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2 hours ago, stroppyse said:


She's a good actress, though her love scenes could use a little work. The story set up of Melting Me Softly seems a bit wacky to me, but I do adore JCW, and this pairing is a good one in that both leads can act really without overacting. So, I'll probably give it a try. :)



Agreed . I think the least of worries will be their acting chops . Hopefully the chemistry is there. 


@Lawyerh @ktcjdrama I was just about to tag you gals on that !! :P. Why is he worried ??? Seriously their off air chemistry is darn good . Everyday I tell myself not to ship them :lol:


edit to add - ohhhhhh am very excited now ...Kim Kwon


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18 minutes ago, sushilicious said:

Which one? Haha



it is called "graceful family"; it is my type of drama -- feels like a weekend or daily drama but mixed with all the elements I enjoy - romance + family + mystery + justice/revenge.


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Hi everyone..so in my spare time if I´m not watching dramas I´m drawing something. I´m a beginner when it comes to art but I wanted to share my latest piece with you. As BTS fan I did a fanart of their line characters :relaxed:.




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@angelangie What's wrong with your hip if you don't mind me asking? If you mind, then it's ok-just don't answer me. I have congenital scoliosis (born with it) My upper spine is curved slightly to the left-what we call a C curve. Mine only 10 degrees. Normal spines are allowed 5 degrees cos hardly anyone is born with a dead straight spine and 5 degrees is not noticeable. Till my early 30's, no problem. But now I have muscular pain in my right shoulder cos of the many years my right hand muscles are pulled to the left. Can't carry heavy handbags. Now my C curve has turned to an S curve involving the lower part of my backbone shifting to the right. That's due to the body trying to correct our posture while we walk etc. In my younger days, no one bothers to treat scoliosis. Now parents are more aware. So with the curve on my lower backbone pointing towards my Right, I have a left "hip" problem and sciatica on my Left leg. Sciatica= sciatic nerve from my lower spine being pinched by the curve and causing pain and numbness on my left leg and a kinda weakness on my left hip. I know how to treat it so it's ok. I'm just explaining all this stuff cos scoliosis is more common than we think. It's harmless if it's mild like mine but highly irritating. Just FYI.



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1 hour ago, cenching said:

HaRip sang with gritted teeth....The backstory just heart-wrenching....:bawling: I cried when the camera panned to Lucca's expression while watching them sang....:bawling:

And I love it when they kept going back and forth between HaRip and SDC during the singing...


@refuse2sink Thanks for sharing about your condition. I have very similar condition as yours, except that on the other side (right shoulder lower than left, so always sore with my left shoulder blade). Not only that, my left shoulder is slightly turned forwards towards the right too. However, the sciatica pain I felt still on my left side, and my left hip is higher than my right. Basically, the left side of my body constantly gives me pain, soreness and stiffness. When I was still doing Pilates regularly, the stiffness was under control and I felt just fine. But since I haven't been doing much exercise now, it's been bothering me again. I always try to do some stretching while watching dramas, just to have an excuse that my time watching dramas are not totally wasted :P but I guess those are not enough, especially done halfheartedly  :sweat_smile:



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@Ameera Ali Maybe there's a handsome oppa just waiting to wash your car wearing the rainbow bra :joy: Hand wash cars are good. It's those machine washed ones where you sit in the car and it slides the car thru that's bad cos the jet streams of water are so strong they go into places they shouldn't like the crack space in the windows or something. Oh No !!! I forgot I'm talking to the great @Ameera Ali. -my gutter brain Si Fu :mask:. I said the water goes into cracks they shouldn't go ! :open_mouth:



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7 minutes ago, refuse2sink said:

@Ameera Ali Maybe there's a handsome oppa just waiting to wash your car wearing the rainbow bra :joy: Hand wash cars are good. It's those machine washed ones where you sit in the car and it slides the car thru that's bad cos the jet streams of water are so strong they go into places they shouldn't like the crack space in the windows or something. Oh No !!! I forgot I'm talking to the great @Ameera Ali. -my gutter brain Si Fu :mask:. I said the water goes into cracks they shouldn't go ! :open_mouth:






They should say that , I could have paid them £ 5 off  back :joy: , or sell my ticket to @Sarang21 :joy: 


@sushilicious your oppa keep cleaning the tables he eat in  , it would have been more interesting if he clean his car too by hand :mrgreen:





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