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2 hours ago, staygold said:


I need to archive and be able to recall this line at the perfect time! But I am very sure my memory too is running away from me! :lol:



I know rite...metabolism, memory , flexibility...they seem like strangers these days.


@nrllee I quite like office dramas . Thanks for the recommendation,  I will watch Misaeng. There's supposed to be a c drama adaptation starring Mark Chao which I am waiting for .


@ktcjdrama have you watched Midnight Runners with Kang Ha Neul and Park Seo Joon. I just watched it - good!, great bromance and funny too.  Crime with some comedy...two police officers in training unwittingly discover an "egg farm" ( they harvest women's eggs and sell them) on a night out during their off day.  @Ameera Ali's Mr Hwang has a supporting role as the baddie. 


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20 minutes ago, triplem said:


@ktcjdrama have you watched Midnight Runners with Kang Ha Neul and Park Seo Joon. I just watched it - good!, great bromance and funny too.  Crime with some comedy...two police officers in training unwittingly discover an "egg farm" ( they harvest women's eggs and sell them) on a night out during their off day.  @Ameera Ali's Mr Hwang has a supporting role as the baddie. 


Thanks for the recommendation. Will put it on my watch list! :kiss_wink:


2 hours ago, nrllee said:


No...it’s gritty and the characters true to life.  I was never in the corporate world (in private practice) but I loved it. The relationships were what kept the drama going.  The hard decisions you have to make.  The tough choices.  The grin and bear it scenes.  Granted what the female colleague had to undergo was hard to watch (sexual harassment if you go by Western standards - I had to keep reminding myself that this is still the norm in a lot of Asian countries).  I only recently watched it whilst on holidays and binge watched from start to finish.  I was so sad to say goodbye to the cast in the end.  SiWan is soon to be in a quirky Strangers From Hell drama with Lee DongWook.  I will be tuning into that.  



You and I been watching some heavy dramas together so I know for sure you will appreciate Misaeng ;) Just that there are still some people who needs to see romance in any dramas they watch :lol:



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13 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

You and I been watching some heavy dramas together so I know for sure you will appreciate Misaeng ;) Just that there are still some people who needs to see romance in any dramas they watch :lol:


That we have my Friend.  There was precious little romance in Misaeng.  There were more important things happening in that little office.  Office romance was just the side dish (meagre pickings at that).  I will tune into Hotel Dela Luna (it’s Dela...NOT Del...Spanish speakers were obviously not consulted in the choice of Title).  I may not last though.  I have misgivings about IU and the plot sounds a bit out there and the Hong sisters... well... let’s just say they have been a miss for me in a lot of their dramas... they start off with a bang usually and then seem to lose their way mid plot?  But I will give it a go for YJG’s sake.



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Good day today, I like it. 


Now just the sun would need to make space for a few more dark clouds and the day would be perfect.

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1 hour ago, Ameera Ali said:

I will star watch divorce lawyer in love :kiss_wink:


cool. it is a very cute drama...a bit melodrama sometimes but the OTP had chemie. And female lead was unique :D


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re-watching a drama after a few years, it feels like new! don't remember 90% of the drama 'birth secret'. ahhahah... @triplem ~ the secretary actor who plays min ik is secondary character here and all I can say is he was not that good looking then. hahahahha... he was bit too skinny and also seemed darker? did they put lots more white powder on him because he was lead? ^_^

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@LmanglaThis is BWGM thread.... lols... 



And.. this spoiler might interest you... In one of Ahpheng's (The instagram comic maker) one of the viewers translate the author's words about the character's POV.... like I said.. the drama makes an interesting social commentary.. lols....  


They are just bound by traditions and cares too much abt what is considered morally right and wrong. If you can read Chinese, you should read the novel's author's post whereby she explains their characteristics.

The title of episode 2 is "Home Loan decides the shape of my life".
This phrase was actually told to KH by WW in the novel. That was the first time in the novel, she told KH about her conflict w HY.
In reality, what WW really wanted to say is that "HY decides the shape of my life".
Some of you are still too young, maybe you have not seen or bought a house in Taipei, thus not able to understand how difficult it is to purchase a house in this era. What does it mean to have a housing loan, having 2kids and saving enough to retire at 65yos in Taipei? It means for 30 years, HY and WW will have to have buffet (not those luxurious buffet, rather those canteen style) everyday, can never go for movie premieres, no recreation activities nor overseas holidays.
In the drama, the reason why HY and WW did not realise the execution of such a plan will create so many problems, even though they have dated for 3 years is because they have never disclose their relationship thus no one were able to criticise their plan until KH pointed that out.
In this episode, a lot of ppl focused on how skilful KH was in luring girls but personally I felt that the dinner scene between WW, ZY and JE pointed out the key factors in the relationship between WW and HY:
1. WW was appalled by the pricing of the food items when she scrutinised the menu before the girls arrived. According to HY and her planning, it was too luxurious eating a dinner that costed a few hundreds of dollars. 
2. The real reason for WW absence at JE's wedding doesn't seems to be because she had something on, rather she tried to minimise the amount of the red packet she had to give by adopting the method of "gift arrived but the person is absent" (so sorry but I really don't know how to translate this part so I did a literal translation).
3. After the dishes were served, ZY and JE took photos of the food and took lots of selcas in this restaurant with the perfect ambience, this showed that they frequented restaurants. How abt WW? She felt awkward and didn't even had the experience of taking photos w food. (Would u take selca when you are eating buffet?) She is one who would never step into a restaurant w HY.

4. Before the gathering, HY kept asking if WW is going Dutch w the girls. In the end, after the dinner, ZY naturally called her bf to settle the bill for everyone.
A lot of things doesn't seems to make sense, just like the ballpoint pen that dropped and rolled on the floor; and you will only discover then after you have made comparisons. 
After KH's reminder and seeing herself in ZY, all the things that seems logical to her in that 3 years and the so-called happiness achieved thru consensus effort made by WW and HY,now seems ridiculous and amusing.
When two persons are together, that doesn't equate to "we". It's just that when in love, a lot of people seems to think that by fulfilling the wishes of the other person is the way to show their love but forget to ask if that is what they want.
In this drama, WW is not the only one to lose herself when trying to love another person, ZY as well. 
During the dinner gathering, WW asked ZY "Did you go overseas to further your studies?" and ZY just smiled . It seems like the current situation is better than furthering her studies overseas but it isn't in reality. 
She doesn't have to work hard to put food on the table, instead she just has to take care of KH's relationship with his colleagues and entertain the GM's wife. Whatever she has done was for KH and never for herself. She lived for KH.
In front of her friends, when she announced that KH will be coming to foot the bill, her tone was filled w anticipation and conceit. In the stock exchange, KH preempted that ZY will be coming w snacks, his tone was filled w ridicule.
Hasn't ZY realised that this unbalanced relationship was beyond cure? She's not stupid and she knows as KH becomes more and more accomplished, he would not be interested in girls like her. She does not have the ability to turn the tables around and is unwilling to step out of her comfort zone, thus she can only try all ways and means to secure this long term ATM, to make sure all things goes smoothly.
Actually, the shape of ZY's life has been fixed by KH long ago.

Writing the novel "BWGM", on the surface, it seems like it's talking about moral values, lust but in actual fact, it's discussing how to live your own life. How to love a person, and not forget who you are. How to pursue your happiness, and not give up the right to determine how you live your life. All these have never been easy and marriage doesn't free you from them.

Last week, we talked abt the 2 ladies in the drama. This week, let's discuss about the male characters - Chu Ke Huan and Li Hao Yi.
These 2 guys seems to be worlds apart, however they are both trapped within "traditonal values".
What's so called "traditional values"? It's the society's definition of how a male or female should do, what kinda role they should play in a relationship or in a family, would be considered appropriate. 
Stereotyped, even though we are already in 2019, these traditional values are still unknowingly controlling us. 
Let's talk abt HY first.
He goes dutch with a girl, his dating style seems modern, but it was to achieve the ultimate goal--to purchase a house for marriage. In order to purchase a house, HY doesn't mind sacrificing quality of life.
When WW suggested the plan of "renting a house first" to HY and his dad, HY's dad sighed and apologised to WW for HY's inability. In his point of view, if a married man is still renting a house, something is "not right" and it's the man's sin.
Above shows how HY's dad is deeply influenced by the traditional values and how he influenced HY, which will then influence what HY is gg to do next.
Hypothetically, if HY has the same financial capability as KH, would he still go dutch w WW?
In the last episode, when HY saw the car KH was driving, the spark in his eyes has already showed his desire. He has no shortage of wants, just that he felt that currently he is not qualified to fulfil his wants. To HY, KH is just like the model student, and if given a choice, he would wanna be like him.
In reality, he hates his poverty but he had to always pretend that he is happy and only after fulfilling his dream of buying a house, will he be able to survive in this chaotic lifestyle.
Next, let's talk abt KH.
He seems carefree, westernised but when ZY swipe his card, spent his money on branded goods, he didn't bat an eyelid, and accept them naturally. 
In the last episode, we knew how KH value a person's worth. Now that KH met WW, the topic has evolved to how KH values "a man's worth".

KH criticised the things HY does in a relationship, he said "if I were your man, I wouldn't have let you XXXX". Through satisfying ZY's materialistic wants, he felt that he has satisfied what is expected of a man.... that is why ZY and KH are able to have a weird stability in this twisted and unbalanced relationship. This is a relationship restrained by traditional values.
Which is why, when KH tried to utilise his wealth in approaching WW, WW did not appreciate it at all. That's why, WW was calculative even if it was a cup of coffee. Even when it was the absurd suggestion of a night together, WW was not swayed by money.... this messed up KH's belief in money and totally angered him. 
KH hates himself for being restrained by traditional values, during the camping night, he finally couldn't contain his anger toward his continual giving in to ZY and vent his anger in front of WW. It seems like he "transferred " his anger for ZY to WW, but actually, who KH is scolding, is himself, the one who cannot escape from the current situation.
Disregarding his affairs, if a gal had a bf like KH, their besties will definitely use "a good man" to describe him. Just that, while we are happy to see KH become the kind of man the society is hoping for, is he happy?
I'm not an expert in relationship and am not good in teaching people how to maintain a relationship. By writing "BWGM", I'm also not advocating or opposing traditional values. I just wanna use this story to ask a few questions, and I hope that all of you can share some time in your hectic schedule, to slow down and think abt it:
What kind of person do u wanna be? What kinda life do u want? 
Who is the person others are hoping that you will become? What kinda life are the others hoping u will lead? 
How far away are you from the above?
I hope that while you try to fulfil what is expected of you, you will not forget who you are.


Ok, the author published another article.. here's the translation.
The day after episode 4 was aired, I asked a question on FB, "in real life, would you choose KH or HY?"
In the end, the answers I got were very interesting. There were several meaningful discussions and that was great!
As of now, the theme of the story is very clear.
When I wrote this story, I knew that there would be criticisms on how wrong it is, on society values, the life's perspectives and personal values. Actually, it is the exact opposite, this is a topic that looks at moral values and humanity.
Our female lead, ZWW, is a person with strong views on society values, life's perspectives and personal values and is kind hearted. She's down-to-earth, loyal, with strong moral values. In the beginning, she detest KH for his unfaithfulness and warn KeFei not to have any designs on him, however, the more she tried to avoid, the deeper she fell into the hole, to the stage whereby she could no longer control herself. 
WW's misery begun when she fell in love with the devilish KH. Regardless how she tried to fight back and escape, every choice she made, was to put her life back on track but in actual fact she is deterring further and further away from her original life. 
Yes, "BWGM" is talking about "how difficult it is to be the good person in a relationship. "
If WW is a selfish person, she could have dumped HY without any concern, disregard ZY's feelings and elope w KH, but she is not.
WW's misery and struggle originated from the fact that she's a good person and her desire to be a good person.
KH said that house holds memories of him and WW but WW understanding is more than just that.
The house also bear the weight of HY's dream, the life time savings of HY's dad, and all the efforts made by HY and her throughout the 3 years. She is not selfish enough to take the effort and hope of others, for granted. That's why, even though she did not feel any joy when she saw the ring, she had to make a decision which she thinks is right - - moral values.
WW believes that once she gets married to HY and end all possibilities of a relationship w KH, her life will fall back on the right track. 
That's why she took a stand and wore the ring herself.
Just like in the novel, when WW confessed her feelings for KH, she told KH:
"We cannot do this, we will hurt the others."
"But if we don't do this, you will hurt yourself", KH replied.
That's right, you did nothing wrong.
But why is your heart hurting so badly?

@phikyl No... DIe Now.. is more like an adventure gaming drama... it had anime J-drama vibe down to the T.. lols.... Think Detective Conan or Bleach when you're watching this.. hahha.. Die Now started the first episode with an interesting Murder case and then somehow.. the ML's GF got sucked into Die Now game by unknown people... ML entered the game to rescue her... lols.. Not gonna spoil more... I think you will like this.. eventho there's no fluff involved....  




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16 hours ago, Lmangla said:


re-watching a drama after a few years, it feels like new! don't remember 90% of the drama 'birth secret'. ahhahah... @triplem ~ the secretary actor who plays min ik is secondary character here and all I can say is he was not that good looking then. hahahahha... he was bit too skinny and also seemed darker? did they put lots more white powder on him because he was lead? ^_^

He definitely looks better as he ages...ahaahah....i think they all have some job done on the face, better skin care and facials etc. All that whitening cream :lol:. Actually this is one drama of his that i have not watched. How much screen time does he have ?


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8 minutes ago, triplem said:

He definitely looks better as he ages...ahaahah....i think they all have some job done on the face, better skin care and facials etc. All that whitening cream :lol:. Actually this is one drama of his that i have not watched. How much screen time does he have ?


not much screen time but the character is well shaped. basically he was the ex of the lead (but she has no memory of them dating) and he dumped her and went for her best friend because he is in deep debt. (so wanted a rich girl). now that best friend is married to the lead's cousin brother and they are actually sister-in-laws. since she doesn't remember all this, the relationship is good and right now all working together!


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