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[Drama 2020] Startup (Sandbox), 스타트업


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4 hours ago, zenya22 said:

And 13 years of writing letters is a long time of intimate and personal connection.


I'm pretty sure they only wrote letters for 1 year until JP left Grandma's.  Why do you think they wrote the letters for 13 years?

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#justiceforinjae this is more than just a lonely character like the director put it. they seem to isolate both the character and the actress himself. This show really did her dirty. I won't be able to forgive them for what they did to Kang Han Na.


Anyone else noticed that there aren't even any pics including her on the actor's Instagram pages? Even on her own Instagram, she's always alone in the pics. I really wonder what happened there. Why did they do this to her when she clearly was cast as a main lead?

Edited by Sanblox
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11 hours ago, peachfuzz said:

The preview for Ep 12 was also NOT promising. Are they really going to blame HJP for not warning/stopping them? They need to take responsibility for their own mistakes and shortcomings, not place the blame on HJP. If anything, they should have asked HJP to help them review the contract before agreeing to sign it. I know HJP took the day off and was kind of available, but considering the incredibly important nature of the contract/decision, they absolutely should have tried to contact HJP before making a final decision. They’re still newbies.. I don’t know if they got way ahead of themselves or what. Was there even a rush to get everything finalized? HJP was back the next day! Samsan Tech, step it up! 

I agree on that, and even if they can’t get hold of him that day, they can always go to Director Yoon, who is ultimately the founder of Sandbox & probably can give them a wiser guidance.

Probably there’s blessings behind things that happened the way it was. Even if its hard, perhaps all Samsan Tech members should take this as a learning process so that they will be extremely careful & more serious on what & whom they sign with. Also I think its a good opportunity for Dosan to spread his wings wider for a while. Given to him, under normal circumstances, there’s no way he will leaves Samsan Tech or Dalmi for his own career advancement. But being con like this, he has no choice but to abide the contract, for at least 3 years, working outside of his comfort zone. I dunno what Alex’s plan for the rest of Samsan Tech members, whether  they’re going to be spread out into different departments within the company, or they will remain in Korea & start up a branch there or they’re all to be laid off, since they one Alex wanted is only Dosan. Either way, they can still get back working together after 3 years as they plan if they want to. Although their portion isn’t as much as Dosan, they still have enough from that 3 billion to invest in a new company if they want to. Also again, Dosan as we know, despite his gentle & nerdy exterior, he can be bold & stubborn as a mule too. We had flashbacks where when he felt he cheated once, even if he qualified to skip high school & straight to college, he would made them sent him back to middle school to be with his peers, by pretending to not do well.   It could be the same with him in 2sto. If he feels he was cheated by them to make him stay there by himself, he probably make things difficult for them & eventually have to terminate his contract. 

1 hour ago, D27Gjk68 said:


I'm pretty sure they only wrote letters for 1 year until JP left Grandma's.  Why do you think they wrote the letters for 13 years?

Yes, once he left for college he stopped contacting Grandma & stop writing to Dalmi. They were only writing to each other, from the time Injae & mom left Dalmi with  dad until the day Dalmi’s dad died. Jipyeong didn’t even know Dalmi’s dad died that day, on the day he yelled at Grandma because he thought Grandma gave his money to Dalmi’s dad. And he never come and visit since then. 

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2 hours ago, D27Gjk68 said:

I'm pretty sure they only wrote letters for 1 year until JP left Grandma's.  Why do you think they wrote the letters for 13 years?

Did they not just meet at the place where they posted letters lately as in the 10th episode? Even if it was 1 year of letter writing, something connected there especially for DM to not forget the letter writer and after all is said and done, it is DM's call.

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Man the scene when samsan tech dismissed make me cry and hella good scene,they showing that they are young people with emotion,kudos to actors. Angry Dosan is just like young hot blooded kid. Well jipyeong telling the truth even it harsh.



what an eps


See when dalmi angry and talk ,she avoid dosan eyes ,while dosan facing dalmi and see her all the time,she is lying and hurt so much.

bae suzy and nam joo hyuk acting are on another level. Good job. 

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Officialy Team Ji Pyeong after this episode, Do San needs to grow up , like a lot. Anyway, the future sure looks promising for Injae Company, I love Injae”s development. If Dal Mi is hired , then the company can surely go forward , because the one thing Injae lacks is she cannot connect to people easily and it will be hard for a company to survive if it cannot connect to people and it solely focuses on corporate greed , top accuracy rates or simply being number one.It needs public support in the long run and it needs a loyal consumer base.Dal mi can fill that but only if they work out their differences.Or will it pose a challenge, now that the Injae team is literally too perfect to be true , filled with driven , competitive people who are there for profit , not for the team? 
Anyway,it’s not certain if Injae hired her, if she didn’t it will about the sisters competition and proving themselves all over again, which would not be refreshing.Anyway, does anyone think Alex is a villain?

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Well, this needed to be done. They were kids who needed to grow. I’m officially fed up with a love triangle but I’m staying for the grandma, sisters’ relationship, and Dal Mi’s success. It’s a good thing she went to In Jae, both sisters have a lot to learn from each other!

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Dalmi and halmoni scene talking about cosmos flower was the saddest scene for me. It’s so sad.. im freaking sad for dalmi, she thought everything is going so well and suddenly she lost everything, but she learn a great lesson this time.

Dalmi ya... you are such a strong girl.. pogihajima!! 

The most unexpected and touching scene for me was when dalmi actually record her call with do san and listen to it.. i know that some couple do talk on phone/skype for the whole night n just sleep.. but this is first time i see someone actually recording it. Bcoz im lack of experience, i actually impressed xD


i love the scene when jipyung and dosan got into fight.. i believe they need to talk with their fist first before talking heart to heart. Glad that do san telling jipyung about halmoni, coz jipyung really deserved to know about it.


And.. i love how halmoni talking to youngsil like she was talking to another grandchild of her.. its a sad scene but cute as well.. 


And im happy that saha can sleep well with chulsan’s counting video. 

This week episodes were amazing.. i want saturday to come fast, but i don’t want this series to end. 

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1 hour ago, Madrama said:

Why do they blame Ji Pyeong when they were the ones who read and signed the contract? It makes no sense. He even tried to stop them from signing it. 

Ita.  another area samsan guys need to learn is taking accountability.  It takes maturity to be able to admit fault and make amends.  This is one of the good traits of a leader.  The thing with dosan is everything he does revolves around dalmi not logic and reason. Not a big fan of YS and still blaming JP for his brother's suicide.  Of the 3, it is CS who listens to logic whilst DS and YS are highly strung and emotional which make them a liability more than an asset to the company, even if they have the technical skills.  SMH with YS still stuck with JP's criticism of SamSan.  Please get over it YS, otherwise it will be a burden and hinder your growth as a professional.   I'm guessing the 3 SamSan guys working in Silicon Valley will give them a different perspective however if they can't handle JP how will they be able to handle constructive feedback from people they will work with.  


Another thing I'd like to bring up is in one of DS's convo with Alex regarding their offer, he mentioned DS will be getting the equivalent of approx $300k per year which i think is quite high compensation for an entry level programmer (And perhaps this is the Silicon Valley rate but i highly doubt this is the case.  in Washington, DC where I am

from, this would be director level salary). While DS has the technical skills and good with programming Noongil success was attributed to DM's vision and JP's guidance.  It's not a one man's job.  I think 300k compensation for coding is not reality.  Just wanted to point this out.  


Winners from today's episode -


DalMi for making sense on what to to next inspite of what happened to their company and getting fired in the process.  She's still human and cried over losing her job and DS but she didn't dwell on it but picked up where she left off and moved forward even if it meant applying for a job at InJae's company. 


InJae for coming clean to the CEO.  Behind that stern exterior is still DM's big sister.  She is just a no nonsense person and sees things in black and white.   No grey areas.  I hope to see healing in the next episodes and become the big sister she was to DalMi.  


JiPyeong for reflecting on himself and his actions in the past (though I really think he was doing his job) and being considerate of DalMi as he gives his feedback.  But TBH I like how he thinks and operates and that is reality at least in corporate America.  


SaHa - softening up and seeing CS differently.  She seems to be aloof but has a soft heart.  She is like a menthos candy - hard on the outside but cool and soft on the inside.   The CS counting sheep version using Pi is the best!!!


ChungSan - for making that pi counting sheep video


Halmoni - for consoling her good boy even if good boy was being uncharacteristically emotional.  She knows him to well and that hug was reassurance that he is still the good boy from 15 years ago. 


Im not going to dwell on who the losers from this episode but I'm hopeful to see growth in the next episodes.   Bottom line, emotions can get you in trouble.  It would be wise to get the facts straight and use these to make informed decisions. 


Can't decide if DM omma is a winner or a loser but I give her A for effort.  She's trying however she still needs hand holding from halmoni to do her job so what's the point of hiring her.  


Downside ... I'll have to wait for another week to see the next episode.  The trailer was alluding to SamSan guys coming back ... and in business class this time hahaha ... relationship between DM and JP and DS reclaiming his position ...  all exciting ... looking forward to it!


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I wanted to beat RickRoll'D Young San and push him down that railing today....I really did. That boy needs to get off that moral high horse. I can't stand him at all. Ji Pyeong was right, hash words are needed at times. He is the biggest looser and whiny idiot that doesn't deserve what he got in my opinion. Do San, my god he is beyond immature. What was the point of that fight, to me it shows how he really is not who Dal Mi needs. Dal Mi needs solid emotional support, strong career advice. Ji Pyeong can still guide her but Do San has so much growing up to do before Dal Mi can rely on him. My God! As for, In Jae...in her short cameo appearance she once again showed her excellent skills as a business woman...not getting distracted, calmly handling the situation, coming clean to her mentor ...she did things right in 5 minutes she got today. Dal Mi could be helpful to her but we'll see next episode if she does get hired though. I am also glad Ji Pyeong honestly told Yong San the truth, that idiot needs to stop blaming Ji Pyeong for the death. I am glad he held his ground. I would sue for libel too but I will take it. 

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Anyway did Dalmi and the lawyer got their share from the 3 billion? I mean at least enough for Dalmi to start over? I really don’t like her sister but Dalmi working with her sister also good idea. And i think Dosan went abroad also good, it give restart for their relationship

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Hey y’all. Is this drama flopping in Korea ? It makes me so sad cuz this is such an amazing drama about young entrepreneur


the writer seems to really like suzy they’ve worked together on so many dramas already 

On 11/22/2020 at 1:49 PM, Sanblox said:





#justiceforinjae this is more than just a lonely character like the director put it. they seem to isolate both the character and the actress himself. This show really did her dirty. I won't be able to forgive them for what they did to Kang Han Na.


Anyone else noticed that there aren't even any pics including her on the actor's Instagram pages? Even on her own Instagram, she's always alone in the pics. I really wonder what happened there. Why did they do this to her when she clearly was cast as a main lead?

yes I noticed but there doesn’t seem to be any bad blood between the actors since Hanna tagged suzy in her latest post and if u see bts njh and Hanna were laughing with each other. Maybe Hanna just doesn’t click with this group ig? Cuz everyone else seems to get along just fine with each other and post pictures except for her.

Edited by Jillia
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5 hours ago, Dundee said:

Anyway did Dalmi and the lawyer got their share from the 3 billion? I mean at least enough for Dalmi to start over? I really don’t like her sister but Dalmi working with her sister also good idea. And i think Dosan went abroad also good, it give restart for their relationship

They should as stockholders.  The videographer/blogger cousin of DS got his share.  I'd entertain the idea of DM working with IJ.  This would be a good opportunity to mend old wounds however it would be interesting to see their dynamics given they view things differently - IJ more business driven while DM more into what would serve a need albeit unprofitable.  DM may change and be influenced by IJ.  In the last episode DM was slowly getting into increasing their customer base so looks like she will be able to balance serving a need and also become a profitable business.  


DoSan needs to grow-up.  Him working in the US will make him see how things differently.  Business is business no sugar coating and he will likely get more JiPyeongs keeping him straight and honest.  

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6 hours ago, Sanblox said:





#justiceforinjae this is more than just a lonely character like the director put it. they seem to isolate both the character and the actress himself. This show really did her dirty. I won't be able to forgive them for what they did to Kang Han Na.


Anyone else noticed that there aren't even any pics including her on the actor's Instagram pages? Even on her own Instagram, she's always alone in the pics. I really wonder what happened there. Why did they do this to her when she clearly was cast as a main lead?

Nam Joo Hyuk has worked with Kang Hanna before, there's no bad blood but I guess they just aren't friends beyond professional goodwill. As for the rest, Kang Hanna's screen time combined up to episode 11 hardly is 2 hours (maybe less) and she barely has any scenes with the rest of the cast. You won't get close when you don't interact with those people. I doubt there's bad blood....its just plain unfortunate how the writer director side lined her and reduced her role to daily cameo appearance.

Edited by Jillia
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I wasn't crazy about episode 11 as a standalone ep but I thought it did a good job of moving the story along.  I'm team future filled with hopes and dreams so I am never crazy about these angst filled episodes.  I think there is enough disappointment in life that I don't really need it in my fiction.  Oh well, I seem to be in the minority there....


After this episode I'm pretty confident DS/DM are end-game both romantically and as soul mates.  My favorite scene was when the two of them were on the phone at the beginning.   However, I will say the writer is doing some interesting things so I won't say I"m 100% certain.  I thought it was interesting that DM did the exact things DS's mother said would show she liked him but he didn't catch on.  I thought that might be the epilogue but at least the actual epilogue was even more moving.


I was a little annoyed by the business stuff in the episode because it was so contrived to move the plot along.  SA is a good enough attorney to recommend against a law suit but not to recommend they have an expert review the contract?  Sandbox, which is intended to prevent you from being hurt, doesn't prepare CEOs for buy outs/investments, isn't that the entire purpose of Demo Day?


I'm also interested in why people are saying DS needs to grow after this episode.  I would think that as the CEO the buyout is 100% on DM.

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10 hours ago, Nymeria289 said:

wanted to beat RickRoll'D Young San and push him down that railing today....I really did. That boy needs to get off that moral high horse. I can't stand him at all. Ji Pyeong was right, hash words are needed at times. He is the biggest looser and whiny idiot that doesn't deserve what he got in my opinion. Do San, my god he is beyond immature. What was the point of that fight, to me it shows how he really is not who Dal Mi needs. Dal Mi needs solid emotional support, strong career advice. Ji Pyeong can still guide her but Do San has so much growing up to do before Dal Mi can rely on him. My God! As for, In Jae...in her short cameo appearance she once again showed her excellent skills as a business woman...not getting distracted, calmly handling the situation, coming clean to her mentor ...she did things right in 5 minutes she got today. Dal Mi could be helpful to her but we'll see next episode if she does get hired though. I am also glad Ji Pyeong honestly told Yong San the truth, that idiot needs to stop blaming Ji Pyeong for the death. I am glad he held his ground. I would sue for libel too but I will take it. 

Just wanted to say, I totally agree with all of what you said. Cheering for the reconciliation of the sisters. Yong San says that he joined the team because he wanted to prove JP wrong when JP said that the record for success in the companies he did not invest in were 0. In other words JP did not invest in start ups or in companies that did not show growth or value. And that is what most successful investors do. Imagine Warren Buffet making an investment in a losing company? Granted that Yong San has not gotten over the grief of losing his brother but lashing out and blaming others does not make it better. If he were to interview for a job, and told the interviewer what he said to Dosan, that his interest in interviewing for the job is to show off to JP who rejected them initially that JP is wrong about them or more specifically him. He will not be getting a call back from the company. He just told the interviewer that he has an ax to grind and has no interest in the company. He just proved himself as not a team player he only is thinking about himself and what is good for him (his ego). He is not batting for the team, he is batting for himself. He just showed that when he prevented JP from calling DS to tell them not to sign the contract until he reads it. Then when he is found out, he starts a rant about his brother blaming it on JP. That is someone DS or Alex do not need on the team. Clearly, YS needs counseling. He is still in the throes of grief and blame at the suicide of his brother. He will do what he thinks is good for his plan to "show him". Contrary to what he thinks, he is replaceable because his attitude will not get him anywhere of "showing him". He must learn to accept that his brother was troubled emotionally and had nothing to do with JP because even if it was other than JP who rejected the brother and less harshly, the brother would have still killed himself. That is something that YS should be thinking about the real reason why his brother committed suicide then get counseling for himself. 


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