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[Drama 2020] We were in Love, 우리 사랑했을까


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This drama remains me a lot of Mamamia. There was a good chance that we'll never know who is hanee real father in the end...


But in the other hand I get why Ae Jung kept her daughter as secret. Except of the loanshark, all three guys now has successful careers. If she were told them 14th years ago, she definitely afraid to ruin their future / forced to give up the baby. At one point after delivered the baby, she seemed to lost contact with the three of them. We need more information about what happen in the past 15 years.

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Oooh, I see that only a few people have voted for someone else than Oh Dae O ! :joy:

Let's see what news this week's episodes will bring - maybe the people who voted fro Ryu Jin might be the ones that are correct with their guess after all....? :kiss_wink:


Also, I would like to inform that we have an awesome Variety Quiz ongoing in the Events section!



Here is your chance to win some points you can use in the Members Shop :glasses:


Kind Regards,

Your Event Organizers ( @Lmangla @snowlou @partyon )

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2 hours ago, tuffygarcia said:

3:30 hours before the new ep is available in Netflix!


JTBC released new still cuts, I am pretty much interested and looking forward how the four gents are finally meeting face-to-face. and there is a pic of Yeonwoo carrying Aejung bridal style! 



Haha so I was right that they all are going to meet. Only Ha Nee is missing here 

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i'm curious why Ryu Jin is fearful of #3... like, did he do something which he should not have done when Ae Jung was drunk?


anyway, it's just a random thought... waiting for live recap or spoilers




(i almost type +2) hahaha

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Check the preview...


Damn the scene Ha nee say who is her father in preview of ep 5 turn out will be happening in ep 6. 


And the one who she choose is ryu jin. 


But then we got scene preview of ODO asking RJ why is he doing this to him


And then we got the scene of DO say he still like AJ.


And ofcourse dasom already start her role with asking why AJ should be in the movie


( this all preview for ep 6 )

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@chatterbox22 Oh my and @tuffygarcia about them all meeting. Cute that PD is carryikng AJ purse though. So I cannot imagine she got drunk with all three guys. She got injured? It is curious that ALL three of the guys converged and then later YW is carrying her in bride style. Def reeks of she is hurt/injured or something or fainted?


@mouse007 Hmm good theories and thoughts about AJ not telling her daughter. So many scenarios and reasons. They are all valid and make sense. I agree she did not get pregnant due to a traumatic/horrible situation like rape. If she did, AJ responses (to the baby dad would not be favorable to say the least). But if the lack of RJ action (while still in touch with both) is definitely suspicious. AJ did sound surprised that ODO was still in touch with RJ and perked up so he could be the contact to sign him up for their project.


Our OTP are none the wiser (as of now) about RJ and his lack of action/words (still suspicious) to get them TALK. AJ definitely was upset and drinking with RJ sunbae (I guess interesting she had that drinking talk with RJ. (I guess she had a lonely time --thank god for her loving mom) with no close female friends. Seems like she doesn't have any other than her family unit of HN and mom with her (since raising HN).


So I cannot blame her when ODO had the gall to assume her life and not know her life. Good for her to say that she lives for her daughter and all her life is for her daughter. When ODO learned that she is a single mom from her colleague HJ. OMG he felt alot of emotions. He was rude , assuming she was married (I think he was low key relieved she was still single def surprised about the kid) as his stirring feelings for her were re-emerging from being so dormant. No wonder he was wanting to talk ASAP with her.

(So I feel if ODO knew of AJ being pregnant with HN, he DEFINITELY would have lived a life with AJ. Now he would not have gotten the fame as a writer .) Famous writers/artists and songwriters etc write their best works when going through strong emotional turmoil (lost love /breaking up from a relationship) definitely being a big part of it.


For AJ, she is not as forward as ODO but def seeing something ---of ODO with someone else in a compromising position (kiss/hug etc) could def have her avoid AND not talk to ODO. In fact, I feel she SHOULD talk to him to get closure.


The LACK OF COMMUNICATION trope is used in so many Kdramas. But frankly, I can see why it is used. We would not have much to think about but the noble idiocy trope is another not my faves either that is used a lot. In real life, who REALLY talks it out ?! Not everyone. Still as a viewer, it is frustrating.


Seeing all the men together, they have their charms. I hope someone can kindly recap. Pretty please! :ok: Back to work for me .


@Samuel Yohanes Thanks for mentioning the preview!


Here is the preview for ep 6


Ok my rough attempt to translate the preview so please excuse my mistakes:


-YW—It was 14 years ago and til now, I liked you Nuna for a long time. I hope it is me (?)

-ODO- I saw your expression (from your eyes) is today like Day 1?

-ODO- Saying to Joo Arin (Dasom character)—Have not thought of anyone other than you

-Joo Arin—I wanted to know if there is any particular reason that AJ has to be part of the movie?

AJ-Now that we talk about it, PD (?) Sajang Nim and I are friends.

HN-Gu Mi boyfriend is my dad.

ODO to RJ—How could you do that to me?

ODO to AJ—I still like you.


So seems like bumpy road ahead. Glad that ODO is honest with AJ and telling her, he likes her.
So I guess HN really says out loud as ODO confronts RJ (yikes the hurt). (So it is not IMAGINATION then? wow.) Will AJ correct her thinking? Ack?!

Joo Arin still has her crush on ODO as JW has his with AJ.

Cute how AJ walks up to RJ all awkward.

We see AJ lookalike in bed and with PD looking on at her? (Who was she to him? Definitely someone who stirred deep feelings for him. Regret? Remorse? Did she pass away? Someone he cannot be with?) Is it just imagination?

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Recap ep 5 


Number by scene


( ) is my own thought 


1. The confrontation in rooftop between odo aj and yw  


2. Hn finally met RJ and she straight up say i am aj daughter and you are my father why you abandon me. Rj say sorry. HN ask can she call him dad. RJ say ofcourse


3.Wow IT JUST RJ HALLUCINATUON!!! OMG I GOT TROLLED HARD.. but it kind obvious in the end because of the bgm haha.


4. HN Ask RJ to be the guest lecture. So he go the the class and suddenly the angry mom become fangirl mom lmao and the kids in the class also become fangirl aswell.


5. Talk between DO and AJ in rooftop. 

Aj said her husband was dead and ask do to stop talking about it every again. ( i know she lying but why make it so obvious for the viewers lol ) do shocked and at loss of word


6. RJ giving QnA. One of the kids ask what his memory of his first love. He said she was the one who mad him pursue acting career. AJ just came to the class and she look a bit shocked. RJ is so tall lmao the other look like midget hahaha. He got dragged out of the class by manager because he got next schedule


7. Just before they leave the school AJ Stop their car by standing in front of the van and ask time to talk. 


8. So AJ ask RJ how he come here and be the guest lecture. When he want to say about HN. From far HN ask RJ to not say anything about it with Hand signal hahaha. The scene is lol. And he said then he want to be in the movie. The scene is so gold hahaaa


9. RJ ask manager will he still be able to debut in hollywood if he found out to have a illegimate child ( wait what?????? ) manager say ofcourse not. They had talk a bit it is funny how scared rj is haha. 


10. Flashback to 2006 when YW want to confess to aj. 


11. AJ come to a sleepy yw and place one earphone to his head. He wake up. Aj ask why he take a class here in her university when it is very far from his home like 1 hour ( i dont know the detail why he can take class there i am afraif ill lost in translation so maybe one who understand about it can explain ) and then he ask isnt the tape is broken. Aj said that yeah it is but her BF fixed it for her.

Yw didnt give the book with love letter to aj because of it. 


12. Aj want to celebrate the success of the mission in her friend cafe. Her coworker came with cake and said lets celebrate and she already invite the other. DO RJ and PD come lol and her mood is like it make me crazy lol


13. RJ help AJ who are a little short to reach the wine(?) And then they had talk


14. Rj aj pd do and coworker gather together and had talk. Alright her name is hyejin i need to start remember it haha.

Drunk hye jin is so funny haha she expose all 3 guys crime to aj haha


15. The scene in still preview. RJ and DO together bring drunk AJ to the house while PD find her house with map.

Drunk AJ is funny hahaha she look like wild animal lol


16. Finally arrive in front of the house. AJ is drunk enough and say i lovr you choi hang ja ( her mom ) and then yw take her inside.



And then he said sorry he wont go to hollywood he want to star in a better movie. Song Face looks shocked and angry and yeah..


18. Scene at aj house in the morning grandmother mkther and daughter had breakfast and talk


19. Scene morning talk between aj and yw


20. Ms song call AJ and they had talk aj,song and Rj manager.


21. Turn out ms song give AJ list of actress she should cast if She want RJ to star in her movie. If she couldnt cast one of the list ( can you guys tell me who is who haha i think there is 4 or 5 in the list ) rj wont work with her movie. 


22. RJ DO see the list and they instantly say this is crazy and not possible. They look so shock and down. ( little that they know that one of them had a crush on DO haha )


23. Trio men had talk about the female cast. Do ask rj and pd to back off and let him handle things. 


24. Scene in school ( not really important imo )


25. So from 5 list , 4 of them is X because of one is pregnant, one is married and one is drunk driving charged. The one left is dasom. And hj and aj go to met her. 


Mind you guys its more than halfway to ep 5 and dasom still hadnt make appearance in person ( fun fact )


26. finally dasom scene. Hahaha 

She is a angel outside but thug inside haha. She taking smoke inside car and ask her manager do she look like angel. 


27. When the manager go out from car to clean the ash tray trash. Aj and hj met him and give him the script but then the fans of ah rin suddenly flash mob the basement hahahaha


28. Lol DO had talj with aj and then when he mention how tall... suddenly they show scene where 4 men stand side by side and do is the only short guy ahhahahahahhahaha and there is scene where they make line for the heigjt it is so funny lmao


29. Suddenly it is raining and then when AJ try to walk through the rain DO givr her umbrella and then we got a short flashback but she didnt take the umbrella lol


30. We got the longer flashback of what happen in the rain in 2005. It is not umbrella but the rain cover for outside table in store lmao.


31. Do manager give do the proposal of some kind of challenge like ice bucket challenge that one need to do and then can nominate other celebrity. Manager tbought do wont interested with that but

Do accept it immediatly. 


32. RJ manager fixed his phone and want to give it back to rj but before he give it he got message from HN about the message Aj sent to rj 14 years ago. The manager call hn and said never call rj again. Rj overhear and close the call and then got angry and ask manager to go home




34. So Ah rin ( dasom ) see the challenge from DO. She suddenly try to find her yearbook and ask her manager can he recongnize her after 14 years. And then she said yes she will reply to the challenge and she said to ask ODO to meet her too


35. Ah rin send message to do about the movie and then do confused she reply right away and ask himself is he that great


36. So do call aj but not answrred.. aj was in movie date with yw ( the one she promised to him ) and we got some scene there lol. And then the bus stop scene.


37. When aj turning on her phone and see odo call her so many time. She want to call him but YW stop her hand and then do the confession.... but after he said i like you noona.... DO WHO SEEING YW HOLDING AJ HAND SUDDENLY GO TO THE TWO AND DRIVE BACKWARD AND SPLASH WATER TO THEM.BUT IT IS CLIFFHANGER ENDING LOL. 



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@Samuel Yohanes Thanks thanks thanks for recapping. I put a rough translation of the preview up (edited the prior post btw).


Hmm food for thought.


@mademoisellesia I did read about SF9 doing a cameo in a post, I thought SOOMPI but I guess not.


Awww we were trolled HN calling RJ dad. I was going to say, HN would not OUTRIGHT say it right with no test or figuring out stuff first given what she did with YW. LOL. RJ really wants to be part of AJ life and possibly HN.


I think it is cool he was there and MADE FACE for AJ with the unkind mothers. Thanks to HN fast thinking, AJ was saved and having the HOTTEST actor who is supposedly Hollywood bound too is a major COUP indeed!


Why AJ you lie to ODO about the dad being dead. Ok that is unbelievable!  Let him meet HN and realize 2 and 2 together, dude 14 yr old daughter we were dating and you SUDDENLY got married and met someone after we broke up? Come on. Let AJ talk her way out of that and not happy to hear she did that . DANG.


But LIES are meant to be broken and the TRUTH will be found out. Like ODO found about AJ with no husband and that she had a kid being a single mom. ODO will find out from someone else about the TRUTH there was NEVER a husband.


I wonder if AJ realizes RJ is talking about her. Seems though she was attracted to RJ looks, she fell for ODO who made a move (right under RJ). Smart man. Nothings fair in love and war. RJ may have the looks, ODO is not lacking himself but he is not as tall or popular and was hoobae too. So he had to be scrappy to show his interest in sunbae (though they were same age). LOL.

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19 minutes ago, Nodame said:

So I cannot blame her when ODO had the gall to assume her life and not know her life. Good for her to say that she lives for her daughter and all her life is for her daughter. When ODO learned that she is a single mom from her colleague HJ. OMG he felt alot of emotions. He was rude , assuming she was married (I think he was low key relieved she was still single def surprised about the kid) as his stirring feelings for her were re-emerging from being so dormant. No wonder he was wanting to talk ASAP with her.

(So I feel if ODO knew of AJ being pregnant with HN, he DEFINITELY would have lived a life with AJ. Now he would not have gotten the fame as a writer .) Famous writers/artists and songwriters etc write their best works when going through strong emotional turmoil (lost love /breaking up from a relationship) definitely being a big part of it.


For AJ, she is not as forward as ODO but def seeing something ---of ODO with someone else in a compromising position (kiss/hug etc) could def have her avoid AND not talk to ODO. In fact, I feel she SHOULD talk to him to get closure.



I think that everything ODO says/does is driven by the pain he felt in losing her. He felt that she just walked out on him without an explanation and I, too, honestly believe that he still loves her. Sometimes the line between love and hate gets blurred when the emotions are strong. I think to cope with the pain, he formulated all of these opinions of her in his head to make himself hate her. However, he is slowly beginning to realize that none of it is true (such as his assumptions about how she's lived her life). I also love that AJ spoke up for herself especially if it turns out that she made all those choices for his sake. You are right in that ODO would have stayed with her had he known about the pregnancy and he wouldn't be what he is today. He wouldn't have written his debut novel which made him famous. I wonder too if AJ knew ODO would've given up his dreams for her and maybe she wasn't comfortable with that? I don't know.. in any case, I am so interested in the coming revelations.


I am sure there is some complexity around RJ, AJ and ODO's relationship with each other. I wonder if ODO knows that RJ liked AJ. Because from my impression so far, it looks like he doesn't. 


I haven't seen ep 5 yet (have to do some work first :() but I think that woman we keep seeing in the previews is part of their past and somehow involved with ODO and AJ's misunderstanding. 


I can't help but feel bad for Ha Nee who is in the middle of all these! Imagine how confusing it must be for her! She's going from no dad to 3 potential dads and 1 suitor (the mobster).



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@Mademoisella I know right? Chani was just in "Once Again" a weekend drama as Jiwon for a few episodes and his cameo ended. It was cute. I like RW. I was glad to see them at KCON NY. I hope RW has a speedy recovery.


Interesting that SF9 are in the party scene with AJ and ODO and JAR.  Are they the musical guests? Performing at the party?

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12 minutes ago, Nodame said:

Why AJ you lie to ODO about the dad being dead. Ok that is unbelievable!  Let him meat HN and realize 2 and 2 together, dude 14 yr old daughter we were dating and you SUDDENLY got married and met someone after we broke up? Come on. Let AJ talk her way out of that and not happy to hear she did that . DANG.


But LIES are meant to be broken and the TRUTH will be found out. Like ODO found about AJ with no husband and that she had a kid being a single mom. ODO will find out from someone else about the TRUTH there was NEVER a husband.


I wonder if AJ realizes RJ is talking about her. Seems though she was attracted to RJ looks, she fell for ODO who made a move (right under RJ). Smart man. Nothings fair in love and war. RJ may have the looks, ODO is not lacking himself but he is not as tall or popular and was hoobae too. So he had to be scrappy to show his interest in sunbae (though they were same age). LOL.


UGH! Why did AJ lie again!!!! It's just making it so much worse for everyone!!


I think AJ probably had a crush on RJ because she chose to kiss him during that drinking game in ep 1 but ODO liked AJ and threw up on purpose to stop the kiss. And then he swooped in for the chance to ask her out. SMOOTH MOVES! Hahaha! I think there was definitely attraction between AJ and RJ but I think for AJ, it was just a crush and she loved ODO.



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