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[Drama 2020] The King: Eternal Monarch, 더 킹: 영원의 군주


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6 minutes ago, AgentQuake said:

Okay so you know when Voldemort killed Lily, and Harry was protected by her blood magic until GOF when Voldemort was resurrected with Harry’s blood?


They focused a couple times now about the blood when bb LG sliced LR’s hand, and the blood from his neck.  Could there be something going on there with their blood?  LR still had LG’s blood on him when he killed Ji Hun, and the flute being made out of wood probably has their blood both mixed.  The scars also look like it’s burning through their arteries?  

I’m a super squeamish person so this post was super hard to write omg 

I agree that this is related to the coup d'etat, where LR's blood and Lee Gon's blood came in contact to each other. So we have two possibilities:

- either LG's blood was on LR's hands, when he killed JH

- or LG came in contact with LR's blood, when the one was strangling him with the flute so that when the antagonist killed his doppelganger, the "curse" was passed on LG as he had been contaminated by LR's blood. And this would explain why LR is not suffering so much like the others as the pain is shared by LG.

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Okay so my favourite scene from this episode was basically LG, JTE and JTE's dad eating lunch :D. I realize that it is quite unlikely given how few episodes are left but wouldn't it be hilarious to see how JTE's dad reacts to finding out and understanding who LG really is? I mean from his perspective his daughter is dating this seemingly nice and polite but slightly strange man with a horse... How would he react to the fact that LG is literally the King of an alternative united Korea?    

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I just watched today's episode so I'm a little late to the party and I have yet to read all your theories. I feel like we got some answers but were left with even more burning questions. I have a few thoughts though

  1. What did LR mean when he told PM Koo that at least her parents respected him and listened to him?
  2. The flowers that LG gave to JTE back in ep 10 were hanging in her room. Does this mean that LG had time traveled before? If yes, then what timeline are we currently in ?
  3. I'm really hoping that the part about Lady Noh being from ROK was not just for the sake of a cliffhanger and that there's more  to it. Could LG's grandfather have played a role in this?
  4. Is it possible that Luna drugged LG so that she could give his half of the flute to LR so that he could travel back in time as there were two LR in the next preview? I hope I'm making sense lol :grimace:

The preview left us hanging again. How are we going to survive this week?


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3 hours ago, CatWhiskers said:

I still think JTE time travelled with LG. Remember the scene where both were in like vintage era? It could be both working together. 


How LG and TE will be together at the end will be a bit tricky. As long as it is not like an anime I watch many many years back, where to be together, the main characters travelled through time and live through different periods a few years here and a few years there. But, that is not KES. 


My head hurts. Too much info today. I need some fanfics to keep my sanity. Anyone writing? 


@CatWhiskers I post about this yesterday in a group chat. I found a similar story to that of JTE’s and LG’s love story in an anime called “Kimi no na wa” see Link for summary of it. Like the hair tie the girl wears in the movie is a red string of fate and later on the in movie, the guy ends up wearing that girl’s hair tie around his wrist similar to what LG did with JTE’s hair tie. They’re from two different worlds and times and have a disastrous event as in a comet crashing similar to TKEM flute event lol. See the fmv here that summarizes the story haha:



Even the guy in the story wears a “savior” outfit similar to LG. Only difference is, is that the guy and girl are both saviors.

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Oooh that gift of him running through the frozen streets, he’s not carrying the whip.  @Amy323 you might be right that Luna stole his half...but then how does he travel back?


He’s also hugging JTE really hard for someone who’s just been stabbed, so I thought maybe he met with her and THEN she was stabbed?  But didn’t we see a spoiler pic of her with blood on her hands and a bandaid that we thought was a ring? 

And at some point, he needs to go to the past to see bb JTE too.


UGH SBS DAMN IT I need 14!

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I have a dumb question and maybe it was covered somewhere in the 617 pages.  The key is to obtain the entire flute (that M word is too long),  to prevent LL from gaining power etc, right?  Why can't LG destroy his half?  wouldn't that solve the problem? Since it's been cut in two, it is already diminished in value.  this is too simple, so what's the answer MOnarchs?

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1 hour ago, Edgar Pordwed said:

LG has clearly mentioned to JTE that he needs to go back in time to prevent Lee Rim from taking half of the Manpasikjoek. Theres no way to make it whole again. So more than saving TE or anyone else this is his main purpose? 

I'd wonder though if LG even can ever change anything in the past.  If the only thing he's ever able to do is what we already saw him do?  In which case, he'd have to figure out why this is important.  He saved his young self and dropped JTE's police badge.

This would seem to suggest LG and JTE truly were destined, but why?  The primary crisis that seems like it needs averting is the destruction of both universes (or maybe all the universes) and it's pointing to mending the broken Manpasikjeok as key to that.  What role does JTE hold in that endgame?  Is it just as the male lead's true love?  Though that is obviously a very important story in the series, but something tells me that's not all there is to JTE's character arc.

I still feel like JTE's true role in the story's endgame may be being underestimated.  What that is, I'm just not sure.  Suffice to say though this is very likely gonna be a shock for LR who won't see JTE or whatever her endgame role is coming at all.  He truly is/will underestimate her.  Though LG himself may not see it either and JTE will surprise him and maybe when he thinks all hope has been lost (and is this when those "Magic Lilies" will grow and bloom?).  LG is putting so much of the fate of the worlds on his own shoulders, I'm not sure if he's granting JTE enough credit or responsibility in whatever endgame.  I suspect he sees salvation as solely his responsibility.  Sees himself as the Chosen One hero basically.  And it's perfectly understandable why he would think that if he does as it was his father who was murdered, he was almost murdered and his evil uncle who committed these crimes.  He and his family are responsible for Manpasikjeok.  He's had a whole country weighing on his shoulders since he was a child.  It's no wonder at all, despite the presence of JY and now JTE in his life, if he believes this whole shebang ultimately falls on him and him alone.... except he's not alone.  I'm just not sure he's aware of that deep down.

I find it interesting we're reminded yet again this ep what a warrior and righteous person the man who raised JTE is in this episode.  We were given that scene of his confrontation of those smoking teen brats.  Why were we given that scene and now, so late in the game when so many story threads need resolution?  Why is this important?  We see how he wants more students to come to his school for the tuition money obviously (though he's also accepted food as payment methods for years), but he seems truly proud in this belief he's steered would-be hooligans away from the darker path.  Like he truly wanted to steer those teen boys right as he sees himself as steering JTE and SJ right (both became cops).  I think we were given that scene to establish the sort of guidance JTE - who is a critical, main character in this series - has had all her life.  It's the sort of guidance you'd want to see a righteous heroine to have and expect to have.

We were also reminded yet again this perception the path between light and dark seems a razor's edge.  And it's hard, perpetual work to stay on the light side.  Though as JTE's father places himself in the role to save lost souls, this could be something JTE has also inherited.  Seems JTE has done this for SJ and still does it as her father did before her.  It may very well be something she does for Luna too.

There's JTE's true friends in the police department, Jangmi, her chief and the other guy whose name I keep forgetting.  This also includes her long-time friend JES and older brother figure in SJ (who we've since discovered is originally from KOC).  That JTE has true allies that not only she can depend on, but LG too if he's in trouble in her world.

The people that raised her and have fought by her side, all these people helped forge the person JTE has become and don't expect that's just as love interest to the male lead..... but a righteous heroine in her own right who fights for those who can't defend themselves, no matter the odds.  Someone capable of forging true, loyal and trusted friendships (with fellow warriors and truth seekers in her detective comrades).  Someone who's capable of showing mercy - even those who seem not to deserve it (like how she doggedly won't stop investigating the truth, no matter the seemingly obvious guilt of the accused and the accused's past misdeeds) - but also capable of righteous judgment and show of force if necessary (how she threatened the bullies beating up SJ when they were teens, etc).

Then there's the mystery of how/why JTE seems to show up in the year 2022 in KOC.  Why yo-yo kid deemed to show this to LG as I seriously doubt that was just some accident on yo-yo kid's part (he looked right at LG through space and time in that CCTV footage scene).  LG may not have understood it then, but that could have been yo-yo kid's own way of trying to give LG some hope, hoping LG remembers it at his darkest, most despairing moment.  That for all he believes he's separated from JTE forever at some point soon in and he thinks those doors are shut forever..... she somehow shows up again in his world in 2022.

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6 hours ago, AgentQuake said:

Okay I’d like to mention it took JTE 12 hours to find the bamboo forest, something LG couldn’t do in months, whatta queen



That's bcos she had Jangmi 2.0:D

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On an aside, when PM told JTE that she doesn’t have power over her yet?  JTE responded like a polite but brutal politician.  

I would’ve gone downstairs and yanked LG to the courthouse, slapped a ring on it, and then done a choppy chop. 

Aaaand this is why JTE is the heroine of the story and we just write theories 24/7.

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So turns out this drama (maybe) about how LG save his young version from getting killed and keep TE alive from getting killed by Luna.


If he missed the timing his young version would die and the mapasijeok would be in LR possesion and his world will be in chaos and LR will be the king that ruin the balance of both world.

And if he come back late to ROK his love of his life, the future queen, will be died as well because Luna will kill her.


That's why he do the calculation, he must get back in time to save both at the same time using the time freeze window that may be give him the benefit to do it. 


Now I really need the yoyo boy to step forward and help. Or maybe (maybe) the yoyo boy already give us hint about what is going to happen. At 2022 if LG able to save both and succeed the mission TE will walking around healthy like seen on the cctv. 



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29 minutes ago, CarolynH said:

I have a dumb question and maybe it was covered somewhere in the 617 pages.  The key is to obtain the entire flute (that M word is too long),  to prevent LL from gaining power etc, right?  Why can't LG destroy his half?  wouldn't that solve the problem? Since it's been cut in two, it is already diminished in value.  this is too simple, so what's the answer MOnarchs?

Reasons why he can’t destroy his half:


1) time stops every time someone crosses. And each time, the world freezes for a longer time. He cannot stop LR from not using his side of the flute. One day, time will stop forever. LG needs to prevent this from happening.

2) Destroying his side is basically allowing LR to have power while he doesn’t. Not smart.


3) He needs to restore balance. He needs LR’s half to do it. If he destroys his half, I’m afraid balance will never be restored. LG’s goal is not just keeping his half but also obtaining LR’s half. He needs the whole flute.


Btw, I love how you called us MOnarchs. :D 


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12 minutes ago, AgentQuake said:

On an aside, when PM told JTE that she doesn’t have power over her yet?  JTE responded like a polite but brutal politician.  

I would’ve gone downstairs and yanked LG to the courthouse, slapped a ring on it, and then done a choppy chop. 

Aaaand this is why JTE is the heroine of the story and we just write theories 24/7.

I've also loved in both their encounters, it's been KSR - who's this top tier politician & operator and clearly sees herself that way (not without reason) - has seemed the one more unsettled and left wrong-footed.  JTE got her goat and practically saw right through her.  KSR never even saw her or ever feeling bested by someone so unlike her coming.  She the one who clawed herself all the way to  married to (and subsequently divorced) a rich man and then become prime minister.  Egomaniacs used to being on the top never see themselves as losing or that they could ever lose and don't handle it well when they do... as KSR is not handling things well now and she's making questionable choices that are only winning strategies on the surface but aren't rally.  LR is not someone she can remotely trust and for all she's seemed to steer her path on the backs of power-hungry, greedy sexists and misogynists who always seemed to look down on her because she's a woman and one who came from humble origins?  She's making herself beholden to one of the most raging, condescending, silver-spoon-raised, chip-on-his-shoulder, power-tripping men in the story.  Maybe she thinks she can play him as she's done others like him before.  Perhaps she might in the end, but I have a strong suspicion she's going to pay an incredibly heavy price before her eyes are opened re: her situation and who and what exactly LR truly is.

Hell, even that encounter between KSR and Luna, Luna still left with the upperhand.  Even the scruffy criminal version of JTE whose on the verge of death, KSR still can't come off the winner. :lol:

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Do we think that the freezes occur when time isn’t linear?  Because LG goes back in time in one world and ends up in the other.  This is for certain because he’s in KOC to save himself, ofc, and then back at the Taekwondo center.  At some point, they will have to traverse through the portal.  Will that count as the next instance of time stopping and it’ll be 5000+?  Alternatively, if the KOC saving happens first, and he has the full flute, then the point is moot.  

Uh...what if he saves himself in KOC, gets the whole flute, and this time, because bb LG won’t spend his life pining for JTE, he resets history by doing something that will make JTE spend 25 years looking for HIM?  In the current timeline, adult JTE appears to him as a child and he spends 25 yrs loving her and waiting to find her. What if in this new timeline, he appears to JTE and she spends the next 25 years pining for HIM?  And that’s why she goes and hugs him all trancelike the way he did in ep1 during the diamond jacket re-do?  LG isn’t as aggressive as JTE, so he doesn’t shove her away, but he looks just as confused as she did.  Maybe that black belt is going to be HER version of the ID card?

And then when the new LG crosses the portal, that’s why she rushes to him instead of her.  She becomes the incomplete one, and their love story is inverted?  

I want to see this play out because it’s beautiful storytelling but I’m concerned it will kill me.  

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