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28 minutes ago, nrllee said:

She’s so intent on giving us the gore and shock factor that it’s become a “given”.


I have not watched this drama, but reading a little here consider I was curious what road this writer wanted to take with the subject around psycho gene. So sound like writer instead of exploring its themes she opening up, writer are more into shock factor... That is too bad as I personally was more into watching how being branded as psycho have on the individual and society. How putting people in boxes could be harmful. Sound like from what I am reading here that there is no meaning or message to the shock factor. Some time there could be something writer want to tell even though there is some gore and disturbing scenes. Like A Serbian film have a social commentary using shocking scenes. But of course that is very different film than this drama story. 

I did watch writers other work God´s gift 14 days and remember thinking this writer was more into twist and turns than exploring the characters in the drama, so seems like that is the case for this drama too... 

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2 hours ago, sal2 said:


I have not watched this drama, but reading a little here consider I was curious what road this writer wanted to take with the subject around psycho gene. So sound like writer instead of exploring its themes she opening up, writer are more into shock factor... That is too bad as I personally was more into watching how being branded as psycho have on the individual and society. How putting people in boxes could be harmful. Sound like from what I am reading here that there is no meaning or message to the shock factor. Some time there could be something writer want to tell even though there is some gore and disturbing scenes. Like A Serbian film have a social commentary using shocking scenes. But of course that is very different film than this drama story. 

I did watch writers other work God´s gift 14 days and remember thinking this writer was more into twist and turns than exploring the characters in the drama, so seems like that is the case for this drama too... 


Exactly.  She started off with a great premise.  And she could’ve given us so much more to think about?  But all she’s given us so far is horror and gore.  She could’ve given us Spielberg’s ExtraTerrestrial (ET).  But instead she’s written Ridley Scott’s Alien. :expressionless:

EDIT1 - if the writer kills off MC I am going to be super pissed.  This relationship is pretty much the only one I trust right now.  He is the only man I trust around her.  Not DK, not BR.  

EDIT2 - is the writer ever going to wake CK up from his coma?

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Could this Daniel be part of Ba Reum delusion as well. I wonder why it’s only 2 of them all the time. Although there is one public scene of bus accident he push him down and a phone call but after that it’s always just the 2 of them. Why does Daniel want to hide? 

Also, it’s really seems to be Ba Reum for the original 7 sins because why would the cat be so angry at him and the aunty be so afraid of him. The aunty looks so scared when she took her boy from Ba Reum house and seems she wanted to quickly get out with a great fear on her face and ignored Ba Reum’s conversation.

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@Shajoona I agree.  This drama had so much potential but the writer is doing it no favours.  This writer did the same with God’s Gift 14Days.  Started strong and then went nowhere in the end.  She’s written herself into a hole.  And yes to the editing as well.  It’s not just the unevenness but the whole time changes - forward and backward?  And us having to work out if it was BR from the past (with his hand bandaged after taking a rock to it) or BR in the present.  I have had to pause many times through an episode to just try to work out what was going on.  It doesn’t help that she keeps adding new characters or characters in the past who almost act like fillers.  And then whipping through them in 1 ep leaving you wondering who was that?  It’s just confusing.  How many serial killers will YH’s mom encounter in her lifetime? :lol: I am at the point of just wanting it to end already.  

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Woah..you're theory is Daebak
It is a good theory since everything in this drama is possible:hwaiting2:

Maybe Daniel is only in BR's mind. BR's medication has effect on this delusional thinking. And big organization has role on this matter. The president's secretary looks at BR is quite intriguing.

For the ending of episode 13, I think the director also use time different. My prediction is MC and BR is not in the same  time or maybe in the different place. 


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4 hours ago, Shajoona said:

Hello everyone ..
Okay so this is my first time posting on this thread, but I had to rant about this drama so i thought this was the right place to do so ..B)
Warning: that this post might contain an unpopular opinion so pardon me guys I came with peace Love you all :wub:


Okaaaay so Mouse started up so good..the story line was great and everything was on point..LSG is a legend I swear that my cousins and I have a group called " Mouse theories " and we keep analyzing every little detail ( some of us are married with kids I don't even know when they have a time to discuss this drama :lol: )..but for now I don't know where this drama is heading ..and it kills me because it has the potential to be one of the best dramas out there ..I don't really mind the brain surgery thing ( Even though so many people hated it ) and that YH is taking over BR's life now ( although we're still not sure about the real serial killer..it could be BR himself and everyone knows that but 'him' since he lost his memories ..and by everyone I mean : The head hunter, YH who was stalking him from the beginning, his real mother, his weird aunt and last but not least Daniel ) 

The Brain transplant Idea was good ..it's new and interesting, but then what's next ? We see our main lead being a psycho for the next 7 episodes?! And then there is BongYi (who with all due respect) I see her as annoying female lead who adds nothing to the drama ..they're trying so freaking hard to force her into the story ..I swear she's everywhere and it's just annoying..rather than focusing on her dreams or whatever I would rather see more of Hong Ju ..her character is deep and more interesting and we only have her on screen for like 4 scenes or less because Bong Yi has more screen time when her story line is not interesting anymore (sorry that's just my opinion I'm not trying to offend anyone) ..okay at the beginning she was fine and i liked her and I felt sorry for her..her story with her grandmother and that man who can't be named and yoona ..but that's all now, I don't even ship her with BR (Sorry guys) so yeah i totally hate it when writers are trying to force someone into the story and leave all the potentially good characters outside the story !!!

For the love of god , Hong Ju is the missing girl who was kidnapped and used by the head hunter ..the daughter of the police chief , she survived thanks to the Boxer's sister who promised her to save her ..she grew up and made that woman's dream comes true and become a PD who searches for the truth ..she fell in love with YH and got pregnant and tried to get rid of the baby but then she chose not to ..WHY she changed her mind at the last moment ?! Why she chose not to come back to her family ? 

Then we see MC finding out the truth but sadly the writers were so busy with BY story line so they even forget to show us what happened after MC showed up in front of HJ's door and heard her baby's crying ..HH knows that Hung Jo is alive and this itself can have an arc to deal with it properly without rushing things up..<_<

so what's with forcing BY's story line on me ?! HJ deserves more, she deserves to be the main lead in my opinion but they keep siding her away..she's a well written character with a good backstory why not giving her what she deserves ?I mean BR hugged her and said  that he's Scared then she pushed him away and then that's it ..no scene of him apologizing or her wondering what the hell was that ? she even saw BR's footage on the crime scene after she stole the camera but then on the next scene the writers decided not to do anything about it and then voila at the end of the episode showing that tape to BY to force her more into the story when her arc is done in my opinion

Sorry guys I know that most of you are BY/BR shippers but I could care less about the romance in this drama or BY's character..there is so much Depth in BR,MC and HJ characters and I need the writers to take a good care of that without adding more characters or trying to focus on BY  ... I NEED THE STORY TO MOVE ON !!!!!!!


And I totally don't trust Daniel..I don't believe that he's doing good by making BR killing people with psycho Genes ..I think he knows about something ..maybe the fact that BR is HH real son and he's trying to take revenge for his sister's death by making his son " A good monster ?"and Prove that even if you change the mouse's brain, with training I can control it again ( this will  probably drives HH mad )


Yes I do love this drama but I hope that in next week I will see more development in the story more than BR ,HJ and MC babysitting BY or BR going Dexter on more people or MC shouting on HJ :vicx:


One more thing : am I the only one who was bothered by the editing/directing of episode 12 and 13 ? The scenes keep cutting out so fast and BR moves from place to place as fast as Clark kent when it doesn't make any sense to the point that I’m asking myself “ what just happened?”


Thank you all for reading this post until the end .. have a nice day ^^



finally someone notice this

I hope in the next episode we got more screen time and background story from HJ

and i know everyone is loving mochi, honestly actually i felt a little disturbed by mochi's behavior toward hongju like shouting at her , I don't think this is necessary

i mean we all know HJ lying about HH son to MC and of course this is wrong

but what if the fact that YH is not HH's son, how does mochi feel

HH already given a hint to MC that he will regret shooting YH



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2 hours ago, cherriesblue said:

How come BongYi got a hold of that flash drive with the dashcam footage?

How indeed? :lol:  Your guess is as good as mine.  Who would expose BR like that?  Daniel?  Is it in his grand plan to get BR into jail so that he can kill HH for him (Daniel).  It’s like he’s (Daniel) training a mouse to run a certain route/perform a certain feat by repetition in an experiment?  Train them often enough, it becomes automatic?  Train a serial killer to kill multiple serial killers so that it just becomes instinctive?


EDIT - notice something?  The clothes maybe of Shin and YH? :lol:  They should do a ban on social media uploads to prevent spoilers.

Also, shouldn’t there have been DNA left in the bite wound of the rapist?  BR bit him on the face? 

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Yes @Shajoona @nrllee the transitions and cuts between the scenes have been a bit choppy lately. I’ve been able to follow along (somehow) but I can see how it’s confusing...


I also forgot to mention that I like how we didn’t get any scenes with HH and also about Hongju too. (Sarcastically) Like her father finding out that his daughter is still alive... That was forgotten the past couple of episodes. I’m sure the writer will cover it...eventually? I still want to know the relationship between HH and Hongju and why the heck she was helping him in the past.


5 hours ago, nrllee said:

Also, shouldn’t there have been DNA left in the bite wound of the rapist?  BR bit him on the face? 

I literally thought the same thing when I saw the scene of BR bitting Kang Duk Su in the face. I was like, umm isn’t his DNA on there???


Also wait so with that Twitter post of Yo Han and Shin Sung - is that the outfit the killer was wearing 1 year ago? The day Bong Yi’s grandma died? I need a reminder haha...

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I don’t know how true this is but this person reports that there will be a special bonus episode?  Is this like the special ep we had before?  



Why?  :expressionless: That’s just poor writing?  It means you didn’t give enough info in the main drama for the audience to work it all out?  Special eps add layers to what is already a coherent main story? And they usually happen AFTER the main drama has aired?  Like an addendum?  It’s not there to help the audience make sense of an incoherent one?  Isn’t 20eps more than enough to explain everything?  The last bonus ep added nothing?  It feels like the writer is starting to panic because she’s realizing that her methods have frustrated viewers and the initial excitement is waning so she’s boosting the drama with more promos mid airing :expressionless:


Yes @ferily.  I feel like HJ’s story as a little girl doesn’t add up.  She was obviously given a lot of freedom?  She was allowed to take the gloves back to the boxer family.  Why didn’t she just run then?  Her brother did but was hit by a truck and killed?  How did she escape HH’s lair after he was incarcerated?  She was too young to fend for herself.  Where did she go after that?  An orphanage?  She did go to school though if we assume she’s the girl who squashed the mouse?  Honestly I get the feeling (and it’s not a good one) that the writer reads online comments and then finds out “OMG I forgot to add that bit/tie that loose end up” and then hurriedly writes it in.  The whole DG plot (he wanted to be a producer and talked about Alfred Hitchcock?) seems to have gone nowhere.  I also have a bad feeling she knows that she’s effectively numbed the audience with the gore and the red herring endings.  The only way she can shock us even more is to kill off one of the good guys Eg MC or BY.  I hope she doesn’t do that just to for the sake of shocking us just so she can keep the momentum up to the end.

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12 hours ago, cherriesblue said:



I thought HongJu stole the bike dashcam with footage of BaReum.


How come BongYi got a hold of that flash drive with the dashcam footage?


The bike owner mentioned that he has the newest "black box" for his bike that uploads his videos to the cloud, so he can see it on his computer right away.

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30 minutes ago, chickfactor said:

The bike owner mentioned that he has the newest "black box" for his bike that uploads his videos to the cloud, so he can see it on his computer right away.

Did someone take his laptop?  I vaguely remember a scene where someone rummaged through a backpack.  Or I guess someone could potentially hack in and access the cloud videos

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31 minutes ago, nrllee said:

Did someone take his laptop?  I vaguely remember a scene where someone rummaged through a backpack.  Or I guess someone could potentially hack in and access the cloud videos


He had a USB drive in his backpack. Bong-yi took it while he was in the hospital.

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16 hours ago, cherriesblue said:



I thought HongJu stole the bike dashcam with footage of BaReum.


How come BongYi got a hold of that flash drive with the dashcam footage?


Hong Ju stole the bike dashcam; however, the bike owner reviewed the cloud recording later, realizing he has the video and called the program producer (HJ). Hong Yi had to leave so asked BongYi to stay and meet him.  He didn’t show up, she found out after calling that he was in an accident and rushed to the emergency room.  Only in SK would someone able to walk into the unit with no relation to the patient and go through his personal belongings.  She found the USB in his backpack.

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Yes i watched again that part..it is so fast until I can't understand that scene in my first watch hehehe....
I think someone hit the video owner by car and then took the laptop.. I dunno if it is BR or it is Daniel Lee's subordinate that want to destroy the evidence.. But he also save the file in the flashdisk...


My mother said that BY just becoming very very smart in these latest episodes :) She just running to ER and take the flashdisk..while actually even HJ does not pay much attention when the person called..

Please someone save Da Seul's father before committing suicide..





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@Avocado80 yeah I am too lazy to rewatch now.  :lol:.  So I just pause and rewind a bit to rewatch a scene just so I get some of the points and then leave it if I miss bits.  I think we are all at that stage where we want the story to just move on and give us answers?  Writer keeps asking us more and more questions with no answers to the earlier questions so it gets frustrating.  And to top it all off she has us wondering if it’s just all in BR’s head?  Because he gets hallucinations of YH (who we know is dead) and visions of doing things which doesn’t happen.  Someone even suggested that maybe Daniel Lee really is dead and BR is just imagining him?  :lol:  Just way too confusing.  We still haven’t worked out who JaeHoon grew up to be?  I still think it’s a bit of a reach to have JaeHoon grow up to be like BR who cries at the drop of a hat and vomits when he sees dead cats?  JH saw young BY and just walked off?  Like nothing happened?  You can’t turn from someone like that to become someone like BR pre brain transplant.  I am at the stage where I just want this drama to end already.     

Another question I have  (yes she keeps making us ask them doesn’t she?) is why Det Shin would marry the daughter of the SeongSun (?) killer?  Not that she is because we learnt that the other guy did it.  It would’ve been a PR disaster for his dad who wants to be President?  Is Det Shin kinda hoping that their child would get a double dose of the gene?  Like creating some super serial killer race for the future?  :lol: See how crazy she’s made us all?  O and whilst we’re on the topic of Det Shin.  He has a degree in child psychology.  And he mentioned people twitch their noses when they lie because it gets itchy.  He’s been twitching his nose a lot.  I noticed it because I keep wondering why he keeps pulling weird twitchy faces when he talks.  I brushed it aside thinking it’s a nervous tic but could it be he’s lying?

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On 4/16/2021 at 4:43 AM, cherriesblue said:



I thought HongJu stole the bike dashcam with footage of BaReum.


How come BongYi got a hold of that flash drive with the dashcam footage?

She took HJ's place for meeting the bike owner, because HJ had an interview. But the kid was in an accident, so BY stole the tape.


Just one observation.  Gu Mu-Chi has been very willing to do all sorts of crazy things to get into the prison and kill HH.  He also shot to kill YoHan when he did not have to.  So why is he is so gung ho to find the killer of BY's pedophile attacker?   He suddenly has become very ethical when it come to killing psychopaths, ... just saying.

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