forever yet since Chef Bong Hwan need to clean his name from the allegation in the modern time before he could happily return as the Queen Kim So Yong in Joseon time. 

This drama also mentioned about So Bong's plan to take revenge at Mr Han in the modern time twice.


One time after So Bong wake up after the physician gives her the acupuncture needles.

credit to the owner


Another time when So Bong playing the wood see-saw or whatever it is called with Hong Yeon LOL

credit to the owner


I still couldn't guess the ending even when I'm analyze their bts pictures of final day of filming LOL

credit to the owner


I guess this scene is one of the important key that will explain the reason why Bong Hwan's soul entered So Yong's body because this is where So Bong wrote "I came here for nothing - Jang Bong Hwan " in the past episode.

credit to @deanne3004


As for me, I prefer the theory of Bong Hwan is the future reincarnation of the So Yong because this drama tittle is Mr Queen LOL

With the combination of their personalities, she will become the most awesome queen ever in the history of the Korean historical dramas:P

 credit to the owner.



Btw, did you guys realized that this drama durations were decreased with each episodes?

Episode 1: about 1 hour 15 minutes

Episode 2: about 1 hour 19 minutes

Episode 3: about 1 hour 20 minutes

Episode 4: about 1 hour 20 minutes

Episode 5: about 1 hour 19 minutes

Episode 6: about 1 hour 12 minutes

Episode 7: about 1 hour 6 minutes

Episode 8: about 1 hour 4 minutes


Well, when I'm interested with a drama I will observe many thing about it.

Tvn, just don't cut out the scenes of our royal couple together:expressionless:

Kim Jung Hyun and Shin Hye Sun are the main reason I watch this drama at the first place, understand?

watching you meet the parents GIF


And yes, I want more scenes like these in the future episodes please:smirk:

credit to the owner


Next time, can they have a kiss scene where Mr Queen is the one that initiated it?

With the king become so whipped after that.
He is already whipped even when she just acts arrogant to him that sometimes I wonder if our king is a masochist lover:P

credit to the owner

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9 hours ago, enzek said:

Next time, can they have a kiss scene where Mr Queen is the one that initiated it?

With the king become so whipped after that.
He is already whipped even when she just acts arrogant to him that sometimes I wonder if our king is a masochist lover:P

 Gosh I just found that clip scene in YT go princess go. I can’t imagine she will do that to our king :tounge_xd:

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Hello Mr Queen thread. I have been watching the series but not following on Soompi. I had to chime in though on this "Did they or didn't they" .    .. 


My two conflicting feelings is" this is a show that younger kids are watching so they will not do sex."

My conflict is:  " The real Queen So Yong has take over conciousness a couple of times.  So it is possible"  that if the Yin Queen has  taken over then to sleep romatically with the Yang King is okay.


I tend to think because South Korea television is very modest, that no sex happened. 


Just my 2 cents. :heythere:


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I only watched to ep 4 right now.

I was reading that popular review site while watching, but the reviewer and commenters don't seem to get it. Most of them only praise Shin Hye Sun's acting. I even saw some of them saying other actors are bad at acting. I'm so pissed.


They also even only see from the female lead (male lead)'s point of view and refused to see from King's point of view. I didn't see them being mad at Kim's clan, but they couldn't stomach king and his brothers. They actually were pissed that King and his brothers think Kim clan people are all bad. Did they not watch the drama?


The drama nonstop both showed and told that Kim clan is overpowered and very corrupted. So-Yong obviously became queen through Kim clan's power. Kim clan all have high positions in palace secretly doing crimes. When you're Kim clan, everybody lets you do anything. Kim clan can go and leave the palace anytime as they wish and nobody will say anything. Kim clan grand dowager queen basically controls the king right now.


The ep 4! that episode basically showed why King and his brothers think every Kim clan people are evil! But what did commenters say? "King and concubine scene was so boring. it was dullest moment of the drama." Seriously? The only Kim clan who interfered was not even actually Kim clan, but Jang Bong Hwan!


But all the comments are like "I don't trust the King. I'm not sure I like the King." I could understand being suspicious of concubine because she's linking to the mystery, but the King? oh, because she's the wife? The husband should protect the wife and not harm her? King was worried that his wife was planning to kill him! King was worried that his wife was going to plan something that not only hurt him, but all others who he loves! Because she has connection, which King lacks!


Then we have scenes that King deeply regretted his decision. Even though King is in disadvantage, as we see later with how he could not protect his concubine, he decided to trust in queen. But reviewer and commenters are like "I don't get the scene. what is this scene for? It's too late, you already tried to kill your wife." 


I'm so frustrated. I'm not going to read the review anymore. I'm just going to finish watching the remaining episodes.

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This burning question of whether they did it or not, reminds me of a very favourite drama of mine, and I'm sure, it is of many others as well called, 'Fated To Love You' with Jang Hyuk :wub:and Jang Nara and they both did it without having any recollection of it.  Both were intoxicated, I believe. I found the allusion to it super funny.


I think a similar allusion was made in 100 days My Prince in order to coerce Won-deuk to marry Hong Shim. Some reference to a night at the mill. So, I wonder how Mr. Queen would play this. It is imperative that they do it for the Queen to secure her place because the concubine is just looking for an opportunity to dethrone the queen and seize power, and unless something is done , in this case a heir is produced by the Queen, the concubine would surely win . She is hell-bent on seizing power.


Anyway, the suspense is killing me.



Someone mentioned 'Oh My Ghost', I too do not want them to take that course. It was so disappointing!

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4 hours ago, louisawatson said:

I only watched to ep 4 right now.

I was reading that popular review site while watching, but the reviewer and commenters don't seem to get it. Most of them only praise Shin Hye Sun's acting. I even saw some of them saying other actors are bad at acting. I'm so pissed.


They also even only see from the female lead (male lead)'s point of view and refused to see from King's point of view. I didn't see them being mad at Kim's clan, but they couldn't stomach king and his brothers. They actually were pissed that King and his brothers think Kim clan people are all bad. Did they not watch the drama?


The drama nonstop both showed and told that Kim clan is overpowered and very corrupted. So-Yong obviously became queen through Kim clan's power. Kim clan all have high positions in palace secretly doing crimes. When you're Kim clan, everybody lets you do anything. Kim clan can go and leave the palace anytime as they wish and nobody will say anything. Kim clan grand dowager queen basically controls the king right now.


The ep 4! that episode basically showed why King and his brothers think every Kim clan people are evil! But what did commenters say? "King and concubine scene was so boring. it was dullest moment of the drama." Seriously? The only Kim clan who interfered was not even actually Kim clan, but Jang Bong Hwan!


But all the comments are like "I don't trust the King. I'm not sure I like the King." I could understand being suspicious of concubine because she's linking to the mystery, but the King? oh, because she's the wife? The husband should protect the wife and not harm her? King was worried that his wife was planning to kill him! King was worried that his wife was going to plan something that not only hurt him, but all others who he loves! Because she has connection, which King lacks!


Then we have scenes that King deeply regretted his decision. Even though King is in disadvantage, as we see later with how he could not protect his concubine, he decided to trust in queen. But reviewer and commenters are like "I don't get the scene. what is this scene for? It's too late, you already tried to kill your wife." 


I'm so frustrated. I'm not going to read the review anymore. I'm just going to finish watching the remaining episodes.


I think all the actors in this drama are doing amazing job. 

Of course we have some favorites characters that different from another, but that's fine, right..

Just don't mind what the commentators there said.

Assume they're just being shallow minded.

How come people don't like or hate an actor based on their character in a drama :joy: It's hilarious for me.

It's acting, for God Shake! Are they babies who don't understand that?

Well of course we sometimes hate or irritate to a character, but that's it.


And again, we should appreciate the actors who deliver the drama incredibly. 

Shin Hae Sun undoubtedly plays it excellently, so does Kim Jung Hyun, and all the actors there.

Let's just enjoy the show  :glasses:



Btw, I don't know how many times I've rewatched ep 7 and 8

What did I get into???!!

I can't help myself from this addiction :bawling:

Why did I watch this ongoing drama before it's completed?

Tried to watch other drama, but for me now it's all boring.

I'm so obsessed now.

Mr. Queen, what did you do to meeeeeee :bawling:

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Hi! I'm new here at Mr. Queen forum. I just started watching the drama today and I'm so hooked already. I can't  wait for the new episodes to be release on sat-sun. For me, the Queen and the chef have one soul but different body and timeline that's way their actions were very different but their thoughts were a little bit similar. 

2 hours ago, icemaid said:

We don’t like the concubine but actress Seol In Ah is cute!

She was Sa Hye Jun's ex girlfriend on Record of Youth. I also hated her on that drama but She's really a good actress. 

Edited by Jillia
Please do not quote pics! Thanks!
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8 hours ago, louisawatson said:

I only watched to ep 4 right now.

I was reading that popular review site while watching, but the reviewer and commenters don't seem to get it. Most of them only praise Shin Hye Sun's acting. I even saw some of them saying other actors are bad at acting. I'm so pissed.


They also even only see from the female lead (male lead)'s point of view and refused to see from King's point of view. I didn't see them being mad at Kim's clan, but they couldn't stomach king and his brothers. They actually were pissed that King and his brothers think Kim clan people are all bad. Did they not watch the drama?


The drama nonstop both showed and told that Kim clan is overpowered and very corrupted. So-Yong obviously became queen through Kim clan's power. Kim clan all have high positions in palace secretly doing crimes. When you're Kim clan, everybody lets you do anything. Kim clan can go and leave the palace anytime as they wish and nobody will say anything. Kim clan grand dowager queen basically controls the king right now.


The ep 4! that episode basically showed why King and his brothers think every Kim clan people are evil! But what did commenters say? "King and concubine scene was so boring. it was dullest moment of the drama." Seriously? The only Kim clan who interfered was not even actually Kim clan, but Jang Bong Hwan!


But all the comments are like "I don't trust the King. I'm not sure I like the King." I could understand being suspicious of concubine because she's linking to the mystery, but the King? oh, because she's the wife? The husband should protect the wife and not harm her? King was worried that his wife was planning to kill him! King was worried that his wife was going to plan something that not only hurt him, but all others who he loves! Because she has connection, which King lacks!


Then we have scenes that King deeply regretted his decision. Even though King is in disadvantage, as we see later with how he could not protect his concubine, he decided to trust in queen. But reviewer and commenters are like "I don't get the scene. what is this scene for? It's too late, you already tried to kill your wife." 


I'm so frustrated. I'm not going to read the review anymore. I'm just going to finish watching the remaining episodes.


Ignore them. What matters is that Kim Jung Hyun is receiving a lot of praise from the media & most of the audience. There's one article that calls him "irreplaceable presence" and every time an episode ends, there are at least 2 articles about his excellent acting. There will always be people who don't like his acting style or his characters, but that's never kept him from making the majority of viewers fall in love with his roles. 


Honestly, SHS plays the titular character, so yeah, she's the main focus of the story and the one that shines the most. If the titular character was outshined by another character that wouldn't be a good sign for the drama. It's great that the two of them are getting a lot of recognition and praise. Everything needs to remain balanced if we want the drama to continue flourishing. Personally, I think the two of them are A+ outstanding actors with a very promising future, and that's the only thing that matters. 



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 I just finished episode 8 and I think it's a blessing in disguised what happened between the queen and the chef. :issohappy:And finally, the king seems to see the true character of the queen with a modern twist and I still believed that the chef/queen are the same person from different bodies. Maybe in the past life of Secretary Han is Jo Hwa Jin then his ugly face in the modern day reflected to his personality. hahahahahaha :tounge_xd: 

I think they will not do the deed, Its just another bluff from the king, maybe because the queen is accusing the king of the strange thing happened that night. I don't want to expect that they did it, I want to be surprise :D

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1 hour ago, sw33tm3lody said:


Ignore them. What matters is that Kim Jung Hyun is receiving a lot of praise from the media & most of the audience. There's one article that calls him "irreplaceable presence" and every time an episode ends, there are at least 2 articles about his excellent acting. There will always be people who don't like his acting style or his characters, but that's never kept him from making the majority of viewers fall in love with his roles. 


Honestly, SHS plays the titular character, so yeah, she's the main focus of the story and the one that shines the most. If the titular character was outshined by another character that wouldn't be a good sign for the drama. It's great that the two of them are getting a lot of recognition and praise. Everything needs to remain balanced if we want the drama to continue flourishing. Personally, I think the two of them are A+ outstanding actors with a very promising future, and that's the only thing that matters. 



For real, both Kim Jung Hyun and Shin Hye Sun is doing really WELL in Mr Queen! Of course Shin Hye Sun will be the main topic since she’s the one who lead the story itself basically the main storyline. KJH will contribute most of the main storyline with SHS. 


I really wonder who’s idea that paired them together since THEY ARE FREAKING BRILLIANT, they cast the right person for main lead. They shine by their own and when they are together the chemistry is just superb!


*At the press conference of the drama both SHS and KJH keep praising each other, even KJH said he wished to work again with SHS. (Looking forward for this haha)


Idk bout you guys but one of the best part of this drama is the action scene OMG Kim Jung Hyun really show how talented he is! (he’s full of charisma) damn I didn’t know he was this GOOD, and Na In Woo too ahh I have no words, they are just superb!

Last but not least, Shin Hye Sun is one of the best actress I’ve ever seen. I hope through Mr Queen she will gain more recognition since she deserved it! Oh and our Kim Jung Hyun too, I’m really glad he’s back as the main lead again T_T.


I wish this drama successful and create more history as the keep gaining higher rating for each episode, let’s hit that 15%!!


If this series will be on Netflix it will be GREAT!

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