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[Drama 2020] Startup (Sandbox), 스타트업


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POLL Alert! chingus, here's a fun poll for you to choose your options and then discuss. just a note that a preference for one ship does not mean that the other ship is less. it simply means that personally you prefer a certain romantic dynamic and find that vibe more romantic. :)

thanks to @kokodus for the poll input.

re: @partyon

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I purposely sign up an account to comment here. I watch Startup without any expectations and definitely without much knowledge of both the male actors. Currently am only watching up to episode 8 and if I had not read the comments here or even some of those in YouTube, I really thought the lead actor is Kim Sun Ho! I mean, I thought the storyline from the beginning was much focused on Han Ji Pyeong, particularly how his character was the focus in the first couple of episodes. 


I am really feeling very demotivated thinking that Dal Mi will end up being with Do San. Is there any way that the storyline will lead to Han Ji Pyeong getting the girl please?? Seriously, I am not familiar with the actors but dont you all agree the more matured Kim Sun Ho is more of the lead here??


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21 minutes ago, Curiouscat said:

I purposely sign up an account to comment here. I watch Startup without any expectations and definitely without much knowledge of both the male actors. Currently am only watching up to episode 8 and if I had not read the comments here or even some of those in YouTube, I really thought the lead actor is Kim Sun Ho! I mean, I thought the storyline from the beginning was much focused on Han Ji Pyeong, particularly how his character was the focus in the first couple of episodes. 


I am really feeling very demotivated thinking that Dal Mi will end up being with Do San. Is there any way that the storyline will lead to Han Ji Pyeong getting the girl please?? Seriously, I am not familiar with the actors but dont you all agree the more matured Kim Sun Ho is more of the lead here??


I agree the drama has been structured unusually and HJP had a bigger role at the start but I don't agree he is the lead or the better match for DM.  I think by now it should be obvious that DS is the ML for this drama and I believe he is the better match for DM.

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4 hours ago, Curiouscat said:

I purposely sign up an account to comment here. I watch Startup without any expectations and definitely without much knowledge of both the male actors. Currently am only watching up to episode 8 and if I had not read the comments here or even some of those in YouTube, I really thought the lead actor is Kim Sun Ho! I mean, I thought the storyline from the beginning was much focused on Han Ji Pyeong, particularly how his character was the focus in the first couple of episodes. 


I am really feeling very demotivated thinking that Dal Mi will end up being with Do San. Is there any way that the storyline will lead to Han Ji Pyeong getting the girl please?? Seriously, I am not familiar with the actors but dont you all agree the more matured Kim Sun Ho is more of the lead here??


I hope so too chingu, I am rooting for this ship. I thought as well that not meeting DS till the second or third episode meant he may be the second lead. And how JP and DM have crossed paths before as kids but not her and DS, which usually the trope is the female lead ends up with the male lead that knew her as a kid, so I don’t know. I think it’s too soon to tell but the fact that if DS goes to US for three years or something happens where there’s a three year time jump and DM has been still working under JP all those years, I can see them getting closer. Especially if JP finds out about her grandmas condition and comes over more often to take care of her. I think the bond between him and grandma could make DM like him more because of how much she loves her grandma. I get thatDS also has a special relationship with grandma since creating that app for her, but like some I have seen comment here or on the episodes discussion area, they best described it that JP is DMs soul mate. When reading the letters, DS didn’t understand them like JP did, sure maybe he does now too kinda but I’m sorry, I think DM deserves better and someone that doesn’t ‘cheat’ their way to the spot. It’s hard because neither JP or DS are innocent, both lied. But I think DM and JP understand each other on a wavelength that would make their chemistry offf the charts if we got to see scenes of them together

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1 hour ago, wildcherry said:

Just for fun, I came across this quiz, which character are you in Startup 



And what do you know, I'm Chulsan *roll-eyes*


I'm Nam Do San....


I'm glad that entrepreneur part of the story getting the focus once again.The 'love conflict' part makes the story felt heavier than it should when its too long.  Anyway, the sweet epilogue shows us which way DM heart swings!


it is interesting that they use single board computer (maybe Raspberry Pi 2 by the look of it). If that's the case, its should be comparable to a low end phone or slightly lower. thumbs up from me to the production team for making it look like a realistic test.


I'm felt pity for JP in this episode. The success of Samsan Tech and the suicide tragedy really shatters his confidence. Maybe this is the first time that he made a wrong judgement, got so shocked and fell sick because of it.


Also, Chul San - Sa Ha moved so fast. It's just both of them, in an office with bed, with the lights off. anyone will be suspicious!


27 minutes ago, wildcherry said:

Looking at present Dosan, he’s really into this gaming machine. They even have it in their office. Probably young Dosan have met young Dalmi in the past

That is possible too!

Edited by Afxdy
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I was disappointed in episode 11, except for a few moments that I really enjoyed.


I like the high level business storyline but not the details.  I agree with Afxdy that they did a great job with having Samsan Tech being able to run on the single board computer but I don't agree with much else.  My specific complaint was that Sanbox (or JP as the mentor,) wouldn't have provided more training to the CEOs about reviewing contracts/investment offers, especially if you are getting rushed/pressured to sign one.  It almost seems Sandbox is set up to provide startups for existing companies to plunder!


I'm also a little unsure where they are going with JP.  I am a tech manager and felt that the feedback he provided DS/Samsan Tech was inappropriate and reflected his need for personal growth.  I thought this was contrasted in Episode 10 with the way DS spoke to IJ.  DS was far more empathetic with IJ and showed he shared the same failings.  But then the Sandbox CEO more or less said JP didn't do anything wrong and that she would have done the same thing.


I loved the epilogue and I'm glad that we know how DS and DM feel for each other (I also loved how they kept looking at each other during the picture taking at demo day,) but I'm a little discourage by the teaser.  Fortunately the next episode is tomorrow and things get resolved soon.


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5 hours ago, Curiouscat said:

I purposely sign up an account to comment here. I watch Startup without any expectations and definitely without much knowledge of both the male actors. Currently am only watching up to episode 8 and if I had not read the comments here or even some of those in YouTube, I really thought the lead actor is Kim Sun Ho! I mean, I thought the storyline from the beginning was much focused on Han Ji Pyeong, particularly how his character was the focus in the first couple of episodes. 


I am really feeling very demotivated thinking that Dal Mi will end up being with Do San. Is there any way that the storyline will lead to Han Ji Pyeong getting the girl please?? Seriously, I am not familiar with the actors but dont you all agree the more matured Kim Sun Ho is more of the lead here??




From my point of view, JP seems like the ML for the most part of episode 1, but when I see the scene where the petals fly to DS, I did not sure JP or DS will be the ML. But the ending of episode 2 makes me feel like DS is the ML. There are 2 reason for this. 

1. Usually ML will get the grand entrance "savior like" treatment. DS got this at the Networking Party. A long one too.

2. JP overall situation fit "missed opportunity" narrative. Even though he already arrive at the party, he miss the opportunity to "save" DM first by being indecisive.


At this point (end of EP2), I decided not to root anybody(ship) first and see how the story develop. I'm more interested in the rivalry between DM and IJ anyway at that time.


from EP 3, you can see more development for DS than JP. You can even see the pattern in several episode where JP was favored at the beginning, but ends with DS gets more.


Anyway,  I suggest you find a completed kdrama with sweet ending for you to binge watch right after watching the final episode in case it does not end like you wanted . at least you can minimize the pain by shifting your attention. That's what  I do after the last episode of 'Hotel del luna' .


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I am glad we were able to have some more focus on the start up aspect in ep.11! It was so wholesome when the whole Samsan tech team work in the original office! Really hit me with the sentiment- does not matter where you are, as long as you are with the right people!

And I am glad the revenge thing was not as scary as it seems. This is a good chance for JP to reflect on his attitude towards others. Sometimes it's not what you say, it's how you say it. It is true that it's not his fault in terms of Yongsan's brother death. Some people can deal with criticism, others cannot. However, maturity is really when you can put yourself in others shoes, and deliver to them the truth the way they can see it! 

But goodness, it was so sad seeing him being sick and alone! JP definitely needs a family! Hopefully by the end, DM, DS and grandma will be like family to him!

For a youth drama, maybe we should not be picking at whether or not JP or DS is more matured to be the lead... well it's youth. In your 20s, 30s I doubt many of us reached maturity just like these characters! Once you pick a side, confirmation bias kicks in and does not allow you to see the whole story unfolds! Sail off without a map! or in our viewer case's, watching without a ship :D or if you are on the ship, sometimes jump over to the other side to see their merits lol!

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I took the quiz and I got Dal Mi’s grandmother :D


Episode 11 was absurdly frustrating! I felt absolutely terrible for HJP. When Dal Mi called him and he was on the verge of crying the whole conversation, I felt my heart breaking into a thousand pieces.... I understand Yong San’s anger, I do. If I were the recipient of HJP’s scathing words of advice, I’d feel pretty hurt, too. It definitely wouldn’t hurt for HJP to change his tone/delivery, but if you look beyond his ruthless tone, his advice is solid. He knows what he’s doing! He always catches weaknesses and mistakes and does his absolute best to push each CEO/company to success. Again, I do wish for him to be a little more gentle (firm but a little kinder?), but I hope he doesn’t blame himself too much for everything he’s done so far. Like Dal Mi said, Samsan Tech would not have been able to get so far without HJP’s mentorship and expertise. Anyway, it seems like he’s already realized how powerful words can be and I imagine he’ll tailor the manner in which he advises each future team to their needs (some people might flourish with harsh criticism while others will grow most with gentler guidance). 


I can’t believe some people are criticizing Dal Mi for being confused about who she likes just because she leans Do San. Give her a break! She was lied to..... by both men for a significant duration of time. It’s only natural for her to be confused, and it’s only natural for her to still like Do San—for goodness sake, she thought he was the one behind her letters and liked him for like over half the show length! She never even knew she shared a past with HJP until recently! She only saw him as her mentor! She’s still processing the truth. 


It’s unfortunate that Alex turned out to be a rather slimy businessman. I understand he didn’t necessarily do anything wrong from a business/legal standpoint, but I’m feeling pretty bad for Samsan Tech! And at the same tie, I’m frustrated with Samsan Tech for failing to realize what Alex’s true intentions were. Alex even said with his own mouth that he wasn’t a philanthropist lol. The preview for Ep 12 was also NOT promising. Are they really going to blame HJP for not warning/stopping them? They need to take responsibility for their own mistakes and shortcomings, not place the blame on HJP. If anything, they should have asked HJP to help them review the contract before agreeing to sign it. I know HJP took the day off and was kind of available, but considering the incredibly important nature of the contract/decision, they absolutely should have tried to contact HJP before making a final decision. They’re still newbies.. I don’t know if they got way ahead of themselves or what. Was there even a rush to get everything finalized? HJP was back the next day! Samsan Tech, step it up! 

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5 hours ago, Afxdy said:

I'm felt pity for JP in this episode. The success of Samsan Tech and the suicide tragedy really shatters his confidence. Maybe this is the first time that he made a wrong judgement, got so shocked and fell sick because of it.

I agree about suicide but not about Samsan Tech success, because I can't see any success here. IMO it's just the same thing as happened before, like Coda win- no doubt they have perfect technology but good company? No. They won demoday just because their technology was good however they didn't get any investments, instead just signed a bad deal. Basically same as they almost gave their ideas to idea thieves before, just this time JP wasn't there to save, well he was there but they deliberately blocked him. Don't know why writer does that but so far the message is that Samsan Tech is doomed without JiPyeong constant monitoring

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Mmmm, I will roll with it but I didn't like too much the recent developments. No one would sign a contract so big without reading it and knowing all the clauses. Plus, it is a contract that involves further collaboration...an angry Do San is worth nothing to 2STO, they need someone eager and motivated. And apparently they are buying Samsam Tech to make him work exclusively for them, so why would they want to trick them? It just doesn't make any sense...


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