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Stargazing Fireflies
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Everything posted by ktcjdrama

  1. Yes, one of the best dramas... It's hard for me to vote as well because I like too many of them. But one wedding dress that immediately came to mind is that one drama that kept us barfing... Love Marriage Divorce. The very last episode. But we don't get to see the whole dress, only the top. I just remember the top part was really pretty.
  2. Obviously I only voted for the dramas I watched. There are many that I didn't end up watching, because I must have heard something about them and decided not to touch them, or simply because I wasn't interested with the plot. But the one drama that immediately came up in my mind when I read the title of this event, surprisingly did not make it to the list. All other dramas been forgiven, but this one drama I honestly still feel sour even now (after one decade) about the ending. Anyone care to guess? One of the memorable scenes is the ML sitting on top of a car playing his guitar to a little girl.
  3. Yes, just finished today because I was away. Agree with you on many points you mentioned. Though some of the questions I have worked out my own explanation so that I can move on. This has potential to be great, but have to say some of the scenes lack reality that I had to just close one eye on it... One eg. how could they have swam/washed up shore so quickly from the deep sea. The ship was moving very fast, so it has to be deep sea. It was so dark, how did Jin Woo (our hero) manage to find the two ladies coz the ship was moving so very fast. The 5 days that they mentioned, with the stuff they did, was beyond me too. I am being nitpicking for sure. A bit disappointed with the last 2 episodes, but didn't regret spending time to watch this.
  4. I agree. Has he always been this evil? It can't be just because of YJ "contaminating" his mind with money. His evilness like inherent already. Not to mention the mother too... The whole family is just a mess!
  5. I agree. It's good she refuses to be under YJ's control because she will not stop manipulating them. Even after an apology, she still want to make MY suffer. I didn't think Bom is adopted because SJ would not care about her so much otherwise. Yes he did at one point abandon her by faking his death, but he still cares about her. Ep.10 preview is so exciting. Can't wait. But some stuff is starting to bother me in ep.9. First of all, how did the young YJ managed to survive when she couldn't find her dad? How did the adult YJ found MY's father? Then also, how could MY ask Bom to wait outside the house while she went in to check who was inside the house. I wouldn't leave the kid alone outside. The least I would do is put her in the car and lock the car maybe? That's not a good idea too though. Anyway, I would've also told Bom to stay away from Cookie Teacher. No need to tell her details, but just that she is not a person to be around, to trust.
  6. Yes he has 😃 Have you forgotten Gaus Electronics? I was happy to see him being the lead there. But I agree with you, he needs to be in more lead roles!
  7. It is her, right? She gave back the briefcase to SJ in the car. It wasn't stolen, SJ planned for the documents to be taken to safety by another person. He is smart for always having a back-up plan and maneuvering his way. I wonder who the man who helped with the initial switch of briefcase though. He is without moral. He needed Chairman to be alive so he could carry out his plan countering the chairman's son and Yeon Joo.
  8. End of ep.7 showing Moon Young having the upper hand against Ha Yeon Joo, but we still have 5 more episodes to go... Can't be that soon. And we're introduced to one of the sons played by yet another senior actor. So there are more intrigues? I'm so tempted to say that ending at ep.8 might be better, but sure, bring it on. Just don't make the drama become draggy please...
  9. O wow... Plot escalated a lot. Am at the start of ep 7 now. Did you guys see Sun Jae slapped Moon Young back when she hit him with the golf club? And gaslighting her that it's all her fault for not letting things be as it is. Some people might drop the drama because of this latest reveal, but I'm more intrigued to see what's gonna happen to those two. Great acting from all the leads! I really like seeing Lee Chung Ah playing antagonist for once.
  10. Queen of Tears. So, how was ep.3-4?
  11. I've been super busy lately that I'm only watching one drama now... can you believe that... Is this worth losing some sleep to watch?
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