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[Drama 2020] The King: Eternal Monarch, 더 킹: 영원의 군주


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4 hours ago, blobbityblobbityblob said:

2) Yeah, I agree with you. I think the past/future self thing is an interesting twist but I don't think they'd go that path since it'll be kind of complicating an already complicated plot. And if Luna is JTE's past/future self in another timeline then there'll be questions about how come when JY/the police officer in Corea ran the fingerprints of JTE, only Luna's appeared, and not JTE's actual doppelganger (since each character has 2 selves - one in Korea, and one in Corea), so by right if the past/future self thing is true, there should be 3 "JTEs" - JTE, Luna, and JTE doppelganger in Corea. But since only Luna's appeared, I really do think Luna is just a normal doppelganger, and is not JTE being stuck after going through  alternate timeline.

That means ep 11 is likely to happen to the present day JTE. Will JTE die at the end? I hope not, and I think not (pls KES ahhh), because Luna has cancer with only 3 months to live, so if both versions of JTE (original + doppelganger Luna) die, then it'll go against the rule of the universe brought up by NR where one doppelganger always dies. (oof what will happen to ES and JY then :L )


3) JTE doesn't have an actual identity in Corea other than Luna's... and Luna is an infamous criminal... So I think it'll be really hard to explain why the King is marrying a criminal. And there's no way he's going to reveal that there are parallel worlds.



2) JTE is not dying.


Injured? Yes.

Died? N E V E R




3) The King can command an identity for her hence back to episode 1, which we speculated that she is interrogating LR with SJ in KOC.

She can't just waltz into the interrogation room as an unknown identity right?

And I believe LG is watching from the other room.


Just like how he ordered videos of LR to be removed online in episode 10.


I believe and I have faith.



And we are going to see a Happy Ever After for LG and JTE.


@bebebisous33 what's your take about JTE's father? From what we know, JTE couldn't find her dad in KOC. Is the character just to wreck our brain and has absolutely no importance?


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1 hour ago, Orientalfan said:

Thanks....can you tell me what is it that i should read? Is it the spoken words of JTE wand the boy/girl? Sorry my brain is slow at this time of the day


The description of the video on vimeo.

I copy/paste here:



An important scene from episode 4 of the Korean drama "The King Eternal Monarch". (42:06)
This scene occurs after many secondary scenes, which makes it less perceptible.
I added sound effects and background Music to make it striking and unforgettable, with goose bumps.
- The sound of the badge falling in slow motion has been increased, no effects have been added on this sequence. I think the director's work was great on this part.
- On the contrary, to further enhance this moment of silence, effects have been added before and after.
- Before: effects to attract the viewer's attention, a metaphysical atmosphere, a stridence reflecting an uneasiness and a 6th sense.
- After: first a disturbing and shivering synth, to suggest that a supernatural event has just taken place. Without this trigger, the hero of the drama would never have had the badge at the beginning of the drama, maybe even died.
- Then, just as the actress is laughing: a deep, metaphysical and sad web. Almost a passage to death. A feeling of derision in the face of a tragic destiny. Even if the heroine of the drama doesn't know it yet, the atmosphere is restored to the spectator to alert them.
- Each time the actress says "It's Okay", a bell rings. The bell refers to a bell of destiny.
- To understand the meaning of this bell, go to the blog http://bitchesoverdramas.com. Packmule3 blogger is doing some drama analysis, and has deciphered that these "It's Okay" announce the heroine's death. In Korea, eulogies always have a repetition of 3 times the same sentence. And Yoyo Boy is incarnation of fate.


For some people analyzing the drama, Yoyo Boy is a god in disguise.


I don't know, and I'm not trying to guess what the script will do with this character.
On the other hand, I can say what I'd like to do with it. Even if it doesn't fit the story.


Yoyo boy is not a god.
He's the incarnation of fate, yet he's just an ordinary child.
The child doesn't know he's the incarnation of fate.
It's as if fate chose the child by saying, "I'll use you to cause the improbable events of the story".
So he is a 100% innocent character, he doesn't understand anything about what is happening.

He just sees people passing by and feels like he has something to do with them, without knowing what.


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@mrsj3n We know quite a few things about her father:

- He is generous and selfless: he accepted to be paid with eggs

- He even employed SJ as taekwondo trainer knowing his financial situation

- He acted as SJ's surrogate father (he was the one who incited him to become a cop)

- He is not controlling... he didn't notice that JTE hadn't returned home but this doesn't mean that he doesn't care about her. Let us not forget that JTE called him (his office) in order to get help, when she had a problem with her car

- He even let Lee Gon enter the office and offered coffee

As conclusion, he is associated to many qualities (a loving and caring person who is selfless and open-minded) which leads me to the following conclusion:

Her father in MOC embodies the opposite:

- cold-hearted and greedy

- has no sense for family hence he would never adopt or act as surrogate father

- must be successful in MOC as he is not greedy and ambitious enough in ROK

- he must be a control-freak and must monitor his employees very strictly... he might fire anyone who displeases him


There is a reason why JTE couldn't find her father. She has not realized that MOC represents the opposite of her world, since she met her colleagues first. She saw that they were policemen like in her world therefore she assumed that her father and mother would live a similar life than in ROK.

I do think, it has its importance because if JTE had been raised in MOC, she would have never become the actual JTE. Like I had mentioned before, it is definitely possible that JTE had been switched, when she was a baby or her parents had twins f. ex. and one was sent to MOC. Okay, these are just thoughts and nothing more. I can't imagine that the child with the yo-yo remained passive all this time and never acted before. We see how he intervened directly with the ID... he could have done something before. Furthermore he talks to people like Luna and Lee Rim and tries to influence them.

 vangsweetie637 @YongZura⁷ @mamabear @Guyangi_Dalpeongi@Edgar Pordwed  @Dramafreak @imels @ktcjdrama 

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Re-watched parts of ep 10. I don't believe that when Lee Gon arrives at the palace he has traveled through time as some have suggested. This LG doesn't have the ability to do so yet. 


I suspect that his question if he is "back in time (for the Lunar festival)?" and his line about losing track of time ("l lost count") could perhaps mean that after his reunion with JTE in the bamboo forest he might be spending some more time with her than he had originally planned. Maybe we will see this time spent together in the next ep? I don't think the episode will open very close to the events shown in next episode's preview. Or perhaps more likely: his lines would make a lot of sense if he has spent a certain amount of time in the 'in-between', before he arrives back at the palace, where it is important to keep track of time, cause otherwise he could easily arrive months later than he meant to. 


About Luna: Pretty sure she is a 'normal' doppelganger, it would be very difficult for the show to manage to introduce a new concept such as time remnants at this stage of the drama. However: in the character descriptions is it not suggested, even asked rather than stated, that Luna's cancer condition might be hereditaryDoes anyone have access to the description? Didn't JTE's mother die of an illness? Of course both mothers could definitely have the same illness but we know from seeing other doppelgangers that certain things aren't the same. Doesn't a healthy SJ from the Kingdom replaces a sick (or physically hurt?) SJ of the Republic? It would be pretty insane if Luna and JTE were exchanged as very young kids (perhaps through the actions of a time traveler trying to protect JTE, or perhaps if LL gets a hold of the whole flute he will try to kill/get JTE away from LG?). Even though I have now suggested this I can't really believe it. It would be too dark to have Luna left on her own. Also it is based on pretty lofty speculation. Hahaha hope you all don't mind. Once i get started on a puzzle I can't really let go :sweatingbullets:


Now I'm going to say something that might be a bit controversial: I don't think there are any time loops in this show. If the savior is LG and he goes back in time to save himself that does not mean that he must get stuck in a time loop. Sure it is a paradox to save yourself from death, but if time can be rewritten there might very well be an original time line where someone else saves him which later causes him to be alive and thus able to save himself - which would however un-write the first savior's actions (or perhaps only erase them from the consciousness of LG and other characters - it depends on the physics behind the TKEM universe). Alternatively and more likely it is a Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban scenario, with a time line where (in effect or in actuality) the time travel always happened. I do however believe that he will travel through time, and as he himself put it "through the frozen moments in time". Doing so might be a one way trip however so rather than getting stuck in a time loop  he might be risking to get stuck in the in-between (the title of this drama worries me a bit). LG will probably time travel to certain points in time, but I think he will only do so once - which means that it is not a time loop. However at this point time loops as a concept could still be introduced and used so I'm not trying to argue that it is impossible.



"A time loop or temporal loop in fiction is a plot device whereby characters re-experience a span of time which is repeated, sometimes more than once, with some hope of breaking out of the cycle of repetition"


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I wanted to share a Youtube video but there are so many I don't know which one to share. I am just gonna go with some of the new once. Thanks to these people who are creating all these wonderful videos. I got lost in YT for the last couple of days just rewatching some of them




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8 hours ago, mychoiyoung said:

I'd rather that LG relinquishes throne to Se-jin - Prince's daughter who is now next in line - so he can be with TE in both worlds. 

I think that could be a good solution but that would go against its title TKEM. Did that means the kingdom will be eternal and he is still the king. Thinking what Young asked to TE is really complicated. It's not easy to give the right choice at the moment. Both worlds and their respective lives are equally important. LG has his responsible and so as TE. They're the type of person who would prioritize someone else first than themselves, such a very good and loyal one. So I wonder how would writer conclude this in the end of the day. Whatever it is, my vote never changes, happy ending for both, not some kind of vaguely wraps up things short but something loveable, memorable and unforgettable one. 


8 hours ago, MairaA said:

I realized we never talked about the RING. The ring that Lee Jong In said was only meant for the King. It must have some sort of meaning in the grand scheme of things? Maybe it helps control something. Also, the shape/design on it seems a lot like either the scar that LR and LG get when lightening strikes or lightening bolts but it also looks like a sword/flute, something linear is running through it. It's odd. What do you guys think?

Oh.... it reminds me of The Lord Of The Ring. I love the trilogy and maybe writer took something as reference here. Lol. The ring should be held by some pure soul. LR is like Gollum. He was obsessed for taking something that isn't his. And once he has it, it will whisper him with nonsense that he is the precious, claiming he's the one who should be the King, even be more greedy of becoming a god. 

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OSEN | 2020. 05. 18. 

Lee Min Ho captivates viewers with emotional narration in "The King: Eternal Monarch"


Lee Min Ho captivates viewers with emotional narration in "The King: Eternal Monarch"

Thanks to his warm voice easily penetrating women's hearts, Lee Min Ho is earning high praise for his narration in "The King: Eternal Monarch".

Lee Min Ho is making female viewers' hearts flutter with his mature charm when playing the role of Emperor Lee Gon in the drama "The King: Eternal Monarch". After displaying his unrivaled "King of melodrama" aspect through high-quality romantic scenes in the first half of the drama, the actor is promoting his great potential through a wide range of emotional expressions, thereby heightening the mysterious tension and sorrowful love story in the second half of the film.

The most impressive point is Lee Min Ho's narration with his appealing voice that brought fluttering feelings and sometimes made the atmosphere colder. Notably, in episodes 9 and 10 aired last week, his narration played a key role in raising the dramatic tension and sympathy of the viewers. Lee Min Ho's detailed narration genuinely depicting his inner feelings amid fast and thick developments, from when he determined to dig into the secret to seize Lee Jung Jin to his confession scene filled with tears with Kim Go Eun, pushed emotions to its peak and made the audience deeply involved in the drama. Below is the summary of the lifetime narrations of Lee Min Ho, who both touches viewers' hearts and enhances the perfection of every scene with excellent moderation ability to convey sadness and coldness through each of his words.

# "That's the one that I once loved" (episode 3)

The third episode of the drama ended with the scene of Lee Gon (Lee Min Ho) determinedly rode the horse towards the Korean Empire after looking back at the scenery of the Republic of Korea with emotional eyes. Amid that, Lee Min Ho's words, "That's the one that I once loved" - a verse from Kim So Wol's poem "Requiem" - sounded, it left a deep resonance despite its shortness. Lee Min Ho's deep voice has made viewers choked when expressing Lee Gon's feelings when he has to leave Tae Eul. Additionally, he also fully conveyed the distressing emotion of the poem, immersing viewers into the lyrical atmosphere.

Besides, Lee Min Ho aroused fans' curiosity about the next happenings with intense lines such as "That day, when learning that the Manpasikjeok flute is the key, I should have realized it", "Traitor Lee Rim (played by Lee Jung Jin) holds the other half of the flute. Maybe, he is still alive and goes back and forth between two worlds. I should have realized this before seeing that beautiful thing."



# "Court lady Noh was wrong. I am the danger to Jung Tae Eul" (episode 6)

After learning about Lee Rim's survival through the real autopsy report, Lee Gon had a hunch that he would come to find the other half of the Manpasikjeok flute, saying, "I understand why court lady Noh feels worried. We're getting into a dangerous situation. Rebel Lee Rim is still alive and the thing added to him is the door to another world. If the purpose of that treachery had been the Manpasikjeok flute from the beginning, he would have come to find the other half I'm holding."

However, Lee Min Ho's voice was somewhat heavy in the scene capturing the heartbreaking reunion between Lee Gon and Jung Tae Eul (played by Kim Go Eun). The lines "Court lady Noh's concert was wrong. I am the danger to Jung Tae Eul" has shown an emotional change and promised to deliver more profound romance.




#"Finally Lee Rim has set foot in the Korean Empire", "Turns out that's what you're trying to get. Eternity" (episode 9)

Through a phone call in the Republic of Korea, Lee Gon found out the time that Lee Rim traveled between two worlds. Lee Gon predicted, "At that time, he was in the Republic of Korea. If the time stopped again, he would be in the Korean Empire." During the fifth time stop in the Korean Empire, Lee Gon narrated in a tragic tone, "Lee Rim has finally come to the Korean Empire."

In addition, in the process of searching for an answer regarding Lee Rim, Lee Gon started by wondering, "What have I missed?", then deducing, "The one who does not grow old and is almost immortal. It turns out that what you want to have is eternity." In addition to the numbness caused by Lee Min Ho's increasingly climactic narration, this scene also shows Lee Gon's convincing cold charm and extends the thrilling tension feeling. 

# "Don't worry too much. I'm just walking up to you when time has stopped" (episode 10)

Lee Min Ho's sad dialogue at the end of episode 10 caused tears of the audience. It's the scene where Lee Gon appeared in front of Tae Eul after going through a difficult time, from the gun battle with Lee Rim to Jong In's death. He smiled sadly, gave her flowers and expressed his deep affection. Hot tears rolling down his cheeks and the passionate kiss of Lee Min Ho left an echo in viewers' hearts. His sorrowful narration resounding in the air slowly vanished, "At some point, I will suddenly disappear in front of your eyes. However, please don't be too worried. I'm just walking to your side when time stops", thereby multiplying the sadness and troubling viewers more than ever.

With meticulous efforts such as changing the tone of voice and adjusting breathing, Lee Min Ho's sincere narration is increasing the tension, resonance as well as the appeal of the drama. In each scene, he evokes the sympathy and understanding of the audience for the character's emotional changes through sophisticated and powerful narration. Therefore, the public is holding high anticipation for the profound scenes that the actor will bring in the future. "The King: Eternal Monarch" is broadcast at 10 pm (KST) every Friday and Saturday.


[OSEN = Reporter Yeon Hwi Sun] / monamie@osen.co.kr
[Photo] Provided by MYM Entertainment
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OSEN | 2020. 05. 17.


Lee Min Ho induces tears in audiences with touching love confession in "The King: Eternal Monarch"





Is there any confession so sad like that? Lee Min Ho induced tears in viewers with his "silent tears" acting to express the character's repressed emotions.

On the 10th episode of Friday-Saturday drama, ""The King: Eternal Monarch"" (SBS) aired on May 16, the audience shed tears for Lee Min Ho's tearful acting, depicting the image of a person who is suffering but still has to suppress feelings. Appearing in the Republic of Korea with a gloomy face as if standing before the final battle, Lee Gon (Lee Min Ho) makes viewers emotional when confessing his profound love for Jung Tae Eul (played by Kim Go Eun) in tears. Lee Min Ho's delicate acting ability, which gradually transforms emotions through the levels of anger, despair, and suffering, has given the drama more thrill and emotional impact."

Meanwhile, Lee Gon has promoted his sensitivity and moved closer to the secret revolving around the parallel world when he learned and knew the time Lee Rim (played by Lee Jung Jin) went between the two worlds and his desire for everlasting life as well as the fact that up to two space doors coexist. In addition, in order to protect Tae Eul, who was in danger, the Royal police force was mobilized to track down Luna (played by Kim Go Eun) and narrow the investigation network for Lee Rim on many angles. Due to careful planning, Lee Gon finally encountered Lee Rim on the street of the Korean Empire on the occasion of New Year 2020. However, Lee Rim's subordinates took hostages, causing Lee Gon to stop going after him for the people's safety.

After exuding cold charisma with just strong expression and gaze in a close confrontation situation, Lee Min Ho depicted in depth a desperate situation when he encountered an unexpected variable. He made viewers immersed in Lee Gon's boiling emotions with deep indignation and fierce eyes giving off a feeling of despair.

Afterward, Lee Gon relied on Jong In (played by Jeon Moo Song) who is second in line in the Korean Empire, to guard the palace during his absence. He once again showed his strong determination and said to him, "I promise to you. I will take care of myself. You must do the same. This is King's Order."

However, Lee Rim's ambition to usurp the Manpashikjeok flute was revealed through the deaths of the emperor (Lee Gon's father) and Jong In. With only the wavering eyes when knowing obituary news and Lee Min ho's gaze during the funeral, viewers can feel the emptiness and loss appearing on his face as if there were no more blood on it.

At the same time, the aching pain that Lee Gon tried to endure over the past time was exploded and filled the small screen in the reunion with Tae Eul at the end of the episode. Though Lee Gon still showed up with the question "How are you?" as usual, but the heavy atmosphere covering the two brought a sense of tension and insecurity.

Lee Gon gave Jung Tae Eul a bouquet and said, "Because I've just returned from a faraway place. Thinking back to it, I haven't given you flowers yet. So, I went across the universe to come here." He then continued to confess, "Ah. I haven't told you this too. I love you. I love you so much," then kissed her passionately. After a while, he said, "There will be moments I'm disappearing in front of you. Even that's the case, don't worry. I'm just reaching to you as time stops," then suddenly disappeared.

Each line combined with Lee Min Ho's appearance showed a sad smile with red eyes and the image of warm tears quietly rolling down his cheeks as he closed his eyes to try to prevent the tears that were welling up like a knife cutting into the audiences' hearts. The scene became even sadder and more heartbreaking because it was the tears that showed Lee Gon's deep love when he had to hold back his feelings for respecting Tae Eul's life in the Republic of Korea and at the same time, the tears of an emperor who is taking on another serious issue after having experienced many difficulties. Lee Min Ho's teary confession intertwined with extreme sadness and nostalgia increased the sadness of the episode and left a deep echo in the viewers' hearts.

Lee Min Ho is naturally immersing the audience into the sadness and indignation of Lee Gon's peak with acting that is heavy but still retains a moderated level suitable to the role of the Emperor, even if Complicated emotions gradually become more intense. It is expected that the next episodes will show Lee Gon's awakening when he decides to confront fate to protect the woman he loves as well as the safety of the two worlds. Therefore, the audience is focusing on how intense Lee Min Ho's passionate acting will become.


OSEN = Reporter Ha Soo Jung /hsjssu@osen.co.kr
Photo = Captured from "The King: Eternal Monarch" (SBS) 
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Star screenwriter struggling with lower-than-expected popularity of 'The King'

By Kim Boram | May 18, 2020



SEOUL, May 18 (Yonhap) -- SBS' fantasy romance "The King: Eternal Monarch" was one of the most anticipated TV series for the first half of 2020 in South Korea, for the reunion of star screenwriter Kim Eun-sook and actor Lee Min-ho.


Lee chose the show as his post-military comeback project after "The Heirs" (2013).

But the big-budget series, which was also financed by U.S. streaming giant Netflix, saw its viewership ratings drop to a record low of 6.3 percent on its ninth episode that aired on Saturday. Its 10th episode inched up to 7.8 percent next day.


The show's ratings have been on a constant decline since its first and second episodes on April 17-18 marked 11.4 percent and 11.6 percent, respectively.


Starring Lee and Kim Go-eun, "The King" is a story about two parallel universes, one in a fictional constitutional monarchy, the Korean Empire, and the other in a country similar to present-day South Korea, the Republic of Korea.

It has performed far below the standards of Kim's last three smash-hit series -- "Descendants of the Sun" (2016), "Guardian: The Lonely and Great God" (2016) and "Mr. Sunshine" (2018).


The military romance drama "Descendants of the Sun" reached 38.8 percent on KBS, while tvN's fantasy "Guardian" rose to 20.5 percent to set the record for highest viewership for paid channels in the country at that time. The period drama "Mr. Sunshine" posted 18.1 percent.


Most of her previous pieces have gained massive popularity in South Korea and elsewhere in Asia for her attractive characters, catchy lines and witty banter, helping Kim carve out her extraordinarily successful career on the Korean small screen scene.


Some tricky dialogue, jokes and costumes from the series have become the talk of the town, while lead actors like Song Joong-ki and Gong Yoo rose to stardom across Asia.


In "The King," however, such characteristics have failed to impress audiences. Rather, controversies over its historic scenes have undermined the reputation of the drama.


Experts point out that the series fails to fully explain the parallel universe to the audience, who also complain of the similarity of the two different worlds -- the Korean Empire and the Republic of Korea.


"It's a romance drama, but the love between the two lead roles isn't at the forefront," cultural critic Ha Jae-geun said. "The story unfolds at a relatively slow pace and the parallel world is too complex to understand."


At the same time, some people claim that they are distracted by excessive advertising through product placement in the drama as brand names or corporate logos are displayed too often and protagonists use the advertised products too frequently.


Also, the drama has been under fire for its Japan-like styles in some scenes. People noted that turrets of wooden palace buildings of the Korean Empire have some Japanese characteristics, and a Japanese vessel looked similar to a Korean warship in a maritime battle between the Korean Empire and Japan.


The producers of the show apologized for the controversy and promised to correct the scenes.


"It's hard to find some clever, creative conversations and catchy soundtracks in 'The King,' that the writer has presented so far," Ha, the cultural critic, said. "I think the show needs to focus more on romance and speed up the pace to attract more viewers in the remaining episodes."



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@Elnin Joery - this is the actual article: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.republicworld.com/amp/technology-news/science/nasa-scientists-detect-parallel-universe-next-to-ours.html - it also appeared in New Scientist, which could be a more ‘academic’ publication on 8 April 2020! But there were already some news about this since 2016, so KES may have started her research then, after she wrote Goblin - hahaha!

Yeah, this real balloon is white and it’s named ANITA - Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) and it “uses a giant balloon to haul delicate electronic antennas high into the cold dry air above Antarctica – where there is little or no radio noise to distort its findings.”

Hmmm ... so all those red balloons could be place markers / portals (as has been suggested in earlier posts) ... like ANITA, the balloons are used to gather information about other universes / portals to other timelines ...



On another related subject, there is a lot of activity on Woo Doh Hwan’s IG! KGE & KMY (thé actress who is acting as Nari/Seung Ah) and also the actor acting as KSJ have commented! Anyone knows Korean?? Any clues / hints about drama??




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2 hours ago, ms_inquiry said:


Now I'm going to say something that might be a bit controversial: I don't think there is any time loops in this show. If the savior is LG and he goes back in time to save himself that does not mean that he must get stuck in a time loop.

............. I do however believe that he will travel through time, and as he himself put it "through the frozen moments in time". Doing so might be a one way trip however so rather than getting stuck in a time loop  he might be risking to get stuck in the in-between (the title of this drama worries me a bit). LG will probably time travel to certain points in time, but I think he will only do so once - which means that it is not a time loop. 



1)  I second your thoughts about no time loops. This drama's time travel pattern will be like the one in Back to The Future. 

2) If LG closes the portal (as in character description) and TE is not in Corea, they will be separated. The rest of the story will be LG trying to find a "beautiful solution" to be with TE again. I believe if the ending cannot be completely sweet, it will be bitter sweet. But definitely it won't be sad (where either LG or TE dies). Not KGE's style.



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37 minutes ago, Guyangi_Dalpeongi said:

@Elnin Joery - this is the actual article: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.republicworld.com/amp/technology-news/science/nasa-scientists-detect-parallel-universe-next-to-ours.html - it also appeared in New Scientist, which could be a more ‘academic’ publication on 8 April 2020! But there were already some news about this since 2016, so KES may have started her research then, after she wrote Goblin - hahaha!

Yeah, this real balloon is white and it’s named ANITA - Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) and it “uses a giant balloon to haul delicate electronic antennas high into the cold dry air above Antarctica – where there is little or no radio noise to distort its findings.”

Hmmm ... so all those red balloons could be place markers / portals (as has been suggested in earlier posts) ... like ANITA, the balloons are used to gather information about other universes / portals to other timelines ...



On another related subject, there is a lot of activity on Woo Doh Hwan’s IG! KGE & KMY (thé actress who is acting as Nari/Seung Ah) and also the actor acting as KSJ have commented! Anyone knows Korean?? Any clues / hints about drama??



If I had two options between only to go with KES or NASA version I would go with Kim Eun-Sook which means NASA are the biggest bullsixhters out there.  Hack I would take KES version of the world as awhole rather then Nasa who would probably release a new article about aliens tomorrow hahaha. NASA are known jokers 



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38 minutes ago, rambutan said:

1)  I second your thoughts about no time loops. This drama's time travel pattern will be like the one in Back to The Future. 

2) If LG closes the portal (as in character description) and TE is not in Corea, they will be separated. The rest of the story will be LG trying to find a "beautiful solution" to be with TE again. I believe if the ending cannot be completely sweet, it will be bitter sweet. But definitely it won't be sad (where either the LG or TE dies). Not KGE's style.




It would be a sad ending. If things goes south like both characters dying or one of them dying. It would be to hard to stomach that but things could go that way but I hope not. 


I would love to see a happy ending but something tells this is not the first season of the show. I could be wrong tho but just the amount of story left to tell is way to big to fit into one season

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2 hours ago, ms_inquiry said:

Re-watched parts of ep 10. I don't believe that when Lee Gon arrives at the palace he has traveled through time as some have suggested. This LG doesn't have the ability to do so yet. 

I agree.  I think the only time Lee Gon has travelled through time in all the scenes shown to us thus far is the very last scene of Episode 10.



I suspect that his question if he is "back in time (for the Lunar festival)?" and his line about losing track of time ("l lost count") could perhaps mean that after his reunion with JTE in the bamboo forest he might be spending some more time with her than he had originally planned. Maybe we will see this time spent together in the next ep? I don't think the episode will open very close to the events shown in next episode's preview. Or perhaps more likely: his lines would make a lot of sense if he has spent a certain amount of time in the 'in-between', before he arrives back at the palace, where it is important to keep track of time, cause otherwise he could easily arrive months later than he meant to. 


I agree again!  I also interpreted that line to mean that he may have simply lost track of time.  Note that before he leaves, he says that he has about 5 hours.  If his watch doesn't work in that in-between place, then it means he would have to literally count every single second he  stays there to be able to keep track of the time passing outside.  


Thus, the timetable is as follows:


1.  Lee Gon leaves 10 days before the Lunar New Year to look for Lee Rim's obelisks (since he knows Lee Rim is using another set of gates).  

2.  He spends some time in the in-between (there's a shot of him in this place, with many red balloons around)

3.  Before he goes back to Corea, he goes to see Tae Eul to "hear her voice"

4.  Then he goes back to Korea, just in time for his duties on Lunar New Year


Now some may ask:  why did Lee Gon say "I miss you so much" when he saw Tae Eul?   It's simply  because some time had already passed since they last saw each other (when Lee Gon left with Eun Sub).




Now I'm going to say something that might be a bit controversial: I don't think there is any time loops in this show. If the savior is LG and he goes back in time to save himself that does not mean that he must get stuck in a time loop. Sure it is a paradox to save yourself from death, but if time can be rewritten there might very well be an original time line where someone else saves him which later causes him to be alive and thus able to save himself - which would however un-write the first savior's actions (or perhaps only erase them from the consciousness of LG and other characters - it depends on the physics behind the TKEM universe). Alternatively and more likely it is a Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban scenario, with a time line where (in effect or in actuality) the time travel always happened. I do however believe that he will travel through time, and as he himself put it "through the frozen moments in time". Doing so might be a one way trip however so rather than getting stuck in a time loop  he might be risking to get stuck in the in-between (the title of this drama worries me a bit). LG will probably time travel to certain points in time, but I think he will only do so once - which means that it is not a time loop. However at this point time loops as a concept could still be introduced and used so I'm not trying to argue that it is impossible.



It is not a controversial opinion at all!  In fact this has been my suspicion from the beginning as well. 


Basically, what we are seeing now is the new timeline because someone (the savior) had traveled through time and altered events of the original timeline.    Where we disagree on is IF it is Lee Gon (the adult) who saves Lee Gon (the 8-year old), then the only way this would be possible is IF in the original timeline, Lee Gon did not die.   So this leads me to conclude that if Lee Gon is the savior, then in the original timeline, Lee Gon DID NOT die.   Why he did not die in the original timeline, we do not know.  There are several possibilities:


1.   Someone else arrives after Lee Ho is murdered and Lee Rim and his army are forced to leave early.  So like in this altered timeline, Lee Rim is unable to kill Lee Gon 



2.  Lee Gon doesn't even hear Lee Rim and his men when they kill Lee Ho. So Lee Rim doesn't have an opportunity to kill Lee Gon (and Lee Rim gets the whole flute)


Unfortunately, under either scenario, I still cannot figure out how Lee Gon the adult gets ahold of Tae Eul's ID.  I'm still thinking of a plausible scenario.


In my opinion, in the first 10 episodes so far, the only scenes which do not follow a strictly linear timetable are (perhaps on purpose):  the first scene of Episode 1 and the last scene of Episode 10.  It's kind of poetic, like an ending and a beginning.

FINALLY, there's the matter of whether Ji-Hun (Lee Gon in Korea) is actually dead.  I am still leaning towards the fact that Ji-Hun is NOT dead, especially since in the last episode, they made it a point to emphasize that:  Ji Hun and Shin Jae are of the same age AND Ji-Hun's mother worked as a housekeeper of Shin Jae's mom.  There must be a reason why they're telling us those bits and pieces of information.

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15 minutes ago, gwin said:

I agree.  I think the only time Lee Gon has travelled through time in all the scenes shown to us thus far is the very last scene of Episode 10.



I agree again!  I also interpreted that line to mean that he may have simply lost track of time.  Note that before he leaves, he says that he has about 5 hours.  If his watch doesn't work in that in-between place, then it means he would have to literally count every single second he  stays there to be able to keep track of the time passing outside.  


Thus, the timetable is as follows:


1.  Lee Gon leaves 10 days before the Lunar New Year to look for Lee Rim's obelisks (since he knows Lee Rim is using another set of gates).  

2.  He spends some time in the in-between (there's a shot of him in this place, with many red balloons around)

3.  Before he goes back to Corea, he goes to see Tae Eul to "hear her voice"

4.  Then he goes back to Korea, just in time for his duties on Lunar New Year


Now some may ask:  why did Lee Gon say "I miss you so much" when he saw Tae Eul?   It's simply  because some time had already passed since they last saw each other (when Lee Gon left with Eun Sub).



It is not a controversial opinion at all!  In fact this has been my suspicion from the beginning as well. 


Basically, what we are seeing now is the new timeline because someone (the savior) had traveled through time and altered events of the original timeline.    Where we disagree on is IF it is Lee Gon (the adult) who saves Lee Gon (the 8-year old), then the only way this would be possible is IF in the original timeline, Lee Gon did not die.   So this leads me to conclude that if Lee Gon is the savior, then in the original timeline, Lee Gon DID NOT die.   Why he did not die in the original timeline, we do not know.  There are several possibilities:


1.   Someone else arrives after Lee Ho is murdered and Lee Rim and his army are forced to leave early.  So like in this altered timeline, Lee Rim is unable to kill Lee Gon 



2.  Lee Gon doesn't even hear Lee Rim and his men when they kill Lee Ho. So Lee Rim doesn't have an opportunity to kill Lee Gon (and Lee Rim gets the whole flute)


Unfortunately, under either scenario, I still cannot figure out how Lee Gon the adult gets ahold of Tae Eul's ID.  I'm still thinking of a plausible scenario.

FINALLY, there's the matter of whether Ji-Hun (Lee Gon in Korea) is actually dead.  I am still leaning towards the fact that Ji-Hun is NOT dead, especially since in the last episode, they made it a point to emphasize that:  Ji Hun and Shin Jae are of the same age AND Ji-Hun's mother worked as a housekeeper of Shin Jae's mom.  There must be a reason why they're telling us those bits and pieces of information.


The more acceptable theory here is that there is 3 timelines. 


Timeline 1- Lee gon and his father both got murdered by Lee Rim and he came to the throne something happened tragic that forced someone to go back and could even be the prince who died or someone else in the family who went back to alter Lee Rim's reign off the history books completely. This creates Timeline 2


Timeline 2. Lee Gon was saved and he comes to the throne and in this timeline he meets Jung Tae Eul without nostalgia this time just like regular people they run into each other and fall in love and something happens here tragic again perhaps she dies here which forces him to go back and save himself again to alter the timeline which starts timeline 3. 



Timeline 3- This is the current timeline we find ourselves in beginning from first episode where LG from T2 saved young LG hence starting T3 and he left him ID card which is a clue. LG T3 follows this clue and tracks down his own T2 love interest and he starts the circle again which means LG T3 and JTE T3 start a romantic journey. 


Something to question? What is LG T2 motive in altering the timeline and leaving the ID card. In my opinion he altered it to save JTE so that he can be with her again and relive that moment and perhaps left LG T3 to alter that outcome so that she dosen't die and could have also something to do with saving the world and I think it's actully both

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9 minutes ago, Elnin Joery said:


The more acceptable theory here is that there is 3 timelines. 


Timeline 1- Lee gon and his father both got murdered by Lee Rim and he came to the throne something happen tragic that forced someone to go back could even be the prince who died or someone else in the family who went back to alter Lee Rim's reign off the history books. This creates Timeline 2



Timeline 1  to me doesn't make sense for the following reasons:


1.  If Lee Gon (second in line to the throne) dies the same time as his father Lee Ho, then Lee Rim would not necessarily become the King.  He would have committed treason and would have been a wanted murderer.   Plus, since he's a bastard child, I do not think he is third in line to the throne is he?  It would still be Prince Buyeong.  


2.  If someone goes back in time,  why would that person save only Lee Gon, but not save Lee Ho?


Timeline 3 also doesn't make sense based on what we have seen so far.  If you look back on Lee Gon's reaction in the first episode when he gets to Korea, it is clear that he has never been there before.  He asks Tae Eul questions and even goes to the library to research.  If he has already been to this world before in a separate timeline, why would he do that in Timeline 3 again?


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