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@Lawyerh :joy: I know who Glen Fredly is but not familiar with his works..i tend to listen to the song and not to choose based on the artist. So i might know his songs but am not aware he sang them. i used to own Project Pop cassettes though when I was young..they re hilarious (the songs)!

@Lmangla why do you not like TVN dramas? 


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3 hours ago, phikyl said:

Luckily, I still have work so it's taken me this long of being in lockdown to get through everything.


Same! I slowly tidy one shelf or drawer every weekend. I am glad things are easing off but still take care!


10 hours ago, kokodus said:

This is me. I scared them. LOL. I still can't believe that Wintergarden already became a couple at the end of S1. My mind is already looking for problems that will arise in S2. I just can't let myself be happy. I'm masochistic like that. 


It's only post-finale Day 4! I am still basking in the feels. Still not even sensible enough to write long essays that's why I have been quiet in the Agency thread. Haha! I think problems will arise but I believe they will pull through. They will be the "stable" couple in the group.





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2 hours ago, snowlou said:

@Lmangla why do you not like TVN dramas? 

for the most part, they are not my kind of dramas. have watched maybe a few but most of them I don't even check out because I find the synopsis boring. plus, it is TVN which means they tend to do artsy (bad lighting, super slow pacing) and they are really long at over an hour; I don't have that kind of patience. I like dramas that are well lit and fast paced. for the most part, the main 3 stations suit my taste more.




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10 hours ago, partyon said:


lololol :D Well, the story wasn't stellar in the Korean version either, but it seems that it was even worse in the Turkish one. :D

Well done for for finishing all of the episodes! :kiss_wink:



kekekek... so actually there were parts of this interpretation that I liked but basically it showed the original story itself was bonkers. so for one, the leads here were not psychotic but mostly sane. this meant a completely different vibe. they had decent chemistry but it wasn't crazy crashing. instead, it was this kind of slow confused burn. basically when they think they are losing each other (as in literal death), you really felt their desperation and connection as the actors were really hysterical (as in real life kind of raw hysterical). so it was the normal loved up scenes that kind of gave me a yawn. LOL. it was okayish.


it was really the villain who was interesting because am not sure I have seen one like him before. so it wasn't just about being smart but this guy was a master of manipulation that it was fascinating. so meryem is disillusioned with him when she comes out of prison but wants to stick by her promise as a matter of honour and then later, just plain fear. as she sees more and more cracks in the man she was once in love with, he talks to her in such a way to make her feel guilty, stupid and crazy for seeing something else. and he isn't even interested in her!


then, as she starts getting closer to savas (the male lead), then, he starts getting more and more obsessive. basically it is a kind of game and possession. as his ex mistress tells him that basically meryem makes him feel big (that someone could actually take the fall for him) but when she rejects him, he feels like his manhood is lost and so he comes to the ex to feel better and that has been their whole relationship triangle dance. it was an interesting dynamic that you don't often see with clingy second leads -- that rather than love, it is ego driving this obsession. plus, you don't see this kind of emotional sweet talk manipulation that often.


what was interesting with meryem's journey is how she tries to process the man she was once in love with the man he actually is. basically she keeps going through shock and disbelief even after she no longer cares about him.  so in the end, she and the ex mistress have this heart to heart and she advises her to move on and not feel burdened. both of them were manipulated and feel guilty but meryem insists that they never knew the real mr moustache. they fell in love with this charming side of him and didn't know the real side. so those kind of moments were interesting as I haven't seen that in dramas before -- this idea where the lead finds out their ex is a horrible person who hurts people and they are sort of guilty by association and feel horrified they used to be in a relationship.


so yea, some really interesting bits that was enough to get me through the 30 episodes but ultimately, this was a stupid dumb story.... :sweatingbullets:



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46 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

I like dramas that are well lit 


Then you wouldnt like OCN either? For me...OCN (because their dramas tend to be darker?)..their lighting is also pretty dark..not a fan of not well lit dramas especially the ones that even after you adjust the brightness level to its max level...you still cant see clearly whats going on:joy: but I dont mind as long as the dramas are interesting. 


I know no one is watching Team Bulldog apart from me and @Sushimi... But ep 3 is really interesting! Thats all :D


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@/\mirmz/\ Thank you! I love baby Groot and The Child. They're both just too cute for words!


@TRaNz If I sent you some chicken nuggets, they'd be cold by the time they got there. Worth it?


@wallflowersforjane I will! I'm probably one of the more careful people around here just because if whatever I had around Christmas is even half as bad as this illness is supposed to be, I definitely DON'T want to get it again. :lol: Mostly my county is pretty good about wearing masks and social distancing and stuff though. Our numbers are really low compared to other places; we're just being overly cautious at this point. 



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@Lmangla lol..now i wonder why would ppl make movie in such a dark setting that the viewers couldnt even see clearly whats on the screen:sweatingbullets:

@phikyl oh no...i hope you re ok now. What was it that you had last Christmas? 


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@Lawyerh Gyeo ul who survives on Ramen and Egg drop sandwiches and finally eat something good and healthy. LOL. Also I demand a shirtless Jeongwon in S2, can't believe how they teased us in one ep. Sigh. Want a more clear view next time PDnim. 

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@phikyl That's good to know! I have friends in other parts of the US and its scary hearing from them about the lack of care people are taking!


@Lawyerh Thanks for my lunchtime YYS content. LOL!


2 minutes ago, kokodus said:


@Lawyerh Gyeo ul who survives on Ramen and Egg drop sandwiches and finally eat something good and healthy. LOL. Also I demand a shirtless Jeongwon in S2, can't believe how they teased us in one ep. Sigh. Want a more clear view next time PDnim. 


VERY SALTY about this. Want to do it, do it properly please. Hrmph.



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@wallflowersforjane ooooh yea your fanfic was shared in twitter and they said it's really good. Don't be shy to advertise your work. Hahaha. How will we know about it if you don't tell us? I'm planning to read all the fanfics once I get bored with rewatching the Wintergarden moments over and over. LOL


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11 hours ago, Ameera Ali said:

@partyon I’m still gutted we didn’t see whole kiss aftermath in hyena :D


Same! We had some stellar kissing scenes in Hyena. This is a lady who knows what she wants and needs, and goes after it with no hesitation. :D The guy had no chance - he fell for her hard.... :D 









I need more of these dramas with realistic kissing scenes. I just can't with boring kisses in k-dramas anymore. :D

Sigh, I really am a pervy ahjumma....... :D



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1 hour ago, kokodus said:



@Lawyerh Gyeo ul who survives on Ramen and Egg drop sandwiches and finally eat something good and healthy. LOL. Also I demand a shirtless Jeongwon in S2, can't believe how they teased us in one ep. Sigh. Want a more clear view next time PDnim. 


There was another tease I remember when Dr Bong said Jeongwon has different hobbies every season... And they showed a framed picture of him shirtless and with his surfing gear :D But his back was facing the camera :( I can't find the picture though hahaha


Edit: OMG @partyon I loved Hyena!! Their chemistry in those scenes were like *fans self

Especially that scene in the office gosh.


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