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[Drama 2019-2020] Crash Landing on you, 사랑의 불시착


Ending prediction   

210 members have voted

  1. 1. What will happen to the OTP at the end of this drama?

    • Sweet happy ending for Ri-ri in SK
    • Cue sad music ..the divide is just too great ..the OTP will be separated
    • An open ending where they will meet again on the bridge in Switzerland ...

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  • Poll closed on 02/15/2020 at 01:37 PM

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1 hour ago, Favnia said:

Well, I have to talk about our leads....Wow Jeong Hyeok.... I still don't think this was necessary to lie about his connection to Se Ri, it's not like South intelligence would give up the information to the North that easily...  

I really liked their speech in the end. It really shows how different their perception on love is. For Se Ri their love is basically the most important thing in the world, like oxygen, for her, who finally got to see how a person can care about her, and be happy just because she exists...She never saw this love, even from her own mother, so for her it's a treasure. For Jeong Hyeok though... It's the opposite. He already experienced it with his brother, and that love almost destroyed him, and of course there's survivor's guilt as well. And all of the sudden with Se Ri he is in similar situation - since he fell for her she is in constant danger...He believes it's his love that destroys everything he touches. And the fact that she wouldn't change a thing if she could go back in time, but he would change everything..It's heartbreaking.. And neither of them can. 


Your thoughts on what love means to each of them as individuals are brilliant!  Thanks for writing..


6 minutes ago, Site Admin said:

The interrogation room scene was perfect so I wouldn't touch it. But when Seri fainted, I wished it was because she was pregnant (though RJH's SK timeline doesn't make it possible). That would have driven me 10x off the edge to see Jeong Hyeok's comical reaction to him being a daddy-o. Can we still get that tomorrow? We've already seen our OTP inside a domestic life in NK so this time, I would reaaaally love to get a glimpse of them as parents.


This would add so much to the layer of complication but I'm here for it too


1 minute ago, INeedAFan said:

He has his ring during the hospital scene.


He did?!  OK time to go re-watch both scenes and look for it.  But I'm certain it was his left hand they zoomed in on at the window scene.  Hopefully he had an opportunity to put it back on, or else it would be a prop flaw.  It can't be, it's such an important prop.

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58 minutes ago, phoenixfire25 said:

Of course, CCG is dead now. We can celebrate ;)


I feel exactly same about Seri's father. He told him to not show his face anymore and now he is listening him. Like seriously man, is he her real father?!

@phoenixfire25 I am afraid to celebrate because he'll  just show up screaming "Reveeeenge" :D 

Idk, I don't think he is the real father. And he sucks as a businessman. Tbh, I don't like him even more than her evil sister-in-law. At least I understand her motivations.


1 hour ago, Mattie2020 said:

I do agree with you about their acting.  Only seasoned actors like SYJ and HB could bring out the best of this scene.  It was a very simple scene but their facial expressions  and their simple body movements made it a standout.  And kudos to the director for the execution part.  I can only imagine how emotionally draining this scene could be as it looks like they have to get deeply into character to portray this realistically. 


Yes, the scene was simple but so powerful...Honestly, I felt like averting my eyes just like JH - her eyes just said it all!


1 hour ago, INeedAFan said:

My exact sentiment. That’s why I was asking what the writers want to tell us in the upcoming episode since it has 1.51 hrs.


@INeedAFan so out of 1.5 hrs, probably 1.3 is actually the show and 20 mins is the flashbacks... I hope in the next episode there will be more new moments.


41 minutes ago, ncly said:

There's one thing that I like about the cinematography of this episode, which is when the camera zooms into JH's hand at scene (1) after SR fainted at NIS and (2) SR in critical condition at the hospital. The glasses and his hands touching them work like a metaphor to me, showing that JH is so close to SR yet can't touch her physically and do anything to help her. It just enhances the sadness of their current situation. 


@nclyI agree, it was extremely romantic and reminded me somewhat of Snow White fairy tale, you know, with her gnomes being investigated, and the prince by her glass coffin... :wub:



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I remember someone mentioning after watching the stills of the interrogation room that Se-ri might faint or pretend to be in pain to snap RJH out of his noble idiocy.That prediction indeed came out to be true ,the difference being Se-ri is really hurt this time.

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25 minutes ago, INeedAFan said:

He has his ring during the hospital scene.


I may need to review this but if he really does then he might already be a free man, not an inmate.


I remember when Seri told RJH in Episode 2 that her, being stranded in NK might cause both countries to go to war. How ironic that is more of Jeong Hyeok's truth than Seri's.  RJH is of noble birth and basically a prince of NK. If anything happens to the only son of the director of the General Political Bureau, all hell will surely break loose. SK and NK can't afford any of that mess. They must protect RJH at all cost hence their "relaxed" treatment of him.


Since this drama is already so meta, why not use the power of the people to pressure NK (and SK) to just give a happy ending to this two star-crossed lovers. This is 2020 when wars can also be waged online. Leak the footages to the internet now, young NIS agent. K-netz and the rest of the world will take it from here.


It's been just one episode but the NIS is growing on me. I really love them. They are SK's answer to NK's ahjummas. :sweat_smile:

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47 minutes ago, L A said:

I was so heart broken when RJH said if he could change the fate of meeting each other, he would. Albeit, I understand his reason for thinking so. Their love, realistically, is forbidden by the politics and by loving each other, they are risking their families, their acquaintances. It may not show so much from Seri's side but on RJH's side, not only his parents but his soldiers have been through the hard times because of his love for Seri. As we started watching the series, we all know it will come down to this. Realistically, he will have to sacrifice one or the other. The heart breaking moment finally happens and it is devastating. Logically, Seri would choose to meet again because she only has RJH as the source of happiness for her life. Even if she has to die, it is for her love and she would not regret that. RJH on the other hand, this is a stake larger than his life. Besides Seri, he still has his parents. He has more to loose than her. To sacrifice oneself would be easier than to witness the loved ones being punished for what one's done in my opinion. From the beginning this question has been bugging my mind: what will RJH choose? 


Ahh, great points.  Since the beginning, I too asked what will be SR and RJH's ending, given their 'forbidden love'.  I asked what they will choose, probably because I viewed them as being on equal footing status wise.  But it's not true, and the question should have been what you said, what will RJH choose?  He's the one faced with imminent danger; SR not so much given where she is from.  His choice would come at the expense of other's lives.  I think this is why for a brief moment I thought the writer would actually let SR die, the choice is made for him.

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1 hour ago, blue_fleurs said:


Episode 15 discussion ahead.


I need to ask this first and foremost because I think it has been overlooked: can someone analyze with me why RJH for a brief moment decided to commit suicide after CG dies?  We know how much he values cherishing one's life, and how he tells SR all the time to never, ever think about disappearing from this world again.  What thoughts could have been going through his mind in THAT moment for him to want to end his life?  I thought maybe it is what CG said to him about how his parents would die upon his return - but is that enough to trigger him like that?  He's clever and would resort to finding a solution, no?  I'm really bothered that this was written into the script


I am also slightly taken aback when I saw he put the gun to his head, but I think it’s still not out of character of him to behave like that in that moment. As we can see later in RJH’s monologue that he wished they could have not met instead, he was really hitting rock bottom in that situation. His lover just returned to life, he is in an unfamiliar place dealing with suspense every day, he has concern for his parents at home and for sure, I bet sometimes he still wonder how this whole situation is gonna end up? How to have a future with Yoon Seri. Now CCG just put a cherry on top of the pie about his father could be the ultimate reason his brother died, that is a shocking relevation. Maybe once you’re too tired of life it will be easier to end all and not having to figure out how to live anymore.

I also think it is easier to wish and persuade someone else to live a good life (aka he told Seri things to keep her spirit up) than to lead a good life. It is understandable he  has dark moments after trying to fight for the right things for so long.

Also, I was surprised but not too much when CCG said the father may have involved in the brother’s death. Having experiences with a communist country I don’t believe anyone can clim to that high political rank without doing some shady business.

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15 minutes ago, blue_fleurs said:

He did?!  OK time to go re-watch both scenes and look for it.  But I'm certain it was his left hand they zoomed in on at the window scene.  Hopefully he had an opportunity to put it back on, or else it would be a prop flaw.  It can't be, it's such an important prop.

He probably needs to take off all his accessories and put on the uniform during the interrogations. He put back on the ring once he gets out of NIS for the hospital. 

Am still recuperating from tonight’s emotion roller coaster. My fragile heart is also playing tricks on me that I will not get a happy ending that I (we) want. An open ending may be the best we can get... :bawling:


Did you guys see SR is still wearing the ring when she faint?!?! I don’t know, but MY HEART!!! 


I really don’t care if writer nim writes some lame reasons/ excuses to give us a happy ending. Please just GIVE US A HAPPY ENDING WITH TWIN GIRLS.

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1 hour ago, Harry97 said:

Only way the writer can give a realistic happy ending is to have one of them defect. I doubt rjh would do so and having ysr defect will create controversy in Skorea. I think it's gonna be an open ending where they will finally meet in Switzerland unsure of their future. I can't think of anything else tbh. If anyone has a better prediction do share because I would love to sleep with a hope that I maybe surprised by the writer tomorrow


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I'm thinking JH took off his ring at NIS because according to their rule all inmates need to take off and put all of their belongings into the brown box and wear the inmate uniform. 


Now that I'm reading everyone's discussion on JH saying if he gets to choose again he won't meet her and SR saying the opposite. Could it shadow the direction of these two characters in Ep. 16, as in may be JH going back to NK and forcing himself to forget SR while it's SR who will take the initiative to find all ways possible to meet him and forever be with him, wherever it may be? 

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12 minutes ago, L A said:

I am also slightly taken aback when I saw he put the gun to his head, but I think it’s still not out of character of him to behave like that in that moment.


@L AOooh that was such a creepy moment. Idk, I knew (logically) he wouldn't do it, but still, he was pretty close to suicide and not without a reason - CCG described it perfectly - the man with no country, nowhere to go, whatever step he takes - will lead to his loved ones being hurt. There is no way out of this situation, and it's so scary. So it may seem like a solution. 

12 minutes ago, L A said:

Also, I was surprised but not too much when CCG said the father may have involved in the brother’s death. Having experiences with a communist country I don’t believe anyone can clim to that high political rank without doing some shady business.


Now that was pretty interesting. Frankly, I don't think that in any country under any regime you can survive at a high rank without making sacrifices. I believe it was not planned, but in some way, some sort of plan of JH's father, backfired. Like, maybe the fact that he sent him on a mission or something. But then I am confused, because I was under the impression that the reason JH went to the village and became a soldier is to solve the mystery behind his brother's death? 


25 minutes ago, blue_fleurs said:


Your thoughts on what love means to each of them as individuals are brilliant!  Thanks for writing..


@blue_fleurs Thank you! It's that brilliant speech by SR and JH inspired me. Those two...I really hope they will get a happy ending, a real one, where none of them would have to make sacrifices and fear for each other.



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Just finished watching


It was my least favourite episode.


I know that YSR is not going to die, because the majority here has seen the spoiler. ( ahhhh i wish i haven't seen that)


I have to say that My favourite scene  was with SD and SJ. Especially when SJ saved SD with his amazing shooting skills.:) i hope he does not die either.


I will try not to watch any spoilers  tomorrow. I hope that the scene with the handcuffs is not the last one or i will really be pissed.


Also they placed it as a romcom.



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Now my ideal ending has changed:


I want to watch a wedding scene accompanied by IU’s OST. I wouldn’t accept anything less than that.


Also, for those who don’t want to get spoiled, it’s better to avoid this forum. This is a place for people to discuss their thoughts which may contain spoilers. I, for one, love spoilers because I hate guessing.


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3 hours ago, Phoenix88 said:


NIS analysis regarding Captain Ri behavior pattern when he is with Seri. Mirroring gestures without thinking many times. Protectiveness over Seri. these are the common behaviors of a man in Love. Verdict regarding the Psychological analysis Captain Ri is a man in Love.

The epilogue Lol :joy: the writer must be a fan of BinJin Couple in Real life. its 100% Hyunbin thats what he does on most of the press interviews and press junkets on Negotiation days. Needless to say Hyunbin is a man in Love since then...

@Phoenix88 so much agree with you. Ha ha ha I feel like the writer put many real about BinJin in the drama for example groceryboy, channal 20, beer and coffee, and now how JH protecting SR. Ha ha ha brilliant. 

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The eldest brother and his wife totally cracked me up today.The way they were eavesdropping Se-hyeong's convo with their  father was so funny.Afterwards ,they informed Se-ri regarding the statements Se-hyeong gave to the NIS that they were doing patriotic duties by catching the NK spies.One thing I noticed when her Sister in law asked how did she meet Gu Seung Jun in nk and whether it was  destiny.Seri outrightly said that it was just a coincidence.This was just opposite to what she said in Pyongyang hotel..^_^

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Hi all, just decided to delurk from the forum and thinking out loud. It's unfortunate i lost my previous account too so it's back to 0 for me :(


First of all thank you for all the insights and spoilers!! I love you all xx anyway, episode 15 has been very intense and heartbreaking for me.... i do believe none of the cast will die tho. My guess SJ and SR will just be in critical condition, i agree that maybe it might be flat tone for either one or maybe both of them but will be successfully resurrected. Still believing for happy ending!! Finger crossed!!


btw can someone share me again the link for handcuff pic spoiler that everyone's been talking about?? Im dying to see any ray of light for tomorrow's happy endingg huhu

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57 minutes ago, Prueksachittham said:

They need to stop hurting SR and JH it is not a crime for being in love. 


4 hours ago, sheeeeee said:


I just got done backreading. I agree ! They need to stop hurting SR and JH. And you're right. I don't think it's a crime to be in love either. But I believe the writer thinks it's a crime! Sometimes we think JH dies. Then sometimes we think SR dies. It doesn't make any sense. My heart! Give our hearts a break writer! Please! I haven't seen Ep 15! So @sheeeeee I see spoilers too! And I don't like what I'm seeing! I saw something about SR dying!



3 hours ago, Dramanoona said:



No wonder they need two hours tomorrow to wrap this up.

Oh no. It looks like you are disappointed! I don't want to know what happened. And I didn't know we get a two hr ep to wrap things up. I was asking, "How is this going to be solved?" Then I saw your post!


1 hour ago, TotoroSY said:

Just finished watching ep 15 and reading everyone's reaction and comments here.....took me more than 2 hours!!


I was left with a heavy heart at the end of this episode. That heart-wrenching  cliffhanger, followed by the dreamy love scene in the rain, which made the hospital scene even more tragic, knowing how happy they can be.... SIGH.....


And when SR said she will still choose to go through it all to meet JH and fall in love with him,  even knowing ahead the consequence and tragedy of that fateful meeting, and then JH wishing they never met...... (cry)


I just love IU's melancholic and touching OST..... it adds so much depth to that last scene. So happy it scored #1 across all the music board!


The NIS is the new ducklings!! LOL!! I think the head NIS guy guessed all along that he's got a love story for this new case, but he need JH to owe up to it so he can help him. I do think the SK government welcomes NK people to defect, as long as they are not spies or criminals and cause harm to SK.


I've seen the ep 16 preview and it looks like the final episode continues to be thrilling and action-packed. I hope the writer will reserve at least 30min at the end for our OTP cuz we need to settle our hearts..... Can't take anymore heart-stopping moments.


Hope the ratings will be good! Fighting!





Oh no! This a spoiler. But I couldn't help read it.  It looks like you are saying everything just goes wrong. I can't wait to hear IU's OST.


1 hour ago, Harry97 said:

Only way the writer can give a realistic happy ending is to have one of them defect. I doubt rjh would do so and having ysr defect will create controversy in Skorea. I think it's gonna be an open ending where they will finally meet in Switzerland unsure of their future. I can't think of anything else tbh. If anyone has a better prediction do share because I would love to sleep with a hope that I maybe surprised by the writer tomorrow

I understand what you're saying. I wish I could give you a better prediction. But I'm so sad I can't think about anything. I just want SR and JH to be happy! SR's family is always ruining her life. JH's dad is always ruining his life. And what will happen to JH's soldiers? So many questions!


Everyone. I wish I had joined this thread earlier. I wish  I could have shared my thoughts on this beautiful drama. it looks like we are nearing the end. I will wait patiently for ep 15! I will come back with my thoughts.


Edit: Son Ye Jin and Hyun Bin have been amazing actors all way up to the end! And they have amazing chemistry. if one of them died as I'm typing this then please no...


See you soon!

Edited by 2handsintertwined
crying :(
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Just watched ep 15.

how can something be wrapped in 1 episode left!!!!:scream:

so much to say so   So much to see so much to complete so much to love to see.

Gonna miss the suspense of CLOY.  Wish it was 36 episodes.  oh well till tomorow 

:confused:   Will be interesting corny ending though. maybe a time jump cuz too much left to cover 

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Backtrack to the break the production team took air time off to sorta refine/fine tune the drama. It’s heavily rumored to have produced at least 2 versions of the ending and usually they would watch out/take into consideration for the netizens reaction/criticism/suggestions before they decide which is better for the overall production/ratings because they really do not want any onslaught if it deviates too much from what most people expects from the end. Ultimately they do not want to ruin the beauty of this “romantic comedy” 

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