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[Drama 2020] It's Okay not to be Okay, 사이코지만 괜찮아


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1 hour ago, bairama said:


but btw, unpopular opinion:

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need to watch the whole scene + dialogue heheh or maybe it hints that she is actually ansoc so there comes 'inappropriate' times of her that should be healed with actual relationship ^^



About that opinion,  I guess some people are missing that KMY suffers from Antisocial Personality Disorder. She just doesn't care about others feelings and about rules and morals. If someone is miffed by her touching someone without consent in the third episode but didn't notice her wondering about whether or not to let someone die drowning in cold water when she was still a kid then they need a brain. The drama is just portraying her mental disorder as it is. There is nothing more to it.

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she is in cold, our MY is not ok & im curious more about her backstory. Interesting. 

From the contrast between how KT with his brother, friend, 'kinda like' mother in law eat together

while MY is having nightmare ALONE with just her imagination KT calms her,

I think the curse of sleeping beauty is her imaginary explanation about his traumatic childhood psych by her mother-father..

Gurl such strong can holding on with all of the things throwed to her. No wonder she screams to deer ahahaha 

Goddamn her original family house is literally a castle :o

but still love how this show between all the contrast, it points one similarity: how majority healthy people treat poeple with disorder (also we experienced Gi do story here) as vermintz not as human to be healed. 

AND dont forget every skinship the lead couple has, I'm saying this to my screen out loud "help! Welp I cant wait anymore pls just make it true as soon as possible, make them as officially a pair from early episodes so my eyes will blessed"

the beauty of MY imagined KT calmed her omg im hopeless romantic for them! From intense romance to soft, their chemi is no joke

but before KT understands her, maybe he will hurts MY a lot first so thats why the ost part 1 saying "youre cold & cruel but i cant let go", it becomes back to their childhood story again.

1 hour is so short for this drama indeed, im addicted:wub:

shoutout to beautiful cinematography!


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The Moth Finally got onto Flame's Head!!!


I love how Bold MY is contributing to the fact SHE wants KT , Hell Hath No Fury!!

How come a Normal Society accepts A MAN Being territorial and Pulling Female's hand to show the Affection(70% K dramas had this trend once upon a time), but when a Female character is all Over the Guy it is criticized??? Yes MY is Horny, Yes she wants to Love and Play with KT at the same time, YES Because she wants it.

She is SMART knowing how the General Concept of Right or Wrong works, She was being declared a Bad Person, SHE Gave a Reason to empathize and want the BAD Person back in limelight because she knows How Attraction strategy works with People...Wonderfully done!!


The episodes give a Lot of Information to Process. Not everything is as it is. Even people without Mental Disorders tend to make a Hill out of a mole. Words and scenarios are twisted or exaggerated. Yet they are considered Normal.

Some people tend to go into Lala land as a form of Escapism from Real Life issues. The Imagination inside your  is Your Accepted Reality. I mean isn't the entire Manhood made up of the Accepted Norms and the Out of BOX Stuff is Rejected???

MY 's reality is a Horror Show, She Accepted it and created the Reality of Fairy Tales and Said the Words as they are instead of Twisting it so The Norm is Acceptable!!!


ACCEPT WHO YOU ARE !!! Check the Sewer Water where your Legs are and Accept it, that is what makes you happy. At the end Make yourself Happy.



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I'm seriously so impressed at the direction that this show is steering towards. Episode 3 was the perfect mix of amazingly comical without being insensitive, straightforward, but also tackling with the mental health aspect where and when it needed to.

  • MY is seriously so annoying (in a funny & endearing way) and so straightforward and blunt, and I'm here for all of it. She knows what she wants and she isn't going to stop till she gets it; she's reckless and has no fear, which can become very dangerous, but I'm intrigued to see how KT is going to calm her down and become her "safety pin" and help her overcome her trauma while also allowing her to help him heal his.


    Highlight of the episode was definitely Kwak Dong Yeon's performance because it was simply amazing and really resonated with me. I teared up at the end because his character's speech truly shows the cruelty that people with mental illnesses have to deal with on a daily basis, even from the people who are supposed to love and accept them for who they are. I hope that scene also resonated with viewers and show them that there's nothing wrong with who they are and that they are enough.


    The scene also shows the impact that MY is starting to have on KT. He can finally start considering what "fun" even is because he's never even allowed himself to think anything of the sort before due to his circumstances. And this might be a controversial opinion but I think that deep inside KT, he has some sort of resentment towards his brother. There's no doubt about the fact that he loves ST and would do anything to give his brother the world, but when you've had to play the role of the caretaker for so long from such a young age, it takes a toll on you, both mentally and physically. I hope that MY will help KT realize that it's okay to want a car, or money, or a house, it's okay to want to have fun and be loved, because it's okay to want to things and be a little selfish while also wanting the best for his brother. ST is the center of KT's life, but I want KT to realize that it's okay for him to have and want more things at the center of his life besides his brother.

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i just finished watching ep 3, i saw the rating is 13+ on netflix, i guess they need to revise the rating! :joy:

first of all, today's episode is really interesting, not to mention so funny! now they're up on the game! 

This crazy girl hahaha her scene is so embarrassing, getting horny and shouting to the deer XD i really want to see the bts!!! TvN pleassseeeee


i watched with my bro, and he said how much money did they pay for Kwak Dong Yeon appearance lol 

i'm cracked when they censored him with their drama title

and i hope they can continue his story, i want to see how they treat him to be better.



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37 minutes ago, daloula said:

About that opinion,  I guess some people are missing that KMY suffers from Antisocial Personality Disorder. She just doesn't care about others feelings and about rules and morals. If someone is miffed by her touching someone without consent in the third episode but didn't notice her wondering about whether or not to let someone die drowning in cold water when she was still a kid then they need a brain. The drama is just portraying her mental disorder as it is. There is nothing more to it.

Somebody commenting in DB shushed me saying she isn't....she is anti social....I guess people really did miss the cue.

Also kudos to Kwak Dong Yeon for accurate portrayal of somebody manic. He also bought so much heart to it....this show won't be classic boy loves girl kdrama....I hope people realize that.

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11 minutes ago, Ameera Ali said:

Everyone need someone I hope she find her peace with him :wub:

cant wait the day they r truly lovey dovey omo omo omo really love that scene:heart2beat:



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20 minutes ago, Nymeria289 said:

Somebody commenting in DB shushed me saying she isn't....she is anti social....I guess people really did miss the cue.

Also kudos to Kwak Dong Yeon for accurate portrayal of somebody manic. He also bought so much heart to it....this show won't be classic boy loves girl kdrama....I hope people realize that.

Not only it basically is the premise of the drama with the synopsis describing her as a kid's fairytale writer with an antisocial personality disorder but the sleazy book critic she almost took the eye out in the second episode said so  threatening her to basically out her medical condition to the press.

The drama also keeps showing that. In what world would her behavior since childhood be seen as normal? Even her smoking in the psychiatric hospital's garden right in front of the sign prohibiting smoking was a little reminder of her not caring about rules.

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hi everyone first time to post here since ive mostly been in the moonmoon couple forum. but i think tonight's episode speaks a lot about how the series won't just center on the relationship of KT and MY...


as someone with a background in psychology, i just want to express the big KUDOS i want to give to the show, especially in how it accurately and masterfully portratyed sleep paralysis (through the gripping terror you feel with MY as she slept), a manic episode (through the rush/high bordering danger you feel as kwon gi on went through that club and ran away after),  the blatant disregard to social norms of someone with antisocial personality disorder, the depth of feeling someone in the autism spectrum is capable of holding despite the limits in expressing it, how being in denial of/not facing/pushing back our troubles can torment us, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, how deep and long-lasting a mark our parents, their parenting, and our family environment can imprint on us. BRAVO :please:


P.S. anyone else feel something off about Juri??? I read somewhere that her character description includes something like 'jekyll turning into hyde after she drinks alcohol' (is this why she chose cola over beer when jae-soo offered to give her some in ep 2????? waaa) im a bit more scared of her now than of MY...

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