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[Drama 2022] Exemplary Detective/The Good Detective 2, 모범형사


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1 hour ago, joccu said:

@bebebisous33 Totally agree with the part about JinSu and the cop being killed by different people (most likely like you said that the cop was killed by the wife and the cop partner.)

Maybe they were caught by cheating or they just wanted to get rip of the man.


Why does Jang Mi want to prove that DS has taken brides? Is this also order by more powerful people?


Too many corrupt people that it´s hard to keep up.

Yes, she is making sure that KDC will lose his position for corruption so that he can't investigate any longer. I am quite sure that Moon is somehow related to this. They used the carrot and stick method in order to control KDC, well aware that he could change his mind. The carrot was the future promotion and the stick the intervention of the internal investigation.

There is no doubt that Yoon Sang Mi has become an accomplice of the conspiracy. 

What the team fails to see is that they need to work together, note that they are trying to divide in order to rule. That's why Kwon was approached with a tempting bait. However, the moment all the detectives work together, it is much more difficult hence I hate KDC's superior to always convince them to give up on their conscience and drink in order to feel less guilty. He is as dangerous as the other people who dirtied their hands. Seeing it and doing nothing is as worse as the culprit. That's why the Holocaust could occur because people thought, they just needed to close their eyes and were not concerned anyway or they were supporters of the system.


@thistle @fluffyloaf By the way, Kang Gi Tae is not Park's murderer, KGT is the ex-prosecutor in jail.

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20 minutes ago, thistle said:

I don't think they were similar.  But it is a bit confusing which knife KGT had on him when he threatened the reporter.  I'm not sure that I'm about to make sense here regarding any theories but I will say that there were at least two knives.


Hahahaha. Sorry I think I am also confused with what I want to say as it is late into the night where I am from hahahaha I can barely keep my eyes open but I am still here. I did notice the folding knife difference. But basically to rephrase myself, the way they both held the knife recklessly gives me a sense of similarity. That's what I was going for.


But I believe they are definitely both JSD (corrected name HAHAHAHA) because he was caught in photos from the phone after the scene of the scraping the knife on the wall. Just the confusion now is if there was another person at the murder scene who pushed PGH off the roof? Lol feel free to correct me if I am wrong. I need to stop typing and go to bed HAHAHAHAHA

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3 minutes ago, fluffyloaf said:

Just the confusion now is if there was another person at the murder scene who pushed PGH off the roof? Lol feel free to correct me if I am wrong. I need to stop typing and go to bed HAHAHAHAHA


I'm wide awake but I'm still completely confused!  I just happen to notice weapons particularly because I have a friend who runs a pawnshop so I've handled a lot of different types of weapons when I've stopped in there--weapons are interesting (and often works of art) but not anything I want to own.


There could have been two people at the murder scene but I'm just not sure.

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38 minutes ago, thistle said:


Oh goodness, I'm getting names wrong again.  Sorry for the confusion.

kekeke... thats why I don't refer to any of them by name and just post using descriptor nicknames and hope people get who I am talking about. there are way too many characters here! even with a rom com where I just have to remember 4 people - the leads and secondary couple -- I still forget their names and maybe remember them around ep 12. LOL. don't mind me. I am like ajusshi - am losing hair and brain cells from stress. hahahaha :sweatingbullets:

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7 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

I have to say this isn't just one case (LDC), but there are at least three cases, even 4 cases... It looks like there isn't just one murderer but many who used their position and connection in order to find the perfect scapegoat. 

Agree with the above statements :) Hence the need for my brain to totally focus on watching this drama or otherwise I have or will have no clue of what's going on. For a moment after watching the trailer for ep 5 I even thought that maybe somehow LDC was also guilty of something if not killing someone. He might now kill the girl but he might kill the cop or vice versa or somehow also related to the original crimes. 


In ep 4, the plot thickened. We're introduced to a little bit more backstories of some of our characters. I only hope that det Kwon Jae Hong wouldn't succumb to the pressure given by Yoon Sang Mi. 


There two or three characters that annoyed me so much on this episode. First is the lady Yoon Sang Mi. I don't know what's the deal with her but for now it did seem that she was on the 'wrong' side.There's just something about her that just seems off-putting. Second is det Nam Guk Hyun. The actor played the character very well because he's just so hate-able! He looked and acted downright evil. It would be a big plot twist if it turned out he was one of the good guys. The third one is none other than KDC's sister. I'm not sure whether the show is trying to get us to pity her or to dislike her but for sure it does portray to some degree a level of realness in it if we view is from KDC perspective. As an outsider, I didn't like her attitude at all, but at the same time KDC would still love her and side with her because she's her family after all. 


@fluffyloaf post made me think about the auction watch. 

So that watch belonged to a mysterious woman. IF, this woman is someone related to the case and IF this woman has already been introduced to us, there re only 3 possibilities: Yoon Sang Mi, KDC's sister, or the late Det Jang's wife. So - could it be it's the latter? And that's why det NGH (who's currently dating Det Jang's wife), looked like he knew something about the watch OJH's wearing?


@thistle lol yes i love guessing too but i do realise that some maybe put off by the excessive guessing that i do :joy: (hopefully not the case with you @triplem haha)


To brighten up your day and also one of the funny scene i love on this ep




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18 minutes ago, snowlou said:

There two or three characters that annoyed me so much on this episode.


I am very bothered by those characters, too, but there has been one who has worried me ever since episode one and I don't know if anyone has mentioned him yet:  the reporter's boss.  There is just something so sneaky about him.   


First he calls her in especially to write a very speedy, very last minute article, and she has to interview a lot of people very quickly.  He also takes her into an office alone but where the two of them together will be very visible to anyone who looks, and she worries (wisely so) that it will look like he is paying special attention to her.  Later, it is only when the article is published that she discovers that it has been edited to make it look biased even though she had written it not to be.  She asks about it and he blows her off.


Then he arranges to work at the headquarters even though that can call into question her competance (again).  He takes her out to a meal and has her meet someone with "power" so that she will be impressed and maybe intimidated on the focus he wants her to put into her work.


The news boss guy has gotta be setting her up.  I don't know why she doesn't see it.


I don't know how the driver gets chosen to take her to do the prison interviews with the former prosecutor but I wonder if the news boss has anything to do with that.  


In any case, there is an obvious web of connections above Miss Reporter, and she is being used.

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@thistle now that you laid it out that way, JSK the reporter is indeed a bit naive isnt' she just like what @bebebisous33 said. Somehow I feel that she might be interested in him romantically. I'll reserve my opinion on the boss for now, I think he's indeed the grey-area character - like he's not good but he's not straightforwardly bad either. 

6 hours ago, Lmangla said:

I also like the arguments between watch detective and reporter lady. they are totally on opposite sides and philosophy that it kind of makes it fun to watch.




Lol. I notice the similarities between JSK (the reporter lady) and KDC. I can't remember who, but there was also someone whom upon watching I though resembled OJH's character - all brain and less emotion...was it the reporter's boss? Can't remember. 

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10 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

I have to say this isn't just one case (LDC), but there are at least three cases, even 4 cases. They incriminated LDC for Jang Jin-Su's death and we have Oh Ji Hyuk investigating his father's murder. Besides, we have the woman's urn that the politician visited. It looks like there isn't just one murderer but many who used their position and connection in order to find the perfect scapegoat. Since the corrupt chief Nam recognized the watch, I came to the conclusion that he must have discovered the watch on the crime scene and somehow used this to make a deal with the culprit. 




KDC did a really bad job back then and I am surprised that he could be convinced so quickly about LDC's guilt.    


The reason why I singled out KDC for attention is because he is someone from that original investigation who is actively trying to do something to rectify the situation. I'm giving him a little bit of credit for trying to reinvestigate the case despite the pressures to look the other way. The other people that you've raised... at this point in time... don't seem all that interested in making things right. ;) There's no doubt that KDC was sloppy but he was also steered emotionally to think in a particular way and lost all sense of objectivity. Sadly cops are people too and they can be led astray by other things other than money. 


I don't know if KDC was ever completely convinced of LDC's guilt. He says that somewhere in the most recent episode. My feeling is that there were always niggly things at the back of his mind about the inconsistencies in the case. But he was also fed evidence from his colleagues. Plus he must have felt that he owed it to his dead colleague, Jang... in a misguided display of loyalty no doubt... to show that he was on the same page as everyone else. It was quite a thorough frame-up job. The conspirators didn't involve him but they certainly used him because they knew what kind of a man he was.


This is what I think the show is highlighting. There are official processes/ regulations already in place that detectives are supposed to follow while investigating a case. However, when there's corruption, these rules of investigation are the first things to go out the window. They can't pay lip service to everything hence the fabrication of evidence. 

But the herd mentality is very strong. Even when certain individuals whine or resist, the pressure to conform in this environment is pervasive. Everything gets thrown at you. It seems to be that the police force is practically run by a cabal.


The other factor that wasn't present at the time was OHJ. OHJ is a really crucial variable in the current progress of the case. He is in large part the reason why so much has been achieved in such a short period of time. He is highly intelligent, out-of-the-box thinker ,driven and not encumbered by group loyalty plus he has financial independence in a way that the others don't. It's a common theme in K dramas, it's the outsider... individuals not tethered to the system that the job done. I'm sure he knows his cousin is somehow responsible for his father's death but he hasn't got any proof. But he keeps his emotions under the lid because he is smart enough to know that that's not going to get him the killer. 

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@Lmangla Your thoughts regarding PGH were essentially right. He did attempt to kill to LDC through orders in exchange for payment (clear his gambling debts) and seemed to have rationalized that LDC would eventually die by the death penalty anyway.


My question is still how he knows that LDC is innocent. Did he purely base it on his sense that LDC appears to be a “good” man and the daughter's belief that her father cannot be a killer? It did not seem that he had any hard evidence about it which may be why all he could do for LDC is to convince the detectives/reporters to re-investigate that will hopefully lead to his vindication.


Also, it was interesting that he faked the seizure in the prison cell to hint to the detectives about LEH’s illness. In the preview for the next episode, I was glad to hear her finally ask KDC to help her father.


10 hours ago, bebebisous33 said:

KDC did a really bad job back then and I am surprised that he could be convinced so quickly about LDC's guilt.  


I am also surprised that KDC was easily convinced of LDC’s guilt and had overlooked signs that the investigation was being mishandled. Even OJH was baffled when he learned that KDC had not asked the basic procedural questions when he met the victim’s family/friends. It cannot fix all the harm that has been done, but at the very least, he is not choosing silence and plans to start over with the investigation. It is true that is not just about catching the real killer. Someone’s life is also at stake. Will be interesting to see how the all cases you mentioned are connected to the truth. Seems to be a tangled web of deceit/corruption amongst various parties.


- - - - - - - -


From the opening scene where we see the supposed killer dumped the victim’s body into the waters, I thought the man resembled OJT. After getting a sense of his brash personality and learning that one of the watches is linked to his family, he is on my suspect list, but at same time, like @fluffyloaf, I too wonder if it is too easy to assume that it could be him. For sure, there has to be also other people/matters involved in the mix.


Regarding JSK’s naivety, I think this may be why OJH gives her a bit a hard time. He believes that detectives and reporters have a similar job. I assume that he meant both have a duty to the public to strive to find and present the truth based on research/evidence. He does not seem to have full confidence in her abilities yet. Maybe with her personally knowing that PGH’s death cannot logically be a suicide and witnessing a faked investigation for the first time, it will drive her to question everything more (including her boss) and justify herself as a reporter.

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1 hour ago, taeunfighting said:

@Lmangla Your thoughts regarding PGH were essentially right. He did attempt to kill to LDC through orders in exchange for payment (clear his gambling debts) and seemed to have rationalized that LDC would eventually die by the death penalty anyway.


My question is still how he knows that LDC is innocent. Did he purely base it on his sense that LDC appears to be a “good” man and the daughter's belief that her father cannot be a killer? It did not seem that he had any hard evidence about it which may be why all he could do for LDC is to convince the detectives/reporters to re-investigate that will hopefully lead to his vindication.



It seems that he did some of his own investigation after he heard LDC's story. He would have done this when he left the prison and became an evangelist. In Episode 1, there's a moment when the camera pans over what looks to be PGH's desk. Starting with a painting of Christ hanging on the cross with Mary watching. Newspaper cuttings, sticky notes etc.


It wouldn't surprise at all if OJT is the obvious murderer of the art student because in all likelihood this is not the real mystery of the drama or its endgame. My feeling is that there are much bigger fish to fry ... powerful political figures behind OJT. They're just protecting him for reasons yet unknown to us. It's quite an elaborate cover-up so he must mean something to a lot of people. He's essentially a thug and most probably a pawn in some bigger scheme. I imagine he probably drank too much, did something stupid and she ended up dead. Then he dumped the body, rang his friends in high places and called in all kinds of favours. They must need him for something very important or he had dirt on them. Whatever it is, I'm almost certain that this is all much much bigger than LDC, OJT and corruption in the police mainly because there are so many agendas at play.


Or we could have a Columbo situation where who the culprits are known early on and it's a cat and mouse game in the chase for evidence and a bid to cover-up further.


To me these are highly possible scenarios because it is so clear who the protagonists and antagonists are already.


As for JSK, I don't think it's her naivety that OJH objects to necessarily. Journalists have their own agenda and they're not always interested in the truth. Often they're just cherry picking facts according to what suits their preferred narrative.

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kekek... this mystery drama is perfect for fun polls and bets!

so kicking off the first poll - will we have romance? 

check it out chingus! place your bets and let's see if your guess is right! ^_^

@snowlou @triplem @bebebisous33 @thistle @40somethingahjumma @joccu @Bejaffled @taeunfighting @reddragon @fluffyloaf @0ly40 @Helena @tulip06 @brooksmom @nat_phoenix88 @jongski @celebrianna @Onnie Said @africandramalover @holyfea and anyone else watching...

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The ex- prosecutor general who is prison what does he want? The is big possibility that he knew LDC was innocent but the he didn´t care about that. back when he was prosecuted. So why now tell the journalist that LDC is innocent? To have some kind of revenge to all those people who sent him in prison? was the ex-prosecutor too greedy? Does he know more about LDC case? Does he have more proof?


@Lmangla I don´t know if this drama needs romance. there too much going on. maybe there´s just going to be little hints on romance.  Like OJH and JSK or JSK and her shiffty BOSS.


DC sister why did her ex husband in the first place got her son. ? It also looked like the ex--husband also had a new woman who looked pregnant. I kind of don´t like the sister. IF you want to see your son. Don´t drink and don´t definitely make a scene while drunk.

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6 hours ago, Lmangla said:

kekek... this mystery drama is perfect for fun polls and bets!

so kicking off the first poll - will we have romance? 

check it out chingus! place your bets and let's see if your guess is right! ^_^

@snowlou @triplem @bebebisous33 @thistle @40somethingahjumma @joccu @Bejaffled @taeunfighting @reddragon @fluffyloaf @0ly40 @Helena @tulip06 @brooksmom @nat_phoenix88 @jongski @celebrianna @Onnie Said @africandramalover @holyfea and anyone else watching...

I missed ep4. Did something happen in ep4 for this kind of poll. I would think the romance will start of kinky. Can we play with the handcuffs? Keanu Reeves & Sandra Bullock found time. It's occupational hazard for this to happen.


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46 minutes ago, joccu said:

DC sister why did her ex husband in the first place got her son. ? It also looked like the ex--husband also had a new woman who looked pregnant. I kind of don´t like the sister. IF you want to see your son. Don´t drink and don´t definitely make a scene while drunk.

yea, like @snowlou had posted earlier, it is hard to tell if we are meant to feel sorry for her. I honestly was thinking that she might have lost custody as she was an alcoholic or heavy drinker. at least thats the impression. but then again, the ex-husband doesn't seem to be any better either. so basically the kid has it rough.


46 minutes ago, joccu said:


@Lmangla I don´t know if this drama needs romance. there too much going on. maybe there´s just going to be little hints on romance.  Like OJH and JSK or JSK and her shiffty BOSS.

kekek... yea, I made a poll on top of the page, chingu, so you can cast your vote there. :)


@brooksmom ~ absolutely nothing has happened so far. so it seemed like a good time to have a light conversation about whether there will be romance. cast your vote. am curious to see your pick! :)

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3 hours ago, Lmangla said:

kekek... this mystery drama is perfect for fun polls and bets!

so kicking off the first poll - will we have romance? 

check it out chingus! place your bets and let's see if your guess is right! ^_^.....


We have a hot ML and a pretty FL, surely there's room for romance even in the middle of a mystery!

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@Lmangla I am not expecting any romance, rather the start of the real bromance between KDC and OJH.


@joccu The ex general prosecutor is just using LDC's case in order to pressure the highers-up/the involved parties so that he can get released much earlier. I am not buying it that he is doing it because he feels remorse. That's the reason why the involved parties sent PGW to kill the innocent man before the announcement of his death execution. LDC was supposed to be dead before and it is linked to the corruption scandal with the ex general prosecutor. Since he has some knowledge and evidence he can blackmail them to change his situation. He chose the one who defeated him because he knows that she won't back down. The lack of integrity and remorse is visible because KGT hired a murderer, a criminal who has a long past. 


As for the sister, her behavior was also irresponsible. She blames her brother for her situation but fact is that she chose herself such a man as husband. I think, her addiction is related to the divorce but I have the impression, she is not reflecting on her own behavior and decision. Her husband is definitely shaddy and I am wondering if there isn't more than a problem with custody...

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@bebebisous33, I agree that Detective Nam’s partner’s death was probably covered up as a murder committed by LDC. I proposed that theory on here after watching episodes 1 & 2 when JSK interviewed the police widow and the corrupt Nam came to take her on a date. Even JSK was surprised that they’re dating after she watched them outside the cafe. The widow also acted like she didn’t want to talk about her husband’s murder and her demeanor and attitude screamed suspicious. I can’t wait for them to take down Nam. He rubs me the wrong way. I also like your theories about the corruption and the way the parties involved connect to it.


@40somethingahjumma, usually the constantly corrupt law and order system portrayed in Kdrama drives me up the wall but in this show I find KDC’s dilemma with promotion versus truth interesting. I got annoyed with him when he thought his promotion was more important than the truth that can save a man’s life. And yet, I also recognize that he waited a long time for that promotion that according to him, only he among his peers had yet to achieve. I guess I like his realistic struggle. I also like how we get an idea of how cops in this show became corrupt and/or apathetic over time. The youngest cop on Team 2 must have been what the others were like before The Organization changed them. The saddest part is that it’s the seniors and higher ups’ corrupting influence that demoralized their subordinates.  It takes courage to go against the higher ups so I can see how things ended up this way. Thankfully there are cops like OHJ and even KDC who intend to uncover the truth. 

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@Lmangla I'm going to postpone my vote until next week. ;) I'm not ruling out a romance entirely but I want to see more of the drama before I make my final decision.

Yes,  the classic signs are there. Starting off on the wrong foot. A little bickering. So I'm not writing it off entirely. ;)


But I keep wondering if there isn't something between JSK and the chief editor of her newspaper. She certainly seems to have expectations.

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