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[Drama 2020] It's Okay not to be Okay, 사이코지만 괜찮아


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Base on ep. 9 preview, what are your thoughts/opinions about what MY says to GT at the beach?


"I don't want you to spend the rest of your life taking care of your brother. " 


For instance, do u believe it's her being selfish or her initating to be another person besides Gang Tae to take care of Sang Tae? She's been so supportive & so inspiring in that I'm not leaning her towards being selfish though. Just want to know what everyone thinks!


Next weekend will be another rollercoaster ride of emotions! Gang Tae will be in a conflict having to choose his brother or Moon Young. I can already feel the pain. Gang Tae really needs a break for himself. I'm just a fan/viewer of this drama and I feel overwhelmed watching him deal with two important people in his life that loves & needs him. Not to mention both have mental disorders. I would be drinking every night especially over the fight for the third brother, Mang Tae, was HILARIOUS. 


One important moment in the drama that I can't ignore & want to share is when Aerum points out her thoughts on Beauty & the Beast: 


"The beast turns into a prince because of the power of Belle's true love. Her love calmed down the Beast's violent nature. That love embraced his wounded soul."


Then we are given a flashback of that beautiful night when GT embraced MY when she had her nightmare. That was a crucial moment for MY to realize that it is "love" that she is feeling for GT & it was HIS love that healed her wounded soul. Like OMG.... 




Again, this show NEVER cease to AMAZE me & the meanings behind these fairytales will cut me so DEEP within my SOUL. Just MINDBLOWING!

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31 minutes ago, softestfairy said:

So many moments in this ep had me literally squealing and I never do that lol I never get tired of MY and KT wow SYJ and KSH need to be cast in everything together!


edit: this is definitely the calm before the storm. I can see KT not liking MY's comments about ST/ or feeling guilty about leaving him and we'll probably get our "separation" UGH

Maybe before a separation we'll get a hot kiss...:please: i mean, this sexual tension is now to the top so i'll be pissed off if they separate without a romantic phisical moment between them. It's my opinion about ST that this is the moment to let KT go otherwise there will be a war inside him. 


KT needs THAT woman in his life to complete HIM in all the ways we know :poledance:


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3 hours ago, stella77 said:

Another great episode for #8! So many great scenes today - I will rewatch it later this week.


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I think I laughed the hardest re Jae Su’s gum accident and then shaving off Mr. Lee’s mustache and all etc. It was just unexpected funny scene. Both of them are great at comedic acting.


I also think my heart broke when ST said to KT that MY can have Mang Tae but not KT. ST does understand and sees the relationship being developed between KT and MY. He has never shared his brother before and will take some adjustments.

The whole fight over Mang Tae between ST and MY was therefore not really about the doll for ST (but it was about the doll for MY). ST went really hard on MY because he was fighting for his brother KT. It is also why he gave the doll up pretty easily. I like this fight scene because it reminded me of my own siblings fighting over toys and such while growing up. My most infamous sibling fight involved a GI JOE figure flushed down the toilet and causing the toilet to break lol. My parents had to renovate the bathroom completely as the result!


I am so happy for KT though that he can finally acknowledge his feelings and doing something that his heart wants. Jealous KT was fun to watch and it was a good build up to the release by the end of the episode. 

I think MY is also progressing well and I actually found her “handsome pen” scene great lol. I think most viewer knew she was after the pen but let KT misunderstand to mess a bit with him. My favorite scene is def the couch scene when she asked KT how to repress anger and their interaction after. KT never had a chance lol. Another powerful MY scene was at the end of her class - her realization of what “love” was was quite amazing too (SYJ did great in this scene for me). 

Happy they left us with a happy episode since next week will require them to really continue their efforts and find a way re ST too. For me I love the scenes when they all walked together in the rain and into the clinic. I think it is good for shadowing that it will be OK. 

G’night fellow fans. 

@damondayfreak1 Since they were on the run since they were young, they just developed this nomadic lifestyle moving almost every year. KT feels like doing this will help ST deal with his nightmares but actually, he admits it’s for himself too - running away is easier to do than facing complicated problems. 

Oh, makes sense!! Thanks. Weird but I get it now.

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There is one thing I have to correct in the k-drama. The novel "The Beauty and the Beast" wasn't written during the Middle-Age.  Middle Age ends at the end of the  15th Century and the fairy tale Jeanne Marie Le prince de Beaumont wrote was published in the 18th Century. Sure, the story existed before through oral tradition but the author lived in the Absolutist period.


And what people tend to forget is that the Beast was not just ugly, it has poor manners and behaved like "a wild animal". Belle was not just beautiful, she was famous for her modesty and her open-mindedness. So here, we have our ML turning into a Beast, a modernized version... as KT has been restraining himself for too long. For the first time, he expressed his true feelings. 

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9 minutes ago, bebebisous33 said:

Belle was not just beautiful, she was famous for her modesty and her open-mindedness. So here, we have our ML turning into a Beast, a modernized version... as KT has been restraining himself for too long. For the first time, he expressed his true feelings. 

Beast in this Sense is actually Applicable to both the ML. MY is Wild and KT has Hidden Ugliness/ANGER inside him. Both with their Own Beauties(MY bluntness Openmindness and KT's Care and StandingUp for MY) Are healing each other with LOVE.


Barring the Quality of Stockholm Syndrome which clearly here is reversed in terms of Gender from the actual Fairytale.

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3 hours ago, TiNaDo said:

MST's bonding with the nurse at the hospital. I can see a blossoming friendship & a strong bond there. 

To be honest,i found that exchange...awkward and i was wondering what it signified. Your interpretation is better but I did wonder why did the nurse suddenly want to talk to ST or show him the flowers...


So two questions:

- i keep wondering beyond attraction (sizzling hot types) what does GT feel for MY? 

- i want them to be a big family but GT will literally become a caretaker for two kids. Does he have a saviour complex?

ST's words to GT for me reflected something that GT should think about-- if he gives away (all his energy/care/love) because others need it, what is left for himself? Some self care is needed... no?

46 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

reference to smiling like a Joker,

This keeps scaring me as we know there is a murder mystery to be solved too... but there wont be any more murders?


17 minutes ago, madmad min said:

Quality of Stockholm Syndrome

So does GT have this for MY?


There is a darkness in MY that we are skirting and still not addressing. Btw is she a kleptomaniac? 


I keep wondering that she obviously sees ST as a plaything (or buddy, maybe) but what when the novelty factor is over?


We can already see that ST's fascination with MY is going down...


I know they will keep it light but at times I want them to dare and at others, i am just happy to follow where the show takes me.


KT+mom's memory while was having the dish... made me wish that he had someone who he could share/get strength from.


She could have asked the fan for the pen and he was a CEO so he would give it,why pickpocket?


Btw I read that Choi Daniels has a small role so we may see him again.


Oh and me thinks GT has saviour complex wherein he has to just give to all the people he is involved with!

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I lowkey feel bad for skipping JR's scenes. Usually, I'm that weird person who loves second leads (esp female second leads) because I sometimes find FL's boring and lacking personality. 


But MY is so damn perfect and interesting and fun and everything I ever wanted from a FL, so JR just seems....bleh. :unsure: 

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Awwww I can't anymore!! I AM A D D I C T E D TO THIS DRAMA!!!

The plot is great and the actors are beautiful and their acting is just the icing on the cake (but maybe I already talk about that)


I just finished episode 8 and it's soooo goooood, I don't want to wait for another week to see how things will go on.

I want to know it right NOW!!!!! 


And OMO, Seo Ye Ji's looks here is no joke guys,  the clothes style suits her sooooo well, I am envious ayaaaaaahhh!!!


Look at that !! She is so gorgeous, so glamour, so badaaaas ">.<"




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Am I the only one who thinks MY saying she doesn’t want KT to take care of ST his whole life isn’t actually selfish at all?

While everyone tiptoes around ST because they think he’s sensitive and delicate, it’s actually MY who has treated ST as her equal from the start. She never pointed out his autism, she didn’t even find him weird, she always treated him as someone mentally equal to her. Nobody would dare to actually get into a physical fight with ST, but MY didn’t give a s***t and their bickering and fighting was actually pretty matched.

So maybe she said that to GT not only to help GT to get free of his lifelong burden, but because she genuinely believed ST is more than capable to take care of himself. 

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4 minutes ago, aisling said:

Am I the only one who thinks MY saying she doesn’t want KT to take care of ST his whole life isn’t actually selfish at all?

While everyone tiptoes around ST because they think he’s sensitive and delicate, it’s actually MY who has treated ST as her equal from the start. She never pointed out his autism, she didn’t even find him weird, she always treated him as someone mentally equal to her. Nobody would dare to actually get into a physical fight with ST, but MY didn’t give a s***t and their bickering and fighting was actually pretty matched.

So maybe she said that to GT not only to help GT to get free of his lifelong burden, but because she genuinely believed ST is more than capable to take care of himself. 

You're not the only one. 


I completely agree with everything about this. MY is the only one to treat ST without kid gloves. Even GT treats him like a child and then gets upset when he then responds like a child. I think ST is a lot like MY with how perceptive he is. Even if he doesn't necessarily know how to process and respond to it the way a normal person does, he still sees things and files them away in his memory to try to figure out later. 


At the same time, I do believe that in some ways ST responds to things as a child would; like with GT/MY becoming a couple. I honestly believe that ST just needs some time to come to terms with the fact that he's not losing GT if they get together but instead getting a BOGO deal. One plus one. GT + MY. 



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Hello all!

This is such a fast moving forum, I am glad to catch ep 8. Reading all

the comments were helpful & thanks to all @Teeners loved what you and @stroppyse pointed out as faves by you both . Just too many great write ups.


@stroppyse I got the pen and fan reference as I remember learning it in Korean thinking they sound similar lol.


I won’t be adding much to the table other than my appreciation and moments enjoyed.


-KT upset with CEO using how MK has to be a certain way for fan service but sharing comments about him ‘smiling like the joker’ or smiles with only ‘corners of mouth lifting up’


-KT and MY skinship scenes, the haircut scene just as sexy to me as the ‘Ghost’ Pottery scene . So sensual but cute she didn’t want a mushroom cap but later loved the cut to only allow him to cut it in the future.  Love their smiles and caring expressions to each other.

-The popular umbrella scene / big change from the one with mom and ST in his memories


-MY changing her mind in matters /places after hearing more about the choices ie the jjampong place and from last episode Mangtae. (At least she realizes she is learning more about him.


- MY tells him to stop repressing and he did with CEO, to punching AR ex for slapping MY  when he wouldn’t have done that. Loved he talked to the Hospital director to reinstate MY class lol. Go KT for showing your emotions. First time seeing someone getting unpaid suspension being so happy!!


KT and MY bickering cute and her loving he was jealous. Lol Daniel Choi let her know that he was jealous and upset when she referred him as someone I know . I agree they are not officially dating . So why would she say they are. Lol.


CEO losing his mustache gross and funny. JR mom wanting her to move on . She likes KT but is sorry but JR is her priority . Glad JR was like keep liking him but Mom not a fan of her doing to the point at a cliff’s edge.  


As can be seen KT is ST and MY battle starting .ST agreeing to let go of Mangtae but no to KT even he was ok reluctantly to ST. Already change of May hair was too much and later seeing Bro and MY arm in arm to being upset Mangtae giving to MY without his knowledge. Finding that balance so ST  knows GT even with MY is NOTa loss from him.


Just a great episode overall and still thinking about it.







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8 hours ago, Teeners said:

I had been wondering why there's so much Subway, especially in tvN shows! The darn PPL! Is this very common in kdramas?

Yes, very common. Some not so obvious. Some was right in your face kind. There was a time that Subway appears in each & every drama I was watching during live. *puke* 

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@stroppyse Aww thanks ! BTW glad to see you here!


Yes I loved KT and MY interactions this episode. I agree she def was making him jealous with Daniel Choi! Very smooth how she did move the barely hovering hand over her side to grab it for a firm touch of her waist !  Lol! Finally KT showing he is liking MY and being jealous. 

As he hasn’t dated much (?) and been closed off to others and women due to ST, these feelings are more new. When the patient loving AR talked how he felt about AR , KT was comparing it to his with MY. From the wanting to see the person like crazy, wanting to be around them etc, yup our guy KT still likes MY. But I love how both are shedding layers and getting closer .


This suspension for KT, now they will play. The common trope of the OTP at the beach, is in this drama too. (Not going to lie the ocean is intoxicating & love the scent of the sea air too). So if the first peck/kiss is there cool or at least continuing intimacy and closeness. 

But we know ST will not be happy next week so calm before the storm. 


Not sure I liked the lime green nail color with the cute baby blue suit with uber short skirt. Wow! I didn’t care for the strong white polish but I am not a stylist. I prefer lighter shades myself but I don’t wear polish, too lazy. 

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6 hours ago, Teeners said:

I had assumed her talk of flowers had something to do with ST's fear of butterflies. But, he's not actually a patient at OK, right? Apologies if I missed this. Is ST there mainly to paint the mural and because GT works there?


This is just my opinion,  KT did ask the Director's opinion and seek advice about his brother.  So, in a way he's like an "outpatient" if the term is correct from both  KT and the Director's POV.  ST's task of painting the mural is also part of his observation.  The only thing I'm not sure is whether  he 's working alone or he has other staff with him to do the observation.



*I think it's funny that even on Wikipedia, KSH's character is referred to as both GT and KT.


Well both are correct ..:)

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@stroppyse Agreed , they are both neophytes in love and so Kdrama first love too. For KT, MY his first love JR never had a chance. Thanks!


From what we can get she did live a highly sheltered life. But who took care of her if dad needed help , mom supposedly died. We don’t hear of any other family members. We know that CEO took care of her the last 10 years. Funny though CEO named all his supposed roles even ‘man’ was interesting beyond boss, caretaker , parent etc.


@Thinker I agree MY gaze does appear different with KT than others. Now KT is showing more his emotions honestly in regards to matters and MY too! It is refreshing.

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K-netizens’ reactions to “It’s Okay to Not Be Okay” Episode 8
July 13, 2020

The jealousy incarnate Kim Soohyun, “Choi Daniel”s special appearance

Original post: Naver TV

[+1,144,-0]ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ In the meantime, Ko Moon Young stole the fountain penㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+980,-1]The fan she was talking about was his penㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ (t/n: “pen” and “fan”‘s pronunciation sounds similar in Korean)

[+805,-2]Kim Soohyun should’ve taken a selfie instead hahaha

[+769,-0]ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ “No he’s just someone I know” ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+727,-1]Ha! Kim Soohyun always get jealous please…

[+661,-2]I’m gonna die cause of Kim Soohyun’s jealousy f***…

[+629,-0]The pen was all she was thinking about ahㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+505,-2]Kang Tae-yah, Moon Young just wanted that fountain pen ㅠㅡㅠ but seeing him get jealous is driving me crazy!

[+468,-1]Jealous Kang Tae is so cuteㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+453,-0]Woah ㅠㅠㅜㅜ Kang Tae has started to get jealous now… I’m gonna go crazy…



Seo Yeji fighting against Oh Jung Se over Mang Tae


Original post: Naver TV

[+1,859,-4]You’re loud!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋKang Tae-yah, just make a Dong Tae, Myeong Tae, Hwang Tae and give it to them…ㅠㅠㅋㅌㅋㅋㅋㅌㅋㅋㅌㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+1,524,-5]Aren’t they fighting like friends do?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+1,399,-1]I’m laughing out loud at Sang Tae and Moon Young pulling each others’ hair while fighting ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ turned out Moon Young writer-nim was a great fighter ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Sang Tae oppa ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+1,216,-3]I really wanna see the making of this scene ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ it’s really funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅌㅌㅌ

[+983,-2]These two look more like siblings than Kang Tae and Sang taeㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+920,-2]Ahㅋㅋㅋㅋㄱㅋㅋ Why is this two’s fight so cuteㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+878,-2]No this looks like two kids getting scolded for a pillow fightㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+867,-2]Moon Young’s nose is even bleedingㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+780,-1]ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋI’ve always thought they’d end up fighting someday ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+687,-3]Both of them are still kidsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+592,-3]Kang Tae, let’s make two Mang Tae dolls


Oh Jung Se gives up Mang Tae but not Kang Tae

Original post: Naver TV

[+1,296,-4]what’s left for me if I give everything I have to people who need it? ㅜㅜㅜ Sang Tae has the best lines in this drama…ㅠㅠ

[+943,-5]At this point, I really think something’s gonna happen if Moon Young and Kang Tae start dating later onㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

[+753,-4]But wouldn’t he get jealous cause of Kang Tae and Moon Young later onㅠㅠㅠㅠ I’m scared

[+694,-1]Then what would Sang Tae do if Kang Tae and Moon Young start going out… I’m already in tears just thinking about it

[+614,-3]I can already imagine Sang Tae hitting his brother and going like “Liar… Lying is a bad thing.. Liar” if Kang Tae chooses Moon Young over him

[+538,-3]Sang Tae oppa, you need to give Kang Tae a little bit more space too…

[+518,-1]Sang Tae-yah, Moon Young won’t take Kang Tae away from you, it’s just that one more member will be added to your family. I hope the three of you will be together and live happily for a long time

[+453,-0]This drama is full of wise sayings…

[+296,-0]Sang Tae oppa broke my heartㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ He’s giving up Mang Tae but not Kang Tae



Kim Soohyun’s safety pin got pulled out to protect Seo Yeji



Original post: Naver TV

[+2,906,-12]In the midst of all that she already had a rock in her handㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+2,373,-5]So Kang Tae prevented a murder actuallyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+1,968,-9]Moon Kang Tae who’ve been enduring everything very well lost his safety pin because of Ko Moon Young… That’s a real character development

[+1,689,-8]Unnie you’re the best by the wayㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+1,441,-6]Ko Moon Young, what were you planning to do with that rock?? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+1,277,-6]Kang Tae can’t control himself when it comes to Ko Moon Young… That’s real love out thereㅠㅠㅠ

[+1,128,-5]ㅋㅋㅋ He would’ve been knocked down with a rock if he didn’t get a punch

[+1,058,-3]Kang Tae has finally exploded

[+981,-6]This is it!

[+756,-5]Kang Tae didn’t suppress himself for the first time ~!~!

[+701,-4]I like Moon Kang Tae so muchㅜㅜㅜㅜ he’s so cool,,,



“I wanna have fun with you” Kang Tae wanna escape for the first time in his life with Seo Yeji



Original post: Naver TV

[+2,104,-6]Moon Kang Tae totally looks like a fox… I almost thought he had a tail, he’s so cute

[+1,893,-3]I was amazed while watching today’s episode. This was the first time Kang Tae pulled out his safety pin and the first time he’s expressed his feeling freely without holding it back. I was happy to see him smiling like a little kid and decide to have fun with Moon Young but it’s kind of sad when you think about how this might lead to another conflict with his brother. I don’t know what’s gonna happen and I don’t wanna think about it but seeing Kang Tae smiling his heart out made me so happy

[+1,693,-6]Kim Soohyun’s acting is really crazy… His facial expressions especially, are amazing!

[+1,524,-2]This is my first time seeing Kang Tae with such a big smileㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ This is too much for me

[+1,224,-4]Ah! I really think I’m gonna go crazy! Doesn’t he totally look like a puppy running with that smile? Give us a kiss next week no matter what!! This is an order not a request

[+993,-2]He has such a pretty smile

[+963,-5]Ah f***, just how much he wanted to run away that he’s running so happily..ㅠㅠㅠ

[+897,-2]Thinking how Kang Tae always wanted to smile so comfortably since he was a kid makes me sad… Moon Kang Tae, from now on let’s walk on the flower path

[+664,-5]Writer-nim, how could every episode’s ending be so perfect ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

[+583,-4]Yes Kang Tae, just do whatever you want from now on ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ


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I am so happy that the script writer answered my prayer, they will go for a short trip in next EP. :mrgreen:

What a wonderful gift that the whole cast and script writer have given to us in today ep :
1.  Love can overcome everything, including the anger. The last part when MY got slapped, she said "it hurts" and KT touched her face, the shot moved to her hand at the back that she finally melted and dropped the stone.


2.  Run away from the stress environment is definitely a good move for KT for that moment. I was moved by that last scene when he walked out from the hospital with a smile on his face that he knew that his job was being suspended, and what got on his mind was only run away with MY for that moment. Any human needs to find a escape hole to runaway. He knew it was wrong to beat someone and got himself  a punishment, but this is a part of releasing stress at that moment and afterall he is still a human. 


Today ep is more focusing on KT changes from his suppress feeling to release his (long term stress, anger and jealousy) till the end to get away with MY.  Wow wow wow. He needs a break free, to unchain himself no matter how, even though it may be a short one. Life is too short to do something you like.....


Anyone agrees with me that sometimes having warmth touch from the love ones and using eye-contact in drama is more powerful than kissing and I am sure that this drama emphasis is not merely a romantic love, it has more powerful meaning to it. :)


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4 hours ago, Teeners said:



Does anyone know what this means - Wikipedia says since July 4, 2020, the drama was aired in two parts per episode?

Ep. Part Original broadcast date Title Average audience share
(AGB Nielsen)[9]
Nationwide Seoul
1   June 20, 2020 The Boy Who Fed On Nightmares 6.093% 7.036%
2   June 21, 2020 The Lady In Red Shoes 4.722% 5.474%
3   June 27, 2020 Sleeping Witch 5.940% 6.529%
4   June 28, 2020 Zombie Kid 4.942% 6.000%
5 1 July 4, 2020 Rapunzel And The Cursed Castle 4.661% 5.285%
2 5.248% 5.782%
6 1 July 5, 2020 Bluebeard's Secret 5.056% 5.114%
2 5.647% 5.748%
7 1 July 11, 2020 Spring Dog 5.054% 5.434%
2 5.555% 5.753%
8 1 July 12, 2020 Beauty And The Beast 4.744% 5.160%
2 5.634% 6.407%


i think now tvn need to follow rules to have Ads in between the episode, so that's why they divide the ratings

and we got stuck around 5% ratings :huh: 

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