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finished ep 1 -- it was cut so weirdly. was the original episode 45 minutes? I watched an hour but it felt strange. felt like the fortune teller and daejang becoming captain would have been more natural at ep 2. the last 15 minutes felt a bit strange after all fighting.. .


other thoughts:

5 kings in 12 years? wow, that is seriously unstable.... and last king was just 14. and now new king is 21. so daejung is a bit cynical eh. yea, makes sense..

minister despite being a bit silly knows how to play the game -- tells the king to look like he prayed and mourned for 3 days. so this way, they can appease yuan.

waah, daejang is so brave - going on a perilous journey alone with no companion.

that was one quick surgery she did!

12 hours ago, kehrite said:

-Never thought I'd see a male lead in a historical drama throwing a police riot shield like Captain America, but here we are...! 

kekeke, was wondering why he picked the shield up.... so if he can zap people, why need a sword? can just his blast power right? why does he only have this red hand? orange bathrobe man, the doctor, needed daejang's help to treat her temporarily...



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8 hours ago, mademoisellesia said:

Dear @violetts Have you seen this? If it is not too much trouble, is it possible to share a summarized translation?


So much laughters from all of them, I really love it and Kim Hee Sun was soooooo cute. Her eyes light up when they mention soju/alcohol. So funny. 10 years difference? I don't see it at all, LOL.


Hi! Sure thing! 
Thanks for posting these by the way, I had never seen them before. 

Okay hum, bear with me, this is a very rough translation ^^’


First video:


At 00:28, the actor who plays Gi Cheol starts by saying (this is a litteral translation): « Mr Lee Min Ho is currently taking care of his body to perfection » - basically implying that LMH is working out to fill his role as Daejang.


LMH bursts out laughing and he mumbles something like « thats not true »


Gi Cheol actor goes on and says « You work out so much that you don’t even need to wear an armor at this point. »


LMH: « I lost 7kg within a month »


Gi Cheol (lol sorry I dont’ remember the actor’s name and I’m too lazy to look it up): « Tell us how you lost that weight »


LMH: « The first day of filming, there was this scene where I had to pick up Kim Hee Sun noona. She was really light! » (KHS hits him playfully)


(cont’d): « But after a month, when I tried to pick her up again, it kinda took more efforts. My muscles/strength are pretty much non existent right now, I only have bones. »


Gi Cheol: « So you’re saying you started working out because of Kim Hee Sun? »


KHS and LMH both laugh. I didnt quite catch what LMH said at that, but I think he said « You could say that. »


Gi Cheol: «  A little while ago, KHS went to a countryside convenient store in the middle of the night wearing her character’s clothes. The ajumma who was on shift that night was very surprised. Why is that? »


KHS: « Okay so basically, there is this scene right after I performed a surgery on No Gook princess where I wear clothes with blood on them. I went to the supermarket wearing that garment. The lady there couldn’t take any pictures so she took screenshots of the cctv footage and put them online. Since we could clearly see blood on my clothes, I appeared like a crazy lady. »


Gi Cheol: « Why did you go to the supermarket? »


KHS: « To bring back drinks to the filming crew~ » (angelic sounds)


Gi Cheol: « Alright. Let’s ask questions to Mr Ryu Deok Hwan now. You’ve been acting for 20 years now. If you hadn’t been an actor, what would you do? »


RDH: « That’s a good question, I’ve never thought about it. »


LMH: « Just tell him you’ve wanted to be an actor since you were born. »


RDH [says exactly that]

Everyone laughs. 

Gi Cheol (pretends to be pissed): « Just tell us what you would be doing if you weren’t an actor! »


RDH: « As I said, since I’m a natural born actor... »


Everyone laughs again.


Gi Cheol: « What is a habit you picked up as someone so passionate about their job? » (or something along those lines)


RDH: « The reason why I always take the bus and the subway is because I like to observe people. »


Gi Cheol (nods): « That’s a good habit. »


Everyone laughs again.


Gi Cheol: « In all seriousness. An actor shouldn’t be self centered. You gotta look out for others too. »


KHS leans in and says to LMH (speaking of Gi Cheol actor): « He not only asks the questions but he answers them too. »


LMH, laughing, adds: « I think we should just sit here and not say anything »


RDH (as interviewer) to KHS: « Kim Hee Sun sshi » (using formal language)


KHS: « But you’re more senior than me » (implying he’s had a longer acting career than her)


RDH: « Is that so? »

 « One of my favorite drama is called Tomato (KHS played in it.) »


« Do you like tomatoes? »


KHS bursts out laughing: « Are you serious right now? »


RDH: « Yes, I’m genuinely curious! »


KHS (humors him): « Yes, I do, I really like tomatoes. »


RDH: « And you really are like a tomato. Sweet, intense... »


LMH: « Yah, why are you being cheesy like this? »


KHS (to RDH): « You’re the best. »


RDH to Park Se Young: « You played in this drama called Sarangbi (the cost of love.) »


PSY: « Oh god what is he going to ask now »


RDH: « Have you ever been the cost of a love? »


Everyone laughs. 

PSY: « RDH is on fire today »


LMH: « I don’t think we should ever drink with RDH »


PSY: « You’re not drunk are you? »


RDH (very seriously): « Have you ever loved someone / been in love? »


PSY: « Hm. i really want to learn / discover (?) being in love. » (meaning: discover what it feels like being in love)


RDH: « aah okay.. I understand. »


KHS (as interviewer) to LMH: « People say that LMH sshi can appear a bit rugged and cold at first sight. LMH sshi, if you had to describe yourself, what would you say your first impressions are? »


LMH (pauses): « Yes it seems like a lot of people are saying those things about me. As for me... I would say that I like to think myself as playful, really good at drinking and... good with women. » (he says « I like women » in korean but I think it can translate to him being good with ladies.)


KHS: « Aren’t all those things true though? »


LMH (super embarrassed): « Noo! Ah I’m sweating. No, in reality I’m quite awkward, not a good drinker and I don’t go out much so I mostly stay at home. As for women... »


RDH (interjects): « You don’t like women? »


LMH (immediately): « No of course I like them. »


KHS: « Do you meet them only in your house? » (hides herself) « No because you said you mostly stay at home so... »

LMH (laughs): « Anyway, I believe I give off the wrong impressions » (or something along those lines)


KHS: « Now I will ask RDH a question. I heard you like alcohol? What’s your level of tolerance? Do you have a drinking buddy? » (and goes on and on about drinking questions lol)


LMH: « She gets excited everytime we talk about drinking, look at her eyes sparkling »


Everyone laughs. 

KHS (asks again) « whats your level of tolerance? »


RDH: « I havent’ exactly measured it. »



I’ll translate the second video tonight!

(Currently in the office on my phone, I technically should be working right now ㅋㅋ)

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Thanks @mademoisellesia for the 2 clips.  I laughed along when they laughed even though I don't understand what they were saying.  Imma so glad @violetts translated it - makes me laugh more.   

Yu Oh Seong aka Ki Cheol - that's him?? He looks so different.

Wow - LMH lost 7 kg within a month - wish I could do that in .. 6 months? or a year?

LOL -- Ryu Deok Hwan equates Kim HS like 
a tomato, sweet and intense - that guy is cute and bold !

LMH and the women talk -  you don't like women?.... kakakakakka


cr to the owner sharon


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As you remember (I hope), the Faith-related translations is extracted to the Soompi Faith blog for keepsake (especially now, god knows how long this forum will stay afloat after the huge 3 days scare we had!), please give me your consent to put them there for this too? :) Credit will of course be given in your username :)


To show my utmost gratitude, I give you...


Please lean closer to the screen to receive your gift.



source: gentlemino

@Min2206 Yeah. It was hilarious when RDH goes, "You dislike women?!"


The teasing in this clip was just... so awesome.

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3 hours ago, Lmangla said:

~ @CallieP @Thong Thin @H0ney @Maja @Min2206 and everyone else thinking lee min ho is hot in rain... 

me instead thinking, "waaaaah, those mountains look great in rain and it is so green"  hahhahaha...


@Min2206 @mademoisellesia ~ please post more gifs/screenshots of the minister - he makes me laugh. :lol:




@Lmangla I will try to do more gifs of the minister .... glad you appreciate him.  :P  I do , despite his spitting ! 

LMH is not only just hot in the rain.  Some chingus like him when he is in pain.

I like him any way, wet or dry - hahhahaha  - suddenly I'm reminded about the sanitary pad. 


via osen

@mademoisellesia Dang me on your spoiler - you are GOOD !  hahahaha!  (I know it is solely for  @violetts )
After the interviews, I like that King Gong Min - he is such a teaser and he could put on straight face while saying it.:D

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2 hours ago, mademoisellesia said:


As you remember (I hope), the Faith-related translations is extracted to the Soompi Faith blog for keepsake (especially now, god knows how long this forum will stay afloat after the huge 3 days scare we had!), please give me your consent to put them there for this too? :) Credit will of course be given in your username :)


To show my utmost gratitude, I give you...


Please lean closer to the screen to receive your gift.


Of course you can take the translations !! I wish I could’ve taken more time to translate them better... 
(There’s a faith blog? I didnt know about that :lol:)

And that gif should come with a warning! 


2 hours ago, mademoisellesia said:

@Min2206 Yeah. It was hilarious when RDH goes, "You dislike women?!"

It’s also so funny that LMH immediately replies « No OF COURSE I like women » hahaha.


You can clearly feel everyone in the cast is super close, the way they tease each other and seem comfortable around one another. 

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@violetts Ah you're "home" before I head to Zzz.

Yes, there is. The link is on the first page, first post :)


Gif - I did warn you I'm giving you a gift :P It's a surprise, have to be subtle.


Haha - yes - the immediate response was indeed hilarious. It's almost like he doesn't want to be misunderstood he doesn't like women, muahaha.


I think Park Se Young is the only one that's a bit more stiff around the others, but even she cracked & got goosebumps from Ryu Deok Hwan's cheesiness. :D


Ok, imma needs to ciao now. Bonsoir. Goodnight.

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On 8/18/2020 at 7:42 AM, Min2206 said:

@CallieP   Is the fan @scrawford ?   or @Edgar Pordwed?   Hehe

I have to admit that I am ONE of the culprits ... I was also a TKEM fan , then fell hopelessly for Daejang - my apology King Lee Gon :sweatingbullets:

@Thong Thin  Stayed up late last night cos watching all the 4 BTS from @mademoisellesia  Now I am like a zombie 

Agree with @H0ney  With all of the Soompi immortals and legendary Faithlings here, I can't help feeling awed and excited !   Is like going to a movie with my first crush   :relaxed:



Hey not me! I ventured into Kdramas by watching all of LMH's dramas in a row way back in 2017. I do love Daejang more though. ;P Can't resist the mane of glory.

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14 hours ago, mademoisellesia said:

I'm pleasantly surprised just how many more of you liked watching him in pain or looking vulnerable. Back then it was just me and Maja willing to come out of the closet admitting we love him doing physical (and emotional) pain scene. It was just something about it—he looks vulnerable but so gorgeous when he's in pain.


Add me to the list! He's so beautiful when he's suffering, and of course we all want to stroke his cheek and hair and tell him it will be OK. And then when he feels better do other things with him. :D


Thanks for posting the videos as well of him fighting. I think the series of Hime Park's YouTube videos of Faith are terrific.


12 hours ago, JoannaID said:

when ES stops him from going out of it; he states “with you touching me here and there..” my mind went into a state of gutter lol.


Yes, I thought that, even hurting, he was very aware of being touched by a woman. He's had a long, er, dry spell. :P


6 hours ago, Edgar Pordwed said:

I have to admit that I am ONE of the culprits ... I was also a TKEM fan , then fell hopelessly for Daejang - my apology King Lee Gon :sweatingbullets:


For a few days I had a fling with Lee Gon, so stunned by how gorgeous he was in TKEM. But then I came to  my senses and went back to Daejang! :blush:

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12 hours ago, mademoisellesia said:





And here's the translation for the second part of the video which is shorter than the first one :D


So the second video begins with the end of the first one, with Kim Hee Sun asking Ryu Deok Hwan how is his alcohol tolerance, to which he replies he has never measured it before.


RDH: "I'm not a casual drinker" (loose translation, really not sure about this part).

"But I'm great at drinking bomb shots."


KHS: "Ah you mean you mix the drinks together~"


Everyone laughs. KHS hides herself (she's so cute lol)


LMH's turn as interviewer: "I'm going to start by asking a question to Ryu Deok Hwan." 

"When considering a relationship, what is the thing that attracts you the most?"


RDH (hesitates a long time and grabs his jacket's lapels while everyone look at him, waiting for his answer in anticipation)


Yu Oh Seong (= Gi Cheol, I finally looked up the actor's name ㅋㅋ): "I think it's this" (while making the same gesture and grabbing his jacket's lapels.)


Everyone laughs.


RDH: "I look at the face first. It's not just about the face being pretty, but the face needs to suit me."


LMH: "And how do you know when a face matches / suits you?"


RDH (completely contradicting himself): "That means the face needs to be pretty."


Everyone laughs again.


RDH: "Yes it was a lie!"


LMH: "My next question goes to Kim Hee Sun sshi"

"Who is your favorite idol member lately" (but literally translated, he says in Korean: "Who is the idol that attracts your eyes the most lately"). 


LMH & KHS both laugh at the same time.


KHS: "Hmmm, there are SO many. But if I have to choose... I think I like Lim Si Wan."

She then turns to PSY and asks her "What do you think?"

They both laugh.


LMH: "So if you had to send a video message to Mr Lim Si Wan what would you..." and he bursts out laughing and adds "if you could just look at the camera on my side" (that little punk lol)


KHS (embarrassed): "Uhh, Si Wan sshi hello~ "


I couldn't hear who exactly says this, but someone says: "Ah what's wrong with this ajumma" (speaking of KHS). :lol:


KHS: "Yes, hi, I follow your career and I also sing along your songs. Thank you for showing us your best self, and please keep on looking the best in the future~"


[end of video]


I freaking LOVE this cast.



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16 hours ago, vangsweetie637 said:

@Aleumdaun i agree with @mademoisellesia about the action scenes. It wasn’t top notch but LMH made it look even cooler. There will be several if not many editing flaws that you will easily miss if not pointed out and some were really visible. No worries. If you miss it, we will point it out either way because we did the same thing 8 years ago :D there is one specific editing flaw I remember so well but i will wait until the episode arrives lol also, was it you who asked about the handbag or was it @Min2206? I don’t remember us discussing it thoroughly because it didn’t seem significant, not as much as the aspirin bottle (you will soon see why :D )


haha now it is mentioned, I do remember @Maja and @mademoisellesia loving a pained Daejang. I was one of the few who couldn’t see him in pain, like when he was stabbed :( however, there were other exceptions which I actually enjoyed him in pain because it showed the development of Imja couple.


I was always a Saeguk fan but very picky about the content and plot. However, I love myself a warrior plot. Time traveling is a very tricky plot to write about given the fact that there are many rules that can be bent and flexed. It depends on if viewers would be able to accept it. As @JoannaID mentioned, Faith wasn’t popular domestically but it was a huge hit in Japan (correct me if i recalled incorrectly). Internationally, it was a hit and miss. Many either loved it or they didn’t. I believe many loved it. 






It seemed to me that Faith would be a big hit in the end and actually one recapper said that she believed that Faith would stand the test of time and be a classic over the years. I don't think her prediction is true though since most media when talking about LMH dramas forget to mention Faith.  Seems more like a cult following.  It still has the record for the largest number of pages in Soompi, with our rewatch it will be even larger 4562 pages now and growing. 


Joonni had the largest number of visitors and posters during Faith recapping and they stayed months later. 



17 hours ago, mademoisellesia said:

@Aleumdaun Errr... I wouldn't brag too much about the action scenes to your kids. Faith's action scenes by "current time" may no longer be considered good, it was not even impressive 8 years ago by our standard when we saw it. Fans took it to their hands editing the scenes then it came out much better. You'll know what I mean when you see the real deal. However, I think the below clip shows the better fight scenes CY had.




LOL @Maja @CarolynH I'm pleasantly surprised just how many more of you liked watching him in pain or looking vulnerable. Back then it was just me and Maja willing to come out of the closet admitting we love him doing physical (and emotional) pain scene. It was just something about it—he looks vulnerable but so gorgeous when he's in pain. I fell for it since City Hunter's you-know-which-scenes (I shall not say coz Min2206 hasn't seen it).




Yeah, I like watching him in pain because he looks so vulnerable at times when in pain so it tugs at you, and also that he can withstand the pain is somewhat really macho and manly as in CH


16 hours ago, JoannaID said:


Sorry to cut your post @vangsweetie637 

I did read it somewhere, Faith was number 1 drama in Japan at that time, it was definitely a hit there. 

Although I just found out there was sad/tragic story behind Faith production in SK and LMH looked kinda sad on his best actor award acceptance speech for Faith, I don't want to get into the details. 


I am so looking forward to watch more of Faith and enjoy LMH's portrayal as CY, but I don't want to be in hurry as this drama deserves attention to details.

Thanks for explaining about the aforementioned line, my subtitle didn't do justice to it, but now I get it. :joy:


I wish Faith would garner more interest with new fans and old fans as well if they have not yet seen it.


13 hours ago, mademoisellesia said:


As you remember (I hope), the Faith-related translations is extracted to the Soompi Faith blog for keepsake (especially now, god knows how long this forum will stay afloat after the huge 3 days scare we had!), please give me your consent to put them there for this too? :) Credit will of course be given in your username :)




What is the link to the blog?

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22 hours ago, Min2206 said:

Yay, today is PH for me here .. @Thong Thin still asleep?



Sorry to cut your post.


Yup, is holiday here and having  ladies day.

Lots of catch-up after 3 months lockdown, need fresh air to breath .

Had fun eating, hopping from mall to mall, shopping and having pervy chat !

Ah !... need to shop for monthly necessities esp sanitary pad , hahaha.

Can't visualise how Eun Soo can handle 1 year in Gorgyeo with it.


@Aleumdaun  nice gifs you got there on your first attempt :thumbsup:



@H0ney your  post  " I could not look to any other direction", I am having pervy thoughts, LOL


@Lmangla who is orange bathrobe man ?


@vangsweetie637it was @Min2206asking the handbag, so unfortunate is not Birkin brand.

Well, i dont think those Goryeo ladies knows how to  appreciate anyway.


Yes sadistic twin @Maja we are always at the gutter when comes to uri Daejang  

and can't denied his pain scenes, so vulnerable.


Hungry Daejang..and I think behind him is the Suribang Twins 

Can @mademoisellesia confirm ?









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@CallieP  The recapper is right.   It's true that LMH was the pull factor for many (me inclusive) to watch Faith but after watching Epi 2, I was totally drawn to the storyline, the cold interaction between the King GM and Queen Naguk , the super-fast talker Advisor Il-Shin, that flamboyant Ki Cheol with smooth skin and his "colourful" troops, the lovely banter between the Dol Bae, Choong Sik. Dae Man and their comrades , that big-eyed Dr Jang Bin, the Fortune Teller who spoke 3 English words "Try To Remember"  in slow-mo version :D, the highly strung Eun Soo with her lovely messy strands and our Daejang CY (too many things to say about him).  I have not forgotten that cute monk and ES's two other past dates too. 

All I know is how often do we get kidnapped and dragged or carried recklessly by a handsome warrior, smelt of earth and blood - my heart swoons at his laid back charm - sorry, I mean Eun Soo. :sweatingbullets:

Spare me please

@violetts  Thanks for the 2nd translation.     Just as many of you have mentioned, the Faith cast are very close to one another - it's a great feeling.  They laughed so much. 


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19 hours ago, mademoisellesia said:

LOL @Maja @CarolynH I'm pleasantly surprised just how many more of you liked watching him in pain or looking vulnerable. Back then it was just me and Maja willing to come out of the closet admitting we love him doing physical (and emotional) pain scene. It was just something about it—he looks vulnerable but so gorgeous when he's in pain. I fell for it since City Hunter's you-know-which-scenes (I shall not say coz Min2206 hasn't seen it).

Sorry to cut your post!  The emotional pain is what I missed from Lee Gon.  There were only a couple of scenes where he was in pain and those were so short.  Yes yes, that vulnerability is a turn on lol.  

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First eye confrontation :wub:


Is it love at first sight for Eun Soo ?


The fortune teller did telll Eun Soo that she will meet a man from Heaven and will be away for like 1 year .




Playfull Eun Soo playing hide & seek while Choi Young about to fight with Gangnam police.

Choi Young : Damn, how am i supposed to fight those guys with my one and only sword 

                       (pervy mode is not on yet) :glasses:

Ah !.... I can use my chi ....bam !  goes down all those Gangnam police.






LOL, carrying Eun Soo like a potato sack is as easy as ABC.

That shield looks cool !









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2 hours ago, Thong Thin said:


@Lmangla who is orange bathrobe man ?

he is the doctor who treats the queen. am not sure of his name yet. when I don't remember the name, I remember them by wardrobe or some other details and give a nickname. :sweatingbullets: 


1 hour ago, Min2206 said:

@CallieP  The recapper is right.   It's true that LMH was the pull factor for many (me inclusive) to watch Faith but after watching Epi 2, I was totally drawn to the storyline

based on ep 1 itself, faith draws you in with an intriguing setup where you wonder "okay, what next". faith has an easy and complicated story to draw you in. easy in the sense that compared to other saeguks, it is not as intimidating. the politics is easy to follow and people dress differently from each other -- thank you wardrobe people! hahahhaha.. honestly, one of the things that is difficult about saeguks is that all the advisors, guards etc all dress in uniforms and so it can be hard to tell them apart at times. but here, even the woodalchi gang has all been given slightly different looks like dragonball, goatee, top knot with glare that we can recognize them without having to work hard. it also helps that this is a fantasy saeguk with a kind of magic background and so they can take advantage to be creative with their story and production. so it makes it interesting for the viewer because we don't know what to expect.


regardless of the ratings or whether it has a small cult following, at the end of the day, what matters  more is your own enjoyment of the series. if you had fun, then the crew and production have done their job entertaining you. if you are able to enjoy it as a re-watch years later, then it has stood the time effect and is genuinely entertaining...  :)

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44 minutes ago, CarolynH said:

Sorry to cut your post!  The emotional pain is what I missed from Lee Gon.  There were only a couple of scenes where he was in pain and those were so short.  Yes yes, that vulnerability is a turn on lol.  


I do have a few but not sure to post all .. afraid will be call spamming? or breach of rules?



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4 hours ago, CallieP said:

It seemed to me that Faith would be a big hit in the end and actually one recapper said that she believed that Faith would stand the test of time and be a classic over the years. I don't think her prediction is true though since most media when talking about LMH dramas forget to mention Faith.  Seems more like a cult following.  It still has the record for the largest number of pages in Soompi, with our rewatch it will be even larger 4562 pages now and growing. 


Yeah, I like watching him in pain because he looks so vulnerable at times when in pain so it tugs at you, and also that he can withstand the pain is somewhat really macho and manly as in CH


I wish Faith would garner more interest with new fans and old fans as well if they have not yet seen it.


What is the link to the blog?

It is a cult popularity. Being a sageuk is a disadvantage, as many people shy away from it including myself. The recapper is correct to say it stood the test of time because look what happened 8 years later? I was very surprised that the new fans are giving good reviews for Faith and fell for Choi Young. Although a lot had to do with @Heretorant's selling skills. And I am shocked I am being sucked into 4th season of recap. 20 years later, will we be doing 100th recap? LOL LOL LOL.


Lee Min Ho, do you see this? The contributions and devotion from your Minoz and Drama Fans? 


We need to understand the media that report about LMH's dramas probably didn't watch his dramas. It is highly likely they look at statistics (gross and popularity) and decided Faith is not worth the mention. They are not drama/movie critics.


I'm sure we all know very well now that statistics do not always reflect quality of the show. It's objective and a personal preference.


The link to the blog is on the first page, first post. There are other good links there to explore. Enjoy.


3 hours ago, Thong Thin said:

Hungry Daejang..and I think behind him is the Suribang Twins. Can @mademoisellesia confirm ?

Yeah that's the Suribang Siblings. Were they twins? I forgot that detail.

2 hours ago, CarolynH said:

Sorry to cut your post!  The emotional pain is what I missed from Lee Gon.  There were only a couple of scenes where he was in pain and those were so short.  Yes yes, that vulnerability is a turn on lol.  

LOL LOL. I remember getting excited that he was being poisoned. Fully anticipating MORE awesome pain performances the next week. AND... so disappointed it was so short. "Turn on", hahaha, yes agree :D :D @Lmangla must think we are weird. Hopefully we can turn her to the dark side :P 


With this, I now have ideas for many more polls. Lmangla is going to be busy if we agree to do it.


1. Woodalchi puppies popularity poll (We can do it on the week we have Ep 9-10)

2. Daejang's hairstyle poll (After E22 or Finale)

3. Daejang's fashion poll (After Finale)

4. LMH's pain scene - Like or Dislike poll (This can be done at LMH thread)

5. Favourite villain poll (By E17)



@violetts Nomu nomu NOMU kamsahamnida for the translation.


Everyone, please give Violetts a huge thank you, yeah? :) 


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19 minutes ago, mademoisellesia said:


@violetts Nomu nomu NOMU kamsahamnida for the translation.


Everyone, please give Violetts a huge thank you, yeah? :) 


Thanks for your explanation @mademoisellesia on the popularity updates, present vs 8 years back.      It's heartwarming to hear them - do share more.   

Done earlier.. anyway, one more time :P

You went through tough times because of me @violetts - my appreciation

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