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Winter Garden Detective Agency 2.0


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I think for season 2 we will see Winter Garden mature even further and I think their dynamics will play a big role for each other’s growth. Jeongwon needs better coping methods (and has to grow up too hahahaha) and Gyeoul still needs a mentor like him (and Ikjun) to bring out her best potential as well. There will be a room to open about her story in season 2. 

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Netflix subtitles are not the best in few lines and i was thinking something is missing when I read the NFlix line in this scene.When I read Geoul said the phone was personal to her I thought IJ just offered JeongWon's help- Jeong won dont need to be asked per IJun Lol-.

I am hoping Season 2 is not going to be melodramatic.

One more question for today.

Its a rhetorical question  but I dont see any other thread where I can ask this.

I am obsessed with WG couple to the point that for some moments when I listen to my heart and not my mind , I start thinking what IF ....real life imitates reel life.

LOL but logic comes right away and I feel embarrassed and guilty.

Because shipping is only for fun and I should not cross the line.

I hope I am not the only one with this kind of questions.

It makes it easy though that Knets dont ship them.LOL Knetizens know everything and that means nothing is there.


Need to add that in my post.

.After I wrote the post above I went to this bird app and ....hahahahaha some things I read there it's like a sign from above to stop saying nonsense in my age and stick to dramas.

Lesson taken.:facepalm:




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On 8/23/2020 at 8:28 PM, kiklaminHo said:

Another question that I have is as much as I love that Wintergarden has sailed I try to understand why director/writer sailed this ship so early.What else they have in their minds for WG OTP? Jeong Won has a steady career but Gyeoul has few more years ahead to finish with her studies.

Do you think season 2 and 3 will be smooth for WG?

@kiklaminHoLOL.. I was just thinking about this today as some recent FF updates seem to focus on past secrets, insecurity, and not very direct communication between the two.  As much as I was attracted to the WG dynamic, there are indeed several gaps between the two - ages, career status, family background, personalities, etc., and I wonder how they would learn to be equal partners while leveraging these differences, or would these differences cause tension?  For example, would people around them think them as an unlikely match solely due to how popular he is and how much they may not know about her (1. although based on what the show has expressed, most of the people that know JW well and truly care for him seem to believe that GU is the one.. and the only one after all this time! 2. and we don't even need to wait for S2 to see this possibility, aren't there already viewers finding the kiss "odd" and not able to accept the love line due to the perceived gap)?  Would there be insecurities in her thinking that she is not a perfect match and insecurity in him worrying that he might slow her down in her career pursuit?  And will they be able to communicate openly?  


Of course, I do want everything to be smooth for the two of them, but thinking realistically, as actors, SHB and YYS probably also want to have some challenges from the story line, vs. just being lovey dovey the whole time (although we probably would not protest :tounge_wink:).  While this is not a melodrama and there can certainly be a lot of developments in other areas where their theatrical talents can be demonstrated, I do believe in the writer's ability to intertwine their career / personal growth through experiences at the hospital with their love line, especially how they would use those opportunities to deepen their relationship and smooth out conflicts, and eventually, become great partners in life.  


And I totally agree with @leftphalange that doctors should not have to wait till they finish their study before they can get married.  I do think GU, if so she chooses, can pursue both at the same time.  It might slow her down a little, but career and marriage / family should not be mutually exclusive.  I actually think it is a great plot to show her thought process, and again, if she chooses, how she tries to tackle both and experience difficulties, how she learns she is not a super woman and she needs to accept her limitedness (if that is a word, ha) and potentially adjust her plans, but also appreciates how fulfilling it can be when you have a supportive partner that continues down the path with you, one that would also adjust his pace and plans, so you could merge two independent individuals into an inter-dependent, ever growing unit.  


:bashful:@kiklaminHoI chucked at your comment about life imitating reel life, 'cause you are definitely not alone!  They are both amazing artists and delivered such an intricate and captivating dynamic with the limited scenes in S1, as well as more sweet moments in the BTS / relay cam clips, so it is easy to start thinking that way (and it does not help when there are already several well written fanfics about them).  But I am also telling myself to keep the boundary clear, focus on the drama, wish all the cast good health and happiness, and patiently wait for S2.  

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@Sorary @smartiegal I hope so, after 12 episodes of uncertainty I will just accept positive narrative for WG in season 2 :lol:

@kiklaminHo Well, shipping in real life is unavoidable. It's not a sin tho, as long as we don't go overboard since the idea of them together comes from our head not them, but yeah sometimes people forget about that. I did it too just for fun, and in my experience it ended soon after the drama ends. It's same with WG, I'm enjoying their real life contents but I couldn't care less if they are a thing or not in real life, I just want WG has happy ending. Because even if they do in real life, most probably we will never know about it either, it will be 100% secret. Unless they announce marriage lmao

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49 minutes ago, AABattery said:

I do believe in the writer's ability to intertwine their career / personal growth through experiences at the hospital with their love line, especially how they would use those opportunities to deepen their relationship and smooth out conflicts, and eventually, become great partners in life.  

Agreed. WG love story somehow has impacts in their personal growth both as doctor and human being, we have seen this in season 1. And since we haven't seen much their communication about personal matters I hope we can see how they deal with it, how they harmonize their difference. Just thinking about it makes me really miss them so much :(I really need to see their new scenes.

Does anyone have an idea when the time estimation of script reading for season 2? They said season 2 shooting start on November.

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@leftphalange and @AABattery

if I had  new  HP content  I believe I would never imagine shipping actors in real life.

Because after filming their characters they are real people like me and you and I experienced  once in the past  with my bias the whole shipping delulu /sinking ship devastation  so no need to repeat mistakes.

Reading some very good ff stories does not help either if you want to stay away from shipping.

"Crossing the line" ff  is extremely good and I was convinced to cross the line but I read few tweets yesterday and brought me back to reality that they are people with lives  and people who care and waiting for them outside from their filming set.

LOL my shipping career  part 2 stopped with out even starting.

I start thinking now like you girls when they will start preparations (script reading') for S2. It's possible to have some delay after the new situation with covid in seoul.

Safety first they can delay as much as needed because we want them all safe and healthy.

I am pretty sure  Season 2  would not be smooth for WG.Both need to learn and grow together but I always think Gyeoul  is the one that will be stronger most times because despite her character in the beginning as a person blunt and not showing emotion she worked hard to change and she is the first one that wore her heart on her sleeve and openly show her emotions to Jeong Won.(still Jeong won is my favorite character though , I love Father Andrea :wub:).

One of the things I admire in Gyeoul iS that she never give up.

When IJ told her Jeong Won wants to be a priest her words were: he wants to be one,he is not YET.Still I have a chance.

Its easier to say something than doing it.

And thats why we all some times get confused with what we really want.

I want to go and rewatch again the whole series for the 5th/6th time but I will not do it because I will never move on.





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with so many ff that i read, somehow i lost on what will WG have in store for S2 :joy:

so many scenarios thats are thrilling and exciting write by the authors :heart:

but i keep my faith to uri writernim of HP wohooooo :love: she always create a miracle in her craft...

shipping business irl? i think most of us agree that we're doing it just for fun...as long not cross the line why not. moderation should be the number 1 rule. at the end of the day, its their own life. so we should enjoy whatever bit thrown to us :lol:

stay safe guys!     

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On 8/24/2020 at 9:28 AM, kiklaminHo said:

Do you think season 2 and 3 will be smooth for WG?

My fearless forecast ... it won't be... but they will still be together in the end. :piggydance:


We all know HP is really about stories of the people in the hospital, and not just about the regular cast. That is not to say our fave 99ers and residents are not important, because they are. They play the pivotal role of being our (the audiences) access to those stories.  And that is a good setup for a seasonal drama. 


Therefore, I think their personal lives, that are unrelated to the hospital, will not have much screen time.. or will be drawn out for the entire season (exhibit A: WG). 


Having said that, I do think there is a lot of potential topics and stories that the writer can have with WG. As others have mentioned, they might focus more on the impact of their new relationship in their careers.

The romance part, I think, will probably continue to be shown in "crumbs".



I heard some theories that JW's headache might be serious. I really really hope the writer won't go that route...or if she does, please have a happy ending! 

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On 8/28/2020 at 10:40 AM, lurker___not said:

Therefore, I think their personal lives, that are unrelated to the hospital, will not have much screen time.. or will be drawn out for the entire season (exhibit A: WG). 


Having said that, I do think there is a lot of potential topics and stories that the writer can have with WG. As others have mentioned, they might focus more on the impact of their new relationship in their careers.

The romance part, I think, will probably continue to be shown in "crumbs".

This is what I am telling myself as well.  HP1 was a great drama not only because of WG, and HP2 will continue to be great and probably would have the lovelines only being a very small part of the plots.  So, as much as we love WG, I am prepping myself to appreciate S2 as how HP has been set up to be, and not as a spin off based on WG only :doggie:.


Having said that though, if with these few WG interactions in S1 we have experienced such a great impact (again, kudos to the writer / PD / actors), one can only imagine what the little crumbs in S2 could do for all of us gardeners.:kitty:


Enjoy your weekend! 

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1 hour ago, AABattery said:

Having said that though, if with these few WG interactions in S1 we have experienced such a great impact (again, kudos to the writer / PD / actors), one can only imagine what the little crumbs in S2 could do for all of us gardeners.

They did so little and yet got so much love for WG.  :fullofhearts:


I wonder if that is the reason why there is ZERO WG promotion "off season"... They're worried it might make HP a romance drama, and not what they plan it to be? And they don't need it to boost ratings anyway.


We still got a looooooong way to go before S2. :sad1:

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"...I wonder if that is the reason why there is ZERO WG promotion "off season"... They're worried it might make HP a romance drama, and not what they plan it to be? And they don't need it to boost ratings anyway. "


YYS when he had an appearance through his agency in TIKT* k  along with other actors from his agency he sang the WG anthem " Confession is not Flashy".LOL , I take this as a promo for WG :hahah!:

I  miss them all and I dont see why they can not have photoshoots.

At least WG couple  and bidulgi  are   confirm couples they should have done some.


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14 hours ago, lurker___not said:

I wonder if that is the reason why there is ZERO WG promotion "off season"... They're worried it might make HP a romance drama, and not what they plan it to be? And they don't need it to boost ratings anyway.

I also wonder if they are deliberately avoiding any appearance together / promotion since the WG ship really just got confirmed at the end of S1, so S2 is practically a blank canvas and anything could happen, so to keep the anticipation high, and not to create any ideas / assumptions that might not come true (I think the script is still being written as of now), not having any actor interactions outside the actual drama for now might actually be a smart idea.  


Talking about S2, where do you all think the timeline would start with - immediately after the Christmas scenes, a few months after that, or even later?  I am really curious how GU would react after the kisses and hug, so I would like to see it just continue from there.... I actually wondered if she would run out of the room after snapping back into reality, since she had zero expectation this would be JW's reaction, and hence, no planned reaction, ha ha.... :heart4:

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7 hours ago, kiklaminHo said:

YYS when he had an appearance through his agency in TIKT* k  along with other actors from his agency he sang the WG anthem " Confession is not Flashy".LOL , I take this as a promo for WG

I take this as YYS not being able to resist ;)


5 hours ago, AABattery said:

Talking about S2, where do you all think the timeline would start with - immediately after the Christmas scenes, a few months after that, or even later?

After reading some fanfic and some speculations, I'm worried I might mix those up with the "HP truth"... so I will just say to the PD and writer.... "Surprise me!" just like they did with the finale (WG), the WG scene was really a shock to me. 

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that lil crumbs that make us jumping around in joy and smiling like an idiot :joy:

i mean we are just grateful with that.

imagine the crumbs is the same tiny or maybe become smallest in S2 (since we have other couple story to be unfold) so ehemm, prepare our heart :relieved: 

hey we have our best analyst here to break the theories right :grimace:

but still i'm so thankful with whatever the plot since definitely will watch HP with or w/o romance :heart:


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Sorry for being out of topic for a moment.

I'm just curious. What is the meaning of the post above from @Lmangla, is it an invitation to join thread spotlight event. Or it is an information that Winter Garden thread will join that event?


Now I'll be back to the topic.

@AABattery n @lurker___not, I also want to be pleasantly surprised, like we were with season 1 finale. (TBH I was very sceptical right until near to the end of 12th episode. It's not that I doubt JWon having feelings for GU but more about being wary concerning how he would decide to handle it).

I read in an article about Jung Kyung Ho's interview with Cosmopolitan. He was asked to give HP S2 spoiler, but he said doesn't know anything, even the director doesn't know anything yet (something I took with a grain of salt,..I find it hard to believe).

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15 minutes ago, croquembouche2018 said:

I'm just curious. What is the meaning of the post above from @Lmangla, is it an invitation to join thread spotlight event. Or it is an information that Winter Garden thread will join that event?

think @kokodus has been a bit swamped with real life but yes, this thread will be featured in the thread spotlight at the end of this month. this is a group project and so all of you in the thread/ship can give ideas on what you would like to feature about this couple/ship. so it can include things like:

1. what made you get interested about the couple (different members can share a sentence or two)

2. what inspires you about them? (different members can share a sentence or two)

if group members are tech savvy, can include a collage/MV as well.

so you can chat and tag @kokodus on your ideas.

the event is designed to be a fun group activity for the thread and for others in the community, to discover various sections of soompi from a fan's feel. :)hope that answers your Qs.

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On 9/4/2020 at 5:08 PM, Lmangla said:

think @kokodus has been a bit swamped with real life but yes, this thread will be featured in the thread spotlight at the end of this month. this is a group project and so all of you in the thread/ship can give ideas on what you would like to feature about this couple/ship. so it can include things like:

1. what made you get interested about the couple (different members can share a sentence or two)

2. what inspires you about them? (different members can share a sentence or two)

if group members are tech savvy, can include a collage/MV as well.

so you can chat and tag @kokodus on your ideas.

the event is designed to be a fun group activity for the thread and for others in the community, to discover various sections of soompi from a fan's feel. :)hope that answers your Qs.

I'm so sorry @Lmangla and @partyon, i couldnt reply to you guys until now as i was busy with real life this past week. So we just need to share our love for our wintergarden couple here in various forms, right? Thats easy. let me gather all my fellow wintergarden detectives....

@40somethingahjumma @kiklaminHo @Lawyerh @triplem @Ameera Ali@sakura22 @JungRok @smartiegal @LovelyLady @ryanallright @randomthotz @kiefshi1056 @Dramageek @sillyvivian_yo89 @wallflowersforjane

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no worries @kokodus , figured you are swamped with real life. :)so yea,  if you can gather all the inputs together and send it over, then me and @partyon will consolidate and put a consolidated post on that day and link to thread for others in the community to read. you can do it via the thread or via PM -- whichever works best for you. :)

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