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Everything posted by CarolynH

  1. I just having this feeling that Yayoi's mom like the typical mom. When the mother answered the phone, it sounded like a "why are you bothering me?" Even an online "friend" would have been better than calling her mom.
  2. I voted for I've always liked watching it. Haven't seen it in person. and I think Rafa is coming toward the end of his career, so I'll probably watch his matches. What's football--not the US type football, right. Rugby? I don't like prof athletes competing; I think that spoils the Games. Even though I don't swim, I do enjoy watching swimming and diving.
  3. Started another drama--No Side Manager. This one is about a man who was demoted. Part of his new job is to energize the company's rugby team. I didn't know Japan was into rugby.
  4. My summer friends have come to visit :bawling:

    1. MayanEcho


      Mosquitos? 🦟



    2. partyon
    3. CarolynH


      They keep stopping by unannounced!

  5. I started The Old Dog, New Tricks on Netflix. It started kinda depressing. A soccer star finds himself without a team. He's unprepared to do anything unrelated to soccer, but isn't qualified for any related job. He was on his hands and knees begging a talent agency to find a soccer related job. Because he has to support his family, he looks for another job, but sadly not qualified for many. I think his luck is going to change.
  6. I think Natsu's family will be, of course, surprised, but receptive. Yamato's reaction might be the highlight of the reveal. ******** Umi is a veteran actress! I started another drama noticed her. I think she's 4-5 years old in that drama!
  7. Aw, Ko won like Mi jin not Lim Sun . Lim Sun is so much more interesting even though she is older. Not looking forward to the love triangle though, bc you know how that's going to end. *** But..but.. Mi jin's friend and the investigator? I thought he was married. This might be interesting.
  8. I finally watched ep 3. It kept buffering yesterday, so I gave up. ***** Dang, Akane is 70? She looks good! Mizuki was unselfish, not wanting to burden Natsu with a child. I thought it was funny that Natsu's parents believe Natsu's request for a family meeting will be to announce his engagement to Yayoi. Tsune is hard on Natsu. But maybe understandable if he had feelings for Mizuki and now he finally meets his "rival". At that point, I thought, at least Yayoi is trying to be a part of Natsu's new life. @partyon I wrote the same thing when Natsu told Umi that she doesn't have to pretend to be happy. He is perceptive and I think that will make him a good father. Yup, I started to tear up when Umi ran to Natsu to hug him. Toward the end of the episode, I noted that Yayoi looks more like an outsider. Natsu is looking more comfortable, less awkward around Umi.
  9. I just finished ep 9 and started 10. The investigator and Lee Sun were so funny at the hospital. ******* Personally, Lim Sun and Ko Won are adorable Why not? I am finding, to my surprise, Mi jin rather boring.
  10. I need to stop looking at Amazon :tounge_wink:

  11. I don't particularly like Yayoi, but I think they will end up together. No, not much romance. If you watch on Viki, you'll see comments KISS! KISS! KISS! lol. ******** Yay! Another episode tonight although I probably won't watch until Thurs or Fri
  12. @partyon You're joining the party?! You'll become a fan of Meme too! You definitely have to watch Silent; one of, if not the best, drama I watched that year. *********
  13. I finally saw ep 1 subbed! Wow, so many revelations ! A couple of my thoughts in the spoiler (do we need spoilers? it doesn't bother me to use them if others plan to watch later)
  14. When is winter?  I'm tired of the heat.

  15. Not sure if this is technically a Japanese movie. It's a Japanese-German production from what I read. Regardless, I highly recommend Perfect Days on Hulu. It's a slice of life, character study. The protagonist works for Tokyo Toilets; yes, you guess it, cleaning the public toilets. You see his life morning to evening and the weekends. He takes joy in taking pictures of trees (he's growing some trees in his apt), listening to cassette tapes with 70s music and reading. You may think it sounds boring, but I stayed up late watching, captivated. I still have about 15 minutes left. I think the viewer will be left with some questions about his back story.
  16. I'm really enjoying this drama. It's light and fun. I wonder if the tone will change as they focus more on the serial killer.
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