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[OFFICIAL] Hyun Bin ❤️ Son Ye Jin (BinJin Couple)


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1 hour ago, QueenieBee said:

I watched an older interview with HB last week (can't remember where I saw it otherwise I'd post it here) and I was so surprised when he talked about how strict his parents and particularly his father was growing up and how much they hated him pursing acting. Like his dad actually beat him and wore him down. But I'm totally impressed with how much he stood up for his career choice and did not back down. I hope they are more understanding now that he has achieved the success level he has. But to your point, I can definitely see him being attracted to a confident and bright spirit given the kind of upbringing he had. Reminds me of myself and my siblings. We had totally strict parents and all chose partners that were opposite of that lol 

I think the better word to use is disliked and not hated.


It's in his destiny to be an actor. Before college, he had been warned not to pursue acting as career, as any reasonable parent would, as the chance of failure in this line is really high. He got caught rehearsing and was given baseball bat treatment. Fortunately for him, he got hit accidentally on his knee. Remorseful, his dad, after lots of crying,  relented and gave his blessings for him to pursue acting.  But it still required some serious negotiations, between the parents and HB. He had to go to Chung-Ang Univ and get his Drama major to have a good chance of making it, not just from his good looks.


In the same interview, he said, that with his success in his career at the time, he's feeling less guilty for not obeying his parents' original

wish for him. He was still young in this interview and was talking purely from his heart. (Check TVN Hyun Bin Tax Interview Ep 2 on YT).

That's why I like HB. He's a grateful and loving son. He's fan friendly and grateful actor.   


I also checked Jinnie's story prior to her becoming an actress. And I like her story too. She's strong-willed and a very focused

individual.  Spent countless hours commuting from Daegu to Seoul, probably in the late 90s, to attend acting lessons.


I spent some hours on these stuff because of CLOY. Now I support them as a  couple deserving of each other, 

via BinJin Shipping Forum at Soompi, and am just patiently waiting*** for their big announcement.

Meanwhile, I am just enjoying reading and viewing each of your posting contributions here and giving my share every now and then.


***giving myself up to 12.31.2020 for this to happen (don't want to use 1000-page limit, as 369 more pages, will be

     hit probably by Chuseok Festival)   




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8 minutes ago, Under BinJin Spell said:

I think the better word to use is disliked and not hated.


It's in his destiny to be an actor. Before college, he had been warned not to pursue acting as career, as any reasonable parent would, as the chance of failure in this line is really high. He got caught rehearsing and was given baseball bat treatment. Fortunately for him, he got hit accidentally on his knee. Remorseful, his dad, after lots of crying,  relented and gave his blessings for him to pursue acting.  But it still required some serious negotiations, between the parents and HB. He had to go to Chung-Ang Univ and get his Drama major to have a good chance of making it, not just from his good looks.


In the same interview, he said, that with his success in his career at the time, he's feeling less guilty for not obeying his parents' original

wish for him. He was still young in this interview and was talking purely from his heart. (Check TVN Hyun Bin Tax Interview Ep 2 on YT).

That's why I like HB. He's a grateful and loving son. He's fan friendly and grateful actor.   


I also checked Jinnie's story prior to her becoming an actress. And I like her story too. She's strong-willed and a very focused

individual.  Spent countless hours commuting from Daegu to Seoul, probably in the late 90s, to attend acting lessons.


I spent some hours on these stuff because of CLOY. Now I support them as a  couple deserving of each other, 

via BinJin Shipping Forum at Soompi, and am just patiently waiting*** for their big announcement.

Meanwhile, I am just enjoying reading and viewing each of your posting contributions here and giving my share every now and then.


***giving myself up to 12.31.2020 for this to happen (don't want to use 1000-page limit, as 369 more pages, will be

     hit probably by Chuseok Festival)   





Baeksang will be an important event not just for Shippers but for  Ye Jin and Hyun Bin as well. It is a chance for them to slowly come out and show everyone that “hi we’re together” without really saying it with words but more so with their interaction. 


Maybe they will not really admit anything yet knowing them. They might not want to get the attention away from the event/winners/award. But they  will give people a glimpse of “we’re both taken and we’re happy” vibes. :blush: 


 really wishing and praying that they’ll arrive together that day. wish come true for all of us. We might need oxygen after. 

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Thank you so much for expressing beautifully the reasons why HB fell for SYJ. I totally agree with you. My shipping heart is so happy and I can’t help feeling protective of them even if I don’t know them personally. What they have is truly special and I want for it to last a lifetime. I just want them to be able to stand strong amidst the trials they will face as a couple. I want them to stay happy together and to keep on growing in love with each other. They are two beautiful people that deserve the best in life as they have given so much joy to others. Oh, I am so inlove with them. Please, BinJin, how oong are we gonna wait?:wub:

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@RiRiGaGa I ate up every word of what you wrote! Thank you for so eloquently and comprehensively expressing your thoughts on Binjin. Regarding what you said “her strong expressiveness is matched by his patient listening,” I think this sums it up perfectly. In one of her interviews during The Negotiation promos (I think it was with The Fact), when asked about working with HB, she didn’t say all that much, but what she did say was very telling - that “he listened, not just to her, but to everyone.” I think it’s one of the traits SYJ appreciates most about HB - that this super duper handsome actor is also a great listener. And likewise, I think HB appreciates how expressive SYJ is with her words. A perfect communicative match indeed 


@sy_glad Some great observations you made! SYJ will say what’s on her mind - she is straightforward that way but she is also very honest. It seems they communicate very well and for the most part are able to acknowledge their own faults. I can imagine working together so closely on a grueling 6 month shoot could tear some couples apart - but our Binjin proved themselves to be highly compatible as colleagues. Working so well together and achieving such success with CLOY only strengthened their bond IMO

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27 minutes ago, RiRiGaGa said:

I swear I was afraid that my pent-up delulu BinJin energy was either going to land me into a mental institution or here where I can freely express my obsessive love for them without judgement! :w00t: I'm so glad I ended up here! :lol: Letting my BinJin freak flag fly at full force! #sorrynotsorry 


LOL! Don’t you worry, you will not be alone if ever you end up in a mental institution:lol:

kidding aside, I’m glad you decided to “come out” and share your thoughts on BinJin. It made us happy!

31 minutes ago, RiRiGaGa said:

I find it hilariously adorable that personality-wise, the one who is normally the expressive and outgoing one is the one who is much more low-key and subtle about their affection while the one who is normally the reserved and shy one is the one who is much more expressive and outgoing about their affection. They have totally swapped places! Love sure does some crazy things to you! :lol::wub:


IKR! But I like that HB is the more obvious, it makes him flash his million dollar smile and we get to see his dimples! In their SWOON IVs esp the Mission Pong, HB was giggly and pouty, and SYJ’s laughters were delightful to watch. They were like teenagers discovering first love.:wub:

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4 hours ago, RiRiGaGa said:


1) HB and SYJ both share such a passion and integrity for their acting craft. These are two highly seasoned, consummate professionals who truly value their work and are consistently dedicated to their art.


2) HB and SYJ are both incredibly humble. 


3) HB and SYJ are both very intelligent, thoughtful, kind, and loyal. 


4) HB and SYJ are both so witty and funny in their own way. They get each other's humor and truly make each other laugh. 


5) HB and SYJ challenge each other. They are both very strong-willed and ambitious. 


    Yes, SYJ is quite competitive but HB self-proclaimed himself during an interview once (I believe one it was one of his first interviews after military duty) as a “perfectionist” where he strives hard to make everything perfect. The interviewer responded “Man, your future wife is going to have a difficult time!” to which HB cheekily responds, “Be ready (future wife)!” Guess who is ready to rise to his standards of perfection? SYJ! 



I smiled and nodded my head so many times when I read your post about why HB is attracted to YJ, and in fact vice versa. I love that you laid down their similarities instead of their differences. They are similar, yet different but they fit each other so WELL! Just keep these essays going cuz you have a way with words that's just wonderful to read!


Same as @Felizak@t , I am gonna save your "essay" to slowly read and re-read it. :D



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4 hours ago, Felizak@t said:


Thank you, @RiRiGaGa. My heart is screaming YES! to everything that you pointed out. These are the very reasons why I fell for this couple. The amount of time I spent researching about them and scouring for HB/SYJ materials since January led me to the conclusion that they are worth shipping. I have never been affected by whatever doubts thrown at this ship because IMO their foundation for liking each other and being together weren't superficial. Now, I can rest my migraine troubled brain. I will have these in my dreams. :heart:


P.S I've screened shot your post for later re-reading. I love it I am filing this in my BINJIN diary. :wub:

Is your cat still around somewhere in the house, @Felizak@t? I remember he’s full of BinJin virus as well. Hope  he’s not outside or in a neighbor’s place already saying I-meows with his destined one! Lol.


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4 hours ago, RiRiGaGa said:

The beauty with our BinJin pairing though is that neither are intimidated by the other’s strengths nor do they try to change each other. They simply accept the other for who they are, cheer each other on, and complete each other's imperfections. Her strong expressiveness is matched by his patient listening. 

Couldn’t agree more. They are truly trusting and accepting of one another. No unintended projections, no misplaced misconceptions they simply adore each other for who they really are. By not putting each other on pedestal the friendship and love relationship thrive in the milieu of what’s real. Gotta love our BINJIN for being so real.

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@RiRiGaGa thanks so much for such an insightful, eloquent and detailed analysis of why HB is attracted to SYJ. It’s so good to hear your perspective as a long time fan of HB. I am glad that your sentiments echoed my own. 


I discussed several pages back about how SYJ “gets” HB’s dark and witty humour. He showed this side of him when he was younger,  but for some reason less so as he matured and seem to get more serious overtime. But SYJ has broken down this wall, and let him be himself again, funny and witty. This makes him more attractive IMO, he became a “jam” man again :lol: Not to mention he’s aging like a fine wine and became more handsome and manly as he got older ^_^


It’s such a pleasure to be part of this forum. There are so many well thought of and intelligent analysis. Thank you to everyone who contribute to the discussion positively! 


In the meantime, let’s celebrate our OTP’s obvious love for each other. 



Someone mentioned on IG that SYJ has deleted the post below from her IG account. I wonder why? :huh: They look so cute and good together in this picture/vid. 



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4 hours ago, Samsam said:



I dont know if the link will work but hopefully it will. 


Look how cute that Hyun Bin’s thumb moved when he’s supposed to be sleeping. :blush: maybe it’s automatic :blush:


I think we need to do a slow mo on all episodes of Cloy to catch their moments.  I believe in a few months, most of us will shift careers to be investigators.  I am so amazed how BINJIN shippers catch all those.  


Let us continue on believing and praying harder for them to reach the final destination so we can all get back to our normal routines.  Have been losing sleeps for the past months. Wonderful day fellow shippers.

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10 hours ago, ncly said:



For no reason I spent almost an hour yesterday watching the Swoon video of BinJin playing the ping-pong game. ...


Row 1: smiling/laughing non-stop at SYJ's missions

Row 2: trying to be competitive and couldn't understand why SYJ's so good at this game

Row 3: pretending to be upset/to sulk at SYJ because he thinks the game's unfair for him (SYJ pretending to not being able to list out 3 good traits of RJH and her being so good at this game)


@ncly SYJ tactically did not give That Man any chance at all to win by  not allowing him to concentrate on mission-pong. She was constantly bombarding him with her trademark laughs, even when doing her mission. Lol. It’s obvious SYJ knew her 

opponent’s weakness and exploited it to the hilt to win. He he he.

YSR : “You could do better, Misteo!”

Now I no longer wonder who won their round of golf game back in L A. :lol:


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12 hours ago, Binjin2Ri said:



Someone mentioned on IG that SYJ has deleted the post below from her IG account. I wonder why? :huh: They look so cute and good together in this picture/vid. 



if I’m not mistaking SJY didn’t upload that video on her instagram, it was another account that did. I read it on Twitter.
Can someone please enlightened me, I couldn’t find the tweet.   

Edited by LavelyShai
Quoted Image/Video
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