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[OFFICIAL] Hyun Bin ❤️ Son Ye Jin (BinJin Couple)


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19 hours ago, junejune_16 said:

Sometimes I wonder if COVID didn't happen (really really wish it didn't happen) we can be more updated about them, and we can see more interactions between them.



Binjin would probably travel overseas if Covid didn't happen. :D



11 minutes ago, PreciousByTheBay said:


Go to the website Archive of Our Own and find the fanfic entitled "At Long Last" by CoolIssue. ;) Happy reading! B)



Oooh Thanks! Going there NOW! :lol:

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18 hours ago, Choi sam sook said:

What really stuck in my head is  what HB said during the interview that he suprise that SYJ turn out has a bubly personalities, kind, professional and so and so. And how he looks regret when  he turn down the chance to work with her.  I was like umm mybe in the inside gossips She known as someone else. 


I'm thinking maybe she just doesn't have that many friends and she spends more time hanging out with a close group and the directors so some people might find her hard to approach or maybe being "exclusive" in her choice of friends? I am not sure . I hope SYJ long time fans here can clarify her personality in the past. But she does seems more tomboyish and manly and tough /rough in the past. Like when playing games she's being competitive and stuffs. That could be why she is hard to approach by men?


13 hours ago, Wol-sook said:

Sometimes I feel sorry for them :cry:  it's so hard for them to do something that we all take it for granted. They already travelled 1/2 the globe to do things normal people would do, just getting some "me time" with your gf/bf, then it still blow up in all asian headlines... It may get worse after CLOY as it's been so popular in pretty much all continents... 


That is the price they have to pay for being famous stars, to be guarded and alert about paparazzi and stuffs. :bawling: That's why SYJ likes travelling.. so she can be somewhere not so standing out so she can enjoy her life doing things normal people, or I guess easier to do when not everyone knows u in that country.  I'm thinking HB and SYJ likes golfing not because they really like it so so much (not saying they don't like it ), but because it's one of the sports that you can actually be away from the crowd.


17 hours ago, Avani said:

Never in my life have I been this obsessed to neglect life around me, miss out on sleep and skip meals just to check for updates, study their profiles, rewatch all the videos and interactions 10000x and became such a perve observing all their close up kiss scenes just to find self satisfaction or evidence of their "togetherness". 

I hope they realise that their collaboration has left a life changing and emotionally torn effect on us..That's how powerful they are. 


And ME TOO man.. never in my life I'm shipping for Korean drama couples. I was never a big fan of celebrities but I pay so much attention to them now even after CLOY has ended for 2 months. And checking this forum every day for updates. Rewatching clips and various scenes etc. It's not really my business right but I just cannot help it! And loving everyone's comments and insights. Thanks everyone for their input.


9 hours ago, polkadots said:

Shifting to a new fun and light topic, what do you think are HB and YJ's love language? I think HB's way of expressing live is through Acts of Service (Switching places to protect YJ in those many moments of TN interview, behind the scenes in CLOY where she never lets go of her so she won't be caught off balance, etc) and Quality Time (All those attention that he gives her during promos, interviews and press cons). I think YJ is more of words of affirmation (Complimenting YJ really well in those press cons and interviews and even in behind the scenes)


I agree that HB's expresses his love is Acts of services and SYJ might be a bit of words of affirmation and quality time. I also think HB would like to spend quality time with his loved ones as in the past he squeezed time to meet his ex bf.  And seeing them always touching each others I think they both might also like to express their love through physical touch?! Lol


59 minutes ago, PreciousByTheBay said:


I have a personal favorite but it is more of a RiRi fanfic from Archive Of Our Own. It is so well-written, is canon compliant and perfectly captures the personality of not just Capt. Ri and Seri but of BinJin, as well. It talks about what happened after Episode 16. The thing though is it is slightly raunchy/steamy so I'm not sure if I'll get banned if I even share the link here. :ph34r:


Can you please DM me a link? Thank you. :naughty:@PreciousByTheBay


This board is moving way too fast! If not for COVID19 I don't think I'll ever finish reading all the posts before I started posting.  I was a newcomer back in February or March and I've experienced this thread being locked once. I still see many people breaking the rules and I certainly hope I didn't break the rules by accident. So I hope everyone can try to follow the rules here thank you!

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I think HB not realizing how fun loving and bright SYJ is has partly to do with him needing to warm up to people as well. I remember in an interview a long time ago, he described his girlfriend at the time as being different than he originally thought - something about how she was a lot warmer than he expected. This goes along with his introverted personality. As for SYJ, if I didn’t watch her interviews, I would have no idea she is as funny and witty as she is - the roles she has played have been so different from her real personality 

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10 hours ago, polkadots said:

Shifting to a new fun and light topic, what do you think are HB and YJ's love language? I think HB's way of expressing live is through Acts of Service (Switching places to protect YJ in those many moments of TN interview, behind the scenes in CLOY where she never lets go of her so she won't be caught off balance, etc) and Quality Time (All those attention that he gives her during promos, interviews and press cons). I think YJ is more of words of affirmation (Complimenting YJ really well in those press cons and interviews and even in behind the scenes)


1. Words of affirmation..

2. Quality time.

3. Receiving gifts.

4. Physical touch.

5. Acts of service.


OOH!! Interesting topic!! Let me give a try!

HB -  I agree with you that his language of love is ACTS OF SERVICE and QUALITY TIME. How he took care of YJ and how he flew all the way to LA to celebrate her birthday is a big giveaway! It means that he also want to receive love the same way. YJ doing those special IG videos during his birthday and how she enthusiastically celebrated with him may be some of those Acts of Service he received happily from her. She also spent time with him playing golf, grocery shopping, traveling in LA etc. These are all clues we can see. I am hoping that behind-the-scene, there are even more. :D I might also add in WORDS OF AFFIRMATION cuz he gave that a lot to YJ.


SYJ - I think it's QUALITY TIME and PHYSICAL TOUCH.  I will add ACTS OF SERVICE cuz of how she treat her friends and also during Master of the House where she prepares so much food and drinks for the team members. Quality time because of how she spends time with friends, staff, and also travel around with them. And physical touch cuz one can see she is pretty touchy-feely in all the BTS scenes and also promo events/ variety shows. HB doesn't seem as touchy-feely, he's more shy esp when it comes to female co-stars. But I can see he is definitely a lot more touchy-feely with SYJ cuz ...you know...best friends and all LOL!



1 hour ago, PreciousByTheBay said:


I have a personal favorite but it is more of a RiRi fanfic from Archive Of Our Own. It is so well-written, is canon compliant and perfectly captures the personality of not just Capt. Ri and Seri but of BinJin, as well. It talks about what happened after Episode 16. The thing though is it is slightly raunchy/steamy so I'm not sure if I'll get banned if I even share the link here. :ph34r:


Send me the link!!!


@cloyfan @Katelyn Lana  Will put this in spoiler since it's off-topic



About CLOY ratings vs the new drama, if you want to discuss more we can DM each other.

Meanwhile, here are my quick thots :

- We don't have to feel disheartened if CLOY ratings gets overtaken by another drama. It's inevitable. Both dramas are very different genres. CLOY is a rom.com and it also has the Hallyu Wave impact which I don't think the other drama has. The new drama's impact is more local, though it's gaining some int'l interest due to the ratings. It is a suspenseful thriller touching on a very sensitive social subject of infidelity and revenge - it's well-made and well-acted by a very respected main actress - hence it became a topic of talks amongst koreans. That's why the ratings are rising so fast. Reminds me of Sky Castle which also touched on a sensitive but very relevant society issue in SK. CLOY will always occupy a special position esp internationally - it's still ranked Top 10 in Netflix, and even Top 1 and 2 after 2 months of finale. CLOY makes viewers happy and gives a warm and hopeful feeling, making many watch it countless times. The new drama creates high suspense and actually is pretty stressful (I felt that way) but you can't stop watching. But most likely one will watch it only once.




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Let's agree to disagree to some points that dont go in parallel with our own points and opinions. This is democracy, unless we live in NK. @Avani I agree with some of your points, I agree to disagree with some of your points. Lets support BinJin, be a good shipper, and supportive in things that make them happy whilst waiting and praying desperately for their good news, whenever they are ready. The pandemic has taken a toll in most of our lives and lets live happily now..


I am looking forward to watch Bargaining, and for any Ye Jin's new movie (whenever that is), meanwhile, I rewatch CLOY scenes, that are surely make my heart flutters, always. ❤️

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I know this topic is over but I have to get this off my chest. As a big SYJ fan, I want to thank those who spoke out to defend SYJ against the nasty comments. When I read it I was just shaking my head. For SYJ (or any female artist), if you're outgoing you're seen as flirty. If you're reserved, you may be seen as a diva. It's really damned if you do, damned if you don't, right? Like someone said, it's misogynistic. As someone approaching 30, I'm at this point where everyone should just live their life and be themselves, as long as you're not hurting anyone. There will always be people who hate you, so no need to appease everyone. With that said, I do think SYJ has become more open over the years, especially in the last 5 years. Prior to 2015, she seemed more reserved in her interviews. Especially in her 20s she was more shy and less talkative, hence she seemed less approachable. I think she has learned to embrace herself over the years. She really is down-to-earth and seems more confident nowadays. In her recent interviews, she seems more "in control" of the interview flow and pace versus in the past the MCs were more dominant and she was more passive. Keep in mind, over the past years she has gone through lots of friends' celebrations (weddings) and deaths (Kim Joo Hyuk). The SYJ I see now is learning to live and love life. And this kind of philosophy will help in her relationship. I am Chinese but I live in the US. We Chinese people love to say something like "meeting the right person at the right time." I really think SYJ and HB met each other at the right time. If they were younger, things would've been much more complicated.


Anyways, on a side note, I read posts about fan fics...are both BinJin and RiRi couple fan fics found on Archive of Our Own? If not, anyone got links to send me? Thank you in advance! :D

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@Kari I agree with everything you said except for the part about how SYJ used to be reserved and less talkative in interviews up until 5 years ago. From what I’ve seen, she has always had a wicked sense of humor and never failed to show her wit in her interviews. She may have been more closed off to people and relationships (as in did not prioritize them) in her younger days but she has always carried herself with confidence in interviews 



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Hello, all! Thread newbie here - I’ve finally gotten tired of just reading through this thread everyday so I caved in and made an account to join in on the fun. I promise to be as positive and engaging as possible - something that not everyone can do, apparently. 


Not going to take names or tag anyone but I think an old saying fits neatly with the situation concerning some of you in this thread: “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all.” I’ve read through a lot of passive aggressive or just flat out insulting comments about SYJ on here and not only does that truly aggravate me and pretty much everyone else, it’s also against Soompi policies and another reason why this thread could finally be shut down. So for the rest of our sakes, please refrain from commenting your nasty takes on SYJ’s personality or life on here and even better, just leave if you can’t say anything positive about the two individuals this thread is about.


In better news, thank you to the rest of you guys for your amazing positive takes on our fav couple and I can’t wait to read more and more until (hopefully!) we get the long awaited wedding announcement ‪:wub:

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5 hours ago, Kari said:

I know this topic is over but I have to get this off my chest. As a big SYJ fan, I want to thank those who spoke out to defend SYJ against the nasty comments. When I read it I was just shaking my head. For SYJ (or any female artist), if you're outgoing you're seen as flirty. If you're reserved, you may be seen as a diva. It's really damned if you do, damned if you don't, right? Like someone said, it's misogynistic. As someone approaching 30, I'm at this point where everyone should just live their life and be themselves, as long as you're not hurting anyone. There will always be people who hate you, so no need to appease everyone. With that said, I do think SYJ has become more open over the years, especially in the last 5 years. Prior to 2015, she seemed more reserved in her interviews. Especially in her 20s she was more shy and less talkative, hence she seemed less approachable. I think she has learned to embrace herself over the years. She really is down-to-earth and seems more confident nowadays. In her recent interviews, she seems more "in control" of the interview flow and pace versus in the past the MCs were more dominant and she was more passive. Keep in mind, over the past years she has gone through lots of friends' celebrations (weddings) and deaths (Kim Joo Hyuk). The SYJ I see now is learning to live and love life. And this kind of philosophy will help in her relationship. I am Chinese but I live in the US. We Chinese people love to say something like "meeting the right person at the right time." I really think SYJ and HB met each other at the right time. If they were younger, things would've been much more complicated.


Anyways, on a side note, I read posts about fan fics...are both BinJin and RiRi couple fan fics found on Archive of Our Own? If not, anyone got links to send me? Thank you in advance! :D


Sent the fanfic link to you ;)


About the "flirty" part, maybe there's a cultural/old world aspect involved on the part of the one who wrote it, here? My Filipino grandparents, influenced heavily by their ultra conservative Spanish heritage, would frown on women they deemed as too friendly with men. My parents were a bit more forgiving with the idea of me being in the company of male friends and a male bestfriend. Bottomline, this perspective on how women move around men gets more relaxed as we move from generation to generation. Unfortunately, as in the case of OP, there might still be some old world cultures and principles that heavily influenced her thoughts on women in general, so much so she misconstrued what was a normal and harmless action as "flirtatious".


I, for one, don't think of SYJ's actions towards her male co-stars as "flirty". She's warm, cheerful and friendly but the boundary she sets is pretty clear  -  cut and dry, so to speak. She knows her boundaries and limits. The big HOWEVER happened when HB entered the game. All of a sudden, her boundaries and limits came crumbling (tumbling?) down. I'd like to think that the defenses, the walls she's built to protect herself, have suddenly become useless around HB. He was her undoing! You know when you have so much love and light in you that it physically shows no matter how you hide it? That was my impression of her when I saw that TN photo of her smiling at/looking at HB! :wub:

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28 minutes ago, cloyfan said:

@Kari I agree with everything you said except for the part about how SYJ used to be reserved and less talkative in interviews up until 5 years ago. From what I’ve seen, she has always had a wicked sense of humor and never failed to show her wit in her interviews. She may have been more closed off to people and relationships (as in did not prioritize them) in her younger days but she has always carried herself with confidence in interviews 


Ahh you are so right. The year I mentioned was just an estimate. I watched so many interviews of her within such a short span of time (thanks to quarantine) I lost track lol I think the years where she was more reserved was when she just debuted so 2000-2005. Yes, she has always been talkative in interviews. I guess what I was trying to say is over the past few years she seems more at ease? Like she's able to connect with the MCs more and offer witty, intelligent responses and fend off stupid questions. Shes' always been able to do that, but she just seems way more confident in the recent years. Like she stopped caring about what people think of her versus in the past there was still a sense of worry, so she was more careful. I hope this makes sense! 


12 minutes ago, PreciousByTheBay said:


Sent the fanfic link to you ;)


About the "flirty" part, maybe there's a cultural/old world aspect involved on the part of the one who wrote it here? My grandparents back in the Philippines, influenced heavily by their Spanish heritage, would frown on women they deemed as too friendly with men. My parents were a bit more forgiving with the idea of me being in the company of male friends and a male bestfriend. Bottomline, this perspective on how women moves around men gets more relaxed as we move from generation to generation. Unfortunately, as in the case of OP, there might still be some old world cultures and principles that heavily influence one's thoughts on women in general, so much so they could misconstrue what is a normal and harmless action as flirtatious.


I, for one, don't think of SYJ's actions towards her male co-stars as "flirty". She's warm, cheerful and friendly but the boundary she sets is pretty clear  -  cut and dry, so to speak. She knows her boundaries and limits. The big HOWEVER happened when HB entered the game. All of a sudden, her boundaries and limits came crumbling (tumbling?) down. I'd like to think that the defenses, the walls she's built to protect herself have suddenly become useless around HB. He was her undoing! You know when you have so much love and light in you that it physically shows no matter how you hide it? That was my impression of her when I saw that TN photo of her smiling at/looking at HB! :wub:

Thank you for the link!


You're right. I'm pretty mindful of where everyone here comes from. We definitely can and should have our own definitions of how men and women act around each other. Just the OP came off too negatively. 


You are so right about the boundaries between her and HB being almost non-existent. I wrote in my first post a few pages ago that she has always had this wall around her. Sure, she's friendly and warm etc, but she definitely set boundaries with male co-stars....with the exception of KNG (IN MY OPINION) and HB. Coincidentally, these two are who she's been heavily rumored with...only with HB there is like no wall between them. 

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23 minutes ago, Kari said:

You are so right about the boundaries between her and HB being almost non-existent. I wrote in my first post a few pages ago that she has always had this wall around her. Sure, she's friendly and warm etc, but she definitely set boundaries with male co-stars....with the exception of KNG (IN MY OPINION) and HB. Coincidentally, these two are who she's been heavily rumored with...only with HB there is like no wall between them. 


!!!! I’ve noticed that despite working with some of the biggest (and hottest) names in the biz, she’s always been cool headed and professional regarding her male costars. While maintaining her image obviously plays a role in her actions, she’s also a fiercely independent woman who knows what and who she wants, so I think that’s why she can keep that distance between her and her male leads. I’m about 95% sure she dated KNG seriously, mostly because she explicitly said she expected to be married by the time she was 34, which is not only specific but would fit the timeline perfectly. Thank god that didn’t happen (LOL) but their interactions together were of the same nature as Binjin’s. She was definitely more open, humorous and affectionate with both of them but with HB, that change went into hyperdrive, hence why I think this relationship is much more marriage-oriented than the previous one. I think HB and her definitely talked about maintaining some distance between the two publicly for professional reasons but it’s obvious that following through with that was next to impossible (especially for HB, LOL). The gif below is a perfect example of that :D No one’s complaining though!



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I'm in my late 40' with a loving husabnd and children. I started to  watch kdrama becoz of my kids...OMV , Goblin n DotS was my first drama...I dont usually analyse too much on kdrama leads coz i know they r only acting. And most of them are really good on screen but when u watch the BTS , its clear that they r only reel couple n nothing more. 

For Binjin its very different , their chemistry is palpable on n off screen. The way they looked at each other n interect its priceless n beautiful. Hope n pray that this ship reach its destination. M rather old fashion so for me,  marriage would be the begining of a destination. And hope they sail through it together , forever.

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2 hours ago, Yanny62 said:


I'm thinking maybe she just doesn't have that many friends and she spends more time hanging out with a close group and the directors so some people might find her hard to approach or maybe being "exclusive" in her choice of friends? I am not sure . I hope SYJ long time fans here can clarify her personality in the past. But she does seems more tomboyish and manly and tough /rough in the past. Like when playing games she's being competitive and stuffs. That could be why she is hard to approach by men?



That is the price they have to pay for being famous stars, to be guarded and alert about paparazzi and stuffs. :bawling: That's why SYJ likes travelling.. so she can be somewhere not so standing out so she can enjoy her life doing things normal people, or I guess easier to do when not everyone knows u in that country.  I'm thinking HB and SYJ likes golfing not because they really like it so so much (not saying they don't like it ), but because it's one of the sports that you can actually be away from the crowd.



And ME TOO man.. never in my life I'm shipping for Korean drama couples. I was never a big fan of celebrities but I pay so much attention to them now even after CLOY has ended for 2 months. And checking this forum every day for updates. Rewatching clips and various scenes etc. It's not really my business right but I just cannot help it! And loving everyone's comments and insights. Thanks everyone for their input.



I agree that HB's expresses his love is Acts of services and SYJ might be a bit of words of affirmation and quality time. I also think HB would like to spend quality time with his loved ones as in the past he squeezed time to meet his ex bf.  And seeing them always touching each others I think they both might also like to express their love through physical touch?! Lol



Can you please DM me a link? Thank you. :naughty:@PreciousByTheBay


This board is moving way too fast! If not for COVID19 I don't think I'll ever finish reading all the posts before I started posting.  I was a newcomer back in February or March and I've experienced this thread being locked once. I still see many people breaking the rules and I certainly hope I didn't break the rules by accident. So I hope everyone can try to follow the rules here thank you!

@PreciousByTheBay send me tooooooooooo 

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4 hours ago, PreciousByTheBay said:


I have a personal favorite but it is more of a RiRi fanfic from Archive Of Our Own. It is so well-written, is canon compliant and perfectly captures the personality of not just Capt. Ri and Seri but of BinJin, as well. It talks about what happened after Episode 16. The thing though is it is slightly raunchy/steamy so I'm not sure if I'll get banned if I even share the link here. :ph34r:

Ahhhhhh i want the link pleaseeee:ph34r::w00t:

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7 hours ago, Kari said:

Sure, she's friendly and warm etc, but she definitely set boundaries with male co-stars....with the exception of KNG (IN MY OPINION) and HB. Coincidentally, these two are who she's been heavily rumored with...only with HB there is like no wall between them. 


7 hours ago, nightskye said:

I’m about 95% sure she dated KNG seriously, mostly because she explicitly said she expected to be married by the time she was 34, which is not only specific but would fit the timeline perfectly. Thank god that didn’t happen (LOL) but their interactions together were of the same nature as Binjin’s. She was definitely more open, humorous and affectionate with both of them but with HB, that change went into hyperdrive, hence why I think this relationship is much more marriage-oriented than the previous one. I think


I agree and I do believe SYJ dated him as he confessed his feelings for SYJ on air


There are so many similarities, but it’s at another level with HB.

I hope we can hear the good news from BinJin by the end of 2020. 


A close acquaintance of both revealed, “They quickly became close during the drama filming. It seems that they developed deep feelings for each other as they played tragic lovers.” While they saw each other naturally on the drama set, they also spent their spare time to meet up. They secretly had their dates in areas around their homes. They also had a date in Japan, after the two had wrapped up filming their drama. 



KNG: "SYJ, you are always No. 1 in my heart! I'm a fool for SYJ"






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