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[Drama 2019-2020] Crash Landing on you, 사랑의 불시착


Ending prediction   

210 members have voted

  1. 1. What will happen to the OTP at the end of this drama?

    • Sweet happy ending for Ri-ri in SK
    • Cue sad music ..the divide is just too great ..the OTP will be separated
    • An open ending where they will meet again on the bridge in Switzerland ...

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  • Poll closed on 02/15/2020 at 01:37 PM

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CLoY Comrades! Annyeong! Haha..have been busy over the Lunar New Year season but I will be a lil more active here now that the busy festive period is over.


Haha..I hadn’t expected that April 2nd’s Hill of Yearning is the same song as Song Ga In’s Picture of My Heart. Nevertheless I still like April 2nd’s vocals for the same song. Pardon me if this has already been posted - I find this translation to be the most complete.



Since I have not posted my thoughts on Eps 9 and 10, here goes.


By Ep 9 we have firmly established that Ri Jeong Hyeok has turned into a habitual liar for Yoon SeRi. He is hereby convicted of the charge of having lied on the following occasions : :glasses:

1. “She is my fiancée”

2. “I am not here to fetch you back; I just happened to be passing by”

3. “My eyesight is bad in the dark” 

4. “I have a poor sense of direction”


In addition, he is also convicted of the charge of emotionally blackmailing his father. It’s a serious offense as which parent can stand the thought of his/her son not being able to breathe and living in a worse state than hell until he dies?! Aigoooo..Jeong Hyeok-ah, you are pushing all the right buttons with your parents!

And our SeRi dongmu too - you are charged with the offence of abetting Jeong Hyeok in the crime of stealing their affection for you by taking all the blame for Jeong Hyeok’s hiding of you from him. :D:D:D


Haha..on a more serious note, I want to say that it is Jeong Hyeok’s honesty with his father about his feelings for SeRi and what she meant to him and SeRi’s love for Jeong Hyeok (Jeong Hyeok’s safety and well being was her primary concern) that has won over his parents and caused  them to be 2Ri/RiRi shippers!  Re SeRi’s love I want to contrast that with Seo Dan’s. While SeRi’s love is driven by her instinctive reaction to want to keep him safe as opposed to her desire to have him (she told Jeong Hyeok’s mom to quickly hide her so that she could henceforth disappear from his life so as to prevent him from getting into further trouble because of her); Seo Dan’s has been driven by her possessiveness to want him as a husband at all costs because of her entitlement by virtue of the betrothal (she wanted him to be imprisoned till their wedding date).

And my favorite scene? It has to be the combination of the old man’s adorably hilarious reaction to the two lovebirds and Jeong Hyeok’s extremely cute pout in front of his dad :blush:


And yes, I read about SYJ being sick due to overwork. Hope and pray that she gets well soon. Pray that everyone in the cast and production team stay healthy and that the shooting will be completed uneventfully. Noticed that Hyun Bin has lost quite a bit of his bulk from the overwork too..hope he stays well and healthy, especially since he is expected to start his movie shooting really soon - it is said that he will begin shooting in February- that’s like right after CLoY shooting with no rest :o

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Am just rewatching Ep 6 and laughing away coz when SR met up with the NK ahjummas after coming back from Pyongyang, one of the ahjummas told her how she would not be liked by her in-laws if she had stayed together with JH. But ahjumma, you’re wrong! JH’s parents, at least his mum, definitely likes SR very much! :wub:

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On 1/26/2020 at 1:33 AM, c Cinc said:

Am I alone, that I actually do NOT want them to remember their prior encounters in Switzerland? I think that remembering all of those encounters would diminish the profoundness of the entire "fated" arc between them.


I find it more romantic to think that the two are so destined to be together that the world "shrank" multiple times to accommodate their fateful encounters. They failed to get to know each other in Switzerland because timing was not right yet. Both of them needed to grow individually so when the world connived again to let them meet, it would be at that "perfect" timing.  Oblivious of their prior serendipitous encounters, they fall in love because of who each other are, not because of the idea that they were "destined" to be with each other anyways.


Definitely not alone. I did feel RJH's reaction to her playing his song was very much in line with who he is ... As deep as his love is for her, I think he held back a little because that's both what he's comfortable with in the now .... But also knows any declaration would further dampen Seri's spirit once she returned home. Being a defector would be the easy way out for the writing, but with this transition into SK, I do feel like RJH would give it all up at this point. I can't wait until he reaches his breaking point and confesses all (Though I do feel like there may be an alternate reality on the horizon lol.)


On a side note:  there is so much subtly in HB and SYJ's acting that I cannot even imagine any other two actors in these roles. 

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I hope Son Yejin and the rest of the crews (actors, staffs, managers) remain healthy until the last scene is filmed ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ...


Anyway, for Switzerland issue, I tried to make some guesses about the timeline and encounter. 


First...Seri came there to end her life but was rejected...and the scene shifted to paragliding and RJH stood besides her. My guess is that, they probably just passed each other as strangers even though they stood besides each other (we tend to not remember strangers we met or stood side by side while admiring certain sceneries). Even if one of them remembers, my guess it's RJH. 


Which led us to the bridge? Not sure if paragliding or bridge happened first (cuz Seo Dan was there and we saw in episode 10, she introduced herself for the first time around that time. Remember, both of them only met each other a few times during 7 years of engagement). If it happened before paragliding, RJH saw Seri for the first time there and could be taking a snap of her pic before Seo Dan blocked his camera view. And his smile after could mean that he found her attractive at the first sight, or he tried to encourage her somehow (after hearing her supposedly 'final words'). Perhaps he didn't remember her during paragliding scene...or just briefly saw her yet didn't keep it in his memory. 



BUT if the bridge scene occurred after paragliding, it could be that RJH remembered the brief encounter at the paragliding scene (he's got very sharp memory) and was fascinated cuz they met again and that's why wanted to take her pic (perhaps also because he found her attractive haha). 


Then piano scene. I guess after the bridge, Seri still wanted to die, while not long after, RJH finished his recital and got called back to Pyongyang. He played the music at the dock while Seri was still there and finally found a will to live. I believe that both of them didn't actually see each other. If Seri saw him, she would've remembered it then, cuz she found his piano playing was healing. RJH also wouldn't see her cuz he was consumed with grief while playing the piano piece for his brother. 


She couldn't hv remembered him at the bridge cuz she didn't see his face when he asked for a picture and only took a picture afterwards...the encounter also had happened when her mind was in a mess... Quite often people asked me to take pics of them in tourist attractions in Seoul and I don't remember any of them though some were quite CUTE haha). 


I still think RJH remembered her, cuz he somehow refused to divulged and talked about Switzerland more than he could've revealed to her. At the earliest episode, he didn't even answer her when she asked about when did he study there and what was his major. Only on episode 10, he confided about him being called back due to his hyung's untimely death and confirmed the place. He was only surprised that Seri also listened to his song, not because Seri was also in Switzerland at that time. He also kept his old camera carefully and kinda caressed it when he took out the coffee makers, as if the camera contained some beautiful pieces of his life (including his earliest memory of her). 


Moreover, him remembering her would explain why he smiled when seeing her stranded in DPRK after a few years (I kinda saw a glint of recognition and surprise), why he told his father that the reason why he didn't report her was because he didn't want her to get hurt (really? At the first meeting?? Though he didn't trust Chul-kang...but still...), and why the depth of his feelings for her already reach 'gonna live in hell if something happens to her' (after short time?? We can kinda sense the depth of his feeling for her from the scented candle scene already haha)...


Perhaps there are more things happened though... I hope that later, he'd reveal it to her (if he does remember that they directly interacted in Switzerland). 

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4 hours ago, luvcrabbieshinhwa said:

I hope Son Yejin and the rest of the crews (actors, staffs, managers) remain healthy until the last scene is filmed ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ...


Anyway, for Switzerland issue, I tried to make some guesses about the timeline and encounter. 


First...Seri came there to end her life but was rejected...and the scene shifted to paragliding and RJH stood besides her. My guess is that, they probably just passed each other as strangers even though they stood besides each other (we tend to not remember strangers we met or stood side by side while admiring certain sceneries). Even if one of them remembers, my guess it's RJH. 


Which led us to the bridge? Not sure if paragliding or bridge happened first (cuz Seo Dan was there and we saw in episode 10, she introduced herself for the first time around that time. Remember, both of them only met each other a few times during 7 years of engagement). If it happened before paragliding, RJH saw Seri for the first time there and could be taking a snap of her pic before Seo Dan blocked his camera view. And his smile after could mean that he found her attractive at the first sight, or he tried to encourage her somehow (after hearing her supposedly 'final words'). Perhaps he didn't remember her during paragliding scene...or just briefly saw her yet didn't keep it in his memory. 



BUT if the bridge scene occurred after paragliding, it could be that RJH remembered the brief encounter at the paragliding scene (he's got very sharp memory) and was fascinated cuz they met again and that's why wanted to take her pic (perhaps also because he found her attractive haha). 


Then piano scene. I guess after the bridge, Seri still wanted to die, while not long after, RJH finished his recital and got called back to Pyongyang. He played the music at the dock while Seri was still there and finally found a will to live. I believe that both of them didn't actually see each other. If Seri saw him, she would've remembered it then, cuz she found his piano playing was healing. RJH also wouldn't see her cuz he was consumed with grief while playing the piano piece for his brother. 


She couldn't hv remembered him at the bridge cuz she didn't see his face when he asked for a picture and only took a picture afterwards...the encounter also had happened when her mind was in a mess... Quite often people asked me to take pics of them in tourist attractions in Seoul and I don't remember any of them though some were quite CUTE haha). 


I still think RJH remembered her, cuz he somehow refused to divulged and talked about Switzerland more than he could've revealed to her. At the earliest episode, he didn't even answer her when she asked about when did he study there and what was his major. Only on episode 10, he confided about him being called back due to his hyung's untimely death and confirmed the place. He was only surprised that Seri also listened to his song, not because Seri was also in Switzerland at that time. He also kept his old camera carefully and kinda caressed it when he took out the coffee makers, as if the camera contained some beautiful pieces of his life (including his earliest memory of her). 


Moreover, him remembering her would explain why he smiled when seeing her stranded in DPRK after a few years (I kinda saw a glint of recognition and surprise), why he told his father that the reason why he didn't report her was because he didn't want her to get hurt (really? At the first meeting?? Though he didn't trust Chul-kang...but still...), and why the depth of his feelings for her already reach 'gonna live in hell if something happens to her' (after short time?? We can kinda sense the depth of his feeling for her from the scented candle scene already haha)...


Perhaps there are more things happened though... I hope that later, he'd reveal it to her (if he does remember that they directly interacted in Switzerland). 

I agree he being very elusive on the subject of Switzerland for some reason? It also makes sense that if he does remember her from then but he didn't necessarily know she heard the piano if they didn't actually see each other so that could be the explanation for his chuckle ....maybe "I can't believe u were there @that time also" 

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I am still 2 eps behind but pretty confident i can finish by the weekend to be all caught up. 


What i cant catch up is this thread!  LOLOLOL. someone (sorry cant remember who)  said each ep is longer than the previous one!  No wonder its taking me so long to finish.  (Lame excuse,  i know)


I am pretty spoiled by reading your posts so my strategy for these 2 eps are utilizing the FF button! Ahh if only there were more than 24 hours a day... 

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8 hours ago, KimSooHanMoo said:

By Ep 9 we have firmly established that Ri Jeong Hyeok has turned into a habitual liar for Yoon SeRi. He is hereby convicted of the charge of having lied on the following occasions : :glasses:

1. “She is my fiancée”

2. “I am not here to fetch you back; I just happened to be passing by”

3. “My eyesight is bad in the dark” 

4. “I have a poor sense of direction”


In addition, he is also convicted of the charge of emotionally blackmailing his father. It’s a serious offense as which parent can stand the thought of his/her son not being able to breathe and living in a worse state than hell until he dies?! Aigoooo..Jeong Hyeok-ah, you are pushing all the right buttons with your parents!

And our SeRi dongmu too - you are charged with the offence of abetting Jeong Hyeok in the crime of stealing their affection for you by taking all the blame for Jeong Hyeok’s hiding of you from him. :D:D:D


Sorry to cut ur post.


remember in Ep 3, how the F4 comrades worried that he can’t lie. According to them, he is too honest for a man that he cannot lie even there’s knife on his neck. 

Seri did really change him

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32 minutes ago, luffie said:

Quick question. It was mentioned that the filming is supposed to end  on Feb 8. What happens after that? The wrap up party? Promos? Conferences? TIA!

I was wondering the same thing. Doesn’t the staff and wrap up party usually celebrate by watching the last episode live together? I’m not familiar though. I hope SYJ  and HB will get to rest tho!

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What To Expect In The Second Half Of tvN’s “Crash Landing On You”

What To Expect In The Second Half Of tvN’s “Crash Landing On You”

Jan 27, 2020
by K. Z

As tvN’s hit drama “Crash Landing on You” moves into its second half, here are some of the things you can expect to see in the upcoming episodes.

1. Role Reversal! Ri Jung Hyuk Crash Lands Into Yoon Se Ri’s World

The first half of “Crash Landing on You” saw Yoon Se Ri (Son Ye Jin) as she navigated her way around life in North Korea after she literally crash landed during a parasailing accident. In the most recent episodes, Yoon Se Ri returned to South Korea with Ri Jung Hyuk (Hyun Bin) after an emotional reunion. Now it’s Ri Jung Hyuk’s turn to be the fish out of water as he learns what life is like in Seoul. Viewers are curious to see how the new setting will affect the romance between Ri Jung Hyuk and Yoon Se Ri and how Ri Jung Hyuk will adjust.

2. New Setting, New Stories! From North Korea to South Korea

Of course, viewers are also curious to see what new stories will be told as the plot moves from north to south. Especially curious will be the members of Ri Jung Hyuk’s squadron and Jung Man Bok (Kim Young Min) as they come to South Korea in search of their missing soldier. What becomes of the villagers that Yoon Se Ri interacted with in North Korea? Will Ri Jung Hyuk’s squadron be able to return to North Korea after they find him? Only time will tell.

3. The Threats The Couple Face! Rising Tensions

For every ounce of romance in “Crash Landing on You,” it seems there’s tension and danger for the main couple in equal measure. Even in South Korea, Yoon Se Ri cannot seem to escape the threat posed by Cho Chul Kang (Oh Man Seok). Whether the couple can survive Cho Chul Kang’s schemes and make it out unscathed, viewers will have to tune in to find out.

Are you excited for the second half of “Crash Landing on You”? The next episode will air on February 1 at 9 p.m. KST.


Source (1)



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11 hours ago, KimSooHanMoo said:


And yes, I read about SYJ being sick due to overwork. Hope and pray that she gets well soon. Pray that everyone in the cast and production team stay healthy and that the shooting will be completed uneventfully. Noticed that Hyun Bin has lost quite a bit of his bulk from the overwork too..hope he stays well and healthy, especially since he is expected to start his movie shooting really soon - it is said that he will begin shooting in February- that’s like right after CLoY shooting with no rest :o

I hope both of them can get a rest after CLOY filming Especially Hyun Bin. i hope he at least get a week of to rest or go holiday to unwind. 

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Just getting a chance to back read a few pages... 


It’s hard to predict why JH is wearing a ring but yes, it could be that she introduces him as her fiancé to have an excuse to have him close to her all the time. I’m just trying to figure out why she didn’t choose to introduce him as her bodyguard instead but it might be bec they will eventually deduce that he’s from NK just by his manner of speaking. If that’s the case then it wouldn’t make sense for Seri to have chosen a bodyguard from NK and that would make going the fiancé route the next best excuse. 

I’m also thinking that at this point, no one in SK knows where she’s been all this time and she might eventually have to disclose that she ended up in NK and she could then use JH as her fiancé as a reason to why she was in NK.. to be with “her man”. 

However it plays out, as long as the ring has something to do with Seri and not Seo Dan, I’ll be happy. :D

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I think Seri will introduce JH as an overseas N korean, probably a diplomat like the other guy who is stuck in N Korea still with SD lol. Since JH used to study abroad it wouldnt be a total lie and then maybe from this, they will eventually leave S Korea to go to Switzerland to finally be together freely. 



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5 minutes ago, jamy47 said:

I think Seri will introduce JH as an overseas N korean, probably a diplomat like the other guy who is stuck in N Korea still with SD lol. Since JH used to study abroad it wouldnt be a total lie and then maybe from this, they will eventually leave S Korea to go to Switzerland to finally be together freely. 



There is no overseas N korean in SK. The only NK people is those who defect and spies. Definitely no one will know the identity of a spy. Seri cannot introduced him as diplomat either coz there is no NK ambassador in SK vice versa. She can only introduced him as a defector or Capt RJH needs to pick up SK accent fast. 

i don't think the writer will go to this extend to create a NK diplomat post in SK though it is fictional. 

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12 hours ago, KimSooHanMoo said:

CLoY Comrades! Annyeong! Haha..have been busy over the Lunar New Year season but I will be a lil more active here now that the busy festive periodBy Ep 9 we have firmly established that Ri Jeong Hyeok has turned into a habitual liar for Yoon SeRi. He is hereby convicted of the charge of having lied on the following occasions : :glasses:

1. “She is my fiancée”

2. “I am not here to fetch you back; I just happened to be passing by”

3. “My eyesight is bad in the dark” 

4. “I have a poor sense of direction”




And my favorite scene? It has to be the combination of the old man’s adorably hilarious reaction to the two lovebirds and Jeong Hyeok’s extremely cute pout in front of his dad :blush:



I love your thoughtful but funny reflection of Captain Ri’s lie. I just add one more lie, which is his repeated words “Ir- ri-ob -so”, “no problem”. JH is always calm in crisis, he tells a lie from his first encounter with Seri when he jumps on mine and continually says “no problems” when there is actually serious problem . His calmness and the sense of sacrifice and responsibility is the things that win Seri’s heart and our heart as well ❤️❤️❤️

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