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[Drama 2019-2020] Crash Landing on you, 사랑의 불시착


Ending prediction   

210 members have voted

  1. 1. What will happen to the OTP at the end of this drama?

    • Sweet happy ending for Ri-ri in SK
    • Cue sad music ..the divide is just too great ..the OTP will be separated
    • An open ending where they will meet again on the bridge in Switzerland ...

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  • Poll closed on 02/15/2020 at 01:37 PM

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I was preparing myself for an epic cliffhanger at the end of episode 15 but I wasn’t expecting it to be this intense! Why do you have to do this to me drama!? We already had a similar ending before.. obviously this one is worse but still, my blood pressure can’t take it :tears:

Thoughts below: 



so I’m going to assume SJ might have actually passed away otherwise, perhaps SR flatlined but gets resuscitated. I’m just not convinced we are going to get an ending where SR or JH dies. It did cross my mind for a sec that we might get some memory loss when SR was dreaming about whether she would have made the same decision to go paragliding on that fateful day if she were given the choice to go back in time, but I am really glad that she decided she would still do it all over again. 

I thought the NIS conflict would be resolved fairly quickly because we only have one episode left and haven’t even ventured into resolving the situation for JH’s family yet. I wonder if the NIS has any protocol to assist JH’s family? I’m also eager to see if JH’s dad has anything else planned. I do also wonder if Division 11 will help out.

For the first time since watching, I actually realised the significant implications for both SR and JH/the ducklings. I was so focused on the sweet stuff but it really is a very serious situation for both sides. This is why I’m starting to think that we are really going to get a time skip where they meet on a bridge somewhere a few years later. I feel like given the circumstances, SR and JH won’t be able to just start a relationship together straight away. I think they are going to have to go their separate ways for some time and face/resolve whatever implications before they can be together. I’m content with this ending though provided we also get another time skip of them living happily ever after with twins! 


Highlights of this episode for me are:


- the ducklings remaining forever loyal

- JH being unable to contain his concern rushing out to see SR

- the ahjunmas and villagers standing up for MB’s wife. I’m assuming this is where the fortune tellers blood shed prediction stems from cos I don’t think this is going to be the last time we see those thugs

- the NIS agents viewing videos of JH and seeing how genuine he is. Also them trying to suss out what the ducklings were doing when using SR’s credit card but they were literally just enjoying their time in SK :joy:

- the head NIS guy also starting to realise that JH isn’t a bad guy and helping him see SR in the end

- the epilogue :wub::wub: JH is just perfection!! I love how he peeked to make sure SR was covered by the umbrella. Sweetest couple ever!

I am so eager to see how it all ends but for once actually wish this drama had more episodes cos I’m sad to see it end too!

I wonder if in one of the epilogues we will see that SR and JH did kiss after the ring giving scene or the confession on the bridge? A fan girl can dream right :wub::lol:

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1 hour ago, Meli said:

Could this be the scene with her in pink coat and him in handcuffs? 

This could be JH running towards SR? Again crossing another step Into border? JH seems got caught by NK and maybe SR protected by NIS. 

Again, this writer is trolling us with some hints... The umbrella under rain scene as in SITR drama and based the epilogue, the mirror images between couple in love seems referring to real HB and YJ during BTS? Such as both of them pouting mouths at JH House and also few gestures during BTS I can't recall. 

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Episode 15 was not that bad TBH.  I expected something better though, like a proper buildup to the finale. It seems like the last few minutes of the finale will be rushed because not much loose ends have been tied in this episode apart from CG’s death. I am going to forgive the writer for episode 15 because the NIS agents were hilarious (the biggest SR and JH shipper) and I enjoyed how Jumok and Chi Soon pranked Eum Dong. I still have a bit of faith in you, writer-nim.


What I cannot forgive is this unnecessary arc of SD getting into trouble. :/ I know SD and SJ couple have fans but watching the last few minutes got me wondering. How the hell will this add to the finale when we are supposed to wrap things up? 


I know I am being mean but their unnecessary screentime was the sole moment in this episode when I FFed. Their storyline have been messed up already. Like I’ve said before, their screentime seemed to have been  sacrificed to give more time to more popular and likeable characters (eg ahjummas and ducklings). That scene made me wonder why now? What is the point? The writer could be featuring them walking in Pyongyang, having their last beer, etc. 


I am not sure if I’m expressing myself clearly but really this SD-needs-saving arc was the low point of this episode. But NIS came to save this episode. Lol They even consulted a psychologist. Lol

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That young NIS guy is so funny :D who needs psychologist analyst to see what JH did to SR is all love? 
i cried and laugh at the same time, this episode is amazing. Their acting, all of them, especially SYJ and HB, I give them not only two thumbs up, but all my thumbs up!

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29 minutes ago, blinkiz said:

Sorry can someone point me to this scene or the page this was posted?


Thank you!


It's this pic... SR will not die, so we can still hope for happy ending :relaxed: (cross fingers)



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This episode is probably a build up to the finale so I won't complain too much. As many of you here, I don't care for the SJ-SD storyline too much. I missed the interaction between our leads. Also Seri being sick the whole time means she didn't have much of a role to play except being on the bed. I liked the NIS shippers and also the ducklings. I will try to patiently wait for tomorrow's epic finale and hope it gives us something happy and satisfying.

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1 hour ago, alleram95 said:

Last preview for ep 16  (a quick one, so I might make a mistake, especially at SD's part)


NIS: If you decide to stay in here (SK), then we can help you with the process
SD: I have a revenge to do. We have nothing to lose.

SD: The one who send those people, I heard they are still in there (SK)
SR: You should say that I need to wait for you, so that I can live
JH's mom: If something bad happened to Jung Hyuk or you, I will follow after. Please save and bring him home



I guess, from this preview, the one who can't be saved is SJ, due to his injury. He got shot 3 times I think, around the chest which probably hit his lung and heart. But, I hope he is okay though, because I root for SD and him to be together.

Hearing SR's voice even from the background only, it makes me hope that she can recover.


Can anyone contact Dr Kim from Doldam Hospital to help with her speedy recovery? :P


edit: just an information, as 23.28 KST in Naver Crash Landing on You ep 16 preview ranking 1 for the most searching words, Gu Seung Jun at number 5, Crash Landing on You scriptwriter (aka Park Ji Eun writernim) at 13


OMG, the NIS encouraging RJH to stay and he running away to cross the barricade looks like he is defecting. I'm cool with that. With that guaranteed, the rest of the story will fall into place. 


I'm still ok with you, writer-nim. :wub:


Hugest thanks, @alleram95 for the translation. :wub:

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9 minutes ago, Keroppi said:

What I cannot forgive is this unnecessary arc of SD getting into trouble. :/ I know SD and SJ couple have fans but watching the last few minutes got me wondering. How the hell will this add to the finale when we are supposed to wrap things up? 

It pissed me off. I really don’t care about their storyline and they always popped up whenever and wherever. I don’t know why the writer did that. It seems like she’s trying to rush their storyline before the finale.


5 minutes ago, campanulah said:

OMG, the NIS encouraging RJH to stay and he running away to cross the barricade looks like he is defecting. I'm cool with that. With that guaranteed, the rest of the story will fall into place. 


He’s not going to defect. He needs to return to save his family. The order based on the preview:


1. RJH crosses the border to meet SR

2. RJH and the gang are intercepted by the general


I think RJH would have all the evidence with him to jail the general. Remember, NIS was able to decrypt CCK’s email so that’s one valid evidence.


SD will take care the second brother and his wife.

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1 hour ago, imels said:

That young NIS guy is so funny :D who needs psychologist analyst to see what JH did to SR is all love? 
i cried and laugh at the same time, this episode is amazing. Their acting, all of them, especially SYJ and HB, I give them not only two thumbs up, but all my thumbs up!


It's funny how the young NIS guy was still raring to speak about RJH's cool acts and how he and Se Ri are in love but his boss kept cutting him off. Memorable screen time for the actor who played the HB-SYJ shipper... I mean.. the young NIS guy. :D

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I still can't imagine what will happen to JH's parents if RJH really wanna stay in SK. :blink:

Although it's romantic :wub:, but that's a bit.. ummmm ... 

JH said if he can't live if SR died. 

He didn't care so much about his parent. Just like SR and her mother had misunderstanding. JH and his father also had a misunderstanding. 

Maybe Seri can help solve RJH relationship with his parents. 

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Just watched it RAW without subs so I still have no idea with what's going on:


My predictions:

-YSR will NOT die. Come on, lol.She's the FL. Are you kidding me? This is a RomCom - she will NOT die. We saw the pics with RYJ in handcuffs. She will be fine.

- I want to say GSJ also won't die - but I'm not sure. He's the second lead. I don't think he will die. I think the flatline was someone was flatlined (maybe Seri) but was resuscitated. It can happen. So I will stick with GSJ not dying either. SD saying she will take revenge is probably regardless of GSJ's state - whether he lives or dies; she will take revenge because it was their fault - even if he just got hurt.

- RJH and Seri will separate - just like in NK. In the preview, we saw RJH at the border being returned to NK. He runs, probably as we all know, he saw Seri and that's the scene we see with handcuffs.

- The Ducklings and RYJ will be intercepted by the General, but Papa RJH will come save the day. RJH will probably also have evidence to save his family. The preview about the mom saying she will die with her husband and/or son (she will follow) is just to create hype. RJH and his family will be fine. They are always two steps ahead of the game.

- Either YSR will establish some sort of business in NK that allows her to travel to both places or they will meet again in Switzerland. I do hope the writer comes up with some genius idea because I not only want YSR to be with RJH, but also the ducklings.


Bittersweet as we come to an ending tomorrow. I need closure. At least we know the wrap up party is tomorrow and it's TWO HOURS (almost) long so hopefully the writer will not pull anything dumb.

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