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[Drama 2020] Do You Like Brahms?, 브람스를 좋아하세요?


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Thoughts I've had that I've written somewhere else but thought would be worth sharing here too!


From this series I've learnt: That I'm so glad I'm not cursed to like playing classical music as it seems to make you miserable rather than happy. Also so glad I don't teach music as there seems to be a lot of politics and everyone who teaches music has some sort of complex and are likely to be moody (I'm just kidding though if case anyone here is a music teacher in real life!)


Episode 12

  • I wanted to say it made so much sense that the accompanist was mean because she ended up being Professor Lee's friends daughter. Go figures. I mean she gave feedback, but the kind that sounded like "Can't you do better?" which put down SA rather than gave her constructive feedback. Suddenly quitting on SA was highly unprofessional and rude too.
  • I found I actually liked JK as a tutor - it's been the only time she's been truly happy in this whole series and she really connected with the student and gave her comfort the way a big sister would rather than Professor Song who is condescending
  • I really dislike all the teachers in this drama, but I really don't understand Professor Song. Even though Professor Lee is evil, I can see she has a huge inferiority complex being picked on by Professor Song. But I don't know why Professor Song feels like she always has to step on Professor Lee (not that I feel sorry for her)? It's like she's super petty and a bully. Did they ever explain their history?
  • The way Professor Lee treated Hae Na was pretty disgusting (though I don't like Hae na either). It's just so shallow and fake. She only praises those who have connections with fame and money. And she still looks down on SA, but considers her smart to attach herself to someone. It was just so gross to hear her criticise Hae na based soley on the fact she wasn't dating someone famous?!
  • This episode really, really hurt for SA. Or it hurt for me watching SA. I think there's so much pressure for SA dating someone who gets all the attention. I guess I eat my words when I said it was nice people accepted that she was dating JY....There's always going to be a group that is bitter and jealous. I thought it wasn't smart of SA to go into that chat and read it, but I guess curiosity killed the cat and I'm not sure I would be able to resist if I was in that situation either.
  • Then there was the horrible, horrible way that she found out she was not in the chamber orchestra. I felt so, so ,so bad for her. It was not only the fact she wasn't in the orchestra. It was the put down that went with it - I only pick "talented" students, pretty much scoffing at her lack of talent. And the deception. Like it's so obvious that SA would think she was part of the orchestra. She purposely did not clarify....so for JY to also do the same thing and not clarify that he was seeing JK as well, I can see why SA would feel shocked and hurt

Episode 13

  • I really feel that JK giving money to JY's dad is not actually helping JY's situation - it's just enabling his parents to become dependent on JK's family and their wealth and generosity. They seem to be pretty shameless people from the way they squeeze their own son's talents for money, that it's so obvious they would treat JK's family like a bank and not think twice. 
  • The money lending does really complicate things - I was thinking it was only JY's lingering feelings that made him keep going back to her. But I can see why JY would feel tied to her over the money. You can't exactly stop talking to someone if they keep giving money to your parents. I think JY feels like he owes her a debt he can never repay and that's why he helps her when she asks. But I also think it's been a habit of his to like her for so long that it's hard for him to stop going to her at her beck and call even though he feels stronger for SA. That's why he does things like go with JK to Professor Song's house....which he really does not have to. At All.
  • The Event planner talk that Ms Cha gave really shed light on SA's feelings I think. But I can't help but feel like that if SA could view herself as having different talents that supports the cause she loves rather than seeing herself as failing at the things she loves, she would be so much better off. The Arts doesn't just rely on the artists - there are lots of behind the scenes people who make the shows happen and they are just as important as those who are in the spotlight. There would be no spotlight without them. (Hahaha, I feel like I'm praising myself because this is my industry!) 
  • I was so disgusted by Professor Lee's comments about SA being "the perfect wife to JY because she could organise his things" that I had to go for a tea break! What is wrong with this woman? How could she be a teacher when she says such sexist things, not to mention comments on a student's personal life so inappropriately?? 
  • Between SA and JY, I'm feel a lot of pressure and communication issues. Both of them are such quiet personalities and so overly considerate that they never want to burden the other person with their problems. But not sharing their weaknesses and hard times leads to misunderstandings and weakens the foundations of their relationship. Like JY suddenly running off because of the plagiarism - he didn't have to explain every little thing, but I don't see why he couldn't call to tell her there was an emergency....and then he could have invited her over to his house later XD
  •  FINALLY I'm so so so glad SA STOPPED being professor Lee's assistant. I wish she had thrown something heavy like her violin at that vile woman's face. But I feel like she was at least firm about her decision even if it means she's now unsure about her future again. Better to drift than to lose your dignity everyday! 
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4 hours ago, nicoley said:

@Jillia I agree, I really dislike when writers do not have a clear trajectory to end the story or thoughtlessly ending a drama, my personal pet peeves are “waking up from a dream” sort of endings. 


But for Do you like Brahms, i felt like the writers had so much thoughtful control over the writing (coughs except 12-14) that it wouldn't be that case if they decided for an open ending.


Or perhaps I love it too much, leaving it open ended feels like the nuanced closure I need for our characters to figure things out in their own time, and live their story. Maybe they will meet again sometime in a distant future. 


Writing this make me feel so damn melancholic about this whole drama already. 


I just wanted to say that I agree. This drama is so thoughtful and slow burn and reflective, and the genre is slice of life, that I feel like an open ending would be ok for this series. I'm one of those weird people who likes open endings, but only if they're done tastefully.


Also I think a lot of people wanted SA to discover she was talented and become really good at violin. But I think it's kind of refreshing to see someone who is your average person struggling with their dreams and maybe not making it with a full happy ending. I think we watch dramas to escape from things in reality, but also as a way of having it reflect reality too. Even though it's been a bit of a heavy watch at times, I do find this drama extremely comforting in that it shows that it's ok to struggle with your choices and realise that something is not exactly for you.

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On 10/7/2020 at 9:01 PM, Jillia said:

Welcome to the thread, @Leni Rosos! :D I hope you enjoy your time here. And you're definitely saying something. I think we all want to more skinship between Song Ah and Joon Young. And I think we will get it but we have to sit through the angst first. :wub:


Source: DCGall, credit as labeled

Thanks so much for the welcome!  Haven't been to the forum for quite a long time now not since HPL.  But i just could not resist JY and SA.  They're so adorable together and so open with each other but still lacking confidence in their knowledge of each other.  :fun:I don't know whether i want to rant or rave or cry with the conflicts going on.  But yes, i will sit through the angst and hopefully next week, there will be lots and lots of skinship!  :fullofhearts:

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Now I can be wrong but I think ep. 15 gonna be about JY and SA handling their own issues. The fact that JY comes to SA to play for her most mean that he have come to terms with himself and even with the piano. Also SA accepting JY playing for her most mean that she also come to terms with herself.  ep. 16 I think gonna be about them mending their relationship and we see how they have improved as a couple. Beside seeing what lays ahead for their future. :)  

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I see a positive outcome when SA accepted JY 's offer to be her accompanist to her grad recital..it pave a way for both of them to be friends once more and hopefully a reconciliation after.It will be mich sweeter and lovelier this time ..:wub:

I feel that both are still much in love with one another and its just that circumstamces made them apart.

@Melly Trw thanks for sharing the tweet, indeed our hearts and minds are ready for the happily ending after of JoonSong couple..❤


@cherrhys88 thanks for sharing  KMJ interview..appreciate..


@Sky8lue very grateful for the translation ..

KMJ to JY: I hope he is "happy" (we hope too) -teary eyed here.


Dimple couple..will miss them terribly.. :(

Love you both to earth and back.❤


parkeunbin04-20201016-190430-1 parkeunbin04-20201016-190430-0


KMJ IG update:



real-be-20201016-172710-0 real-be-20201016-172710-1 real-be-20201016-172710-2


PEB IG update


20201016-180257 eunbining0904-20201016-193948-1


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@Jillia @debbsthebee On thinking again clearly, one of the reasons I wanted the ending to be a mundane moment between our Dimple Couple was that we can hope they'll continue to be this way when we can no longer see their world .. I can't believe we are almost to the end already! And I'm so not ready to let go of them ..

But after reading your reasons, I'm really hoping it turns out that way ..


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2 hours ago, Abirami Ramakrishnan said:

New making video from SBS  :)

Kudos to PEB and KMJ for filming this heart-wrenching scene in one take. Agree with many that watching this raw, unedited version felt even more realistic, as though we were standing in the same room as them and imbibing the intensity of their emotions.


As for my dream ending scene, I would love to see a scene that plays tribute to music. Because music connected these two kindred spirits searching for the path to happiness. A scene with just the two of them playing music happily together would take us full circle.


I wish the reconciliation/reunion scene happens in the Kyunghoo rehearsal room (this should take place at the beginning of episode 16, so that we can have many lovely moments between SA-JY). To parallel the scene where JY played Moonlight Sonata-Happy Birthday for SA in the rehearsal room, perhaps SA would play the violin for JY this time. Guessing that the Tchaikovsky Competition (assuming JY still proceeds to enter the competition) would be shown in episode 16, while SA's grad school recital would be concluded in episode 15.

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Will JY quit the piano and SA, the violin?
I naturally assume their will be a happy ending so this is the question that interests me the most. 

About Song Ah, I think she will continue to play the violin recreationally. Professionally, I don’t think so. By all accounts, her violin peers, other music majors (the pianist), the professors and even the conductor of the orchestra didn’t think that she had sufficient talent to get selected for a musical performance. I honestly think that if she pursues the violin professionally, her enthusiasm for the violin might be diminished and whatever confidence she has in playing it might become shaky through people’s criticisms. After all, musicians play music for people to enjoy and people can be critical. (Look at the harsh criticisms aimed at Professor Yoo’s piano album) I also look at JK who was once touted as a talent and she was recently told she’s a failure. Yet, Song Ah thinks that JK can play the violin better than her. As painful as it is for Song Ah to give up on her dream of pursuing the violin as a career, I think she should realistically consider if she has enough talent to make that dream a reality. 

With Joon Young, I would love to see him continue as a pianist. To me it’s all that he knows right now anyway. I think if his financial burden is dealt with, he might actually have the freedom to enjoy the piano. Personally I think the weight of the piano for him is tied to the Kyunghoo Foundation and his parents’ financial woes. I sincerely hope that he will love the piano again because, without comparison, he seems to be good at it. Maybe his accompaniment with Song Ah could help to revive any love that he had for the piano. 

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On 10/14/2020 at 5:26 PM, calledtoteach said:

This is STILL BY FAR the saddest, most pitiful drama I’ve ever watched.  I’m begging for a glimmer of sunshiny rain instead of all this gloom and doom!

It is rainy here and I thought of your post, called to teach. 
We need the rain in order to appreciate the sunshine even more. 


Sending warmth and love to all of the Brahms friends here. Monday and Tuesday is coming closer!! 

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I’ve been thinking... if the ending happens in the practice room of Kyunghoo foundation, what if we get an ending where JY is in the room playing the piano once again and then SA is about to walk in and sees him playing, but instead of JY playing Schumann Traumerei, he’s playing Brahms instead :wub: It’s a parallel from when JY and SA first met in the practice room hehe.. And then this time, SY will join him and accompany him while playing, maybe even play the violin. Then they’ll have a sweet kiss similar to their first kiss :ohboy2:


Haha thinking about that makes me giggle, but I’m just imagining things at this point!

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Ah! Twoset violin! Thanks for sharing, @nicoley


I've watched several Twoset videos and reviews, and when Brett & Eddy say that a drama/movie does justice when it comes to playing instruments, they mean it. They're actually good at roasting people when it comes to classical music, so I was relieved that DYLB did well. It's nice that they've discovered DYLB, although I wish they reviewed it sooner so more people could've watched it. That aside, I'm happy that DYLB is getting recognized for the effort they put in to depict these scenes as accurately as possible. 


I was laughing at the end though. I never saw Song Ah saying 'I Love You' to her violin as cringeworthy, but I think I might remember Brett & Eddy's laughs when I rewatch the drama later on. Haha!

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my guesses


1. What kind of ending will we get?

among the choices in the poll, i chose that we will get an open ending.

it is wishful thinking as , at this point , i hope this is what we'll get ( the alternative that seem most likely to me is too bitter sweet)


2. Will we get at least one more kiss?



3. Will JY quit the piano and SA, the violin?



i answered they won't quit




I am fairly confident about SA's destiny.  They did  lower our expectations about her, but I  actually think she will become a conductor

If we get an open ending, this may just be hinted at, if , on the other hand, we get tragedy, then , to balance it out, we may actually get to see a flash forward scene that mirrors the opening  of the series, only this time , she is conducting

(there are many many reasons for my guess but , for one, for example, consider the conductor  shouted at her. "are you the conductor?")


on JY , he will continue to play as long as he can

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