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[Drama 2019] Her Private Life 그녀의 사생활


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6 hours ago, Ondine said:

Yes, I think some people can be intentionally cruel at certain moments to people they care for. I know it happens even between lovingly married people, family members, etc. When some people are hit in the deepest part of themselves that hurts the most, they can lash out in that moment and want to hurt the other person as much as they are hurting. Of course it's not a good thing, but I think it's a human thing. Looking back at that moment after having finished the drama, I actually appreciate it because at least there was a time that Ryan had understandable human faults. He was way too perfect after that, although I'll definitely take it as a counterbalance to how trashy 90% of K-drama male leads are (the figure is probably an exaggeration, but the point stands). :P

Yes, his abandonment issues and inability to draw are his weak points that he carefully tries to keep concealed from others. Suddenly finding her in that room must have been a huge shock, and a major source of hurt. Most people’s first instinct when hurt is to strike back against the person wounding them, with the regret coming later, after the head has cooled down.


He does have his human moments though, like the way he fired her and just yanked the employee ID necklace off her neck after that artist sued him. Or how he ignored Shi An and shut the door in his face after he found out they were brothers. He was also upset and humiliated after first finding out Deok Mi was straight, refusing to play along as the fake bf in front of others for a bit. He’s also quite competitive, getting revenge and showing no mercy to his gf in Hwatu (with real hits, no kisses on the arm), and likes to tease her mercilessly at times (exaggerated story of how they met, sending her to the post office at the same time Shi An is visiting, taking off the blindfold, etc.).


He’s mischievous, and not a person who takes losing gracefully. He likes to win. Also, he can be short tempered, but I like how he makes up for it right away by realizing it and apologizing. He’s someone who learns from his mistakes. I just love his character. :heart:


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4 hours ago, jd50 said:

I enjoyed reading this thorough and thought-provoking take on HPL, the themes explored or not, the handling of Ryan's adoption/childhood trauma. etc. Plus, tribute to the art that is KJW! 






Loved the review! But I feel it did not do PMY justice! 

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It dawns on me every now and then just how much I LOVED HPL, well most of it. It has spoiled so many dramas I have seen before. I just cannot go back to them. Why hasn't KJW been in more lead roles? I can see him as a psychopath but I'm not sure if I will be able to see him not get the girl! :(

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6 hours ago, fauna said:

Yes, his abandonment issues and inability to draw are his weak points that he carefully tries to keep concealed from others. Suddenly finding her in that room must have been a huge shock, and a major source of hurt. Most people’s first instinct when hurt is to strike back against the person wounding them, with the regret coming later, after the head has cooled down.


He does have his human moments though, like the way he fired her and just yanked the employee ID necklace off her neck after that artist sued him. Or how he ignored Shi An and shut the door in his face after he found out they were brothers. He was also upset and humiliated after first finding out Deok Mi was straight, refusing to play along as the fake bf in front of others for a bit. He’s also quite competitive, getting revenge and showing no mercy to his gf in Hwatu (with real hits, no kisses on the arm), and likes to tease her mercilessly at times (exaggerated story of how they met, sending her to the post office at the same time Shi An is visiting, taking off the blindfold, etc.).


He’s mischievous, and not a person who takes losing gracefully. He likes to win. Also, he can be short tempered, but I like how he makes up for it right away by realizing it and apologizing. He’s someone who learns from his mistakes. I just love his character. :heart:


Agree with the above. Ryan Gold is very much human, even if he is perfect and sexy specimen of a human being. Deokmi as an artist also had some inkling about what she saw (something that she and the world was not supposed to know). What she saw in there despite being in awe of the beauty of the art she saw in the apartment. In that room were Ryan's studio and she saw the 2 paintings of Lee Sol which Ryan had said he obtained for a client. She knew that Si An had asked to meet the client. But when she saw the painting in his Ryan's studio and she also saw the empty canvas with the falling blue line as if someone attempted to draw or paint on the canvas and then gave up. Instinctively, she knew that she stepped into a very private place that she should not have been in. Maybe if she had not been caught inside that studio, Ryan's anger would not have been that explosive. Also, after the apology while they were at DM's parents' house and in her room, Ryan had asked how she felt being unable to paint. Those may have given a very perceptive DM a clue to what led to Ryan's explosive anger. She also knows the reason they were fake dating was because Ryan was helping her diffuse the "scandal". Forgiveness was already in the cards and no reason to hold on to anger. 


He is competitive and likes to win. He challenged EG the judo silver medalist to a judo match just to prove a point and it was funny because EG had no clue what Ryan was talking about that the competition was to teach EG social justice and tolerance and his chagrin at himself when he realized he had made wrong assumptions. 

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I love Ryan human's moment listed by @fauna. Even though we can all agree that so far Ryan Gold is the best boyfriend in K-Drama land, but he is a flawwed human afterall.


I've read all of HPL recaps and review all of you chingus had recommend, I also watched KThree review on youtube. All of their review are good and thought provoking, but there were several unanswered questions about why Ryan did this or that. So I have my two cents about some issues.


Upon rewatching 1st to 4th episodes, I have different comprehension after finishing the series. I now understand more Ryan's motives on so many scenes. On the first watch I only enjoy the comedic aspect of that episodes and not put a lot of thought into some scenes.


First question floating around was why Ryan come to SK (to work at Chaeum) in the first place. Just to make a snoozefest exhibition? Yes Ryan did come just to make that exhibition, and yes that exhibition won't be an exhibition that monumental enough for Ryan's Gold career coz that was not his intention. If we go with logic, why did the famous Ryan Gold come to SK in the first place; the youngest ever to be an art director in Mono Art Gallery NYC; the hottest art director in NYC who other follow to borrow his insight; leave his current job to be an art director in a gallery who recently involve in slush fund case. In normal situation I'll say this as a career suicide. Even though I think Director Eom did make a good offer (big sum of salary maybe), what we see in the episodes that Ryan was flown in business class to SK, stayed in penthouse suite then given luxury apartment and luxury rented car. But still anybody else won't leave mono art gallery for that. The only reason that Ryan agreed was Lee Sol and Cha Shi An.

1. In 1st episode, his friend the shrink advised him to find the painter behind it. After knowing that Cha Si An own one of the painting, his friend advised him to contact Cha Si An to look at the painting.

2. In the 1st episode, he met Deokmi in the auction house. He flown to China just to acquire Lee Sol's painting. When Deokmi looked at him and said to her self that he looked like Cha Si An, I think he heard "Shi An-nni", so I now think Ryan said those cringeworthy stuff to Deokmi not just because Deokmi stared at him, but he annoyed hearing about Cha Shi An again. So when Deokmi bidded agaist him and ask him to release the painting to her, Ryan was already suspected that Deokmi wanted the painting for Cha Si An. It won't be hard for him to find information that she was worked at Chaeum.

He knew he cannot just met this Cha Si An for no reason. So he invented this whole celebrity exhibition, which will include him. Of course Ryan Gold had his reputation, so he cannot make just a so-so exhibition even with hidden agenda. So his pursuit of the latest work of the photographer, owned by Noh-jagga, was important. Remember that that latest work was sought after by collectors and museum all around the world not to avail. If Chaeum sucessfully exhibit that works, it will be great achievement for Chaeum, and himself.


Then there were questions about this whole firing fiasco. And a lot of viewers asking question why Ryan forgived Deokmi so easily after she accidently poison him. Some of them see it as personality transplant. I disagree.

1. Ryan came to Chaeum with hidden agenda, so his concept of celebrity collection exhibition was part of that hidden agenda. He knew that him cancelling planned artist exhibition was selfish of him, so he already planned that he will exchange it with exhibition in New York. That was why he was so angry at Deokmi for ruining his plan. He was more angry that he hurt that artist feeling (for his own selfish reason) before he could negotiate an alternative which was NY exhibition.

2. After finding out that Deokmi was not guilty, he went to apologize. But he couldn't said the real reason why he undo the firing as he already promised Kyung Ah. He eventually made Deokmi more angry. I think if Deokmi knew about Kyung Ah she wont be too angry at Ryan, she'll be angry at Eom Dir and Kyung Ah.

After he woke up in hospital he forgave Deokmi after he asked her how did she find him. Why did Ryan forgived Deokmi so easily? I think there were several reason.

1. Ryan had nightmare that night. When he woke up, having Deokmi held his hand did console him. We see Ryan looked at his hand after she left.

2. Even though Deokmi poisoned him with coffee, she did saved him afterward by taking him to hospital.

3. He found out that the artist want to talk to him in person about NY exhibition.

4. He regreted that he unfairly fired an employee who's a minority in society. He was not able to retract the firing to protect Kyung Ah. So if this situation made her want to work again it was all good.

5. He did not buy Deokmi excuse about Cha Si An, so he asked her to accompany him to his house.

So he had multiple reason to forgive Deokmi.


About Sinagil diary and Deok Mi secret. Some asking question why did Ryan hold on to Sinagil diary? Hmm I had this question too. It is not odd that he had it in his posession, what was odd that he carried that notebook everywhere. After rewatching I understand. At first Ryan just picked up the notebook randomly. Then he might be open it out of curiosity. After finding out that the notebook contain many information about Cha Si An, he decided to use this notebook to study about him. That was why he carried it everywhere he go. Reading that Lee Sol was Cha Si An favorite painter in the notebook was the trigger. After the whole Si An dating scandal blew up, he saw the notebook as a leverage. He want to return it in exchange of a blogpost featuring him and Deokmi dating.


While rewatching with knowledge that Ryan found out about Deokmi's secret before Noh-Jagga cabin visit I see first few episodes with new comprehension. I am now sure that Ryan did not buy Deok Mi's lies about her hating Si An. At first he even suspect Si An was her client. That's why he ask her to accompany him to Si An apartment.


Ryan was stunned to see Deok Mi dressed so prettily that day. Even though at that time he thought Deokmi was a lesbian, he coulnd't denied that she was so attractive that day. He must heard when Deokmi slipped saying that "Si An-nni" loves white wine more". He's a smart cookie and he remember everything. Seeing her at the elevator and in front of the door, already raised his suspicion that she's lying about hating Si An. I think when Ryan was seeing her expression when looking at Sinagil photo of Si An, he knew that Deok Mi lied about hating Si An. Even the artist said that Sung Curator bad at lying. But seing Si An do not seem to recognized Deokmi, Ryan also knew that Si An was not Deok Mi client. So whom Deok Mi bidded Lee Sol painting for? I am sure that Ryan had this thought in his head. So when Ryan finally find out that Deokmi was Sinagil, I bet his mind did replaying Deok Mi antics when visiting Si An apartment with him in his head (though we only see flash back of airport scene and fall from ladder scene). So after this he hold on to the notebook with mischievous thought, Deokmi antics amuzed him. He wanted to see how Deok Mi try to retrieve the notebook herself. He grinned naughtily when Deok Mi offered to go to the post office. When she forgot to do it (distracted by Si An visiting the gallery), he used it as a resource to answer VIP quiz in Sinagil website. This "latte" thing was a human side of Ryan, his naughty and mischievous side.

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38 minutes ago, cenching said:

@jaemin kimpark

The first snippet, I don’t remember seeing it in the drama? Please enlighten me....


it's in Doekmi's birthday scene, before they go to Ryan's apartment. scene before the painting scene..

but I think its PMY adlib..


they did so many adlib in HPL, both of them.. out of that 10 snippet, I am sure most of them its adlib.. :wub:

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6 minutes ago, jaemin kimpark said:


it's in Doekmi's birthday scene, before they go to Ryan's apartment. scene before the painting scene..

but I think its PMY adlib..


they did so many adlib in HPL, both of them.. out of that 10 snippet, I am sure most of them its adlib.. :wub:

They were dating for “real” during the filming, the reason why the adlib were flowing smoothly....It takes 2 persons who connected and understand each other very well in order to achieve such level adlib...

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15 hours ago, cenching said:


Never saw a more "intimate" and "dangerous" scene in K drama....:sweat_smile: She practically put all of her "assets" onto his face and put him in a verge of death by Asphyxia....:skull:


I realized about this when watching this episode. I am wondering why is this guy facing inwards instead of outwards (like other ppl did). And I realized his face is facing PMY assets and if I am her I will feel nervous to the max. hahaha

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15 minutes ago, cenching said:

They were dating for “real” during the filming, the reason why the adlib were flowing smoothly....It takes 2 persons who connected and understand each other very well in order to achieve such level adlib...


yeah, I can see that too ... they really don't hold back their feelings ..


do you see the sixth snippet, the last kiss after their intense kiss..

I dont know why, but the kiss remind me of the proposal kiss (the BTS kiss)


and i am sure its adlib.. :D

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3 hours ago, liltash85 said:

I realized about this when watching this episode. I am wondering why is this guy facing inwards instead of outwards (like other ppl did). And I realized his face is facing PMY assets and if I am her I will feel nervous to the max. hahaha


If I am PMY, I would be very very self conscious with that position :tounge_wink:. His face was wedging between assets....:naughty:


3 hours ago, jaemin kimpark said:


yeah, I can see that too ... they really don't hold back their feelings ..


do you see the sixth snippet, the last kiss after their intense kiss..

I dont know why, but the kiss remind me of the proposal kiss (the BTS kiss)


and i am sure its adlib.. :D


Their faces were funny after the steamy kiss...They looked like naughty kids get caught with their hands inside cookie jar by a loving Nana who won’t punish them....

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it's been a while i didn't post in this thread after the drama ended... I'm actually successfully moved on from this drama because i was too concentrate compiling KJW's laughter clips from his previous drama..:D



this is my new compilation clips of KJW laughing clips




But i come here and i really need to tell you guys this before i forget about this...i actually wanna tell you guys  one thing about the proposal scene..


When Ryan was on his knees and when Deokmi do the talking while crying, i can clearly see from this side that he is so emotional and nervous looking at her with his red eyes while so hard trying to hold his tears...



But when the camera focus on his face, the mood is different from above shot. This shot, not the same mood from the above pic. Did you guys understand what I'm trying to say here? I think they have done a few shot and this probably after KJW couldn't hold himself and he cried during PMY turn to do the talking ..so they made this shot again after he wiped his tears. Because it's so obvious that we can clearly see that a his eyes a bit swollen after crying. Geeezzzz i don't know how many time they have to do this scene ..



Must be so emotional for both of them when doing that proposal scene ..My Goshhhh the most surreal, emotional and sincere proposal scene in kdrama I've ever watched so far!!

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