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[OFFICIAL] Hyun Bin ❤️ Son Ye Jin (BinJin Couple)


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On 1/24/2021 at 6:51 PM, KimDdalgi said:

She's really funny here. A Jinnie Best Girl whose been a straight forward.:grin:

I think this was the 2016 Blue Dragon Awards? Didn't realize she gave such a funny speech accepting the Popular Star Award.... and JWS was even more hilarious... :loolz:


8 hours ago, TotoroSY said:

Via auto translate, with some adjustments by me :

He paved (or spread out) one minute and forty-two seconds, and left for her two sentences, just as in each other's lives, they paved (their life) for a long time before they finally met. He stood on the stage without talking about love, but everyone knew he was loving her. So there is no actor-Son anymore, only Yejin-sshi.

I really love how the above OP wrote this so poetically, esp the parts bolded ....."He stood on stage talking about love, but everyone knew he was loving her. So there is no actor-Son anymore (the name he used to call her during The Negotiation filming time), only Yejin-sshi (what he calls her now).

From colleagues who respect and admire each other, to friends who share same experiences and got close to one another, they are now finally able to openly to declare to the world that they are a couple in real life, loving each other and choosing to spend the rest of their lives together, just like what YJ said "working hard to cultivate the relationship".

My heart is full. Be happy Binjin, Ye Jin and Hyun Bin, Son Eon Jin and Kim Tae Pyung, be very very happy!!


Thank you for the translation... What the OP wrote was really poetic....  :please: like you said... the heart is FULL !!!

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And now that the cat's out of the bag:heart1:, uri BinJin is becoming more careful about appearing together in public.  The beauty of the Baeksang sighting was that only the two of them & probably a few confidants, knew the real deal.  That we examined each look, each smile, each gesture, with intense scrutiny that we bordered on being delulu:crazymad: ... when all along, they did have a thing for each other! :ohboy2:


Good luck to us seeing them together again. Hopefully, the next time is her, a vision in white, with a bouquet of flowers, looking up at him & him looking back at her, in his black tux, with that familiar, sweet, gentle gaze.  


Happiness within their reach ...:smooches2:


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On 1/24/2021 at 1:54 AM, firstaid said:


Him specially acknowledging her in the most sincere and public way, in an event which honors him, is such a huge step for him who has always been intensely guarded about his lovelife. I am so touched and impressed with the ways he has shown his love and admiration for YJ consistently all these years. He definitely deserves YJ's love and trust. No wonder she was that brave to post her confirmation post humbly yet proudly saying that she has met a good person.


Hugs chingu. This is such a dream come true. HB has been recognized bigtime for his RJH role!!! No less than Daesang! And yes, the other CLOY casts (YJ included ofc) also winning is so gratifying to see. 


Hmmm I surely know who are pertaining to chingu . I was thinking of this too. Boy, was she wrong in so many things and getting so prematurely worked-up on perceived disadvantages HB got from CLOY/SYJ. As they say it's always better to think positive. This huge win surely proves this. Well, too bad for her she can't celebrate this huge win with us now (or does she even want to?). Well, another saying is perfect here: it's not good to burn bridges. But yes, I too offer her my virtual hug of condolence. I am too happy tonight that I even want to be magnanimous & can share this joy with her. 

I wonder why a lot of binjin shippers are waiting for HB's letter after they admitted that they are a couple. Based on my observation and from what I've read on different sites, SK actors only release letter if they are already going to announce their marriage. Kpop idols (singers) are the ones who usually release letter after a dating news to apologize to their fans because most of them are scared to loose their popularity. 

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On 1/26/2021 at 1:42 AM, KimDdalgi said:

Our Best Boy acceptance speech is really famous now. That mimicking Binnie's acceptance speech even Sang Yeob used it on his IG reply section but then he deleted it and change the comment.:joy:

U know what BinJin are trendsetter 

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4 hours ago, Rabina said:

U know what BinJin are trendsetter 

@Rabina yes I know. Even Binnie's Cadillac car was also in trends. And also the cosmetics, clothes, shoes, accessories and CF brand they uses became a taboo. That's how BinJin dominated around the world. The BinJin Vitamins. :grin:

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5 hours ago, KimDdalgi said:

Our Best Boy acceptance speech is really famous now. That mimicking Binnie's acceptance speech even Sang Yeob used it on his IG reply section but then he deleted it and change the comment.:joy:



Actually, Lee Sang Yeob replied Lee Min Jung differently at first, but deleted the earlier reply and instead mimicked HB's APAN speech of "best partner". So that's his final reply to LMJ now haha!!

It's even funnier that LMJ is obviously one of YJ's best buddy, so LSY trolling HB's speech is so on point!! 
* LMJ and SYJ are part of the Cinderella 7 group of close friends which includes SYJ, LMJ, SYA, Oh Yoon Ah, GHJ, Uhm Ji Won, Lee Jung Hyun. I bet Cinderella 7 teased YJ a lot about HB, and esp now after his APAN speech haha!


Btw, I also love LMJ and Lee Sang Yeob's chemistry as a couple in the KBS family drama Once Again. Both of them won best actor/ actress award for drama serial category in APAN. Seems LJS and LMJ became good friends after the drama and the comment a lot on each other IG's posts. Maybe they were already privately joking about HB's romantic APAN speech lol!


For fans who might not know much about Cinderella 7, here's a thread that has info about them. I love this group of fans that YJ has cuz they are her strong foundation and support in life and also in her career.




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53 minutes ago, TotoroSY said:


Actually, Lee Sang Yeob replied Lee Min Jung differently at first, but deleted the earlier reply and instead mimicked HB's APAN speech of "best partner". So that's his final reply to LMJ now haha!!

It's even funnier that LMJ is obviously one of YJ's best buddy, so LSY trolling HB's speech is so on point!! 
* LMJ and SYJ are part of the Cinderella 7 group of close friends which includes SYJ, LMJ, SYA, Oh Yoon Ah, GHJ, Uhm Ji Won, Lee Jung Hyun. I bet Cinderella 7 teased YJ a lot about HB, and esp now after his APAN speech haha!


Btw, I also love LMJ and Lee Sang Yeob's chemistry as a couple in the KBS family drama Once Again. Both of them won best actor/ actress award for drama serial category in APAN. Seems LJS and LMJ became good friends after the drama and the comment a lot on each other IG's posts. Maybe they were already privately joking about HB's romantic APAN speech lol!


For fans who might not know much about Cinderella 7, here's a thread that has info about them. I love this group of fans that YJ has cuz they are her strong foundation and support in life and also in her career.




@TotoroSY Exactly true. And I was thinking they have a group chat and the Cinderella friends are teasing Jinnie about Binnie. Lol. Even before CLOY happens I really adore that Cinderella 7's group so much even if they too much busy on their works and careers they don't forget each other, they supported and cheering up each other that's how are friends for. When you watch their Variety shows like "Fun Top Staurant" or an any interview you will see them that they are truly supporting and cheering up each other. And they treated each other as sisters not only as friends. That's what I like with Cinderella 7's.


I also remember when SYA likes a photo in Swiss of SYJ and HB last yr. I think she's teasing them and telling to us that they are a couple because of groundless rumors spreading around those times. :blush:

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How's your heart is doing? I'm still not over from HyunBin's Daesang Award acceptance speech.  This edit made by his Japanese fan is too beautiful to be shared. She/deserved a credit. Even it's not translated, I'm sure we all knew the contents by heart. His speech so pure, full of respect and love. His thanked speech to each and everyone involved from Directors, sunbaenim (senior actors) hoonbaenim (junior actors) and finally his best partner Son Yejin perfectly compiled into this clip.




Just to know 26th is a lover(s) day in which boyfriend and girlfriend wishes must be accepted unconditionally. Binjin in talk for this topic on Korean media sites. 


To celebrate it, I will leave you all with another beautiful FMV clip - introduce me to a good person. 








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3 Days post APAN Star Awards 2020...


It took me sometime to process and calm my self down of all these indescribable euphoric feelings I had to undergo from the moment I pressed the ENTER button at Amazer App for Live Streaming APAN Star Awards 2020 on Saturday, 23 January 2021 evening. The three-hour show from my small mobile screen -I got no choice to mirror with Smart TV for bigger view- was flowing with fast heartbeats, hyper-excited, full of nervousness, extremely anxious (I ran away to toilets for like 6 times.. haha...)

3 days prior to APAN I was being over confident. I wrote in this forums How I put a high hope on CLOY domination and Hyun Bin to win Daesang despite me not having any valid information on official nominees line up till APAN announced only one day before the award show. Furthermore, with all the hates comments and confusion threw to Amazer and APAN that running vigorously on my SNS TL, I kept being optimistic and said to myself "In all things it is better to hope than to despair, let's wait and keep praying even harder.''

I am no psychic, maybe just being logical of how I wrote on CLOY domination prediction of #apanstarawards2020 would turn out. Proudly swept 4 APAN Star Awards. Son Ye-Jin had secured KT Seezn Star Award, Kim Young-Min for Best Supporting Actor, Kim Sun-Young for Best Supporting Actress and Daesang for Hyun Bin. It was unfortunate we lost The Drama of The Year and Best Writer, but somehow it got replaced with unexpected yet so well-deserved Best Manager Award - Kang Gun-Taek Vast Entertainment! Wohooo... I bowed to his speech, ''So I want to tell Hyun Bin that I love and appreciate him more than anyone else.'' What an unconditional friendship and partnership at its best they are having - of all the long winded hardship. Should I be jealous to this bromance..? Nahhh... You got my back KKT...noone knows and takes care HB better than you!

The worst situation was to prepare myself in just seconds before Kim Seung-woo announced the Daesang Winner. I closed my eyes with bated breath and pray really hard.. I wanted it so badly... I wished for it everyday.. I knew it is highly-chance... but what if.... what if... I held my heart... "God, let him win this time... of all his hard works, talents, dedications and passions... he deserves this award more than anyone else..." When I opened my eyes... I jumped, screamed and cried of happy tears... Hyun Bin looked dashing, walked humbly proud towards his Grand Prize! It is really is... Daesang for him!! 



I also wrote here, that as much as I am dying to see our #powercouple in one frame, walking together in red carpet, APAN will be the pride and celebration of CLOY! Their personal relationship shouldn't steal the limelight of the night. SYJ with her biggest heart settled through a pre-recorded video. And How beautifully heart-warming Hyun Bin delivered his Thank You speech to all CLOY production team, casts and crews, to all his fans all over the world and most importantly to the love of his life, his co-star in CLOY, his Best Partner Son Ye-Jin who brought the best in him. 


Stay in love you two, we will be here wishing and waiting patiently on whatever the fate will lead you! (But not too long please... HB in NK uniform (CA2 sequel filming soon!) will be too distracting to all women out there. It will cost us such uncontrollable heartbeat dillemma haha...)

Hmmm...Can I say... How about this spring? A delightful colour-palette garden vows will surely make you two unbelievably shine and glow of love :wub::)

There is nothing more inspiring and beautiful than seeing you reaching new heights and touching new milestones. It is indeed a good year to start in 2021. To Hyun Bin & Son Ye-Jin many many more loving, giving and living years to come!!


Check out Wiki update here! Me no more wishing... stamped and sealed!



We did Make History!! My heartiest congrats to all #BinjinNation #BinjinFandom #BinjinStan #BinjinLover #Binjinitis and all the Binjin hashtags... I enjoyed and will always do... being apart of you....#BinjinFamily the roller coaster ride is a wholesome experience...



P.S: Now I can start watching other K-Drama series... I feel content, my heart swells with happiness... Eye-ing on to some other HB and SYJ dramas and movies... but hesitant still, how would I deal watching their lovey-dovey scenes with other co-stars? I can't.. sighhh....

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Hyun Bin was up against very stiff competitions to win the Daesang at APAN. some fabulous actors and actresses in yah group of nominated. It’s a career-defining moment for HB, no doubt. HB does owe a lot to SYJ for the award personally and professionally. Nice to see him say it out loud.  

Here is another reporting on his win. 


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@KimDdalgi you're absolutely right! It's not Yoona am worried about, for her surely being professional and loyal to her Unnie as apart of Cinderella 7 besties circle... It's pretty much to all other women out there... who could't stand watching at HB getting hotter and hotter everyday after the confirmation. Yejin really knows how to glow up her Man. Few of HB actions scenes at CA really made me breathless... imagining him and Daniel Henney - two hotties in one frame - I might need to stand by an oxygen tank before I got fainted haha... 


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On 1/25/2021 at 12:14 PM, kdramahkfan said:

I love the fact that he shows just the right amount of professionalism and affection through his speech. He thanked her as actor to actress, acknowledged her contribution in shaping his character. He doesn't avoid mentioning her just because the world knows they're together, he gives her the credit she deserves.

Can't agree more. He knows everybody's eyes on them. Without avoiding mentioning her in his speech already shows his sincerity and love to YJ. This is far more than a letter of love can show the world.

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On 1/27/2021 at 4:19 AM, dooly Binjin said:

It's pretty much to all other women out there... who could't stand watching at him getting hotter and hotter everyday after the confirmation.

maybe HB sing this song to Yejin ssi,


On 1/27/2021 at 4:53 AM, puan iryantie said:

maybe HB sing this song to Yejin ssi,




for me, when he at the APAN awards, he looked like he at Media Presscond TN on September 10, 2018, or TN era
He makes me envy, his body is slimmer than at the KPCA award. What kind of exercise he did?

Golf, swim, gym, or Pilates together? :approves:



Mr. and Mrs. Kim, stay healthy,  please 


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