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[Drama 2020-2021] A Man in a Veil, 비밀의 남자


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9 hours ago, Good Karma said:


Ouch I hope that lady nurse's head did not hit the bed hard....it looks like it tho. 

I was thinking the same thing. Maybe she hit the mattress? If the hefty woman just pushed her, she'd hit the cement floor. 

We have 6 more episodes. The unnecessary couple story is tied up, so is TP's mum story, Joo is taken into custody but she seemed to be out. All we need now is for Chairman Cha to wake up and find out that the MRI, CT scan and X rays were wrong !!! He is not brain damaged just had a bad concussion. :smile: So YR's bf is really dead. Story is finito. But YR like a chewing gum stuck to the sole of your shoe is back. :smirk: I have got used to her presence and stories, I am just ignoring her. 
Did anyone notice how YJ has turned staid and dignified? Just a week of being a daughter of DIL. Those earrings are out of place, the company  should have sponsored another show or actress. It's not fair, CMR is only a supporting role but her clothes are almost all great looking. Joo has a couple of misses but appropriate for an  old lady.


TP is reacting as usual. Idiot you should have thought of getting rid of Joo ages ago. She might even try to kill your gf now. 

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Okay now while I have a lot to add I realized that a lot of it has sadly

slipped my mind at the moment. So for the time being I will just add what I recall in regards to the show and some of what you viewers have added.


Anyway lets get on with the show as they say.



For starters can we all shake our heads in frustration at the intelligence level of Tae Pong. Why you all must be wondering. The answer to that sadly lies in his actions in regards to his photographs that contains pictures of his mother and him in it. He has a copy of them in his office drawers of all place. It seems like he really hasn't learnt his lessons yet. Sometime back the Detective Uncle discovered them at the house and his identity was exposed because of that eventually but atleast in that house the people were allies, family or friends so he could easily be forgiven. But that isn't the case at work. Over here there are people that are trying their level best to get rid of him or will want to do that as soon as they discover his true identity and it will be just a matter of time before one of them comes across those picture for some reason or the other. Probably we can blame all of that on Yura and her being dumb for a change but still both are equally at fault here. For instance I suspect that Yura is still holding onto all the evidence that Tae Pong collected on her and instead of destroying it she has it saved. Clingy's mom is sure to find it while trying to find some dirt on her and while she knows a lot about Yura's past she doesn't know everything. This means that she will finally discover her former wedding picture which shows her with Tae Poong. This will get her to look into him probably via Secretary Koo her trusty henchman who will find those pictures and hand them over to her. We then all know the result then. Oh well Tae Poong it was nice knowing that you had brains for atleast a short time.:D I mean who keeps physical pictures these days. Wouldn't it just be smarter to store all of them on your phone if you do need to need to check them out more than once a day.


Okay on another topic someone mentioned how Yejin should have perhaps thrown a tantrum at discovering that Yujung is her sister by her mother from an earlier relationship or how she wasn't willing to listen to her mothers explanation when the article came out that AC Chairman was having an affair with someone (her mother) and how she wasn't ready for her mother to date another person other than her dad. For the former I really don't see why Yejin should be jealous of Yujung. Had she been a second lead then such feelings might be expected but not by a supporting character. They are generally more understanding towards both their parents as well as their step siblings and all. As it is she was already on good terms with Yujung and considered her like an older sister at work and this was even before she realized that she was Yu Mung's elder sister. She might have an issue once she discovers who Yujung's birth father is but will come to that in a bit. As of now the main issue probably going on in her head is how should she consider Yujung now. Is she her elder sister or her Sister In Law. Oh the choices that she must now make especially when addressing her.:D Now as for the latter. Unless I am was reading the subs wrong her anger was sort of to expected. According to it she wasn't against her mother moving on and dating somebody else and perhaps even marrying etc... But she was more against the fact that her mother was involved with a married man. Had AC Chairman been a Widower or Divorced I doubt that she would have made such an issue about it. Another thing to note it was equally embarrassing for her as well. While the majority of the people wouldn't really know who Jisook was and those bothered by it would consider her a home wrecker things wouldn't be the same for Yejin at work. Her team members atleast seem to be aware that the other woman is her mother and she would have to hear about these things from them. Also to be fair Jisook is also partially to be blamed for this mess in a way. When Yejin asked her mother how she knew the Chairman. Her mother just mentioned that they knew each other in the past due to his family sponsoring her orphanage and whatnot. She was the one that made it seem like no big deal and that they were just friends or acquaintances in the past. She didn't bother telling her daughter that they were more ie lovers. So her finding out the hard way was bound to make her lash out at her mother like that. Also that picture didn't do her mother any favours as she could easily tell what emotions her mother was feeling at that point when it was taken as well as the AC Chairman and if it was so obvious to her then she might have thought that it was the same for others as well.


Then we had the question about the so called revenge in this show or the lack of it to be more exact. That was never a real problem for me. Granted the writer was all over the place in this drama but a lot of it was expected to fizzle out at certain areas. Will perhaps get to that in a bit. My main issue with this drama is more along the lines that I atleast felt that we didn't have all that much of character developments in this show which is kind of sad in a way. Lets just see some of the characters that have been introduced and just how much they have evolved over time.


First we have Yu Mung. He started out as the family leech. He used that to take advantage of Tae Poong at times to get good stuff to either eat or gain access. (the time when he wanted to impress his girl so he used Tae Poong to attend a function. Which then later allowed Yura to hatch her plan to wed Tae Poong and all). He also used his good looks to charm girls and make them spend money on him without him actually doing anything etc... Yejin was his motivating spark and when he actually fell for her he did try to change and work hard but it was sort of limited since he didn't achieve much when she broke up with him the first time. Once she reentered his orbit again he was back to trying. He is now a successful model and actor and whatnot. Perhaps even a limited Psychic as well. :)  But the problem here is that he is a secondary character that his development doesn't seem to do much for me at this point. On the other hand if he was busy exposing secrets left, right and center he might have been a somewhat interesting character. But at the moment he is still just a side character etc

So lets move on to Yura. We might think oh so this Woman must have had a major development since she has been running in circles around all these other characters and all. Sadly there hasn't been any major development between Kid Yura and Adult Yura to be impressive to me. Look back in the day she was this little insecure girl spinning these long yarns of how she was from this rich family and would go on these trips with them and all. (she only got caught because she was unlucky or lies are bound to be discovered etc..) Well guess what she is still doing the same thing. Lying about her family background and education etc... The only thing different from back then is the fact that she has somewhat managed to grow a spine from back then. So she won't allow people to easily trample over her and will try and fight back. Oh and while she is at it she is busy finding a Sugar Daddy for herself. Back then she wasn't of age but now that she is she is doing whatever she can to stay ahead. One does wonder if she was actually in love with her first boyfriend or was he also a means to an end. I get that some people might think that she was using him back then as well. But one has to consider the fact that she didn't try and really take advantage of her relationship until she was unfairly kicked out from the spot that she rightfully deserved and that to by a person using their connections and all. It was at this point that she went on full seduction mode to her boyfriend and try and take advantage of his so called connections only to realize that she had latched onto a dud.


Youjung the less said the better. For a brief moment she channeled her Second Lead days and we could see the spark in her and in her eyes. Unfortunately that was far to brief. Some of her plans were decent but at the end of they day she was being outsmarted by a superior enemy and she became less interesting. I also have issues of how she behaved towards certain people at certain times. Further showing the intelligence levels of her character.


Tae Poong is a bit hard to guage since there was supposed to be some character development unfortunately it also didn't work out all that well. I mean he started out as this smart kid prior to his accident. Then he ended up with the mentality of a seven year old. Then another accident made his this supposed Genius and all. Unfortunately for all his smarts he still ends up doing dumb things such as hint his next plans to Yura allowing her to come up with counter plans or like I mentioned earlier keeps dangerous pictures in his office drawers. Granted those pictures won't mean much to strangers but people that are aware of the connection are a different matter altogether.


Clingy is also pretty much the same since we were first introduced. Clingly like the rest of his parents. That he still hasn't gotten over his first love. I do kind of feel bad for him and on considering his past I can sort of understand where he comes from at times. But to be fair his recent actions just haven't been all that great. He tries to cover for his mothers crimes and tries to treat Yujung as an object rather than a person who has their own feelings and all.

Problem with him is that he doesn't know his parents actual past. He probably considers Ji Sook as the home wrecker and all. Thus his father abandoning his family for her. He witnessed his mothers heartbreak and all back then. It also didn't help that his father never truly opened up towards him back then and only recently has his father started to acknowledge his presence and all. So he was basically starved for his parents love and this kind of explains his clingy nature as well. He probably decided that when he fell in love with a person he would devote a 100% of himself towards them so that they wouldn't feel his shortcomings and all. Clearly somebody is overcompensating over here. Unfortunately is actions are far more suffocating than he realizes. He also doesn't seem to get that marrying Yujung isn't such a great idea since she is extremely dense and all.


I mean lets consider why those two were such good friends back in the day. Normally when people befriended him back in the day was because they were all aware of his connections to DL Group and tried to take advantage of it somehow. Such as thinking that they could party on his Tab and whatnot. Yujung was an exception to this rule because she was extremely dense for some weird reason. I mean she was willing to pay for damages on his expensive car back in the day (something that she didn't even cause) and for some weird reason considers him poor. Even when the two got reunited she still didn't put two and two together and figure out that he got his position at the company due to his family ties and thought that he was really lucky and worked hard. His true identity was only exposed to her when Yura made that very public announcement on TV. Not saying that she would have used him in the past even if she knew who he really was but it was mostly because she was dense even back then. But Clingy didn't seem to care about any of that. He just got to be a normal guy for a change which he should have just left it at that. So like I said on one hand I do feel bad for him but his recent actions not so much.


Someone brought up the matter of how Secretary Koo must be slipping as to how Tae Poong was easily able to locate Yura and all. To be fair Secretary Koo has been slipping for a really long time at this point. Lady Joo's frustration at this point is quite valid. He is a terrible assistant. LoL


Lets see some of his past failures as evidence of him messing up. Firstly he was asked to handle the Jisook situation back in the day as well as getting rid of her baby as well. What did he do. He lets Jisook fall over the cliff and assumes that she must have died. He doesn't even bother to verify that there is even a body and all. Then comes the matter of disposing the baby. Does he do it on his own. Nope he tells his friend to do it. Granted the friend was his accomplice and all of sorts. But why hand over such a big responsibility to somebody else. Nor does he ask for any kind of verification that the deed has been done. His friends word is all that he needs. Have no idea why. Now lets move onto more recent events. The Foundation is taking bribes and whatnot and he gets captured on camera. So Lady Joo decides to solve the issue by framing Tae Poong's mother for a hit and run crime which by the way he botched as well. He makes a video of that night and hands it over to a blogger who claims to be a witness and all. Unfortunately this is busted by to dumb amateurs namely Yujung and Taepong. Oh and while we are at the matter of Jisook's husband he also messed up over there as well. The guy he sent wasn't convincing enough or something that her husband continued to pursue the matter to the extent that Lady Joo had to intervene again which resulted in the husbands death. After the time skip and Yura entered the family he hasn't improved. He still hasn't discovered any dirt on Yura while she seems to be on some sort of spree in discovering that families secrets and all. He has Yura locked up but again forgets to erase every camera in town allowing Tae Poong to track her down. He suspects that Yujung may be the child from back then but bungles up her DNA test. Granted that was because her dad took precautions and all. But he didn't bother to do more than one. Tae Poong's mother suspected that Yura might follow her and have the test results tampered with that she had the results done from two different places. But for this guy one test was ample enough. Actually it would have been more amusing if he tried to prove his point to Lady Joo and that Jisook was probably making things up since he has a DNA result to prove that Yujung is actually her fathers daughter and perhaps Jisook was having an affair back then or something. Oh well not my problem. Also am sure that he made many more blunders along the way. Unfortunately they seem to have slipped my mind at the moment.


As for the fact whether or not Clingy is actually Secretary Koo's son with his mother is still debatable. The writer may still try and pull that trick out of his hat even though we still have like 15 or episodes remaining. Hopefully that isn't the case though. Look I won't deny that isn't impossible at this point and all. But I don't want that to be true for a simple reason. As of now this guy is still to clingy towards Yujung. Before he knew that she was his sister he tried his level best to get closer to her and wanted to be more than friends with her. He didn't care that she had feelings for somebody else and when he discovered who that was he tried to make them leave her by any means necessary even becoming somewhat of a jerk along the way. Right now the only thing that I see that can break him out of his obsession over Yujung is the fact that he can't be with her because she is his sister and all. If he discovers that he isn't related to his father then he will get another excuse to try and be with her. If they want to do the reveal that he is actually the Secretary's son. They should do this much later. By this I mean that he should finally be over Yujung and perhaps fallen in love with someone else and be happily married to said person that such a reveal shouldn't matter at this point. Perhaps it can be at his mothers deathbed when she decides to reveal this fact to him. But like I said if he has already moved on this shouldn't be an issue for him. Till then it is better if Yujung remains his sister.


I wonder if people over here agree that Lady Joo and Yura seem to be cut from the same cloth. Heck they both try and pull similar stunts that they can be each others true rivals. Then again it can also be that the writer just isn't all that imaginative that they have to reuse their own plots. For instance now that Lady Joo knows that Yujung is her husbands daughter she plans of faking his will so that Clingy will probably inherit everything and she can probably enjoy the benefits as well. Guess what Yura pulled the same exact trick back in the day to take over all of Tae Poong's  families wealth and ran of with it. I guess we thought that Lady Joo is this impressive and formidable rival to Yura. But at the end of the day I feel like she is another disappointing character. So even her locking up Yura doesn't seem much especially since we know that Tae Poong managed to track her down in a single episode. But that isn't the reason why I  am not impressed with her. She blundered up royally which makes me lose interest in her as well. She is fully aware that Yura has incriminating evidence of her dancing/having a good time when her legs are supposed to be injured. That means that a camera must have been installed in that room. What does she do next. She reveals her involvement in her husbands accident in the same exact room which Yura picks up and decides to use against her. She only realizes that Yura may have figured this out when the Aunt tells her that she is going out to meet Yura. At this point she discovers a recording device in the room. Shouldn't she have made sure to do this way back or did Yura plant another device sometime later on thinking that nobody would think that she would place another device in a place where one was already found. If that was the case we should probably give Yura more credit than she deserves.


Oh as for the fact that Yujung has already forgiven AC Chairman and is calling him Dad when he was so rude to her in the past and all. I feel like I should point something out in regards to the former. Yes the Chairman had certainly been rude to her but if one recals the Chairman had also realized this at some point. (forgot what the reason was) He then apologizes to her for behaving in such a way towards her and all. So this matter was easily covered. As for her suddenly accepting that he was her Dad and him calling him that as well is a bit weird. She adjusted to all the family reveals quite quickly is all that I can say. Heck she didn't question a lot of stuff but then what can one expect considering her personality and all. Perhaps she hasn't fully understood the full ramifications of what is actually going on. Wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. Oh maybe she thinks that if she calls him dad she will get enough money to finally pay of Clingy for his car damages. That is if either of them still remember said matter.


Another topic that seems to be brought up is the fact that we should feel bad for Clingy because everyone around him has been lying to him and all especially Tae Poong when he should have been honest with him. Thus loosing out on a good friend and potential ally at the same time especially when they both don't have any love for Yura and this could have been a perfect reason to get rid of her. Look as a viewer I fully agree with Tae Poong and his decision to keep his identity a secret from Clingy since I feel that Clingy would have been more of a liability than an ally. As for the matter of exposing Yura Tae Pong was actually planning on doing exactly that on Clingy's wedding day thus saving him from a terrible fate and all. He only changed his plans once he discovered someone from DL Group was involved in his mothers frame up and all. At this point he decided that he needed to investigate the company internally and discover the perpetrator. Now I feel that some viewers here will still think that confiding all this in Clingy would he helpful to him as he would be able to help him get to the bottom of the mystery. But here I should point out why that would be such a bad idea and all. First of all convincing him might not be as easy as one would think. After all Clingy has a hard time dealing with his own parents drama half the time. Heck he is still trying to understand what motivates his mother and her jealous actions. On top of all this he is trying to cover for her actions as well. So tell him that there is a potential murderer at the company would make him doubtful and perhaps he would start looking into the matter just to prove Tae Poong wrong. Now one would think that this is probably a good thing. Unfortunately what they haven't considered is the fact that once Clingy gets on the case it is only a matter of time before Secretary Koo gets wind of this investigation and will report this to his mother. Who will then wonder just why he is looking into these things. After some investigation of their own they will discover Tae Poong's actual identity and try and find a way to get rid of him. If anyone has any doubts regarding these events just look into recent events for evidence. When Yura informs him about Jisook and how his mother tried to get rid of her. Clingy starts investigating into who she could be. Secretary Koo finds about this and reports his findings to his mother. I guess Secretary Koo wouldn't be doing his job properly if his underlings don't report to him about what they are doing and all at times. Granted Tae Poong doesn't know just how up the food chain the culprit is so he has to play it smart and not reveal his identity even if that person is his friend. Thus atleast in regards to this I feel that he made the correct call. Yes it affected his friendship with Clingy and all but that was bound to go up in flames when they had feelings for the same girl as well.


As for the revenge in this show the problem was always how Tae Poong would deal with it. Yujung and her family were bound to be take easy on for the simple reason that she was the girl that he initially had feelings for. Granted he probably thought that he got rid of them the moment that she kicked him out cold heartedly and how that family abandoned his child. But the moment he discovered that all of this was a misunderstanding his feelings for her returned and he was also extremely thankful that they had been raising his child all along. At that point he had to go easy on that family. This fizzled his revenge plans greatly which was to be expected. His next target was Yura but problems arose on two fronts. Firstly he wasn't all that smart even with his awesome brain upgrade as well as his son falling ill. I still kind of feel bad that the kid had to pay the price in all of this. A death that I feel was totally unnecessary by the way. It was probably to motivate Yujung to start contributing something to the story and perhaps show her darker side. Unfortunately she was no match for her sister. Her moments of victory were extremely brief and not all that impressive in the long run. So as I keep pointing out she is an extremely disappointing First Female Lead in this drama. 


Now the drama has decided to move in the final stretch but yet again I doubt that even if all these characters put their heads together can they come up with a decent plan to outwit these villains. They will only get caught if they end up doing something dumb at this point or something. I guess Clingy can finally do something right in this drama which will be the end of his mothers plotting. People have pointed out that the only way his mother is actually going to stop her plans and her greed if something happens to him. The way this drama is going on that might actually be the case. Since Lady Joo doesn't like to share and wants all of DL Group for herself and her son I can easily see her order Secretary Koo to get rid of Yujung and Jisook again and hopefully he does it correctly this time. Unfortunately for him Clingy overhears this plan somehow and decides to rescue Yujung for old times sake and all. Not because she is his sister or maybe that will be motivation enough. Regardless of this Secretary Koo is going to Botch up again and in turn end up seriously injuring Clingy. This should be enough to hopefully snap Lady Joo to her senses and realize that her greed is for no good and she will not only let her husband go but will also turn herself in for all of her past crimes and all. Though that last bit is more wishful thinking on my part at this point.


Speaking of Lady Joo and her crimes her targeting Tae Poong's mother and getting rid of her was a bit ruthless. I certainly don't mean killing her at the hospital. She actually implemented the plan earlier as we could see to the lead up. The moment she discovered that his mother had an extremely short time to live and that she would be released soon the plot to get rid of her began. First of all she probably used her connections at the prison to delay his mothers treatment. (they were aware of the mothers condition when she got a checkup after a last relapse thus her getting an approval and all). Thus when her second attack came they waited till she was in critical condition before rushing her of to the hospital where they knew that her time was already up thanks to their actions. But just to be sure Secretary Koo eliminated her for good. Meaning Lady Joo had carefully planned her death and thus she should suffer her own dose of Karma at this point.



Oh well while I certainly have a whole lot more to add will do that later on. this post has not only gotten larger than I expected but it is also getting quite late over here. So good night for the time being from my end. Take care all of you and keep posting. Perhaps we might get lucky and the show may actually improve and the main leads might get interesting.


@Lmangla LoL good one about Yujung wanting to date him thus not not revealing her actual connection to Yura.

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3 hours ago, Ameera Ali said:

~ wow she in another level from dumbness 

best parent prize goes to ..

Look at the father in the last Gif. 'What me? My script didn't say anything' :loolz:he has kept me in stitches in many episodes. How can I move on to another show when this ends? 

@UnniSarah how is that love etc. drama? I took a peep but did not see any actor I like nor even recognisable.

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31 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

OmG!!!! I am so hooked @maribella.  The actors in the drama are veterans. 
I have seen all the actors other drama acting this one.

I might join you later. I need to take a break and heal my brain from the constant assault of brainless characters in this show. 
Has anyone figured out who the man in the veil is? Man behind the veil, man wearing a veil, man covered by a veil... I can imagine these titles but in a veil is rather abstract to me. Hope we will find out soon.

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1 hour ago, ktcjdrama said:

I could never understand why people run away upwards instead of downwards :lol: What do you expect to find up the stairs? An exit to freedom? Understandable if the way down is blocked... 

Oh there’s freedom upstairs, alright. freedom from life, that is. Prolly it’s Lee Chaeyoung’s secret RELEASE ME FROM THIS DRAMA plea to the audience, she looks genuinely like she was trying to escape lmao

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1 hour ago, ktcjdrama said:

I could never understand why people run away upwards instead of downwards :lol: What do you expect to find up the stairs? An exit to freedom? Understandable if the way down is blocked... 


They can just jump if they want to escape.

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It truly is karma for Lady Joo. She enabled YR to do to her son what she did to the Chairman 30 years ago. His parents thought that she was the best fit for the Chairman regardless of his feelings for someone else just because she may have come from a family that was wealthy or could give benefits. Knowing that he had someone else she made sure to still continue after him and when she could not get him any other way she harassed and forced his lover to go even trying to kill the woman and their child. I still think the only way she slept with the Chairman has to be she drugged or got him drunk as he does not look like the type to sleep with her willingly.


Now 30 years later she looked down on her sons love of YJ five years ago and sent him away. Only for him to come back and force him to marry YR. At the time she felt just like her in laws did that YR was the perfect fit for their family regardless of SJ's feelings and look at what happened the woman ended up with a later version of herself and dares to cast stones at YR when history is only repeating itself. 


If the Chairman's parents were still around I doubt they would have condoned what she did as it would make them all look bad if it got out but also because she was stealing from the company and got rid of their blood. Lets not even talk about trying to hurt the chairman and steal the company. I can not see her doing any type of reform.


57 minutes ago, dramaninja said:

YR will enjoy her freedom for a handful of eps lol. Either she and SJ mom going to jail or they going to die I see no other way out.

She should be proud of having an  evil daughter in law like that they both the same.  

This is my thought as well there are only two ways left for YR and Joo one is going to jail and the other is death. Given how much harm and murder these two have been up to I see death as a viable outcome for them. The real question will be what will happen to SJ. Will he end up a victim of his mother and die for her crimes thus waking Joo up to what she did to her own son by her selfish , obsessed and greedy actions or will be spared and leave the country in disgrace due to finding out all she has done. YR has to face the music as well for what she did to her own son and his father not to mention for TP's mother and TP as well. 


I too think I could have felt a bit sorry for SJ if he had not been such a little snot over YJ.  He never had a chance with her but he continued to push and disregard her feelings over his. His jealousy knew no bounds and he broke up a couple when he had not chance at all without using tricks to be with a woman who had once told him no. YJ became a possession to him to parade in front of TP to show he won at one point and then a desperate act to hold on to the one person who was warm to him. Even now he is more upset at finding out that YJ is his sister and mad that this seems to be the case blaming his father that he has never thought about the fact that YJ is a little bit older than him so she was there first. His jealousy is still running amok as he dares to ask TP if he is trying to get a piece of the pie. Why on earth would TP want something from DL group? 


His arrogance is going to get slapped hard when all of his mom's crimes come to light. How will he face YJ and TP then to know that his mom tried to kill her as a child and killed TP's mom , embezzled money and killed SH's second husband? He sees his mother as a victim and blames the Chairman but in fact his mother is not a victim at all but the culprit who hurt so many and still continues to try and do wrong for her selfish greed and obsession. 


So will SJ be the one to finally make his mom own up to all she has done and take her punishment or take it for her? Perhaps seeing her son willing to go to jail for her crimes will finally wake her up as well. 


Who will tell Lady Joo who TP really is? Will it be SJ or YR or will Minion finally dig deep enough and find out a clue to TP?

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8 hours ago, maribella said:

No executives asked why a marketing staff is sitting in a management meeting? YJ has no legal right to be there, isn't she? Did I miss the part where she is recognised as DL daughter?


Maybe they did a DNA test without the viewers knowing it since the writer is running out of time ponder inspector gadget GIF (let's wait for flashbacks maybe they'll show it) 

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