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[OFFICIAL] Hyun Bin ❤️ Son Ye Jin (BinJin Couple)


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I found this video on YouTube posted by KBS Entertain with no translations. 
It would be great if someone can translate it, please.



People in SK were really following the dating rumours of the BinJin couple since The Negotiation, golfing, LA trip, etc. YouTube is not even letting me embed the video above. Lol! Just click the link. 

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2 hours ago, pnaysurfer84 said:

I found this video on YouTube posted by KBS Entertain with no translations. 
It would be great if someone can translate it, please.

SectionTV’s report (rumor#1 on January 9, 2019)




rumor#2 on January 21, 2019 (Ralph’s supermarket in LA on January 20, 2019 at 5PM USA time; with pictures)



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On 2/13/2020 at 7:57 PM, hannah123 said:

Hi friends, I've been a silent reader since watching CLOY some weeks ago, and already read all pages just because I'm really interested in our Binjin couple. Need to say that all of your analysis and information provided were so great for many silent readers like me.

Usually I'd continue to be silent reader, but decided to come up here to share some of my thoughts after I watched some past interviews of Binjin (can't stop myself searching for their old interviews every nights hahah). 

1. Compare the Negotiation press conference vs many interviews for CLOY, obviously, their bonding seems grow very well. At press con of Negotiation, YJ even said many audiences thought they were good-match even though they were enemies in the movie, then she said she'd think about it (so frankly joking just like asking JHI where he had crush on her at SiTR press con, so personally I thought they were just good friends at the beginning of CLOY promotion), but did you see her reaction when being asked about dating rumor with HB at CLOY press con? And how did she react on this rumor vs the rumor with Kim Nam Gil? Sounds she was really quiet to react this time vs rumor with KNG.

2. About LA trip, what made me surprised most are how YJ and HB's LA trip had same timeline, at same place (USA is huge) and especially during YJ's birthday even though their agency said their trip purpose were different! I doubt YJ had already plan to visit her closefriend in LA (same as previous year), so if they were really dating, maybe HB decided to follow her to enjoy her special day which HB was definite great man (HB always tried to spend time with his gf even if he was busy in his previous relationships).

3. Their relationship seems to be very balance. YJ is very competitive (seen in Master in the house & Running man) while HB doesn't care much about it, he cares more about trying hard. Thus, I was quite surprised watching video Mission Pong where YJ seems a bit less competitive and sometimes wanted HB to win, while HB seems not mind about YJ's win. Besides, if you watched all BTS ep 1-10, it seemed mostly YJ was more playful and joked more than HB, she seemed energistic and HB reacted well with her teasing, but in BTS ep 12-14, YJ seemed more tired (she even needed check-up at hospital), HB became more playful and teased YJ more. HB also seemed to be more comfortable with her than most of his costars. 

With seeing many changes (good sides) for both YJ and HB, and how their bonding develops so well for last 2 weeks, I hope they can become a real couple and get married finally! :)


Hi @hannah123  Glad you de-lurked and came out to post! Enjoyed reading your thots and observation about Binjin. I find your 3rd especially interesting, cuz I was also thinking how contrasting they are in personality, yet so compatible. I guess opposite attracts? LOL!! YJ said in The Last Princess interview posted above that she is very impatient (when asked why she's know as being tomboyish), and HB seems to be well-known to be very patient as what his co-stars in one film interview, I think it was for Swindlers. (should be Rampant, the Sageuk zombie movie)



On 2/13/2020 at 8:03 PM, thi2018 said:


He said that in one of his interviews for the movie Negotiation



Thanks for the HB interview where he talked about SYJ being tomboyish! Seemed to have missed this interview. The part where he said "Through this movie, I was able to see the charming side of her that was different from the image that I had on her before" stood out to me. That may be the time where HB started to get attracted to SYJ, and she must have surprised him by her vibrancy and friendliness. It's the same case for me, I thot SYJ was a quiet, shy person but realise she was the complete opposite when I saw her in interviews and variety shows.



On 2/13/2020 at 9:55 PM, Helena said:

Hi Thi2018, do you have the original source of this? I read/saw a lot of the interviews, but none of  them ever mentioned ‘tomboy’. 



They were already very closed (they said so in interviews) even before ‘Crash Landing on You’ started. 


For ‘The Negotiation’, there were many...many scheduled events & interviews (with HB & SYJ) which went on for more than 2 months (august & September 2018).  There were poster shoot, photo shoot for Vogue. The 1st production report was at the beginning of August, followed by many appearances (media preview, showcases, vlive, star live, etc on different days) leading up to its movie premiere (September 19). After the movie opened, there were stage greetings for another 2 weeks. For those of us who followed & saw most or all of the events back then, we noticed the differences. :)  (When I have a chance, I will post a timeline with pics taken on each event/day)


 Before the LA trip in January 2019, they were spotted at golf club. There was a picture (removed/deleted) for the sighting in November 2018, I am not sure about the 2nd sighting (aug 2018). 

[please don’t take this out of soompi]




the title of this clip is ‘caught in the act’. 



Would love to read your observations and insights on Binjin's developing closeness through each timeline during Negotiation promo! Wow, they really attended a LOT of events and promos together for almost 3 months! No wonder they became such good friends ( and hopefully more than that, either now or in the near future).

Edited by stroppyse
mod edit: Please do not quote images, gifs, or videos.
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On 2/13/2020 at 2:32 AM, Helena said:

Yes, this is a shipping thread where we could ship all we want. The problem is the pics (even the unclear ones that might lead to bad speculations) don’t just stay here. They get posted on other social medias and go viral fast.


Many posters in this thread are not familiar with dating within k-ent, it is often considered a scandal. That is why many stars don’t confirm they are in a relationship unless it reaches ‘marriage’. It’s Best to handle it carefully - timing (when to go public) is very crucial.


Korean netizens hate what they call ‘stars dating at the expense of the public’ - real life couple gets paid to date in a project.  Comments like ‘she gets to have fun with her boyfriend and get paid too‘, ‘traveling, dating’, etc


In interviews for ‘crash landing with love’, SYJ said she & HB work very hard in every single scene. They film outdoors during freezing winter time (pay attention to their hands - red, dry, etc)


I came across Comments (made here & cloy thread) that are unbelievable..

1) Pictures of them not smiling (at the drama press conference) -> “They fought.”  
Their schedule was packed that day - they had so many interviews; some of the clips showed SYJ trying to keep her eyes opened. 


2) No kissing scenes or not passionate enough kissing scenes -> “They probably broke up and feel awkward, that’s why” 




I will post some articles about dating within K-ent. This one is for k- pop, but some points remain valid for actor/actress too.



Hi, before that, I want to say, "nice to meet you ...!"

I agree with you. Some people do make a fuss about the 'hands under the table.' They exaggerate about it. This is actually a little logic.

I'm in the middle of "hands under this table".

Some said that it was not HB's hand, they could not possibly show love in front of the crew. But to be honest, I don't completely agree with this reasoning. It happened under the table, they could have thought nobody saw it. The person in front of them may be only 2 PD-nim and also a cameraman, they are people who know their relationship.

But frankly, if asked, is that HB's hand? I will not answer yes. The photo is very unclear. There are indeed two hands there, one with the sleeve of a lighter colored suit, the other one having a darker color. It cannot be confirmed whether one hand is smaller than the other hand. If it's just a matter of the difference in the suit's arm's color, it could be the effect of light on the photo. One gets light, the other doesn't. It can't be confirmed clearly if it was HB's hand, or it could be Yee Jin's two hands. Because of that to be able to be sure of the first thing we have to find the whereabouts of Yee Jin's left hand first, I'm sure no one can find where her left hand is. Therefore, in my opinion exaggerating this "hand under the table" is a bit illogical, rather childish. (Forgive me if someone is offended ...)

1. You're right, I read that comment too. Funny actually. How can we judge that much with just a few photos, and several hours of video duration. HB didn't smile at all during the interview, he smiled but maybe he needed to smile as needed. People have been speculating excitedly from some of the promotional videos from the negotiator's film because he smiles too much. So this time maybe he just wants to restrain himself. To be honest, this actually made me think, "maybe it's true if they really are dating."  :D:D:D

2. I laugh reading the comment. Can't they tell the difference between drama and real life? How could they possibly try to associate it? Very childish. Or are they actually not fans of this drama? they didn't watch this drama in full, they only saw the snippet and that was only part of the Kiss scene. Kiss Scene, well I actually want it too. It's just, we have to see their characters in the drama. The slow development of skinship I think is something that matches their character. But I guess this is an interesting thing from the RiRi couple. Their romanticism is very different from other Korean romantic dramas. And without just kissing scenes they could make this drama get a 17% rating.

So I won't complain much about kiss scenes.

The issue of whether they are dating or not, I honestly don't want to worry about that. I love them, their chemistry is great, their visuals are perfect, so how could I not love this couple. It's just that I also agree, for an introvert like me I appreciate that they should be given privacy. If they do have a relationship, let them live it calmly and without pressure. Some people can get further away if they continue to be pressured. It could also confuse them about "is that their feeling or is it just public expectations?"

It is true, a Shipper of course wants to get Hits for the satisfaction and happiness of the shipper. It's just that we need to learn how to refrain from overreacting. Because it involves the lives of other people. No one is happy if their privacy is interfered with by others.

This is just my opinion, if anyone is offended, I'm sorry. and forgive me about my bad English.

Greetings, everyone. Glad to return to the Soompi forum again. :D  :D:D

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9 hours ago, AnnieCheesecake said:

I watched the whole live after it ended when a fan uploaded on youtube,and ppl always just was sending pics of HB on the comments and were just commenting about him as well. I just saw one or two users  sending pics of Yejin :/ alone because when they sent pics of her like in 90% of the time was a pic of her and HB , never one alone like they did with Hyun Bin, and also when they were reacting about CLOY previews and trailers the majority part just commented about him once again .

On the day of their live I access later so I was't able to comment (since I entered on the live after 20 minutes that it had started because the channel of the prescon on youtube of them wasn't working and that messes up everything on that day for me and I couldn't make in time to watched the live on that day since the begin  just after when that fan uploaded the whole thing.) I was very upset because they were just praising HB :dissapointed_relieved: (the majority part of them ).

Syj’s fans in korea mostly men.. thats why she always top the chart polls celebrity we want date..only after alone in love she gained female fans 

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I had this sudden realization that Park Ji-eun writer nim has a penchant for incorporating little snippets of the actor's real life "scandals"/"nicknames"/"items that made the news" into her drama's characters that poke fun at the actor themselves. And why not? Its a rom-com after all.

In YWCFTS, I particularly remember a scene where Jun Ji Hyun's character yells that she's been called a vampire because her face never ages, and that line was an actual reflection of the real life JJH.

In CLOY, there were soooooo many instances of our Binjin couple and their debated relationship, which I guess really sucks us in MORE into believing that it must be real. Only time will tell!

If anyone is already missing our couple, like I am. I highly recommend watching their movie Negotiation.

Both of them were such great actors that despite it not being a romance movie, I thoroughly enjoyed just watching them on screen together. It left me wishing to see even MORE of them acting side by side. And I reckon that is what HB must have felt in SYJ. Her superb acting skills and attractive personality really must have piped his interest in her as a respected colleague. Isn't that normally the first step to a relationship? Impressed by their capability, then curiosity about their character and interest in them as a person ^_^


Meanwhile, just for fun. This clip from her movie Spellbound was foreshadowing the ideal man for SYJ. A man from the marines! Our one and only HB. It must be fate :joy:



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2 hours ago, sheeeeee said:





Hyun bin & Dong Wan (?) shinhwa 


When is this everyone?

This is during Spin Kick days! Omg I remember watching this movie. But at that time, I watched it because of Kim Dongwan and found another gem (Hyun Bin). Hahaha! It's like 2003-2004.


@YuSanSeul I love Spellbound! It must be fate like what Junghyuk said. Fated that she gets together with someone from the marines. Predestined!!

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Does anyone know how much CLOY is being promoted/advertised in SK? I feel like CLOY is not very well promoted (it is, just not in full blow) - yet it managed to get 17.7% rating. Would the rating be higher if tvn spend a wee bit more money on advertising? Or it does not matter since it is a paid tv station, and netflix is not for korean anyway?

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8 hours ago, Helena said:

Hi Thi2018, do you have the original source of this? I read/saw a lot of the interviews, but none of  them ever mentioned ‘tomboy’. 

hi Helena, I don't remember the source, but remember reading the original article that was uploaded with the translation. Unfortunately, that original ig account is no longer available and someone managed to have the translation version only. I'll try to find the original article. :) But I know a lot of her costars said she is not picky and has easy-going personality.

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On 2/12/2020 at 6:13 PM, Woodshop said:


On 2/12/2020 at 3:27 PM, Mesokom said:


In that case, i probably don't need more proof or evidence anymore.

They don't even have to admit it. i already got it.


i honestly watched the attached link in disbelief.

That's huge lead, if you ask me. :)

Can't agree more with you. One of the best way to show/see that person is special is thought changes in his/her actions. I want to know from HB hooked and old fans, did you saw this vibe "i want to hold you" with someone else before, maybe gf. I personally didn't but I didnt watch a lot, ionly some parts of his bts from other dramas and interview. I see it's not usual to him to pay attention, especially uncessery touch his female co-star. But with Son ye jin we see that see is the one who separates from his hands/hugs:ph34r::phew:.

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1 hour ago, Kurniva86 said:

Does anyone know how much CLOY is being promoted/advertised in SK? I feel like CLOY is not very well promoted (it is, just not in full blow) - yet it managed to get 17.7% rating. Would the rating be higher if tvn spend a wee bit more money on advertising? Or it does not matter since it is a paid tv station, and netflix is not for korean anyway?


its well promoted,in korea they promoted well and also hyun bin & son ye jin get endorsment like their fashion (clothes,accecories,watch) from branded goods+pricey and totally free for them to use. also in asia like thailand all the artist tweet about them,also in some country like south east asia like philipines its totally  well recognized. the power of netflix also make the drama well known because the drama is original netflix drama.

their ranking index and most searched drama also get no 1 ranking,the bbq that appears in drama increased in sales like 50 %.




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Hi again! Finally, I’m done reading your opinions and reactions:lol:

We only have 2 episodes.. But then , let’s keep this thread/forum active and happy. 

I dont know what will happen after CLOY, We just waiting for Wrap-up party, awards night and CLOY casts vacation, and of course the wedding announcement ( please GOD :wub:)

Its really cute to know that Ye Jin is tomboyish ^^ means she’s strong and competitive woman and she have strong heart. So she really fit to a guy that  soft and sweet heart and makes her to a girly mode (EHEM HYUN BIN )

My only wish is to have Ye Jin a baby hyun bin, and Hyun bin have a baby ye jin.. :D

I’m REALLY crazy now, last time I said here that I will not ship them SO hard .. but then, I’m a liar kekekekekeke 


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