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1 minute ago, jinjin said:

HB & SYJ at Golf Course, Nov 2018



HB & SYJ’s hands at their events around Apr - Jun 2019. Possible proof that they played golf together during their free time pre CLOY







What does a picture of their hands prove? I don’t understand anything about golfing dksjdkd Please elaborate 

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15 Relationship Tips To Learn From Popular K-Drama Crash Landing On You

BY DOLLY  /   MARCH 16, 2020



Girl boss Yoon Se-ri of Crash Landing on You never understood the joy of celebrating birthdays or Christmas. To her, these special occasions were just like any other regular day and time could be much better invested into her business instead. To be honest, she didn’t really have true friends or close family to celebrate with either. 

It was not until she had to spend one Christmas season in North Korea that she began to build a bond with a total stranger (Ri Jeong-hyeok) that she began doing things she used to scoff at. She set up a Christmas tree for Jeong-hyeok and decorated it. Of course, being away from home also made her cherish those around her more. 


Se-ri’s gestures were sweet and made us to aww… but don’t hold out on doing little things that can make a world of difference for your partner or loved ones. 


Here are some lessons we can learn from the K-drama Crash Landing on You to improve our relationships. Don’t start loving tomorrow or out of regret. Love those around you today so you don’t regret.



1. Pay attention to special details

In the first episode, Yoon Se-ri (Son Ye-jin) was forced to land in North Korea, and was discovered by North Korean military officer Ri Jeong-hyeok (Hyun Bin), who then held a gun at her to question her identity. You were wondering, how could Jong-hyok threaten a weak woman with a gun? It was only after seeing the snippets at the end of the episode that showed Jeong-hyeok overhearing whatever Se-ri had said on the tree with a smile on his face that you realised he had already figured out who she was and had locked his pistol holster.


From this episode, you can tell that Jeong-hyeok is a man that pays a lot of attention to detail. Even when Se-ri demanded for meat soap, scented candles to coffee, he would remember her requests and meet them to the best of his abilities. This made Se-ri acknowledge that he will be a good husband and a good dad in the future.


Takeaways: Be mindful about your partner’s needs, pay attention to details, and your partner will feel very loved.


2. Travelling can sooth your hurting/ troubled heart


There was one time when Se-ri said in front of Jeong-hyeok that she was fated with a guy, causing him to be jealous. Jeong-hyeok threw a fit and said: ‘Based on your logic, then aren’t we fated to meet? A tornado blew you all the way to North Korea and we met, what do you call this?’


However, as the K-drama progressed, throwback scenes revealed that, unknowing to the lead stars, their paths crossed way back when they were visiting Switzerland. When Se-ri was younger, she was going through depression, panic and insomnia. She was advised to visit the Swiss landscape, as 70 per cent of the depressed were said to have returned home in a better mental state. It was also the first time Se-ri had “met” with Jeong-hyeok as they watched paragliders in the distance, though neither had noticed each other’s presence.


Takeaways: Travel helps to relief stress in life. It can help to calm your mind, perhaps receive epiphanies and insights you never had before.




3. Encourage each other with positive words


When Se-ri thought she was leaving North Korea, she planted tomato seeds in Jeong-hyeok’s backyard. Then she proceeded to ask him to praise the plant in 10 words so that it will grow better. On the surface, Jeong-hyeok appeared angry (the seedling was not worth it, and he didn’t like tomatoes), but later on, he did what Se-ri had told him to by speaking to the plant. This helped him to go through life in the absence of Se-ri whom he had developed feelings for and was missing terribly.


Takeaways: Only by saying more positive and encouraging words to yourself and the people around you, will you be able to channel positive energy in the right direction and to successfully cultivate a healthy lifestyle.



4. Maybe you have met your life partner before you even know it


Do you remember Jeong-hyeok’s “fiancée”? The old photo of them where she was staring at him? It was revealed in episode four that this photo was taken by Se-ri on a trip to Switzerland.


In fact, it does happen in real life, there were news reports showing that married couples of many years found out that they had coincidentally taken a photo of their partner in the background before they even met each other. They can be at the same venue and time doing the same thing with different people not knowing each other’s existence.


Takeaways: Some people around us who wished that they had met earlier may have met long ago, but we don’t know. Cherish every encounter, every chance meeting. It could be fate.


5. If you truly love someone, you will put aside your pride for them


Se-ri is prideful yet when it comes to relationships, she was fearful of getting hurt. In all her past love, she had to be the first to initiate break-up as shown by this snippet. Hence, when Se-ri was going to leave North Korea, the only thing she cared about was coming up with a good excuse to explain her “disappearance” as Jeong-hyeok’s fiance. She reminded him time and time again that the excuse should be that she dumped him first. This reminded her of how her ex-boyfriend once told her that one day she will definitely meet the guy that makes her wait. However, at the point of time Se-ri arrogantly denied the possibility of it yet, in the next scene, we see her staying up to wait for Jeong-hyeok’s return from Pyongyang.


Takeaways: Many times we talk about which horoscope pairs well together, which star sign is each other’s enemy, but in actual fact, when a proud person puts down their pride for you, that’s when love happens.



6. When you don’t see it, it doesn't mean he/she never do it


It was agreed to have a last picnic to see Se-ri off but Jeong-hyeok had something else to do and came late; it was the last stretch of road before Se-ri is gone for good yet Jeong-hyeok didn’t send Se-ri to the airport.

In actual fact, Jeong-hyeok was late as he had anticipated the danger she would be in on her way to the airport, he had gone to prepare firearms, guns and modify his motorcycle to protect Se-ri. The reason for not sending her off was because he was tailing their car quietly to ensure her safety. That’s why when she was in danger he could protect her in time and fulfill his promise of protecting her as long as she was within sight. However, if Se-ri had not been attacked, she would not have found out everything Jeong-hyeok had done for her. Who wouldn’t be moved by this kind of deep sacrificial love.


Takeaways: When you think your family and partner don’t care enough for you, think again; and you might find out the small things they did for you quietly, it’s just that you did not see it.



7. Music can make two hearts closer

Just when Se-ri wanted to end her life quietly in the Swiss Alps, the tunes played by Jeong-hyeok wafted through the lake in time to stop her from taking her life. Recalling the times when we are sad (especially after a break-up), do you realise that we tend to seek comfort in sad songs? However, listening to some of these songs just makes us even more depressed. Instead of listening to sad music, we can try finding comfort in the beauty of piano melodies. In fact, how does piano move one to tears? Can you really understand the emotions of the artist from their music?


Takeaways: You may not understand the feeling of loss and sadness of another person. At times when words or advice falls flat, share one or two of the most moving melodies to release her/his pent-up or restless mind.


8. Don’t neglect spending time with your partner on special occasions


Se-ri used to make her employees work overtime during Christmas Eve as she never understood the joy of celebrating Christmas, instead she sees the act of celebration as a joke and often questioned her employees for celebrating a birthday that has no relation to them when they complained. However, when she was in North Korea, during the Christmas season, not only did she prepare Christmas trees and cards for Jeong-hyeok, she also bought a secondhand Chopard watch for him.


We often say that ‘holidays are an excuse for business profits’, ‘Valentine’s Day can be spent everyday’ and ‘you don’t have to fulfill your filial obligations on Mother’s day’, all these are true.


However, you should not neglect the emotional needs of your loved ones during these special occasions to be loved on with gifts. It’s just like how you can eat alone everyday but eating alone during reunion dinner can be extra lonely. You can argue with your partner every other day but to argue with your partner on the day of their birthday seems unreasonable. On normal days, it is understandable to be busy, but if you can’t even make time for your loved ones on Valentine’s Day, reunion dinner, the other party will be greatly unhappy. Therefore, don’t belittle these special occasions as it does affect your loved ones since everyone is celebrating.


Takeaways: You can eat good food and please your partner every day, but during special occasions, your partner will need your care and concern even more.

9. Surprise your partner from time to time



Se-ri said that you can tell how a person’s personality by looking at their room and bookshelf.


Jeong-hyeok’s bookshelf seems unbearably dark and lonely. Hence, she re-arranged the books with letters that spelled ‘I love you Jeong-hyeok’, which made him pleasantly surprised and touched when he found out.


Takeaways: Let your creativity run wild. Create or plan something fun, and unexpected. Even if your “creation” takes a while for your partner to find out, it will definitely be rewarding



10. Friends are your best “helpers’ and “mirror”


In a relationship, friends play an important role in giving advice and acting as a mediator when a fight occurs. Friends are also like a mirror reflection that brings out a person’s habits, hobbies and personality, you can see more sides of them that are usually not shown privately. Hence, take the time and opportunity to understand the person you like in a group setting to observe if the person you like is the one for you.


Takeaways: Through socialising with your partner’s friends, it will enable you to understand your partner better.



11. Interested in other people’s boyfriend? Try not to overstep your boundaries


During the scene where Se-ri helped Jeong-hyeok and Seo-dan to take photo in Switzerland, the reason why Seo-dan turned and stared at Jeong-hyeok was to observe his expression when she overheard Se-ri lamenting about how it was a pity for Jeong-hyeok. This caused Jeong-hyeok to find her amusing which stirred jealousy within Seo-dan’s heart.


Hence, this question comes up: Is it alright to be interested in other people’s boyfriend? Of course, we are not discussing your best friend’s boyfriend or married man here. Recently, there has been growing unconventional opinions online about ‘What is wrong with chasing after someone’s boyfriend/girlfriend?’ or teachings on ‘How to get other people’s boyfriend?’. Let’s take a look at how Se-ri does it. The scene is followed by her saying ‘Y’all look good together’, in the next episodes, it showed Jeong-hyeok thinking about Se-ri’s words and wondered if she was doing well. Hence, try expressing your emotions in an appropriate manner.


Takeaways: If you want to confess your feelings to the other party, do it appropriately without overstepping your boundaries.



12. Create distractions for your partner if he/she is feeling down


In one of the scenes, Jeong-hyeok overheard Se-ri’s last words in her recorder before she was about to jump off the bridge. However, she was interrupted by a male’s voice which he recognised was his own. This revelation caused him to be affirmed that they were destined to meet.


If your partner has depression, do seek professional help. As much as it is important to show your love and concern, it cannot cure depression. According to psychiatrist, Dr Rita Demaria, you cannot fix depression with love but this does not mean that you should lessen your care and concern towards him/her. However, if your partner just had a bad day, other than advising him/her, you can distract him/her by bringing them out on a date to watch a movie, karaoke or even retail therapy.


Takeaways: When your partner is upset or stressed, try distracting them by doing activities with him/her.



13. There are two sides to the coin when you seek advice from friends


When Se-ri was in danger, Jeong-hyeok wanted to be a lone rider and save Se-ri by himself. However, his comrades insisted on fighting the battle together with him which really touched Jeong-hyeok. Without his comrades, the outcome would have been even more dangerous.


Then, does this mean you should always seek comfort from your friends whenever you’re troubled? When you’re talking to friends, don’t burden them with your relationship problems all the time, no matter how close y’all are, it will be off-putting after a while.


Takeaways: You can turn to friends for relationship advice, but don’t make it a complaining habit.



14. Spice up your daily life with romance and love


When Jeong-hyeok came to Seoul to find Se-ri, he realised her refrigerator had nothing other than water, the only way to get food is to order in. Hence, when Jeong-hyeok was leaving he was worried that Se-ri would not be able to take care of herself properly. He started preparing all kinds of food for her and even wrote down cooking recipes which was really heart warming.


Other than being an observant partner, don’t forget to show care and concern to him/her on a daily basis. For example, remind your partner with a sticky note to eat less snacks or place some healthy ingredients in their house if he/she likes to eat cup noodles. If not, you can also add reminders on their phones to remind them to take their vitamins or medicines. By doing this, your partner will feel your love and care for them despite being busy.


Takeaways: Show your love and concern in every aspect of their lives to make them feel your presence.


15. Respect each other’s decision


In the ending of Crash Landing on You, Jeong-hyeok and Se-ri met in Switzerland, the beginning of how they met. This drama gave us a very abstract ending. However, fans have been asking ‘how many times can they meet a year?’


In life, we often find ourselves in these situations where we are unable to put down our work life and lifestyle to pursue the one we love fully. No right or wrong, no matter how strong the pros are, there will always be a loophole and exception in the choice.


Takeaways: In face of a big decision, don’t force your partner to come to a decision, everyone has their own problem to overcome, respecting each other’s decision is the best choice to make.


This article was first published in Nuyou.



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31 minutes ago, yoonseri97 said:

What does a picture of their hands prove? I don’t understand anything about golfing dksjdkd Please elaborate 


Zoom a little closer! Youll see uneven skin tone probably feom the gold gloves hahahah Im so amazed by this discovery

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OMO! I was just listening with my husband to one of our favorite songs... and I just said « oh! This song matches  them so well! » He was like «what are u talking about?» and after explaining... «Your addiction over this show is scary sometimes, you know right? » LOL I think that one of these days he would put a limit on my fangirling and shipping modes :joy:. Like SeRi to RJH with the games!! Honestly, I am surprised that he is so patient and comprehensive  :lol:


The song that I am talking about is Lucky by Jason Mraz. The lyrics and music video are below. There is a phrase that says «I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend» :wub: Oh! How I wish that I could do FMVs about HB and SYJ... too bad I am not good doing FMVs! 

What do you think about this song and Hb-SYJ? Does it make you think about them? 


Do you hear me,
I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying
Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
They don't know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday
And so I'm 




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46 minutes ago, sussieh said:

The song that I am talking about is Lucky by Jason Mraz. The lyrics and music video are below. There is a phrase that says «I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend» :wub: Oh! How I wish that I could do FMVs about HB and SYJ... too bad I am not good doing FMVs! 

What do you think about this song and Hb-SYJ? Does it make you think about them? 




This is my Mister's favorite song so I'm quite partial to it ... particularly for HB and SYJ :wub:


@Helena I wonder if you know whether or not SYJ was a golfer pre-2018. I know she has friends who do but questioned if she was the type who would. 

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2 hours ago, yoonseri97 said:

What does a picture of their hands prove? I don’t understand anything about golfing dksjdkd Please elaborate 

Golfers wear gloves (to get a good grip of the club and prevent blisters).
Ye-Jin does play golf; she never posted about it, her friends sometimes do in their accounts. She commented on one of the postings (about going to play golf together).


3 hours ago, Kristen Son said:

in the grocery pic, can you see black hair above the wine bottles? maybe the marine friend is with them? 

Possible. Ye-Jin often visits an Unnie friend in LA.

(They were with a man, a woman, and a kid.)

2 hours ago, sussieh said:

I agree with you and @Kristen Son about his body language in that pic! I noticed it too how he is leaning towards her.

Yes, it is very telling especially since this was taken without them knowing (private/raw moment).


21 hours ago, InBinjinWeTrust said:

Anybody out there who knows if there is an interview done by VOGUE with BinJin or those were just photoshoots? Thank you for sharing the article if there's any Vogue Binjin Article.

There was a long interview; Snowstars translated it into Chinese, I’m not sure if there’s English translation (check HB or SYJ thread). ‘Vogue Korea’ September issue was released in August 2018.


19 hours ago, stroppyse said:


Members of this thread should learn how to use DM to discuss things directly with each. If you don’t like someone’s comment, either ignore it or send them a DM asking for clarification and/or to continue the disagreement.


Also, this thread is a Hyun Bin - Son Ye Jin Shipper thread. If anyone wants to know about a different pairing FOR ANY reason, go to that shipping thread or to an acting thread to ask. 


Any questions, please ask. 

@angelangie @LavelyShai @youngatheart

Another warning from the Mod. So sorry to them for having to do extra works here. 
Everyone, please read & follow the rules.


Please do not bring other pairings (not HB+SYJ) into this thread, go to their own thread instead:



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1 hour ago, polkadots said:


Zoom a little closer! Youll see uneven skin tone probably feom the gold gloves hahahah Im so amazed by this discovery

well omg BinJin shippers have microscopic eyes. But wait did people check the date from those pictures? If they aren’t close together then it doesn’t really prove anything besides that they play golf. If the dates are close it might mean they went golfing around the same time probably together but if it doesn’t then I don’t think we should take it as proof. 

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5 hours ago, LoverboyBin said:

Maybe it’s difficult to arrange the director’s cut due to covid19 and the perhaps busy prior schedules of those people involved. We’ve been blessed though with all the swoon interviews and BTS. I am still wishing to see them during the awards show. However, with all these news nowadays, i am not sure if it will push thru. Anyway, I’m glad both of them are stepping out of the light. I hope they’re healthy, safe, and together (:wub:).

Based on the messages in fancafe, they tried to push to postpone the production of the DVD. They willing to wait. But Studio Dragon seems not responding. SD said it is hard to be done as everyone is working from home so the process to gather the material, edit, and production will take a lot of time. 

Studio Dragon replies is they cannot proceed for production of DVD as there are many content that cannot be broadcasted (shown) . SD also said something that it is quite impossible to produce it even in a later time. So I don't think we gonna have it unless miracle happen. :bawling::bawling::bawling:

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15 hours ago, ncly said:

I just have a really random question, I wonder when they hangout together on their own (as lovers/friends), do they call each other's real name? As in Eon Jin and Tae Pyung or do you think they'll still use HB (or Bin-shi like how YJ usually calls HB on screen) and YJ?



I have a guess that having those bonding sessions with the Director over drinks/meal, started that spark within HB.  My guess is that  during the TN promotion our HB is multitasking: working doing the promotion and  seriously "wooing" our SYJ.  There may be slight traces between the retakes of TN and the promotion since both are busy working with their respective projects. But during the TN promotion seals the deal.


During the interviews and presscon for TN,  HB got suprised with the revelations from SYJ who is known for her candidness . For instance, there was the question when they first asked abt scoring their chemistry and HB gave her 90% (because they only act through the monitor and that makes him sad which is odd since it could be lower than 50 if thats the case to ordinary actors) but SYJ without hesitation gave him a perfect score. Even adding that she even liked working with him through the monitor. And HB suddenly got surprised and shy. During another interview, the score HB gavce her became 100. 


During the presscon (i think), when asked abt what SYJ think abt HB (or other way around), HB for few seconds froze and think of a response (here I think he's getting paranoid thinking the question is more of a personal rather than a professional. This is a standard question and why would he react like that?)


When asked during the same presscon, if SYJ buy HB meal (since SITR was airing that time), HB suddenly shy but if you look closely, SYJ got shocked and her mouth was wide open with the question (again which is odd since its often asked to her before). I guess both are feeling guilty when they hear those questions making me think...something is fishy and they act so odd.  Those little nuances when they answer is very telling. So my guess, something is going on already during this period but not "official" or perhaps still in early stage. 


They are highly professionals and highly experienced in doing this, but those interviews were real gold.  They're very transparent and it's make them so endearing to see both of them acting like this.


HB also mentioned in one of his recent interviews that his ideal woman is someone he can be comfortable with. Its a big change from his list of ideal woman when he was younger (lets face it our standard change as we grow older).  With his looks, status and fame, its difficult to find someone who can easily match that simple criteria but SYJ wit and intelligence probably stood out. With someone like  SYJ, her wit and constant bantering will keep him on his toes but it will assure him that he'll be constantly smiling and comfortable in his own skin.


The jokes you make and what makes you laugh reveal more about you than you realise.


The father of psychology, Sigmund Freud, is among those to have come up with an answer to that: we use jokes to deal with our anxieties and issues. Sydney psychologist Susan Nicholsons  said that the subject of the joke is a source of anxiety for them. but if cracking those jokes helps release some of that anxiety, it serves a positive function


According to experts, laughter can ease up anxiety and my guess is that SYJ (though very professional) is anxious with too many eyes looking at them. Don't get me wrong but i can sense that she's always deep in her character whatever roles she's portraying  and she's cautious on how to do the scenes. She's still human after all. But then again, HB being a true gentleman lead those scenes and test/check with her how far they should go within the boundaries. I also commend the director for showing just a glimpse and protect them so people will focus on the scene / story rather than the kiss. But from the BTS video you can see how hot those kissing scenes are compared to what was aired.


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1 hour ago, liltash85 said:

Based on the messages in fancafe, they tried to push to postpone the production of the DVD. They willing to wait. But Studio Dragon seems not responding. SD said it is hard to be done as everyone is working from home so the process to gather the material, edit, and production will take a lot of time. 

Studio Dragon replies is they cannot proceed for production of DVD as there are many content that cannot be broadcasted (shown) . SD also said something that it is quite impossible to produce it even in a later time. So I don't think we gonna have it unless miracle happen. :bawling::bawling::bawling:

When I was watching all the BTS, I was thinking to myself that "Wow, I wonder what else are they gonna put in the director's cut with all the content that they're giving us, right now? These are pretty intimate BTS and I cannot believe that both HB and YJ allowed these shots to be shown." I'm not sure how it goes in the KEnt industry but I would think that the consent of both of the lead actors need to be asked before the BTS can be shown. So, I was thinking that a lot  more intimate/not for public consumption content were edited from the ones that were included in the BTS. With their stature in the industry, I think they can ask for this and also I think that the director and the rest of the cast have so much respect for them, that's why they are honoring their request. This is all IMHO, but it just kept me thinking again when I read this news. 

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I made a crossover video of Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin’s hot scenes from Late Autumn n April Snow. This is my first try do video edits. Appologize for the bad quality 


  Enjoy~~~~~~ :naughty:


so our oppa likes sexy wife... :naughty:

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3 hours ago, jinjin said:

GOLF Buddies

Nov 2018: HB & SYJ at Golf Course
YJ is in red circle while HB is in blue one



Apr - Jun 2019:  their individual events.

Golf tan on HB & SYJ’s hands (their hands & arms have different colors). They might both play golf during their free time pre CLOY, not sure together or not



Golf Tan 101



Credits: Weibo

What an insightful thinking :rolleyes:


WOW this forum growing so fast. I'm  just fall asleep and it's already page 359. You guys rock!!:)

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5 minutes ago, liltash85 said:

I made a crossover video of Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin’s hot scenes from Late Autumn n April Snow. This is my first try do video edits. Appologize for the bad quality 

  Enjoy~~~~~~ :naughty:


Whoa! Thanks, now I don't need to watch either movie... can't bear to watch films/dramas when they're not together LOL! 

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2 hours ago, liltash85 said:

Studio Dragon replies is they cannot proceed for production of DVD as there are many content that cannot be broadcasted (shown) . SD also said something that it is quite impossible to produce it even in a later time. So I don't think we gonna have it unless miracle happen. :bawling::bawling::bawling:

I hope Studio Dragon release it after they're (HB & SYJ) getting merried..

As a wedding gift maybe? :wub: 

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