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[OFFICIAL] Hyun Bin ❤️ Son Ye Jin (BinJin Couple)


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Hi all I'm also a long time lurker on here, wishing the best for our BinJin couple but that OSEN article seriously got me gutted.:heartbreak:The content of it seems the same but with the additional of Hyunbin"s "Friend". I wonder how credible it really is and it seems so weird to me that his friend would come out with that kind of statement. If i were the friend i wouldn't be saying anything about my celeb friends personal lives. Hoping it's not true

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1 hour ago, pnaysurfer84 said:

No Korean man (or any man), in his right mind will misplace affection if he isn't interested or with someone else.  

Have you not seen HB not wanting to even shake hands with the 2nd lead female actress?! He just totally gave her a high five.

Are we all watching the same BTSs everyone!? HB doesn't act impulsively just to please us. Everything is calculated because he is the male lead of this drama and it is in his personality. 

Shipping is about the POTENTIAL of the couple. Holding on to the ability that there is something MORE in the relationship. 

So, hold fast. Not everything is going to be easy but ask yourself this question: What do I really believe about BinJin?



I believe that the denials are to protect SYJ.

She is a very very private person. 

She even said that it's hard to date in her profession and would like to meet someone who is kind and tall and understands her job. But there's a hint that she also wants to stay private. HB had always confirmed his relationships in the past, i don't know why. But if his relationship with SYJ matters more to him (whether they are together or just really close) and this is his way to protect her, I'm all for it. Vast is co-owned by HB. I trust HB has SYJs best interest at heart. 


I love every part of what you said and I agree. SHIPPING IS NOT FOR THE WEAK!! The ocean waters may be rocky at times but come on, we have a SOLID SHIP! It can't be sunny skies all the time - SYJ is super private and I 100% understand out of respect for her. HB may have been ok with acknowledging his past because his partners were ok with it, but SYJ is a private person. So let's just respect that :)


BTW I felt so bad for the 2nd lead actress - HB barely gave her a high five and then was focused on something else already - his face looked away. That was the end of it. She didn't even get a proper chance to say goodbye or good job or it was nice working with you LOLOL whereas SYJ has gotten way too many physical touches (pat on back, hand/thumb rub, etc)

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I totally totally understand the heart of a shipper! 

Seeing all of you staying so positive despite all these denials from VAST makes me feel you guys are emotionally so strong! 

OSEN is credible but I say wait for DISPATCH! If by next year Jan they don’t give you guys anything affirmative on them, then just take it with your heads held up high and relish the journey you had.

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I'm also curious as to why VAST is the one doing all the work, Yejin's agency hasn't said a thing about any of this since the grocery photos. Options I'm thinking is that Yejin is literally wanting to stay silent/ denying until they get married like she said she would do , Hyunbin is the spokesperson for them both or worst case is that HB must be seeing someone else which is why VAST keeps denying. :bawling:

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21 minutes ago, Magritte said:

I echo @bpwinces! sentiments.


Hello everyone!  Let me lend my perspectives which are coming from a neutral place. Please bear with me for I am new to this.


I have been enjoying reading all your posts as well as CLOY’s forum. Please continue on and don’t get discouraged. Don’t get swayed to what is being put out there and therefore remove the fun you are all are having. I hate to see all the negativeness that have come because of the Articles that have not been verified not confirmed as true.

What the Medias and VAST have done, were for you to “NOT TRUST OR BELIEVE perhaps according to them your LYING EYES!” Please don’t fall for that.


You have a LOT to go on. In fact there are more than enough. I am not even a shipper but believe that there is something going on between them. Please use your gut instinct and your eyes which can’t lie.

I am very meticulous and very observant. It’s my nature and I guess being an Artist also helps. Artists have to observe every little detail to bring things to life in their canvas.


These cannot be denied:


1.) The pictures taken in LA. This alone is big red flag. No matter how one wants to spin it, one cannot deny the truth behind it. You have already exhausted this in your discussions. How about the other sightings that unfortunately have not produced any pictures? It doesn’t mean it did not happen.


2.) Rubbing of other people’s hands, fingers, arms or any part of the body. This is a very intimate act only a couple should do. Imagine your friend or let alone a co-worker do this to you. You would probably slap that person. It’s an invasion of one’s personal space if not permitted. It goes beyond touching. It’s a very sensual act. Hyun Bin has done it to Ye Jin numerous times in and out of the scenes.


3.) Hyun Bin’s intense stares or longing eyes directed at Ye Jin at numerous occasions. There were too many to count. Does this seem normal to you? Is it an act of someone uninterested or just being friendly? I’m sure your gut instinct says otherwise.


4.) Uncharacteristic gestures of both. Hyun Bin all of a sudden being playful and having guts to act silly and Ye Jin being shy and girly, when did these all began? Does it happen when they are with other people? Again, you have all discussed these.


5.) Unnecessary skinship. One tends to gravitate to someone you are attracted to or have feelings for. It’s natural to want to get close to that person. Your body looks for it. It has been shown in this forum comparison in their interactions with other co-star. It’s more apparent with Hyun Bin but nevertheless not unnoticed with subtle act of Ye Jin. Who would grab the head of a co-worker just to sniff it? Don’t tell me she didn’t smell his hair? To grab his hair and put it close to her nose is not looking for a scar...it will not be visible to the eyes. You have to part the hair to see it. So what’s the purpose of that act? And in Hyun Bin’s case, I feel bad for the Ji Hye who wanted to shake his hand and only got a high five and a look away after. How about all the BTS skinships coming from both? I don’t need to name them for all of you again have exhausted them in your discussions, videos, gif, etc. Also, the wrap-up party hug, which by the way initiated by someone who is supposedly shy and introverted, whether awkward or not, how many actors have done that?


The above are just to name a few. I don’t have to list all of them because I’m sure deep down this list is already embedded in your minds and hearts. So again please don’t get discouraged. Trust your eyes and your guts! It gets clouded by so many different opinions, news articles, negativity, assumptions, judgement, biases, etc. Put all these aside and look at it as a grain of salt. Base your judgments on what you yourself have seen and observed not with what other people say or have said or written. Actions are better than words. People lie all the time. Ye Jin and Hyun Bin have gifted all of you with many sweet and heart fluttering gestures and acts. So, why doubt?


Just my two cents. Peace and be happy. Enjoy your delulu and continue the fun. I’ll go back to lurking and enjoy reading your posts. Please don’t let this forum die down. It gives happiness to those who read.

Thanks for posting about these points, I agree with you !! I always think back to those LA grocery pics and I don't believe that they were shopping with other people it just doesn't make sense, Hyunbin was also there around the time of Ye Jin's birthday. I read earlier in the thread that someone stated that a knet saw the couple having dinner with Ye Jin's mom even. 


A lot of people are saying that HB has been open to dating in the past with other celebs so he really must not be dating Ye Jin, but as us fans know Ye Jin is soo personal about her life. Throughout her career she only had those dating rumors with Kim nam Gil and that was it. 

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20 minutes ago, doolyfeels said:

I'm also curious as to why VAST is the one doing all the work, Yejin's agency hasn't said a thing about any of this since the grocery photos. Options I'm thinking is that Yejin is literally wanting to stay silent/ denying until they get married like she said she would do , Hyunbin is the spokesperson for them both or worst case is that HB must be seeing someone else which is why VAST keeps denying. :bawling:


HB is being a man and taking the lead on rumors. LOL. SYJ trust HB enough to handle the media play. Even during press conference, she shared the same thing as HB and said he said it all. Read @magritte's post above yours. It's so true. LOL

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in reality, there are so many Kbiz couples in the past that consistently denied their dating rumors before they actually got caught by Dispatch or until their wedding confirmation.

even though I had never shipped any couple before (BinJin is my first and only), i was so shocked the day Song-Song couple confirmed their wedding because i only saw their denying news with such straight statements from both agencies.

so, that is to say, i'll patiently wait and focus on their careers.

time will answer everything. believe in your guts and observation. don't bash.

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We go into shipping not because we are sure they are dating but we are.giddy.over the prospect.

I just think these two people are perfect for each other. 

I may not want evidence but it makes me smile when I see Hyun Bin's dimples.appear and Son Ye Jin's eye smile when they are together.


Go watch their Negotiation and CLOY press conferences and promotions.

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5 hours ago, Site Admin said:

t's truth universally acknowledged that SYJ is a great actress but in CLOY, I noticed two scenes of misplaced tears on her part. One was during their talk by the fire on their way to Pyongyang. In that scene where she told RJH that he "will be a good husband and dad someday", her eyes suddenly welled with tears. I hope they cut it out for continuity (because her teary eyes sprang out of the blue), but they didn't. For a seasoned actress, why is she so emotional on the topic?


The second misplaced tears was during the soju scene in her living room in SK. Even the BTS indicated that she teared up uncontrollably, just when RJH talked about marriage, twins, growing old. I think it's not just a coincidence, the lady wants to settle down already. I should know because I am a woman too. We love to have great careers but it is innate in our nature to yearn for family life, someone to care for and nurture for the long haul. There are women who are blissfully happy being single too, but Son Ye Jin has already expressed her views regarding her preference. I truly believe that she is ready.

I totally agree with you. Those two scenes were exceptionally emotional, and I wondered if it was SYJ's superb acting or she was projecting a part of her real thoughts in there. They're both may as well testing the waters, both being playful and flirty but also waiting for the opposite to take a step first. HB's denyign statements via VAST may protect SJ but may accidentally hurt her unbeknownst to him.

I cannot write a novel like you cos my English is not that good, all I can do is clicking like on everyone's posts because most of you have helped me speak my mind. I'm all about YJ being in a drama with GY or someone equilvalent to HB so he knows it's now or never. hehe. I will go down with this ship. I won't put my hands up and surrender....until, you know, one of them announce a partner :)

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Whether they are dating or not it is not the end of the world. I like them individually and love them together:wub: Of course I would be overjoyed if they end up together, if not it will not affect my love and support for them. Here in this thread, we have fun in the prospect of them being together, so we don't need negativity affecting us. Rather than over-analysing everything to confirm their relationship status, lets wait for the confirmation from them.

And by the time let's have fun as this thread is for fun:) 

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2 hours ago, pnaysurfer84 said:

"No Korean man (or any man), in his right mind will misplace affection if he isn't interested or with someone else."  


Have you not seen HB not wanting to even shake hands with the 2nd lead female actress?! He just totally gave her a high five.

Are we all watching the same BTSs everyone!? HB doesn't act impulsively just to please us. Everything is calculated because he is the male lead of this drama and it is in his personality. 

Shipping is about the POTENTIAL of the couple. Holding on to the ability that there is something MORE in the relationship. 

So, hold fast. Not everything is going to be easy but ask yourself this question: What do I really believe about BinJin?



I believe that the denials are to protect SYJ.

She is a very very private person. 

She even said that it's hard to date in her profession and would like to meet someone who is kind and tall and understands her job. But there's a hint that she also wants to stay private. HB had always confirmed his relationships in the past, i don't know why. But if his relationship with SYJ matters more to him (whether they are together or just really close) and this is his way to protect her, I'm all for it. Vast is co-owned by HB. I trust HB has SYJs best interest at heart. 

Super agree with you @pnaysurfer84.. 


1 hour ago, Magritte said:


What the Medias and VAST have done, were for you to “NOT TRUST OR BELIEVE perhaps according to them your LYING EYES!” Please don’t fall for that.


You have a LOT to go on. In fact there are more than enough. I am not even a shipper but believe that there is something going on between them. Please use your gut instinct and your eyes which can’t lie.

I am very meticulous and very observant. It’s my nature and I guess being an Artist also helps. Artists have to observe every little detail to bring things to life in their canvas.


These cannot be denied:


1.) The pictures taken in LA. This alone is big red flag. No matter how one wants to spin it, one cannot deny the truth behind it. You have already exhausted this in your discussions. How about the other sightings that unfortunately have not produced any pictures? It doesn’t mean it did not happen.


2.) Rubbing of other people’s hands, fingers, arms or any part of the body. This is a very intimate act only a couple should do. Imagine your friend or let alone a co-worker do this to you. You would probably slap that person. It’s an invasion of one’s personal space if not permitted. It goes beyond touching. It’s a very sensual act. Hyun Bin has done it to Ye Jin numerous times in and out of the scenes.


3.) Hyun Bin’s intense stares or longing eyes directed at Ye Jin at numerous occasions. There were too many to count. Does this seem normal to you? Is it an act of someone uninterested or just being friendly? I’m sure your gut instinct says otherwise.


4.) Uncharacteristic gestures of both. Hyun Bin all of a sudden being playful and having guts to act silly and Ye Jin being shy and girly, when did these all began? Does it happen when they are with other people? Again, you have all discussed these.


5.) Unnecessary skinship. One tends to gravitate to someone you are attracted to or have feelings for. It’s natural to want to get close to that person. Your body looks for it. It has been shown in this forum comparison in their interactions with other co-star. It’s more apparent with Hyun Bin but nevertheless not unnoticed with subtle act of Ye Jin. Who would grab the head of a co-worker just to sniff it? Don’t tell me she didn’t smell his hair? To grab his hair and put it close to her nose is not looking for a scar...it will not be visible to the eyes. You have to part the hair to see it. So what’s the purpose of that act? And in Hyun Bin’s case, I feel bad for the Ji Hye who wanted to shake his hand and only got a high five and a look away after. How about all the BTS skinships coming from both? I don’t need to name them for all of you again have exhausted them in your discussions, videos, gif, etc. Also, the wrap-up party hug, which by the way initiated by someone who is supposedly shy and introverted, whether awkward or not, how many actors have done that?


The above are just to name a few. I don’t have to list all of them because I’m sure deep down this list is already embedded in your minds and hearts. So again please don’t get discouraged. Trust your eyes and your guts! It gets clouded by so many different opinions, news articles, negativity, assumptions, judgement, biases, etc. Put all these aside and look at it as a grain of salt. Base your judgments on what you yourself have seen and observed not with what other people say or have said or written. Actions are better than words. People lie all the time. Ye Jin and Hyun Bin have gifted all of you with many sweet and heart fluttering gestures and acts. So, why doubt?


Just my two cents. Peace and be happy. Enjoy your delulu and continue the fun. I’ll go back to lurking and enjoy reading your posts. Please don’t let this forum die down. It gives happiness to those who read.

Thank you @Magritte for point that out very well.. This kind of things no need to overthink for.. the evidence like what the NIS agent said "ITS TOO CLEAR AS DAY"

What Vast and Media do are to confusing us.. like they're playing a mind game its real or not real.. and showing a pesimistic behavior is a successful effect of what they're doing.

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