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1 hour ago, LSGLMH_88 said:

@kokodus Good suggestion... but before I start ugly duckling , you need to tell me who does she end up with???  Mek or the other guy...

so far i am liking kiss series... second couple is really annoying .. specifically the girl... 

But i am fast forwarding to Mek & Mild scenes... they are the only reason I am watching..

After that I will start watching ugly duckling...

Thaanks for the suggestion..



Mek of course!!!! She ends up with mek. It's the cutest little show. Only has like 6 or 7 eps. And U prince series as well, here Mek and Mild are not together in the same drama and I have not watched Mek's one, if I remember correctly he was the pilot there with hot uniform and all. Lol. Idk. But Mild's one is really good. I don't know the guy's real name, but his name in the show is survey and he is again really hot and the chemistry is awesome as well. It's called the U prince- the badly politics. Mild is like the spoiled brat and acts like a princess it's so hilarious. Hahahaha. Try this one as well. 


It's my fav fmv from the show, I don't even know what language is that. LOL. Still fun to hear. I have to say that all Thai guys are really good looking!!!! Sighh.

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8 minutes ago, LSGLMH_88 said:



Thanks to you...my boss will literally fire me... :P :D 


Let me complete The Kiss series first then I will watch the other one... Mild is really really cute...


Have you watched "well intended love" - that C Drama??? Thanks to Netflix ., i am on lala land.. 

See a good boss is one who satisfies all their employee's wishes and needs so that they can work more energetically and productively. LOL. 


I have not watched Well intended love. I just read way too many bad reviews about that's show. It sounds batshit crazy to me that the male lead made the female lead believe that she has leukemia so that he can approach her and woo her. Like who in the right mind would do that? I mean I have seen my fair share of crazy male leads but this is on whole new another level. I don't know why Netflix even got this, there are so many other good C shows they can take up. Sighhh. 


I'm actually going to watch Chernobyl now. I got the first ep from my sister and she is saying it's great, so I just want to try. 


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@kokodus ~ well intended love was quite addictive with the chemistry and plot structure till they revealed that he lied about the leukemia. like you said, it made zero sense -- why not ask her out like a normal person? so I dropped it. am not surprised that netflix picked well intended love. feels like they mostly pick dramas that are okay or bad or artsy. not the mass dramas that appeal to lots of folks.


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@Lmangla well intended love is quite popular that it's even getting another season now. LOL. What I think the reason is that since everyone had fallen for the male lead initially, even when he does questionable things later they just go easy on him. LOL. That's what has happened. Only some people like you will not be able to take the craziness of the whole situation and stops watching it. Hahaha. I actually do think Netflix has some quality content we just need to really dig deep to get to them. LOL. 



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7 minutes ago, kokodus said:

@Lmangla well intended love is quite popular that it's even getting another season now. LOL. What I think the reason is that since everyone had fallen for the male lead initially, even when he does questionable things later they just go easy on him. LOL. That's what has happened. Only some people like you will not be able to take the craziness of the whole situation and stops watching it. Hahaha. I actually do think Netflix has some quality content we just need to really dig deep to get to them. LOL. 



bwahahaha... so what does that mean? only some people like me? :joy:


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On 6/9/2019 at 2:07 AM, Lmangla said:


@Lmangla I think it's a case of overly possessive husband and wife who just wants to have a break. LOL I do think it's possible that her phone was just dead so she didn't even know he was trying to reach her. If she was with a man, I do think it would have come out somehow in the news or gossip. But there wasn't a mention of a man at all so I believe it when it said she's with friends.


@kokodus I am still stuck on ep 3 of One Spring Night! I will post my thoughts here when I get the chance to watch more episodes.




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17 minutes ago, Lmangla said:

bwahahaha... so what does that mean? only some people like me? :joy:


It means you are not shallow like me. Like I have watched many shows for the actors alone even when the plot didn't make sense at all. Even this show I think if I watch it, I'll probably fall for the male lead and squeal like @LSGLMH_88 Hahaha. Honestly it also depends on my mood. Sometimes i can enjoy a crazy drama for what it is but at other times I might think that it's too stupid. Lol. Idk. 

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57 minutes ago, LSGLMH_88 said:

@Lmangla what she means is logically well put..thats what you are... so rational... you wont like crazy things...and u r not sucker for romance either crazily like us... u r more into quality content... thats why i am surprised u r not watching arthdal...



kekkeke.. thanks but am not sure if I am more into quality content. hahahah... at the end of day, I just want time pass. nothing too brainy or self-absorbed or very popular. :sweatingbullets:  arthdal just didn't interest me enough to even check out.


47 minutes ago, kokodus said:

It means you are not shallow like me. Like I have watched many shows for the actors alone even when the plot didn't make sense at all. Even this show I think if I watch it, I'll probably fall for the male lead and squeal like @LSGLMH_88 Hahaha. Honestly it also depends on my mood. Sometimes i can enjoy a crazy drama for what it is but at other times I might think that it's too stupid. Lol. Idk. 

kekekke... maybe my squealing days are over? hahaha....but then I watch some hallmark movie like that goat movie and think "oooh, thats so sweet!"... so yea, more for the story than for the eye candy.


does anyone watch the sci-fi show "the 100"? watch it on and off (some seasons I just watch one or two episodes and read the recaps).... anyway, the leads got married in real life all of a sudden shocking fans. it is kind of funny because some fans have been wanting this pairing for long time but producer purposely keeps putting it off and keeping them as friends. so fans were kind of mildly amused and shocked this happened. kekeke... it is kind of cute!



can't help notice the watch as well as how big his hands look next to hers. hahahaha... but nice pic to announce no?





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22 hours ago, Sejabin said:
On 6/10/2019 at 12:36 AM, nohamahamoud2002 said:



yes. I don't like lee dong gun angel :weary: he sees her in his delution. he has mental problem. angel with mental problem is too strange for me to watch

I think he is a fallen angel because he was disobedient, so he fell from grace.


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@Lmangla *grin*

I may have been treating twitter as my garbage can for my love for Beliza :heart:. I don't believe the Producer will give the fans bellarke.. but Beliza is a balm to my heartbreak...

My honest rant about T100



Sigh.. seriously.. never have I felt so stupid for believing a story narrative not just because of the romance.. but because of the story progression... I believe it would be going one way.. but it suddenly veered going another way.... at the last minute... and not in a good way too...... 

T100 is the only show that gave me the the biggest blow to my Personal Judgement.. I feel like an idiot tbh.. and still do till this day... I mean you might read me rants about Cdrama crappy ending.. but T100 is a whole different dimension.....

For the ship, even if Bellarke (the ship) happen, it would never be the same anymore... the persons that I like has long gone... they're not the same anymore... and Its sad.... 

My friends says that the romance will happen at the last episode on the final season hahahahahaha... I can only say that NO... THEY WILL GIVE EACH OTHER A HANDSHAKE or FISTBUMPS.. and then end credit... hahahahhaa... 




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kekekek.... @lynne22 ~ bwahahahha... am pretty much expecting what you wrote for bellarcke. in the end of the finale, they will just hold hands or something and that will be it. LOL. so yea, I gave up on that ship long ago and so I only watch the show in bits and pieces. the producer is just weird as he is bent on making these two as just friends but teasing us with the writing. if he really wanted just friends, then the writing should reflect that. instead, you have snippets like her sending him radio messages for 6 years in the hope he would receive it. not any of the other friends but only him. please, what else is that supposed to be other than romantic? :joy: ... and yea, the two actors always had good chemistry together and so it is cute to see that they ended up together in real life.


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Loving the real life drama that happening in the country I am currently residing. Shaking my head at the extend some people will go in order to get the sacred thing called fast cash and love how some people correctly portraying the phrase, "Three best ways to earn money, drug lord, landlord and praise the lord".....:naughty:



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@kokodus @LSGLMH_88 ~ okay girls ~ so I thought more about what you two said and I sort of figured out why I am not as motivated by eye candy or the actors. it is because I loved books and I was a voracious reader for years. am not exaggerating but I probably read a thousand romance novels over the years. :joy: LOL. so sometimes the covers are hilarious but really I picked the books based on author and mostly story. also read other genres like sci-fi and cozy murders but also for time pass. even my pick of classics were based on time pass quality.


so since book reading is all about getting swept away in this world for a few hours, the story has to hook you. and I basically went from books to dramas and part of me still approaches dramas in the same way as books. so am still looking for that structure and flow and time pass quality. thats probably why I am not as motivated by eye candy or actors.


even kiss scenes, it is that build up, that anticipation, that connect that is exciting -- without that, a kiss scene just sometimes feels random, mechanical, like a biological reaction. :sweatingbullets:hahahahah... basically, that sizzle! thats probably why I really enjoy local dramas sometimes -- there may not be kisses but all that staring and chemistry can seriously be dugun dugun moments! :lol:

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@sushilicious ~ maybe because I have a good imagination, books were awesome. even book adaptions were pretty cool to me. but I do enjoy dramas because in addition to the story, the expressions the actors bring and the music can really sweep you away. :)


@Sejabin ~ am enjoying reading your random posts on that angel drama. for the same reasons that you pointed out, never even started the drama because when I read the synopsis, I was confused by what angels were doing with humans. hahahaha.... 


@cenching ~ so what happened in your country? some fraud?

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5 hours ago, Sejabin said:

once they go against God they will be thrown from heaven. and they will loose their innocense and capability of understanding what is love. but they are not human so it is hard for me to accept that when lee dong gun angel was thrown form heaven he can still knows what is love. specially love between man and women. it is a gift for humans. not for angel. love between man and woman is a gift from God to creates family and children. 


I don't think that fallen angels are not capable of love anymore,  remember The Nefilim. The Nefilim's daddies were staying with their human's mommies for some period of time so at least they did capable of love for some extent or most likely lust....:naughty:



A plain old classic Ponzi Scheme BUT with a religious packaging....:naughty: A church offerings a return of 30%/month "blessings" from the "donations" of their members. Minimum donation per head is $100, the contract lasts for few months to a year (renewable) and every month the donator except the so called "blessings". When the government takes action, the people get very angry and defending the Pastor and the church by saying the President wants the people to stay poor. By using a religious institution as a front, they avoided taxes, they have no real business establishment but kept recruiting members and paying the 30% "blessings"....It's amusing to see how dense people who blinded by the money react out of their mind.....:skull:



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