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[OFFICIAL] Hyun Bin ❤️ Son Ye Jin (BinJin Couple)


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1 hour ago, flailingfangirl said:

They are hot commodity now due to the success of the show, and I really want to see them on TV/movie screen again. So who knows?

My heart says and i do believe some directors or even writers are eyeing now to these lovely couple for another collab may it be either on big or small screen. Lets wait and see:innocent:.

But for now keep spreading positive vibes for this BinJin thread somehow somewhere we reach to the right destination together with them. 

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1 hour ago, B.MMM said:

Hi, i’m not a new fan (HB fan) but i’m new in soompi

i read all pages but wanted to say that friend is not friend.

I don’t read the english news cause i know korean and in the korean news that statement came from Binnie’s side not his friend.

So don’t worry it’s his company’s representative who speaks from the start of this case not one of his friends. 

Please don’t trust everything that is on english news cause most of them is not correct in translation. The most reliable news came from naver.


:D:D I just join soompi so that i can tell you this...



thanks so much for your news! 

Please do help us translate some news articles about BinJin from Naver when you find the time. 

Many thanks again :) 

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I have to admit I was a bit delusional when I have heard SYJ was rushed to the er ..I thought she was pregnant and I was a bit excited about the ending of cloy not the show per se but the announcement that they will be having a baby hahahaha 

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19 minutes ago, Loveumore said:

My heart says and i do believe some directors or even writers are eyeing now to these lovely couple for another collab may it be either on big or small screen. Lets wait and see:innocent:.

But for now keep spreading positive vibes for this BinJin thread somehow somewhere we reach to the right destination together with them. 

Positivity is the way to go! :D

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With all these hypes that our couple getting recently, I think we'll have to wait for a longgggg time to get a new one (announcement ahem lol). Considering that both HB & SYJ like to separate work & private life, we'll have to wait for a while from now on.


And I don't think they will do another project with each other anytime soon (whether it's a movie or drama), becos of too much attention from CLOY already :p 


I agree with many of u here that let nature take its course, just enjoy our happy moments that our couple provide us in many gifs, vids, pics, and wait patiently ~^^


Edited to add #InGroceryWeTrust LOL

Edited by SilverLining_520
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2 hours ago, B.MMM said:

Hi, i’m not a new fan (HB fan) but i’m new in soompi

i read all pages but wanted to say that friend is not friend.

I don’t read the english news cause i know korean and in the korean news that statement came from Binnie’s side not his friend.

So don’t worry it’s his company’s representative who speaks from the start of this case not one of his friends. 

Please don’t trust everything that is on english news cause most of them is not correct in translation. The most reliable news came from naver.


:D:D I just join soompi so that i can tell you this...


Thank you for saying this !! After a lot of people commenting about being heartbroken because the statement was made by HB’s friend, I suddenly doubted my reading comprehension because I don’t remember seeing any “friend” word in the translated article anywhere lol. Thank you for clarifying this :) 



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2 minutes ago, SilverLining_520 said:

And I don't think they will do another project with each other anytime soon (whether it's a movie or drama), becos of too much attention from CLOY already :p 

I think so too, they might not do another project anytime soon... or never again. They could have had lots of interviews for CLOY but we actually get nothing. Despite the popularity, no specials will be done. The leads are being too quiet about the success of CLOY. Seems as if they just want everything to die down soon. i don't think we can also expect any post from Yejin in her ig as well. :sweatingbullets:


It's probably going to be months of drought before we get any news again. Unless Dispatch has something up their sleeves :sweatingbullets: But i'd like it better if they will be the ones to announce any good news when the time is right. :)

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10 minutes ago, Kyoya said:

It's probably going to be months of drought before we get any news again. Unless Dispatch has something up their sleeves :sweatingbullets: But i'd like it better if they will be the ones to announce any good news when the time is right. :)


To be honest I dislike Dispatch becos for me they invade too much of celebrities' privacy. So I'd rather hear confirmed news from our couple themselves :p 

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4 minutes ago, rookiehistorianAB said:

I wonder why they're so quiet tho (not just the 2 of them but the whole production in general). I mean, shouldnt they revel in CLOY's success? Their popularity right now is no joke :lol:

True. I don't actually know the behavior of the entire prod in Korea since it's my first time to follow a K-drama my entire life. I don't know their showbiz dynamics. But based on your comment, seems to me that it shall be same here in the Philippines when you have finished a show successfully, celebrations are everywhere, appreciation posts are all up... Etc

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I started watching kdramas around 1.5 yrs ago and this is my second ship here .First one was LJS and HHJ.Although I won't call it a full time shipping cause neither was i frantically searching for any article nor joined any forum.It could be that I liked their drama W so much and thus started searching for bts videos in YT.After watching them I thought they looked good together and it would be nice if they date as they seemed close.It was just a wish .At some point ,thought it was not going anywhere and started following their individual work.I think i was quite inconsistent cause after watching Brilliant Legacy with HHJ and Lee Seung Gi ,revoked my earlier wish :joy:.Now coming back to CLOY, it is my favourite drama featuring favourite couple.On a side note, I didn't know much about Hyun Bin or Son Ye Jin .Watched Secret Garden last year due to its popularity and got so bored.The reason could be that it was full of old cliches(although Brilliant Legacy was even older but was my favourite untill CLOY toppled it) and the chemi between HB and HJW didn't work out for me.Even Hyun Bin's visual didn't impress me as he was too skinny back then .His character was a jerk and a pushover .But I liked SYJ in the cameo (didn't know who she was at that time).One day happened to come across some Yt clips and watched Personal Taste.Loved SYJ in it even though the last part dragged a little.That was it and never followed their works afterwards. When the news of them starring together in a drama came out , didn't pay much attention to the article and thought the plot to be quite cheesy , cliche and laughed it off . :sweat_smile:.I think it was like in December when i had nothing to do during winter break that i decided to give it a try.The first epi blew me off and immediately watched the second one . Their chemistry was undeniable.That spark I have never seen in my entire 50-60 kdrama watching history. As I waited for epi 3 to air, ,i did some research and found that they had dating rumours going on.I was like what the hell:astonished:..I became so proud of my sixth sense.Got to know about their previous work and watched that movie as well while waiting for subsequent episodes.This was followed by the presscon,swoon , promotional etc.I watched everything in the weekdays.Day by day my obsession for this couple and the drama reached new heights until i stumbled upon this forum..I was so happy to have found like minded people where i can relate to every single post.My friends don't give a damn and think of me as a crazy fangirl.Unlike many people I didn't know about their previous collaboration or scandal but even with the first glance in Cloy I could feel it .However i was little bit disappointed reading the last few pages of this thread.But my fellow sailors definitely managed to heighten my spirits.I m happy and positive now.Wont ever abandon this ship until they hook up with someone else.I m still dealing with the withdrawal symptoms.:bawling:. it is so harddd...

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3 hours ago, flailingfangirl said:



This is my first time actually posting in this forum - I have been a silent reader for so many years in various forums. Some ships sail, most end up nowhere lol. Suffice to say that this is not my first time down the rodeo.


I finally decide to post here because, well, if at all this would ease your hearts and minds on HB/YJ, especially for younger shippers and/or those who are in it for the first time. Am very careful not to use direct reference on their management names etc. - I don’t want to be implicated with any legal issues later on (I bet they do monitor a lot of things, but so long as we keep the discussions in this forum and not publish the screencap/actual details of the same via social media, I think we are fine.).


Throughout my years of shipping/shopping so many couples (I shopped SongSong too, among many other shops), here’s few things that I have experienced and observed (take it as a do’s and don’t’s).


One: Never post anything shippable directly to the artist’s social media handle. Can we all imagine the number of replies YJ gets every day? If I were her, I will stay away from social media forever.

Two: We can reply their posts encouragingly in terms of their career and projects (and how pretty / handsome they are). I don’t see this as doing them any harm.


Three: Not to take news too seriously - sometimes they publish dating or non-dating news to deflect other issues. Why do they deny things so hard if there’s nothing anyway hahaha. Take it easy.

Four: That being said, do be mindful in terms of those statements said in other SNS (eg on IG/Twitter) - out of fear of any legal actions being taken against any one of us. Particularly if those statements can be damaging to their reputation. For example, the hand under table BTS, it will reflect their image, marketability and also professionalisms as senior actors. Probably why he denied it so vehemently because it affects his image and rep.


I did hear unconfirmed rumors of each of them throughout the years - heck, I was still thinking that HB is publicly dating KS (it puts a wet blanket for any shipping ideas for me then, really), but I just ignore them because there wasn’t much to see, and at most times, I was not paying that much attention because I just end up watching their works without reading their gossips hahaha. They are two of my favourites, seriously. And I was so excited to hear that they will be working together, thinking that two amazing actors in a frame together. Must be a really good story, given YJ’s credentials (sorry HB, I love you but no Alhambra nooooo).


Ok where was I - ah yes. Personally, I believe that something is going on with these two. It can be really close friends (e.g. Song Ji Hyo - Lee Dong Wook, they are like very chummy buddies, SJH being easygoing tomboy-ish self), infatuation and admirable (I personally think HB easily is at this stage hahaha - it’s as clear as day), dating and serious relationships or ending in marriage in future. I don’t know in what stage these two are, but I will support them no matter what. I ship their characters JH and SR harddddd on the show and HB and YJ as themselves casually, based on their interactions (and photos, if any - hellooooo grocery boy! Hahaha). They look so good together and has amazing vibes when they are one. 


It is not easy, seriously. Both have images to keep (YJ having never declared any relationships in her longgggg career and HB being a co-owner of an agency and therefore both have to set a good, clean example of things). I bet due to the success of CLOY, there are endorsement offers waiting for these two, be it as an individual or together/same umbrella company, whatever. Movie offers, TV dramas, everything is at stake. They have reputations to keep and as much as they want to have a more free-er life, they can’t. Since there are so many factors to be considered, even more for YJ as she is in an agency. We don’t know if at all they have morality clauses in any of their contracts which may contribute to their image. I thought of the recent picture of them that was taken down (was it in Busan?) where they asked for it to be taken down. Maybe because they’d rather keep it private in order not to invite more public scrutiny on them. And public scrutiny is such a killer in a relationship. I don’t think they mind that much if a fan/ahjumma wanted to take a photo with them, but not for widespread exposure. 


Which brings me to another point: family, they have families to be taken care of. We know that HB mentioned about his parents and we aren’t sure how YJ’s parents are like. Deep down I believe that their families are still traditional Asian families and therefore are some values that need to be upheld. I am of the same age as these two, and I completely understand why YJ will never declare unless she’s married. Imagine how it will affect her craft and reputation. She’s a woman at the end of the day and we need to factor this in as well.


The drama was well and they acted really well. Their chemistry was on fiyahhhhhh. I personally want them to act together again, maybe in a movie next time. Simply because they have that magical chemistry that is so hard to get. Sure YJ is an amazing actress who can create chemistry with anyone, but HB - not all is magic.


I will continue shopping them - rationally of course. And enjoy every little bit that’s left from CLOY and not to overreact on things. The more we overreact or go aggressive say on IG/Twitter, we are pushing them further away. Which means no photos, interviews, appearances at award shows or even new movie/drama opportunities. They are hot commodity now due to the success of the show, and I really want to see them on TV/movie screen again. So who knows?


Wahhhhh that’s a long ramble. Anyway, shopping should be fun and light, with a dose of reality. If they ever be married one day/go public one day, I’ll be the happiest. In the meantime, I will enjoy whatever morsels of goodness we have right now. Seriously, how can you not shop these two? *heartsineyes*


Happy shopping Grocery Boy and Shopgirl, chingudeul!

This is so true and I agree with you!! Thanks for providing insight on things I didn’t think about before too. I definitely agree when you say that due to the success of CLOY they got big reputations to uphold. I think that BinJin are super professional and workaholics , they love what they do hence why after CLOY their diving right into new projects . Also any news of them being together might burden their next works (example: a reporter asking them about their relationship instead of the movie/drama their on). Like Ye Jin said about how hard it would be to start and family and still work, I like to think they want to make as many projects as they can before they turn 40 (or get married). 

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5 minutes ago, eLizza said:

Watched Secret Garden last year due to its popularity and got so bored.The reason could be that it was full of old cliches(although Brilliant Legacy was even older but was my favourite untill CLOY toppled it)

Co-shopper, I am also a fan of Brilliant Legacy. Until now, I am still listening to Crazy in Love by Ji Sun and can still recall HHY and LSG's love-hate relationship. Omooooo not so many people I know loved it. Nice meeting one fan here! :)


I haven't watched SeGa (just some clips) and I feel I wouldn't be able to have the urge to see it anymore after CLOY. This drama just set the bar too high and BinJin's chemistry is just the gold standard now. Maybe after my 6-month condolence period. I dunno.


Listening to Sigriswil now and all I can picture in my mind is the final scene in the epilogue.

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22 minutes ago, sooji28 said:


Hi Mazzy. Fancy seeing you here, on another ship. LOL. I'm glad you still use uri chaeyoo couple as your profile pic. ^_^


I truly loooove your videos. And i know, that you are good at seeing what's special from dramas, couples, and their interactions. You always have on point scenes on your videos. And you see our BinJin also on point!!! I do agree with you, just stay happy and positive. And i'm going to ship them hard!!!!! :love:


Above is one of my favorite video made by you. :thumbsup:


And this one too. Oh how i love their interactions. 



For all shoppers here, chin up. Keep positive. We do have one OBVIOUS FACT. The groceries pictures. It's a fact. Not a rumor. Even though VAST ent denied it, it's still a fact that Hyun Bin flew (i googled it) 5,958.21 mile (9,588.80 km) from Seoul to Los Angeles. It's not like we are meeting our close friend in a local mall, or coffee place, etc. 

IT WAS SEOUL-LOS ANGELES for crying out loud!!!!


There must be some serious problem if you come after your close friend and her/his family there. 


In my opinion they are together but keeping low and private. All successful celebrities relationship & marriage are all discreet and private. So, i don't mind VAST denied all dating rumor. Because S.K Entertainment agencies tend to said it. They have reasons. So, just let them be. It's THE OBVIOUS FACT that we hold on to. 





Those grocery pics are such hard evidence , every time I feel negative or discouraged I look back at those lmao. I refuse to believe what the agency claimed that they were there with other friends , like that’s kind of a weird place to hangout at with a group of friends . If it’s all friends eating together wouldn’t you go out to a restaurant , I think mostly couples would go grocery shopping to cook together. Also take note that it’s just Yejin’s backpack on the cart and there is ONE WINE BOTTLE ONLY LOL

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